e e e e all right it being 6 o' you know quum being present I will call to order the Freetown Conservation Commission meeting for Monday May 13th um the first item of business is request for certificate of uh comp uh completion for two uh Pickins Avenue and they uh have sent along pictures and so forth to verify that the job is mostly completed except for the the com is on the site but so I'll accept the motion um for approval of certificate of comp uh completion I will make that motion motion is made all second motion is seconded all in favor say I I I motion passes number two request for certificate of completion one Hilltop Park um say they have completed the septic system upgrade motion on that I will motion to issue a complete certificate of compliance second that motion is made and seconded all in favor say I I I motion passes request for deter determination of appealability for 16 each public Street um for install um installation of erosion control and removal of three Ines of soil and replacement with new loans Hydro seed entire lawn area and so there no one here to speak of it but we do have the request anyone have any questions about it install erosion control uh what erosion control I don't they said what kind [Music] and they're not here tonight so I mean if the commission has a preference one way or the other the type of controller um you know you should make that condition so which the one on the corner 16 East public Street yeah I say that's quite bit down yeah there's a picture in the which one it's the one that shows the cation control that white line yeah the oh okay yes and what's the green circle that says it's 100 foot radius okay I guess I'm okay with it done do I hear a motion oh a motion to what are we doing well you you might want to uh do we want to stipulate um some type of specific erosion control I don't know the might be best to probably ask is a stipulation the silk sock they right easiest easiest to move and so forth and doesn't true leave anything behind they do want to L and Seed we don't need to put hay bales down add extra seed in so to speak all right um so I'll accept a motion to uh Grant the determination that though it is within the uh buffer zone it does not uh fill or disrupt the uh Wetlands with the stipulation of erosion control being a silk sock that sound good okay um I'll make that motion motion made I'll second it motion is seconded all in favor I all right um number item number four uh zero Cliff Drive again request for determination of equitability uh removal of dead [Music] trees so did we get a a statement from a Tre wooden three we did not people or they're pretty clearly dead I have not been on site to see them I I haven't either so um what about stumps any other debris yeah I had questions about that um I put that in the packet but um I don't believe they're here tonight to sort of answer those questions I don't know if we want to you want to continue this or well we technically don't need to to like a motion to stop hearing but well let's wait and see if they yeah come along come back to this item yeah we'll come back to that um item number five our request for determination of avability at 35 copicut Road this is is uh the solar array um down with the Quarry that res Z this is the um um work the um system did have prior approval and they want to move on the this in the areas that they have uh selected yeah nobody here they are on oh oh they are on okay yeah by me uh Chris hey afternoon good afternoon so will you just give us a little rundown on uh the project as it as relates to this evening's request sure uh we had received a negative determination previously uh we are not anticipating any excuse me could you just state your name for the record oh yes sir my name is Chris Denton I'm an employee of standard solar okay yeah the project had received a negative determination previously uh we are not anticipating any Wetlands impacts or any changes from the previously approved uh plans and uh just requesting to move forward and just became aware that the previous RDA had expired and so wanted to submit a new one here all right and so you're going to install the fence basically has anything changed at all um no we no everything is as is on all right okay fine um that being the case and basically being a uh renewal or re assignment I'll accept the motion that the though it is within the uh 100 foot buffer it does not uh oh cause damage to any Wetlands or any need any uh movement within the wetlands I'll make that motion motion is made I'll second motion is seconded all in favor say I hi hi all right sir there you go thank you thank you have a good evening item number six request for determination of applicability one Browns Lane Luke neac I think he's just joining yes so yeah I'm here all right we can hear you so will you just State your uh name and address for the record and then you can give us a little rundown uh my name is Luke neik uh one Browns Lane um we put a pool in actually last year um in March of 23 we um applied to put up a gazebo and like a little um equipment shed for the uh pool equipment and then that's when uh building notified us that we were within 100 feet of the wildlands but the pool's already done the site work's already completed um it would just be construct in the uh pool shed all right um so you're what you're going to be ending up doing now is is the actual construction of the Gazebo correct correct exactly yeah all the site work is complete all right site work for the Gazebo no no for like the pool so the pool was really where all the work was being done now it's like you know it's just a matter of building a gazebo on you know that's it all right we're going to um oh make a a stipulation that you put up erosion control to the uh rear of your kazeo site all right uh okay the if you look at from what I see the aerial I would I would suggest about where the end of the CLE area is okay okay that's fine and and then Loop it uh to WS like your Northwest p mean northeast corner of the pool you that a visual on that Luke what's that I'm sorry okay I I would suggest that you put erosion control at the edge of the uh work site for the kazeo and loop it around towards the northeast corner of your pool okay all right and so be an act around the whole thing just to uh okay sure that there's no uh issues with anything getting into the wetlands all right yep no problem at all yep you got it okay um with that I uh would suggest a motion for the determination number three condition number three again uh within the uh 100 foot buffer zone but it does not alter or fill I will make that motion second it motion is made motion is seconded all in favor say I I I all right uh at the time I uh would accept a motion to uh reopen the public hearing for 11 Walnut Street I'll make that motion I'll second motion made and seconded all in favor say I I can I just clarify you just be calling it back to order we reopening just a little sorry sorry okay just want toy for your terminology M all sorry all right um is your he's supposed tell where is he supposed to be here on did he turn in anything um he did provide revisions um um I don't know it's up to the commission if we want to try and get some of the other items and maybe he will pop in yeah because he's supposed to yeah the the revision was supposed to be um added and the other thing I forgot to mention to him that about the um materials that they do remove from site a stockpile oh use I don't know was see or where of that or not yeah I know that whatever um we take out to build the driveway is supposed to be used for the replic yes yes okay that much he's explained to me so I know that that is the case all right and um Mr Salo had been here last week and I did I went out um the salutos live about 150 ft from where the gas line crosses right and there there is a large swampy pond in the front yard um that was separated by Walnut Street being built so there's there's uh swamp on both sides so to speak the town maintains a cul that of some nature I couldn't actually find the cul it but I could see where the water was moving through so I know it was working uh so for Mr sro's um question it would be from what I saw it that it's not really going to be a disturbance uh or cause or likely to cause any uh flooding to them their home I say very highly likely to cause think talk for sure but we don't know but I don't know other than did he even bring the plan to your um yeah I do have some of the hard copies but I don't know if we want to try and take up the other items yeah I mean I don't mind waiting if you want to take up other items to last time he was a little late this kind of yeah so I mean it's up to the board but you want to come back all right we will we'll come back to that we'll get a little um all right uh item number eight is a uh delineation of a uh resource area 81 middle ro road it was already done at one time will open I'll accept a motion to open the public hearing I'll make that motion motion is made all second motion is seconded all in favor say I I I um did he say they were coming or is it just I thought they were supposed to be coming um now we have noing to yeah yeah I don't think they're here either um but we do need if you guys want to read the public hearing not notice or um okay a motion to wave the public hearing notice I'll make that motion I'll second it motion is made in seconded all in favor I I all right I wonder if they kind of a maybe they didn't show because they know it's going to have to get peer reviewed but I mean I don't all right um they're not here so I would accept the motion to continue the public hearing to June 10th 2024 6: pm here at the police community room I'll make that motion motion is made is seconded all in favor say I I the next one is item number nine uh the chapter 61a writer first refus the notification for nine flag Swamp Road map number 255 lot 57 um all right this is 8 plus acre piece of land off of flag Swamp Road with a house the people want to sell the house and do we want to buy the property for 400 I think it's what $435,000 anybody want to do that I don't think so I think we have enough money I will accept the motion to uh state that we are waving our first refusal nine flag Swamp Road I make that motion I'll second motion is made and seconded all in favor say I I I all right and the next uh item is discussion take action on planning and land use deel departments relocating to fire station number two um Victoria do you want to address anything to this or additionally to what we spoken before yeah um I just just to kind of reiterate reiterate what we spoke about um I do have some concerns um noise is probably the biggest noise from the fire station and from the other departments that's supposed to be there if there's no kind of Separation um and then also um I don't think Administration wants Public Access and the expectation would be for us to drive to the police station or drive back to town hall to help service people um and that's just not going to be efficient for my office or for the public our residents that have to wait for us to drive to these places to be able to help them um those are probably my biggest concerns I have some other ones it's not to say they can't be worked out but I just want to make sure these get addressed my big concern is that public not having access to any Department in town I I understand that you know there's the issue with uh overcrowding but um I would clearly want to get that um clarified that I don't think we should be having any Department not having uh public access to somebody walking in if they need to um I I know a lot of you said that there's not a lot of foot traffic but not a lot but we do got some especially um we get referrals like from the building department so someone goes to their office they'll say oh you need you know XYZ from upstairs um yeah so I still say we should just go we should go with the usion upstairs in the police station you can get access from that side door and it doesn't have to go in we can't put anybody they the stairway we kind of have people up there she wouldn't have to but when she wanted to meet people she could come down here and have security to meet them than everything else we could be do yeah I just Steve I just think that somebody should be able to go okay his walking to the office uh having to like have this R rendevu uh situation when and then the other thing is someone could walk in and you know have an issue they come here to meet them um and they don't have the information that that the person needs now they got to have another uh oh meet up at another time just I think that I I don't I wouldn't have a problem with them being at the fire station if there was some kind of partitioning partitioning in public access that's the that's the thing that there's no there's no windows or anything else over there too right no windows no concrete room yeah doesn't seem like a very good fit yeah I think it's a so um my suggestion would be you want to formulate a letter and email a copy to each of us and we will have feedback to that letter and send end up sending a letter to the uh Town Administrator telling how we feel that sound I didn't think anything was a definite I thought the public access was a temporary until things could be straightened out well that's that's not what was told to me but I mean I haven't seen anything kind of like a set plan so it's kind of hard to make a determination if there's no kind of set plan that we're basing I don't think there is a set plan I think it's in the talking stage yeah I think um the BOS are going to have a meeting in June to discuss it and I think they're going to encourage um our boards to be in attendance to discuss that would make sense do you want to leave it that or do you want to send a letter of our um should I say concerns well if there's going to be a border selectman meeting to discuss it I think that's where you want to present your concerns we haven't gotten a notification that yet they saying when June when I'm not sure yet they don't I don't think they have a definite at least that's not well don't forget Tom meeting is June 3D that kind of is subsuming everything at this point yeah so I don't think anybody's thinking about doing anything until after that if you want you can send a letter or just I think the planning board um decided right Steve to let them know that we have concerns right we want to be we want to attend that meeting but I don't think we want to send a letter until we knew kind of what the definite is or at least kind s of talked it out that makes sense my my thing of the suggestion for the letter would be to ask these questions well hey can we have some uh information on what actually is happening what the idea is but if you want to wait and see if the board of selectman uh have a meeting in June um it would be nice to know what you were doing on Monday night in June but U that's that's beside the point um all right um we'll wait until June then right item number 11 minutes did we have any issues on the minutes it looked okay to me you good see yep I'm good all right I'll accept the motion um motion to accept as written all right motion is made to accept the minutes as written all in favor say I hi okay any other uh business property to come before the Conservation Commission um I guess we can tell rest we had uh over the last two weeks uh interviews for our candidate for con uh conservation commissioner uh or agent uh we had five candidates send in resumés uh one gentleman bred out we uh had interviews and we come up with a woman um Adine Adeline what's her last name I'm not sure if I'm gonna pronounce it right B all right good good try any um she uh lives in Westport she is the full-time conservation officer for seon and she has accepted the position and we do have an issue which we might want to do in having a um oh a quick meeting sometime within about the next two weeks um to appoint her officially so that um we can get her on uh probably sometime in June by July by July 1st right any um One have any input them when you might want to hold this meeting and I guess we could do it by Zoom yeah might be you don't want to do it during our next meeting or you want to do it before then or well the next meeting won't be until June June 10th June 10th um which a month away um and she'd have to uh get some paperwork in and get uh verified that probably got to take at least another week I I think it you know just have her on board course per DM so it really doesn't uh we don't really know what hours but would be I I think it would kind of be nice to have her on board as soon as as possible just in case we do uh need some assistance and um being aware of something that's going to probably got to raise its ugly head again July uh on South Main Street um uh might be good to have did I my eyes all right so I'm pretty well well I Steve you work till 33 3:15 3 yeah during the week you have to think about that oh wait a minute wait a minute so I assume sometime after three would be preferable all right I am currently teaching Monday Wednesday Friday Fridays until probably around 3 Tuesday Thursdays are are not so good to me um I suppose 3 o' we be back baby should be asleep for which day Tuesdays and Thursday okay um so it's really up to the board we could do Thursday um that's what you said Works Tuesday and Thursday works is that what you said no I would prefer Monday Wednesday Friday you oh I'm sorry I had it flipped okay um yeah it's too late to do this Wednesday um what about um I cannot do the 22nd could do Monday I could do Monday you do Monday I do Monday Monday sounds good to you Monday sounds good to us Monday is the 20th Monday is the 20th Yep just FYI I'm on vacation next week but Nicole can R the zoom if that's okay with you guys for me to not be okay so what exactly are we doing on this Zoom we be appointing her officially okay okay so that's all we're going to do so did you you called the references and all of that stuff yes okay I I also did work with her when I I was an intern and she was um like an employee at the Lloyd Center um so I did know her previously want to go okay okay I just I did check um one reference got back to me the other two did not okay okay like I said she's the full-time uh conservation officer for the town of SE at the present time is this the person who had problems with the hours or yes she does have um a stricter schedule because she works full-time in C con so she would have to do you know after 12 on Fridays um you know weekday evenings um or weekend so she is available all the other time but I know it's it's kind of uh tough when it's her schedule's a little different from ours um but I mean in terms of when people go on site visit sometimes it is the weekend anyway especially commission availability it's better for you guys on the weekend if you want to attend so I think it might it might work out um well that way way yep all right so on we'll meet on Monday the 20th at 3 4 3:30 3:30 okay all righty all right by Zoom correct yes yeah yes I might be on the road but I can still talk okay um that um I had something else oh did you file the budget transfer forms for the no not yet I got the paperwork um I believe Lan sent me the form yeah inter department just so it's just one line item to the other okay so I don't need will I need department head signature for that because I can't I'm not technically a department I don't I don't know right I would you would need Charlie's signature yeah I'll have that ready when I do all the meeting paperwork for tonight no problem okay um yeah and then um you can just give it to Luan it has to go through the bo of Selectmen and then through Finance oh okay I did both have to approve okay all right the Communications number I don't know if you can look at what is submitted but I can't speak on anything because I'm in um I think maybe we just June 10 yeah continue all right well would like to continue it to June 10th June 10th yes same time same location right that I open we need a motion for that right yeah just a motion I'll make a motion that we continue this to June 10th I'll second that motion is made in seconded all in favor say I I all right there's nothing else no there was one other one that we left open right go back middle World midle road yeah no no I thought we um Z click Drive um yeah can we continue that for more more information y okay so what is the what have a good night good night sorry um so I will so you want a letter from I either an explanation or or of some sort whether it's verbal or via letter um what exactly is involved in removing the trees is it stumps is it stump grinding um how much work is being done there what kind of equipment is coming on the land and what will the cation control be should you have the tree Warden go there and check make sure yeah it's the tree Warden that's not the tree it's not the tree W's responsibility no he has to he needs to have a letter from I mean that's typically what we like to see but we do not have a set policy for that so we can ask but I just want to make that know that we don't have a set well so he's not saying just remove trees he's quoting dead trees yes so we just want a letter from the the um we can request a letter from the tree company saying that yes they are infected and this is how they're going to take them down how about he uh if he's for away the picture would that satisfy I have a train in my front yard that looks like it's dead but it will leave a later on so it sounds like a good idea but sometimes not all right okay so I I ask him for verification of the deadness of the trees and uh go from there okay you don't need to formally continue that one because it's not a public okay oh okay um and I believe that was all that we went back to those two y okay I'll accept a uh motion to adjourn I make that motion motion is made and seconded all in favor say I I I all right