##VIDEO ID:4doud0H9i9w## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e coming no uh traveling oh that's right board meeting right I think she's like flying somewh sorry okay did I start Teressa okay okay adequate notice of this regularly scheduled meeting of the Frenchtown board of education has been provided in accordance with the open public meeting act by notification to the hunon county Democrat on January 11 2024 a copy of this notice has also been posted at the public school at the municipal building and filed with the B CL and we stand for the foot I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice Mr Blackburn here Mr bery here Miss Howard here miss Klein here miss nahara miss follow Mrs nen here um and since we have no public comment or no public present um we will move on to number five for the district goals and board goals um after our discussion last month I included a draft in um our packet um and these goals would inform action plan which we can expect um from Jim and myself uh I'm not sure probably next meeting um our October meeting is early but um but we should be able to put the action goals or the action plan together by then um so any well let's have um any comments or questions or input before we move is this supposed to be clickable I was trying to do it at home I could on the agenda no in your files here just one page good yep yep um so we have the district goal of improve academic performance of Fes students using vared strategies including curriculum instruction professional development and family engagement and the board goal was to engage in a five-year strategic planning process to determine district and board goals and um Beta had reach out to me with a comment which I um and read to you um this I hope this message finds you well as I'm traveling I will miss today's meeting but want to share my thoughts on the goal setting we must focus on two critical areas academics and enrollment of immediate concern is declining enrollment in 2018 21% of eligible students attended other schools today that number is 36% meaning over a third of our local families are opting out if we don't address this now no amount of academic Improvement will sustain our school I propos the following three goals to reverse or stabilize enrollment by fall of 2025 and one goal around our academic ambition um identify reasons for declining enrollment by Thanksgiving develop a plan that addresses disenrollment factors communicate progress by summer to the community enhance Middle School Math and Science achievement I recognize that enrollment is a nuanced issues issue families make St with personal choices When selecting school which can make this problem seem insurmountable but we cannot afford to dismiss it in a district as small as ours where every student matters we must act decisively to reverse this trend to keep our doors open lastly our 2425 budget was based on 133 students but we currently have 98 at 26% shortfall the rest can speak to this better than I but I imagine that this Gap likely affects next year's budget and we could reduce our state funding even more reason why boosting enrollment in the coming months is critical please know I'm fully committed to tackling these challenges and ready to contribute in any way I can including door knocking thank you we have to have a motion before we let yeah let's have a motion to approve motion to approve second thank you um I have a question um are I know that the numbers are a little bit better a better than that but is is that are those numbers basically true I think what I'm asking is is that Trend that is being identified to a third of eligible students choosing to not come here is that is that a correct analysis so we don't really have yeah those numbers um and and I will say that you know I know um beta did some digging um and got much of that information from the Department of Labor um however I spoke to somebody from the Department of Labor as well who said that it's simply not a good measure because it's such a big range for our small T Town um I'm sorry what's not a good measure the way that that data is taken from the Census um she said there's such when you account for the margin of error basically what they're say saying is the population between five and 14 is somewhere between 150 and 500 students which is simply not a good meth it's such a wide range for our small numbers um so I I don't honestly know um I think B Bas on the information that is available this is what beta concluded but I don't know how accurate those numbers are we have talked a little bit about trying to do like a local survey basically um but short of that and even even the um people from the Department of Labor labor said that like you know the best way you're going to get the numbers is to kind of look you know locally but but the trend that I think we have of declining enrollment in the school regardless of the overall population from which we're drawing that trend of declining enrollment is in fact a fact right numbers are going yeah the numbers right but how much I was just going to say h if if that's consistent with surrounding districts or not we don't know right I mean I know that there's National Trans into finding enrollment I know that there's all kinds of complex things at play and I think one of the don't mean to take too much time but one of the questions I have related to all of this is there is there a Tipping Point is there and I'm sort of looking at you but is there you know for us to be viable financially educationally to have the resources that we need to educate our students is there like a number that we I mean it's there's not really like it doesn't doesn't kind of work that way I what the state I mean when we went through S2 and all of that state aid and gim recall I mean we we almost went pleading to the county office for give us some guidance you know what do we do to sustain our programs and basically we were just told well the state tells you these are all the requirements you have to meet and you need to have a plan in place to meet it and here's the money you have to do it so there was no real um Assistance or help about how and we we got through it but it was difficult and we're still seeing you know the results of that you know still trying to build back what we lost um and you know why the board made the decision to go to the 9% this year was to try and get back some of that that we left because everything keeps going up and we kept getting cut backwards um so there there isn't a number except the board has to decide like is there a different way that we can do something or should we be doing something different looking at what those options might be well of course I just wondered if there was a an actual threshold under which we weren't viable I don't to be cold about it but in order to have the resources that we need to educate our students yeah you know how how much more can we shrink I was wondering if it's considered ethical or it's allowed to do like because it's such a small school and because some of us have been here for a while we kind of know the families that have like chosen to send their kids other and I'm sure there's more than what we know but are we allowed to make that list and approach those people Jim's already started that okay I thought you said list and I'd be happy to talked about like a survey yeah so yeah like literally pinpoint the families I think they need to know to do an Outreach I think our plan is we're getting we're getting there we're getting closer well let me know any with that yeah I'd be happy to do that too yeah because I think we need to understand I do think that that's the most pressing issue for the school and maybe it's because of academics maybe it's I'd be curious to know by caus related both directions right I know like speaking for myself you know my daughter would be in the sixth grade class here there's five kids in the class and I chose to pull her because for a variety of reasons but one of which was because the class size was so small and I understand how that doesn't really help the problem but I'm wondering how many people are in that same boat and how do you really like counter that how do you get people St it becomes perpetuating yeah so um K what do you think about the timeline suggestions as far as our goals are concerned by Thanksgiving is that what she said um identify reasons for de I the pro my only issue with this is that they're um I mean you know I I don't have any issue with adding like we have the goal for for academic acheve achievement I don't have any issue with adding an additional goal to address um you know the enrollment to kind of identify the reasons for declining enrollment and develop a plan to address them the the date thing is artificial in a way because you're not going to have changes in enrollment next school year yeah so what we really need to to have is as good an understanding as we can of what the situation is and what and the root cause is and a plan that we can you know it's not going to turn it's not going to like it's just not but but that we can begin to implement yeah well I think I think BET's intention is you know let's find out what we don't know what we do know sooner rather than later that will inform the the goal setting process and then the longer term timeline as far as the Strategic plan is concerned um so I was wondering if we shouldn't be having some you know some round dates in mind for like you doing this survey and things like that so we have information at our fingertips that we can actually that we can action should we should have that before this Strat as as part of the contextual strategic planning that should be a part of our research just so yeah so if if we wanted to add um a goal to this the district goals we could do identify reasons for declining enrollment by December 2023 and develop a plan to address disenrollment factors by bring of 24 25 why yeah I'm a year behind I said December 232 he get it uh I think December 23rd two uh yeah that's that's reasonable all right um hi I'm I don't know if anyone can hear me I think I can hear people okay I'm I'm wondering if if it's um worth some involvement of someone who could speak to the more Global changes that are happening in the town too you know I I feel like we're we're looking a lot at like French Town School what is Frenchtown school doing why are people leaving Frenchtown school but it seems like the whole dynamic of Frenchtown is changing and you know is it you know because you know did housing prices go up and more families can't afford to live here and and is it something more you know that we should be considering other factors about what's happening in town too and involve somebody from town to maybe speak to that and help us help us understand that better yeah I think that's a great Point um and I think that you know which should definitely be part of the action plan um I also think it would be beneficial for us to compare our decline in enrollment to the surrounding districts and the high school as well um but yeah I mean as as of a couple years I think the fastest growing population in hunon County was 65 and older so you know the whole County I think is is is largely losing families yeah yeah great Point are we are losing families in town absolutely I mean I should say absolutely just I do not know for a fact but just looking around I would say yes so many stroller people and so many little kids not like it used to be is that true I think also there's say that because I was in it and it seemed you so your world yeah so maybe it was different but people having fewer kids for sure maybe there's an equivalent number of families but there's only one kid per maybe too whereas back we don't have lot n they were like all had like 3 yeah like where mys are the only little kid yeah well and La yeah oh right but we don't and we don't count the other side of Harrison according to houses like what's going on down you know I know that's just a small microcosm but if you look at our street that speaks to the blinders of ton of kids on our street and there are very few yeah that's so it's interesting because you have your own very particular world viiew and I see I have a daughter who and her cohort a friend there's a bunch of them who moved here during Co kids yeah you know there's that y but maybe not replace right right the kids moving out yeah so interesting I think demographic study that that um eron is referencing will really you know kind of beef up and give us some real numbers as to you know number of fan there are actually oping out can we so how can we access demographic study and how do we do that yeah is it so is it a pro like Aaron suggested um well I'd have to um solicit proposals and yeah um but I think that can be all be part of the the um oh we would I think that can all be part of the action plan yeah absolutely I me it would be good to know that early as soon as possible that we can make a plan that is actually realistic chasing red where we live Realties here yeah so like what I know that's not in the current budget right but what would such a thing cost just there's a grant available for GR it would be I would think trust would be less than $5,000 mean we wouldn't have to go to the bidding process but that's best pretty my yeah like an RFP or so you know I'd put together some sort of standardized fication and um there's you know I can get a list of um from my colleagues of companies or individuals that have done it and well respected thinken would know about that kind of thing not field anymore but um still asking but we could yeah um yeah I also wonder you know I'd like to speak to Brad and Michelle and ask them what you know information they have inny or it's something that they want to go in might wanna yeah but not if they're gonna take ref either yeah I mean yeah okay median school school is Phil correct I wonder what SEC Gard yeah we we're here and then we have um not at this we have one oh no no I was secard has a yeah so I'm I'm watching your cohort I'm watching our cohort coming up so like who's coming up they're not all FR yeah they're typically Geographic you they've got psylvia is not full for food for our French classroom it is open there spaces open sorry no I'm just I'm sorry that was a different conversation so do we want to ask we need a all right so we we have a motion on the so we have a motion um so what we're voting for is the draft of goals and an additional District goal which is to identify reasons for declining enrollment by December 2024 and develop a plan to address disenrollment factors by Spring of 2025 second we already have them so we we'll just we just need to vote okay so all those in favor and then should we ask Parisa to explore demographic study or does that um we don't have to vote for that we would have to vote to approve you know approve spending the money I guess I was basically asking for the board to kind of do a resolution authorizing the ba to do it just so I have that that I'm supposed to do that okay um so we'll need a motion to uh request a an RFP for and bids for a demographic study um by RBA sove second that was so po resolution pretty good thank freestyle okay any comments or questions okay all those in favor I opposed or abstain I okay and then in addition when you got you talk to yeah Michelle yeah I definitely yeah yes um i' be curious what they may already have yeah exactly right Min enthusiastically volunteering to help with their Outreach okay if I can help in anyway thank you next to that I'm good on the smiley faces um okay yeah in fact Tera maybe hold off on doing that until I've spoken to Brad because I would hate to put any effort in and then we find out oh look what we have um so I'll do that tomorrow I'll reach out to bread um okay so moving along in the agenda we have an HIV self assessment data from can I just go back to something for a second yeah and now I just but when it with the as we talk about a survey right of for parents or you know former like French Town families not parents anymore our data we really want our data based upon parent choices per se right within so a selection so work with me a minute a menu of because okay it's academic it's social I think definitively we want to be definitive with our with our options do we want one or the other or both right because we've talked about academics we've talked about social right kind of luded that small group yeah small group's not for everyone type of thing so we just want to be clear with those choices I'm just asking are you asking if those specifically the only two choices and then maybe another okay I'm sorry so what other things are you the academic social what what else looking at um I love wal dorfs so I'm opting out because I you know because I want my kid to go to Wald dorfs I know I just something else that I prefer like instructional Style instal Style educational philosophy it could be yeah could be Logistics like Alexandria is on my way to work I work at Alex Alexandria or or we can do small small comment or large comment somebody is there um it could be I don't know if it could be this or not because I don't know enough about the school but could it be like an extracurricular or a club or could it be an Arts education option or so I think there's like a whole menu of things that could be but I think it's often more than one so I think people should have a chance to pick several but not many well and that's where I'm just trying to help us what are what are your top three what are the top three think you want to know the top two or listening yeah okay so we're looking at academic social and then possibly instructional SL philosophy and then open comment to let people and and logistical things like you know their sisters or I know in the past we've had parents who have uh you know chice their kids into the school where they were teaching yeah so let them pick I me give them give them a lot of options but let them pick but but instruct them to pick only okay only the top three or the top four top two and definitely in the other option right and it's often new at the risk of being a pain um because I do a lot done glad of this for the work that I've done through the years um you it's it's going to be a small pop we're not surveying a thousand people maybe something about the middle school too A lot of people were um you know making that choice based on seventh and eighth grade extracurricular activities and that kind of thing I mean but you have I feel like the school has done a good job of remedying that situation and given them a lot of options to pursue that but maybe that's initially why they made that joice we're not saying it would make much sense now but sometimes you get kind of nuanced responses if you give people the opportunity to give them and I think we do want to give people the opportunity to give thoughtful and nuanced responses because this is not a this or that or the other thing kind kind of may have a lot to say I'm almost certain that most of those folks who taking their kids out would rather not have done that so a lot of together our goal will be get it for the next three weeks from now we should have more conversation about this but my concern with giving people a bunch of options is that they might choose all of them I think how big how many of these surveys You' be sending out because I wonder if it would be more effective for like you and I to literally make phone calls like hey I know you% think this should be a phone survey 100% not a written survey maybe it shouldn't be you because you're the I don't know it's like but I don't know I mean I could think of a handful of families that I know well that I would be happy to just like have make it kind of like an informal question I think that there's liity and reliability issues whatever form it needs to take I think it has to be someone who I mean like I don't know any of these people I would be very happy to do it because I I know how to do these kinds of things but I don't know if they'd be more honest with me than they would be with you because they wouldn't want to like yeah no I I I think there's a lot of Dynamics there I think I think there's a I think there's certainly an opportunity to connect with families right and say hey we really would love your input we're trying to just you know we're trying to look at things and Mak adjustments that's needed right yeah so we really value we input right have a do a phone call or have a member of our team just do a phone call I think ultimately that's I'm going back to if we can get them to fill out that data pieces and make those choices that's probably more valid right just saying I'm not sure the data is what we're after in this survey right exactly you okay it's it's not a it's not like five five academics and three socials so let's focus on that it's not it's more Nuance than that but it is kind of that too I feel like yeah I've been hearing that more like we want to know if it's academic what does that tell us it's academic what does that mean social what does that mean class too small they're really getting bullied you know there's a lot underneath that or did their best friend go to a different school right exactly exactly so those are those are the things that we is anotal that we need to okay my kids a science wi and you know and didn't have a million Reas million possible reasons okay um okay right d HIV got it all right um thank you there [Music] so each year we do first off good evening everyone in this form um it's just each year we get a great opportunity to look at you know our HIV program programming and um self assess what we're doing within the building and I think for me it's been a number of years now so I think we initially think my first year here there was a number with our team here we had a number of 66 or 68 um and our team really has made strides um so if you go if you're in your the be folder it's HIV and mine is right above the agenda but I don't know if it's in or is it in agenda and supporting documents it's in the supporting documents it's called Hib self assessment or self evaluation sorry dated September 20th 23 24 HIV self evaluation so we look at basically there's eight different categories if you look at there core element one Cor El to um and our school safety climate team right is a committee and then we've added the behavior threat bam which we've heard that and we have a new manual and so forth so we all three of those teams end up being one here in French toown we're so small with staff um but it's good it keeps everybody in the know and we have all the key key members on this so each year we take a self assessment of where do we think we land um and I think one of the things I think I I respect about our committee is that I think we're pretty honest with ourselves and then we look at certain things each year and I feel like one to two each year we've been able to improve upon and go you know the best rating the good the highest R you get is a three so we always look at the twos and the threes so last year we were 74 out of our excuse me 76 out of 78 previous year we were 74 and then previous year before that we were 70 um in my first year I think we were in a 60 there 66 or 68 um so this year we looked as a team across all of it but we really focused on core element number one c um which was a school annually sets HIV programs and approaches or other initiative and we've had to the last couple years and we just really felt um that we it was just one of those that's kind of generally said and we feel like our team's always been in the mode of like well we want to be better and we want to improve um so we just have always left it it suit but we feel like just with the number of things that we continue to add in when we do our ssds reports our report again on them in the end of the year in um January February time it goes over the first six months of all the programs from the HIV visits to the classroom and character education and Marley and zones for regulation and all those things that are part of um these pieces um with us so we looked at core element 1C and we went with a three this time and then core element 3D which was the members of the school safety team provided professional development um through different programs all our members participated in at least one program if not more last year and entire team got Behavior threat assessment um training last year so that's why we went and said you know we we think we we go from a two to three because our enti about um training so that was you know I've done this a few years and often the board asks where you know what were the changes and what were they so um and then we look back at cor element 2B and core element 8A from the previous year that we had increased and we still feel confident about that so I'm proud to sit here and say that our team feels we have a 70 78 sh nice is any part of this uh assessment based on sort of a quantitative analysis of Hib incidents is it it's not like if you had one or two do it's just it's basically those sheets of ssds programs and trainings that we do every six months um and we'll report them and we give them to the board and show out it just shows our number and each year in the last for I'll say four years confidently we've definitely increased the number of programs and training um and more FaceTime with our staff with our students explaining hey this is exactly what falles in that HIV World um K4 we do a lot more just being kind respect positive poster those pieces in the beginning of year that we've been doing those trending things um this year we embedded a kickball game for all the levels in the first two days of school along those things um so each again that's a kickb a brand new thing and positive posters and going in reviewing the um HIV um with middle school with 5 through eight and then also K4 just going over and staying in your lane of kindness and respect that we do with all Mrs Ziggy who's our I'm our coordinator but she's our specialist along with Miss yard so now we also have two people in the building um that are certified in that which is great for our school to have two people so one's out still don't have any you don't have to assign it to somebody it's noted or designate so more often than not we're here to support that the only reason I ask is because maybe that's something we can use in our marketing at some point as far as you know trying to um make French down School an attractive place you know have X number fewer HIV incidents per you know per student or per whatever per capita than other schools because of these great programs and this you know attention to it that you put in place yeah I I I think that's something we do really well here I think the team buys into it I think family support it the board is is you know very receptive to it and the things that we're doing right how we monetize that yeah no I it's a good point all right thanks thanks J okay um so moving on we have the board secretary resport um with the upcoming meetings our meeting in October is October 15 because the school board's convention is in October as well um and since there are no action items in the board secretary report we'll move on to the meeting meeting minutes and we'll need a motion to approve the regular and executive session from August 27th I'll okay any comments or questions okay you can pass up your executive session minutes um all those in favor opposed orain okay and then we'll move on to Jim's report good evening again um so just looking at um our August 28th to September 24th we've had zero incidence um as a relates to HIV there hasn't any shortterm suspensions there are security en drills from last month in August okay um then we'll made a motion to approve the uh HIV C best so moved this is what no I'm saying and I'll just right um any comments or question on what Jim just presented all those in favor I opposed or obain okay all right so just a couple other items just my uh other administrator right now just going through some things obviously we're back to school right we weren't back to school last time but we were here the night before um so we did a number of those things that we already just talked about and some of that HIV SP space where um first two days a lot of the first two days and a few days after that we spent a lot of time reinforcing those character red pieces the HIV pieces expectations um we have middle school has a new class called ESP that I'll speak a little bit more next month when we talk when we do the board presentation of our testing results um they because they're in we'll be um reporting out those results um so some really good things in the beginning Year Marley of course was here um and as I talk a little bit about our staff kickball game um we had a couple P damst strings but uh so maybe we might have to go was something different than kickball next year but all in all a good time for sure um just want to say again I know we posted it out but just thank you to um the mayor B Council DPW director ganner all those people um who supported us um as well as the sport here in getting our our traffic signs up and ready for for school um as it started and it's just it's been really great for us to have those you know that consistent you know awareness and safety awareness um as students are going up so as we say we just you know continue to thank the on community in advance for you know following this speeding and keeping our students safe sure um back to school night had a number of families in here for back to school night Nina from go hun came and just shared out another bunch of information um it was just always great for parents to come and be engaged with the teacher um certainly we could always send emails and so forth but it's nice to connect in that way um we had a family parent Workshop Z of regulation for one of our social loal support mechanisms and really what we built our whole PID for and prate discipline code around this year um we had a number of families in person which was great and we also had a number to participate virtually um we just sent all those that slide information out tonight to the entire Community our frown uh Community um School community so just I just want to say thank you to Kelly this is that he was a part of you know coord coordinating that that getting that here which really great um I know Rachel participated but that's the trainer that trains our staff and you know parents got an opportunity to do that and I think we'll continue to family members um get a chance to do that again I think these are the things that's bridging it um it's great to hear has some parents even say we use this at home it's just simple we use you know the red blue yellow green and we use it up um it's really really effective Jim it was a great presentation thank you appreciate it and the team you know everyone's working with it I think which is and now our team is seeing it as another tool which is certainly um teachers can't have enough schools this day and age for sure um after school club started which is fantastic so that started this week um Fairview trips coming up for our sth graders this is just some things um that are coming our way so just kind of keep a look out kts Sports our seventh and eighth graders participate we have three students playing soccer right now um they're still looking for their first win but they're having some fun with it but one of our um another one of our um eighth graders is on the cross country team and she won the race the other day so that's pretty awesome kudos to her we made a big deal with it here um so you know our students are really shining through um in in other spaces too which is great I did say the testing data is in um we'll be reporting on that next meeting um proud to say this Friday and I'll report it out next week but we did win go level certification recognition for go hund again for safe recent school um so we'll have a couple of our team members representing French town at their um breakfast on Friday so that's exciting um preschool we we're open here we're open up there so if you know anybody let us know um and I put this out and we'll keep putting it out in the up update and then one other thing just is our October 14th articulation with delau um and all our elementary school sending districts it's really it's been a really great planning process I think I've been lucky to be a part of working with the other superintendant and creating a really nice morning for our team um we did get a secure ke speaker that's really going to be I think helpful for just being supportive to teachers and understanding where they're coming from um and I hope we'll have a lap or two all in the way I can certainly um I'll share that I'm sharing out um a promo link I can share that with the board um by the end of the week that we're going to be sharing out with our teacher team kind of getting ramped up and then after that we're going to break into another breakout sessions so if I don't report on at next meeting I'll report on you know where the some of the places that we went to drove um but just to have the high school articulation piece and supervisors and administrators up there working with us and our features I'm really excited for it and that's all I have for thank you question um how how many families think back the school night and what is our general experience and expectation here yeah um it's I can't say that I have people sign in right I would say every single family I was there which I have never experienced before okay every single every single family was there so that was pretty cool great fantastic first grade first grade yep first grade I was yeah 10 families yeah oh I can tell you that yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna say I have I seen it more than this time sure I definitely have um I think but I also know there K4 is usually um definitely more attended in my time here than 5 is that fair yeah parents are like been there done that well also pay through for I don't know if this is still true but it used to be true that they would do like if you're if you went home your kid would say to you you know like oh did you see my note or so if you didn't go kid would be like you're not going to see what I wrote to you or what you know so there's that there was that pressure definitely so yeah I mean I know two of the classrooms um Julie just referred to one of them there's another K4 classroom that was everyone came um so if you're looking at percentages there's some higher percentages in the K4 but I definitely there's been more than this time in my five years of this a busy time year it's just so Prett it's hard to yeah I mean no matter if and we've had a couple of parents say unfortunately I won't be able to make it right I me we we have a communicative you know I can I can three think three people right now that reached out to me and said sorry I'm not goingon to be able to make it um which is that they don't have to do that um but we do pick it probably like first week or two of August and we start communicating as much as we can we put it on our calendar but we communicate it out like keep these dates in mind than through August but it's still it's a busy time yeah okay um so moving forward um I just had a couple of things um I did speak to um Matt Davis who's the Holland um Township Board president um and as I think Teresa indicated last time they did choose um a company to use for the regionalization study it's FR paper and Associate um the reason they chose them mostly was because they were less expensive than the other estimate they got which was for the full amount of the grant so choosing this company um enabled them to have a little bit of fun left over for things like advertising and and things like that name Ross Pap um so I'm sure you know more will come about that as that progresses um the other thing I wanted to let everybody know is that um our rep from New Jersey school boards has moved on so Gwen is no longer our rep we now have um a woman whose name is Patty Reese um who has been with New Jersey school boards for a little while and has um experience in both Warren and hunterton counties so um we are Rachel Jim and I are going to have a h virtual meeting with her next week to kind of talk about first steps towards the strategic planning process um so that we can get moving on that um but obviously it was a little delayed um because of that transition um so um you know when Jim and I were talking about it we were saying like by the time we can kind of get the word out and get people excited um yeah we're thinking maybe the um like winter months late fall early winter month um you went retire she did not but I suspect she you know took the job that enabled her to get closer to that she's she's doing it's I forget what the title is but it's she's still with um okay yeah um was there by any chance a demographic study that's part of the scope of work for the regionalization study they do um I think Teresa spoke to this a little bit they do something but it's pretty minor it's a so they we actually had our kickoff meeting on Monday with the um with the company and they did talk a lot about demographics and asked if there were demographic when you know we knew most recent demographic studies were done so I think they're kind of looking for us to provide them with the demographic study I'm not sure that it's going to include one um we could we we haven't kind of finalized all of those things yet so there is a possibility based on the districts that are participating and not participating and how they're going to gather that information that they might have to kind of do something on their own we're not we're not sure yet we're kind of navigating that at this point yeah we just we just met with them yesterday afternoon and we're still I think Tera and I are still taking processing some of that information we'll definitely um we definitely plan to I think we'll expand on it next meeting for sure um we're still trying to little navigation yet I think with the information and as we talked about some of the delegation of like how they're gaining information and who it is and time frames and stuff like that we we talked we had good conversation for sure um but I think we still need a little retap in of of that meeting for and certainly if it is as we continue our conversations like if that's something that'll be presented as part of that document then you know we won't proceed with an individual one because we we'll head it through through that and we can clar sure y okay maybe we'll do that before well we can see with br we can we'll reach out the b and see what's going okay okay um so we'll move on to policy um and we need a motion to approve the second reading and Adoption of the six policies that are listed second okay any comments or questions on those policies okay all those in favor I I oppos opposed or abstain okay um and then we'll need a motion to approve the consent agenda items 11.1 to 11.16 which includes the agendum I'll second okay comments or questions about 11.1 to 11.16 um have we had a uh shared library Medi teacher before what's going on there we have with the high school oh okay no go ahead I just have one comment 11 point I guess this is nine go to postmaster cour workor yes says University San Diego I think it's actually I think how important this would really be it's University of California UCSD University of San dieg I we will check on okay thank you hey Kate you said 11 uh up to 11.16 I only see 11.13 unless I'm missing something so 11. 14 15 and 16 are an addendum that we have on paper oh okay it's addendum number so addendum number one doesn't have um numbers on them I don't know if you wanted to do these separately because they're I thought we do those after executive okay y so we're approving up through 11.13 and we'll discuss 11.14 316 and sign no we're approving through 11.16 but addendum one is what we're discussing in executive can we ask for an expl explanation of 11.15 or that have to be given in executive session it's a qac requirement okay that meac what is it qack it's a state the state monitoring and we're being monitored this year what's the TAC requirement that you have a um a certified media specialist um oh no 11.15 sorry of of absence well we can we can discuss that yeah an executive session okay so can we have a motion to table 11.15 until after executive session second all those in favor oppos to okay thank you okay so we'll be approving 11.1 to 11.16 excluding 11.15 and we'll need a roll call for that Mr Blackburn yes Mr dery yes M Howard yes Miss kle yes Miss Mahar yes Mrs N yes okay um and then we'll need since there are no members of the public here is there anything else before we move into executive from anyone okay then we'll need a motion to move into executive session so moved a second all those in favor I opposed or obain okay hi Arin hi thank you okay I'm out yeah for executive yeah okay bye sad see you next time thank you okay thanks Aon bye e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay we can continue okay so we'll need a motion to approve uh Employment contract for our non-tenure teachers the last time we did that okay all those in favor opposed or abstain okay and finally we need a motion to approve um an offer of an employment contract for our 10e teachers so moved one second okay any comments or questions there all right um and all those in favor I opposed or abstain okay and if there's nothing else finally we need a motion to adjourn motion second all those in favor opposed obained thank you everybody