##VIDEO ID:LbR-GcoIEIk## all right there right I'm here stop being 6: pm on Monday October 28th 2024 I will call the uh meeting of the freet toown Conservation Commission uh to order uh it is being recorded anyone else anyone in the audience recording item number one is a proposed modification to approve site plan for 61 click Drive they're both on Zoom Rick and Allan all right um Rick are you there yes good evening Mr chairman right just want to give us a little rundown yeah this this project was approved by the commission um within the past year I'm not sure exactly uh but we were originally going to do it with ready rock wall and uh when the owner when Mr Whitten started to price it out he uh just thought it was just too expensive uh also a little bit of logistics trying to get the those heavy uh heavy ready Rock pieces down uh the Hillside and all that to get it down in there so all these things contributed to the cost of it and uh just became too much so he started looking at Alternatives one of which uh he came to me with about a month or so back and that was uh to use sheet piling this is a a polymer sheet piling I'm I'm familiar uh historically with the with the steel sheet piling uh this is actually done with a fiberglass resin and it's vibrated down into position uh so I went through the uh the information from the vendor and uh it it looked like the uh the 8 in deep uh uh uh sections would uh would give the strength that he needs to hold back about five feet of fill uh it would be vibrating Excuse excuse me Rick 8 inches or 8 feet 8 inches 8 inches in thickness for the whales the oh oh oh I'm sorry I thought you meant 8 inches down I apologize all right um Mr chairman so um what we're talking about is the width of these um sections they're actually about 20 inches I believe in in width uh the depth is about 8 inches so they they go back and forth kind of in a corrugated shape uh 8 inches in depth uh and then they're they're put in with a vibratory um uh unit so they're they're actually vibrated down into the ground uh if we're we're looking at these uh as going 5T in and that'll give us enough moment capacity to resist 5T of fill on the high side above ground uh there's also uh it isn't it isn't completely uh working off the so should I say the strength of the sheet piling uh there's there's a a whale basically which is U attached to the top of the wall and that runs back uh with the 3/4 inch 3/4 in galiz rods uh into a dead man so there's a dead man laid into the slope and everything is anchored back into that so the top is held back by the dead man and the base of it uh is H sunk into the ground about 5 feet so that's that's essentially the difference uh it's a a more economical solution uh where it's uh not steel it looks like it's something that would have pretty much indefinite life uh it's a uh uh like I say a polymer uh fiberglass resin that uh that's used for this so it doesn't have really anything that uh would be rotting away in the future so so we thought it was a good uh a good solution and uh first time we've used this uh Allan asked us to look into it and uh it looked like it was something that would be a viable for this location and it's a it's a lot easier to transport these fiberglass sections down in uh and put them in the ground than what we would be doing uh with the the big ready rock blocks so so that's essentially the reason I did look them up on the Internet read about it it is interesting yes be a lot less likely to disturb the the area around than anything else so uh sure so with that in mind uh I'll accept the motion that we uh approve the modification for the plan for 61 clip drive as uh documented I'll make that motion motion is made second motion is seconded all in favor maret French I Mar French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I all right thank you rich thank you all have a good evening thank you uh item number two request for uh determination of applicability 170 uh County Road owner Al Foster Al how are you doing tonight good good can you just uh stand up yep uh State your names for the record and just give us a little rundown of what you wanted to do I want to do some general maintenance here I've got some dead trees and Stu I want to pull out on the stone wall need some some fixing up I want to do that just make the area safe back there to uh it's it's a little bit there it's a historic site it's the oldest in these three town down 17 27 uh there's a dam there which we're not touching we're just talking about doing work uh um on the land not anywhere in the water or anything like that I just wanted to do it so when people see what's going on few people know and if I got a problem I got a problem if I don't I don't but I shouldn't have any problem just normal maintenance but um I this is like my second phase I've already taken a bunch of trees down through you people and uh try to just uh get the place done um the only thing I would ask myself is if you're G to do any digging or anything that you put up a Sil fence yeah you know just for erosion control other than that um we let the maintenance go all right do what what's what anyone at else have any questions Margaret you good I'm okay Steve all right uh I'll uh accept a motion uh for the determination I'll make that motion motion is made second uh motion is seconded the motion being to uh that it work is within the uh resource area uh but it will not um alter the the areas under uh restrictions three and six um Margaret French I I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I motion passes okay Al good luck there all right thank you for your help no problem um item number three request for determination of app ability 87 Richmond Road owner Steve Wakefield representative n zeger Zer engineering good evening um so for the record n zeger from Zenith Consulting Engineers you mind just bringing that up sorry that's okay perfect um so this is located at 87 Holland Road um so we we have a uh a wetland uh located at the souly portion of the site um which you can see um designated we have a 25 foot 50 foot and 100 foot buffer zone associated with as well there is an offsite um stream um which has an Associated 100 foot and 200 foot um inner and OU of reparan Zone um this is for the upgrade of the existing currently theic system um is in Failure um the OWN is not selling the home he's just looking to make it you know he's he's looking to retire there and he's looking to fix it um so he's looking to um obviously get it to a point where he can use it for the rest of his time being there um it's all within an existing landscaped area within the lawn area um we're keeping it as far away from the resource area as possible and we have it kind of shifted right up into that corner of a lot there it's all within the lawn area that's there um there will be a ro controls um that are going to be uh put along the driveway um while while this is under construction you know prior to stabilization and up till when it's fully stabilized um the inner and outer reparan zone uh is it septic repairs are exempt from that uh from that act from the rivers act um however um it is not exempt from buffer own work um so we are here before you with an RDA to to upgrade this system and I'd be happy to answer any questions that you have all right good Margaret are you good any questions I'm good all right then I'll accept the motion uh to uh allow the work that is in the uh um 100 foot buffer zone but it will not alter the uh any Wetlands uh under uh stipulations three and sixtion I'll make that motion motions made motion is seconded all in favor um Margaret French I oh I said I B French says I Steve trip says I Charlie svin says I Mo TKS all right um item number four request for certificate of completion uh a is 11 Walnut Street B 35 Copa Cut Road C 135 South Main Street do you want to address uh 35 koput Road and 16 yeah so so Mr chair um there was some concerns brought up um by your agent um did some site visits and would like to you know have some questions regarding the sites um so what we'd like to do is request a continuance uh to the hearing and we'd like to set up a site visit uh with any members of the commission and the owner applicant um you know kendes um and myself if needed uh to go over the site can kind of go over any concerns that are there and things that we can do to remedy the situation all right um to the other members yes there there's some issues I'd be willing to go on a site uh visit with uh uh the individuals who are are in control of those two sites that we just mentioned uh if anyone else wants to come that's fine if not I'll I'll just set it up with uh them and myself that's more convenient depending on the time I might be able to go all right um I did speak to the owner of the property uh today involved in another matter and uh so Marg is there any time in particular that is good or not good for you uh Friday afternoons after three a good um I don't know who's working or who's doing what but like a Tuesday or a Thursday morning would be good all right um other than that you can just tell me about it all right I'll well I'll give you a call then sometime later in the week Margaret and we'll try to up between the three or four of us and if not well go from there okay thank you Charlie all right no problem uh with that in mind I'll accept a motion to continue uh the request for 35 triple Way Road P copicut Road and 165 South Main Street I'll make that motion motion is made motion is seconded uh Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I says I Charlie s says I okay on the um 11 Walnut Street that is one I believe the selling the property and I think it goes back it goes back to when the house was built in 1986 right and when they did the title search that's when it came up uh 30 plus years ago uh they did the title search it's on the title so I'll accept the motion for 11 for the certificate of completion for 11 Walnut Street I'll make that motion thank you motion is made motion is seconded Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Char Sullivan says I item number uh five five is a hearing for a notice of intent for zero Bryant's neck applicant Scott P uh Peterson um I'll accept a motion to uh open the meeting open the hearing I'll make that motion motion is made motion is seconded uh all right all in favor Margaret French I trip charliie Sal hi um what else oh U may I have a motion to wave the reading of the hearing notice I'll make that motion motion is made motion is seconded Margaret French I marget French says I Steve trip I Charlie Solin says I all right now we're open uh so um nil zagger once again for the record if you just identified it yourself yes sir Mr chairman for the record n zega from Zenith Consulting Engineers um so this is for the construction of a single family home uh it's within 100 feet of a Sona Bay uh salt marsh um and it is also located within flood zone uh L which is considered land subject to Coastal SCH flage um we um are constructing the single family home which has an Associated septic system um it has obviously a driveway uh there's a significant amount of grading um on the property because of the topography on the site if you ever if you've been there um it's it's down in a pretty decent size hole um they you know there's going to be some fill that needs to be brought in to make this site work um we try to keep it down as much as we could but in order to make things work with you know comply with Title 5 regulation um as well as building code things of that nature and just to be able to make the site accessible with the driveway um you know this is kind of the minimum amount of material that we need to bring in to make it work it is uh going to be serviced by uh Town water um we are putting aosion control around the entire limited work um and that's that's really about it I'm going to keep it really simple even know I'm sure there'll be some questions um but i' be happy to answer any questions that you have all right um anyone from the public have any questions comments concerns yeah all right if you just state your name in right Margaret Taris I live at 6 EV street right abouted to that um just kind of want to know where it's going to go like the the driveway how it's going to be towards my land because it's pretty tight and I don't want to lose all those trees around there and have no privacy or anything yeah so that so um the driveway is going to extend right off of short at the end of Short Street you see that if you could kind of see the the the hatched area there um like it's kind of like that do gray area and it kind of squiggles up and then around um that's the driveway that's going in U we had to instead of just going straight in we had to kind of elongate it like that because the grade just to try to elongate it to give it a little bit more gradual grade uh to make it accessible um as far as the the buffer goes um there'll be a little bit uh you know on the side there um but in order to be able to make the grading work um you know we have to we has to slope down and there'll have to be vegetation that's cleared um you know you know to be able to construct the home which what side is short so it's on the bottom left right there EXC me sir could you just oh I'm sorry my name is gar okay just I own 67 Street and so Evans uh I'm sorry um six sens is to the left right right yes and short stre yes sir so short street is running right along kind of the bottom left side and then the property that kind of just dead ends and then the property is is there how what's the WID of Short Street uh that's a good good question I don't know if I I think about 30 35 yeah I think it's it's either 35 it's Street did you get Mr Peterson's information no okay yes you have record I just want to make sure you had for yes thank you so short Street's not going to be extend no no it's just just an extension of a driveway off of it you could see just note is uh you probably can't read it because it's small but the the distance from the lot line to the closest point there I think is 70 feet so in terms of vegetation and then encroaching on a Butters I mean um the house in the garage is quite a bit 70 feet from the lot line I think a normal setback is what 50 on the front uh and 20 on the side so we 70 and then the sides I think are greater than that I can't read it from here but oh yeah significantly more like 80 or 90 ft to the L line yeah you you know so nil's team did a survey and U you can't read it but those straight lines from the corners of the proper of the proposed House show those distances anywh else I'm Steve Ferrera on five Evans Street um on that slope that goes down from Gus's property down um we've had um lady slippers growing on that slope over the years um they come and they go then out all I don't know how they made out this year I don't know if I don't think I saw them again but um included as a buffer it would it would be nice if if we could maintain the number of trees that are along that slope and U and try to Pro prot uh protect those lady slippers that are in there whether they'll come up they might never come up again I don't know but they they periodically reduce the uh lady slippers so just a side not Steve more actually lady slippers grow on on the tree line so if there if there is a little bit of clearing front of front of where the lady slippers usually are it would help out on that's just just so just so you I've got that but I mean yeah from my observation they grow under the trees yeah right you know there might be spaces where they can um but anyway it was just a concern get up and a look um question yes if you if you wish to uh get a closer to the plan feel through yes I just don't know how close my that driveway way is to the corner of our property that's kind of what I was looking for and what is coming up towards my I mean it's within it's completely within the layout and completely within his property so it's not obviously we can't go want you your property um you know doing well is the edge of the driveway within 5T or 10t of that property it's about on the So within the layout it's it's probably about 15 ft uh to that norly property line layout line and then it probably caches to within like about five or six feet on the corner and then it obviously has and you're down slope you're down Swope you're significantly down slope yeah yeah it drops I mean just in the span of the RightWay to that corner it drops probably three or four feet in elevation three feet in elevation so there a significant drop off yeah so if somebody's coming around with headlights it's not going to be shining 100% yeah no and correct correct my other question is erosion because it's pretty pretty deep steep slope what's being done to prevent erosion my and lady sers well as far and that's a good question you know it so we're not actually showing any erosion control on your side to our side because it's so significantly uphill OB we're concerned about water that's going to be shedding from the site you where it's going to go it's all flowing towards the SAA Bay so we have to ensure that we're not going to have any encroachment or have any erosion to that so we have a Roi control from the 100 foot buffer all the way around the limit of work um to capture any of that area and to ensure that there's not going to be any erosion but it's it's nearly imp water would have to go uphill for it to get to you Essen yeah but our our yacht is very sloped into the into his so if you start taking trees down there we're going to have erosion that's what I'm saying the only way you have erosion is if it if the water is going to get into your property but the water can't get into your property because you're significantly higher than this property so your water is actually going onto their property right essentially so there's not any erosion into your property I was my yard going because right now I planted some trees here to stop your if those trees going to be removed uh don't worried about if it away so so he so you're gonna it's going to be woman seated correct you going to do a grass or do you plan on doing something different to stabilize um if if there was necessary i' you know probably put some type of retaining wall necessary but I don't think it's so far from the lot line yeah I mean like I said on the short Street sideways at 70 feet and then on the Evans Street side if you scroll down a little bit Nicole in the plan I don't if you can read that yeah talking more about the limit of work yeah like where the work's going to be in relation to the property line that's what their concern is so yeah my intention would be just any if there's trees that you know I don't want the house to be in the fall zone of a tree you know you know right up against the house of course but beyond that I want to try to keep it minimal to the same reason you would which would be privacy the uh the running off in Short Street I believe right now is goes right down into the pro and is there going to be a drain put there because what I'm talking from what happened a few years ago on the lot next your at the end of Evans Street where we're having all kinds of issues with water pressure over there the town spend been spending a lot of money try to keep the pump if the same issue is going to be happening in your side where we had to the town had to put a drain at the end of EV street because there's a house built that very yeah lot to yours and uh that was a big expense for the town to put that drain in then they have to to use a build a rip wrap between the two lots in order to for that water to go I I imagine you might have the same issue on Short Street that I would like to I think it would be better for everyone to address that now as opposed to later I mean the reality of it is it's all coming on to my client's property and if there's an issue we'll have to deal with it um it's going to be stabilized which is going to make a big difference um the other good news is it's very very Sandy material it's very infiltrates I mean we did Park test out here witnessed by the Board of Health it was pure sand um you know so there's no concerns with that it'd be a little bit more concern um if it were you know a glacial till or something of that nature where water is not going to infiltrate it's going to concentrate more am not saying there's not going to be concentration of water there may be um however you know in this situation this is the best this is the best case scenario for that um if there's erosion on his property on my client's property he'll have to contend with that um especially being he wants he doesn't want it to be eroding away and having his lawn wash out or anything that nature we might have to put in a you know we're showing selles um along the edge of the driveway that are all going to that we have because we have to direct the water away from the home um and away from the properties right so um those swells will be stabilized those will concentrate the water and get it around the house and you know around the back if there's erosion he as the commission is aware too if there's erosion down the line and you know my client constructs the home and he needs to get a certific compliance on this um for for me especially to sign off on it as the engineer I have to ensure that it's been properly stabilized if there's a concern at that point we'll have to contend with it um you know Mr Peterson's obvious got a beautiful piece of property here he's looking to he's looking to uh you know construct the home for himself he's not going to want it to be an issue where he's going to be having wash out all the time so if there is we'll contend with it deal with it for sure all right I may so I don't know if there's any studies done on on the water pressure there but we've had issues with water pressure as you probably aware of where they had to turn the fire hyds on and there's a fire Hy right at at the end of Short Street that there was turned on occasionally and all that water went into my sep system so I mean that was that was for the issue had issue yeah what was the issue so we have to ask them not to flush that particular fire hydrant try some other fire hydrant somewhere else so that the water would because it's better enough that we have to deal with rainwater Which F with all these years but with a fire hyd right there uh was going into Mr F's property as well as mine and right on my C anyone else have any questions it's property I wish Lu work just want to be a good neighbor I'll close the public input uh period of the U public hearing right now I anyone in the commission have any questions right off I'm also um when our agent went on uh October 21st uh she said it didn't appear that there was any delineation done um has it now been so the delineation is it's it's literally the top Bank um of the slope which is pretty as you can see the significant drop off there um so it's a top Bank um of the bay um so it's pretty it's really clearcut okay yeah so it's I mean but if you need to if if the commissioner like to go out there and walk the site I have no problem doing that um you know and and doing a site visit um if you if you like whatever whatever makes you guys comfortable I'm okay with it okay and then she also had a thing about steep slope she uh managing the runoff so we want to uh be careful of how we manage the runoff and the other area that uh she said was um would be nice to have a tree plan uh maybe your neighbors would their concern would also be addressed so we could have a tree plan on what you're going to take down in relation to the treat So the plan does show The Limited clearing on it okay um that so I can show you would it be too much to have some mocking like some flagging so that people got the visual concept of it other than on the plan are you saying out in the field yeah yes yeah oh absolutely we take out the limited clearing for sure what are you showing for trees on the map so this is the the whole sight's wooden currently yeah so this squiggly line here that's the limited clearing right there that's Lim clearing the whole thing all the way around got clear around the home yeah well the house is way down there and we're way up without top of the hill and you're clearing all the trees on our bank yeah so I mean to be able to get the septic system in and to be able to keep everything as far away as possible and degrade it that's essentially what we have to do great then she also the DP provided technical comments y okay and uh St that the river the riverfront area was not been accept accounted for updated uh calculations are required yeah it's AA it's the ASA Bay um it's AA Bay so yeah we'll have to go what I think what makes the most sense is to go do a site visit and take a look at it and see what we can come up with okay if that makes sense all right um yeah wouldn't probably be can know what the concerns are for everyone visualize it not own um so uh Margaret once again on for site visit um what would be good with you um I could also I don't know if anybody wants to do weekends I could do like a Sunday or a Saturday too um how about um just that I'm there G to be be a Sunday it's GNA have to be in the next two weeks because in there two weeks we're I'm not going to be available so um off right off hand M Sunday you uh would want to work on yeah I can do my Sundays are completely free so so would this uh Sunday the 3 the you good that would be perfect this Sunday yes about uh 11:00 11 I got it in my calendar all right all right so I can't be there um but I just can you you can be there and walk the site yeah I I can't I have I have something for my daughter so I can't just our own visual yeah of course more than anything else so is there something you'd like staked out um out there do you want like the home staked out or maybe that would what would make the most whatever whatever the just the home we if we have the home staked out and we can anything else we can go off the home of course that works for me thing without nil is there any technical questions that you would have engineering wise I think it's more just see the site then you know we can look at the plan know what's going on but you know I got I got a vague idea what it is a vag idea what but oh anyhow all right uh with that in mind I'll uh uh request a motion to continue uh the hearing to our next meeting date November 25th at 6m at the police station okay uh so it would be November 25th um right here motion to do so I'll make that motion motion is made motion is seconded uh Margaret French I maret French says I Steve trip I says I Charlie Sol says I all right thank you very much we continue this later dat have a good night all right take a look all right welcome next item is item number six notice public 32 M Road Pont way James Simmons Simmons development uh app good um I will I'll um accept a motion to open the public hearing I'll make that motion motion is made in seconded all uh Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I says I Charlie Sullivan says I and I'll accept a motion to wave the reading of the public notice I'll make that motion motion is made second motion is seconded Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I and we have green PES yes all right uh great you you want to give us your presentation yep how you doing I'm Jason yish from Outback engineering I'm the project engineer Craig Drake's our weapon that appli the Wetland so this is a residential subdivision Claremont Way Extension theront way here with the applicant James Simons so this is a 16.6 acre parcel um Deandra sub 32 um middleb Road and it's in the general use Zone along with the residential Zone the zoning line goes right through the property so as I said there's an existing house on the property um with its Associated lawn right down lot one you can see this works no yeah right there um that's where the existing house would be sitting and it's got its Associated lawn a couple couple sheds and the remainder of the property is is wooded um topography sloped from the from the higher southern end to the north and to the west where there's a wetland area there's an additional Wetland area along the western boundary all Lots were parked and there's a sandy sandy loone soil with perk rates of 10 to 20 minutes per inch um so the applicants are proposing to extend Claremont Way by about 600 feet to provide Frontage for seven additional Lots should be eight Lots total existing house um those houses would be on the individual septic system and private Wells and then we've also designed a drainage system infiltration Basin um or any increase in runoff that was uh um occurred by the addition of impervious area and The Cutting of trees um this drainage basin has been designed for the 100-year storm event we analyzed pre-existing runoff flows for the 210 25 and 100e storm event um we compared that to post-development off-site flows to make sure we weren't having any impacts by increasing uh runoff flow to abing Properties or increasing runoff flow to the weapons as well um so as I said the uh all the runoff will be from the roadway be going to that drainage basin it gets treated before it some of it infiltrates into the groundwater and then it slowly some will slowly be released for Wetlands so our drainage calculations show that we haven't impacted offsite or wetlands and that's under review at the moment by the planning Board review engineer so we are actually making some revision to the plan at this time um based on the review Engineers comments so once that's done submitting a revised plan to the planning board as well as Conservation Commission so all the drainage is in conformance with DP storm or management policy for recharge of runoff treatment of runoff um attenuation of peak offside flow rates and volumes that's all riew um first erosion control we proposed silence along the limit of work where it gets within with the 100t of the Wetland buffer to make sure that there's no impacts during construction to the to the wetlands most of the site as you can see is out of the 100 foot buffer because the wetlands are almost entirely Wetlands is an area here and then another area here and most of the elments up here um out of The 100 buffer um so having minimal impact to the uh resource areas buffers um that's about it I don't know if you got any questions and actually there was one other thing this was a subdivision that was previously submitted to the planning board and approved yes yep so this is just a re submitt of that of that plan so it's uh something that's been approved by the planning board in in conservation um all right so that'll close your presentation now at least um anyone from the public have any uh questions yes sir if you just stand State the name my name is Frank Ashley I'm a butter on the south side and the east side which is all down stream uh uh just to revert to the planes that were approved previously they were still in contention and the retention Pond was more than twice the size of the one that's presented in the plans currently um so my issues with with with the development I could care less it's not my property what I care about is what comes across a property line so I a farm that is Downstream I have a cranberry bar that's on the discharge of the retention form and in an event of a 100e storm which we've had what five in the last 10 years that overflow would directly uh discharge into my crry Bo ruining my livelihood everything further Downstream is all my pasture land which is where I make my living raising beef and any more water that comes down will ruin the pasture because there is a restrictive layer about 18 inches down on my side of the property line on their property lying side it's a little bit higher because the grade does go up but there is a restrictive layer of clay that the water infiltrates to and then continues down eventually all the way down to Lake Street so the end of the development is going to affect my cranberry Bo and my pass land the previous uh developers had doubled the size of the retention p on the new plans the retention Pond is now back to the original small size which I believe wasn't seem to be big enough because of the restricted layer and the amount of water that comes down the hill because of also Pine Court that's also Upstream that's on the end that's that's on the I say that's on the east side and the South Side that AB those are those issues there which are drastically potentially to ruined my livelihood and my family's livelihood for the last 300 years that we've been on that property so now if we go continue further west up the property line where he ABS Mr Ambrose that Wetlands retention area that that water is going to discharge into is already overwhelmed it overwhelms Route 18 it overwhelms Claremont Way it overwhelms uh Mr Ambrose's property because it crosses Mr Ambrose property and then crosses on to mine I had to put in a 36 in pullet cost $31,000 to catch that water that's already coming down the hill that I have to divert into my reservoir and I had to put in another stats into the creek that eventually crosses Kean Road and all the way down to Lake Street by adding more water to that so I'm already maximized with a heavy rainfall that 36 inch pipe believe it or not is full to capacity any more rainfall that comes down to there I can't handle it and it will eventually overflow that drainage system and then it comes in on it would be the west side of the cranberry Bo it'll then dump into the west side of the cranberry B it had in the past and that's why we had to put in all that other drainage system that comes from Mr Ambrose's property which is coming up from the pipe that crosses Claremont Way and the pipe that crosses Route 18 so there is a substantial amount of water that comes off that entire Hill because it goes all the way up pretty much behind woodland animal CL that whole slope what what was he reference you just woodland animal CL from Woodland Animal CL all the way down I had I didn't he hear the reference it slopes that whole hill all the way okay um and I just can't I can't have any more water I mean I'm stuck in the middle of the valley Downstream and I can't have any more water I mean I have spent a lot of money to divert the water just from Pine Corp and now we're going to put another road in between which is going to push even more water it's got no other place to go I'm Downstream right because that's where it's got to come to it's got to come to me so I I can't it's going to ruin my lihood it's going to ruin my CR Bo it's going to ruin my farm and and the discharge coming out into the prary Bo he St the discharge was in the wetlands well that's prary there's no Wetlands there all right um take your comments uh it is under review under the uh planning board we're not going to ask him to do it the same thing over again but the planning board is uh going to be speaking with uh environmental Partners going to have comments on the plan on the uh peer review you and uh we'll stop there all right and then we'll go for all right so uh point is taken and understood like I said it's done the peer review we'll see how what environmental Partners says about about it in because when Pine cour went in they said it wouldn't be an issue until it flooded me out and then I had nothing I had to go back retroactively to fix the problem which is a huge problem it's not fair to me who has to go back retroactively to fix a problem that should have never happened in the first place right so and I know it's not my property like I said what goes on on this side I don't really care to the fact because they own it the issue is is what crosses a property line negatively affecting me isn't fair to me and my family anyone else have any uh questions or comment um yes shy clont um I'm the owner of War clont way um another one of the abutters um we have also concerns about water issues um we also AB but uh 26 Middleboro road that has been cleared over the last eight years or so since that clearing we've had significant water issues that are coming over the property of chont w um which is part of 32 Middle Road um we have pictures of potholes I mean it's washing away the road at this point it's actually also going on to um believe it's 28 34 sorry 34 Middleboro Road um it it's we're significantly concerned about that amount of water um number one because it doesn't have if the road gets upgraded and elevated it's not going to have have any place to go other than onto our property which we've already um been trying to mitigate for several years now um the other concern that we have because we didn't see on the plans where there was any drainage on the existing Road it was all on the new section of the road um so concerned about you know where any water will be going on the existing Road um another concern that we have is on the existing Culvert if that will be replaced or not that Culvert is old um it is starting to deteriorate if that Culvert goes the stream will have no place to go other than again onto our property um and also onto the property of six flont way um so those are our our two main concerns the other concern that I have about the retention Pond is I don't see um any fencing around that retention Pond um as these will be new houses and I can say that we have a young child that lives at our house um I feel it's imperative for the safety of those children to have proper fencing around any type of retention just not not to cut you off but that's more of a planning board okay thing would be us we're we're just dealing with drainage and any interference on okay so I no that's okay that's okay um so David K pway pway and during the in between this the last buyers who submitted the plans originally um there was a solar farm that was going to go in and we had worked with the solar farm company to actually make modifications for the water problem that we're having because they so look up and acknowledge that there was a water problem right on the corner of the of for of my property for way and Vegas property 28 and there was a proposal to actually put a basically put a pipe under the road to drain it into the wetlands across the street which would alleviate going into Tony's on 34 mdle Bar Road into his property which it goes into cently today um and would alleviate the concern of the water going into our property as well as it would move the water from Mr Vegas property basically across CL way in a safe way as not to continue deteriorating the road so that was something that the last solo company provided unfortunately I don't know what happened that deal um but whatever it was now we've come back to putting it a um you know house Lots which is fine again don't care what they put there it's not my business I don't own property that's their property just again it's a water concern because we do have it is a sign if you go down I think it was Kevin who was probably on the board last time when we were here he had done a site visit with us I I was and maybe you were there as well and you saw and then you guys saw the the problem that we have with with water over there I mean you can see the road it's deteriorated because of the water that washes over the road is the road going to be paid yesway would be paved and improved and [Music] improved all right uh again we we're going to be playing off the uh review by inent environmental partners uh which the planning board is going to have uh it's concerned it be a concerns that I think would be brought up to environmental Partners they look over it there'll probably be some uh modifications there always seems to be uh but we'll you know we'll keep those in mind uh but again we want to make sure planning boards one conservations the other main concern you know we have we have no objection to the development we have no objection to even you know an upgrade to the growth as long as there's proper drainage for the corner of our property and an updated cart those are the main the two main things in order to protect our property from any water damage okay uh any other comments questions all right with that I will uh accept the motion to close the public input uh side of the hearing I'll make that motion motion's made second motion seconded I'll uh Margaret French I Margaret French says I Trip Steve trip says I Charlie s says I all right um I I think the best proba to close the public hearing now uh we'll have any questions it will be after the review peer review and that um do we do we have any idea when the peer review was it's done it's done it's done we're actually revising the plans right now we're well on our way having Revis plans back commission with that in mind uh what would be good would next next meeting would be good okay all right so I'll accept a motion to continue the public hearing uh until November 25th 6m at the police station 6m at police station I'll make that motion motion made motion's been seconded marget French i m French is I Steve Trip Steve trip says I Charlie suan says I all right we'll continue this to that date I'm sorry November 25th yes okay all right um thank you for your time okay thank you um item number seven would be the reopen the public hearing for 81 Middle Road no all right so I believe all that was left was uh to satisfy the interests of the yes so again for the record Jason Young from alac engineering um u d wanted some drainage calculations um for this Redevelopment of the Upland cranberry bog we provided that and they did a um provided p d file number um they did note to make sure uh everything uh conformed to DP policy 17-1 for photov voltaic system solar array um and this does that that whole policy 17-1 um concerns putting solar arrays on in weapons um which we are not um they they prefer to be in the resource area outside the wetlands which we're doing they prefer to be in a previously developed um area which we are doing is a cranberry bog so there's no trees or anything have to be cut because it kind of yeah you know you're trying to your carbon you you're you kind of canc each other at that point um um they want any um there's no all the um wire the lines and everything and then all that is outside the buffer zone um which is what they want in this policy um so you don't not adding digging disturbance in in the buffer zone for all that um so it meets everything that's that's pointed out in policy 17-1 um any runoff that would be drain generated there's no there's already access to the bog we're not building roads we're not building anything they putting the solar panel on on the existing bog um any additional runoff that's drain generated from that would go to the existing trench around the bog um where it be stored infiltrated we ran calculations on that um some would be absorbed back into the ground and then some would go through the existing uh 18inch pipe that discharges to to the weapons so essentially we don't have to build anything to install a solar array which is exactly what policy 17-1 wants okay thank you um with that I believe everything is covered that was requested so I will um accept the motion to [Music] approve project I'll make that motion motion is made motion is seconded Margaret French I Mar French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie s says I so should be to get your paperwork excellent days Robert nass would be very all right thank you for your time you're welcome what was it the 25th yes November 25th is the next meeting all right uh item number seven by number eight discuss and take action relative to Wetland violation Road one4 Road sir you are sir okay just come up state your name um we uh got a complaint about the actions that you've taken have taken I guess over period of time I'm sure and the uh fact is that uh you cannot operate you cannot do things within 100 feet of a web and it uh appears that you have so what we will need you to do is to contact an engineer uh tell him uh have come to your to your site and uh we need a plan for you to file for either notice of intent or a request for determination of weapons okay apparently you crossed a wetland and you put a a roadway in I did not put a roadway in that was there before I moved into that place um well okay uh well the situation would be uh you need to uh talk to an engineer and uh from there he'll uh advise you on what to do to uh make a plan to come toward the board okay I'm not putting a road in though sir I'm at I had a driveway that went out back to uh an Upland pastel on our property and that was there before I moved in I all I did was all I did was clean up some trees and flatten it off um the well the determination I guess the engineer to look at maps and photographs and so forth the area and he'll give you some advice on what you need to do to comeing to a compliance okay so we'll need you to do that as soon as possible I don't really understand what you guys are telling me to do I'm a farm it's um I'm not doing I'm not doing anything out of the bylaw the bylaw state that I can I can maintain my property and I can access up land pieces of my property if do that but you can't fill land I didn't F anything you can't you can't operate within 100 ft of uh a wetlands and our agent uh those are some of the pictures that our agent took the property okay and and our agent's uh oh educated uh opinion uh there has been Wetland violations there and this so this was this was a gravel pit that um the previous owner was digging out of to do pre David right um that was all done when I moved in there um actually was a roding down and fallen in I turned that into a rifle range um this road piece right here was all ER roading in this this road was all put in so you can't see it in the in the thing in the picture but there was a road here it was actually eroding in and all I did was stabilize the SW with some rip W okay but okay but before you do some something like that you're supposed to come before the Conservation Commission if it's an existing road then I should have like I said like I said even even maintenance uh canot require approval okay so what we're going to need you to do is we're going to need you to contact an engineer I don't really have the money to have an Eng s well you know I can't help you there okay all I can say is that's what we're going that's what we're going to need if you can't if you if you're not willing to do that we're going to have to have a process I don't want to do that we want to work with you you want you get thing straightened out but you're going to have to talk with an engineer have them have go over the the situation with the engineer he'll verify what what you may say what you said if if in fact it's been 50 years in the making so to speak well I've been here for six and that road's been there since well before I was in there all right um but as I said there's uh apparent violations you're going to have to have an engineer uh show us plan to uh let me ask you a question you guys have aerial photos of that property from before right over the years I I'm sure that there are I don't know that we have them uh we have any aial folders that are are not more than uh you guys can do that that work yourselves right no no no sir Pon me that is not on us it's on you you own the property okay it's not the town's responsibility to uh spend money to no no no I'm not saying that it's your that you should expend money but you guys would have um all the access to all those photos correct because you guys do aerial surveys yearly no no no uh but like I said you have to have uh you have to go and get an engineer talk to the engineer they'll come down they'll look at the area he'll come up with a plan they come before us with the plan we uh plan for what though what what you have done what you I'm not doing all I'm doing is trying I'm not going to argue I'm not argu say you you just said that you put Riff Raff on this roadway I put Riff wff on a slope to stabilize it was Wasing in because it was Wasing in's reason I did the right thing there a there's a reason that there's there's a runoff and there's erosion there's not been something hasn't been done because it's been a it's a driveway okay yes I understand Drive I understand it's a gravel driveway no but you cannot put you cannot put a driveway with it within I didn't put the driveway in it was there sir why don't you let me finish okay sir okay I think that the thing is you have you have our instructions you go to the engineer you talk to the engineer comes up with a plan you come before the commission with a plan and then we go from how do I plan existing conditions sir that that's all that's all that I maintained sir we're not going to argue with you when we we've told you what you need to do and I'm just asking for clarification how do I put a plan together for existing conditions you are you're going to speak to an engineer they are going to look at the the area they're got to look at what's been done they're got to explain what's been done to us we'll we'll uh have a uh outcome of the the uh information and we'll go from there all right so understand what you want okay I'll I'll do my best all right all we ask I don't know what you want me to do I don't understand what you want me to do I don't understand it's a driveway sir I explained it to you okay this is like the fifth time you're going to you're going to have to contact an engineer what kind of an engineer civil engineer structional engineer a civil engineering a civil engineering Fir and what are they going to do come on do a topo what are they going to do they'll talk with you that I don't know you want I don't know what you want me they know they know what what we want okay you contact the civil engineering firm and they know what we what a conservation commissions kind of want okay that's that will be that's my answer all right ini would be something that be on you guys to give me right am I wrong no you're wrong okay you're going to have to contact an engineer I I don't know exactly what's going on out there over the over the time they'll they'll see what's going on and they'll go from they'll go from there all right so you contact the engineer you tell them that the Conservation Commission has um been advised that you done activity within the buffer zone of a wetland how about I haven't done any activity how about the guy that that made this complaint dumping his We're not gonna get into We're not gonna get into uh uh tip for tap I'm not making a tip T sir if if you have a problem you want to you want to file a complaint with the commission you do that okay you can contact the office during normal business hours and she'll take it from there okay right what El that oh all right have a good night all right um item number nine update on uh quarter pastry um so there's a couple of things first of all um we have three applicants for the gatekeeper and um I know it won't be until next spring that um we use them but I was thinking maybe we could uh hire someone and maybe next month they could go down for a few hours and uh P the area so to speak for litter and and go from there so do we want to um interview the people or at at this point or do we want to have someone do do we all want to get involved in the interviews begin with no I'm okay sitting at okay so do you want to be involved in the interview Market or not oh I just said no I'm all set okay um then there's three applicants um I'll speak to them all um do we want to hire a we had in the past there was a couple and so we had two Gatekeepers do we want to have like one gatekeeper that is a primary one one that is an assistant do we want to hire two what what do we want to do they're they're paid you know by the hour per d who pay them the conation maret do you have anything on that no I'm fine whatever whatever's been happening is fine with me pretty much have to have two people any just one for a backup in I someone goes on vacation right we're going to open up the gate that was that's my okay why don't why don't we do this uh I'll this like I said there's three applicants I'll interview them uh the top applicant uh will be our primary and the second would be our assistant do that sound good that sounds good okay all right U on the the next item down there is um we have gotten a Consulting engineer and we have the funds to pay him so he's got to start carrying out that it's uh its Niles um that's got to carry out first of all he's got a survey a Wetlands delineation then he's got to come up with uh a Redevelopment plan so we're good on that um the other thing is the sign down there is kind of my opinion ratty looking so uh Nicole has a in at Bristol Plymouth I was thinking of us having them build us a new sign uh kind of similar to the sign that's uh out in front of the headquarters the state forest headquarters that type of design might be a little bit color of that or something like that but something you know portter pasture free toown Conservation Commission just that um but like I say new sign a little bit uh cleaner anyone have we have any issues with that no that sounds very nice all right then what's what's the next thing down there uh oh another thing we don't have to make a decision tonight but we we had the gate open uh all the time from I think like March prob me August 18th to uh the uh 13 well 15th of uh October and in that time there was one call to the police department about uh someone being in the area around 1 one 1:30 in the morning uh other than that we had no issues the police department regularly checked on the area as they they do uh in general U so I'm wondering if we might want to uh change the dates and open it up a little earlier I was thinking maybe May 1 to uh November first but well in in the meantime we will have a good um survey line and I'm hoping that in the plan we can come up with something to kind of divert the activity from the far south side of the uh Beach area to more along the lane way in the beach area and that might uh reduce anybody's complaint of any type of noise we could open it up a little bit because I went down I I put the gate back together and locked it and that that day there was two gentlemen came down they wanted to put a kayak in uh you know they they were familiar with half the way Park I diverted it there but so still at in in the end of October at least this year middle of October there was a little bit of activity but I when the gate was open I went down there about every day every other day and all there were was um people who there was a couple of times this this car down there often but there's nobody around so I don't know what they uh if they have a kayak and they just you know put the kayak in the water and they Park the K but there's not a whole lot of activity down there could be for duck H yeah yeah you know and it uh though they wouldn't be hunting on the property they get uh duck hunt on the yeah on the water so we don't I I don't I'm not going forward with uh making decision tonight but we might want to uh think about opening up the hours a little bit more it is you know you can still go in uh tomorrow but you have to walk in from the street and it's quite a distance I said I want want to what I'm thinking of guys you go down the lane way and you know you go straight with where the area where they have kind of they had an area where they kind of had a a little bit of a boat ramp and then you take the left and you go over to the beach one of the things is if we improve the beach we don't want people driving over the beach uh if we if we can help it so I was thinking we might want to put a gate as the Lan we turns to the left to the Sou South uh towards the beach and kind of force them into that little parking lot which will uh if plans go as they uh hope would be expanded but didn't that Circle back around and come back out halfway up the road it did at one time it uh but it's all overgrown uh but the yes uh the original maret I don't know if you ever saw there's uh a uh photo um aerial photograph of the area that goes back to I would say 1950s and the road actually and it went right along the property line on the southide and came back out uh oh maybe uh 200 feet from um gramp deine road so there was a loop there originally but it's all over grown I I can't I I looked a couple of times I can't see even the remnants of it it's also overgrown but that's but this picture there pictures down at the Historical Society P yeah the people all swim in there yeah so um things are going reasonably well I when I talked to Niles I said that we'd like to have the plan by March so we can act got it because anything kind of a interesting little thing is anything that uh we uh do we H we have to approve so uh it uh it there'll be NS will be bringing a plan before us to act on either for notice of intent or you know determination also but uh that is U where we stand there okay all right anybody else have any questions all right minutes for uh August 12th September 9th and September 23rd um did anyone have any questions or comments about the minutes nope they look good to me all right okay I'll accept the motion to uh accept the minutes for uh a August 12th September 9th and September 23rd I'll make that motion motion is made and seconded Margaret French I Steve trip I Charlie Sullivan I all right and then I discuss and take any action relative to approve but not release executive uh session minutes for uh September 9th I'll make that motion to accept as written motion is made motion is seconded Margaret French I Steve trip I Charlie suan I all right any other business property to come before the commission I do have a couple of things um the open space consultant Mike mchu um he let me know that there is a property for sale um it's zero Lydia W uh zero Lydia wood lot um it's in the area of slab Bridge Road in the Freetown Lakeville Town Line um it is three sides around the property the state already owns and the north is Cranberry Bogs owned by the rundes um purchase price is 125,000 um it's believed to not be buildable there is no Frontage and it's currently used for hunting um he's the open space consultant so he just wants to bring it to the commissions um so that we know and he also did let the state know as well since they own the three sides of it but in case it was something what is it where was it um it is map 230 lot one it's called zero Lydia wood lot it's in the area of slab Bridge Road and where the Freetown Lake F line is how big is it that I do not know but okay sure I can bring it up but it's landlocked you said um well it's it's yeah there's not really access should we say is it wouldn't be traditionally accessible how how is that for for a double speak yeah because there's no no such thing as being landlocked in Massachusetts well I mean okay you have land you have to have you have to have access somehow so it's probably accessible by what they refer to as Proprietors way uh but it's would be uh going in off a Chase Road and heading uh north towards Lakeville line and Howland Road that probably would be she's got to get you the uh she's looking to get you the uh acreage okay yeah I was just wondering it's not really critical um what would we do with it good point uh and I would say that how do you s it there no right well I I would say it's kind of piece went end maybe the state will want to take it I don't know who would think yeah that seems the better better way of doing it but hopefully they do I don't know if you can see the what I have on the screen so the pipeline goes right no all I see is you oh well Margaret it's um yeah Nicole can you bring the map up again zoom out a little bit so it's are you sharing your screen no is that what I freezing too so that could be a problem yeah all right all right that's okay if if you want Nicole tomorrow when you get it oh wait wait wait it's trying to show up it's yeah I don't know everybody left the meeting there and then suddenly Wi-Fi died um okay I think it's starting to come up yeah it seems It's really slow yeah on the road um I well it looks like if you go if you went down old SL Ro and you know where I bring Christian in Liv if you go down oh SL yeah it doesn't want okay that's fine I can just look it up on the website myself L yeah it's lot it's um M 230 lot one okay that big old bo there um this piece is kind of uh behind old SL Bridge Ro off to the left more so it be uh it's more like um oh behind andrews's property you off there the pipeline Bice one to the other it's out there kind yeah it won't load anymore no it's okay and anything else uh Nicole um and then we have to schedule the um Oil board for the next meeting on November 25th um do you want to do the site inspections I know we talked about the second or the nth and I think the 16th you said didn't work for you um the second that's this Saturday right yeah right why would you just do it on Sunday I cannot do this Saturday it's got be it's about the site thing is got to be about 2 hours I rather I do it on Sunday uh it's supposed to be the uh our board meet our board meeting is supposed to be the 25th yes okay I'm going to be away um from the 13th to the 2 so do Margaret did you say Saturday is good for you or did you say Saturday is not good for you yeah this Saturday I have a awake in a service but generally like so if we met on did the site uh on like the November 23d would that work for you how about you that's a Wednesday I teach all day oh November hang on hang on I'm on the wrong 23rd I can do yeah how about satday yes it's a Saturday yeah right November 23rd yes what am I I got yeah November 23rd is the Saturday so you want to do the site inspection then yeah uh because we have what koput road cot slab Bridge Chase Road Chase Road are we doing the um s pit the Gravel Pit yes because we didn't do those them last year doing no because December G to be shotguns going off yes so it would be uh the two the two resendes spots in the two JM spots right yeah yeah I think there's five total okay yearly applications and then there's the Cap Cod Aggregates yeah we going back to Cap Cod aggregate this year don't know because isn't it every three years that we do that oh I thought it was every other but okay that's fine might be every other I want to say when I've looked in the file it's every three so I'm not sure okay one I can double check I don't yeah I don't know if we do yeah I know we didn't do them last year but it might not be till next year okay what time is um so Margaret what time is good for you on on that Saturday um anytime anytime hey Nicole can you stop sharing your screen just so I can see people it's a beautiful power but no okay don't worry yeah I don't know how to stop the sharing okay um all right so yes any time on a Saturday is good for me nine nine on Saturday nine works for me okay uh yeah we we'll we'll work out a schedule uh okay so we'll just work out our schedule okay but we still got time be just we don't we don't even actually need them uh on site kend uh representative uh last couple years but we don't need them all right all right I'll accept the motion to adjourn there's nothing else I'll make that motion second motions been made in seconded Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I I say I I Charlie Sullivan says I all right take you Margaret good night thank you good night yes