##VIDEO ID:gkucgD3Fdgg## e e e okay e I got jum on the call e Robert can you hear me all right yes I can hey John here with down home fence hey John how you doing good how you doing not too bad good good I'll um I'll just kind of sit back in the background until you guys need me or yeah I'm on I I'm surprised that you can hear me right now because um I don't know the uh moderator is usually uh Victoria so she's got us offline right now and we probably won't the meeting hasn't even started yet I don't think has it yeah I'm surprised that the link is even live right now yeah the link is live so it might be just you and I on there right now so well it'll be a productive meeting then if it's just me and you we'll get it we'll get it we'll get it taken care of so I'm just gonna do a uh I'm just going to do a quick introduction and give sort of an overview and uh you know you'll be there if they ask questions specific about the fence uh you know why you can't do it this way why we're going to do it this way so that's all I just want to have you there to tell to answer the questions about the fence because that's not my strength so yeah no worries I'm just GNA kind of keep a keep an ear listening in on this and I will interject or jump in as needed um you know no no issues at all that sounds great all right very good John I appreciate it all right thanks Robert sure e all right being after 6 PM I will open the uh Monday July 8th 2024 meeting of the Freetown Conservation Commission the meeting is being recorded and does anyone else have a recording device no one's saying so no one else is recording that item number one is discuss and vote on reorganization of the board how about if we skip over that and go to item number two and we'll come back so item number two is request for determination of Apple ability for one Water Street n zor even see you give us a presentation good evening for the record now Z from Zena Consulting Engineers here before you for a septic upgrade at one Water Street right near the town hall um it's in a obviously very small little lot it's about just under the 5,000 square feet in size so you can see there's really not a lot of room there um luckily there's no Wetland uh nearby but we're fully in flood zone um uh so essentially we're here finally because we're within the flood zone um so basically what we're doing is you can see Water Street to the north um of the property there and then you've got probably about a third of the property is taken up by the existing house itself um it's an existing four bedroom home um what we're doing is we're putting in a new tank with a pump chamber and we're pumping it up to the back of the or the rear of the lot there's going to be a retaining wall wrapping the entire thing um just to be able to confine it within the lot itself um it basically is you know there's really no other place to put it on the site there's no other option really um we're using what's called Advanced treatment uh which is a microfast unit um which is really looked upon you know favorably with the Board of Health and the state because it it obviously gives much better treatment of the affluent that comes out than when if it were just a conventional septic system what this does is it allows uh the size of the leeching field to be smaller um which in this case we really kind of needed uh because there's just such a little room there um so again we we do have to still go through the approval process with the Board of Health uh there are some variances with the Board of Health that need to be um uh granted uh which we requested and we'll be on the next hearing CL um however with the the first step of the process that get approved from the commission um and obviously we feel as though that that the approval of this is a is is a substantial uh you know benefit to the environment compared to what's there now which is currently just a sess pool in the water table um so we're doing everything we can to bring it in full compliance with Title 5 as best we can and be happy to answer any questions that the the commission has is there any GNA be any raise ra oh yeah it's a routine wall around the entire thing okay uh because of the high water table um because of the high water table and the separations that we need to meet to the water table table uh with Title 5 um we had to you have to be 4T above that water table and where water table is only at like I think it was only a couple feet down um you know that thing is way up in the air and there's no room normally you would raise it up and you would grade around it but unfortunately you have no room to do that so that's when you get this situation where you have raino walls around it and is really no other option um so that's that's why I will Deo you again there's no other resource area except for um there's no resource area except for the um flood zone um and it is land subject to Coastal Flowage so you don't need to meet compensatory storage uh anything of that nature so we're just as you like I said before we're just doing the best we can with it you know to obviously a that increase you know that benefit all right anyone else have any questions kind of untimely uh need but um all right uh I'll accept a recommendation Niles we're GNA ask instead of basically instead of a sock if you could cover any material that's going to be left there overnight physically covered with tops or whatever of course okay so uh honestly I think most of the stuff is going to have to get trucked out there's really no room to store it yeah I if if they were we to store it then I would I would agree and if they do then if there's how that that's going to happen then I'll obviously let them know um but I I just don't think that there room what I think they're going to have to do is they're going to have to build not think I know what they're gonna have to do they're gonna have to build the leing field first because they're gonna have to stop from the back and then they're gonna have to work their way back you know towards the front right because they're G have to like back their way out with the machine otherwise they would trap themselves in and not have any room to do anything so okay so I'll accept the motion to issue a negative determination number three and like I said with the condition of any stockpile material to be covered with tops I'll make that motion motion is made motion seconded all in favor I I thank you very okay good luck there have a great night that directly to your office thank you no problem take care guys have a good one are you coming tomorrow night or next month to the B um not definitely not tomorrow night because now that we have approval we have to now a notified buts um and so it'll probably the next meeting going to be okay take care thank you you take care all right shall we go back to item number one you want to do Thomas that way since that's who's on here oh I think I anyone there okay is there anyone there yes okay oh is all right item number three uh propose modification to approval site plan one Thomas set way applicant Brian thomasset uh scope of work change and type of fence yeah good evening ladies and gentlemen my name is Robert ner I'm a representative for Brian tomet I'm the general contractor for the solo project at one Thomas at way and um just to um give you a little bit of background the order of conditions was issued um several months ago as you may recall um I was away and I we had discussed the fence um with John from down home fence who's the the the fence contractor so he knew about the requirement I'm I'm refer referring to the requirement 19 L which is a requirement that the fence uh uh access gate sh be at least six inches above the grade allowing Wildlife passage so I guess there's two things here one is I had a question question about the requirement here and then two is um you know our proposed solution here I was interpreting this as that there shall be that the fence shall be held 12 six inches off of the ground um around the solar array um and I'm not sure when I read this now I guess I'm I'm asking for a little clarification on that because we did not leave it 6 in off the ground all the way around the the sorar way it's it's right to the ground right did we think I a requirement of the fence it's usually within the conservation commission's discretion uh um so I I think typically we like to see six inches off the ground I think that's what like the EP recommends I believe that's what we said we talked about this yeah so if that's the case then we just made a mistake and um we are proposing um a solution that's not going to be a financial burden for the fence company and seem to be you know punitive on the on the fence company so what John and I had looked at and proposed is to instead of you know redoing the whole fence is to cut in some what I'm going to describe I describe them as Wildlife passages um four sections per side um and that's the little that's the diagram that is up on the screen right now each each section is Fen is 10 feet between posts and what we would do is go back and cut on each side of the fence um evenly spaced 6 inch up on a 10 foot section so it'd be 40 feet of Wildlife passage on each side of the fence and just to give you sort of some rough numbers here the fence total is um it's 170 by 140 that's the uh 170t by 140t so the total linear uh footage of fence is approximately 620 linear feet and so what we're proposing to go back is to cut in 40t per side that would be 160 ft and so so it works out to be about 26% of the fence would have this 6in uh Wildlife passage there and um so I guess I would ask that your consideration uh for this modification to the order of conditions and I have John here from down home fence I'm not the fence expert he is so he can get into more of the details about you know if you had questions about the fence or how it's constructed or whatever okay um I'll ask this question John is it a normal chain link fence it is yeah so good evening my name is John pror um one of the owners of down home fence um so uh this is just a normal six foot tall black um chain link fence the uh the mesh spacing spacing is a 2in diamond so if you picture the chain link fence when you weave two links together it creates a diamond that measures a to be two inches by two inches and what Robert is suggesting is the proposed solution that we came up with um because of the oversight on my end right like when just to give you a little bit of a background um on on when we install fence U more often than not we're installing fences in residential settings where customers want to keep things in their backyard like their dogs and their kids and it it was simply an oversight on my end not mentioning it to the guys uh on the road to to leave that fence six inches up um you know I I think Robert was out of town at the time I was I was I worked for the for the fire department in one of my communities uh I was on shift the message just never got uh delivered um and I I I think that um uh the only solution to to raising the entire fence six inches off the ground would be pulling posts out pulling concrete bases out um disrupting the the environment far more than just cutting the bottom of the fence as it as it sits you know in in those um 40 foot sections on all four sides um if we cut them uh six inches up and removed a portion of the bottom of the fence and then um what we call R knuckling the chain link so that bottom of the chain link fence um isn't left with any sharp Ed edges it's left with a a finished closed um closed loop or closed um um bottom of the chain link fence fabric so it looks as if it was meant to be um you know six in less any John quick question I'm gonna get into the ma on you here um I'm sorry say that again I'm gonna get into the math on you here H is this Margaret doors yes it is maret door is my math tutor all throughout all throughout Elementary Middle School you name it you still have my calator buddy hey tack it onto the bill you know all right so let's take that 140 foot side it's cut it's in 14 10 foot sections so cor yeah so post spacing between chain link post is no greater than 10 feet so you're proposing to cut four of those and leave 10 to the ground correct so leaving cutting four on each side right and we could cut we could cut 40 feet together we could cut you know four 10 foot sections spread out over that 140 or 170 foot run um you know whatever however your your board um sees fit if you guys allow that um but yes that would that would be um what we're proposing okay is there any way on the 170 foot sides we could do five sections not four yep that's that's no issue on on my end I mean if Robert sign with that I I have no issues with that sure I mean ultimately this is all uh uh you know this is just trying to uh keep we're asking for we're asking for forgiveness you know I don't want to I don't want to lose my shirt completely on this job you know if that's what happens so be it it is what it is um you know it was it was an honest oversight on on on my end um but you know whatever if you guys want to see five on the longer side so you'd have a total of 50 feet that's no problem I think and I think spread out yeah spre spread out spread out would be better if you would like them evenly spaced you know over those sides that's that's no issue at all go with it with yeah with the all right uh John we'll go with your plan with five on the longer sides sure and on the shorter sides and if we could spread them out uh kind of equ distance all right and that's a um that's an adjustment that I will be able to make um if you guys could give me um let's say like one to two weeks somewhere around there just so I can um just so I can organize organize um the uh the guys to get over there to make those um adjustments um that that would be no problem sure we don't have any problem with that we don't have any problem with you doing the time uh I'm I'm thinking uh Mr trip here and I uh familiar with the uh M BTA fencing along their rail line yes they they did not they would not have complied with that uh but in the funny thing is is I see where there's a spot where there's a uh the fence on the MBTA line is higher than the ground level and there's a path already uh after only two years there's a path one where animals have passed them to this high point so yes you know and one of the considerations or one of the ideas one of the proposed solutions that that myself and Robert were speaking about was why don't we trench the ground underneath the fence right um and give it that six inches it is it is so Rocky in that area um it I mean that would be a great undertaking to tr you if anybody on the board has dug a hole in Freetown or in our area in general it's you know it's it's it's known for it's rocks I live in rock Village in Middleboro okay you know so we didn't think that that would be uh the most feasible um or economic uh solution uh but what we can do is control the bottom of the fence by by by very easily cutting it what all right we have no issues go on with your your solution if you five on the long sides equidistance as much you can and four on the short sides and that will be fine all right okay awesome I'll accept that as as a motion I will make that motion motion has been made second that motion is seconded all in favor say I I all right good luck there all right thank you guys I appreciate it thank you very much for your consideration have a good night thank you take care byee okay now should we go to organization well I figured there was no oh yeah I didn't realize that they were all right um discussion vote on reorganization I nominate Charlie as chair I'll suck there all right we have a vice how about we have Margaret as a vice chairman do you want to be no I'll suck in that turn on all right so uh I'll accept the motion as Charles Solan myself chairman Margaret French uh as Vice chairman you should probably make that motion I'll make that motion I'll second motion is made and second it all in favor say I I all right um the next thing is discussion and take action relative to Chase Road over 140 Bridge replacement project and I don't know they they're they're required to notify the comp uh commission no vote needed unless uh we can make comments about it looks like they're going to uh put a whole new bridge system up move it a little bit to the north so put it right over with with the floods but I wonder if that's part of it is uh they want to do some work on the flooding there too all right okay e good yeah all right um we'll go on okay no real need all right we would discuss him okay oh item number five is is um discussion and take action relative to Porter pasture and um I uh I'll let Victoria speak a little bit about what seems to be in the pipeline uh there and what we're probably going to be looking towards doing at Porter pasture sure so um so item a was the about the ation so um we had someone had reached out um Robert Dean um of the the bean family had reached out um in regards to um giving Porter pasture or giving the commission I should say $100,000 donation for the maintenance of Porter pasture um so Charlie and I did meet with with um Mr Dean and um few of his family members a couple weeks ago to sort of discuss the donation um and they are in the middle of of of doing the paperwork so by our next meeting we should have um you know a signed letter from them stting their intent for the donation and to put that in a separate um separate account that's solely for Porter pasture so it doesn't go into the general fund um yeah so you know they they talked about you know doing something with the overgrowth that's there maybe a forest management plan um they might have other sort of stipulations in the letter that they give um of the work they want to see done there um but yeah so I don't know if anyone has any questions on that on that one so it looks like uh at least $100,000 because he mentioned that he mentioned it basically as seed money um and so as Victoria said they'd like to see it kept up better and I I walked it uh I relatively thoroughly U last week and the when we had the Gypsy moth infestations they we lost a lot of trees down there um they uh a lot of the trees have fall have fallen over now and uh decaying uh so it's not as bad as it was I want to say 20 years ago uh but there would be a good idea to go in clean out some ve vegetation maybe take some trees down there are some quite mature pine trees in there now I'm not advocating we take pine trees down or anything like that but we might want to uh look at the health of some trees there and if some trees might be uh maybe remove but I'm just I'm just saying there's a possibility that this I'm not saying that it's going to happen um but it might be some need to take some trees down to grow a sturdy Forest uh the other thing that uh Mr Dean spoke about is uh his so Grant Dean was his grandfather so so to gramp Dean wrote and um I guess back in the the 20s we uh went through quite a bit of uh local history that day uh oh back in I believe in the 20s he made a beach there um that most of the beach is now uh reverted back to what it was before so I don't know how much we might be able to uh make a beach there but there is some uh area that is still relatively Sandy um so that I I think they would like to see a beach there but they also know that there are restrictions um the other thing that um I'm thinking is probably wouldn't be bad we could we could uh probably with some money make some walking paths through it so that people can use it a little bit more um there's also a order cemetery on uh the property and the cemetery commission has made a uh kind of a approach to it and I my only concern when I saw it was a car could drive up and actually drive into the cemetery uh really kind of unbeknownst to the fact that they're doing something so um I would like to see us put at least a rail fence to to some extent to block toll access there um so that's what I I saw a little bit over there um it's about 18 Acres I think 18 20 acres something like that seems to be a Mot there too yeah there was a little bit not uh more like a it was like a gravel thing yeah anything put Kay or something right yeah exactly yeah um so uh you know there's the ability of us getting this $100,000 and my my personal thing would be that we use it over a number of years and not just you know go in but in um I I know of a gentleman who is uh Steve Laos uh laosi who is a Forester and he he works with I'm not sure if he's might actually now be the person who in charge of the uh oh koput um oh bio the bio Reserve bio Reserve yes uh and I know he has forestry uh whole experience uh so maybe we could touch base with him and he can either be able to do a plan or lead us to somebody else who could do a plan uh so that's the first item the the other item is um Mr Dean had spoken to uh several people in the uh neighborhood down there uh to get their concerns and he would like us to work with the neighbors hear their concerns get their feedback and you know basically work with them over the uh this uh area what's got to be done there um so he I I know one of the uh people quite reasonably well and uh I'll touch when you know when things get going we'll touch Bas and we'll probably end up sitting down with some of the neighbors and getting their consensus and their uh viewpoints and so forth um so that's the other thing and there and Victoria has uh brought up the fact that there's no trash receptacles down there now when The Gatekeepers go down they usually piece Poli up the area correct yes they do well I wouldn't there was no trash they do a good job of keeping but they do say they do see a lot of trash there especially actually um like fishing fishing wire they see a lot of um so they do try and keep it fairly clean um but they suggested to put two trash cans on each end they think it would be helpful so at least if people are going to you know leave their trash they can at least try and utilize the trash can make it a little easier for cleanup um I think it'd be a little different if we were more like um what's that Park there's a park and r on but they have like a carry in carry out policy but there's workers they are sort of monitoring that just you know isn't monitary sign maybe a sign for people to remind them to take their trash yeah I mean we could do a sign if do you want to try that first but like I said I think it might be a little harder when people know they're not being watched it's a little harder for them to do the right thing but I mean it's up to the commission yeah I know we've gone kind of back and forth with this for a while but I think the well in the end as much as we uh develop in quotations I guess the area if we you know we have the trash bins there that's all you know that's there you know well I'll throw in the trash bin instead of just throw in it out and as things might get uh more activity down there maybe it be uh useful to have a couple of have to make sure the roads go board Tres get all well uh I think we probably ask maybe the um they could bring it they can the the transport station accepts trash right but they talk to we talked to for just last year and they are willing to pick it up they just have bring to the which I think they'll yeah they'll do because um getting will we need to get special backs for that or will they just take it I just I know people buy special back yeah well I guess we'll have to touch base them see what um what fores might fores Brothers might be willing to do yeah and they might be willing just to go down and throw it into something that they're more I know they have some dumpster contracts well if you this type of trash B it's not a big deal I mean they put the bag right already in it yeah the old s with the 55 gallon drums a carrying exactly no no um so all right should we um go with purchasing two trash cans I mean I I think so I think it's something worth trying I mean unless the commission prefer to try to do a carry and carry on sign are you going to have to be able to fasten it there so no one steals or nothing those are really heavy I would think you would FAS um just like at like the parks and stuff like I think new Buford Parks has those pretty heavy but I mean but this is out of those this is out of sight I mean if you put if you put the sign in came one of those signs into the ground it said you know no litter in and stuff and then you could fasten the the trash can to it yeah oh okay put a chain through it or something with a lot okay so this so okay yeah and I think say that's a nice trash B have that at home or something you know yeah no I see what you're saying um so is that something we'd want to do to to do like maybe the signs next to it yes yeah can do okay do our best there hey people put put your trash in this can okay should I ask Highway if they'd be willing to install a signage and um yeah yes yeah it's your birthday um but all right so do I have a motion to purchase the two prescribed trash canons that we see in the hand out I'll make that motion all second motion is made and seconded all in favor say I I all right so that's that's that now just so me know Margaret yeah in your preparing of the budget do you remember if there's a position of shellfish warden in town yes okay it's Mark Joe's it's a Harbor Master and shellfish okay all right um but and he just got reappointed last B okay um because that's mean um Pro the there people complain that they're they crab down there and they get short crabs and it's a good place for apparently it is there's now now there's people come from all over Mass before there um there are is a poster board with the regulations on them um down there I saw um so pretty good overview of what you're supposed to do for crabbing um so may I think probably the best thing to do is try to get the shellfish Warden to go there every once in a while and also we'll we'll kind try to get the environments of police you know that hey in in a patrol you know the person I I don't know now if environment are police have a officer assigned to this area I've seen different guys over last couple of months uh but we could contact them also but really the the way to go I think is to try to uh Institute shellfish Warden taking I just double I just double checked and um he is Mark Joe's Master shellfish water because the local police though they have the authority they you know they don't have this I know well they didn't have the citations and you know they're getting into all right yes they have the power but do they have the expertise to get in there so I think that would be the best uh thing to do okay all right anything else just so discuss and vote on payroll in bills authorization is that yes we were're just reaffirming what we did in the past well I mean it's up to you if You' like to continue being the sole person authorized um it doesn't have to be the chair just someone who can get to town hall if needed they have been more lenient with digital signatures too so so what do we want to do that have you had a problem doing it okay then I I Charlie signs all right motion is made and seconded that we'll have the chairman sign the bill authorize the signing bills and payroll all in favor all all right minutes for June 20th prob me June 10th uh meeting so anyone have any issues or anything they see is omitted or I was not here so I got nothing okay all right how we Steve all right can I have a motion Steve since yes motion accept minutes okay and I'll second that all in favor hi all right any other uh business property that come before the commission I have two quick all right um make him quick okay so 112 um South me street just to sort of bring that up that address up again um so our new conservation agent just she just finished all her paperwork and everything so she's all set up so one of the things um Charlie and I had discussed with her was her looking at 112 South Main Street and sort of following up with that um so she did familiarize herself with the file um the restoration has not been done um she did go you know out there and see um but she did she does think that the best the best course of action uh because they he obviously the deadline has passed um we're in the middle of the summer it's not ideal for planting so she thinks the best course of act is introducing herself um to the plan sort of establishing a new timeline for the fall um that's really the most ideal time to plan anyways she did say that the site is has already begun revegetating so it's not like it's so it is stabilized so there's just has no concerns about erosion um so yeah she wanted to make sure that you guys are okay with that course of action before she proceeded what was the the decision by the lawyer at court that day Charlie um well I to I guess paraph well the outcome was that he did come before the commission and get uh his you know our approval for his plan okay and he did that within Alex's J right exactly okay all right so that was that was that that's done uh like Victoria just said he hasn't carried it out as of yet um so will and U so I think it's a a good you know it's good plan yet he if he was to go and do anything now it it would fail likely fail but he's already in he's already violated the agreement right and he supposed to do it by June 30th right so they I feel like they should don't don't we have in there penalties or anything um well as uh Adeline had propose is that she go out reiterate what's gone on we give a dead a deadline um of you know maybe like November 30th or something like that and then from there we could go on she did have an Avenue uh that might be uh way of basically solving the problem I we we keep he keeps saying oh yeah yeah yeah and then we and and there has been nothing against him he has had no penalties it no skin off his nose and we need to we need to start holding them accountable you're you're not following agreed upon on here's your penalty so if you want to go this way um I would say if she's going to generate a new um agreement that embedded in that agreement is here are the hard deadlines if you do not meet this deadline this is the penalty and if it's in writing right up front at least we can do something about it that's why it's inter all right um listening to allin's reasoning it U seemed you know appropriate especially she's coming in with with no but yeah no no jund is uh added to which actually I think you know in the end uh probably is a good uh a good thing but uh yes we know it's it's going to continue on for a while okay but we we need to be firm exactly I think we we have a good Avenue though okay all right if that's did you say two things yes one one more quick thing I just wanted to give a reminder about the joint BOS meeting next week about the fire I didn't know if anyone was planning on going um if we do have a quum we just need a post an agenda that's why we're sort of trying to see who's going sooner so we make sure we're not in violation of meeting I I plan on being there okay and I will be I'll okay host that meeting okay so just to be clear see you can only count for one board at a time so I'll put you for like conservation we'll post the conom meeting so well here's here's the other thing though are we going to deliberate during that meeting right or are we just going to be are we going to be talking to each other or are we only going to be talking to the Selectmen I would imagine I mean they're they're saying it's like a discussion it's in the form of disc so I would imagine we'd be having open discussion I get nervous with the open meeting law you know right I feel like that's borderline if it is a discussion but we are not delber cuddled together deliberating that's a public meeting right we can all go to a public there as representatives of the commission I me we we can go as public people right and just talk about whatever we can sit in separate seats and not be it's up to you you can yeah you're totally right so either way you can post it in which case we all have to sit together and we have to be a group or we can just go to the meeting and and as long as we don't deliberate as long as we talk with the Selectmen it's not an open meeting violation I agree totally with you Margaret the only thing that I'm going to say is in the you know abundance of cautioners they love to say nowadays um we might we I I think would be better to post it just because just because here here's the thing somebody sees it and they they throw a letter you know open meeting violation now the town has to turn to to the uh know uh Town Council and that cost money if we if we so all we have to do is post it it's it's there no one's going to have the ability to complain and allege something it's not gonna cost us the silly lawyers Fe so it's planning going um all all of our boards are invited planning and CBA um I I know Dave is going to go I think a few other members are going to be in attendance um a couple people from zba going I'm not sure if we'll yeah I think there'll be a quum of everyone but the minutes won't be too bad because you basically do like Lola will do the minutes for the selectman because the joint meting and you just copy yep and just put our members and stuff so it's not it's not too big of a deal on on r no no I'm just have you seen any type of a physical plan no I have not and I don't believe um we will be seeing anything prior to the meeting okay I think it's more going to be a open discussion could I just throw something out there on that like what if they took the what if they took you and put just in the library across the street and move the library you know what I mean we put the library in the police station over there the old police station what are you doing with the food Panter well that's the whole another thing that's not a problem that's not a problem for us but I'm saying wouldn't that be the best thing and then yeah I understand there's no bathroom but I mean if you needed the bathroom according to the pump station thing as long as there's a bathroom within 400 feet oh for the seart yeah I mean I don't know that apply with the whole thing but I mean why move the library why not move Victoria over to the police station if you're throwing the pantry out I Tri the police station Victoria but I didn't get anywhere with that no I think well you been upstairs too right you had mentioned yeah upstairs police station upstairs um I'm just the the police station I over here is so hard to heat that would keep you with the town hall um yeah only across the street no I see I say we move on Town Hall but all right um if is well we can we can hear what their their Spiel is and we can respond to it uh next Monday um if there's no other questions I'll accept a motion to adjourn I will make that motion motion is made motion is made and seconded all in favor say I I meeting is adjourned so the I heard that