##VIDEO ID:gJMyqiQgVO4## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e adquate notice of this regularly scheduled meeting of the French toown board of education has been provided in accordance with the open public meeting act by notification to the hunon county Democrat on January 11th 20124 a copy of this notice has also been posted at the public school at the municipal building and filed with the burrow Clerk and we'll stand quiet I pledge alce to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all Mr Blackburn here Mr dery here Miss Howard here miss Klein here miss nakahara here who was attending virtually tonight Miss pello Mrs nent here um at this time we invite public comment from members of the public if anyone has something to share um starting it off this um I saw I was on the stream last month when Dave came here with what I thought was sort of a helpful anecdote um and I thought maybe I should come and just share my own unrelated anecdote I don't know that be as helpful but I had spoken to miss Caro about this um and whatever it feel like maybe sharing more broadly would be good um so I'm Rosa's father um she's in the second grade and there are five kids in her class so very small class even for I think this school um and we heard from other parents in the class some directly some kind of secondhand I don't know how true it is that at least two possibly more other kids in her class are thinking about or their parents are thinking about getting them elsewhere next year for various reasons which like I don't think there's anything wrong with that but it does put us in an interesting spot because two or three kids in a class is really small um and while Rosa says she likes small class sizes I think it might not be great for her um and so we are contemplating I we put in like a choice form for another District just just in case because you got to put it in now if you want to um have any shot at it um and not just for her but our other daughter junifer is we're planning on having her here hoping to have her here next year but I don't know if re's class were two kids three kids if it would get folded into another class up a grade or down a grade or split um and I don't know that all the kids would necessarily make sense to go in the same direction um I don't know so it's just it's a complicated thing um and just sort of an anecdote about why we might Choice out as much as we don't want to as much as Rosa wants to be here and we want her here it's just a hard position to sh thank Youk you I appreciate you coming and and sharing what's going on it's you know it's something that we talk about um and obviously are aware of um so um I appreciate you coming in and telling your story is there any other public comment okay we have um no presentations or recognitions tonight uh so we will move on to the board secretary report um Teresa is there anything specific you wanted to mention um there is actually um in addition to the items that are um list on the agenda just a reminder about our reorganization meeting that will be on January 7th and our strategic planning meeting on January 14th that will be the first uh strategic planning session out of three um there's also attached a a um draft of the 2025 meeting calendar the list of enrollments and there's just a couple other things that I wanted to um bring to your attention so the open public meetings act requires that we publish our annual notice in two printed papers um and other types of advertisements um meeting changes bid notices all those things are required for physical print as of February 1st The Star Ledger the hund and Democrat will no longer be printed documents so this puts um us especially in hunon County there are other Publications across the state where other count in the state can better comply with the law um that we I have done some research and consulted with some of my colleagues in the county and there is a publication that circulates in hunon County it's The Courier News so we will be um listing The Courier News um and those other Publications at the at as are one of our official newspapers at our reorganization meeting but just so you're aware that it's does put us in a very difficult situation it's not just us so um the Liam municipalities the school boards associations are all aware of this um this situation and they're actually making a lot of noise about it because it requires legislative change if we're going to go to either digital type of um putting it on our website is acceptable nj.com is an option where all of our physical Publications our printed Publications are also showing up on nj.com which is where I think most people are seeing it anyway so until they make a legislative change we're still locked into complying with the law for the open public um meetings act and also um other bids and things like that that we put out so you're going to see The Star Ledger you're going to see the 100 Democrat because I can get the annual notice if our reorganization meeting is on January 7th I can comply with our annual notice and get it printed right away before they stop print in the month of January so those are going to be there so that can continue to print and then hopefully we'll before we have to make any other changes to our meeting calendar and such we'll have some guidance or legislative change um on how to proceed with this option one of some of the options are that there needs to be a Statewide uh it has to be a Statewide publication and really the Star Ledger is the only Statewide publication that there was so um I've done some research there are some other like I said printed options but they kind of just are in certain counties right um sometimes they're focused on one County sometimes multiple counties so the only Statewide one was The Star Ledger so we're all aware of this situation but wanted to bring to your attention in case you know there might be people out there trying to do gotas you know you're not in compliance with the open public meanings act and that it's not out of an effort to if we are it's not out of an effort to try and comply with the law with just an Antiquated law with new times that's where we are um the second thing um is about uh the the kind of the word that we're getting from the state it's kind of being um passed down with regards to state aid um is that the the revenues at the state level are limited and I mean apparently they're supposed to be funding the formula right we just got done with S2 I'm anticipating that they're going to fund the um the school funding act as they're supposed to be but for some reason they're giving us um like warnings don't expect you know more I really wasn't expecting more we haven't been expecting more here in Frenchtown for the last six years um there is some school funding Law changes that are proposed right now as well there are four public comment sessions that are there you can also find and submit your comment ments about the funding law online or you can go to the um inperson sessions to make your comments so if anybody the board or anybody wants to make the public they can make comments on the funding law the L those links in the minutes so that we can or the minutes will be out in yeah I can can you send us the can send you links to that are the public comments open past the first of the year yes so the in yeah so the inperson ones I think there's one on January 8th and then I think it goes up through like the 17th of January okay there was one today and then there's three in January um so they're kind of warning us about a difficult budget cycle so just wanted to bring that to your attention as we go into the New Year we're also working on the 2526 budget and then um the last thing I wanted to mention is that the county office came and conducted their facility walk through um that's related to KAC um just a couple of things that were uh noted um one was uh we want they wanted a lock at the bottom of the staircase into the Boiler Room on the door that goes into the Boiler Room that has already been remediated so there's a lock on that door um some paint like the paint ship the the chipped paint and stuff in the auditorium um is and just some other things noted in the auditorium we did also look up like the the requirements for the candle lights the the lighting in there because it's actually a lower lighting level um the county business administrator looked at up and we are still in compliance because of the type of space that it is even though it's being used as a classroom so we're okay there the extension on the stage was kind of noted because it kind of gives when you like walk on that you know so we had um the architect was in the building on Friday and that was actually at the county suggestion that have you know your dist architect kind of give it a look and any recommendations and he wasn't overly concerned he believes that you know he he his recommendation is that it is structurally sound but it wouldn't hurt to put another layer of like plywood or whatever on there so um we are in the process of preparing a time where that could happen and um that was kind of about it um and the other thing is the we did have we are out to bid for our Rod Grant project to replace the chiller and the pre-bid meeting took place on Friday um I was here for that um as well and so we will accept bids I think it's January 14th prior to our next meeting so at the next meeting in January I do anticipate that we'll have a recommendation to that's important Jessa that warning from the state feels a bit ominous um they said they you know don't expect any increases what are the what are the risks do you think that the money is going to be late that they're going to decrease the amount weeks what do you think the risks are it won't be late I mean they can't there's a you know they have to pay us according to the the schedule um I mean you know notifying us late doesn't help either because we have everything is statutory right the dates that the budgets are due they're all in statute so they would have to make legislative change to you know or do something to allow us to you know submit something on a different timeline but um I'm really not sure because if you look at some of the state aid changes that they're proposing some of it has to do with extraordinary Aid which extraordinary Aid is a whole separate application for special education students that have a cost that exceeds a certain dollar amount so they're proposing to reduce that dollar amount from $440,000 to $35,000 which means the district would then pick up the first 35,000 rather than the first 40,000 so it would save $5,000 and then there's a proposal for the amount over the $35,000 that you would be eligible for in extraordinary Aid would be phased in up to 100% over the next five years which is interesting because the current law says that we're supposed to be funded at the amount over 40,000 I think it's at it's 95 or something like that 95% and over the last three years that percentage has gone down about 10% every year we only got funded about 60% on our application last year so they're proposing to put more money into extraordinary aid but recent experience shows that they're actually funding it less so I'm not and if they're struggling with revenues where's and that's all coming from the same pot so it's just interesting um to me that those are some of the proposals when that's not the reality that we've experienced over the last several years right even at 40,000 right like even at the 40,000 it's not what we're it's not what we're experiencing without extraordinary Aid and without Choice a what percentage of our budget is state is it it's less than 10% now right yes like 5% or yeah I yeah and that's that's the number that they're putting out this warning about right not not that we want anything cut but right for our budget it's small percent small percentage yes okay thanks TR um so um if everyone looks at the 2025 meeting schedule um you know we should probably if anything is crying out to you as a bad date we should let Teressa know now because based on what we've been told about advertising it would be best not to have to make changes after the fact okay the dates in March and April align with the budget approvals the May date is because of needing to approve staff prior to certain other statutory headline and some of the others like around the holiday is just kind of like think November and right de and November we usually do around the um uh Convention as well in October yeah the I'm sorry October right around convention prier yeah okay um so we'll move on to the minutes and we need a motion to approve the November 19th regular and executive session minut any comments or questions on the minutes um you have a paper copy of the executive okay all those in favor opposed to obain understand okay we can hand the paper copies back and we will move on to Jim's report [Music] we'll switch feets in a minute Rachel you're good thank you that's so kind of you appreciate that me to boot [Music] you all right so I'll start just I'm going to kind of bounce around a little bit um trying to accomplish a couple things first off good evening everyone it's great to see everyone um just some quick things our HIV report there you know we have not had any um incidents this month um there are no short earing suspensions this month and your our security en PR Dr is listed um as we continue to collaborate with these um on those events okay so we'll need a motion to approve the HIV report from November 19th second than all those in favor okay all right thank you all right so first off just should shouldn't be too much just in case I um so just wanted to share a little bit of our work that um Rachel Kate and team um in regards to our strategic plan that's coming up so figured it would be a great opportunity to Just note that this is out there the 14th 18th and the 1st um January 14th February 18th and ail 1st um so if you're interested certainly come and this and be a part of our team for this and it will be a full meeting so um everybody can be all the board members can be there yes um you so we've been plugging that out you've seen emails we put it out on our social media and so forth um so just be loop on that um one of the things that I'm just going to plug through here that are that we've been working on internally um [Music] access to give my own access to myself um give me one second here my live trying to work in two spaces let's see if the access is the downal [Music] um all right I'm going to switch it out all right so one of things we've been thanks for your patience there if you see anything on my screen please tell me um because this wasn't the plan all right so I just want to talk a little bit about we've been talking um we've been talking about so we've been talking about chronic aism within our school we've been talking talking about how it is um yes you can have an excuse note you can have you know certainly there's a policy on certain things um bring your child to work day things like that however at the end of the day an absence is an absence in the state's eyes and things that we've been doing to try to combat that um not combat it but support not only support our students but support our families um and our teacher team has been a part of that and a lot of it starts you know from the teachers Nurse Amy Mrs Ziggy myself Mrs vont Tempo um this is Miller as well right front Des like we're a small school we take advantage of a lot of those key people in key spots um during the deck so I just wanted to kind of I wanted to go over some of the specifics that we've been um using and strategies that we've been in place so just so we're in in Loop the state wants a qu up bias on the NJ smart district report um so that puts us at 32% just over 32% just a Pary chronically absent 180 days in school right 18 if you're more than 10% that's where we're at um so that's where our students currently are landing um again that when it comes to looking at a student's profile and maybe some individual situations for them whether it's IEP 504 or doctor's notes or things like that those are the things we take in consideration in promoting you to the next grade level um so you could have a student for instance that's at 21 right 21 absences for the course of the year they've been able to maintain and stay together with their work they may have new you know five on you know doctor's notes to apply for where they've been out and so forth and so everybody really becomes an individual decision for this for the for the school team and myself um but just to kind of bring it to light just to be a you know we've been talking about it here a number of the strategies that we've been using um and it's just good for the board to be in the loop um so the state um this year has has has ured wants every District that's in this over 10% ballpark to have a plan in in place and we really started this last year we really started a lot of these strategies last year because we saw a growing Trend and we were trying to attack it in different ways um even to the point this year one of our goals and under district one was to attack student attendance right so we knew um where that was um okay so what are some things that we're doing is prek through again everything across the board parent letters parent phone calls things like that having interaction with the families teachers are having interactions back and forth with the families um we have a 3 to six deal we have a six or more we have a 10 or more we send letters communication letters October November December this year um other things that we've done to support parent phone calls trying to encourage students while they're in school you're like hey this is great like you're doing well and you're making press like you're doing good things here um and that's because you're here right those things help are helpful um we've done certainly parent strategies and sense of communication um different uh pamphlets and in um information that supports like these growing Trends if your child's not in there um we've also last year we did did a ton of parent meetings in the second half of the year we we will be going back to that shortly um we also have um we this year another strategy we've had is we've try we've utilized parent Bagel breakfast very parents to come Nur see myself we have a presentation that we share with families and you know with some really good information but we're also there to say hey we we understand that you probably want your child in school too so let's kind of work together and and talk about some strategies whether some things you're doing it you know if you're willing to kind of go like what are some things you're using utilizing at home where can we help can we help by a phone call can we help by sending you a text message can we help you by sending you an email can we do a robo call like what what will help and we've done all a number of strategies in individual cases like this um so one of the things we always ask is you know parent parents Guardians they give a reason for why right um so this is our information this year this is so part of this plan is you share it share with our with our board um our community and we we look at again mid year so we're probably looking at it maybe in the February meeting looking at again and then looking at in June the the information that we're getting so far really lies in heavily in student illness which we get right that's that's part of that's not um that's not like an uncommon thing that we would think right I think that makes sense I think but it's just something that we have to be aware of so it's student illness and you're never going to say um hey you're sick go to school right but when maybe and we've talked about this before like I'm not really feeling up to it this morning okay I'm going to let you go and that's something where we try to work with the parents in those situations said hey let's just get them to let's get them in our vision because I think once they're in our vision and you have a counselor you have the nurse or you have Mrs Miller you have that favorite teacher of yours that you see like oh I'm in right and then once you're in our building let's get through a period let's get through period two let's get through and we make those shortterm um whether it's health or whatever else we provide students opportunities maybe you know within the day we we we will Pro give individual incentives to keep you in the building keep you engaged um looking at some of my teammates back there they've been a part of some of these plans um we will utilize our staff and go to people within the building to make the best day possible for that child um but as I say often you have to get to our front door you have to be within our vision so we can start doing the work that we are capable of doing um and then for us you know there's some other things under under 10% which I would say right now but mental health just being aware of it um you know vacations play a role in here um which sometimes parents have and it's it's just not um they're aware of it so parents are aware of it in a sit but they're going on vacation and and that's okay we're not there to judge any of that like that's okay but we also then understand that there there may be a consequence you might fall behind School a few days in that case you might so there's work going to be that we need to do and in medical appointments um are 6% and then right now we have basically an other category as we're really trying to um be specific to some of these and I'm hoping over time this year that other can be a little bit more definitive but right now that's where it's at um without creating 15 different uh categories right now um but we're we're staying low very close on that um so here Jim um uh the mental health versus illness numbers yeah um what are the chances that a lot more of that illness is in fact mental health you know just not feeling up to it sort of anxiety that's being reported as illness right rather than what it honestly is which is maybe a mental health situation I you know I I think it's it's possible I think it's a conversation I can definitely have with the team to to kind of Zone in and maybe it's asking the parent one more question when you're in that moment of calling out we also know maybe that's not always the best time too just being honest right as parent myself um but I think it's a good it's a good question to certainly see if we can dive a second deeper just to verify that um for sure I can I ask question um so when you're talking about above 10% and I'm sure you've said this that includes the prek and the kindergarten even though they don't have to be here it does yeah and as part of um this year to also part of um we did have to complete a more informal but a survey plan that um that needed to be applied for schools that were receiving the preschool Aid like ourselves um so we did do that there was a December first deadline December 2nd deadline that we met um and had in so similar strategies in that plan are in this plan it was less detailed the one I would think that would be kind of a little bit of a different audience trying to get this but this data is from lasto so it wouldn't include but it does include prek and kindergarten that's yeah that's all right okay so okay all right so you know some simple things and I'm not going to go forever in this but Power School we use power school we we that you know collect data on those things um the nurse's office again you know they make that initial contact our parents make that initial contact um we sent letters 3 six 3 six and 10 days um and those are things that we continue will do I wanted to make it bigger than the than the letters right that's a part of it but we also want to work through um you know better understanding to know that yes we have we're sending the letters but we really ultimately want to help right so like even people in this meeting tonight I would say like yeah you got a you know if you got a letter if you said in Comm oh I got a letter for Mr H it's okay like you know I I I'm if I haven't reached out to you yet I probably will be at some point um and it's all it is is to team up with you to let's just do a little bit better and a little bit better than yesterday right um and can we assist your student in coming to school for even two or three periods or half a day or full day in in a day when they're not going to be here um instead of just not being here um so those are things that we certainly want to continue to work through breakfast card is available um that's just another thing with some data like typically you know when you um provide breakfast There's an opportunity where student may um be more likely to come in too so those are some of our tier one on um tier two strategies really offering social emotion support upon student arrival in of course of a tough day right so either whether it's sickness or maybe as Adam made a point maybe some of that sickness is mental he mental health well again get in our vision get within the team give parents are some parents have been so awesome and just giving us a call and saying hey so and so is having not a good day can you know can you meet us up front yes we'll be there right and if you know we only have so many people but maybe one of our other teachers jumps in one of our counselors jumps in our nurse can jump in there's a team of people each morning and many of you see that are right not only outside the front door but within the front door and they're there to assist and make sure everybody comes in safe but also come feels good about coming in if they need support and our team is awesome about just slipping in even if it's Mrs Miller or a number of our teachers that are there um we're there to help get that stay started in the best way possible um so that that that strategy in our vision I I'm I I really say it's you know nearly 100% effective when we've been in that case I I can't tell you I can't remember and I've asked our team too can you remember a time when the student was there and in front and they didn't get in our door I I don't know I'm not saying that maybe they didn't stay the length of the day but we did have an opportunity to be there there and I think that's really if you anyone takes anything away from that that's what I want you to take away from that tonight is that if you get in our vision and you allow our team to do the things and make those connections I think we're going to be successful even if it's for a period or two or three we might might make it the whole day but that's better than I think in better of the alternative um so and then we can build upon that certainly as well um we've done some student information sess just you know talking to students one-on-one last year we did some more informal ones we haven't done that this year um maybe it's something as we go through the year we'll continue you know we'll consider putting back in um support the students with catch-up work right that's a that's a thing when you end up being a couple days out then we need to come up with plans so you've heard about you know thep period educational sport period that can that can help with that it's not going to complete a whole day's work but it can certainly be an assist and right now that's 2 days a week um you can always communicate to our teachers certainly we have the the after school clubs homework club um twice a week Tutor Time if you're a younger learner those are things that we can you know try to support you in as well um so targeted communication um check-ins with the teacher check-ins with myself are things that we've done um you know call home for me like we're you know thank Bo we're not we're getting getting unfortunately we are getting to that point where I may be calling um just to connect to let's let's what do we need to do to improve that and what team member do I need to bring into it to make it successful for your child um we could always go to IRS um committee piece we haven't uh we haven't done that this year we did do that last year um and then the academic sport system that we talked about so those are some tier twos that we're using um I think right now as we look at this year we're really looking at student illness and I think you know where we're where we need to focus and just making sure that we're um identifying those causes and how we can support as the fs team here um and then just continue to educate parents on it like I think it's not just a middle school thing I think it's something we got to progressively kind of think about kindergarten is important first grade's important second all those all those grade levels are are important um across the way they're equally as important so um so that's just another piece there hey Jim what's inrs so that would be an inter an intervention referral service like IEP um not technically an IEP potentially but maybe a 504 situation something like Section 504 so an accommodation or potentially plan for that individual student has it opposed attendance okay um we might not go directly there but we might come up with we will likely come up with a plan um for a short six to eight week plan to work through but that's a good question [Music] um and then just some Universal strategies that we're using and these are all ongoing through the year um and again part of our D action plan um number four um communicate to parents emails text messages um newsletters um we tried to do like I said the morning breakfast is we're we're kind of rebooting that thinking about that right now how we can get a little bit more attendance we're not getting much attendance to those um and then using our positive behavior support team um going to school boards and sitting um around some other colleagues and and people in the group we we do a number of things we've awarded individual students for with through our Positive Behavior Support box so that's kind of the big thing here that's treasure um we have a treasure box that has you know numerous little fidget items stickers Marley you know walk up L with Marley um and wellness room homework passes numerous things um so for students that have shown some improve increased per um attendance even though they may still be in um a their numbers their number right but if they're showing hey they've been here the last four out of eight four out of six days or six out of 10 days we make a point of like hey great job bring them in and acculate them for that effort um so we keep doing moving things forward y um two questions one is just a data question does this include the kids who um only the kids who go to school physically in this building not the kids we send out to nonpublic schools they included in this data set are added districts included in here yeah a good question I don't want to look into that get back to you I mean we don't have a significant amount of yeah but I'm curious about the for that and also I wondered um since we're such a small school how for us for us specifically how are the kids who are missing more than 10 who are missing a lot of school how does that correspond with achievement are those the kids who are struggling is there is there I mean we know that in the literature and in education clearly there's a relationship between attendence and performance that's why we care sure but for us what's the story K who are not com in the kids who are struggling and if so you know that intervention if that if that in fact is the case because I mean I'm projecting here but I imagine a kid is like there's going to be a quiz that day and they're feeling overwhelmed and their throat's a little tickly and Mom please can I stay home and okay you know you're sick and so I'm just I'm just wondering about that Dynamic specifically and how it relates to our kids in performance I I mean I think I I shared a little bit I wasn't being so definitive when I did some State testings comparisons last in in in October right looking at some of the grades and where they lie in that sense I think individual we again as we talked about individuals do I think yes does this affect some of the scores 100 like just on your daily scores you know who's not coming I has an absentee issue and who's struggling in school and I'm I guess I'm asking you yeah not for the numbers but as a educational leader what is your yeah what do you think I definitely think it has an impact on their growth here when they're not here for sure and I think individuals some individuals respond differently some individuals have an ability with some with some teacher support to take advantage of that period and work with the teacher and maybe they go seek out their teacher at lunch in recess or they will stay after school for the academic support that's a type of student I that's not that the entire group by any means so we've got some kids who can catch up well and other kids who have struggling yes okay that I think that's very fair to say and then that's where we have to then be more creative um we utilize our teachers in various ways to try to support that um and they're you know super flexible and supportive in doing it um because you know I think it's very telling is we want our students to succeed we do our best work when they're here to help them succeed right um so but thank you Rachel and I'll look into that question um and so yeah so again check-ins Wellness room time you know tools that we have as I talked about the positive treasure box um before and school after before and after school offerings you know um there's been times this is like a really neat thing that we have such a positive relationship with Marley um there's been moments where we've actually been able to call like not that day of course but hey we have a student that's a couple students that really could use the support right now it's Tuesday is there any chance we can get Marley here by the end of the week and we'll reach out um and Karen is so awesome and that and so that might be just little pieces but that's the extent I share that because that's the extent that we will go to try to make that difference um to support that child there in our building and we can do that so checkins some of the things like that things I've talked about student individual student plans um there might be a situation where we have to in order to catch up student us that maybe has been out three or four days that we're going to now have to you know work out something in that Ela block where we're going to have to do some math or we're going to have to do some social studies in the beginning of the day or we're going to have you not go to social studies and we're going to set up a situation where you can work on your um your math or your Ela in a different space and those are things that we will do um when you're here and and we can support that and be very um you know supportive of that so I just wanted people to [Music] um know that this is the piece that I'm not going to share because that's what we need to do but you know we have some work to do down the road so there's a mid year and then there's an end of year which we will be filling in some stuff um this is n Me Myself And um Mrs Ziggy doing one of our morning um presentations for the parents just talking about really informational good informational data about the importance of being in school as much as possible did you have good attendance for that we did not so so we're kind of looking at what else could we do um potentially looking at some virtual options maybe we'll look at an afternoon option because we did um a morning option we thought Bagels would do it um but it was um not what we were hoping for so any questions with our plan you might be curious to know not right now obviously that 25% number is a fairly big one um of the other the other I mean setting aside illness for now if we assume that those are all legitimate ill illnesses which is questionable but say to say we do yeah that means the next biggest categor is other um right now yeah and I be curious to know what that what that breaks down to break breaks down into I I'm with you yeah no I'm I'm with you on that I'm curious of the curi I I'm curious to see what that if we can funnel that other to a better space I definitely agree with you is there any correlation between the kids I know you probably can't totally speak to this right now but the kids who do not recover well from the absenteeism there reasons for not being here is any correlation between the reason we're not being here you know and our more of the kids for a certain reason those are the ones that aren't recovering well or it's like something that you could just focus more acutely on a certain group I think it's not yes that number so I'm I'll go I'm going to speak to this year I think right now we're just getting to the stage where we have some concerning students right um we're not we're going to attack it the you know this week but as I shared with the letters that went out early Monday yesterday um we just need to I am going to reach out because we need to get ahead of it we're day 7071 in right now um and we already have some students that are halfway through there halfway through a concern right so I want to be able to what can we do what how can it look differently for them so I think it has to be an individual attack on an individual not attack it's not a good word we have to Target the individual family and students to do the best that we can do for them um and that'll take some communication back and forth um because I wonder if sometimes it's the parent that's keeping the kid from coming to school as opposed to the kid not wanting to come to school I wonder if there's like some of that yeah something worth I mean I know I'm sure I don't envy you having to deal with that kind of situation but yeah I I there's like a different strategy yeah last year's meetings I'm going to say for the parents that were able kudos to the parents that came in and were a part of the meetings last last year because I think everyone where we had that and we ran some in person we ran some virtual to accommodate the best we could I feel we made a difference in every scenario right a difference was made because there was a nice communication of expectation between us and not hey we got to be 100% we just need to be we got to get better with this um and then we have to put some different supports in um but I feel like every time we were able to get it you know in that in that meeting we were able to make a change um you can get their ear a POS exactly get to a positive so that'll be some early January work on a few families just to um try to engage them and you know work with them to best support their child or children for sure okay good that P is a followup question on um strategic planning does that wa for our is this the moment or not the moment um do you one more thing finish up and then we can talk about strategic plan okay not yes not R I just didn't want to be out of order um okay and then the last thing well I have a couple things but I just want up here my last thing up here um and then we will get Rachel back is we've been trust and I have been looking well first off we're all aware that had our nice summer project getting that fence on the on the side parking lot increasing safety some visibility um I think we've gotten numerous compliments as it relates to student Safety Not only just our preschool families but just Community wise right so many people have been utilizing it effectively I've seen it used different spaces on weekends and so forth so I think that's been a huge win for not only our students in safety and clear delineation of where we need to be when we're playing and where cars need to be um so that's that's a plus one of the other things that we've been looking at is also the idea of of potentially fencing the whole yard right that's a heck of a cost so for right now terissa and I have been working together with our team here um and we are looking about this idea we have preschool Aid now we also have some capital reserve um money that we were looking at the idea and we've seen we've been connecting with some different schools and so forth about a 30 40 30 by 40 opportunity on our sidey yard um right out of store of our our um first grade door um over here right so and where our preschool students can engage in um our elementary students I'm saying K2 is right now um as well as our our students with special needs right that could be a nice space for them to be in that's not um thank you to all my middle schoolers when we talk about it but we still leave the long sidey yard for soccer or football or whatever um we need over here which I I know how important that is and I see um so where would this go Jim it would go right outside this door here more towards the front sot Harrison not back so yep like you would be able to see it on so our side yard's right here so the front of the side yard but to the front of the sidey yard right where the tree line starts it'll go right in there so it won't be impacting on the Open Spaces here um from the playground the the preschool playground yeah on the corner basketball court Corner um it would be more here so you're still going to have a lot of that open space for you know the Middle School a lot of our mid schoolers play um on that side Ard and weekends on our community as well um so we were looking at this opportunity again as preschool special educ special education programs K2 grade levels obviously very similar to some of the things we talked about with the other Pence you know Safety and Security um you know certainly parents care as confidence that children are in a safe and controlled environment prospering you know trust in the school's commitment safety I think that's been huge over here has been a huge thing and I think you know we really think it might be a great time to incorporate this increase supervision you know that can certainly help some of our younger Learners some our special ed Learners that might not have the capacity to um make some of those good choices at this point they need to be supported and and having a fenced in area could be a really good space for them um and it's a space for them to learn develop and be cued um by teachers to explore motor skills and so forth so it's a really nice space potentially to then transition to more of an open land right um which is the rest of our playground right um certainly be inclusive play as well so you know I I see it as super helpful for our school but I also see it as really helpful for our community as well um gured outdoor time obviously Community engagement Partnerships with that um so we were able to we came up we were thinking about this over the summer the the estimate that we got was you know not what we were looking for at the time we were able to kind of go back into this over the last four or five weeks um and we were able to get a much better um cost Point um so we're looking at um material labor for this oper for this project um $20,000 or so and it is that um the proposals in their folder correct um and then equipment costs obviously that's just that would just include fencing mulch border um and then we would be then looking to take use our preschool Aid money to support some of those equipment C equipment that we would be putting within there um and we we' we've started we've already started this work over the summer um and then we put a all to it because we just couldn't find the price point that was really what we needed and and now we have um so I just wanted to share um with the board what we were thinking about utilizing that space um so it would be something this is from our um proposal the company that proposed this was the example that they shared with us so is the capital reserve fund money we've got to spend pretty soon yeah no so it's not like a so this of all the priorities that have for capital reserve this you think is the top one I would I would I go ahead I'll let you speak first yeah so the the the the money that we need to support the chiller has already been pulled out of the capital reserve it's already in a in an account for it to be spent because we we're already out to bid for that I can tell you a neighboring School District went out to bid for an hbac project and their costs were way over what the rod Grant number was so I'll know more in January when we open bids if our the budget on our project is okay for where the bids are coming in at but you know we talked about like earlier I talked about you know the auditorium but that's a bigger discussion um and what we not that we want to deplete the capital reserve at all but if we have an immediate need this is more of a priority for an immediate need than the timeline we're going to have for doing the auditorium that makees sense kind of I mean I just I think my question is in instead of I we're doing instead of doing what you know do you know what I mean like what what what else my experience of the playground where I spend more time than I ever thought I would um is that it's the lack of shade is really kind of an overwhelming thing also in terms of SE health and safety of kids um you know it's pretty brutal back there so I just I I think this is great and I'm not giving you a hard time I'm just wondering what other priorities are considered and why this one is the the one that you decided was that at the top yeah I think I think we're looking to we have the preschool Aid I think we're looking to enhance that program I think we also can within that create a you know utilize that space to me more multi-purpose I think it can definitely help support learning and um within the K2 levels and I also think it can be um incredible help to our um our autism program that we have within our school I think those you know I think all three spaces within our school are going to benefit from that and then I also then feel the community will also benefit um from something like that and the cost go around the preschool equipment that's already there no it will it will be up here that was my question why why don't we put it up there with specifically just for preschool right that that last one um we we were our concern is impacting that sidey yard there's only so much of a flat yard area that our students we we could I mean that certainly I just feel like that'll have a a much larger impact on the sidey um if we did that it's more limiting as to the grade levels that could be used this was more for that's more for climbing and different things and even for the preschoolers it gives them a different type of outside play right so an outside play where it's more open and it be more creative play correct right say nice job yeah well done I guess what I don't understand is that you know there's flat area and we need it for a fenced in space and for you know out like open play like football or soccer or whatever what why is there a difference between whether we have it towards the front or towards the back of that same area um I think there's I think there's shade up here I think there's some trees I think there's tree if I get concerned of trees and if that becom so if we let's just say we put that 30 by 40 so that's probably going to cover us past the side of the building for those who've been out there of the basketball court right we're going to push we're have to create definitely going to have to create at least 10t from at least 10 from the existing playground and then we're going to go so we're going to be deeper into like the cafeteria outside the cafeteria windows and then that's really going to shorten up that sidey yard and then it the the trees become part of you know an obstacle barrier within playing football and soccer and I I don't whereas this will be within that it will create some sh shade opportunity within there so that's one of the pieces why we liked it up there um to your point earlier um I just don't yeah I'm not saying it couldn't be I just think our recommendation right now is to be up there in the Shaded area where trees exist um and then you continue to have open spaces for that open play for those most of the time middle middle school and up um that are using that side yard um yeah I think one of the things that Jim and I talked about is if the middle schoolers are more up this area especially during school time where there needs to be supervision the teachers have line of sight to them where the students that are in the in the closed in area have their own supervision so now if you have them in in this area and the middle schoolers are down here now the teachers have to be like in different locations in order to supervise what's happening with the middle middle school in proximity wise the way we currently are set up preschool kindergarten first second all have direct they're all on the main bottom floor and they go right out to the side door so it's out in there um that's one of the things another piece of why we thought it would be a good space um and a good use of that area um so no trees have to come down over here for that yard trees in order to do this yeah really yeah we've measur we spent time measuring it out already so I'm gonna be the shallow one and say it um I don't think it will look attractive from the front of the school well I mean obviously the safety of the kids is more of a concern than how the school looks but if there's a way we can move it from the front of the school but I think that should be a consideration not to not to slouch the idea but um I think you know when you're looking at the front of the building if there's like a play area right at the front where the you know from where the street view is and that play area will be have stuff in it it's just not as attractive for the front of the building is the pl there's a there is a tree kind of far up there is is it is it going to be on this side of the tree or on the street side of the tree Street side so yeah we're going to be on this side so if if you literally went out the walkway right so as soon as you go outo you're over here you're going to step out you're going to be on the sidewalk and directly that's where your space is going to be it'll be outside of the building not in the front yard of the space not on the right did that Redwood make it the Redwood that's over here one that you planted on Earth Day or something like that a couple years ago that right am I like losing my mind didn't tree the what the Mrs Petro tree isn't Redwood up there no okay maybe I'm I will verify but I I also want like I have to I have to look at it yeah maybe so what what's timing like on this or the you know on your consideration I think I mean the timing I from speaking right and you I know you spoke to him directly um it seems like we could be doing it soon sooner than later you know I think it's just a matter of of saying yes and we can move forward um in the next two months probably we're justifying using the preschool fund because you think it's going to be like a big a good thing for the preschool yeah we're trying to enhance you know I think we are a school that benefit benefits from that Aid and I think we should try to develop it and I also think um I've seen a couple other of our school neighboring schools have um put some money additional spaces into theirs as well and I I think not that I'm just thinking for French down but I also think for this community too um it could be beneficial um outside of school hours for sure we will be able to get into that g i I mean that would be the plan for sure um you know I that would that's my hope you know that we can all you know respect it and share it and and do what we not to do not to have to put a lock on it or something that would not that's never the part of any of these projects it's is to do that now if something changes then we might have to take a look at it but that would not that's not our goal it's it's for us to support students with our school and then support a community as well and what is the cost what would the cost be of fencing in like along the road to the back of the school kind of do we do we do we know do we I feel like we was that like 50,000 or something it was it was yeah was over 50,000 okay you're saying a long hais on back no no along the truck route and then you like come around and come to the back wall of the school like so that area is all you know everything's and the whole play area is mened in I believe the believe the quot received was from upper alley just to the back of the shed did not come forward okay yeah so basically just off fence along the road correct now we didn't that was that was a different company than this one so we could certainly inquire again um just a metal aain yeah it's a it's a what it's a it's a big head for that yeah what's going on with the gate from Modern fossils the gate the statue or the the sculpture the SC yeah sculpture so we are all right we are we we have the pads for yeah right and then we're just making the artist is doing um couple Fabrications just a couple CH or just doing some final fabrication um modifications to the to the project now like he got a chance to look at the pads and um and we're hoping soon like I I don't you know I don't I don't want to put a date on it I know but um y it's getting it's getting closer awesome awesome for sure I have one more question about the player sorry what's the floor on the play is there flooring or is it just grass it would be mulch mulch okay engineered mulch Mulch and then that rubber R border yeah yeah with a border yeah got it okay thank you all right do you have been to your our our worksheet yeah I'm winning so yep I have a couple more things I'll I'll try and make them a little shorter but thank you again thanks for listening um to that idea um that I think our team you know has spent some time in in thinking like this could be a really good space for us um but we'll look into a couple of those questions for sure and then get back um all right so activities in school some um some of the principal Stu right now um but just for quick um having some discussion with our local administrators just being in that group um from in the Delow District um we got together this month we were able to look at some draft calendars together for next year focusing on articulation um so next month I'll be presenting our draft calendar um we also you know had some discussion relating to just policy releases some things and just good conversation AI something that I think just putting that out there is something that we're going to need to be looking closer with from the school perspective um so just something that we keep talking about and you know looking at policies and and we get to a space like that I'll certainly you know want the input from this team here um with that said kudos to the facility team for the qac review um we did really well so thank you ter USA Doug um m and everyone else that was supportive of that teachers too um for sure eth grade orientation eighth graders went up to delal on the 20 on the 2nd um got a great opportunity a little bit different this year they got individualized so when delal came with the band and the chorus and performed for us on the November 25th they also pulled our students a little bit about what things they wanted to see when they went up there so they had a little bit more targeted um opportunity when the students um went up there and they got to ride the bus and do the whole thing um got a lot of positive feedback from the students about that experience and we shared that up with the Delow team um so again you know making you know for some of those eighth graders that's coming and um I think it's great for them to you come back with a very positive feel for um what they were a part of um even the experience here they they just I I can't thank they enough when they bring the course and the band to show that and you know be a part of that it just really impacts um I had a great conversation with um principal K about even including we typically always include our seventh and eighth graders even talking about maybe see letting our sixth graders be a part of it next year and maybe fifth graders too just to keep building that um that Pride that's that's going to eventually be there um for them um few of our students uh participated in a Christmas crowd this past weekend two weekends ago um River Union was a part of that so thank you to them Middle School clubs homework club K4 Tutor Time um Cas you know we're moving with that homework club we definitely Middle School we we're we are a little lighter than we have in last year so that I'm just sharing that um we're going to kind of keep when we get back here in January we're going to kind of ramp that up uh student council had its formal this past Friday that was great um this is bontempo um and the in the crew officer Keta came by with his lights on his car so it was great um to be a part of that um but PTO thank you for your penguin Patch always year it's it's always a hit um with our students and with so many parent volunteers as part of that so thank you for that um K2 annual Winter Jam was yesterday so that was a big fun day for K2 preschool did some is L is the Grinch today um so a lot of lot of fun things going on in this last week here um also in there is our River Union um plan and proposal um which we're excited about I was a part of meeting last week with Peggy um Keith and Laura and Ally will be in the mix too um so they're you just so people are in the loop they're looking at Mondays Wednesdays and Thursdays Peggy being a part of it on Thursday um so that's in there as well so we're looking for another exciting hear from them uh Winter concert Thursday night be there um for sure we definitely want to um hit on those pieces and I was going to do a quick update of District Gos in action do you want me to do can I still do that or should I wait till next month it's up to you all right I'll do a quick overview and if we need to go back back um just looking at some uh so we have two major goals this year um academic student data is one of them um I just want to certainly communicate that teams have been doing teachers have been doing a tremendous amount of work um not only applying specific strategies for each student within the classroom but keeping a tally of that and keeping record of that so we can keep building and knowing what's working what's not working for your individual student um for our ESV period has been which is our educational support period with within grades 5 through eight um I would say we're really off to a good start it's super helpful in some of the things we talked about when students are in and out of class but it doesn't it's not the the end all fix by all means but I think it's been um super helpful for that um academic support clubs Tutor Time those things um still living um roxan Clues has been working not only um with our teachers doing a number of curriculum revisions and we'll be you know we're going to keep moving and plowing through that as we talked about all year long um with the with the goal of a nice update by the end of the year um from her she's been doing really um just really great effective working communicating not only with me but also with the teachers and um I just want to say thank you to her and the team for that social emotional data um that's the sheet that I just shared with everyone um our K4 student code of conduct is a new code of conduct this year um and what we talked about was driving it through with some of our zones for regulation um zones of Regulation um key pieces you know are you in the Blue zone or you in the green zone yellow zone Red Zone and then strategies to get out so when we have little incidents um for instance you know so and so said something unkind to me or so and so you know threw the ball at me on purpose right things like that we work through those moments so we've been using this reflective sheet not only is in the moment right which sometimes we don't get a lot out of the moment because students are not ready right you know we're in probably the red zone or the yellow zone so we're not ready to work um but it's out there and we talk about it um but when we get to that moment of you know whether it's it's a meeting with me or a meeting you know a lunch detention or whatever ever what have you we go back to the sheet and we okay okay in the moment of now like a day later or two days later how did you feel right okay okay so now how do you feel now right now how do you and I I can say more often to not the students are really seeing there's definitely a difference right they they're typically were certain they're excited or whatever when that moment happened or they're angered by something and now in this moment H maybe you're a little um not feeling so great because you're meeting with the principal or you're meeting with the counselor or whatever however the students are engaging which is really neat to see and when we work on something like this we're we are sharing it back out with the family so open communication potentially parent you know a dinner conversation or breakfast conversation or whatever what have you to kind of talk about the things that we've been working on and focusing on really one or two strategies not overwhelming strategies but like what could you do the next time so maybe you know in that next moment of throwing the ball you're just going to hold on to the ball bring that second hand down and keep the ball right instead of saying that un work just say nothing at all right if you it's a Hands-On situation maybe we're going to put our hands in our pockets next time or we're going to put our hands to the side um so we don't have those moments so that's something that we you know we're new we continue to work through those pieces but I think feedback so far has been positive from students for the most part um and parents too I think think with the two-way communication there um student attendance I just shared our plan um so we're working through all those strategies um student teacher feedback as it relates to um our testing plan we're not there yet but we will get there um taking you know we had a nice fiveo testing plan last year you know when we get back in January February we potentially might update some of those but I know those five are going to likely stay it may be come at six or seven or um for sure so getting not only teacher feedback but student feedback from that um and then just on our district two goal um which kind of leads to um Julie um is the creating of family the list of families and surveys um so that list has been created and shared um and I if you want to just speak just a little bit of you've begun some of yours with five five meetings so far and I have a couple more scheduled as well well I would say I don't want to speak too specifically but um there are some overreaching themes that I think could actually be really helpful for us to address awesome and uh you know some of it's also and I'd love to talk to you at some point um some of it's just the nature of the Beast Man the small school it's like and yeah couple of people leave and it's just small it gets even smaller so I I mean beside like me call falling and like leading people to stay which believe me there I have like a little bit of that inside of me that wants to do that or something but because I don't know if the people that as they trickle away they realize what an effect what a larger effect it is having because there's so few students um yeah it's been really people have been so eager to share and so I would say the majority of them have been really eager to help saying that what a wonderful school it is they left for specific reasons but they would be interested in helping the health of the school so I thought that was really positive that's true and a lot of them spoke to like a lot of really positive experiences that they had here yeah well thank you and you know I know you some work to do yet but I appreciate what you're doing yeah um else with that thank you Julie um just you know we talked about looking at some of our demographics with the burrow too as a number two there'll be a part of our likely we already I know we already have one or two members of the council that will be part of our strategic plan so I think that'll be an ideal time to kind of loop them in um with those pieces we continue to do our social media about positive things um always the terer as our little tag right on social media and you know I continue to have conversations with our local administrators and we do talk about attendance and it's not just our school um by any means and we're sharing some of the strategies together and I I can say you know you know some of the ones they're using some of the you know we're collaboratively using some of these strategies which I think is most important because ultimately we want student in school um you know if they're able to do that so I do have one aspect of the things that I'm finding that I'm wondering if we could I know we talk about the strategic planning not having any leading kind of conversations I don't know if it would make sense but it is to presented as data we inter you know we interview people and this is what we heard Middle School is a major major thing and I think it needs to get talked about because everybody's talking about it anybody anyway can you say another sentence can I say another sentence um the idea of sending our kids out for Middle School to a different School sixth seventh and 8th I think that that is I think um people are like I said I'm still having is that I even think that if some people who are knew that kids would be leaving for middle school they would stay I think it's the one thing that I think that we do special education and Early Education very well in this building and I think that that's the vibe I get from a lot of people I talk to so I think with strategic planning yeah I don't know if that I suspect if you're finding it to be really prevalent it will come up yeah and and I think that there's so much you said for not leading the conversation I I agree but I also don't think that we have to be silent right um you know I think that there are I I don't think that we should come to strategic planning with the attitude of like this is what we want to talk about but when we're in groups you know if if you're in a group and you're talking about you know things that are going on you you know you could certainly say like what I've heard from a lot of parents as I interview about declining enrollment is X I'm just wondering if we should be saying that as a board if we should be getting ahead of that it's like I mean I think we should be working on it and and I mean one of the things clearly that we need to do is look at what are our assets what are our strengths what are our challenges what are the changes and I think you know articulating the challenges is important and respectful of the community well the two most the challenges that I hear most of all are the middle school and just the nature of socialization in tiny classes we can we can phrase that in a in a you know you can phrase that nicely but I think pretending it I think we should I I mean I kind of feel like in the introductory piece that we're going to do that Jim is going to take we need to share where we are what's going great yeah and what are the things we're struggling with yeah and then allow the community to contribute and they'll add more things that are great and more things that we're struggling with but then be creative about those challenges yeah we want to give them an opportunity to to bring some creativity and thought and I would say of all the people that left just one more thing to add to that is that of the all the people that I spoke to that left I would say almost all of them said that what they miss most of all is being part of the community being part of a school that's in your community that's with your neighbors that like that that is something that really still tugs at them so I don't know if that's like a useful piece to bring into it too I mean that is certainly one of our greatest strengths I think among other things but yeah I just that was something that was always like the but you know I really do still miss you know we still do miss this this is something that we don't have anymore when you've done like sort of the bulk of them because some people may I would be very happy to sort of help summarize it in a couple of PowerPoint slides I mean I wasn't even I didn't know that I talking about I appreciate yeah little look forward I'm glad you're doing that yeah me too I'm you know you know it's fascinating honestly it's fascinating I genuinely want to know you know I think we all do yeah and these are all good people you know these are our neighbors and like people that you know friends get exactly yeah that's great so maybe you know next month or two you know next meeting or two not you know as as a kind of new board member and I know a little bit because Kate's a dear friend of mine but like I would like to know a little bit more about the history of those decisions about the middle school a little bit more of what the like Dental like I would just for my own education like to understand it a little bit better yeah I'm with you I would also I know we have history there yeah we can definitely talk about that I don't know if that would be helpful for us to know more before attending the Strategic plan I I don't even know if that's possible that's a lot of information in not much time but or if there if you could direct us somewhere where we could I mean you and I have had enough conversations that I feel like I have a bit of a grasp on it but I I just don't know if it would be helpful for us to have an information if we are to be approached by the public at these meetings it'll be helpful for us to I mean I I could I could give you a little summary yeah certainly like you know at our next meeting I could give a little summary but you know the fact is that the in the actual information will have changed because however many years later but um so I can't give you really exact but I can kind of give you a summary of the conversation and how how it went down and because it was being pursued pretty hot heav before Co right yeah right before I remember right before Co yeah oh so fairly and at the start of S2 S2 was the it was the the decline in the state aid how we maintain that that inspired uh some activity and conversation about efficiency I'll put a little summary together and maybea you could look it over and J look it over dat back I just think the data is going to be kind of it's a you know it is old data it's old data but but we can we can kind of put a summary together that'll at least let you know like how what we pursued how we pursued it and what the outcome was there were actually two budget years where I've prepared two scenarios yeah one K8 and one k six six yeah five six because at that point we were looking at 7even yeah yeah just 78 okay at that time yeah and at that time we're looking at 78 where May kood well we talked to all the all the sending districts were you not closest to King was Kingwood not the potential or no we didn't really get get that far we met with all three um and then you know we had a public meeting and yeah and currently Milford SS are 7eventh and 8th or 6 sth and 8 sth and K oh six seven eight to Kingwood the same uh superintendent are you sure wasn't six too because we wanted it to be six but um ultimately the discussion led to 78 okay yeah our our initial conversation was about 67 this kind of with this you know self-contained classroom and the mixing of right yeah right so so ultimately what would happen if it if if you sent your seventh and eighth grade out then your sixth grade would be a s contain class not you wouldn't have like different math and science and social study teachers um the six you would have a sixth grade teacher who would teach everything that leads me to one more question just for my own education is our seventh and 8th grade students have opportunity for Accelerated math I know it's going back and forth for Algebra I guess yes yes and did they go to the high school for it or they do it online here okay online or the teacher with the teacher teacher we have got we had algebra here for I do no Al was seventh grade standard I think you're asking something else not it's not eighth grade standard it's ninth grade standard so eighth graders take levels of math for seventh and eth grade correct I didn't know the answer to that and a couple people asked me and I you know my kids aren't that old so I didn't they used to go to the high school until the high school changed their I heard so many different versions of it that I wasn't sure what was happening yeah but that's been I mean that's been about 20 years that we've been doing that sending to the high school no offering algebra offering algebra to the seventh gr e graders gr being a little dense so thank you have the same math eth graders can either have pre-algebra or gen preal and alge within seventh and eth okay so a choice of general and pre-algebra eth has a choice of pre-algebra and algebra got it right they're recommended to a spot yes yeah so some seventh graders are doing math with eighth graders yes M okay yeah thank you I did I just a couple people asked me that question I didn't know the answer and I want to say I think 1920 we were still at the high school that year and then we've been back in house teaching algebra we went back and forth yeah we were at the high school we weren't at the high school and then we were at the high school again and then we went the SCH transported people physically to the high school for class yeah they would always have algebra first period so that the middle schoolers could come to the first period class and they essentially wouldn't miss any class here because the high school starts earlier so they would take the bus with the with the high schoolers they would have first period at the high school and then be transported back to their Elementary scho for their first period class year right I bet they thought they were cool except that they had to get up get the 7:00 in the morning which was not cool they had a little longer day yeah it was a long okay okay thank you thank you but I think maybe yeah I would like to talk to you about how we can TI organize yeah do you have anything El no just everyone Aid and all those things yeah thank Jim you too um Rachel did you want to mention anything else about strategic planning um just a a couple things real quickly um I don't know if we know have an update on how many people have registered you know because we're getting people registering I started putting up some posters in town and then I noticed that most of the other posters in town were for events around January 1st and I made I made an executive decision to hold off till after Christmas and all of that to put up the signs I just think it's a little too soon even though in my head it isn't too soon yeah I think it's a little there's just too much so our current less is 21 is awesome I feel like I checked that MERS so we're doing well I'll just look at the last seven because it's our last it's not board members so that's good and it's early and people are have not registered who I think are coming so I'll look I'd like can you send me the list just so I can great so I canot know who to know leave alone yeah I right that's what I mean like um and then um what else was I going to say oh um Teresa are you gonna do like the numbery math the the budget presentation for the the first meeting and it has um the sort of state of the school and the community and it's primarily a gym presentation but I was looking at the one from last time and you you did a I mean the context was different and there was maybe could you do should we be talking about this now no it's something I me you've done this for so you've done this for all of the school so do you right so you have a particular thing that you do not for strategic planning but for Budget budget hearings but not for strategic planning no it might be nice to have some information like that the pyra where like our funding comes from and the pyra where like you earlier say that only 4% of our funding comes from the state people need to know I mean let let's think about what it is that we want to present to the community I mean there are very telling slides in the budget presentation especially since we've gone through S2 there's all that history on how much we've lost from beginning to end and recent that is something that is now impacting the the financial you know um our financial status moving forward um I can yeah I mean those already exist I can pull certain slides out I don't know if Jim's preparing something we can combine our you know and I I did reach out and ask for some sample presentations from our newor school boards right haven't gotten them yet yeah yeah and also to speak with her to have meeting with so I'd very much like to meet with her um I I mean just off the top of my head I feel like that one p graph that says where all of our revenues come from and the other py graph that shows like you know this amount of our budget is for transportation this amount is for general education this amount is for Professional Services that kind of thing right those those two p good right just you have that from that's from budg so yeah we could go up with that yes St is on here the last one was 9.6 so keep spreading the word everybody yeah everybody please spad the word okay um the only thing I have additionally is for executive session um and we have no policy the even so we'll move on to our consent agenda and I'll make um a motion to move um 11.1 11.1 don't move I'll second okay comments or questions on the consent agenda that includes Personnel y it includes pretty much everything else on the agenda other than executive session good night thanks for coming thanks for coming think there's two strong candidates and for yeah staff yeah thank you for all the well for all the work on the one candidat other one we had already but I'm thrilled to see that he'll be moving into that role that's great and thank you to you and the committee for um the new Fire I did have one question is there any um possibility of uh finding a grant to offset some of this cost of the um the joint Transportation item so there is a possibility but it's a end of theee application that you spend first and you apply and get reimbursed yeah so this count is spending at first and then we can apply to have this reimbursed the end of the year at the end of the year but that's the estimated cost if it goes the rest of the year right okay it could be It could wind up being less than that if it if it ceases at some point so and And to clarify what you're were talking about before with the 35,000 or 40,000 the transportation doesn't go towards that yes so without that's only tuition clause for out of District you know Transportation costs this is the transport one student yeah yeah so so what Teresa was saying before is if you spend over $40,000 for an out of District placement you may get some additional aid from the state but you have to get to that 40,000 Mark and transportation doesn't count and transportation doesn't count no you can't apply right the cost that you apply for does not include the transportation C all right any other comments or questions all right then we'll need a roll call Mr Blackburn yes Mr dery yes M Howard yes Miss Klein yes Miss next yes Mrs nent yes um is there any other new business before we go into executive I just want to say thanks to Jim and the team for finding the money for River Union stage that's terrific yeah okay there any public comment thank you for your service thank you for coming apprciate nice seeing everybody you too have a happy holiday you too enjy the kids home yes yeah good yeah take care thank thank you okay then we need a motion to move into so move all those in favor oos okay um are we do we have to yeah hold Aon bye happy holidays bye thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e um I we'll need a motion to approve a $2500 annual stien to be paid retroactively um for all one toone aids to job includes toileting so any comments or questions on that okay all those in favor I opposed or abstain okay um then we'll need a motion to adjourn so Mo second all those in favor areain thank you everybody happy Holidays happy we