e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] pretty okay adequate notice this regularly scheduled meeting of the French down board of education has been provided in accordance with the open public meeting act by notification to the Hun County Democrat on January 11th 2024 a copy of this notice has also been posted at the public school at the municipal building and piled with the burrow clerk I PL Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stand Nation God indivisible andice for Mr Blackburn here Mr gery here Miss Howard here miss Klein here miss nahara here miss pello Mrs nent here um and da will be attending she's just uh she had a meeting well so is running late um and since we have no members of the public we'll move on to um our board secretary report um anything that needs to be pointed outa um just that I recently submitted all of the documentation needed to execute the uh School Development Authority grant for the um the chiller installation project so I'm just waiting to hear back from them if there's you know approval and any other um information that they might need once that's approved then we can start working with the um architect with doing the project design and everything and hopefully be on schedule uh to do the project um summer of 2025 great thank you okay um then we'll need a motion to approve the minutes of the February 27th regular and executive session second any comments or questions on the minute okay all those in favor hi opposer stain we can hand back the executive minute okay and then uh 8.1 a motion to approve the 2425 preschool expans expansion Aid budget Mo second any comments or questions on the preschool expansion Aid budget this this new this year or is the second year at was this is the budget for the second year okay and how's it compared to the one that Chang it all from last time it's actually um a little bit lower because the per pupil amount went down from the 23 24 school year is that just for us or for everybody for everybody it's a it's a countywide set pro pupil right okay and but this does include the expansion of a second classroom if the students would be available at um our private provider is the milord YMCA so if we have enough students we would expand to that location and the general fund contribution is um is that a fixed amount or that that amount um changes depending on the number of disabled students so there's a required contribution for from the general fund to that towards that budget oh from our general fund from our fund right for the disabled students they will not fund the disabled students only the regular ed students so the funding is actually the 5985 less the 629 that's the funding we're doting that's don't F disabl St what the reason it is that you get that through State a even for preschool any other comments or questions on the preschool expansion Aid budget okay then we'll need a roll call for that Mr blern yes Mr dery yes Miss Howard yes Miss K clein yes Miss nahara yes Mrs nen yes and we need a motion to adopt the tenative budget for school year 2425 so moves I'll second okay comments or questions on 8.2 just remind us for the record what the tax levy we decide about the tax l uh the tax ly is at the is at 4.8 um but the uh tax effect is a decrease on the tax rate of 66 cents or 60 61 cents um yeah 61 cents because of the increase in the ratables so we're going one from 1 612 to a dollar even any other comments or questions on 8.2 just wanted to also point out that included um in the budget besides the rod Grant project there are um there's an amount with being withdrawn from the maintenance Reserve which is to complete two other projects one is to replace the clock system in the building we've been having some it doesn't line up or you know do the daylight savings time the way it's supposed to from the 190s the brains are kind of not working anymore so we are going to um upgrade the clock system they Charming we should op them and there's also um which we'll be getting separately soon a resolution to approve the actual funding in the project but we um put out to bid through eate a project to um upgrade our Wi-Fi network it's been a while since we've upgraded that and there was funding um through eate so we'll be um putting towards 60% towards that we'll get 40% funding from that as well so the amount that's with being withdrawn from the maintenance reserve and the amount of $22,600 actually covers both of those projects okay then we made a roll call for 8.2 Mr Blackburn yes Mr dery yes Miss Howard yes Miss Klein yeah Miss mahara yeah Mrs N yeah and we'll move forward with Jim's report all right good evening everyone um just I do want to take a minute and just say thank you again to Teressa um you know with working through the group budgets and seconde paa budget um I think there's you know as we've all over the last couple months we've got a lot of questions and a lot of concerns and I just feel like she''s done a great job um navigating it communicating with me and as well as everyone on this board and you know team effort for sure but Teresa thank you for your helpa thank you you're um all right so first off this month we did have just a one incident reported HIV was not identified we have had our security drill and fire drill um just as um in coordin collaboration with our local police department as we typically do sure okay and then each um each year we always do a reflection of the six months six months at a time when it comes to our um report on student uh safety data um basically we're collecting that information um and many of you know this this has everything to do with the ways that we're training our staff and resources and um promoting a positive culture Pro promoting a positive climate within our building um and those type of things so it basically gets registered in your you see it in I think it's in your drive I'm pretty sure it's in your drive um basically it's broken down we always report on this as um trainings and and then programs so I just I did pull a little bit last year I feel like it's a difficult question of the board like what have we you know how we done differently in this stage last year last year we had had at this point we had 10 uh programs that we had done you know and that can be for instance part of you know um some of the things we do like Mrs zigy goes to the counseling trainings that are offered in Hunter um there's our um there's her counseling meeting there's um there's was a suicide training that we went to as a team um so members of we've had zones of Regulation which is part of our social emotional program here all our staff were trained on that so things like that are part of program last year we had 10 at this during this juncture of time this year we have 16 um part of that is also the um new training that was regarding our um threat assessment that was a new thing some of our team members throughout this year are getting trained right we had a few of us that um initially had done that over the summer preparation for the school year now we've been training most of our school and climate sa and safety team we're small we have we kind of merge them together um by the end of this year we'll have five members that have gone through that schol training so we're pretty you know that's an important piece the more we can be on the floor and being aware of some of um our students needs and noticing things as we are a small District it's really important um so again so that's that's the program piece of that or excuse me I'm clarifying that wrong that's that's the training piece of that um so last year 10 to 16 and then when it comes to programs I think what we've done you know we've tried to make it not so much oh it's a program it's a thing it's just part of our culture right so last year we had 16 at this time and this year we have 42 and and a lot of that has because we have now this stability Marley you know the Marley our dog comes at least once a month right so when Marley comes that's part of that but that's really built into our culture now so that's a 12 times a year event per se probably more because on day that we just had Marley came in for that right there's special events going to breaks coming back from a long break Marley super really helps out the younger students and all students even the staff um come back so I feel like we we've been doing number of things like that sportsmanship Awards driven through the PE Department which we started last year in Spring and now we've continued um all the things that we're doing with Mr Miss Ziggy um in regards to positive behavior athletes monthly Awards all those things have become Staples so that's why our numbers have significantly gone up but this is something we want to certainly maintain right um we see see that as just incredibly beneficial not only for our students but again wanting to be here want to be productive showing them you know that they could they want to be here participating in things with the hope that their academic performance is also going to be supported and um also improved along the way as well so um these are just you know things that we're doing trying to make that just part of what we do as opposed to a program or an assembly and things like that not that we still don't want to do those bigger spectacle type things and bring outside people in and different things um we're trying to build these things within what we do here at FBS any [Music] questions my question I have Jim this is just from anecdotal experience um do we do any kind of um education of of parents and families um as far as uh you know what HIV is how to address it so on and so forth because you know you hear skull but that you know people don't feel gets address because they don't reach out to anybody but okay but um they may also be because they aren't aware of what the pathways are or even what the definitions are okay yeah I think what we've done this year I think anytime that we so full circle we've talked about it I think just being being very open and transparent we talked about I think last year we talked about doing back to school night and then as I think we plann the agenda we're like I don't think this fits with back to school M and and and I I don't just being very honest with everyone um but I think to your point I think that's something we could definitely do um something we are doing and this is reflected on here not that it's again about these things is the alcohol and um drug counseling that 6 7th and eth great God so um the person who came in and did that counseling is also now going to do a parent hor sh we just actually confirmed that yesterday so that'll be going out to the parents in April um to your point and what we learned from previous um security workshops that we did last year we did a couple in the afternoon but more pick up at 2:15 um so that's something we're running this one I I don't want to 10:3 the 11th but it will be coming out this week um it's April when we come back that week we're going to be running that at 2:15 in the auditorium I'm sure it's Wednesday and um so that's something that we could do but in regards to HIV I would say we haven't done like a full on but that's something that maybe we could talk can I ask this question being that we're talking about it if it's not back to school night is there another ideal like time in the year you think that maybe would be you know beneficial to our community just knowing being a part of it we did do it on back to school night we used to do it um at least once or twice just for the middle school I think okay um you know like when the other classes went out we used to and I don't even know if we do this at back school night anymore we used to keep all the middle schoolers together and the um and have you know a discussion about whatever um and a couple of times we did HIV I I think that historically that's where we get the largest most cap audience as parents I I could understand the feeling though of like you really want to be talking about HIV I'm back to school night but you know you have a captive audience so yeah no yeah it is you're right it is the most people yeah generally and people that wouldn't come to make time to come to the school otherwise it's hard to get people to come out I mean I think if we did do something that wasn't on back to school night it would be beneficial to make it give the option of coming to it virtually because it's hard for people to come out and they they don't right or what about even like a like like you've got time to do this but like make a welcome back to school video and put everything in it you know when do school start when do school end what is buling like just an overview of everything yeah I mean I I don't I think we we have we've been doing this script for almost three years now um with the HB script that we do fifth grade through e grade sixth you know seventh and eighth grade like we do a refresher like we just did a refresher for them beginning of third marketing period yeah and that's typical we do it in the beginning of year usually at some point we need another refresher just you know mindful mindful um of those things and certainly at times we address all groups as needed and so and when we do that we often do send out to that okay say let's just say we we never did this but I'm going to say third grade right if we did third grade we would say okay this is what the definition is and we would send it out but to your point can't hurt to put that out to everyone and we have slideshows so it's it's I would want the parents to see the same things that we're sharing with students and reinforce them yeah we could do that yeah I don't see why not at least they understand the definition so forth um and it's doable on their time too you know because I think that's part of part of it is you having to set something up and try to accommodate everybody's time but if you s something out that's a 10 15 minute commitment you know yeah I don't even know if it needs to be that one but yeah I understand what you're saying um okay I can pose something and just say you know it came up at our I mean I would just say we were discussing if the local would be good for you know we are yeah okay thank you question do we do programming like with the PTO like for assemblies no I like programs for parents you know I think they have the same issue as the school just getting people to come out got it okay um I I don't I mean p I think is willing to do a lot of stuff but um I it's not a Hot Topic that people would come up with it's it's hard to get people I mean I know even um a few years ago at the high school like Jim was just talking about the alcohol and drugs um you know at the high school they ran the um Chris yeah like all these speakers came and it was so poorly attended you know um it happened here last time as well right there were like two or three people yeah answered I mean yeah it's hard it's hard to get people to come okay it's your point I like you're going back to Chris Aaron right yeah that story and Chris Aon uh ended up anybody's familiar but ended up being an NBA basketball player but struggled with substance abuse his whole career and college and whole thing and we thought it I think the team delal team certainly and so did I think local ad Ministry thought it would be a catchy like here's a student got wore a Boston suix uniform and things like that and you know um not that it didn't make connections but I think we were expecting a larger connection because he played for Boston yeah maybe so maybe okay um we'll do the HIV report finish year that sounds great all right so we made a motion to affirm the hi report from February 27th I'll second um all those in favor opposed all right so just a couple more items um just over the last you know we met a few weeks ago so it's only been a little time but we did have um two opportunities for afternoon professional development um in PM um so you know just teams have been looking at different um Ela Reading Writing strategies some of the programs we're using along as math um in correlation to some of the standards there are some conversations been going on and then this past Friday we did all um a number of us got CPR certified so um it's great to get that in rotation and we're good for two years um so just on that those ends so they're very helpful um uh we continue to certainly um collaborate with our local community um we've been doing the artard project right now water bottles and so forth with an incoming artist um which we're going to be a part of uh we started our route 29 Studio round two Club they were down there today they just shared me some pictures I'll be getting that on social media shortly um students are having a great time with that um we're wrapping up volleyball club uh we had our first Winter Walk I think the week that we had our board meeting um to kind of open up the season local police go hun in were there and we just found out last week that the sher's second grade class got second place in their logging minutes so that was very exciting Mr Ryan came out Pi a big picture with everybody um so that was fantastic um Tutor Time homework club they are rolling homework club is just really I just can't say enough of the participation from the students and the willingness to come in and the teachers have been doing a great job volleyball comes to an end Thursday um all our summer camp fires are out we have people signing up already from missley mrso which is great uh third marking period is coming to an end next Thursday so just so our parents are all in the loop on that and then we're on break [Music] um and I think those are the pieces I did want to just bring one thing up thank you I know um when we get back from the break April 8th I don't know if anybody um has seen or heard about it um but there is a so wor that's coming on April 8th and though so that's just a picture of the timing that we put in your folder just so you can see that um so it's a conversation right now I think um some schools have you know not anything local yet that we've heard but there's definitely a conversation to go about what what we could do on that day it appears to be happen the latest data is showing around right few minutes right after our dismissal um so we're there's a local conversation going on about things that we could do superintendent are involved I is some of our key science people um in the building so um we'll certainly keep you toasted but I just wanted to make you aware like that's going on if you already didn't know it was going on and we're having a conversation and if there's something that we need to act on we'll certainly be communicating out okay um and then just a quick update on what of our goals to community survey um we were so we've been putting some work together on it and have some team members involved in it and one of the things that we were looking at is we did do this as a team you know as a community team back in 2019 so some of the questions that we were adding and putting forth I think we looking at it in comparison we really want a kind of a comparison yeah right wouldn't we agree right because then we would have comparative data to some of those things so I will be presenting um not not presenting but I will be sharing you an updated version of that that really has a lot of the essence of the first um survey that we did so then we can like have a hard like a hard look at comparison with using very similar or you know some of the word you four years is not so tremendously long but just jargon more than anything but I want to I think the team if you guys are supportive of that as we've been looking deeper into it think it would be beneficial to just keep within that same piece so then those charts and data that we get gain from it would be pretty comparable um although you know and we could hopefully see some change um or not but we'll we we'll notice um so I just wanted to give an update of that and I will that will be to you guys before the next board meeting so we can take a look and have a um discussion so we can you know meet our goal of getting that out before the end of the year and getting some information from it and not that's a survey that went the parents could fill out the students could fill out and the staff correct so we're going to keep that same model and and keep replenish a lot of those same questions so we have the ability to do that and then I have some thoughts we'll get let's get through this but then I have some thoughts on how then we can reboot with a new one that that we can get some more comparative of the new one but I I think let's first see what changes have occurred with some more St if everybody's okay I love that idea that you'll be able to kind of track some Trends and also add some new questions and so in the years to come we can compare the new stuff to that's a great IDE okay um we also included non school that's members right okay all right thank you very much um so I have two things of note one of which is for executive session so we I'll hold that on that but um we also are going to need to change the date of our May meeting sorry um from May 14th do you want me to hold off conversation yeah okay um so Jim is not able to come to the or to make the May 14th meeting um because of a family commitment so my kid's birthday you're doing me a favor um so we're going to we were thinking we would move um and it's in my opinion it was pretty vital that Jim be at that meeting because it's all the Personnel rehire um so because the rehiring has to happen um before May 15th um Teresa had the idea of moving the rehires to April 30th which is our current meeting and then having our um board meeting for May on May 21st which is the following uh Tuesday so will not have a meeting on May 14th but we will have a meeting on May 21st we could even do it the 28th but I'm looking at it that would keep it in line with our normal meeting schedule it would be the fourth holid yeah so either way I'm doe on the 28th but who knows that priorities on a little pool is the 21st okay for everybody 2st no um could you do the 20 I could but it's hard for me 20 it's hard for you it's a day after oh right you mind that we do it the 21st okay that okay so we'll do the 21st so our meetings will be April 30th May 21st and then is it June 23rd 25th 25 the June uh June [Music] 18 okay all right and then the other thing I have is just an update on negotiation so we'll do that an executive session um so we'll need to move on to a motion to approve the consent agenda it items 12.1 to 12.10 so move second second okay comments or questions how is the river Union stage budget compared to last year this is a very small number the number of uh dollars so it's just it's different because it's so two things it's we have mrso actually collaborating with I was sharing a little bit of last meeting so they're actually going to be working together together Thursdays and Fridays um so it's just I think probably because it's an after school club and and the time frames of just us aligning um everyone this year just is a little shorter than maybe in past years but um I can tell you um there's there's a lot of interest in this good yeah I know um I guess the question is is are we getting any less in terms of experience for the kids with this smaller budget um I I think we're getting I think they're getting Thursdays like they're getting twice a week um which in past we've done once a week like like last year's club with every Tuesday whereas this year it's Thursdays and Fridays back and back in it so I think it'sing for yeah I think we maybe we'll get some you know feed certainly get some student feedback on that but I think um see because of last year on a Tuesday if someone let's just say you're out sick or something then you're kind of weeks behind whereas Thursday Friday a little bit more fresh so I guess we'll see because it's it's a we've never done River Union at least in my time that I recall like a back to back like that um so that's great so we're getting more this is a bito I mean it's it's similar hours and um and I think I mean we're going to get a show at the end of it which is great right I mean I think that's that's always the big time but all the process right the process at least that's what I've been thought um and observed in my time here is just seeing the students go through that process um with th and Laura and now this is at the leader this year I think be really neat so we're really getting more than we have before because we're able to use some in-house resources I mean I think mrso to the mix is definitely we're you know I think hopes are high that it's going to be a great event just being honest um because I think she's going to bring us B to it but I think you know we know River Union is you know well received by our community and they do a he job I think as we all know so great thank you and is there any conversation of bringing back the um Middle grades performance with this group this is the 4 through eight group this is 4 through eight yeah sorry I missed that that's okay [Music] it's Middle School drama club After School drama sign yeah it is definitely okay thank you [Music] sorry any other comments or questions on the consent agenda can we have a roll call for the consent agenda pleas Mr Blackburn yes Mr dery yes Miss Howard yes Miss Klein yeah Miss naharin yeah Miss pello yep Mrs M yeah okay um I don't think there's anything for planning um so unless we have any new business we'll move into you want to talk about the acem achievement subcommittee or okay that okay um all right so we'll need a motion to move into executive session pleas second all those in favor upost or abstain okay just let me know when we're ready e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e CH Jim are we back Tera yes okay um so we need a motion to adjourn can I just 30 seconds just to thank Teresa formally for the time and energy spent yeah walking through the M through understanding the budget understanding this tax assessment and what it mean like we were both in our different ways really struggling and you really took the time to sit with us and and I appreciate it so much if so much more be able to understand it's important as a member of the board to especially understand the budget and it's a difficult thing to to know and understand and there's a lot more that goes into what I need to do to make that happen but what you know I I want you to know what you need to know right so I think we were struggling with the whole tax assessment and so what what does that meanes this so you are just so P so clear and direct and patient and helped us understand so thank you your emails about 10 [Music] times okay so we need a motion to adjourn second all those in favor opposed okay told me he and Ryan want to be TW and TW