##VIDEO ID:_DwKlzJqV_I## e e e e e e e e e e e yeah I think she's on Bobby are you there yes I am thank you all right with the quum being present and it being 6 o' on September 9th 2024 I will call the meeting of the Freetown Conservation Commission to order item number one is request for certificate of compliance uh two for 53 High Street and one for unnumbered uh is it four Nottingham Way that's correct yes all right um all right the uh 53 uh High Street has been completed and the notingham way goes back 25 years that's correct uh so it'd be kind of hard to see that that it it wasn't done with everything new growth and so forth uh with that being said I'll accept a motion to issue uh request uh the certificate of completion compliance by me for 53 High Street and for Nottingham Way I'll make that motion motion is made second motion is seconded all in favor say I Margaret French I Steve trip I Charlie Sullivan I all right the certificate star issued um item number two is request for determination of affability cability n Marie Way owner Jennifer uh Emerson uh I take it you Jor yes and so it's a little converted here folks but um when uh the office was going through uh applications and uh for determinations and whether they were completed they came on N Marie's way um our agent went out and she unfortunately um came across something that is I'm sure it's a misunderstanding it's a little bit it was a little bit of a complex issue anyway um we issued a uh determination the house was built at 9 Marie Way and uh on the plan there was not a uh a slab for a shed orig for a shed um that was subsequently put on about the time that the house was built when the owners asked the building inspector what they needed to do the building inspector responded to for his point of view with his job which was that the uh building wouldn't be covered by the building uh code so they went and they poured the slap unfortunately it was in within the buffer zone so they're coming tonight to uh get a determination uh after the fact so to speak uh in the is a the Adine had uh said there's a couple of things that she would like to have done which were in the original and kind of uh weren't understood exactly uh so what you're going to need to do is to put up and we have these little metal uh signs that you nail on a tree I did that okay all right that's what she wanted okay done that okay fine and just to uh make sure that you keep that up okay all right okay so with that being said uh I would entertain a motion to recommend a negative determination uh three and six on this proper I'll make that motion all right motion's been made motion has been seconded all in fav say I Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I okay so you'll get your uh paperwork sometime with hook up with Nicole and'll be good all right thank you you're welcome item number three is request for uh determination for two Central Avenue Ross present and I see that Mr Z is here zth engineer just name of course for the record n Zer from Zenith Consulting Engineers uh so we're here before you um there is uh this existing home located on the corner of East public Street and uh Central AV and uh the applicant is looking to put an addition on as shown um he went I believe pull his building permit and building inspector said hey youve got a file conservation because you are in the flood zone um so that's why we're here before you um there's no other resource areas um that that are um you know applicable here just flood zone he'll have to meet all the um you know building code requirements for that um whether it be flood venting and construction standards or what have you but um as far as the um you know as far as the watland protection act um there's really no impact here there's no compensatory storage that's necessary um because we're land subject to Coastal stor Flowage um we are showing a Sil sock uh in the rear um just to be safe actually wait a minute am I yes um I just wanted to make sure that was clear and other than that it's pretty self-explanatory it's um within an existing landscaped area um there's no you know it's very minimal disturbance it's obviously an addition off the existing house so be happy to answer any questions that the commission has all right anyone have any questions all right so the agent has recommended a negative determination three and six uh so uh and detain that motion I'll make that motion motion is made motion is seconded all in favor maret French I French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie zon says I right thank you you're welcome item number four is uh 3032 mil Street G&G real tree Corporation [Music] and once again the uh consultant so if you'll just do a little rundown on that yes sir again for the record n zega from Zenith Consulting Engineers uh about a year or so ago uh we were before the commission for a similar situation um at 31 mil Street for a septic repair at one of the uh the buildings across street there um it's actually on the construction as we speak um and we are now being we're here for you for construction of a septic system it's going to be a shared septic system there's multiple buildings on the property as you can see um there are two buildings in in question here that are being tied into the new system uh there's a few of them that already had on-site systems that actually passed Title 5 um they had inspections done and were submitted to the Board of Health uh and subsequently approved however there were a couple that were not um there's an existing leeching field in the rear right where basically in place of where we're putting the new one um that was in Failure so uh what we're proposing is the front building which is at the corner of I believe Walnut um in Mill Street that's their main office that is being tied in as well as the building which would be to the uh to the north um along midle street that building as well as being tied in that is more of a warehouse building that's just employees um this I think we designed for 15 employees is really only two but we're overdesigning it like we normally would all that work is being done uh so you get tanks pumps um you know multiple in multiple spots and that's all being pumped up to where the existing leeching field is currently um all that work is outside the buffer zone except for the leeching field there is a a wetland that we've delineated uh to the west of the property there um and we you know we've showed that on the plan as I think as wetland one through six I believe or seven and um it's a pretty definitive line it's very wet back there um luckily we were able to stay over 50 feet uh with the leing field which is required by Title 5 and we were able to stay outside of 50 feet with the work um so there's no other there as far as uh flood zone there's no flood zone there is an offsite uh stream uh located uh that we are showing on the plan however uh in and out of reparan Zone in the rivers Act is exempt um under septic upgrade situations so although it's shown it's really not required to even to be filed for uh so I just wanted to make that clear um but basically what we're looking to do is everything will be replaced um all the pavement uh will be redone anything that is Disturbed that's not within the pavement will be B and seated uh for proper stabilization we are showing a still sock along that outer boundary closest to the watland there um as you can see the system is mounded up a little bit more than what the previous one was and I think that was part of the failure is that the system was if not within really close to the um water table um so that was part of the failure um that that happened here so there is a little bit more limited work but all all in all it's obviously a much better situation than what's there now which is a failed system close to the water table or not in the water table so um and and then lastly um we are showing a dewatering basin so if there was ever to be a time when they dig and there's water table encountered um a lot of times people just dump that on the ground um what we've done is we proposed a dewatering basin which we're showing on the plan uh down by the kind of that second pump system um that's a basically an area where they'll put s sock around and they can pump into it so it'll s it'll sift out the silt and any issues like that that won't go into the W um but besides that it be uh that's really about it be happy to answer any questions the commission has all right the only um thing that you've already spoken to it the agent believes that uh all minor restoration on the rear where you had done some trees as you spoke to so she just you know we seeing it and mowing limiting the mowing basically to once a year will be a good idea yeah that that area is going to be definitely cleaned up it was just like it was a big pile of brush and to get in there to do the park and it was overgrown so it'll be it'll be cleaned up when they do the system it's going to be just by default have to be removed anyway okay um uh and she also uh requests that we post spoke with the other woman on the read BL way that the area be posted as to Wetlands and to not uh inter it okay so that would so at the 50 Foot essentially yeah okay yes okay and U well any questions I'm all set all right uh then I'll accept request a motion of uh though it is uh in the uh buffer zone is a negative determination three and six I'll make that motion sorry all right I know problem all right motion made motion is seconded all in favor say I Margaret French I maret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie s says I thank you very much you're welcome have a great night thank you too uh item number five uh is a request for determination for uh four South Main Street applicant is a town of Freetown this is the building at uh four point is number four that's delapidated and the town wishes to take it down it's within the uh flood plane but it is not within uh any wetland so uh anybody have any questions or comments need to be taken down exactly all right can I have a motion that it is uh though it is uh within uh the flood plane it is not um oh going to uh be disturbing any wetlands uh under three and six I'll make that motion motion has been made second motion is seconded all in favor say I Margaret French I maret French says I Steve Trip Steve trip says I Charlie suan says I all right uh item number six is 81 Middleboro Road uh for notice of intent hearing uh I will uh make a motion that we open the hearing I'll make that motion motion is made second motion is seconded all in favor Margaret French I st trip Charlie Sullivan all right um you are here I'm here Robert ner Mr chairman and fellow Commissioners for the record Robert ner I'm the applicant um we are applying uh for notice of intent for a solar uh field 249 kilowatt solar field at 81 m middleb road it is um on a former an abandoned cranberry bog there on 81 middle B Road I didn't uh the engineer um just to back up a little bit here we have a um there was a question about the applicability of the storm water State storm not the not the town storm water regulations but the state storm water regulations that we have not uh resolved yet with the D so um we still have to so we don't have a d number that has not been uh assigned and there's still some questions with the state that we're still working through with the D at this point but I wanted to come this evening because I you know possibly there are questions that the commission might have or even neighbors that might come to the meeting and I just didn't want to leave them hanging so we don't have a lot I don't have a lot to uh discuss with you other than it's going to be a solar field and I was just going to ask if there were any preliminary questions that the commission might have regarding the project because at this point it wouldn't make sense uh we still have to resolve things the Deb I think before you take the have any meaningful discussions I think okay um does that if that makes sense to you very much so okay thank you for I like it when people come in on hearings on the hearing date so people can hear and not have to come back on that um is there anyone from the public uh that has any questions about this project at 81 Middleboro Road none being present uh I will ask any Commissioners have any questions or comments on the project yes just see that you you good Margaret I'm all set okay um that you do have issues still with uh D so um with that being said um I would close the public uh portion of the hearing uh can I have a motion Charlie I don't think we can close the public hearing tonight because we don't have a DP file number right right okay I'm just G to close Okay the public okay as as for tonight I'll make that motion made motion has been seconded all in favor Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I all right yes we'll have to put this on do you have any idea of when you would be uh compliant with the and get your file I I was hoping that we were going to have everything resolved with them uh for tonight so I don't know but I I would ask that we could be continued to the next meeting okay and um you know if it seems that we're going to be unable I'll try to give Nicole as much Advance no but if you could uh continue to the next meet I would appreciate that all right the next meeting September 23rd okay uh I'll uh accept a motion that we continue the public hearing uh to September 23rd uh at the police station not sure where that one is um oh boy I'm gonna say it's at the police station all right we'll amend it if we need to okay all right at the commun room at the free time Police Department uh do I get a motion to do so I'll make that motion motion has been made motion has been seconded all in favor say I Margaret French I marget French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Su says I okay so good very good thank you Mr chairman and fellow Commissioners we'll see you at next meeting all right thank you good evening um item number seven discuss and take action relative to Wetland violation 173 Chase Road you the andreid my name is m Andre this is my husband Lis Andre my daughter Jack my okay um as I'm sure the agent has spoken to you about we got a complaint about activity at your property which is in violation of the Massachusetts Wetlands Act um were we here before were you folks here before no the first time we moved to Freetown about six years ago when the girl went to my door and then she knocked at my door and she asked me this is from D I think she said from uh I forgot the word she used uh she's a conservation conservation and she says I'm here to look up your your property I said yeah no problem go right ahead and then it's when she was going around I saw her taking pictures pictures and I asked her why are you taking all the pictures she says because there was some violation you're not supposed to do any stuff in the like I never heard of wet land before when I bought my house it was never said it the first time after she went I'm start googling and asking around they said you're not supposed to be touching the Wetland yes um so from what we see here is you're you were given order to cease and assist from in activity in the wetlands or to move anything uh that's on the propy right now I mean I'm not I'm saying you have uh reported that stock material is pictures here of uh or fill material that's within the uh what we refer to the buffer zone so what you do is you have your wetlands and in massach under Massachusetts law you cannot do anything in a wetland without um coming before the Conservation Commission getting approval and by that you there's a pro there's a process that kind of extranes right now for what we're talking about then there's a 25 foot area from the wetlands inward that you're not supposed to touch that means a there's a Zone where you're not supposed to go in at all make sure that no mater material slides into anything like that then there's a another 100 uh foot buffer zone in which you can do things in if you get approval of the Conservation Commission so do you understand where your wetlands are no no all right well um the first thing would be for you to do you're gonna have to contact an engineer okay uh and uh talk to them tell them what's gone on uh tell them that you've uh been before the uh Freetown Conservation Commission and they had uh ordered a ceasing desist against any activity within uh their jurisdiction which I I said which basically is 100 feet of the weapons so where wet where wet soggy ground is all right that's weapons okay uh so tell and then he uh tell him what's G on okay that you have to do things that are going to remediate or make better what you have done okay uh a lot of it is probably basically just coming as the there was woman here who she had built a house she thought she had everything good but she put in a uh a pad for a uh shed within the one 100 foot area and that's why she had to come before us tonight you're uh you're going to uh have to come before us and give us a plan of what you're going to do to remove what you've may have done within the area or get permission after the fact so to speak to to do what you have done okay so the first thing you're going to want to do is uh contact an engineer he'll contact our office talk to Nicole uh she'll uh or you can also talk talk to her she'll tell you what you're going to have to do to start the process you're GNA have to come up with a plan to do uh re uh or do things that you've done like move material out of that area and so forth but you're going to have to come up with a plan okay any questions we're willing to work like I said we didn't know I mean I don't want any problems you know I don't understand it's just it's just a process a process but like I said like you talk to an engineering firm they'll uh they'll basically guide you through it okay uh and you'll come up with a plan come before back here before the commission and uh we'll take action on it so but if you as you go about your daily business so to speak on the property with the land land is is mushy or or usually is it's a little dry out there now so it's not going to be as wet go back to may go back in your mind to May where was the land wet where was it not wet and anything uh from that point 100t out on you don't want to add anything and anything that's in there you kind of want to start to take out so like like you there's picture here of a fill within the that 100 foot area you can take that fill out just don't push it any further further towards the Wetland but if you need to use some of it certainly take it out but don't put anything back where that is where if you can find someplace else on the property that's fine but it's got to be 100 ft from where the Wetland is okay yes right and uh then maybe uh you know come up with your own mind I it looks like there's a couple of sheds uh in a carport that uh maybe maybe uh it might be easier if you can find someplace else on the property to put it if you can't then we'll deal with it uh when we come in with the plan all right anyone have any questions anyone from the commission have any questions or comments but in the meanwhile can start doing some of the staff or would you like us to wait to contact the well like I said like the Phill and such um that if you need that as work go ahead I guess if you can find someplace else on the property to put the sheds in there you might want to talk to the engineer um but when if you're going to move the shed to someplace else that's not within the 100 feet that that's even better know more you can do the better off uh but just don't put it don't add anything new you can take out but don't add anything new okay how long do we have until the next time you have to meet in person well what I would do is i' try to get a hold of of an engine as soon as you can all right uh he'll probably come and take a look and then he'll have a plan he'll draw a plan and he'll talk to the office and get you before uh a a meeting here maybe it might be in two weeks we we meet every two weeks might you know if you can do it in two weeks that's fine if you need a month but I'm not talking like six months from now okay you know two three weeks as soon as possible but we know that things you know Engineers are busy so you know they they kind to take time and so forth but if you can contact an Engineers as soon as possible I would say try to con contact an engineer this week and then you've done your part and the engineer will go for there all right thank you for coming in find out about the engineer any recommendation well we can't recommend an engineer um but um if you if you go online like farer area you'll see engineer an engineer um you know talk to we can't we can't recommend thank you thanks you're welcome thank you no with than thank you Charlie I looked up the calendar yes um for the police station and the board of Select minuta is on the 23rd at the police station so we'll probably be here all right so if we want is that something that they've changed I think it's because of the Labor Day holiday it pushed their Monday meeting so then they meet the week after and then yeah all right um no item number uh eight is confirm the vote of August 12th uh meeting to submit article for for special town meeting and that was the article on uh Forge Road Rich Road piece of property correct yes that was the um it's the Richmond Road and it's um map 211 lot 35 okay and so we we just have to reaffirm it or now did you say that is the uh owner of the well the town is the owner yeah so um it was taken in uh tax title for non-payment of taxes um it's low what and believed to be minimal value if auctioned right um the highway department currently mows it and it is at the forge Richmond intersection um and they mow it for safety and it it's retaining the parcel as public property would allow them to continue doing this all right uh anyone else have any comments or interest no I I think it's a good idea alrighty uh with that in mind I'll accept a uh motion to reaffirm our vote August 12th I will make that motion motion has been made second motion has been seconded all in favor say I my oh sorry I my French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I motion passes item number nine uh is to uh vote on the minutes of July 15th meeting anyone have any comments or questions or Corrections of anything like that nope looks good to me all right I'll accept the motion to accept the minutes of July 15 I will make that motion motion has been made second motion has been seconded all in favor Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I motion passes uh item number 10 any other business properly to come before the Conservation Commission anyone have anything I think we had such a great thing on the crabs down at Porter Shore maybe we should have a a weekend thing we could uh have a fundraiser maybe to some money to keep P up advertise on uh Steve means ftic I can tell but on Puerto pasture I just uh give you guys a little report um on some of the things that have gone on down there um we found that we have a five-year old forestry plan uh that was drawn up in uh oh November of 2019 um which is a big step forward as to one of the things that Mr wanted uh to see done um I have spoken to a Forester from the state and because I was wondering if they might be able to help us uh his recommendation is we go back to the Forester that Drew up the plan he's semi-retired but the state Forester uh felt that his employe a man who was his former employee has now taken over the business and would be able to help us uh there so I'm going to look into that that I just heard today um the other thing is we have spoken to uh Zenith engineering uh and they are going to uh draw up a plan or a like a preliminary plan uh of what can be done down there along the water to re uh Furbish the beach and and a couple of other things like um as you go down the lane where there that parking lot on the right just before you get to the uh salt MH nobody uses it uh what I would like to see us do is build make that a little bit bigger and uh come up with a way to uh get the people to understand that that would be a good place to park and probably block off the uh Lane as it goes over towards the south towards the beach area so that if if and when we refurbish the beach people aren't driving over the beach anymore and we'll make like a path uh through the woods from the parking lot to the beach that's just my little idea there but um where where should be getting the uh report from Zenith engineering within uh about a week on that so that's the two big movers there and uh the agreements should be signed by the board of Selectmen uh tonight or the vote on the final uh setting up the uh fund and accepting the money from uh Mr Dean tonight um that's a little report on the movement towards uh carrying out what I said Mr Dean wanted us to do as kind of pre requisite for uh his uh donation all right that sounds good little bo ramp yeah uh we uh we can work on that also it's kind of be a general what uh Zenith engineering is going to do is it going to uh tell us how we can refurbish the beach what we can do down there then we'll have to do some filing before the Conservation Commission and things like that uh oh but uh Zenith will be uh giving us those recommendations in next week or so and we can work from there but uh if you have any ideas or you go down and you uh see something that you think we should uh try to do down there uh please bring it before the rest of us and we'll go from there when I spoke to U oh Zenith I did talk to him about as you come down that last Hill the roadway is uh water out and would repeatedly be washed out and he uh said he'd come up with uh some uh things that we might be able to do to permanently repair it so that we don't have this issue of if you're laying gravel down and then six months later after a big uh rainstorm you're going back and doing it again and again and again uh trying to do something that we don't have the road uh eroding he spoke of a sag on either one side or both sides of the lane would make the lane bigger we'd have to clear it out a little bit but uh that's what he was working on so once we get the report from the engineering firm we can uh brainstorm a little bit more I think I did see the gravestone now at the Historical Society it belongs at 4 oh yeah all right if uh there's nothing else I will accept a motion to uh adjourn the public um portion of this meeting to go into executive session um that do we excuse me Charlie do we close the public or do we just vote to go to Executive well I was going to close the public and because we will not be returning to an open session uh but maybe the best thing would be to do is close the public go in an executive session and then adjourn that is is that what I I think that might be better because if we if we adjourn then we can't go into executive all these technical things that we have to uh tiptoe around all right I will uh accept the motion that we uh close the public um session and go into executive session I will make that motion motion has been made motion is seconded all in favor M hold on hold on one second I want to modify that motion to that we close that that we go to Executive session and not return to open session I think that's the appropriate way of saying it right I believe so U all right uh so with that motion miget French I margar French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I we will now go into executive session uh under Mass General Law chapter 30A section 21 subsection AI to discuss in the reputation character physical condition or mental health rather than professional competency of an individual or discuss the discipline or dismissal of or complaints or change charges against a public officer employee staff member or individual Charlie I just want to double check I should stop recording right yes yes thank you uh so I could have