##VIDEO ID:kg41ItoSTDs## all right being six o'clock I will call the Monday December 6 2024 meeting of the Freetown Conservation Commission to order the meeting is being recorded is anyone else recording the meeting I am okay just state your name just car V8 okay right thank you sir all right a DAT today sir today is the December 9th may not have noticed I think you said December 6 you said the I I think I said the six o'clock meeting it but that's beside Point uh all right item number one is you request for certification of compliance track land and 165 South Main Street Riv RightWay in North Bry crossing right away for the te so Mr thank you Mr chair uh so this is we have two orders that are open on the railroad project one for the F River secondary and another for the New Bedford Mainline I think you said so the first one is 26612 I'm assuming this is that's uh the file number for the one we're talking about now for the track Lane and 165 C so there's one for the fall Riv secondary track and the and the Freetown station and there's another one for the New Bedford Mainline track right two separate filings two separate orders the one is SE 26612 the second one is 26613 right correct so we're talking about which one we're at we can talk about both of them you can go from one to the other they're all in the the same item they're all so we submitted two separate questions separate ERS well why don't you start with uh the uh Far Over uh line Thank um so as I mentioned this is a a request for tri compliance the project is complete we submitted a letter um from myself and and a cert uh stamp a letter from the professional engineer indicating that the project was completed in uh compliance with the order with no deviations on the F secondary or station site the majority of the station site is outside of buffer zone um but the storm water management system was under review by the commission it's been all constructed and it's functioning uh functioning well um we attempted to have a site visit with uh Adeline belim the new agent uh we could not get out on the RightWay due to the activity of the test trains so she had requested that uh we appear tonight discuss the situation with the commission and then submit a written report if that's what the commission desires to close out the hearing so uh again we don't have any deviations on this project from the order but we were not able to have a a site visit so um we were able to visit the station we did actually I should I should mention we did visit the station and we did visit the the Wetland mitigation area which was constructed at the station to offset the permanent Wetland impacts she observed the mitigation area and determined that it was successful we also have documentation that was submitted both with the original request and I emailed it to her today a report from a third party that certifies that the mitigation area was successful and meets the requirements of the weap protection act we also have a letter from the massachusett Department of Environmental Protection that concurs with our determination that the mitigation was successful so with that I happy to answer any questions that since the water was issued construction began so um I should with me tonight is Jean Fox project man with mot kaputo civil engineer with BHB you wanted me to say that I've been involved in the project project since day one yeah you you're the environmental mon I've been the environmental modeling project I was involved with doing all the environmental permitting to get the orders and conditions I've been on site weekly at least daily some weeks and observed the construction and um believe that it has been compl in compliance with the order Mr chairman do we have any pictures or maps that displayed to the public or any copies of the documentation that was Rec I have a whole of drawings here if you like to see them theair so the answer is yes I have the as build drawings from the uh from the project that were submitted by the construction contractor okay uh Nicole's got to bring up the plans just so anyone who wants to look at them can can see them on the uh screen so mitigation monitoring report that I referenced would be in the documentation for the filing number 6113 um but the the plan set is uh for the F secondary inst station is included in the filing for the 612 Mr C uh the agent just uh mentioned the three-year monitoring report is there would there be an issue in forwarding that to the commission as it's formulated it's included in the filing for 613 and I also sent it to you in Adeline today okay so if you want if you want to see that you'll have to open the the other file all right but I just want okay all right fine um all right in on uh oh 0613 there doesn't seem to be any issues at all on the Bradley Road uh so section 0613 we do have one minor deviation okay and that consists of what's referred to as a Wayside maintenance pad that was construct that was determined to be required late in the game we did not request a modification to the order what it is is a small area of pavement that's between the tracks between the rails of the tracks and extend slightly outside the footprint of the tracks and the purpose for that maintenance pad is to allow a vehicle to access a station a a signal house while not also occupying the tracks typically there would be a requirement to have an accessed Road through private property to reach the RightWay if we did did not have the Wayside maintenance pad that would be required but because we were able to uh construct these pads uh a vehicle can travel down the tracks exit the tracks enter the signal house and do whatever maintenance required and the train travel train can continue to travel um that is highlighted in the in the letter that I that I submitted and we could show you I could show you where that is and generally what it looks like in the 6113 uh set of drawings it's basically a 30 by well 12 it's about uh 20 by 50 a 20 by 50 area of black top pavement a parking spot yeah it's a single parking spot for a truck and it was it was built within the proposed limit of clearing we didn't do extra clearing to build it there's no additional alteration of buffer zone there was no Wetland impact associated with it and it was it's a measure that actually reduces disturbance to Wetland because of they will not now be traveling to and fro uh over private property okay um anyone else from the commission have any questions hearing none I'll uh accept the motion motion has been made to uh Grant the uh certificate of compliance do I have a second second Mr chairman when would you when were you going to do public input uh not now uh actually the I we do not have anything for public input if you wanted to be on the agenda you could call the office you have quite a few representatives of your community here um the this is a formality the uh plan the plans were uh presented probably five years ago now uh this is the end of the and this is just uh saying they they've complied with the orders they've complied with the plan and we're giving them their certificate of compliance it's only a uh formality uh is uh nothing other than that well I I just add another note Mr chairman uh in the presentation we just heard um I think there was some conflicting information about whether or not the pth was on the original drawing and then we heard that it was in the drawing so I'm not sure which it is all right well I I don't see any real issue in uh something they did basically on a area that is not of wetlands what they actually did if I'm not mistaken is they built this and they didn't have to go through any Wetlands is is that would that be yeah the to the point that uh you say his name and address it was it was not on the original plant it's on the has so it's in the plan of record that if you could state your name and address sir say who you are no no no yeah okay but the gentleman behind you David Ros yes yes in your address 8 South Main Street okay all right um I mean you did invite the public here and there's no pictures of the what where where the change is or what you're being asked to approve and as you said the plans are five years old I think you would take the steps to refresh the Public's me Mr Carlson would you be so kind to address that the plans of record are five or more than five years old but the asilt drawings are dated the um for the 12 filing the asilt drawings are this for the station are dated June 19 2023 for the F secondary they're dated June 16 2023 and I if you if you're really concerned sir I do actually have some photos of the pad you'll see that it's a very minor element but it is is in the it is in the a drawings the out they were invited I think it would be a courtesy to you know up to I'm not aware that there was any public invitation we all received a certified mail I had to sign for it that's for the SE I think all right you're you've got you're you're talking about something else Mr Rosa this is for this is for the railroad the uh certif mail was for the sewer project that will be taken up later sou M yes there's meeting being taking up at this meeting but uh is another item okay uh this is for the the uh MBTA tracks it's a uh certification of compliance that they have complied with the orders that they've uh been uh working on so that's I'm maybe I got confused because a a hard copies of the agenda were provided to the attendees okay all right all right well I I thought I had read it appropriately though all right um do we have a second for the uh oh certification of compliance I seconded that okay fine all right motion has been made in second all in favor margar French I Margaret French says I Steve trip hi Steve trip says I Charlie Sol says I the uh certificate of compliance uh has been approved Charlie that was for both of them right I just wanted to make sure okay so that for both both F yes okay very good thank you Mr no problem good luck how many more months of of test trains we're getting really close and I know they're out there it were like eight yesterday they were all weekend they were going y y hear too all right have a good evening okay thank you thank you um item number two request for determination of applicability to for 19 uh drive would you yes if you would don't mind it's just state your name and Jen thank you Jennifer you just want to give us a little rundown what you got sure um so I have I single family home on Cliff dve this is uh it's uh within 100 feet of the wetlands and the it show The Zone everything um so basically it's a single family home it has um an existing gravel driveway gravel walkway is gravel area under the deck total square footage is about 3,100 square feet and what I'm requesting is to be able to replace that with papers um so replace all of the existing Stone there are existing cobblestones that find it so the cobblestones will stay they'll get reset and then the cavers will basically just replace the gravel areas and then um I'll also add flower heads and things like that just to create some additional okay uh our agent visited she didn't have a problem with it um the only thing that she kind of question is would keep a a surface that water can drain are the pavers are they going to be so tight that they would uh cause water not to drain through them or would they be uh able to have water go through them so they'll be set based on you know whatever the manufacturer sort of instructions are for setting them um they'll be uh uh Crush Stone underneath them as a base layer and then I did talk to the contractors about um basically there's not it's it's slightly pitched so I'm not anticipating that water would cool but there is one area where potentially drain could get added um to ensure proper proper drainage okay um do you know where the drain would would direct if there's one added it would be immediately in front of the garage one contractor told me I didn't e it another one told me I did um I kind of want to you know once I have a contract are select and things are approved we would go over kind of the final details the plan and things like that we would just the Conservation Commission would ask that if you drain it you try to drain it away from the river okay you know even though it's got to end up in the river but so prolates okay so she also said maybe you would want to uh consider uh pollinated plants that pollinate uh you know native plants more than anything else yep all right um so I guess the only stipulation I would put is if you do put a drain in that it drain um basically probably more up towards the street in the river um with that I'll set the motion I'll make that motion all right see has made the motion make okay I will second all right with one stipulation that any drainage drain towards the street uh all in favor uh Margaret French I French says I Steve Trip Steve trip says I Charlie Su says I all right your paperwork will be with you three days I think you're you're used to this so we've we've been here before yes all right all right have a good day no problem uh item number three continuing continuation of uh hearing for notice of intent for Zer Bryant NE they have asked for a continuance on that yes okay uh so I'll uh accept the motion to continue the public hearing for zerob Bryant's neck to January 27th to January 27th at six o'clock at the police station six o'clock at the police station I'll make that motion motion is made motion is seconded Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I charliie Sullivan says I uh item number four again uh continuation of NOS of inent public he of NOS of inent with 32 Middleboro Road they also have asked for a continuance for that the same date and time place I will make that motion motion has been made motion has been seconded Margaret French I marar French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie suan says I uh public continuation of public uh hearing for 16 box with Lane yes the January 27th at 6 o' at the police station you're welcome continuation of public hearing for 16 blocks wood you are the PRS if I remember correctly yes sir all right um so we put a uh cease and desist order then um have you've come up with plan so forth correct 16 box so anything else nothing else has changed okay um the silk fence has been put in uh this was a uh situation where they got started before they should have so to speak uh theyve brought it into compliance uh so is there anyone in the audience uh to speak of 16 BLX with seeing none um I would uh accept the motion that we uh accept the plan for 16 blocks would there's then I'll make that motion the only thing that we have I'll add is that the uh agent has uh recommended a split rail fence along the tree line at the uh Wetlands uh to be a barrier so that there is an encroachment on the wetlands at a later dat me uh permanent uh it it does have to be you know from point A to point B the whole way but if you could have I don't know how many feet how many feet uh roughly okay uh I maybe say put up four to six C uh sections of rail fence kind of as a mental barrier more than actually a physical barrier what's that right along line yes yeah um and we have some uh a uh notice a small metal notice that you can nail onto the fence it says you know Wetlands Beyond this point uh and that way there's you know not the idea well you we'll move a little bit F off yes yeah you can come in and the other stipulation that she said if uh the work is not to be conducted uh this winter that you put down some winter Ry at least I don't know how much we're got to but you know we'll try all right I don't know how much more uh time we're going to have to propagate H grass but if you could try that or or if if not that and you want to put up the silk fence and uh you know make sure that it's not open land to be washed away okay uh with that I'll if I haven't already I'll accept a motion uh to uh issue the uh permit I'll make that motion all right motion has been made Sor motion is seconded uh all uh Margaret French I Mar French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I motion passes all right you get your paperwork in couple of days all right take there um item number six uh I don't think we open the hearing we didn't open the hearing on uh 44 I don't think so I think it's been continued the whole time um is there anyone here from Elm Tree Drive there is people on yes they should be on uh item number six 44 Elm Tree Drive yes uh this is George Collins from cins Civil Engineering Group okay uh hello Mr Collins uh all right since you're here we will uh uh have some motions to open the uh public hearing for 44 elmtree Drive motions made in seconded Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says say I Charlie Sullivan says I also can I have a motion to uh wave the reading of the public notice I'll make that motion motion is made motion is seconded uh Margaret French I marar French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I okay Mr Collins once again if you just state your name for the record yes uh my name is George Collins registered professional engineer from colins Civil Engineering Group out of West Bridgewater I'm representing Mr Edward low for a septic upgrade at 44 Elm Tree Drive and uh uh would it would it be okay if I shared my screen yes it would can anybody see can you see my screen at this point no no okay here we go and can you see that screen now uh yes now we can see the uh the plan sir um yeah so um we um I was uh hired by Mr low to uh design a septic system they have a failed septic system [Music] um there's there's a lot going on in this plan but there's um right right in here there's a um a failed um leeching pit and um we have a number of things going on the property we have an on-site well here with 100 foot radius we have a offsite well here with 100 foot radius and then um elevation 14 right here that is the um that's the the flood zone and then um this is the asonet river here there's uh there's actually a dam in the v in this vicinity here um the main water associated with the assonate river is shown in blue um this orange dashed line here is the uh 50 foot buffer zone um this first Dash blue line is the inner riparian Zone limit and then this blue line over here is the outer riparian zone limit so you know I was aware that there's flood zone on the property when we did the um percolation test we actually we actually dug up in the this vicinity here uh there's a test bit here that's labeled unsuitable uh we dug down and we um we basically hit ledge or um and the soils are very very poor so we abandoned that location my intent was to have the system a little bit further up the hill uh getting it completely out of the flood zone but unfortunately um due to the soil condition uh and um we were not able to put the system in this vicinity so it pushed us further down the hill and again we're trying to uh maintain the 100 foot setbacks to the Wells so so I was hoping to put the system in this vicinity but due to unsuitable soils we ended up going down the hill a little bit uh it should be noted that this plan has been approved by the Board of Health we're proposing a Presby system and I want to just zoom in a little bit here um and uh we do have um we are proposing a uh an 8 in straw waddle along here in this red dash line uh for an erosion control um this property um um goes out to the main road basically through this like a parking lot and there's a there's a a multif family house in this location so it's kind of an unusual set up where you kind of drive through a little bit of a parking area to get out here um I do have a uh a 12x 12 by one foot Crush Stone tracking pad just to obviously get as much of the um any dirt that gets built up on the um on any of the wheels or the tires um and then um I apologize but originally when I looked at this property I was talking to the um Health agent about it which apparently he was on the um commission at one point and he it was his understanding that this was not uh this was not a that this was a coastal flood zone so originally I was under the impression this that this was a coastal flood zone which um which basically pulls compensatory storage out of it um subsequently um uh between the review consultant um and DP I guess we've come to the consensus that um this is uh this is not a coastal flood zone and then um if if it's deemed appropriate by the commission then compensatory storage would apply um and just to um you know obviously in an attempt to get the project you know I would like to have a quick discussion regarding the compensatory storage uh unless unless the commission would like to discuss something else before I get into that no why don't you go right ahead so great so this area here um that um if you look the uh see where are we here so this right here is the the the flood the the for El Divas 14 so this area here is the uh filled portion of the flood zone um if you take a closer look at the existing Contours um you basically have about one foot of fill on this Edge and then the further up the hill you go to the The Fill goes to zero so the average fill in this area is only is only half a foot so I did that math uh 1300 square feet to be filled with an average uh depth of a half a foot which results in 650 cubic feet and then down and then in this location um um I've got a proposed compensatory storage area and similar to uh that area basically um you have the the compensatory storage is basically zero on this Leading Edge but then it goes up to approximately one foot of a cut in here so this area here the average cut for compensatory storage is about a half a foot so um similar math, 1400 square fet with an average cut below elevation 14 of a half a foot which results in 700 cubic feet of compensatory storage so so basically in the event that this area floods um this area can compensate for that uh for those flood waters um one thing that I did um one thing that I did was a little bit of correspondence with the review consultant uh we did discuss the fact that um that my client is basically uh it's it's a family home he's been there I believe since the 1950s um when when the property does when there are flood conditions the flood waters come out along here and they run down into this parking lot and in a southernly direction this stone wall here is the property line he um and based on you know his firsthand knowledge there's never been flood waters anywhere even close to that property line and as we all know you know these flood the flood maps are are guidelines um for us to follow and obviously if something is in or near the flood zone then you know we we take another look at it a closer look at it and then basically make a determination if um if the if this will in fact impact the flood zone and ultimately uh Rec some sort of compensatory storage so we don't impact the abutters essentially and then um there is one section of the uh Wetland regulations I just want to read it's um 31010 574a uh and in the very first sentence it says compensatory storage shall be provided for all flood storage volume that will be lost as the result of a proposed project within bordering land subject to flooding when in the Judgment of the issuing authori said loss will increase or will contribute incrementally to an increase in the horizontal extent in level of the flood waters during Peak flows so basically what that says to me is uh you know based on the information that the commission is presented um it's uh basically a discretionary call if if uh if the if the uh commission feels that this project will impact the uh flood waters and basically increase the uh the horizontal footprint of the flood zone then um the regulations say that you you shall it shall require um compensatory storage uh based off of the information that of obtain and um you know it may or may not be uh true proof of Burden but you know basically when uh you know my when my client has been there all these years and his his family has actually been there since the 50s um they have never experienced any flood waters especially after that March 2010 uh uh flood waters you know it's sort of like if if they didn't get flooded then we just really don't know when it would so you know based off of The Limited information that I have it's my opinion that this is probably not physically in the flood zone um um it it is graphically within the flood zone based off of the Fe F flood maps um so it's my opinion that we're not we're not going to impact the flood zone and compensatory storage is not is not warranted however that is not my call that is the commission's call so uh you know so basically the the two the two ways that I would like to see this go would be an approval with or an approval without compensatory storage uh I'd be more than happy to answer any questions that the commission may have at this time does anyone have any questions from the commission I'm okay I don't uh anyone from the uh audience have any uh or questions or comments I'm just a little curious uh because as the gentleman just said it's a Wither without uh decision on your part I believe as he presented it I'm just uh wondering what you might face your decision I'm not I don't quite follow you Mr perhaps the engineer can explain his with without decision that he just explained Mr Collins uh could you get a a guess a little deeper into your feelings on the alternatives Yeah so basically um from a from a cost perspective for my client um we don't want to waste money on um uh designing staking out performing and as built uh and and Excavating um a compensatory storage area you know hypothetically I don't know what the actual numbers were but say say that whole say that's a $4,000 item uh certainly if the commission felt that the compensatory storage is warranted then we would absolutely you know we would gladly um request to have the project approve with the compensatory storage um but what we would prefer is not to spend that money um on the compensatory storage and all the follow-up analysis and construction layout um and uh just get the project as presented minus the compensatory storage and and and if you know and if you do look at the if you look at the flood maps regionally uh it's a substantially it's a substantially large area and then this is a very very small volume of water that we're talking about in relation to the uh to the regional flood zone so again I I don't I think uh you know my opinion if I read it right out of the regulations um I I do not think that this will result in an increase an incremental increase to the horizontal extent in level of flood waters I don't think by by building this with a little bit of volume in the flood zone is my opinion you're not going to raise the flood zone you're not going to make the flood zone larger offsite um and again that's just my opinion um but and obviously we need to make sure uh any decisions made uh uh you know the commission has a comfort level that that is the case thank you sir I think I understand your uh your implication your leadings meanings I have a question Mr Collins um I'm aware of the fact well there's another there's a dam near the site of the uh construction here there's also another Dam further up up uh River uh from the site and there is some concern about that Dam and the possibility of the state ordering it to be taken down in your opinion would that change your Viewpoint um to be perfectly honest with you I don't have enough information to comment uh in a intelligent manner I don't you know um but again you know the just in general by wrapping our head around what's going on here we have um you know if you're building Walmart you're filling in eight doing an8 foot fill in in a flood zone and you have major compensatory storage um that absolutely makes sense we have reason to believe that this is not even in the flood zone it's an absolutely a minor amount of flooding uh from you know uh from you know larger again it's not W we're not building Walmart um and um my opinion is that the compensatory storage is not warranted however that is not my decision to make um all right anyone from the commission uh what might be their viewpoint on having the Comm inory flood storage I'm kind of agreeing with Mr bins that if it hasn't flooded in 2010 I'm not sure what could happen in the future um in Mr Collins I have institutional knowledge uh to some extent that having been uh living in town for 64 68 years and uh or being familiar with the property um our agent recommended it but I'm going to uh say that the height it may they may at sometime be some flooding we don't know for sure um but the other thing is as I spoke about the dam up River you know we don't know in the future if they'll be taking down um both of the dams at sometime uh and uh then if they did that it would definitely not be a flood issue um I I'll accept I think the commission if I am not correct if anyone else would say I think the commission will wave the compensatory uh storage would that be Steve all right so well uh approve the project uh without the compensatory storage uh there is it's kind of a little bit of a strange area there it's it could it be flood uh I mean could it be tital at some time in the future yes so uh with that I'll accept a motion I'll make that motion motion is made motion is seconded Margaret French I marar French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie suan says I so the uh thing is that uh you uh can go as a plan without the compensatory uh storage thank you very much um and then just Just A administrative question um when when would you typically issue an order of conditions is it like at the next meeting or what what is your timing just just I'd be just interested just from a construction standpoint there is no real estate transaction or anything like that that it's just it's a failed system and we're just trying to wrap our heads around when we start doing work um the I I think the only order condition would have been the compensatory floods storage and the fact you know uh oh you want to have erosion control as you have on your plan and uh oh uh the storage I I don't believe there'd be a issue with a storage of uh or material so uh we would be going upon your plan okay as far as time just the issuance of the permit do you have a sense of what that might be um the permit would be ready hopefully later this week I'm off tomorrow but I should be able to start working on Wednesday and then for you guys to sign them come and and sign then okay terrific hopefully yes sometimes sometimes it takes two three weeks so they wait till the next we so that's terrific I appreciate that all right take care all right thank you very much you have you also item number seven continuation of uh notice of intent uh 11 Walnut Street they have asked for a continuance so I'll accept the motion to continue to January 20 January 27th at six o'clock at the police station I'll make that motion motion is made motion is seconded all uh Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie suvin says I uh hearing is uh continued to that day um item number eight notice of intent uh for uh South Main Street richill Road Campanelli Drive Alexandria Drive North Main Street uh for the sewer project so with that I'll accept the motion to open the uh public hearing I'll make that motion motion is made motion is seconded uh Margaret French hi Margaret French says I Steve trip hi Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I I'll also accept the motion to uh wave the reading of the public noce I'll make that motion motion is made second second moot motion is seconded Migra French i m French says I Steve Trip Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I all right um sir if you would like to state your name for the reckon uh my name is Andrew gr I'm a project manager with Apex companies okay all right and would you like to give us a rundown on love to to share our screen yes um colleague here willan also is engineer with us for so um would it be best to stand here Mr chair or go front well if you know if maybe you want would want to go up face sure excellent as I said my name is Andrew groa I'm a project manager with Apex companies uh I've been working on this project in particular uh really it's been going back since 2019 uh we were hired to do the initial conceptual uh assessment of expanding sore and the and Shores area um we recently retained in 2023 to start the design of that project so we'll get into an overw the project details and go over the scope and and the impacts so just a little bit of an agenda I'll just go through the background of the project um kind of the overview and the scope uh the actual uh areas being affected uh and then go over the impacts and the measures that we plan to [Music] take so the goal of the project is to expand Sewer Service along the South Main Street Corridor as well as also protecting the health of the asona river and river wed uh for those folks who don't know the T River Watershed is protected water body um it does have a to Total maximum contaminant level or a tmdl um for nutrients you know for um nutrients enter in the body there's a number of different municipalities that that uh send their treated Wastewater into the uh Taunton River uh so the onus of the project was to try to get folks off of septic and onto a centralized collection system which would then be conveyed to the city of FL for treatment so really the goal is to be able to not only expand sewer service but prevent the uh excessive nutrients from septic systems non-complying title five systems from entering these water bodies um and causing harm to Aquatic Life and currently the town itself has an interal agreement with the city of Far River today they currently do send uh sewage to Far River for treatment um actually the Stop and Shop parcel on South Main Street has a small pumping station that conveys flow um um so we would be doing the same setting our flow in a in a separate main to Fall River next slide so here's an overview of the project I know it's a little hard to see on the screen um we're installing about 15,300 ft of uh collection system piping which consists of a gravity seore and a low pressure sewer system um the primary primarily the area in question is along the South Main Street Corridor so approximately from the asonic pole corners all the way down to in installation wise we're going out down to about Narrows Road um the area in green that's that's um the area that's highlighted in green there we're proposing to reuse an existing pipe that's already in the roadway back when they installed the original seore force me for the stoer shop plaza they had installed a separate 8 inch line to be able to connect this in the future um so they had plans of this exact project which were basically tying in this area um down the road so our scope in the green area represents pressure testing cleaning and CCTV of that pipeline to make sure it's all intact make sure there's no defects and that appropriate to reuse uh but the onus of the project the majority of our work is focused in the red area on the top uh right hand corner um that's the area in question tonight um you know really the focus as I said it's it's a combination of low pressure and gravity sewer piping as well as the install of two sewer pumping stations uh one at 23 Alexandri Drive which is in the industrial park and then one at the four South Main Street site which is in the four corners um it's a town-owned parcel that would be looking to redevelop so um as I mentioned you know the onus would be to send this flow South on South Main Street and Connect into the city of system um as I said they we already the town already has an existing agreement with the uh with the city to send these flows and we've been working with the commission to be able to orate this work over the past year um so want go to the next slide so the impacts themselves um there's six Wetland resource areas that we've identified that are adjacent or near our proposed work uh thus the reason for this uh noi submission um none of the work itself is permanent in nature aside from the work at the two Pump Station sites everything else is being done within the right way within the roadway limits um you know the work itself as I said the majority of it open cut trench excavation for install of new seore piping the work in the two pump stations um we are putting in um small conveyance stations that pump flow from these centralized areas out um so if you think of it as like you're trying to push flow uphill obviously flow doesn't flow uphill on its own so you need pumps to be able to you know overcome that that um that head pressure so uh the work at the 23 Alexandri site uh it's within 100 feet of an isolated vegetated Wetland uh that Falls within the town's bylaw that's the reason uh for the impacts there and then at the four South Main Street site uh it falls outside of the 100 foot buffer um but again because it's part of the scope of the project we felt it appropriate to make sure we comment on the approach um and as I mentioned you know the impacts to the Wetland resource areas are temporary in nature I mean the majority of our Ro work is within pavement RightWay limits um we're not looking to touch any Wetland areas we're not looking to you know expand perious areas beyond what we're identifying here for these two um these two Pump Station sites excuse me ask a question yes sir all right so number four South B Street how close is that to City homeall uh it's Stones throw away I mean probably a couple hundred feet okay and you're going to and this pipeline is going to run out to Bay shores is that what right the pipeline so there'll be a small Pump Station at four South Main that'll collect flows by gravity to that that site so it'll pick up like Town Hall in the immediate area and then that flow will be pumped uphill on South Main Street all the way to High Street so we're actually taking flow from that for South Main Street site pumping it up to High Street and then from there flowing by gravity up to High Street but you're not gonna not going to move along South Main Street toward Fall River well so we are so basically what happens is it's broken to multiple segments so you think of it as like a collection system so everything flows to Fourth South Main gets pumped up to High Street High Street then flows by gravity to this 23 Alexandra site and then from 23 Alexandra that gets pumped all the way down South Main Street into Far River so everything is kind of conting at these centralized Pump Station sites um it just avoids having to build like multiple pump stations you try to select appropriate sites where you can minimize the amount of stations you need I I had another question regarding Thea B shorts uh someone or you or study somewhere saying that there are that there is some form of uh leakage or whatever from the the systems that the the homes on the sunate shores into the T River there we have evidence to believe that there has been failed septics over the years that have contributed to some of the ecological degradation of the taunt River Watershed um I don't have the specific examples in front of me but I have reviewed seate records I know there's been a fair amount of Replacements or repairs and we do realize that the Totten waste treatment plant and the F waste treatment plant both fail to meet the uh treatment requirements particularly during heavy rainstorms right and that could be a contributing factor to the data you're looking at a very moment might be I I I don't know much about those facilities to be honest with you well there would be significant contributing factors to any sort of data on um ution in that area I know they are combined systems to so to your point I agree I mean they certainly would contribute to that um but for the purposes of our project we would be essentially tying into an existing pipe that already is was already installed in place on South Main Street that was the one put in by sh correct uh it was put in at in the early 2000s I think it was done by a local contractor care resendes um but you don't know the date or the year that that that I don't off and I I just know it was really too bad I just asked because you know sometimes these pipes are over time and that's that's the reason why we want to make sure we're doing our due diligence to make sure that pipes um you know so rather than open cut and excavate a brand new Force main for a mile and a half we're going to CCTV clean it and then pressure test to make sure it's all so I see this as some benefit to wherever the pipe runs by but it doesn't seem like it runs by like my place at 8 South Main Street doesn't run by there does it where where where's number uh we well so any we are picking up toward forward right so I think folks in the red area are being picked up as part of our project that folks in the green area that area is not being collected as this project could you point on that we be sure the Four Corners is right here okay so it's going to come up South Main Street okay you're 80 so you're going to be around here somewhere are you south of the okay I was goingon to say because our our our line ends what we're connecting into is by Narrows Road which is I think just just shy with the red meets the green yes okay so does it does it go as far as 80 the area that you're you're gonna run that pip by yeah it's going to go all the way to for by way of South Main Street yeah yes okay so that part of that stretch is State Highway correct okay and if according to what I was told by District 4 once they put new pavement down they can't open it up for four years or five years it's typically a moratory so your you your actual construction is going to be outside of whatever that window was well the intent here would be we would construct the work restore the pavement you know so that what mot would be looking for within their right of way um and then typically they put a moratorium of how open up the road after that but so you so you as a company can do it but I I as a private individual can't do it Mr Rosa okay that's out of the spectrum oh no I want to know what runs by my my properties but Mr Rosa what I'm telling you is whether you can do it or the town can do it it is irrelevant to no no Mr Rosa Mr Rosa I'm telling you okay I'm not I'm not having a discuss it's out of the realm of the discussion we have here tonight okay it doesn't pertain to the matter we have here tonight so if you go beyond that question that question is is out that's fine I'll redirect is that okay with you well we're not GNA talk about whether you or somebody else can can open pav that that's that's immaterial accepted your point okay all right I just I just make that clear AC okay go on so that is going to run down South Main Street toward Fall River okay Beyond The Interchange which I think you mentioned yes sir uh will the people along that pipeline be able to ti so there's a there's multiple pipelines that are being installed there's a sore Force main which is its own dedicated individual line but then there's also a low pressure sfor me that folks would be able to tie into so there's multiple pipelines one of which that folks would be able to connect to south of that 24 are you familiar with why they opened up the road just a short time ago I'm not familiar with that now they put in a lot of I think significant piping ran I believe cable down through all along there but perhaps you have that on your map I don't want to ask any more questions that thank you yes sir I just need to bear too um excuse me sir could you state your name could you state your name Innovation to the so what exactly is going to run by new what are you changing what are you including so nothing is changing there we're reusing the an existing 8 inch ductal iron main that's left in the ground that was capped and installed about 20 years ago so what we're doing is essentially cleaning and pressure testing that pipeline to make sure it's all intact there's no defects no joints have pulled apart so in that area in particular Ser we're not actually touching anything or just basically making sure that Line's intact before we reutilize but you are adding um STS STS that's further up on the North side of the project so the service stubs are being added when we're installing new new uh collection system piping on the north side of the project the area that you're referencing we're not touching anything in the ground we're just looking to reutilize that existing pipeline that's already there you're just going to clean correct clean camera and pressure test I'm sorry when you say camera what do you mean is that a visual no there's a small crawler style camera that gets inserted into the pipeline and and that camera provides what uh it's a closed C circuit television inspection it provides you with a visual inspection inside yes sir um if you want you go to the next slide will so if you want yeah so these are the environmental impacts um actually should just go to the next one show the photos so these are the two areas in question uh the photo on the left represents the 23 Alex Alexander Drive site um it's a wooded area so the intent here would be to clear these this area um and put a new pump station right at the corner Alexandria Drive and ridg Hill Road um the area on the right represents the four South Main Street uh building um this is to be demoed by the town outside of the scope of this project uh the intent here would be to put a new SE Pump Station at this particular site um both of these sites would consist of a below grade wet well which would collect all the waste water flows uh a below grade valve Vault for operation and maintenance of the the station and then it would have an above grade um enclosure for electrical controls the four South Main site in particular we ended up trying to blend with the aesthetic of the disant community so we ended up going with an abovegr enclosure that matches the look and feature of the existing building just on a smaller scale um whereas at the 23 Alexandri site um it would essentially be on a pad a electrical box or closure if you will um both sites will also have standby generators in the in the event of a loss of power um so that's the photos and you want go to the last one well and this is just the protection measures uh which we identified on the plans um really like I said because the majority of our work was in within the roadway um you know really silt socks uh catch Basin inserts making sure they were going through um dewatering bags is really the standard practice for for trench excavation um as I said you know our intent is not to touch or replicate any Wetlands we're not disturbing any Wetlands as part of this project all of our work is temp in nature um aside from the work at those two pump stations so with that I'll happy to take any questions Mr chair I have no questions other than um is there going to be a review process with with um uh a secondary or peer review of this or you um asking us to go go on with it as I I just was wondering if there is any other peer review not to my knowledge I mean we've been meeting with the town Water and Sewer Commission on a monthly basis for the you know I want to say the last 14 15 months well so we've been providing regular updates on a monthly basis to the commission um I mean if they still happen to choose to do a peer review that would be fine um I don't believe there's any plans to do so at this point okay I just can I ask one more question now that hit south from the how will it cross that bridge so the you're talking about the one that crossed the son river that little Stone cover so the intent there is to not disturb the cobbert itself we'd be running the pipe shallow there and insulating that pipeline so essentially you know you'd have to neck up and then go above the top of the stone box covert or the Stone cover that runs across so so it would be external to the bridge it would be within the pavement so it would be similar to how they installed the water man across there they they necked up went above the four typically you want to keep at least four feet of cover if not more um but in that case we we would insulate it just to make sure it's Frost protected but it's so it still be under the RO it still be under the RO that question yes only question is doesn't own for d for I 23 so 23 Alexandri Drive I know that it's currently under lean are unpaid taxes and I from what I understand talking to the Town Administrator is that the town's in the process of obtaining that parcel um the expectation is that the town would have that parcel in hand before this work would proceed um so and I I had to note that Nicole I think brought that up in her review as well um the intent here is that you know this project wouldn't proceed until we have that parcel actually owned by the town of free Town um but with the understanding of talking to the Town Administrator she had asked that we' move forward assuming that the town would be the owner for ma'am did you have a question yeah just state your name address this might be outside scope what this meeting is so please let me know I understand the sou Rich has been contemplated for construction for a bit um how will that relate to installing the sewer line across that with an construction well yes it's out of the scope I I I and I don't want to answer that from my knowledge uh because I I don't know that I have all the facts but the but there is no um uh need maybe you could do to uh change the bridge so to speak for this project correct they're they're one in they're one in they're two different things okay uh I I understand why you're asking it uh to be uh met in different uh spectrums I guess you could say or venues uh so the the bridge uh work that would involve the sewer involve conservation is different than what would be the bridge okay um I'm not going to say what I I've heard through the through the gra Vine so to speak as being what's going to be done U with the bridge to reinforce the bridge I wonder if they would overlap all um yeah yeah I it might make a good might make a good idea to do the two together but uh you know would we not not at that point yet and and if if I may Mr chair I for what it's worth this project we're the town doesn't have grant funding to proceed with this work our scope at this point is just doing the design and the permitting for the work so the expectation is that until we get the grant funding to proceed you know this work wouldn't happen in the immediate future anyone else have any questions all right uh I'll close the public input uh area the uh hearing um is any any uh commission have any uh question added question I'm M all right so basically we're talking about Alexandria Drive and crossing the river and that's it in the plan correct okay and I know there was some questions that came from the agent which I did respond back to this afternoon um I do plan on meeting with her on Friday with my Wetland scientist I think she had some questions regarding some of the delineated Wetlands um I think most of which were within that area that were pressure testing and cleaning not so much the area that we're disturbing so that we do we do plan on meeting on Friday to go over that okay uh do you think you'd be uh so You' be able by the next meeting to uh we if we continue it to the next meeting that would be that would probably suffice with the area what what you need to talk to her about sure yeah that's reasonable um I mean I think there was some minor adjustments she was looking for on the plans which is no problem um again I just wanted to make sure she understood the scope of that area specifically on the south side of South Main Street um so certainly at the next meeting I think those answers should be had okay all right uh so I'll accept the motion that we continue it uh this hearing to January 27th at 6 o' 6 o'cl at the Freetown Police Station I'll make that motion is made motion is seconded Margaret French I French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I okay so that close for this time the public hearing thank you Mr chair take care um item number nine uh first refusal notification uh under chapter uh 61a 81 Middleboro Road this is the uh site where we spoke of the solar array on the cranbery blog just to refresh everyone's me uh memory um I don't see where we would want to purchase that land especially at the price that would probably be so U anyone have any other import any questions so Charlie I'm looking at this picture they're talking about the land that right okay so what they're doing actually is they changing the use of the land y so because they're changing the use of the Landon is no longer going to be agricultural they have to give uh a uh they have to put it down for first refusal for the town and if uh that if the town doesn't pick it up and they pay the TA they pay off the taxes for few years I forget what it is I think it's like five seven years and then they will go through that roll back taxes yeah okay so could I have a motion um I'll motion that we not purchase the land okay do I have a second I'll second motions made seconded Margaret French hi Margaret French says I Steve Trip Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I motion is passed um item number 10 discuss and take action relative to land donation uh Richmond Road map 207 lot 038 and cway uh this is a land we talked about last week or last meeting the uh oh trust I believe it is that owns the property would like to give it to the town um it is it is basically landlocked um especially with the railroad now uh operating it it is so I guess I'll take a motion on that what what do you wanted Mike I think is on the Mike is on the Call Comes Up yeah Mike are you there hi can you hear me yes now yes okay thank you so excuse me there is one item outstanding and that is that the Our Town Council requested from the wildlands trust the holder of the conservation restriction a certificate of a stopple which basically was a certific that the land was being given to us uh in a state where it was fully compliant with its conservation restriction as part of that process the wildlands trust went out and did a walk of the property observed the property and there was an area where there have been some issues with dirt bikers getting in and you know basically having small parties so they identified some trash uh that the current property owner is responsible for having cleaned up before the wildlands trust will issue the certificate uh they expect that that will be done in relatively short order so uh if you are voting to accept the donation you would need to vote to accept the donation subject to receiving uh the certificate of a stopple all right now this brings up some a question I'm going to have maybe uh do they have any uh oh idea of how they can physically stop dir bikers from using the land in other words are they also looking into that um since this seems to be the cause of this trash and so forth and it is a little bit I'm a little bit interest and how we're going to uh keep drift bikers from using the land if possible my suspicion is right now the only ways to get into that property are either through the conservation commission's existing property or to trespass in the railroad right of way so I know South Coast rail has erected some fencing uh it may be a matter of identifying where exactly they're getting in and putting up a small area of fence I don't believe that the wildlands trust will do that they don't own the property they simply hold the conservation restriction and I would be inclined to think that the property owner uh since they have not done this for the last however many years is probably not going to do it also um but I can't imagine that it would be a large area um I I haven't been out there myself in a while but um when I was they had started putting up the South Coast rail fencing so the trash could be old trash I'm not actually sure all right um all right maybe uh yeah maybe we should take a look and see if the fencing is has blocked that and if it hasn't then we'll have to get in touch with the MBTA because I'm sure they don't want people riding dirt bikes along there right away uh so probably to put up a fence if they haven't already would be good but all right um so we haven't received that document correct that the Town Council uh requests no uh Town Council is expecting that when they do receive it it will be adequate um and the Wildland trust is prepared to issue it just subject to having that trash remediated okay so uh probably the best bet would be us to continue this item until we get those documents and check out let's going on do we want to do that or or as Mike suggested uh vote to accept a contingent upon getting that certificate okay you want to make that a motion M uh Margaret yeah I'll make that motion okay do I hear a second okay motion has been made and seconded to accept the donation with the stipulations uh mentioned marar French hi marar French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie s says I all right all right Mike thank you thanks you all have a good Christmas if I don't talk to you again well I I'm G tell you I'll be talking to you this week Mike all right I'll still try to have a good Christmas all right take care uh item number 11 discuss and take action to apply for a grant with uh carton River stewardship uh Council um Nicole had gotten a uh letter about two weeks ago I guess now uh from the Taunton River uh stewardship and they had uh heard of the uh proposed plans for uh portter pastures and they had uh advised us that they do have uh the uh grant program and it's up to $25,000 um so this would be a vote to investigate uh the possibility of uh applying for a grant with a Taun Watershed all right uh we just need approval from the count uh from the commission that we all know that it's uh being done Mr chair yes is that the Taunton River Watershed or is that a different oration well we have here tarton River stewardship counil stewardship okay that's different thank you um so just if uh I guess we want to take a formal vote that we would uh plan to look into grants all right I will that motion all right motion has been made motion is seconded all uh all in favor uh Margaret French I maret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I all right item number 12 confirm vote to issue an enforcement order uh for 54 Dr Bley Road the Dr brle road is uh issue here is uh this property uh the owner was in front of us I want to say two meeting two or three meetings ago he was advised that he needed to uh get a plan and uh or come before the board to uh address the uh issues that he been make he had been doing on his property at Dr burle Road he has not responded and uh like I said we voted last meeting to issue the enforcement order for confirming that tonight I will make that motion motion's been made motion uh has been seconded Margaret French I French says I Steve Trip Steve trip says I Charlie suvin says I so this is I think G to be a little bit of a uh oh battle here but we're taking step number one um item number 13 discuss discussion on Conservation Commission budget and possible warrant article um as we know we're getting into budget season I just wanted to say anyone have any uh thing they want to uh imput on the budget or um for the warrant to uh please just advise us um the budget I I would say would probably stay generally the same as it has been uh I know that excuse me um there's been a notion for a number of years that uh the Conservation Commission has certain powers and that those certain powers are granted by a local option law and Freetown has never uh oh accepted that local option law uh and but we've kind of acted on it or in the past uh the commission so I would like to uh clear that up and uh at least get it before the uh town meeting to try to get uh the town to accept this local option law uh there's two there there's a law that actually set up conservation commissions under the wetlands act and then there second law is an a local option that gave certain powers to conservation commissions so that's what uh that possible warrant article that I'm thinking of but if anyone else has anything they uh think we should put on the uh warrant uh you know just bring it before the commission all right okay so uh we'll go from that and then any other business uh before the con ation commission milbrook restoration um milbrook uh restoration the uh work that the state has done on um the cranberry bar on Howland Road uh it's coming up for review well it's coming up for the end of it actually the it's expiring January 13th January 13th um the thing is that we probably will not have a meeting before January 13 we we do have a a scheduled meeting there we have a meeting for January 13th but there's a potential town meeting on January 13th so if that's the case we wouldn't be able to hold our meeting unless we did it earlier on the day right and uh and so maybe we would uh get together uh maybe on a zoom meeting to uh extend this before it expires because if it if if you don't do it by the time it expires um there is they have they're supposed to have to refile so we might want to uh do that but well we'll have to I guess we'll have to wait and see what next week yeah because I also have to um contact them to make sure that it was a recorded order of conditions as well so right so they they hadn't recorded not that we can find but we can not that we can find that they had recorded it so they might have to record it uh before they come before us for an extension all right okay um so I'll accept the motion to adjourn the uh Conservation Commission we do have uh a matter for soil conservation board that will take up right momentarily Mr chairman before you convene can I ask a question yes how does uh how do one get something on your agenda for your consideration you can call uh Nicole at the office and uh she'll be happy to uh assist you she work normal normal working hours at the office in free town in town most of the time um I'm the only one in the office currently so there are times that I'm not you up on the third floor I was they moved me down to the first floor now I was on the third floor yes next toone first floor next to I'm the when you come in the town hall I'm the second door a third door on the left side now oh okay yes kind before the assessor's office um across from the uh town clerk's office yeah you're welcome so I'll accept a motion to adjourn the Conservation Commission I will make that motion motions are made motion is seconded Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I meeting is adjourned uh now I'll take up the meeting of uh the soil conservation board uh for Monday December 9 2024 and the item uh one is review and vote and vote to renew permits permit uh 529 Janice Marie Way map 241 lot 62 property John Mello um so here here's the thing the the Water Commission has stated that they have haven't complied with their request um and they had uh requested that all permits be uh oh denied I guess you could say I'm the only thing I'm not and I I I was remiss I was kind to looked this up in the town bylaws I know that there's tax for tax purposes that you can uh deny but I don't know about non-compliance with other boards request if that uh stands so my uh question is do we want to uh oh issue the permit now or do we want to wait uh again um it's I like I said I I'm remiss I was kind to uh look up the town bylaw but I I forgot to be perfect so there's a mo there's a motion to table uh is there a second to that I yes I will second okay motion is M made and seconded to table um item number one on the agender uh until uh such time as we get more information um Margaret French I Margaret French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I U all right yes it's uh I just don't want us to do something wrong and you know get ourselves into a some murky water that we don't need to get into right all right uh with that I will accept the motion to adjourn the so conation did we want to see when we want to schedule um oh the site inspection for cap Cloud Aggregates on bri Street Margaret um yes have any any preference for when you would like to uh go to cake clot aggregate um as of this Friday at five o'clock I am done with school until January 13th I am free as a bird okay alrighty uh so Nicole will you get back to them um I know they said uh next Saturday they could um potentially but I know it's the week of Christmas as well so I don't know if that works or or if I should just let them know um you said to what day Margaret is back at school I'm back at school well I'm still kind of free um January 13th okay okay Margaret how about the first Saturday of the new year of January perfect why did we do that first Saturday of January yes got it okay okay all right with that I'll accept a motion to adjourn uh the seral conservation board I will make that um motion wow all right um motion has been made in second uh margar French I margar French says I Steve trip I Steve trip says I Charlie Sullivan says I margar I think even though it was an hour and a half here tonight we uh got out of here easy um yeah yeah the chatter before the meeting made it sound like it was going to be a bad thing well did well some people rule with an iron fist I guess yeah