##VIDEO ID:k2D1H9VMTS8## adequate notice of this regularly scheduled meeting of the Frenchtown board of education has been provided in accordance with the open public meeting act by notification to the Hun County Democrat on January 11th 2024 a copy of this notice has also been posted at the public school at the municipal building and filed with the bur cler and stand to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all Mr Blackburn here Mr dery here Miss Howard here miss Klein here miss cello here Mrs nen here um and at this time we have opportunity for public comments since we have a member of the public Mr Tober do have any public comments see no I don't okay well thank you for joining us yeah thanks for coming um so our first item for discussion is the board and District goals um we discussed the goals on or we had a Golds discussion on June at our June meeting um and um I sent a draft copy to the board and to Jim um we had quite a bit of um comment on the goals so I thought what we'd do is just kind of open it up reopen it for discussion um and then um I suspect that we will not be able to adopt the goals tonight um because we'll want to have conversation and then um you know hopefully we'll come to a consensus and we'll be able to adopt at the September meeting on the 24th um okay so I will what I can do is is just um sorry just kind of read to everybody what was on the list and then um we can have coma okay and um what we always do is we always have District goals which are basically goals that Jim creates an action plan for and um are basically Jim and the staff's responsibility and then board goals um so we had in our draft we had three District goals one was by January of 25 determine most effective evaluation data and create a calendar to share data with the Boe on a quarterly basis number two was to provide easy access to our curriculum including curriculum resources on the FBS website and number three was to implement Implement new ways to celebrate student and staff achievements and the board goals were number one by June of 2025 to develop a five-year Strate strategic plan with input from community members and staff uh by January of 25 to create and Implement at least three strategies to increase public engagement and number three to research and provide relevant Dei training for staff by June of 25 um okay so let's just open it up for comment um I just a point of um procedure I made notes I can I should I keep into myself and should I share you can share them I can share them yeah okay yeah all right so these are like you can share you can share anything as long as it's at the meeting okay here we are at the meeting right okay and and um this is really not elegant okay that's okay this is like so not but I with you send this around I kind of didn't really think to about this till yesterday which is my bad okay I want to be but as I have been thinking I feel like that the this is sort of contextualizing our enrollments I feel like are a bit of an existential threat to the school um um and so what I what I'm proposing and there's nothing really specific here like just in general is that as a for the district goals we focus on academic performance that the goals be about and I I'm not in a position right now to tell you 5% on this or will achieve that grade like I'm not right now able to say I think we need to come up with that but I do think we have to have something measurable related to academic performance and then I feel like a lot of the other things that we had in our goals are in support of that so for example family engagement has been shown to support academic achievement having curriculum and resources on the website to share with the public is a is a um is a really really strong family engagement strategy with the goal of improving student outcomes so I feel like we can fold a lot of those you know I feel like so so I guess what I would propose is that we have a student performance goal that we consider without making it too messy because I am deeply aware that you have limited staff and limited time you want to be super respectful and not create bureaucratic exercises because that's not what anybody needs but if we could think about it either in terms of you know preschool K5 68 and or in terms of where our challenges are would it be EA math whatever whatever the most relevant ones are that we have some objectives related to academic performance in this area and then the strategies become gy strategies around curriculum and teaching professional development of how we approach that the curriculum on the website and you know Recruitment and Retention all of those kinds of things and then just to talk about out of both sides of my mouth and totally find so if we're going to have additional District gos um you know we could have improved family community engagement to support learning because there's a lot that you're doing in community engagement and family but it's to support learning um you know and you do a lot ofal work here you do so muchal work um and it would be great to have that as measured by it so that's so make a long story really long here I'm I am kind of piling on this idea that we should make this like the year that we focus on academics that looks and then in terms of the board are the things that we had in there are like um uh engaging the community I feel like engaging the I feel like we have an opportunity to do a strategic plan to set goals and objectives and guide really guide decision making but have a a substantive strategic strategic plan so it can feed into the budget process and when we have decisions to make we can adhere to that I feel like five years is a little too much but I'll go with I mean that's time to me it's like three years and you know as part of that I think we really need to understand going into the process the causes of declining enrollment and and start to identify some some actions because I really feel like that's an existential threat to our ability to continue being a school I mean 98 students is like not a good thing um and you know and part of that also is engaging a broad range of stakeholders with an emphasis on families of young school age children those are our customers those are our customers they they need to want to come here and then one on on improving accountability by implementing a reporting schedule around around um effectiveness of interventions in epidemics and so that's my feeling is if we should focus on strategic planning and do our work in relation to having a good strong strategic planning process and the data and coming up with meaningful outcomes and probably one emics I'm done okay everyone's got my email all so share it here for the public as well I think it's only fa that it is uh made public so my feedback e EO really what Rachel was saying first and foremost I think my belief is that goals need to be one ambitious two measurable and three in relation to the reality BR and I think the one reality we all kind of know here in this room but may not exist within individual families or teachers Etc it's just overall how the school district is doing so like we know that enrollment is falling in spite of the fact that it looks like actually the number of kids school AG kids in French toown may be increased so like there's a disproportionate number of who are now choosing alternative education somewhere else the other thing we know is that our academics have dropped significantly in the last five years I think I've been the one and maybe because by immigrant STS but also because of the numbers that's been focusing on math and science being a big issue I don't think it's healthy that 80% of our kids are not meeting the standard on science I think it's also not really good that 57% of them didn't meet the standard on math like You' got to face it to so I'm with Rachel of like let's set one big ambitious goal and then tactics activations initiatives behind it the gy and team can organize to try to meet that B versus kind of like peace meing it and having a couple of different tactics but they think academic achievement being person FR for Jim and for us and so then figuring out okay what do we need to do in order to meet that I think at the end of last year school year the board did as much as we could to fully fund the school and it's like now let's look at the budget let's allocate the right resources to academic achievement and let's just everything all of our efforts go there for the next year to three years I'm comfortable waiting until the like strategic plan mostly because we have years of data now that says we're declining we've have years of data that says enrollment is falling in casual conversations with parent parents around French Town they're like choosing where do I send my kid there's more and more kind of of a narrative of like somewhere else than this school so like Rachel I'm sort of in the like we got to take this on now we can't necessarily wait until the planning F can I just respond by saying I agree with you I don't think we should wait till the strategic planning process is over to address the academic issues yeah be it's not oh yeah I agre Micha or Adam um the first thing that comes to mind is um least respect some of your comments and maybe to a certain extent yours as well Rachel is um the measuring is really hard right because you know we got four kids in a class uh you know 50% of the class is failing math it's only two kids right um or if there's or 25% of class is doing sexually well as just one kid yeah um and the same goes for the standardized testing things like that um so I think that how these are all these are excellent excellent ideas in my personal opinion um and definitely address the pain that we're feeling we just need to remember that an approach I think has to be student oriented like individually oriented um and not trying to come up with programs that going to be one size fits all for the the whole school or even a range of grades um because we're so small that's just that's the E achievement part the other other issues about declining enrollment things like that and choosing not go here I'd love to know more about it's something that um need like you like you both said face out te um I just a clarifying question when you said you were um your concern is about making measurable making things measurable in a meaningful way you we have such a small population um and my feeling is that maybe things are not measurable in the typical way but they've got to be measurable oh absolutely and they've got to be you know we have classes things that we've known forever it can be improvement over time it can be you know what I mean it can be yeah we can we can carve that acheve what that looks like in a way that is valid flash that has validity for our community that's exactly what I meant to say okay yeah the only time that comes to my other than I agree with everything been said is discuss the way speaking people most soci becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy because right but I think that I think we do have an opportunity especially with the strategic planning enough to do some more in-depth interviews with people in a in a structured way and really bring that to light and there are things we can do something about things we can't do about or there's things that we are a really small community so what can we do to increase the so you know the social opportunities then given that I mean we can that's like thing we can have a substantive conversation about what might be some strategies and tactics to address that Miss also dub Tail as well into our AC achievement committee and the the outcomes of that they're looking forward to yeah which you know are is really give be a reflection of what happens to our kids once they leave FS end up Del out you know the the metric punish Del out and you know we got a bunch of different kind of um you know benchmarks from from that exercise which his proba probably a year out from now um but uh which is great but you know again sort of longer term yeah uh exercise and you know we need to focus the goal is now like you're saying one thing for me is like the goals we set today kind of trying to light on what we believe is in and as I mentioned in my email I think we should make them measurable but that also makes it okay if we don't meet the target we're going at like I can count not like countless times that in my profession setting goals were set for us as an organization that were quite ambitious and we didn't need them but everyone knew sort of what the focus was why the focus was there and what we were trying to achieve and then if you don't me them you figure out okay what can we do better next time so I don't want us to be afraid to put an ambitious goal on a sheet of paper here and try to channel the whole school into it including the parents including the students teachers the administrators everyone and we all work towards it versus saying like well some will take time it's not going to happen in a year we may not need it in a year I think we just have to be comfortable the same way we tell our students like you got to try you got to try to reach your potential you got to figure out kind of like how to get something done I sort of want to put the same sort of pressure on us a bit to try and see how much we can about to get done in the year acknowledging that we you know like these numbers AR going to turn around overnight but I think if we start talking about them openly if we start sharing with the openly that this is I also don't think the community is as aware as we are that there is a drop inment that there is a drop in EV like I think the more we can bring everybody together around these goals the better our chances to actually like make a change I'm nervous that if we put small fight siiz achievable things in a sheet of paper we won't actually accomplish as not as what capable J did you wna I don't have anything to add right now no but a lot of yeah I think that the academic thing and the I'm not sure yeah I don't know as a member of the community as a parent I'm not sure the academic portion and the enrollment issue are completely tied together but I would need more information to really have a strong comment on that I think everything like diagr before but so so I'm sure that like there's an overlap between that the the academics stal counselor 100% of the enrollment thing but it's you know it overlaps with that and yeah I don't doubt that we can it in the meantime I need to we address the appus regardless um I would reiterate what Mike said in that you know the people that I've spoken to who have left the school for either private school or for um you know a choice District um pretty much everyone I've spoken to has been it's been either so you know Social Sports or like you know um two too few kids in a class that kind of thing the only time when I've had discussions about academics when people have left um it's been more that because of our size we don't have as many options for kids who are higher performed um so that that's the only time I've ever had a conversation with a parent who left to brought up academics was for that reason um so I would just as far as my input goes um but a few things one is um I really like Rachel's idea of kind of having one goal for the board and one goal for the district and for the board goal to be academ you know increasing academic achievement and for the district I'm sorry other way around the board goal to be the Strategic plan and for the um District goal to be increasing academic achievement and I do really think that it sends a message that like those are the things we're focusing on and you know that's and I I like the idea of kind of you know the the smaller things coming into Jim's action plan or coming into our plan for the Strategic plan um I have a huge problem with putting um measurable like you know an increase of you know whatever 5% in math performance and the reason is I don't think that's an ambitious goal for us to take on I think it's ambitious goal for us to take on which all falls on and I don't think that that's fair um I feel that for us it's going to mean coming in here and saying like what' you do this month and it's going to add to an already large worker um secondly I feel like we don't have at this point you know if if somebody was coming and saying let's try to make you know this I I don't know this particular um evaluation like let's see a you know a 5% increase in the you know in each grade in math but we don't even have the language or the information to say that like are you know are we talking about our state test scores because we haven't even seen those for last year and we won't see those until at least next month maybe October so like to try and put a measurable goal right now like I don't I don't even know what that would be honestly um and I just feel like for me I would feel much more comfortable creating a goal that focuses on academic achievement that says that's going to be our number one Focus um but that doesn't have that kind of like increas of a numeric increase um I also think there are so many variables and especially when you're talking about such a small population of students those variables many of them are not within our control um and I just I kind of feel like we're setting ourselves up for failure um and I worry that the perception will be that we've set Jim up for failure um and I that's something I am not comfortable doing um again I don't disagree that our main focus should be academics and increasing our academic achievement um across the board but I just it's it's the number thing that concerns um do not believe that it is possible for us to come up with a meaningful measur of improvement um I mean maybe not what we can pull out of our back pocket in this moment but I mean I would have Jim Jim I'm sure there think we've looked at them enough to really like I mean are we talking about t scores or are we talking about like some of the other academic um data that like the staff keeps like on each student data that or GPA or talked a lot we talked a lot in in our group acement group we talked a lot of different sources I'm going to call them sources various sources they all look different because and nobody in here can say that's they all look different because everyone comes to school here differ we can't put a lot of people in the same Pockets or baskets right they're individualized some some very levels we talk to all about this some great levels we can report some great levels we can't um you can speak to the individual if we want to look at the individual and take specific benchmark um that's something I'm willing to explore I want to be sure our team's comfortable with that right before we move forward with that I you know I had a conversation with them we've had three aome professional development days and I I feel like that's a conversation that I think they're looking forward to hearing back from me after tonight's conversation right um but I want to make sure one of the things I think we have done in the last few years is establish expect issues right on certain things and this is what we do now when it comes to do 56a we 780 go to Ken Township towards you know we've set up these are the things we do now right it's not really like an unknown it's something that we do right I think we have have social emotional is a big thing zones zones of Regulation is a big thing academic looking at strategies instructional delivery those things are things we've been always I think very close to our hearts in in what we do as as teachers and teach communication part of that um so I think we just I'm I'm I'm taking it in because it's first off I think it's it's a great discussion right now it's everyone out here is is been a part of it which is very good you know for all of us to hear that I would just be I want to make sure we feel and and I can come back and present a couple different areas on Ben are and again are we talking science are we talking math are we talking laa I don't think we should go I think we should pick one you're ask me think we should pick a pocket we are focusing you guys like we aware we we're focusing on math our pla scores testing if you're looking at that is is better than our math so we've been focusing on math that's a lot of what our professional development has been and I'll be talking about that a little bit later um but that's if that's what we want to focus on then but again we have to come up with a measurable measurables are hard because they're really hard to group here but we could come up with come up with something um that beats to move forward um individuals are going to look different so if you measure the individual versus the individual maybe right like that might be the best way to move forward with showing we have a we have that that individual Benchmark in this particular component area and that's what we're going on with um doesn't matter about maybe the other four five or six you know we had this conversation months ago about how many different ways we assess and a part of and this is part of the student record and things like that um so now I talk a lot so go ahead like so so is there anything because I'm really just trying to take in and here but and not certainly thinking of things and I would certainly love to turn it back to the faculty team and say you know if we're looking for one specific area so I just need to Define it a little bit more are we talking math are we talking science fed to earlier um but I think we need to find land on a specific I think maybe to focus on an area thatg really struggled so focus on new sources there and then I think question was I know you that assessment if you're trying interventions to both individual and classroom Indulgence with how how do you know the how do you and the team assess whether your you know your efforts to includ ma math I'm just making it up you know math instruction are showing benefits but what do you use and whatever you use that you think is valid and makes sense and we can we can probably roll that for you know we can we'll read any you know we're I mean I'd love to see our state spes be like amazing um but I don't know that that is something this year that is appropriate you know so yes no and and I think you know I think we as everyone knows we took on a new approach but state test we're talking about that piece of assessment right we talk on more positive um you know with conversation with the board and then conversation back with the team and we came up with a really nice plan um in another month we'll know that made a really big sense right or not um or you know I've heard this you know we've been together long enough where after Rachel say is this this is what is this typical of this student right or that group of students um and I prefer kind of stay as that particular student because I think place um but individually they had score from last year and they had score from this year um one of the things I am really excited about is talking about it um we had we explored different data points last year with all the assessments that we took in we now have created over the summer um one of our teachers created a really nice blowing bar chart right that's going to show levels in comparison um and it's getting I'm getting it's getting closer to we're going to be discussing at our back meeting next week and we have a few more tweaks to it and I think it's going to be something viable to us in the near future um and it's going to be right in your face hey this is where so and so was yesterday or last year two years ago so forth and see that individual and then when you see a specific spot and I think it's sometimes on paper and you see the standard and it's this you know claims and conceptual area and we know we go there but I think when we see it then we' can focus more directly right which targeted intervention um I I'm totally with you on the fear of numbers thing um I mean I'm not afraid of all right because I think standardized testing is looked at the wrong end of the hor yeah um to your point J and some of the things we talked about in our aconic achievement committee um is the individual factors that will eventually lead to better test scores um and we talked about with the folks without high school me things other than just test scores like participation activities and things like that and that's some high school level you where they could stay in marching man they drop out or whatever it is or the ABS absenteeism that kind of thing um those are at the level it might not necessar apply on our level that kind of individual in some respects non-academic kind of um performance factors I think some that are going to be important um there may be more about our culture of teaching here or something like that I'm not sure what the right phrase is um but I think that getting to that get us to the better test scores and I want to say like I refer to the test because it's the only data we have right if we had other data I would gladly you know Incorporated in and try to figure out what does this say about this school um I do like I'm okay with not putting necessarily a specific number for the board or the district but if the numbers are actually tracked under specific action that and the the team are do right so it's like academic achievement is we want it to increase individually as a staff during may want to set a goal number for you know like the teachers then give them something to kind of work towards another area where a number can be set again I don't think the Board needs to be in charge of setting it is absentee it's in right like how can we improve absentee as in school because we know that directly relates to um to academic performance a number the board could set for like an action we could set for ourselves is like to increase our own Community engagement and like so happy O's here I would love to see way more parents here you know what I mean but like that's also on us we are supposed to be the connected tissue to the community so this is where I see it a little bit differently like I don't see it all on you like I actually see it all on us as well to start to have these conversations with parents in the community to start to engage people so they can also devote time at home with their kids because I sure that every parent who has a kid enrolled here wants to see their kids do bad and if they're aware that you know like hey maybe our kids aren't doing as well as they they could be then maybe there's something to be done at home as well but that requires us as board members to start have these more uncomfortable conversations and they I feel uncomfortable coning bringing it out here but at the same time I'm like have to do and so as much as like Jim is in the discomfort I think we got to get in it too and start more proactively engaging with our community members so it's not just something in the Advent you know to be making the Cy FS versus us having conversations with other parents but we know or inviting parents in a bit more and sharing these kind of goals and where we're at that I'll talking but just I I do think it's important that like it's not on JY it's on JY and the rest of us because like this this is a job like we signed up to do this so we've got to actually like do it at least that's the way I'm I'm feeling about being under SCH and that's going to require some time and effort so we can lift the community up a bit too cont yeah know that that that gives us context to we do it well engaged and I will say I mean like the last time we did strategic planning it took like people getting on the phone and making phone calls to their friends like it was let's get on the phone yeah I mean it was it was a major effort by the entire B to like just get people to show up and that that's why people showed up you know that you know kind of putting it on the website is one thing but like calling 15 of your friends like can you please come to this meeting um works a lot better so so my suggestion would be that because I think this is an important conversation and I don't you know part of me is like we need to have those goals written down tonight and adopt it but I'm trying to let go of that so that like I also feel that um you know especially for um the folks who are just hearing these things tonight it's only fair to let you know Julie and Michael and Adam and um and you know hopefully uh eron will just watch or or look at the minutes an opportunity to kind of sit and think about what um we want to do so my and then also you know Jim talked about maybe giving bringing some options to us that we could talk about so my suggestion would be that we do those things and we come back on September 24th and we you know get those goals written down and adopted I think you're great up for the rest of us so and these two do one of these this is great you you've done it too um you know get your thoughts down and uh that allows you sort of perate your head a little bit and you know understand what your own priorities are as a as a board member and what you can do um so one of the strength of this Bo is that we need is auding the board but it also makes it hard to sometimes sit down and need dir things and I wonder if one of us could reach out to umon Aon and then maybe and and sit down and kind of come up at a draft to for the next meeting so that we can get a little closer um I mean I think I can do that I can reach out to okay I can reach out to Aon too yeah no I just I'm talking more about the draft reaching out to ER that would be great I yeah I mean I think I think that's a good idea if we come in September with something just something right to work on yeah that's probably smart yeah okay so it' be to reach out to eron and to sit down with you time and um try to come up with a dra essentially that's next you do okay so I'll work on that along with with the draft I can I can do that Jim and I usually meet so you know maybe you could just yeah sound good can I thing hey Julie hi um I'm just wondering and I know I I missed the last meeting but um I I very much supportive of the focus on academics but I do think that the um the numbers at the school um seems to be like a huge problem so is there something that's like pinpointed towards trying to figure out the solution to that problem or are we just associating it in with the academics in terms of enrollment I'll respond to that I mean I feel like I feel like figuring out what some of the root causes are for that is is essential I agree do that very soon and set up a sort of a way to do it in preparation for having a meaningful strategic planning process because it is and you know one of our goals out of strategic planning there got to be a number and Teresa we haven't yet talked about the numbers and how that affects the budget because we budgeted it's 110 students and we have 98 students and I don't really know enough about Finance but we should probably come up in this strategic planning process with some range of numbers of enrollment that we need in order to have a file school here right yeah I just feel like the enrollment is more of a indicator of the viability of the school than even the academics and I'm saying that being someone who is like you know believes the academics are incredibly important I almost feel like if the numbers keep going down we're not even G to have a school to support the academics 100% they're yeah yeah I think one thing that is for me at least and I know R you're both aware is just trying to figure out is the decrease in in enrollment related to a bigger trend for changing demographics in French town I think that's defin looking into or is it like the perception of the school right so like do we have the same more or less number of students like available to go to school in French so over the last 24 hours I've been like I spent three hours with the New Jersey Department of Labor and statistics looking through their senses B to try to figure out and every single piece of information I've seen so far and I will continue to dig into this and share with everyone is that the number of young youth ages 5 through 14 has increased since 2010 pretty much every year and we are nearing not according to ACS but the census we're nearing 210 students available in the district to which would then imply that nearly half the parents are choosing to send their kids elsewhere and now of course like not all 14 year olds are in elementary school not all 5-year-olds are so but it the trend suggests that there's actually more kids now than there was a decade ago yet the school is smaller than it was a decade ago and hence I think why Rachel and I keep talking about like this is we got to figure out what the root causes of this are if this trend line from the Census is true and I mean you don't get more reliable information than the census itself so yeah I I did reach out to somebody else about the data you had sent me today because I it really sounded way off to me and um she looked at it and she said yeah the variable there is like from 120 to 500 on the total number on the number five to 14 year olds no I think it was 75 was that margin of error we can look at yeah I there's numbers there's numbers all over the place they're a little wonky I know that you're yeah we know that we don't have fewer students we know we don't have fewer potential students than we do we know that we have well we don't have that I don't think we know conclusively that that's the case but I do feel that the best way to get that information is to have basically to focus on those families and there a way to reach is there a way to refine those potential people and like literally ask them why those that are choosing not to go to Frenchtown are choosing not to to talk to us yeah I think so I mean there aren't that many families who I mean you know you're not talking to families who moved so you're talking families who live in Frenchtown and either choiced out or homeschool or send their kids to private school I again I don't want to pooo the academic conversation because I think it's an incredibly important one but like Kate said and like I think I heard Mike say like most of the families that I know that are school choicing out it's not because of academics yeah I think like I have a slightly different experience I think being new in town is the majority of the neest families I've met chosen their kids to French Elementary in spite of my constant urging um and that it it was related to not just academics but the method of instruction well those are certainly important voices to listen to they some of them are going to other Public Schools few probably half of them are going to private some of them were kids who were just recently here and and no longer here so they've kind of gotten a tast French method of instruction yeah and I think we should interview these people and have a conversation right we're looking for maybe 50 PS right so between the seven of us yeah if I get into the specifics who might get into executive session might Iden but it's like educational philosophy and methods that don't J for them yeah and the quality instruction classroom the ability of the teachers to like spend one-onone time notice potentially what that child needs in that environment communicate well with the parent so there's a a requirement every so often to do a demographic study a demographic study is something you hire professional to do which could be a board goal that might help also look at Future enrollment projections um that focuses on our community and the communities around us as well done a demo stud we have but I think we're due for one honestly we had to do one when we did the referendum it's required as part of the long range facility plan um but we I don't think we've done one I'd have to go back and see the last time we actually did a demographic study we have H consultant I think we're probably do for what does that look like just in a nutshell there's a consulting firm that schools use multiple yeah so we we could do an RFP I could solicit proposals from various demographers that you know have done these for school districts and they would they would do the do the work like you know and present a report to the board and what um what about the uh regionalization study will the demographic study be part of that I don't want to do it if we're gonna have it done next year with within that I'm not sure if it's specific to a demographic study or if they just utilize secondary like sensus data right they might just use School enrollment data so this doesn't just use enrollment data a demographic study will use like they'll calculate live burst you know in the area they'll look at Census Data they'll projections based on all of that I don't know that the regionalization study would do that it might just look at a yeah I would just want to make sure that that was not already happening I mean I wrote the RFP and I I don't believe I saw anything in there specific to demographic is that something now that the town Ral Council would be interested in and the planning board and just not just the school you would think that a demographic demographic study well would be relevant to all of the whole town right I don't know if the the one that we do is it's specific to student enrollment so because that's what the long range facility plan is seeking to find if there's you know what is the enrollment of your school unhoused students that could potentially or not potentially be there um the long range facility because it's con conjunction with the long range facility plan the long range facility plan will look at class utilization you know those types of things the space in the building you know for performing all of your academic programs and um can we we can you send us the one that we did last time just so that the board can take a look at what it looks like and again I think it might be I think it might be oh when was the referendum what year was that4 yeah before that and we did a major Amendment to the long range facility plan but I don't believe at that time we did a demographic study and I think think we met the requirement by just doing a cohort survival calculation based on um like current elments I feel like also there was one done at the high school that included Frenchtown for their strategic plan probably around the 2016 17 time when they did the Strategic plan yeah okay so so around name time anyway okay yeah that would be great if we could take a look at that just so we know you know what kind of information would be available if if we decided to do that okay so is everybody comfortable moving forward what we Suess okay um we no presentations or recognitions tonight other than Marley who joed usou minutes early um so we'll move on to our board secretary report the meeting schedule is there um anything else specific that you wanted to mention for um just want to get to the consent agenda um there are a couple of items that are changing on that part of the agenda but we can talk about those when we when we get there okay um then we'll move down to the minutes um and two questions in regarding to information on the board secretary report one is I'm curious what happens to the single child in the Milford free I just want like to better understand how how that works and then the second bit is I'm curious do we understand better know like why the drop between 3K and kindergarten numbers was so significant was does that make sense because last summer when we dropped off I think the numbers were um what was it we had 14 in PRK last year and now we have eight kids in P so there's a six person grop and I'm curious prek is two grade levels that's what makes perfect sense and then what happens to the single child in govern do they really get oneon-one free here so we have a CL um we have a class and we're running we have teacher um we will not start tomorrow but we will start Tuesday when we come back on Labor Day we're going to make that adjustment on those CS um if they have as last conversation I had was not today um the last conversation that casses of at least five right now one of our French Town students is in it which is awesome and there's as well so it's not just I was like is this a lone child this is this is a wonderful opportunity um this family has been great communicating back and forth when we reach out to them and they this family has allowed us to create more opportunities for free preschool for um three University School up at Milford campus um and that's pretty exciting excited to continue to see that grow I'm you know we had our I'll get to it later but we had our orientation today um kindergarten preschool and I just feel like as we get back I think that word of mouth you know people are going to people are going to see that that may be an opportunity for them and I hope they take advantage of it so not by themselves that's so funny I literally a lonely child and then Teresa for the out of District member are those kids in a specific grade so the out of District column on the right hand side I'm removing from the minutes okay I'm not that shouldn't be there because they're the same students that are on the bottom so they're not taken out of that number they're actually on roll at French 10 okay so does that mean that our total enrollment number is 96 and not 90 andless that out of District means nonpublic I don't know what that means honestly but um I'm assuming it's the same as what's on the bottom under grade8 if that's the case which I believe it is based on where I'm seeing the numbers and is which is why I'm taking them off because they shouldn't be identified in that way okay so does that also mean that they're double counted and the real number of students is 96 not not 98 98 on roll but two are in and out of District B I see okay um and just as long as we're on these numbers um because we based our budget on 110 enrollment what is the impact of this nothing okay nothing's good I'm no because I mean what there isn't anything that would be we don't have less teachers we don't have but I mean in terms of of of our income it does change no no enrollments are based on we get our state aid based on the enrollments that we report the prior year so numbers for next year will change if the correct enrollment numbers St Ste okay so for when we report the 98 this year it'll affect when we're doing the 2526 budget and we get the state aid notices next February okay so we'll likely get cut next year if we don't have some kids the right now because we're I'm going to say we're fully funded at this point there could be some impact based on actual enrollment and as we get closer to kind of reporting um we report these as of um the October 15th depending on when that falls at that's the date that we report on the students in enrolled on that date um you know there is formulas out there that I I can use to kind of plug that data into to kind of project actually what our state aid is going to be on the next that next cycle okay so we will need a motion to approve the minutes of the June 18th regular and executive session second second okay any comments or questions all those in favor I opposed or abstain abstain and then we need a motion to approve the minutes from the June 27th special session second any comments or questions okay all those in favor opposed orain okay and we'll move on to Jim repard okay even so just going over some quick things uh security drill fire drill acknowledging them from June June July we did them also collaboration in our summer program we do pretty much you know there used to be a time I guess where we didn't do them there was a month or so but pretty much because we're running and we have something active running so has been for a there has not there's plenty of August left I can say it'll be soon so uh HIV reports in there um just I'm going to go through some of these the professional development plan is not tremendously changed at all there's very little change I know a lot of times you you know the board asking was there been a significant change in any development plan know it's just like um or sorry professional development plan there is so let me speak for that in a minute um that's in our Doc and basically it's just the two goals um that we've been focusing on um for many many of you know we've been focusing on instructional we spent a lot of time spoking on instructional strategies last year um to share we really want to continue to gain additional structal tools strategies reflect on that individually grade level right I think this is a great opportunity for now um we've have a number of teachers um that have been in the same a not all of them but a number of teachers have been in the same grade level and I think it's something that it's a great time for them to reflect on their instruction um there's a number of things that we can do in that PA from you know looking at curriculum reviewing standards and um preparing um for our students and then just how we deliver that for our so those are pieces that we're going to focus on in that number one and there's a number of activities that would support that um and then and we do Focus you know that's an important piece obviously massive important piece for us um with that as well um I also think it's really important to continue to support our students with the social motion at piece if they're not there ready to learn we're not going to gain any type of achievement um and I think that's something that our St as we get them more comfortable with understanding certain zones and where the students really are at that level and how to support them to get them back to we we say the green zone um where they're ready to learn they're ready to take in that information and apply it and do what's best for themselves um so obviously as a teacher team we're all a part of that um you know I want to focus on definitely as we came out of June and may last year we want to focus more on our math versus our Ela so we're certainly focusing on that things that you're going to hear in our schedule this year um I'm going to speak to that right now and students will be getting briefs on it and it we'll be following up with parents this week um we're going to have an extra math perod in our pay for so there's going to be at least one additional math perod great that's something we can build around the schedule um and work through there so that's at least one or maybe more more but at least one and that's we're so that's one piece um that's pay for 5'8 where we're also going to have a period that has kind of lived here um before referred to as Flex um and so our team is and I support that's done with FL so we've called it now education support period And it incorporates a couple things of those Flex pieces before um but it's not we're going away from that language that language was more like it's a study ball and I don't have to do anything and we're trying to change no this is a great time to do something positive we've been able to with the addition of our new um special teacher our skill teacher um and a few others we've been able to build her schedule within one those blocks for fifth grade sixth grade seventh grade eighth grade so that puts a teacher ready on hand during that time students will have opportunity to so we would still have if we have our once a month character education class that would be built in there if we still have you know extra academic support would be built there independent project maybe it's doing your homework or maybe it's doing whatever but teacher support right there to Fe that um we almost you'll still build our Wellness room time so that opportunity twice a month to get in there and um you know explore in that way and continue that's still a seeking thing um we utilized it with their middle school last year okay we do some of our work then we'll get it done and that could be a reward and things like that um if you're eighth grader and you're part of the lead program the law enforcement against drugs where they come in either time we program that we be buil in there um but ultimately it's an academic support period That's students are going to have to U realiz um and it's built in there not only from a teacher support opportunity it's built into the schedule but it's also built for the students to utilize it can't necessarily force them to utilize it but we can model how to uze itate some study habits into that Middle School Group which is we know could be super beneficial so those are the two you know team me and all the things that we do and I don't say all I don't want to just say discount it we do a lot of things from teams ccum reviews data points all those pieces would be part of this plan so that's question plan any questions okay um emergency or our professional mentoring plan is nothing brand new we we currently don't have last year we had our future we did have to um provide a plan for this year at the moment we do not have one um we still in a process of locating Our World Language teacher but we have um a candidate that's in process so hopefully I'll be giving more information next month um for the me for the start of the school year we will have a substitute teacher um ver in Spanish or language so I think we're all to a good start in that sense um and that person is potentially going to be it's clear on that nothing official but that's in process um so we don't have anyone yet but when that's that's that person meets that then we would need apply a mentor and that's all that is uh emergeny emergency virtual construction plan this is a plan that this came out of covid um we haven't changed anything in this plan we found a good pocket of where we found PA if we ever had to go to a certain I'm not even going to say but if we ever have to go back there that Emer construction plan is there um and we that half a model that we really found worked for French Town um so everything after many adjustments when we found the one that Stu that stayed and that's in um so that piece is in there the B Behavior threat of manual is we presented that last year at this time and I think I sub you you know it was a new statute we needed to get it in play um and we utilized it a number of times last year we ended up being very successful for us but I just wanted to bring it to your attentional think we you proved it as draft form last time so I just want to officialize it it's definitely something team has utilized throughout the year and has support not only our staff but our as well um Mentor plan saying uh preschool waiver that is the class that we're talking about so we add a thank you for the work that she did over the summer with that um but it took a number of State approvals um in K Smith from your YMCA appreciate her help in working as a team and also our preschool team here but we've been able to have that space approved and ready to go so know your friends about know about friend sh I um for sure comprehensive acity plan we had talked about this pretty much early last year was one of our goals and then after looking for guidance and what we're going to do the state decided to make an insurance and continue so basically gave an an extension so that's those pieces um the weer resorts that's just our English language Learners again this year we haven't recorded it in previous years because it wasn't to my understanding and I could be I I don't think I'm Miss speaking but I'm going to speak specifically to this year we were told that we had you know Guided by the state that we have to at least acknowledge the board that we do have some students that participate in that test it's just a form for that um learner but again you've heard this before um this is not something we're going to report because we don't we have it's a pocket less this but I definitely want at least acknowledge through more that do have these Learners and the reports have been shared with our teacher that does that in their the memorandum agreement we do this every year I think this is year three since we installed our cameras um with the ability to have a signin sheet B um local Poli wants to need support for any reason they can come in and you know we can look at that so that's an agreement that we have um we utilize that a couple times not only for ourselves um but we've been able to use that with um least we try to help support a community event that's the um that's just part of our Collective party agreement policy okay do we need to adopt each of these separately we can do a consent agenda okay so we'll need a motion to approve consent agenda items 8.1 through 8.11 second any comments or questions for those 11 items that Jim just went over um was the HB report submitted today or on yeah from okay okay um let's do a vo call for that Mr Black Yes except for 8.1 so's not here gery Miss Howard M yes M Calo yes I was yeah and we need a motion to approve the first reading of the six policies listed all second and just a not for all existing policies and the change of and red any comments or questions do we have a motion for the policy sorry yeah second problem okay thank you um any comments or questions on the six policy listed I did have question which is kind of weird and a small question but has veteran State always been a state exuse is that something new I didn't it out don't know you don't know I mean I'm just I thought that was I had never either heard that or realized it so that means if so foruse absence it's not counted it wouldn't be counted so for example I think a good example is so for instance like I think just in that policy just yeah so could be so the new policy is you you know for excuses you for a Civic event right right so maybe b day is now considered part of that um I can't yeah I just thought it was interesting that was like the one I think also they pointed out I also think just I think it's just good for us to know that when you have like a take your child work day so we always talk about 18 right out of as your percentage for conic op since he ISM that number actually gets deducted so like let's just say you have three of these days so now you're 177 your your number becomes 177 not 180 anymore so 18 would make you versus seven and not that we're going for any of those quots but I think it's just a good example and know batter all those batter correct interesting just doesn't always it's upct and then you do your calcul um and with the curriculum adoption policy my other question was um where will the brief curriculum be covered for the eth grade that will that be part health or so we're actually be in two spots it'll be in health PES but also be in our okay um so we'll be actually you know that's brief is a part of character that we've done for for a number of years um guys right very much into Z we do um General zigy sorry um she you know Pi when we pick our filler words for the year um her lessons are so that's not've doing we've been doing that already great um any other comments or questions all those in favor I opposed to obain okay I do not have anything else in for my report other than the conversation that we already had about the um so number 11 will'll go to the consent agenda me the motion to approve consent agenda items 11.1 through this is a long agenda by a think it's 42 thank you 11.42 including the two Personnel items in theenda question yeah did I miss my no this is it this is my time um one question and I'm just trying to understand one I'm super excited about the signs I want to say that the speed signs hell's yes so happy can't wait till they life switched on all over town thrill I like I genuinely am thrilled babes there people speed constantly on Harrison I think it helps not just the school but like Secret Garden down the road the fencing also really nice seeing a bunch of little kids play and now there's just the buffer great I have one question and mostly comes from a Community member that asked me this and then I I was like I don't know so like and I I sent you and as well it just kind of keeps going back and forth which is the mayor has communicated that the town has paid around a little over $55,000 for the signage for the like flashing signs and I was under the impression that the board had approved the cost of that installation so this Community member had a bit of a kind of like a what's the deal why don't you guys cover your own that was the the nature of the conversation why don't you guys cover your own builds and I was like I don't like I don't know what this is about and so I'm just trying to get clarity on did we cover our own installation bills and if not did the town do it and if so did we ask the town to cover it or did they volunteer it like I'm just well I replied to your email right yeah and you said this this was the cost but the mayor has communicated something different speak that I don't know that's how much we paid 10,000 something for the sign was 10,200 for the sign $2,264 for the forms so did the town ever come back and say we actually for and we there was and that's not even for this project that's no we have paid everything for this the only issue was that we um the town volunteered to install do the installation of the sign to put Fs in and that would be the number that I do not know we don't know what the cost to the town wasb point2 2264 with the additional request um from BPW I me I don't know I honestly I don't I said there I do not know what the installation that's found did support us in allowing putting us on the company that they use yeah for the other fours we had we had two for total of six but they added us to that as a prob work but never asked taking you guys cover two out of the six no we did no we no we're talking so what the the route and I think I don't want to BPW was initially part of our role here um there's been there's going to be some staffing issues um we're wishing everyone well we leave it at that um that made us have to make a different adjustment utilizing some of the um building talking to the mayor talking to counil um but I don't know a number I'm being very transparent I'm only like I'm only bringing it up because the way it is being communicated to the public is that the school could not afford to do this and therefore had asked the C for health and coverage which I think is clearly I think all of us know not the case here and so I'm wondering if perhaps one of us should kind of communicate with the entire traffic um committee yeah those numbers so I I mean you know when the traffic committee met last time hope Jim and I were on vacation we out of town so um we did not attend that meeting which is I guess where the statement was made and at the time I could have said no that's not the case so I sent the entire committee an email to clarify how much the town had um spent and I you know hopefully I'll be at the next meeting and reiterate the same thing is it worth pointing out that at one point the country PES folks are supposed to fix our signs it's other country class it's the other brand way back there that's part of the there fix those fix the power of those signs and put dying because they tore up our road and then they're supposed to replace the part of the infastructure this is going back five six years now anyway well that's I mean it's part of the safe Roots rant that's not still in the process and that's why you know we initially then put on this Initiative for saf yeah I believe when they were proposing that they did come to us and there was an agreement for them to when they did also to also do some improvements to flashing lights I know you and I are on the same page with that I trust res so we okay I do what I think Kon I'm just saying like I don't know I do want to say like the town didn't very supportive right and I feel we had great dialogue and communication I don't want that like I want to make sure that's out there I feel like the town is certainly a partner um in some of the things that we can do um yeah I mean I don't want that but I wouldn't want that perception what you're discussing that the school is not managing subject appropriately and is asking for help or things that it should be covered because I think that's the bit that's sort of like know the school is managing its budget actually quite appropriately and did cover this cost with my response but at the same time it's kind of that other folks in government different I think maybe just in the future we clarify what commitment do you need us to make and are you volunteering this cash or are you saying that we're asking for it I think that's the other dayit just is for those community members that maybe you know like you think of a school is like all it's higher taxes it does create a narrative that I don't think want out there because it's not true like this the other bit of it is like it's not true we cover our own cost right but that been communicate to that and Brad didn't there was no reply like no that's not the P we did so that those numbers have been communicated to that committee so hope hopefully that and the conversation but again if I attend the next meeting if I'm able to attend the next meeting I will absolutely reiterate that information yeah okay and then the other bit is 1133 I think is West Sant has resed right so that that one take out of consent so yes so the changes that I have are um we are not taking action [Music] on 11.18 so no action on 11.18 and we are removing West Santo from 11.33 and I think that's all the changes from the original agenda and then the added um yeah yes is 11 8 being removed because the settlement no just um other reason that's fine so 11.42 oh okay thank you I had a couple questions um items 11.21 11.32 um replacements for those people so June one 11.21 yeah 11.21 we do not at this moment um we have a the team our our skip team we SE M that we had a discussion about it um and still do we need to do a little bit follow but I think our have some good ideas um but we do not have anybody in at this point that was 11.21 we do have yeah 32 which is right so for the month of September we do have one person um that's going to be doing Mondays and thir or S Wednesdays and Thursdays and then we'll have another St number covering Friday it's just it's for the four weeks um someone will be covering any other questions on the consent agenda that's okay um okay let's have a roll call the Mr Blackburn yes Mr dery yes Miss Howard yes M K yes M pello yes Mrs Nan yes um and Jim just said a couple other things before we go into executive session okay um so I just wanted to just not GNA it's been a long summer but I just wanted to highlight um some things that we've done for so we you know had our esy programs or enrichment programs or camp programs um that were all you know fairly well attended and just very good moments for our students I you know I really like seeing there's definitely a small group enrichment opportunity for those parents that's um and with their child took advantage of it um this summer custodial team and everyone who been a part of that been doing their stuff um and I just want to say kudos to them for all those works we added Adrian alott as we said she worked um with our team um myself included we worked together all summer long and did a number of um Ela map updates throughout the summer we still have a little work to do but we really put a nice dent into the things we're trying to do um and she be really became a nice resource additional resource to our team it's unfortunate it didn't work out um as we plan but we are looking exploring some other opportunities right now do you mess with with the task was I'm my memory is not great on what we had Adrian help oh she so she brought on to help us with the up just making sure all our update or updated standards in the LA and maap or up up to where they needed to be um we had initially been told by the state um that we needed to have our Ela and not standards updated by September 1st so we're in good we're in good shape they ended up taking State August 7th sent us an email saying that they now this year they're going to give the maap standards and extension um so that's just something knowled and where we're still moving forward with what we doing um it's going to you there'll be another thing and there'll be another thing so um all right You' been but that's okay um we're we're taking as a positive and we're ahead and we're in a good space there um I just wanted to touch on a couple quick things um regarding just things that we also did over the summer as a team um so we really took a hard look at code of conduct last year um just with some things maybe some updates um I think many of you know that's part of why you know we felt like um for Middle School um I think you tra change of pce and putting me up on the on my location on the second floor um in that mix so that's something that we talk about back in June um we also added um some updates to our we we actually created a code Cod product for PID for um really just focusing about being disrespectful to a Fe really three levels disrespectful here disrespectful to a staff and hands on right when push and just created some lunch um some some consequences for that we charted it out I put it in your folder just for your reference um it's something just wanted to bring to your attention before we hand it out um you know put it in our um parent staff I should say um student the other piece to that is 5'8 we really feel like we're here to everything we talked about to one to be better to be um and we want students to be successful and so we really want with the 5A kind of code we didn't really change too much other than we made it a little bit more consequential and it's before launch so if you have a detention you know we want our teachers helping the students in that lunch time in that recess on if they need that help not necessarily supervising you know students that are not doing what they're supposed to be doing so we' made all our detentions for middle school but for with the hope that that'll be a deterrence of I don't want to continue to do that I want to be in school doing the right thing so I just want to certainly make sure that um the board was in and know and because that is a subtle change I don't think it's going to impact a whole lot of a number of our students this is another small pocket that need to support um but then we're hoping that will be um you know make an impression we use our zones zones of Regulation strategies built into all these things at the pay for level remember we're at a school we will make mistakes we need staff to support that however we also don't want to be making so many mistakes and it keep been in interrupting and disrupting learning for others um so we hope with some of these adjustments you can and certain um you know make a difference and make it just a Even Better Learning environment than it already is um and then the last piece it's just another thing for the board we've always when I I think I first came here we just did scoring for sixth seventh and eighth grade and then we decided you know we really need to bring it down to fifth grade do five through eight um this year just so people are to know we're we're we're seeing that transition sometimes from grade theth grade and we're seeing um maybe this the meets expectation or the scoring is not so we want we're going to do we're going to trial this year with fourth grade reading and math from a numerical point of view so that can help that transition a little bit more so that's something else that just another subtle change I don't think it's you going to impact the world but I think it's just going to give us a little bit better data to that fourth grader um going into fifth grade and just you know preparing for that Middle School experience um so just wanted to share those two pieces I did include some of um in the training the math training and with Zone training they include that in your package so you can see Dr Karen was weather all was fantastic TR math expert she's somebody who potentially might be able to utilize she's also we discussed with the them um maybe she could be a player in what we do for the rest of year um in place of what we initially planning with Adrian um that also goes to the Zone pce um so I shared some of those strategies that we share with the team in your packet um just so you know that you know just so you can see some of the things we really are bringing in some high quality instruction or people from different walks into French town so we can really um see a different perspective and be a little bit more in the know of what maybe is going on outside of here which I think is a really good thing for us um and honestly both presenters complimented our team so much just in a sense how they were engaged willing um and just to see that rerie amongst the team which is really a lot because they go to a number of different schools um and that's not always so orientation preschool kindergart awesome great turnout like everybody enjoyed it today um defense is up which is awesome you know I think is just a great safety measure to made pointed out and I'm excited for that um in the next month or maybe two I do want to present another opportunity interest us that I've been talking a little bit about another project that maybe we think would be beneficial um and preschool mil we already went over we got school they'll tell you everyone but Mary will be back in um tomorrow get us off good start so um I just wanted to take a minute and just kind of go over some of those things that there was a lot of similar work this year and proud of it I'm hoping it has an impact on some of our outcomes first for sure I I just wanted to add on to something um because Jim mentioned the uh detention them before school um one of the things yeah five grade um what one of the things that Jim talked about and I think it's really important because historically our parents and the board have been very supportive of a middle school recess continued recess whereas some other districts eliminate recess in Middle School we've you know we've always but the communication has always been we want more recess not less and I think something you mentioned that you didn't mention tonight is that all kids need that recess and when kids are getting detention during recess they're not participating in recess so so that's another added benefit to to moving it to be for that those yep I would agree so we we're hoping you know we see that as your point everyone's going to get reset it should not a discuss anymore pay for that learning Will Go On In a lunch you know in a lunch detention per se um with some Zone through regulation tool that we can work we actually drafted and work a little bit more on and then 58 would be doing the same thing but it would be TI to school if for some reason you know a parent might say oh I can't well then it'll be definitely missing um an after school activity if they're involved in for a future EV so um be better just get done in morning get on day as we always look to start a fresh once you had that yeah a couple things um Jim you said the code of conduct was in our package and see I have trouble finding something earlier and I don't think it was listed and I had to flip through um [Music] um what we can get that the only thing was I just wanted to pass along some feedback I've been getting from the community and I sure this comes up every couple of years like clock board um do we have to go back to school before Labor Day for two days just putting that out out there I know it's the Del calar same question was appli to them can we revisit that see as we don't have any snow days any thato my constitu I this is what I'm gonna say um we for the first time Elementary all our elementary schools are on the same out um so all theeven district elementary high school does have has um school on Friday whereas the rest um I believe all of us have they have the high school has more instructional yeah so um so that's and I think that's part of our articulation pie I even go into that tonight but I I'll go Mar is we have we have a nice game have a nice District wide articulation really excited about it been been a bit been a part of the team superintendence and I think it's just going to be a really good piece um and I'll talk more about some of those specifics in September meeting um so I definitely it's a conversation I could bring up there again for sure a couple things I'd like to mention too um just that um we did roll out a new service system for the cafeteria um through link connect and we are hopeful that everything is going to run smoothly at the uh at going through the cafeteria line we're confident that all the backend stuff is working um but we did have a training today and we think that all the kiosks are ready to uh greet our kids but um that was a that was a big project this summer but we got it done um and robot Lunch Ladies now was that you robot Lunch Ladies now um and we also just to let you know that the audit took place on the third week in July um there were no concerns or any areas of um you know that they brought up but just want to bring that to your attention and then towards the end of the calendar year they'll come and present to the board if there's anything like more data or information or something present in a different way that you'd like to see from that report um let me know and I can ask them to prepare it for us that's for thank you anything else before we move into Julie anything else before we move to Executive I don't think so I don't think you're able to join us in executive so well we'll have to say goodbye by okay bye bye Julie all right we need a motion to move all those in favor opposed to I'm sorry motion second motion second okay um and if there's nothing else I'm not going to be here on the 24th of September okay I'm on a flight so I can't even join the old un okay different board meeting really your won't have Wi-Fi together it's hard to know like some of them do and some it doesn't even it's not even the airline like you going to the bason Bahamas nothing okay anybody else have no conflict in you will not be here in October okay but anybody know about Conflict for September 24th okay all right um then we need a motion to adjourn all those in favor opposed or abstain thank you everybody thank you happy first day of school tomorrow