e e how do I connect my camera you have to go to your settings and allow camera is it asking you to connect your camera say I don't have video do you have to have video don't know heades they can hear you you know what they might be able to hear you you're in the meeting already yeah signed in just trying to figure out uh no trying to find my camera wonderful I hear you so says I'm recording but my video is not work ultimate V think used the camera on this camera for O's going for for for okay get the uh says alternate V hello technical difficulties I'm all set Char all right it being the hour of six o'clock uh I will open the uh April 22nd 2024 meeting of the Freetown Conservation Commission and uh we'll go to item number one request for determination of appealability 215 Middleboro Road uh number six Lafayette Park applicant is Joseph isherwood there someone fear to address that matter I'm here I don't know if you can hear me we can hear you would you please uh identify yourself Joseph isherwood all right okay Mr isherwood um we have gotten your application for uh your request can you just fill us in a little bit on what you want to do for the record so I have a number of cottages that uh make up l park and they were built back in the 50s and I'm at the point where I'm starting to uh renovate them and number six was on my list uh where I keep the existing foundations I don't change the footprint and I already have uh Town water which was put in back in 2010 uh no that was put back in 93 and in 2010 we uh upgraded the entire septic system so this project keeps the existing Foundation there's no change in elevations or fill uh and no change to septic or water it's just taking the existing Cottage down and then uh rebuilding with a second floor okay thank you sir is there anyone uh the audience here who has any comment or any questions about item number one uh 215 middle uh if there is none um the the only thing Mr iser would that we would uh want to make sure you are enforce on the project is uh first of all start piling any materials that you have both both um Earthwise and um building if you would see that they were covered oh absolutely and the other thing is that the siltation control measures uh be in place before construction or demolition if uh if it hasn't already been demo uh demoed uh that that be uh another issue that you make sure you put in the citation controls okay okay yeah uh with that I would um oh accept the motion that uh of a negative determination number three that the conditions uh they're not going to disturb on the wetlands though they are in the area of the wetlands okay thank you motion is made second motion is seconded all in favor say I I okay uh item number one motion passes um thank you you're welcome good luck thank you item number two notice of intent 11 Walnut Street this is a public hearing so I will uh accept a motion to open the public hearing and also to wave the reading of the public notice I will make those motions a motion is made do I hear a second oh seconded motion is seconded all in favor say I I all right if we could have someone from uh 11 wellnut Street here yes could you just as you st could you state your name for the record Robert Anthony Bry hope engineering okay representing theur the the green cards thank you um there are some items I uh I need to submit so I'm hoping that you'll be able to continue so that you'll have a chance to review them okay um Byron Holmes who did our our Wetlands review uh wrote up a Alternatives analysis which I guess is required by D for f Phill U so I've got five copies of the Alternatives and I also um the plans that I submitted to you um I had to update them a little bit uh I went out on Sunday morning and had a a quick look at it to uh to see if the equalization pipe that I had uh proposed for crossing the Wetland under the the proposed driveway was going to be adequate and just within the last couple of weeks Enbridge went out and cleared some brush there uh they cut cut down the brush which they do about once a year um now there's evident that there's a an existing pipe there which neither I nor uh Byron or David who flagged the weapons had seen before so I located that I had to add that on the pipe and you know some other minor revisions so I've got uh five copies of the the revised plan but obviously no one's had a chance to review them so I'm hoping that you'll be able to continue and you hav had a chance to review okay but if you want we can go over them and yes why since it appears we may have some people here are interest interested in if you could go over the can you go over the new plan yeah I just don't have I can't pull it up on Zoom but yeah um but why you pull it up on zoom and you could speak of we'll put your old plan up sure so everyone can see it and then um you can speak to any changes that you have we'll go review it from the okay the um the gist of it is um she owns you know fa large piece of property that we want to split into three lots one of them would be the existing house so serviced by the existing driveway and the two rear ones would be serviced by a new common driveway which is technically a road um but it's it's only serving two lots and it's uh we're not proposing to pave it it be uh reconstituted asphalt like a gravel type surface um and in order to build that driveway we would have to fill bit of Wet Ones uh so we fill and replicate we've got replication area uh just a little bit south of the driveway on the between the existing driveway and and the wetlands it's shown there as a 2,472 foot replication area um so that replicates what we'd be filling and the uh the pl that I just found it's um on the existing plan it would be about at the top where it says uh C plan 123 page 71 um and below that is the baron South 77002 East it'd be right around where the 20 is on that's well you guys can see it's right there that's the existing pipe um I couldn't find the the nend that's in in the pond because that's submerged okay uh but I did get a good location of this end of it and we're just proposing to have a an 8 in right beside it so that uh any um water that builds up in this Wetlands can can get across to to the other side through so a secondary pipe yes okay um this pipe seems to be pretty adequate it's flowing maybe 30% full um right now and like I said I I couldn't find this end of it it was uh it's submerged in that pond area Okay where did you say can you point to us where the replication is going to be that's right here oh okay oh right so yeah so this bit of wetlands right here it's it's kind of compromised Wetlands it's it gets mowed once a year by by Enbridge so it's not very wet and the brush is is all very well it's all cut down uh but our replication area would be outside of of that so that would would actually be a higher quality Wetland than the Wetland that we're with filling so in that sense it would be kind of an improvement all right so this is the existing driveway ends here yes where are you plan on we're this is what we're filling right here the dark area so this all the shading is is all Wetland and we're just filling that one little bit to put a about an 18t driveway through there that will go all the way back here yes it's going to so there's a turnaround here and we're going to have a little turnoff right here for passing so if somebody's coming in while someone's coming out you've got a little passing spot it's a one car a one car P off um no I mean the whole driver one car with it um we've been back and forth on the width with the uh Enbridge and with the fire department uh fire department typically requires 20 feet um they're going to wave it down to 18 so it's going to be a 15ot travel surface with a 3 foot um like a Cap Cod BM on the edge of it which you could drive on it but you probably don't want to but if you had to like if you were uh bringing a big truck through there you can occasionally drive on that so it gives them an 18t surface which is adequate for the the truck but a car is you know 9 ft wide so that uh 15 ft that we normally have is is more than adequate for getting in and out um so it'll be an 18t surface that we're we're building anything else you want to address um I think so um yeah it's been a lot of uh back and forth between Enbridge and the fire department and the planning board um you know first we came in with proposing a 12 foot the planning board said well that's kind of kind of narrow we'd like to see it a little bit wider but if the fire department says it's okay then we'll go with it and then the fire department said absolutely not you know we require 20 fet but we'll wave it down to to 18 um and we we gave them basically this plan and they said okay we'll we'll accept that so we've got kind of a uh agreement with the fire department and the planning board that that we can do it with with this 18 now we're seeing if we can fill that wet one to uh to actually all right um anyone from the audience I like to say something okay I live in 16 W Street right across the street from the project and I have a pond here okay just just could you just identify your Anthony yes go ahead okay then the pond was in the front of the property and a pipe goes underneath the road uhuh into that property there uhuh so you know I'm not I'm not here to kill a project I don't want to be damned up nether the water run free you can go down there look at the Pike that's running yeah I understand okay right I understand I'm familiar with the property too Mr South you know we been ducks in a p here right now right coyote just walked by there wild um okay if you just would address for his concerns that would be helpful thank you all right um so uh I am familiar with the properties on both sides and yes we and with it the fact that you know this latest rain I I see I I know of a property where it has flooded and it's caused a problem with the home uh so have you take what can you tell them what you have done or have you done anything to take that issue into consideration the flow from one side of the street to the other one side of Walnut Street to the other exactly because they live on the other side they they live uh you know northeast corner we proberbly being southwest corners I'm not sure where that fight you're talking about ACR cross W Street is right at the end of my driveway just going to left on the way out okay you see that pipe running through my property under the road goes into that property you want to develop okay there when I was there still there all right and it's active and it's running right now I'll go out and I'll find it right off the road you see it there water that runs down who all have property when we bought that we knew we got wet land in the front we had to we had to build up Upstream a little bit you know what I mean yes we got a nice piece of property in the back here but in the front we're kind of like Wetland right the Pond's been there forever right I understand you know and there Ducks there ducks in there right now so I mean and that land of course the street is all wet in there too right okay any other comments okay I'll close the uh public I do want to ask let anyone ask Oh I thought call public no no no just a public comment oh okay sorry all right um I just close the public comment uh oh period for the the hearing and I'll go and I'll ask any questions that we might have anyone want to I know they went back and forth on the the width of the road the fire department saying the 18 foots okay yes I have a concern Okay and like Mr South cro said I have no interest in putting a kaios on the project the the issue that uh I have and I would like to uh make a motion that we continue the hearing so you can address is we usually have gone with a 1.5 uh replication not just of one% or one one: one pardon me okay uh and so I would like to see that addressed and see what you can do to come as close as you can to the 1.5 okay um you know and I said I I will say personally as close as you can all right if is there there's some issues I I see with well and driveway and so forth that uh I know you have to consider but I I would like to see the 1.5 here to all right is that accept all to the other members that sounds good all right so with that in mind hang on one second Char um the is there a plan on the planting and the Shrubbery and all for the replication yeah it's in the report that I just submitted of okay how many plants and okay I haven't drawn a an actual plan but it it okay says in the report how many plants we should have know 12 High Bush blueberry and uh six um I think it's red Maples Byron spelled out exactly how many I was supposed to and is that for the one to one replication yes um we probably have to revise that for the one and a half to one okay when we were doing this I'd asked Byron about that he said he had done some stuff in free toown a few years ago and it was one to one but been about 10 years but I know but that's what we like to do okay all right um all right and then after we see that we'll probably be able to go forward I don't see any issue okay yeah will you be able to get it to us before the next meeting um when is the next meeting the next meeting would be the May uh it's going to be May yeah 24th but it wouldn't the the uh May 13 May 13 wel I should be able to do that okay all right all right I will uh entertain a motion to continue the hearing we will be here right yes yeah I put it in the paper oh okay but I don't get confused okay okay yeah um to me ask one uh May par me May 13th uh uh 6: pm at the uh community room here so we have a motion I will make that motion motion made second that motion seconded all in favor say I I all right sir all right thank good luck uh um can you as well absolutely Myer all right item number three no of inent pen box Barry Lane Ritter family LLC Evan Watson [Music] W hello I'm behind you up on the screen thank you be all right um I will accept the motion to uh open the public hearing and wave reading of the notice I will make that motion motion is made motion all in favor say hi excuse me excuse me folks excuse me could we just yeah if you would yes someone make that I'm sorry yes I made the motion okay all right meet on this again right on on the uh 1 you know the mystery don't see the pipe down there it's big concrete okay all right as long as the water goes that's all I care about exactly I got you guys to protect we'll try we'll try our best all right once again we'll open the hearing and if you could uh just give us a rundown on your uh project sir very good thank you Mr chairman again it's Evan Watson W engineering representing the the ritters um thank you for letting me uh present on Zoom I have another hearing coming up so this works out well if I could share my screen I will put the plan up on the um the board I don't know if everybody can see that yes looks like I can I can see it on there um so this is um 10 box Berry Lane it's lot 17 in the um a portion of what was originally pered as the Fall Brook subdivision um it's now known as boxberry Lane uh you can see here on the Locust this is um as you come down the road it's one two three fourth lot on the left so the road has been constructed all the drainage is in um everything having to do with the construction of the road is complete and so now we have a few lots that have some buffer zone um that reach out onto them so we need to file a notice of intent for any work that's done on each individual lot so what we're looking to do here is put a 42 by 28 Colonial House with a garage under driveway comes up here on the left side of the lot goes underneath we've designed a Title 5 compliant septic system and septic tank and then here's the well and then in yellow here along the back I've highlighted the actual Wetland line and then um we have your 25 foot no disturb zone now lot is a little pinched so we are um asking to go right up to the 25 foot no disturb Zone there will be a um a boulder wall here up along the back which really in my mind really helps um establish a good 25 foot no disturb Zone there'll be a um you know small retaining wall with a fence on top uh the yard we have plenty of yard here on the sides uh for the house uh and then the this yellow line out here is the 100 foot buffer zone so that's all the work that's um in jurisdictional area um for erosion control we're playing a a um tow in Silt Fence with a waddle in front of it at the limit of work and that's about it um I forwarded all the uh a a notification over Victoria on Friday so okay so you did get that and then the D has issued a file number um without comment so I'd like to take any comments that the board might have if I could address any concerns and I was hoping to um ultimately we're looking for an order of conditions for this project uh just is there are you gentlemen good with it we're representing the project okay all right um all right um no one from the public has any questions so uh does anyone from the board have any questions I have a question about the um that border you were talking about the the stones and fence on top of it on the blue line yes um is that going to be will animals be able to get through or is that going to completely block off so let me erase this line here I'm just gonna highlight the wall is just what we need for grading just right here uh so it's at maximum it's four feet tall and it would basically built be built with Boulders and then like a like a post and rail type fence on the top just to let you know that it's there um but as far as you know animal transport you can go around the wall and again it's only four feet tall so imagine animals can Scurry up and down without without any trouble okay just concerned about those small animals yep y all right I just kind going to add one thing U we have H small metal markers that you can put on a rail fence to warn people basically say you know that Beyond this is uh conservation sensitive area not to disturb it and we would like you to put those up you can get it from us at the office at any time all right okay so just a a little marker to put on the rail post or the rail and cells wherever you want to put them just to uh notify people that that's that beyond that point the 25 foot no touch uh that there wetlands and then that to disturb okay sir all right uh with that in mind I will uh accept the motion to close the public hearing I'll make that motion I'll second that motion is made and seconded all in favor I all right and um with that I'll accept a motion to uh with the order of conditions that we U approve of the pro the project I will make that motion motion is made I'll second it motion is seconded all in favor say I I okay all right gentlemen y thank you very much Mr chairman take care have a good night to um do you want that mailed out to you email or mailed or I can pick it up you want to pick it up okay I can email you a scan version but the you're going to need the hard copy to record sure I'll pick it up from you whenever it's ready okay we'll let you know have a good night have take care bye now byebye item number four request for determination of equability uh 21 Water Street halfway Park the application is uh or town of Freetown the applicant is a town of Freetown uh replace the present basketball court with a pickle ball court um we saw the plan as such um I believe Victoria do you know are they going they're not going to expand the size at all so it's G to be it's going to expand a little bit um so it's going to be a little bit bigger than what the basketball court currently is you can kind of see it here and then this is it's going to be a little bit longer this way um the whole lot is in like the whole park is in the flood zone um yeah so how much how much longer is it than the do you know um I don't know off the top of my head um it's not too much larger um yeah I wasn't too too involved um with this project um but I do know the plan is to kind of take out the current basketball court install a pickleball court I think they were going to install a fence around it originally but I think that's been I know squashed I don't think as of right now they're going to install offence around it um yes they received a grant Town Administration received a grant to for this project all right um I will uh entertain a motion we have a uh negative determination number three uh condition that all Materials stock P piled be covered and that the a control measures be installed before construction I will make that motion oh second motion is made in seconded all in favor say I I all right item number five discussion and take action relative to reappointment of is it Lex Lexi Lexi raka rco as gatekeeper effective uh May 27th 2024 we could change the date just to do the Friday the 20 May 24th so do we have three Gatekeepers so we have two so so will this be the third no so she's the second one so her appointment was kind of weird it ended at the end of the season in October instead of just continuing through the end of the fiscal year okay um yeah so this would be just a continu till the end of FIS schal year and then in June we'll do both of their appointments for Lexi and Mark they were both with with us for the past season um they do an excellent job um and they'd like to continue okay I just thought we already did two and this what but yeah it's because hers ended at a weird okay yeah period that's fine all right I'll accept the motion I will make that motion to point her effective 524 and I'll second that motions made in second and all in favor say I I I all right item number six discuss and take action relative to comments on d uh resilient 1.0 draft regulations and 2. uh zero recommendations um I had a chance to go through them I don't have any uh objections I it would be good what we would be doing is signing on to a document that's already been prepared and it was it's in the packet it is kind of about 24 pages so probably maybe like 10 or so pages but it's it's a little linky but so what we'd be doing is so Ms smcp which is a conservation organization um they're going to be submitting a comment letter so they sent their draft one out commissions to review to either you know just kind of put it on your own letterhead send it in or make any adjustments you said fit um I think they captured a lot of the comments that a lot of other commissions are are feeling um so I don't know if anyone has any specific questions or anything they'd like to see taken out or added in I'm personally I'm good with okay I'm not GNA uh but yes it's you've everever read the regulations uh it is uh something you want to take notes sometimes with uh but and one of the things would be trying to make it a little bit simpler there some things that Victoria and I have talked about making a little bit simpler and our own actions but they're not always uh totally in conjunction with the uh the regulations so if anyone doesn't have an issue I would recommend we uh basically sign on the letter that's already there don't uh anyone has anything they they haven't reviewed them before Victoria send it in when when do they when does comment period stop do you uh April 30th 30th so yeah um it's kind of a short here but I'm I'm good okay all right Alex accept the motion I will make that motion motion is made I'll second motion is seconded all in favor say I I hi all right um item number seven reissue order conditions for one Hilltop Park uh the gentleman the the L the orders of condition I think it was never recorded so it's been too long and I don't believe the registry will accept it so there just need new signature okay um but he his project is completed but before he can do the COC that needs to be the O needs to be recorded at the registry right all I'll make that motion to reissue the order of conditions motions made I'll second that motion seconded all in favor say I I um last item item number eight the minutes from the last meeting anyone have anything that they saw they wanted changed or thought should be changed I no IDE okay uh I will accept a motion to uh accept the minutes they're in no no I read them but I wasn't here so I have no idea oh oh that's what youant okay all right motion is made motion is seconded uh all in favor say I I I will abstain still passes so yes all right uh with that I accept the motion to adjourn I will make that motion I'll second motion is made motion is seconded all in favor say I I meeting is a