##VIDEO ID:74Ev2C75QtI## o clock of the uh meeting the August August not May August uh 12 uh 2024 meeting the Freetown Conservation Commission to order uh the meeting is going to be recorded is anyone else going to be recording the meeting seeing none say there is none all right um item number one refund peer review for 81 uh Middleboro Road and zero County Road Robert nassa and the uh refund would be $850 47 plus interest um the the fund is no longer needed so I'll uh accept a motion I'll make that motion motion is made second motion is made and seconded to refund the uh peer review funds for 81 Middleboro Road all in favor I I I all right number two request for certificate of compliance 11 Walnut uh Street uh the plain uh the applicant Claudia Tores so Mrs T is you're not going to go forward with it no very good um okay I'll accept the motion to uh issue the certificate of compliance I will make that motion motion is made second motion is seconded all in favor say I I item number three request for a certificate of comp uh compliance 21 Burns Lane uh Benjamin Miller uh Mr Miller uh has requested that he get the certificate of compliance they actually did not do the work they were able to repair the septic instead of uh having to build a new one so I accept a motion on that I will make that motion motion is made motion is seconded all in favor say I I I um item number for request for determination of equability 18 uh County Road now screen I do have it on board you know on board like have St I should be able to [Music] for rord ner from Zenith um so this was submitted uh without filing um initially because there is you know there is Town water or there is water out on County Road as I'm sure you're aware um however my the applicant was denied the ability to tie into that um by the water department so we're before you we're we're before you for a well um that well has to be pushed back um into the buffer zone we're outside of 50 um however we we are within the 100 foot buffer it'll be some tree clearing uh to get the W truck back there to obviously drill the well there'll be Sil sock placed around that limit of work and there'll be a water service that will be run from the well to the house itself um and again I think a water of this will just be kind of a temporary disturbance a lot of it will probably revegetate you know once it's nobody's going to keep that as a yard um so that and that's not the intent here but this is like a a temporary construction so we have to be able to be we have to be 100 feet from all the septics that are either on site or budding and um as you can kind see uh that Circle that there's 100 foot radius Circle that goes around it's like that Dash Circle um we're just outside of 100 with the abing well that's what kind of pushes this back um even a little further into the buffer zone so that's what we hear before you otherwise um if there were no if we were tying in the water we wouldn't even be here for you but that's that's kind of the chain of events that that occurred kind of strange but uh but also for the record and uh Niles for your information the a our agent went and uh observed the property she did uh note some uh disturbance uh in the uh within the buffer zone and so we're going to put a couple of stipulations on one is that uh they remove any material from the uh area there to make it uh clearer at the wetlands and the other thing is we put you've done it we've done it before uh probably a fence or bould or or something and uh to make it that people realize that they're not supposed to go into that do we Nicole do we still have the little tags yes maybe we can get everybody to get a couple of tags put it on a tree or whatever on the fence whatever so I'm completely fine with that can we just stipulate where we want those put um do we want them at the 100 foot buffer or do we want them at the 50 Foot buffer where would you where would the commission like those well um I would say you could go to the wet line to the flag line okay I mean anything anything other than that I mean I know they're a lot small yeah too so I just what I what I'd hate to do is if if I put them there um that somebody's going to think that they can just go clear up to there without a permit you know and that's the only thing that concerns so um you you got you have the experience with the actual doing so what I what I'd like to do if it's okay I would put it at the 50 because that's what we're actually asking for up to if you're okay with that I mean and then if they wanted to come for for additional work then we would just have to obviously modify and you know coming with an addition you know a separate plan but I think if you're if the commission's okay with it I put it well I'll I'll stipulate to them that it's at the 50 okay and I go from there all right so we'll put that as being stipulation at 50 foot line uh and it appears like there's there's like an access point that was was cut into the W lines and that's what we're trying to cut off is that access understood absolutely all right so with the stipulations of uh removing any material within the uh wetlands and restoration of uh the wetlands as being free of any material uh that' be one ulation and that at the 50 Foot uh mark from the wetlands either like a post and rail fence or even Boulders all right mind I'll accept a motion I'll make that motion motion is made motion is seconded all in favor say I I all right nil than as usual all right no just on that one uh okay item number five uh 16 Water Street septic system [Music] upgrade again for the record now zga from Zenith um so I'm sure a lot of you are aware this property uh the old swn it in um C the people that have bought it are looking to renovate it into some uh residential units uh two in the um so basically they G be two duplexes uh essentially you've got two units on the at the old up front building the big building and then you've got two units in the uh garage SL bar out back um and what we're doing is we're upgrading the setic right now the setic system is actually located off property in the old parking lot area um and it it's it's just not compliant um so in order to bring this into compliance um we're tying in we have both buildings being tied in with tanks and pumps um that you see before you they all be located within the um existing parking lot paved area and then that up further to the North or kind of to the west of the barn out back is where the leeching fields going to go why does is before you um is because you're in a flood zone we in a land subject to Coastal storm Flowage um elevation it's ae14 um luckily uh no great changes are being made not that that would matter in this situation but um this is all being done within like an existing parking lot um within an existing Disturbed area so there's no vegetation being taken down no grade changes um so that's why we filed an RDA typically I would file a notice or something like this um but because it was because it's completely within that existing degraded area I like to call it um it made sense just to file an RDA the Hadley Heights that you see uh to the West um that was already permitted before you a few years ago um that accesses three residential lots out in the back um so that was already before you and that's one of the reasons why this hasn't be upgraded because the SE system is over there so um so s will be placed down I mean obviously it's within a p area so it's going to be a little bit difficult you're just have to monitor it um it'll have to be monitored there is a dewatering basin um on the plan because when we were out there doing the perks and we did hit a lot of fill we as you can probably imagine um and it was pretty wet so um there'll definitely be that very very Rocky so they're going to have a little bit of little bit of construction to do there but I think obviously it's right now the suff systems in the water table it's a it's a bad situation that we're trying to make better so I'll be happy to answer any questions have I'm good we're good agent's good all right with uh that in mind no added stipulations need to be so uh I'll accept the motion that we uh make a negative determination I will make that motion second uh motion is made in seconded all in favor all right all right thank you very much much you're welcome have a great night you too um next item is item number six request for determination uh 51 po of Pines Road it's the removal of debris biological wetlands and it's also uh tempting to uh do away withas of species um had a good report from the uh conservation agent here um is there anyone from 51 yes hi hello um you had a good conversation with our agent I did with Adine yes yes and she her name for the record okay I'll my for the record hi everyone um all right and so as long as you do what she has asked it shouldn't be an issue um let's see if there's anything um she just she told us what she had recommended to you that you're in agreement you plan on carrying it out since it's yep to your benefit yeah I mean we reached out for support for assistance because it is an invasive species that that Japanese not we in so she it was great to have her there as resource and she basically gave us the plan and we've you know completely taken that plan and intend to do that within the time frame she suggested all right um anyone else have any have any questions or anything I'm just glad that the agent we have an agent to go out and do these things because it worked out so good yes being we spending some money helps out a lot right I'll accept a motion to uh make a a negative determination on the project I will make that motion motion is made motion is seconded all in favor I I all right thank you very much good luck um the next uh item is item number seven discuss and take action relative to land donation at uh zero Richmond Road 207 lot 038 this is u a lot that's right on the corner of Forge in uh Richmond at Walnut Charlie this one is the donation we haven't received um written notice for the intent to donate it so the other one you're talking to is under any other business oh okay so we have't for the article so this one we haven't received any um written intent to donate okay so we can't really do anything for this one today I'll put that on hold all right uh number uh eight is discussion and take action relative to MBA MBTA license agreement for 15 Richmond Road uh that's the property right at the um tracks on the other intersection of Forge in which well well you do go from there we'll go from there uh J with massot by Caroline Jordan I'm with the MBTA real estate department so um you may recall that we secured a license agreement so we could access our shed there our our signal house for maintenance and other things so the good news is that we had this property that we acquired as part of the project uh the bad news is that we realized after the fact that we needed to access a signal house which is why we had to request the license so we have that license and we thank you for that however we are asking for an extension on that because it's about to expire um and Caroline can go into the details we had an intensive meeting last week on this and we think we have a good way forward for the time so This falls on article 97 so that we know you would think need a town V 23 we would need to go to the State uh recently these has come out with some dimin uh exceptions so we are working with our environmental and our legal team to do a little bit more research to maybe avoid having to go through um article 97 and do work with your group with some um language to put together to apply for a the Min the Minimus uh exception to that because what we're asking for is uh 8% of the total property um in this uh for this permanent easement so we're going to uh get that language together do a little narrative hopefully we can work with the conservation agent uh to do some applications through DCR uh we would still need to go to the town meeting for two-thirds vote it is with working DCR it's probably not going to happen October um but we would hope to get it done before we would have to come back and ask for another extension on the license okay so you're saying the license expires the license is going to expire yes so we're asking the town to just uh give us an extension on that license why we've worked through trying to get some of these okay items done this um new Dom Minimus um exception is relatively new but there is now presedent so it wasn't it wouldn't be like Freetown has to be The Little Engine That Couldn't reinvent the wheel this is something that we think we can work through with our teams work directly with the town unle um so that the language is there you can use it and probably we we would imagine be successful okay so how much time request we're asking for a year exension on the license again you want it leave it ad just the year yeah if we have to come back we will but we would really hope to try to clear this up so we don't have to do that and if we put a time frame on it maybe it'll happen Okay the train will be running they will okay they they seem to be doing quite well lately but uh all right so I a motion from us for year extension to your license would be what you requested yes okay with that said okay motion is made motion is second and all in favor say I I all right thank you very much good luck seem to be testing quite well yes yes we are testing crazy we we do hear yes yes yes yes well don't worry it's not [Music] stopping it is it is what it is y all right uh item number nine is discussion and take action relative to A's concerns uh of Porter pasture um so I I'll start out with um I think what has you people ined or interest um I know Jeff is way because he met with Mr Dean himself um but uh the a man who is a relative of the uh people who originally owned Porter pasture and uh oh uh gave it over to the town more than 50 years ago uh he wishes to uh make a financial donation to um restore the uh at least Beach area of pter pasture to what it was in the past what it was at the time that the town took possession of the property um he is willing to finance a study of what needs to be done to do this and that's where we're at right now uh in uh dealing with with the or dealing with the donation um so I'll I'll entertain uh any questions or concerns that uh you may have yeah that pretty much sums it up uh what he wants to do wants to get a professional in there to take a look at um what needs to be done but our concerns as the BS excuse me can you Ro as a is always concerned about especially the Jeffrey Lane folks uh buyers and primes that go down there and security that you know some just GNA touch a match and you know in a dry season problem um all right first of all kind of to address that Jeff is um Friday I contacted the police department here and I asked uh for a rundown of any log entries uh or instances from go dating back to January of 2019 and here it is but it's not what the outside of the envelope looks like uh most of these in anyone who wants to review them can I log entries where police officers have gone down and made note that they had checked the uh the area um and also any instances calls or anything like that and calls you're in the five and a half years I think probably average no more than five uh and nothing nothing the most of them have to do with uh people's concerned about people uh shell fishing uh in the area which it is it's a popular place to go shell fishing I I Know It uh and I since um we got information that Mr Dean was um interested in uh the area I had taken a little bit special me I've gone down and I've gone down maybe six or eight times and there's always some vehicle there that I would uh acate with shell fishing uh but other than that there there's no activity of any real nature uh you know active nature down there um and just so we're aware I had the Good Fortune I guess today I went down around 11:30 and as I get down to the water I see that there's a environmental police officer there and uh she was uh doing some pleasing with the shellfish uh activity uh she informed me some some things uh that I didn't know local as a local police officer okay you know uh you know maybe people are supposed to have hunting licenses and things like that but had a discussion with her there is no requirement to have a license to shell fish for crab uh there is no uh oh prohibiting uh taking female crabs over uh you know mail crabs the the only uh restrictions she stated to me were you can't take more than 25 per person per day and the other thing is is they have to be of the correct size yeah U now when she was there she had a bucket that she had uh I believe taken from a group she said there was some there was a few short ones uh but um other than that the activity is perfectly legal um the other thing we have to realize is that we kind of have flown under a false flag a little bit and in that there is no restriction anyone can go in to a conservation land it's not restricted to town residents and it's you can't restrict people out of town coming and uh crabbing or fishing uh at the site so we have to understand that that's the real legal uh Foundation here um and in in here there's there's nothing at times I go back probably you know 30 years yes people hanging around you might you might have had we might have come had police calls uh to a group you know drinking or something teenage drinking or something that's not happening anymore especially since we've had the gate yeah since we had the gate and and we've had The Gatekeepers uh so that um that closing it off like uh uh after after Sundown or something is that's that's something that's legal but uh other than that um we you know we're really operating as we should be the other part of our concern was the trash that we've been call calling there's a lot of dump in sometimes down there and um what about those we used to have a quarter party in the past because it gets crowded down there it gets really crowded uh um especially on the weekends yeah um that that's a a good point and we did it a couple of years and I don't I don't know why we we stopped a couple years ago either it probably probably was in relation to like covid and so forth and there was people weren't it wasn't as much activity or you know that but that that's something that uh we can look into uh for next year having um portter party um uh trash right now uh The Gatekeepers keep a pretty good uh oh handle on that I I saw the you know I saw where there was a couple water bottles uh in the grass and now that could have floated in you know we don't know uh it blows right over to my property they don't get over there it blows to my property too so and you know when it gets heavy we get trash and uh yeah all well um also in that vein uh at the last meeting we voted to uh buy a a commercial trash can the expense I was apris at the time and now we're we're learning that that price was about $100 less than it is now so we're gonna have to uh make a decision there the other the only the problem with the trash can and it putting a trash can down there is not going to be an issue uh we've already planned for it uh but the thing is we're just going to have to make sure that uh there some way emptying it you know uh and hopefully when you have a trash can it's more uh likely that people G to put trash in it than not and you don't have a trash can and that g to be as likely to you know carry it out even though you know places even the state far they want you to carry your trash in carry your trash in you carry out um but so the idea of litter uh yes I think we have a fairly good handle on it uh from what I've seen um and uh we can do that and also a porta party would probably uh not be uh a bad idea I I don't know how active it was when it was down there in the past but that's something that we can definitely uh as if you know the plan of Mr Dean goes forward we can definitely uh handle that also we've seen evidence of people needing to facilities and having no facility available and that includes diapers and everything else um that you know I want to back up and say absolutely the gate the attention on it has made an enormous difference but that's that's a public health problem um they have no place to go and they're there all day entire so I hope we can look into that I second I mean like I just said I mean we're we're not uh opposed to to dealing with that but uh you know uh we'll do that but the thing is that one of the things I want you to understand is the crabbing that's going on is uh generally legal and she uh I spoke with the officer I I had met her before uh I wasn't sure if she was uh if this was her area or not she says that yes it is she uh goes down there uh on a relatively regular basis uh she even said she likes to take it as a spot through right in ports so she's uh interested in it she we did call them and they've been wonderful about saying yeah we'll support and they'll support Freetown because we call Freetown and said can you do some additional patrols down there so I know they are too which is great yes but that that's some of my concerns and and and property lines too um sometimes I don't know the exact thing but they have an access road there and then all of a sudden behind our house behind your house yeah and and it's kind of unnerving sometimes when the people you don't know I mean I wonder if there's something we can do there with uh trespassing signs or border boundaries or okay I don't quite get uh well because of the access road they have a right away with the title they can walk on the meantime they up oh yes and they can walk behind your properties oh yes and that's how we get the trash I wonder if we can do something about uh that also marting yeah Mar uh the well I I think you you're aware that from uh high tide March you know so they can't walk in the basically it's Walking In The Water right um and so you're you're saying that you would like us to try to put a boundary and awareness of a boundary I mean maybe a deterrent um so they they're not behind you well they that's the problem when they leave you trash where they were the the prevailing wind blows up back and we get their trash um maybe the trash can will help I was um sometimes they take they used to be it's all closed up now but they used to be a little high Ro they they used access and drive out to the to the yard but that's right yeah that that's I I was looking for that it took me about three times nature is Tak yeah it's a there's a log ju just so you're aware also the you know the uh Cemetery committee uh improved yes the uh i' I've talked to the chairman about getting some type of a barrier uh somewhere along that lane way that goes up to the cemetery so that no one drives actually into the cemetery because they actually could could um so that that's a concern that I addressed there um well um I guess we we can we can look into probably uh putting some type of of posting on either uh boundary line saying that you know the end of uh public property something like that would that work yeah I think would help we get them in our they come in The Yards if the TI's super high they're in a yard before you know it and they don't know I don't think that's by Design they're looking for the crafts yeah yeah well but there always so much that we can do on that uh also my other thought was to uh um nothing so your plan the conservation if you get the donation are you seeking to hire a professional Forest to go through the well okay that's that's probably gonna be like a step two okay step one the first thing that in speaking with Mr Dean on Saturday I I had a uh about a half an hour talk with him it's always very interesting yes uh oh is step one would be to uh reestablish the beach as it was uh originally uh and then from there and well we're g so we're going to have uh a study done to see what can be done uh to recreate or renew the the beach that was there uh you know the the original Beach I you remember 50 years was a okay all right all right yes uh so to bring it back to that that status um then from there um the it it probably wouldn't it wouldn't be a bad thing to have and we we would probably recommend to Mr Dean and the family that after that we go in and have some type of a plan of forestation plan down there that would probably help out um a lot of a lot of the dead dead uh trees are lying there now uh of were Old Oaks that were killed off in the uh winter moth infection uh some of some remove some of that probably remove some undergrowth uh personally I think it would be it would be a good thing to set up like a walking trail also through the property uh just foot Trail nothing else uh no you know other use um and another thing would be probably to um re uh rebuild the road a little bit as it goes down to the to the water because it's it's been washed out and there is a drainage issue there we could probably Rectify that I I think it'd be a good thing just so that water dirt and so forth isn't going into the wetlands another question if you restore the beach would that be a conflict would you be able to stop the fishing and the crabbing in that area because it's a Beach area no I don't think so not from what I've I've heard especially from the uh or environmental police officer but the the thing is from I when I've been down there the last two months Jeff I then usually I can't even see them can't even find them once in a while there'll be somebody has at one time the um man had a line set up on the uh old old Beach um but the water line there um one of my questions would be why would you want to restricted uh on the beach well well if you're Mak it the beach area okay to all right I mean okay I guess my answer to that from what I feel right now uh is that you know that that would be something that we could deal with as as as as it comes you know and and the beach would be open to everyone just like the crabbing is so you not require stickers for the beach right right okay uh you it's conservation land you know we we can go over the dmouth I've gone over the do dmouth and walked my dog on uh you know some areas over there it's any it's just like the state forest you know or any place else um so that would be um you know as it it is now actually we're like I say we're kind of flying a false flag there by having uh telling people that they have to have a sticker or something like that they don't have to have a sticker yeah so that's been a little confusing because we did Implement that policy well before you guys did everything you did with the G everything else because it would be overrun with folks and nobody was local um so local people were saying never mind I'm not going down there so we put the sticker system in and that was under Carlton Abbot and gave the police some enforcement ability but now I hear what you're saying that it's conservation property it's not necessarily A Town facility like the town beach right so you really can't so sign probably needs to be removed or modified exactly we we need to uh the the entrance needs uh some work these Jersey barriers just don't do anything for me but they they do they do job but they we could probably come up with something a little bit different that would uh still excuse me judge just identify yourself can we restrict cars from going down there uh okay first of all could you just George could you just identify yourself Sor Georgey um well we do other than uh we do other than the times when it's open uh and and we restrict you know I I think the uh Gatekeepers uh time period May 1st to November 1st something like that yeah I think so so six months of the year we're uh restricting it and one of the things at the at the entrance I see is we kind of have a little bit of a parking spot it could be uh better uh developed there also uh but and we might uh think of a way of restricting not restricting pocket parking but directing parking uh down by the water also a little bit better because what what's one of the things that has caused the beach to deteriorate is is with people at the right there people Park somebody else comes in they drive down almost into the water and that you know Works helps them they also do donuts yeah thr aren't a lot of cars around yes um I would hate to see the towns you know take Mr Deans offer and spend a lot of money and fix this all up make it look beautiful and then I mean we all know that most of the people local of the Town residents respect the town property it's the outer town is that cause most of the problem is there a way that we could it could be a little bit jaundice there well is it is it possible that this could be transferred to the town like halfway Park and so be Town residence only no okay no um it's it's under the conserv once you put it under it it's a Perpetual no okay but um you know I'll be truthful with everyone what I've seen Down there and what you know 40 Years of uh being through it uh it's much uh better now than has been in the past like I said there's no not that the the old way of a years ago young people going out and drinking in uh spots and so forth uh that's not happening at all anymore really uh well yeah before the game fuckloads of trash come in there uh but U well Leon The Experience experienced it and uh you know this in the last five and a half years they've never had they've never had a uh a a call there of any type of anything like that the only there a couple of times I I see here uh oh and this probably goes back to maybe uh 2020 um they they REM they removed a father and son who was uh uh picking up at the end of uh daylight uh after crabing that's about the only thing after hours uh and like I said the the our gate is uh closed at sundown opened uh early in the morning these uh the two people work the uh as Gatekeepers uh have placed it and there there's I the other day I got out and I walked around okay there's probably a bag a trash can a trash bag full of trash that you would pick up that and that's going into the grass and uh into the woods that type of stuff also uh we'll try to uh see this cleaned up uh thoroughly at sometime uh in the near future but we then because also if you if you if there's no trash there it's going to be less likely that somebody's going to throw trash if there's trash there somebody's GNA throw trash like I said we're GNA try to get a uh a real trash can down there and then we'll uh see that it gets we'll work with uh the trash uh bers Brothers to see if we can't uh work out a system where every week or every two weeks whatever needs to be done it can be emptied but anyone else have any com got a Mr Dean's Richard Kendrick yes uh Mr Dean is 96 he's in California and he called more than you he wanted more fire power from my understanding from talking with him is that he would like you guys to vote and say yes we want to proceed with this to get an engineer to come in to see if it's feasible right if it's not feasible then you know he wants to try something different he'd kind of like to know was you know fa yeah I told him on rich I told him on Saturday what we you know there was we we've since we met with him we've only had one meeting uh and you know he was G to get back to us so we're we're going down that trail now uh so yes we will uh because I asked if this could go on the agenda for tonight so you could vote on it yes or no that you want to proceed with it this uh I also we as a commission can vote tonight uh the thing is I talked to the town uh accountant about uh setting up the fund and he was of the uh understanding that we U might have to we might have to uh go before the board of Selectmen to have them vote to accept the donation so that will be uh but the first thing is to get the information so we know how much he has to donate to well the other thing is can you work in Wetlands uh yes you can you there's you know there's there's R uh just as like trimmy boxs and so forth would be the same thing you we're GNA have to go by some rules but uh probably in rehabil rehabilitating is different than build and that's but that's kind of what P there pictures of you know when his grandfather built it back in the 30s too so yes that was something I was gonna doed that there was a beach there Rich uh if you can direct me some of those pictures that'd be very helpful too so see any morning yeah yeah that's right this Monday morning I did other things for it uh but yeah will I like to work with it's a it's an interesting proposal that he has and yes I think will actually will work out well for the town he's not patient I don't know if you realize he he claimed that he that his mother wasn't patient but I I worked for his mother for about six years and I found her to be patient but but uh maybe all the all the beholder right it's a it's a incredible resource we have in that property and I've been there long enough to see it transition to to Really mat her and then to come back because there have been interventions on the part of the commission and the the neighbors I mean we've also done our part with trash and and everything else and certainly if there is trespassing we do call it in um and I think the common goal is to maintain this Jewel um so that it's there for everybody to enjoy and I don't just mean the crabs I mean everybody Joy it's just it's unbelievable yeah a lot of people like to take a sunset yeah it's incredible tonight to be able to go down there and uh look for meteors yeah did you do that last night well over over the years I've seen my share of meteors oh my God yeah they like the chicken down there chicken people chicken watch do the dog will swallow it um well thank you we are grateful thank you um but on that note I would like to have the board vote to work to receive the the donation so I guess somebody who in way of a form of a motion that we uh approve of the investigation commission to get a study done of portter pasture new the beach I'll make that motion okay question yes Susan Dean Sergeant 32 North Main Street so I'm hearing two different things we're hearing the beach and my understanding was that there was going to be seed money to do an evaluation of Porter pasture IE the trees and everything else okay so right well probably gotta be like two steps uh when I when I spoke to Bob on Saturday uh his my inclination my understanding from is to get the the beach uh project you know uh formulated and but he's still yes there's still to be more work to be done but he his interest to me what he conveyed to me on Saturday was his interest was basically first let's get the beach back the way gramp Dean had put it uh and then uh but it's the same it to to work to put Trail maybe Trails probably it wouldn't be bad to move some of the trees not uh like a a slof but along the roadway there's a couple of spots where you know if you hit it wrong you could whack yourself against a tree U Maybe Might remove maybe a half a dozen trees dead growth yeah right yeah and uh clean up the dead growth as uh fast as it can be a lot of it is now compared to what you know it fell 20 years ago and a lot of it is rotted now seemed a lot cleaner when I went down there recently than uh back maybe 15 years ago when I would regularly go in there uh but that that would be a part of the the project also so halfway park has a sign that says there's no lifeguard on duty right if you don't have that at quarter pasture and one of the things that I did say to Mr Dean was that I don't know how realistic it is to think that Porter pasture Beach is going to becoming become a swimming area under the circumstances do people go in the water to swim maybe they do but um there's a sign that says the water is not not tested not tested right they used to test it so the the board we did not put that up I believe the Board of Health maybe at some time not this board but you know maybe several years ago um but that's just to tell people that the water is intested which it isn't um the I I I am not going to speak uh for any anyone but the Conservation Commission in my own idea the Conservation Commission that that I speak for the Conservation Commission every time I open my mouth uh but um my inclination would be that the town recreational uh position is to put more interest into the beach at Long Pond uh where they do have a lifeguard they do have a beach and we I'm on the master plan committee and one of the uh in the master plan uh committee through serad uh the planning uh the regional planning uh commission uh sent out questionnaires and so forth and the the questionnaire the feedback they got back about Recreation one of the things was that they wanted to develop long Pawn Beach uh into more of a a facility more like uh what's in Lakeville Lakeville has a on Clear Pond I don't know if you're familiar with that uh Susan but they have they for years have had a relatively uh elaborate uh or Recreation Area over there that's probably what we would do I I don't see us I don't see the town but uh oh developing the beach to be a a a swimming spot other than what he people people can jump in the river anywhere they want to you know uh and uh you know that's that's it's not really uh I I would thinking in our mind to I don't think it would be good to try to develop it into a big swimming area but to B bring the beach back so hey somebody wants to go there they can uh you know it's part the facility all right anyone else have any questions or comments so when did you say the the town meeting was with this did you say it was with select me well I I'll I got that information today and uh I will talk to the town Administration probably the Town Administrator actually and uh uh see if if we do need to have the board of Select it's it's basically in my my mind it's a formality but the the board of Selectmen are the only people who can enter into a contract and even though this might not be uh a written contract it's a contract so and the other thing is it's good every the more the more Communications the more people have the uh information readily available the the better everyone's going to be so that would be basically our next step I'll I'll check with the Town Administrator and um then we'll try to uh contact a uh engineering firm for lack of a better term uh to do a survey and tell us what we can do and then we'll go from there and then B all right well he'll get a copy all right okay we'll be on the list okay all right yes yeah well be it will become a public record well no not yet but why don't you read would Nicole would you mind reading the motion have you put a motion in no okay uh then I make a motion well entertain a motion to uh work [Music] to develop a plan for p pasture re uh refurbishing the beach area that's some can we say so what do we does this include getting the the engineer to come down and look okay can we not just limited to beach say get an engineer to um come in and look at not only refurbishing the beach and or the the surrounding property just just so that it's an and or to cover us we've been talking about one thing in um and I think one of the things that U Mr Davis I mean Mr Dean would like is um to have actually a Forester now I'm aware of uh a Forester that works um with the uh bio uh the bio Reserve bio Reserve uh uh his name's uh boss boss say uh and he I believe would be someone to have at least as a reference to maybe getting another Forester but he is a Forester and I know he does that so that would so that would be like Plan B I would say to do uh the first but um do we want to say we will uh vote to accept any donation that Miss Mr uhen is willing to provide to restore pter pasture yes I like that okay all right you get that did I the money is to evalu way whether it could be done right yes yeah right not to pay for it to get done no right see if it can be there yes you want to evaluate the whole property W you because you're going to have to get access to the beach to work on it right yeah so you need put a road in and Wetland delation and all that stuff oh yeah yeah well there there's basic the road there is a road which I I I think would be would be fine no but we don't have to do it 10 restore the have to bring right yeah yeah but um all right here here's a motion I will motion to accept Mr Dean donation for a study on restoring Port of pasture good sound good nice and simple nice and nice and simple okay motions made and seconded all in favor say I all right all right taking care of that you're welcome um item number 10 discuss and vote to recommend Nicole de moranville as principal clerk for land use departments um the planning board has already done this uh it was a recommendation that Nicole does a very good job and she's working now with three agencies and that uh other Town employees would do such things C um just put it out there the commission doesn't have a principal clerk as part of the commission so it would have to go um it would have to be created it would have to go actually we're just so we're just going to recommend to the right well BS and then they can do everything we we supported so it's kind of it's just uh putting the Cole's position as it presently because the it's funded funding by the planning board actually position uh and they've they have already recommended this so we're just kind of piggybacking we're we're seconding there okay so we're not we're not saying that will be a principal CL only recommending to the select that that that we would like it yes we we uh concur with the planning board that she should be moved up to principal clerk I will make that motion recommend to to select the board second motions made in seconded all in favor I all right um number 11 minutes of the July 8th uh meeting was in the packet yep I'm good for that all right I will make a motion to accept as written uh second all in favor all all right any other business properly to come before the Conservation Commission did you say you had something yeah so a couple of things this is the one for the zero Richmond it's zero forge Richmond um that property Mike said he can help us write the article but it has to be submitted to the article to um I guess we're we're just voting today to acknowledge that the deadline to submit the article is after this meeting I mean before the next meeting so our next meeting is not till September 99th but the deadline is September 5th to be able to submit the article um to be able to acquire that land I guess all right um but they haven't well it is Town property but treasur have to petition is that what they kind of because it would be in the it's in the the uh Realm of the uh Treasurer because it's tax tit is it te all right I wasn't sure it was a tax possession and it's low and wet is what Mike let me know yeah okay so this is nothing to do with the T no no this isn't to do with the 15 Richmond Road that the MBTA did yeah it's confusing also because both yeah this is like a third Richmond Road property because this one's even different than the one we spoke about earlier to put on hold so it's so there's one whatever happened with the one that the te took then the te gave us and then that's what that agreement is that is an agreement yes that's that they have to write that yes so this is a h lot uh originally set out as a buildable lot years and years ago well I actually printed this so it's this lot here it's at the corner of Walnut so walnut's here oh okay yeah okay I you okay um okay the the thing that kind of uh I have a little I guess I could say issue with is it's only it's out in the middle like it's it's a piece a little piece of property that is not going to ever be uh developed in anyway it's all wet uh I don't know now maybe they have but I would I would say that hey why don't you go to the Butters and see if they want like we did over on the other side they did on the other side of town right you know before we go because I mean if it was at first I thought it was uh there's a little piece of property that the town owns across from the te property and I I thought that they the town that I think the town owns still owns I'm not sure but anyways I just have a little issue with it being that this little speck in the middle of a bunch of houses and a industrial building and if I'm just wondering if they have ever uh asked uh the two biders either on Richmond Road or Forge Road if they were interested tell again why would they bother to take it when they have to pay taxes on it right yeah you own it yeah right here I mean I don't you know it might there might be enough I don't I don't believe there's uh well it's it's not buildable I don't know if there's enough that somebody the other two lots are also small uh they're less than uh an acre so if somebody might say well geez if I could get that uh dry land land it would help me if I ever had a septic system problem or something like that but that's that's only my that's my only concern so to speak in the email from Mike he said that it was believed to not have much or any auction value right and that Deb was an agreement that no other department if no other department wanted it then comcom should just take it and acquire the lane and I guess the highway department already mows it for safety at that intersection yeah but it is low and wet is what what I was told yeah um well um do we want [Music] to I mean it's got to go somewhere yeah I mean well right the town could just sit on the town owns it now is it is yeah but but I know it's not like we can do anything with it but it needs a home besides just general Town yeah know I mean I'm not opposed to if there's nothing else and they Wonder okay it's a wetland spot goes from there but I'm just wondering if uh they have actually ever contacted either the butters to see if they would be interested they wouldn't be able to do anything with it pay Texas but well they already use it they can already use it all they want well but here's my only thing is like okay like I said both of the uh lots are less than an acre uh this one and this one and say if you have uh oh 75 say you had a thousand square feet of dry land on this this spot it might it might help out when it comes to making a septic system is that you know you have that extra excess land that we're always dealing with you know it's it's just I I don't know I just say have they ever approached these other two people you know and I kind of doubt maybe the person maybe one of the about is will say well you know I'll take it I mean the value of the land even in taxes what might be you know $500 it's not of much value anyways but I guess but but I'm that's like I say that's my opinion but I'm not gonna get feathers up over it off what take okay so you want to say that we make the motion that we uh state that we would go with the article because yeah we just need to acknowledge the deadline of the article so that at our next meeting after the deadline we can vote saying that we submitted the we the article beforehand yeah because the deadline is the 5th and our next meeting is not till the 9th so we will retroactive yes thate yeah yeah if you guys want to move forward with it we can submit the article Mike said it'll help me uh write it all up and everything and then can submit the article and then at our next meeting we'll retro that yep yep so I'll entertain a motion I'll make that motion second motions made and seconded uh all in favor I I all right um anything else didn't you say did you have something that you thought uh of Interest the other day okay I have one more thing okay all right all right yes the no hunting signs at Betsy tayor um she called again and wants to know when they'll be put up um I guess boing hunting season is next month it's October oh okay yeah so she she's just wondering when they'll be put up because we had already voted to put them up they'll be put up before I season okay okay all right all right with that in mind I'll accept the motion to adjourn I will make that motion I'll second motions made and seconded all in favor I all right do we need to sign anything to that lease for the T I believe so