##VIDEO ID:1PnGt7kn6KY## all right yes 601 all right it being six p.m on Monday November 25th 2024 I will call the uh meeting of the Freetown Conservation Commission to order um to anyone who cares uh it is being recorded by the commission anyone else recording anything no one else recording anything we take that note okay item number one request for certificate of compliance uh 1 A35 copicut Road um as we all know we went and did an examination of the area with uh Mr rendes um does anyone have any comments they want to make I did submit a letter to Nicole from homes engineering for the Wetland um he had gone out infected it um and provided a letter to verify that wetland replication area had been completed in substantial compliance of the order all right Margaret did you hear that yes I did okay all right um no one else have any comment any input I'll entertain a motion to uh issue the certificate of compliance for 35 chip copicut road I'll make that motion motion is made motion is seconded all in favor say I Margaret French I Mar French says I Steve Trip Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I motion passes uh second is uh 1B 165 South Main Street um again we went there um there was a uh Adeline had uh mentioned that there was some uh areas of the uh drainage swells that didn't appear to have growth in them part of it is probably because it was underwater for most of the time but um anyone have any comments no this is the one that we went to after 35 cop cut the other day right correct yeah no there this is 165 with the ban boxes where the storage yeah we went we went there the same day right yeah all right uh lacking any comment I'll uh entertain a motion to issue the certificate of compliance for 165 South Main Street I will make that motion motion is made second motion is seconded all in favor m French I AET French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I motion passes all right uh one c one Thomas set way uh this is a uh solar array that was put up last year um and from all the information we have in from the inspection um that Adam line made uh she she recommends the issuance of the certificate I'll entertain a motion I'll make that motion motion is made motion is seconded Margaret French I maret French says I Steve Trip Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I motion passes all right next item uh is the continuance of the uh notice of intent hearing for one Bryant's neck um there going to be a continuance but would someone make a motion to reopen the uh hearing I'll make that motion motion is made motion is seconded all in favor say I um Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I says I Charlie svin says I all right so now I will accept a motion to continue it to what do they want Daniel um meeting so it's December 9th at 6 p.m at the police station okay uh the motion would be uh December 9th uh 6 PM Freetown Police Station can have that motion I'll make that motion motion is made motion is seconded all in favor Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I says I Charlie suin says I motion is continued uh item number three continuing of public uh hearing for notice of intent 32 Middleboro Road um again the uh applicant is uh working with uh environmental Partners to um come to agreement on uh the plan there some there's a few issues that were brought up by environmental Partners so I will entertain a motion to open the public hearing I'll make that motion motion is made second motion is seconded all in favor Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I says I Charlie suin says I all right now once again same same date yep December for next meeting so will be December uh 6 December 9th decemberth six o'clock at the Poli December 9th um at the Freetown uh police station at six o'clock May I have that motion I'll make that motion motion is made motion is seconded all in favor Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I uh it's continued um item number four opening of public hearing notice of intent 16 boxberry Lane um before we get are all the green cards in yes green cards are all set okay the green cards are all set um we need a motion to wave the notice of public hearing I'll make that motion motion is made to wave the uh reading of the public hearing notice uh do I hear a second uh motion is seconded Margaret French I marget French says I Steve Trip Steve trip says I charie sullin says I the uh hearing is uh open um I understand you Kenneth and uh Christina Pro yes all right uh can you can we put the plan up on the screen you're got to be able to give us uh your presentation then if there's anyone has any questions they'll ask the questions and then we'll go from there all [Music] right oh thank you Margaret can you see them not yet okay all you have it Margaret yes I do would you state your name and address uh Kenneth PR three in the Circle Lakeville so this is a proposed project at 16 boxb Lane to to stay developed lot part of subdivision so as this far this proposal looking to clear trees um construct a new residential house five bedrooms with the onsite treatment private welled the original plan showed regrading going within the 100 foot buffer zone to the wetlands as well as Within the flood zone some back and forth with Adine and maxp there issues with putting that fill in the flood zone so Revis the plans as shown to include a retaining wall in backyard so there would not be any fill with the flood zone portion there still buffer zone about corner of the garage so there still some fill in thereading but por okay I'll start I have a question is this the squiggly L there what is that line go around that's the edge of the The Post Line okay all right uh I don't see any erosion control uh lines or or uh possible lines where you're going to put erosion control I I see on a picture that you apparently have some of that but ume line all right um and then the Beyond this slide so is this all Wetland yes um okay I'm good for now anyone else have any questions Margaret how are you on questions I think I'm all set uh all right anyone from the public hearing none I'll close that part of it uh so I I'll close the uh public portion of the hearing uh seeing that there's no one here with any questions um um I look I have some uh I'm a little disconcerted uh Mr PR in that when Adeline our agent went there apparently there is the work that you're coming before the board to ask for has already been uh started at least and um that's you know that's not the way we do we should be doing things okay so I'm quite you know and I I don't know how much uh experience you have in construction and so forth but you're apparently doing most of this on your own and I would think that if you're capable of doing it on your own then you're aware or you you should be aware of the wetlands uh law uh laws and they're not that difficult Step One is step one and so I I've got an issue with that um now Adeline hasn't been made aware this latest plan has she she has she has but have you presented it to her or just given to because we haven't gotten anything back from her on this other than that's what you proposed for the different changes yeah Thursday okay uh I'm going to recommend that the board continues continue this hearing for a week unless you have are you available for the nth I'm yes I will okay um and she spoke to you about stopping in work I'm going to uh uh entertain a motion that we order for um you know for formality a cease and desist order until uh after the approval or action on this plan so other words no more work okay okay nothing at all okay uh we'll send you a letter for the formality but we see um so there'll be a cease and disis order on this uh site uh and that you uh make sure that Adeline has the revised plan we'll talk to her make sure that she goes over it and gives us her input and then when you come back for the uh hearing continuance uh we'll go from there absolutely would you like meise it again to have that control yes yes uh but we want to do that it has been flagged yes okay all right um could I have a a motion to first of all order a cease and desist order uh at the property um and then that it be continued to December 9th for uh our agent to uh review the revised plan all right I'll make that motion all right motion has been made I'll second motion is seconded all in favor Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve says I Charlie Sullivan says I U Mo uh hearing is continued to uh December night those stipulations right okay have a good evening um item number five notice of intent uh public hearing 44 Elm Tree Drive uh it's got to be continued um but in first may I have a motion to wave the reading of the Public's notice I'll make that motion motion is made motion is seconded Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve Trip Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I uh the um hearing is open uh and a motion to wave the reading of the notice we just said that one did we did okay I didn't know if I had said I did the two all right um now can I have a motion to continue it to December 9th I'll make that motion all right motion is made motion is seconded uh all in favor uh Mar French I Mar French says I Steve trip I says I uh Charlie Sullivan says I um motion uh hearing is continued to December n um are you from Mount Hope okay uh why don't we to kind of make it a little bit more convenient cut to the chase so to speak we're going to go with uh the number item number seven on the agenda the uh request for the notice of intent for the building of the garage and then we'll come back to uh number six have the cards okay these are green cards for both the addition and oh yes yeah which I verified the the mail receipt so we're all set okay yeah thank you all right if you would state your name for the record Robert perzi hope engineer okay can we get that up on the screen yes are we doing the subdivision first or the garage uh the garage garage can you see it Margaret yes I can Perfect all right um I will accept a motion that we open the public hearing uh for 11 Walnut Street there I'll make that motion all right motion has been made motion is seconded uh Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve Trip Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I public hearing is open uh now a motion to wave the uh reading of the notice I'll make that motion motion is made motion is seconded all in favor Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I we wave the reading of the uh public notice all right sir if you would just be so kind as to state your name and for the record Robert perzi I'm from M hope engineering I'm the engineer record for Mr B show all right if you just give us a little bit of a rundown on okay what you the board may remember this uh it came in yes about a year ago dejay vu all over again as yep uh padet had to drop the the project because of the um the two-year performance guarantee and the growing of the plants she had already bought another property and she needed to sell this one she couldn't afford to sit on it for two and a half years so she sold it Mr B show bought it he wants to continue with the subdivision but he's going to live in this house and he wants a garage um so he's got some plans designed up uh to kind of revamp the kitchen there where it attaches from the end and and add a twocc car garage 24 by 30 um it unfortunately does end up just a little bit closer than 50 to the uh nearest weapons flag but it's really just a a small finger on the the end of the weapon uh ends up at 48.6 I prefer to have 50 all right else uh I don't think so we've proposed uh you know erosion control um move the the property line a little bit from what we had last year just to make sure we have enough room around the garage to swing and get a car in there all right uh there's no one from the general public here tonight ask questions so we'll go by that and uh does anyone in the commission have any questions they want to ask almost set all right you sure Margaret sounded a little shaky yeah no I'm okay sorry okay all right good uh all right um yes it's relatively uh cut and dry uh the agent has recommended approval um so unless someone else are we going to suggest um not mowing right up to that Wetland line and leaving that vegetative buffer I I would think that that would be a condition we would put on yes okay okay so um anyone have any no one has any other questions all right I will entertain a motion and margar if you want to make that part of your motion yes okay all right so the motion is to uh recommend the no the approval of nose of intent uh with the stipulation that we have how much would you uh suggest Margaret for footage um I don't know maybe maybe a two foot I don't think it has to be much just enough to separate it would you say 10 feet would that sound good yeah that sounds good all right uh with the stipulation of a 10t buffer no touch buffer zone around the uh finger as you referred to it as probably both at the top of the plan and down here also on the other I think that's in keeping with how quad yeah moded anyway right yeah I don't I I have a pretty good V visual on property itself so uh all right with that in mind the motion has been made to uh approve the notice of intent with the stipulation that a 10pt buffer zone uh no mo no touch around the wetlands do I okay motion is M been made motion has been seconded Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I motion passes all right now to the little bit more ticklish issue uh I will um accept a motion to um begin the public hearing for 11 Walnut Street for the uh subdivision I'll make that motion motion has been made motion has been seconded uh Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I now may I have a motion to uh wave the notice of the reading of the public oh reading of the public notice I'll make that motion more or less right Mar uh motion has been made and seconded all in favor Margaret French oh sorry I maret French says I uh Steve trip says I Charlie suan says I we wave the uh nose of public reading um once again if you would Robert fzi from Mount Hope engineer in representing Mr B show all right and um this is essentially exactly the same as the subdivision that you approved last year just changed the name hate to say it but I think we're gonna have to continue because we didn't get comments back from d and I forgot to send uh paperwork to D what you dropped off today what I dropped off today I saw your email just before I came in yeah okay I I forgot to send it to be I'll have to do that tomorrow okay um but everything on this is the exact same the uh area for fill the width all the grading everything's the same I changed the name and we moved the lot line between lot one and lot two a little bit to accommodate the the garage um is it uh Nicole could you bring up the subdivision plan is yeah that's yep that's it um the only thing where is the uh mitigation area if I remember it it's uh over to the towards the main road um right where it says uh L lot two I think okay so lot two up in the middle lot two I'm sor that one yeah I'm having trouble seeing it and I'm looking at a different sheet okay yeah is right above the arrow okay cursor yep that's see the 3,200 something replication area okay now I see right there in the middle photograph photocopy this few more times than you would but all right uh yeah okay now we got the in the information about the stream and it is not a perennial stream okay so we're good there so the only thing we're I think we're really got to need from you at a later date is just um the area the I well you do have I've been reading so much today did you give us a rundown on the plants that you wish it's in the report that Byron Holmes wrote all right because that first four pages I think I'm going to have to reprint that I printed it this morning from word and it didn't have any photographs on I was just looking at it while running the other Mee and I realized that the photos aren't there okay okay I see the uh I see the run down now because Mr homes is in two cases here his advisory and so forth uh all right so you wish to have a continuance [Music] to okay all right so will would the ninth be good for you absolutely all right then we will continue it to the nth um and so may I have a motion to continue the uh oh public hearing to December 9th at the Freetown Police Station 6 pm I'll make that motion motion has been made motion is seconded uh Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charly Sullivan says I um do you have everything uh needed from the planning board um not yet our meeting is uh the third I think Tuesday the third yeah okay all right because we would like this probably the best thing to do is have that complete before you come before conservation to get approval yeah okay all right I'm hopeful yeah um that's why we try to keep everything exactly I don't I don't know why not but we don't know well while I was running copies I noticed Public Road on there that private okay okay all right take care thank you have a good Thanksgiving all right um item number eight to discuss and take our action relative to land donation at zero Richmond Road map number 207 lot uh 038 uh and cop path um this was brought up a couple of months ago I remember as an intent to uh for us to purchase it now it's a donation okay M it looks like Mike's on Zoom as welll Mike are you there I am can you hear me yes we can quite well oh God I never know with these things if I have to lean into them or not um so yes this is uh you were back in the spring approached about purchasing uh two different properties in the same area this has now come back one of them as a straight donation uh if you are familiar with the Ice House lot which the Conservation Commission already owns uh that's where the walking path is now and the uh educational sign this property abuts that to the North and the Conservation Commission is the only direct abutter to this property it's um on two sides it's AB but by Forge Pond or what's left of Forge Pond um and on the fourth side by the railroad um so this is this is property that is under conservation restriction currently uh it has been in the Richmond family for the better part of 300 years and they are looking for um looking for what to do with it now and and the Conservation Commission particularly with this parcel as the only re the butter is uh obviously who they keep coming back to because it really would only make sense for it to come to the Conservation Commission in one form or another all right um I have a question Mike do you have uh any documentation in relation to them uh putting a conservation uh restriction on the property and so forth do you have the recent I guess I would say the recent uh history on the property you have yes uh so the current owner's father uh when he owned the property entered into a conservation restriction with the wildlands TR of Southeastern Massachusetts and that was uh somewhere in the area of 2010 or 2012 uh that document is recorded at the registry of deeds it was actually the template for when we entered into our conservation restriction with Copart uh that was the document we used as a template for preparing that and um the uses that you would expect to be allowed are allowed for example uh there's obviously a a walking path that comes in from Forge Road to our Ice House parcel those paths continue onto this parcel and hiking trails is one of the allowable uses out there [Music] um short of dumping nuclear waste or trying to build something it's it's uh not a not a uh heavily restricted parcel the Restriction is meant to preserve it sort of as it is now wa Mike how much is the area of the property many acres so it is 20 acres it includes a small island uh it was an island when Forge Pond was more prominent it's a little bit more of a a peninsula now you can walk between the two areas uh with with you know good boots on but um so this is about 20 acres the parcel that we have currently to the south of it is about 5 and a half a little shy of six acres so uh it's it's a pretty sizable addition to what's already there right and um does the property come out I remember uh when there was a lane way uh basically across from the Richmond Cemetery that went out and at the time there was a field and so forth uh there I'm sure it's overgrown now uh is that lane way still part of the property or is that uh some part of a lot on Richmond Road now so it is part of a lot on Richmond Road but uh in the letter where it references a cart path the uh I'm calling them the Richmond family they go by a different name now but that's that's the family for Generations they retained the right to use that path the path is subject to the conservation restriction and the wildlands trust had use of the path very similar to what happened to us the MBTA basically shut them out of using it to cross the tracks um which I think is why we still look like a logical recipient of the donation the really the only way to get to that property now is to come through ours all right so okay yeah that bring brings up a uh different element in the uh tracks though so uh like am I corrected to say that the the property cannot be could not easily be developed so to speak uh in any way other than getting a a right right to cross tracks uh somewhere along it um that is correct well well because of uh oh if you could hold on one second I think someone's at my front door no problem this huntable what's that uh it is um do you remember that when there was this Lane where they had two Stone pillars I believe and just wasn't it vicory vicory there yeah actually I would use the landmark of this little Cemetery there in Richmond Road uh right right AC basically right across it there was an entry way there you would go over the tracks it was a good siiz field that that people used to cut hay on uh and then he went down to right sorry about that um so uh because of the conservation restriction the property cannot be developed say for building purposes at all but absent the conservation restriction I think our zoning would preclude It Anyway the the parcel other than that cart path has no Frontage on on any road um if any thing it it potentially may have been able to be developed for solar panels because you can cross the tracks and not necessarily need uh normal Frontage to do that but the conservation restriction would preclude it from being developed for that purpose either all right um Mike would you mind getting all the that information that you have on it uh together and forward it to the office we can edit uh basically ourselves and then we'll go from there that sound reasonable sure um I can pull the conservation restriction off the registry of deeds um yeah I think I think that would tell you the bulk of the information there okay uh anyone else have any questions I think I'm all set okay uh am I reasonable I request that we get the see actually see the restrictions and the deed to the property and so forth before we make our final uh determination no that sounds reasonable all right all right if that be the case then we'll uh continue this get the uh documents see the documents be able to read the documents and then make a decision from there all right Mike sounds good to me all righty um while while I'm here I'll just throw in the note also uh Charlie you had asked me about contacting Phil Benjamin the Forester uh who did the forestry plant at Porter pasture exactly um so I did talk to Phil last week he is uh for all intents and purposes retired now but he turned his business over to the person who had been helping him before okay uh Tom phell and I did talk to Tom briefly this afternoon through email uh he is more than willing to come out and work on getting that plan into use he's just a little tied up right now so he was going to get back to us probably after Christmas all right thanks a lot Mike oh you're welcome I don't know you I maybe you're more persistent than I but you got through maybe you maybe you identified yourself differently than I did all right uh that's good news all right thanks a lot Mike all right have a have a good Thanksgiving thanks you too thank you Mike thanks okay item number nine any other business property to come before the Conservation Commission uh Nicole uh Chase Road the PE the people who the 173 Chaser yes 173 yes last I knew um she had emailed and said that the um engineer she hired I believe out of Brockton was putting together a plan or something and had come out and done like um an inspection and met with them and things so hopefully that's moving forward all right uh would you mind just contacting uh them again and asking them to have the engineering firm send something to confirm that they are actually doing this work in the process of doing this work okay all right and then we have nothing on Dr Burley Road correct no no I haven't heard from him since the last meeting all right what's the number do you remember what the number on dock for the road was I want to say it's 5 four Dr ble Road all right um all right 54 Dr ble Road I think was the owner was uh in last meeting and was saying that he hadn't done much of the work that comes into uh question but uh that remains to be seen he has not contacted us uh in any shape or form I would re I would request the board uh consider a letter of enforcement uh be sent to and I think there's a uh oh a relation I guess you could say a relationship issue uh on the property also uh so uh an enforcement letter sent to both or anyone who's listed on the on the deed um I believe on GIS he's the only one that's listed as an owner there now as I as I remember that might be the case yeah all right but uh I would uh request that we entertain a motion to send an enforcement letter I will make that motion the motion has been made motion is seconded uh Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I all right um Susan so you heard kind of a little bit of good news there that the forestry plan that we actually had would hopefully got to be able to carry out um or start to carry out once we all hook up um and what I envisioned is first is probably getting in there and cutting uh the trees down to the ground at least if not hauling some of them out um we we'll try to get a uh a landscaper to do that my my hope would be like January February you they don't have much work and maybe they'll be able to do that is there anything that you had to any input you have for the commission no just to you know hear what the progress is right yeah yeah um and I've I don't I I've been uh oh on vacation the last week and a half but I had spoken to Ron uh oral Ron I Bob's friend who has been helping out and I I did tell he he hasn't gotten a as two weeks ago he hadn't gotten a contract from zenth uh but I've been plotting uh them along and I hadn't gotten a chance to contact them yet but I was going to contact see if he got the uh oh up the contract and we'll go from there but the it is in Pro it is in progress uh and I I gave Zenith kind of I said we like to see it by uh the 1 of March see the plan all right do you do you still have a Doug well I'm sorry do you still have a Doug well because because I was just because you had spoken about the water hole on South Ma I mean on Slab Road and when we I used to have a Doug well and that was the same thing if that if that water hole was had water in it you were good when didn't have it he had but I don't the one that's out by the state exactly yeah I didn't have to LIF my li to go out there no right yeah exactly uh all right I will uh accept the motion to adjourn the Conservation Commission meeting for November 25th and then I will make that motion all right but don't go anywhere right no I know okay uh oh motion is made and seconded uh I'll uh marar French I Margaret French says I Steve trip Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I Conservation Commission uh meeting is adjourned now if we well K we will take up the uh Soil Conservation board meeting for Monday November 25th uh and a mo I will open the uh meeting and we will go to item number one which is review and vote on renewal permits for uh I'll wave the the permit numbering but Janice Marie Way Chase Road Copa Cut Road uh Peter boures Copa Cut Road Ki rendes and slabb Bridge Road kendes uh as I if you didn't Marie's uh Janice Marie's way uh nothing has changed one way or the other there um Chase Road as we can see nothing has changed um copicut Road uh Peter bores uh the grading things are all intact and I uh oh think they have already put up the uh solar array that they uh plan on that property the rest of the property um I haven't seen uh any activity in probably five four or five years that I've been inspecting it uh so that is the same way the two uh the uh copicut Road property KR resendes we saw um there the slopes are to uh sufficient all the activity the only activity I think they're got to end up there is removing the rock that they've already quarried they h i they don't have any uh intention of doing any more quaring there but I believe they want the property open there uh so they can remove the Rock and it involves as they move remove the rock they're giving tip uh tipping fees and so forth so with that in mind uh do I hear a motion all right hang on a motion on all five of them yeah we can do that I think okay no I wanted to talk about Dennis muray way though go ahead um so I didn't make it there but you said it's it looks the same as last year right has changed nothing has changed uh to the detriment nor to the uh our good good the property and that they remove stuff I don't know if my memory is correct or not but uh we did have Mr Melo come in after we were there last year uh had a little bit of a a conversation on what has existed in the uh previous years and there is if if you remember Margaret uh there was a Wetlands uh almost to the on the south on the South Side yep and that was added that was like a uh a replication area uh it if you I had looked at Old maps and it wasn't there uh we'll say in the 1960s as Wetland uh so as far as uh I know the he is holding to what he's agreed to do at that property I don't know that we would have agree we would agree with former commissions to allow what they did but it appears that former commissions had and so he basically has the right to do what he's doing there that's my take that's my take maret okay okay it's and then my other question is are we supposed to give permits or were we asked not to from the water department yeah she's talking about the water department issued something saying that um anything on Jan's Marie Way not to give permits but I don't know where is this is a renewal how that works yeah um all right since they have submitted an asilt for the water department on their end I okay I I see yeah I I am under the impression but don't hold me to it uh that um it was any new permits but that in mind why don't we do this then Margaret why don't you uh if you want to you make a motion for uh permits B through e and we will hold on to a and we will check out what uh is transpiring uh with the water department there on uh Janice Marie that sound okay that that sounds good to me all right yeah do I hear a motion I will make that motion right motion has been made I'll second motion has been seconded uh Margaret French I French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie suin says I motion passes and then the minutes for the 1211 2023 uh oh meeting of the soal conservation board um anyone have any issues uh with any minutes NOP looks good to me all right then I will accept the motion that uh to accept the minutes of the December 11 2023 meeting of Freetown conserv uh so conservation board I will make that motion motion has been made motion has been seconded Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I charie Sullivan says I um MO passes any other business to properly come before the board anyone have any other business I do not all right then how about a motion to adjourn I will make that motion right motion has been made motion has been seconded Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I uh meeting is adjourned all right folks have a good Thanksgiving Margaret you too thank you enjoy I guess