##VIDEO ID:n3-1ISsaOog## good evening welcome to the Tuesday September 17th School Board business meeting I'd start by calling the meeting to order and we would start with the Pledge of Allegiance if you choose I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with Li and justice for all thank you to begin the chair would entertain a motion to approve the agenda with suggested motions and resolutions do I have a motion so moved motion by Stark do I have a second second second by Anna all those in favor signified by saying I I all those opposed motion passes next up on the agenda we have superintendent and staff reports Dr than you uh chair okay um we are uh I don't have it up in front of me thank you um we are happy to recognize all of you um today we' realized we don't have a picture with everyone together of the board so Lori photoshopped me out but it doesn't look like I'm photoshopped out so we're excited about that but we would uh when all board members are present we would like to get a photo with our uh including our student school board members as well so you've heard me say it before and I'll say it again um superintendence rarely get to work with a board like you and together we have done many things with our schools including having our culture of our schools feel different and you were part of that and believing in that you're in our schools people know that you care about the work that you're doing that we're doing you're centered on the students and um I think our staff really see your commitment to the work and I really appreciate that um as I say to folks like every District we have many areas of enhancement but the board and the superintendent relationship is one that I feel really helps with how we are working on those so truly I appreciate you all so much and um we're excited to recognize you um with the dinner we had tonight and the fiscally responsible cookie as well so um we want to just say um thank you for all you do every day all right okay and you are seeing here this is kind of like midphase as you can see so um what we had wanted is if you recall before we had definitely a division so when our full board was here including our student School Board reps it was a place where they would either have to sit on the side or just an uncomfortable situation and now we have our student school board members positioned exactly where they should be and it's just a much more professional look we also it was interesting because this morning when we were laying it out for the first time I looked at the podium and I said to relle and Lori I said you know how when you redo your kitchen and all of a sudden your bathroom looks terrible I said the podium is the bathroom right now so we took that out we are also having um presenters come and sit so it's more of like a dialogue instead of a um piece like that also more people can be comfortable and talking instead of up and down so you'll see depending on our folks uh the number that we have you see one table two tables three tables there which we're excited about we also struggled a lot with tripping so this is helping so that people aren't coming around and going around and all of that as well then cabinet members that will be presenting will just be presenting from their seats as well so we're excited these are tablecloths that we borrowed from the high school found um so these will be a much more uniform look um and we have chairs that are kind of cobbled together but um um it's our steps so we are so thankful too with um David and Justin and relle and Lori you see there's no more um of the polls coming down too and our microphones are working so we're just really excited about what's next to come and uh David uh was working in here with Lori and as you go back and look at a board meeting recording it looks really nice too so this hopefully in October we'll have it even more more classy so all right and next up I am so excited to have aloda and Karen talk about our highly successful back to school resource fair come on up aloda you can go up there too whatever your comfort level is yep good after get it good evening superintendent and board members and cabinet members um we are here to talk about the back to school resource fair for the 11th year so it was a great success we gave away 545 backpacks this year we had not one backpack left we literally gave away all the backpacks this year which was nice and it was fun to actually see all of our families come out we had about how many members family members sign up it was was 200 no it was over 300 like 320 321 so out of 321 we gave rid 545 backpacks and we still have families requesting backpacks I was at the middle school yesterday and I was at Stevenson so I do have a few supplies left so I'm going to divy those out and so be able to fulfill those and then I'll be talking with our social workers to see how we can get more backpack supplies so this has been a 11th year service that we have been providing very well received thank you to all the staff members that came out we had at least 25 staff members that came out um community members that helped out we had the liance club we had all of our church member communities come out right we had the um Mississippi library came out and so we had a lot of people there A lot of vendors there and it was a great success the kids had fun we had fun as adults what about you I know I did yeah it was a great day um you know thanks to Justin his one of his first days on the job when he's hopping in to you know help with the registration on that end and stuff but uh it's just such a fun day to just see the smiles and the gratitude that the community has but the kids just you know they recognize the staff members and there's hugs and there's laughter you guys were there you know you saw um you know the football team players were there helping and things like that and a lot of District support too which was really nice to see from nutritional services to the FCC was there um transportation they had the buses there all those types of things school board members were there so just a deep sense of thank you and gratitude to everyone yes the best part about the resource pray is that helps kickart the the community engagement right so when they see our staff members see our principal see our superintended when school starts that becomes a familiar face so that is very important that we come out start getting kids excited about school giving those backpacks out engaging with families that's the best part seeing those families a lot of those kids you you've known them since you know middle school so to see them grow this kickoff is so important and impactful before we start school so thank you to everyone we really appreciate it and we'll see you next year we're so proud of you both excellent job thank [Applause] you all right next up I'm excited to welcome Dr Cochran and principal mcconell to talk about our joint this year block party good evening board members and superintendent cabinet members thanks for having us tonight we are super excited many of you knew that last school year um the Middle School kind of piloted this black party idea of really celebrating um back to school and how can we really make it a really fun event and then had this really wonderful idea to kind of join forces for this upcoming school year and do this black party together um and so really the idea again is the celebration of back to school like to get kids and families excited I think also piggybacking on the resource fair just the idea of the community um it felt like very much a community event so things like free food for families um we had food trucks bouncy house soccer fields dunk tank DJs and then also being able to take care of all your back to school needs meeting teachers getting your schedules Transportation Food Service school supplies um and then really just our collabor ation the high school and the middle school collaborate all the time and so this is just one additional thing that um we are continually talking and working together on things we want our students to have a seamless transition from the Middle School to the high school students that are familiar with both buildings um and just really that kind of community feel um and then also families that have students in both building which is so common that they can just kind of it's a One-Stop shop do everything on one night and then really be able to celebrate back to school so that um it's totally made possible by so many donations so we too are extremely thankful again many of you um out um Jake thanks for firing up the grill and Grilling um food for our families lots of hot dogs and chips and Waters um so really thank you to our school board members and our cabinet members I know um lots of donations so thanks to Amy she was donating lots of things to us um friendly frle chevret has been just a huge partner to us um in a large donation that was really able to provide um the food for families so we use that money to buy the hot dogs and chips and water and things like that to be able to provide free food to our families also our youth basketball and soccer associations huge shout out to them for um like again monetary donations and also the volunteers I mean I think without the volunteers from just so many volunteers I think we had over 75 volunteers from community members to parents um the Santa foundation donates the donated the soccer field and the bouncy house to us um we had KJ um DJing there so the radio station again lots of food truck vendors and then of course our buildings and grounds are for the public schools buildings and grounds was just amazing and helping us set up and then also um Mid open house um the complete thunderstorm and then just rushing to help us get everything put away so we're super thankful for them and getting everything moved inside um but this event wouldn't have been possible without all the help from so many community members and the donations um and so we're really excited about think about making it bigger and with no rain next year so that it can go through the whole entire night but we just have some pictures um to kind of show what um the evening kind of was set up L and just to reiterate uh what Amy was saying um really we couldn't have done it um without the volunteers I mean it felt like a community effort um and that's what's so great about being here um so just a few pictures um just to show so we had we utilized the high school parking lot um just tables so that we kind of spread everything out but in a way that families did didn't have to walk too far um and we we were able to have if people wanted to have a table um that we could support So we had in our each building we had like that's where our schedules were and they could do tours um but the main things the pickup and um one of the things I'll just say is that the first time doing this collaboration from the high school perspective it was a lot of planning and planning in the summer is a little bit challenging but all the time and effort was totally worth it and um something to look forward to next year so some more pictures of like the inside when students came inside they could pick up by binders planners again pick up their schedules visit with their Deans and then of course meet all their teachers so we had a huge goal of just keeping teachers in their classroom so that when students got to their classrooms their teachers were there to welcome them and then lots of fun to be had outside so had the blow up soccer field um again nice wonderful sign from britley FR Friendly friendley Chevrolet who donated lots of money and again lots of our Schoolboard members there grilling um and giving away free food our food truck vendors um bouncy house the dunk tank was a huge hit the kids thought that was so fun to be the dunk staff members um and then there was us trying to get the soccer field inside during the thunderstorm so that it blw away so it was um a really super successful event um at the middle school when we added up we kind of based how many families we saw based on how many folders We had left over because each student had an individualized folder and we had less than um 200 folders left over out of all of of our students so we know that we saw just um probably 90% of our families who showed up to that event so that was really um very very successful and again we're looking forward to partnering again next year making it again bigger and better so thank you guys yep thanks you thanks team I'm so appreciative of the work you did excellent job thank you I think it's only fair that a board member does the dunk tank and I would like to nominate Ross since he's here mentally note that for next year Ross has been nominated thank you very much one of the things before I turn it over to relle that I wanted to reference is unfortunately that evening highlighted the many issues that are deferred maintenance I don't want to say priorities emergencies in our district we had significant water damage at FCC which will be taken care of the window project so that's a good thing we had massive amount of flooding in our middle school because for some reason we don't have weather stripping on our doors so we are now working to have that done um but it just I was so thankful that so many people were here that night because if it we wouldn't have all been here to see those damages done you know what water does so it's just unfortunately then the day was fantastic but then we had hours and hours and hours of clean clean up because of our deferred maintenance um concerns that continue growing so relle is now going to talk to us about the surprise that appeared the morning of the black party in FMS parking lot yes so uh an unwanted guest to our black party was our sinkhole um we the sinkhole arrived and continued to grow and grow um as the day went on and the rains continued to pour um as we had um a company that came out and actually after they came out and saw it and barricaded it they actually moved us up um in the line for getting repairs done because it was growing at such a rate um it was both a combination of the heavy rains as well as underneath there is a single pipe that drains to a water basin at the middle school and it just couldn't couldn't take um the loads of water that was happening so you'll see on the left there we had large very large barricades because it was a very big safety risk for both any car or pedestrian walking in our parking lot and within a week um our partners um came out um to help us um they got it covered right now this the picture to your right is what it looks like right now you'll see the barricades are still there um that's because next week um we'll have asphalt once things have settled and and it um hopefully will be a problem that we won't have in the future although we are watching that area um just to make sure it doesn't happen again so um our Uninvited Guest um has been resolved and hopefully will not be coming back in the near future and then relle I'm going to have you give a brief construction update too yeah so um many of our construction projects have have ended and so whether you're going to Stevenson to see new flooring you're um looking at the alarm system at the high school or you're off to our amazing Vista program for our fed setting for programming there's lots of great things to look at things happening in Fridley and as the superintendent said there's still a lot more to do so um right now we're working on plans uh our pool is in desperate need of Renovations um we've had a couple of injuries at the pool that we're working really hard to mitigate but um t is falling off faster than we can fix it um we also know with our pool the system itself is very old so um we're working with um a company that's going to help us with renov Renovations looking at Innovative flooring to new tiling in the pool to what the sides will look at um but one of our big problems right now is we have a pool filter that could fail at any moment so um what our plan is is to buy buy our pool filter ahead of time one that'll get us 2024 prices and two we won't have to wait 6 to 12 weeks to get one we'll have one ready to go ready to install we're going to need a new F pool filter during the renovation anyway but this will allow us if we do have a failure before the renovation we will actually be able to get installed within 3 weeks rather than waiting another 15 to 16 weeks to get that so our pool will be back up and running if we have a failure otherwise we've gotten one piece of our equipment at a at a much better deal um our FCC Fridley Community Center window replacement project that the superintendent reference um is underway um we've signed contracts um we are now working with our our partners and our our colleagues at uh Fridley Community Center about what it's going to look like as we will have be displacing offices and classrooms so it's going to be an orchestrated effort to uh make sure we have as little disrupt disruption as possible here um we are planning to get some of it done this fall we might be able to get some depending on the winter we have over the winter they think um and then also finishing up in Spring as we go so this will be a long project um and my hope and my promise to FCC is that we have as little disruption as possible um at their middle school we're working on a wall remodel just to help some uh with some office space um that they need over there and then we also have another room that we're converting to an office that we needed airflow issues um happening and some data drops in there so that's happening right now we're waiting on signage at the high school for all our room numbers so all as part of the fire alarm system we had to reum the entire building so we're waiting for new numbers as well as ALC um signage so we're really excited about that coming in um where if you've noticed half of our high school sign doesn't work and so that's something that is really important to me it's one of the things people look at and it's something we should have a lot of pride in so um Heidi our buildings and grounds manager and I are getting quotes for that to see what we can do to get that up back up and running again on both sides and then finally our an upcoming project we have at our high school is we have a tree that needs to be removed in one of our Courtyards so I imagine we'll be having more pictures to show this evolution of how this is going to happen it'll be happening over me as we will have to go up and over the building with a crane to get the tree we will not be able to remove the tree once it's out of the ground that way so we will be going through the building to remove the tree so I promise to document it and you'll be as careful with your high school as possible student Representatives um as we do this so um I'm having a lot of pre- meetings because I just need this to go really well so um that's a update I have for you on on our current construction projects and future things happening thank you so much relle much appreciated one of the highlights I wanted to share is the district is already realizing savings with the parking remodel over here or the parking let's call it a reconstruction if you recall last year during the month of October we had that pumped out eight times at $2,000 a time so that's already money that we are not spending that really goes nowhere so I'm so excited about at least we have that piece of preventing flooding into our building so step by step we're getting there uh we are working Michelle is supervises activities in athletics and we are working on we have a lot of offerings in Fridley but working on how do we get that work word out um you'll see much more activity on our social media accounts um also Lori is working with activities and Michelle on a whole website redo uh activities is pushing out Mo motivational Mondays so we're excited to be delving deeper into that because I think many of our families including families that I would say are deeply connected to frle Public Schools including myself we have a hard time finding the opportunities I didn't know until a parent told me about XYZ offering and that's something that as a superintendent of schools if I can't find that then maybe that's why our programs are a little bit under enrolled so um we're excited to uh be working on that piece as well okay and today was such a fun day um so all across Minnesota there was a live Statewide virtual High School event featuring um step-by-step pre-registration sessions for students ages 16 enough to vote every high school in Minnesota was invited to participate these are our own students here that are participating it's it was a nonpartisan event organized by the League of Women Voters U Minnesota Secretary of State along with the Republican dfl and legal marijuana now political parties so as you can see our students were able to get informed to participate and it was really fun too because while it was Fridley High School it was all across the state so I'm just really proud of um that event today looks like one of our Schoolboard members as well where is going to be here oh yay oh when uh Lori was loading the slides today she said I see Deca Deca anything you want to add on that or student school board members okay um okay was it an easy process to register you register it was really easy it took like 5 minutes and U Mr keeper was super helpful with that as well nice and now you're good so you won't have to register to vote when you're 18 yeah and I think it was good for it to be at school as well because like I did not know how to register before yeah and like I was trying to figure out how to so like having it at school was a lot really helpful that's fantastic love that thank you all right Bard that's all I have for you on the superintendent report thank you awesome thank you uh next up on our agenda is we have business action items uh discussion of commissioner review and comment on proposed projects again Dr l I want to make sure that I'm not taken away here Jason I'm presenting this one you're presenting the next one correct just making sure can do both why don't you do both perfect thank you I am excited to call up our CFO Jason msen Berger thanks Jason thanks Jason good evening School Board uh superintendent Ms and cabinet members uh it's a pleasure to be here this evening um we do have the review and comment uh back from the municipal Department of Education so it came back as a positive review and comment uh which is exactly what we we needed to continue moving forward with the election um and um we are asked to kind of go through their uh document and that's why it's included in the packet um just walk through briefly and then chair if you'd like to ask for any public comment at the end if there is any um otherwise um you can move forward with action on that um and uh we'll be good to go with this part of the process uh so um we did submit the review and comment this came to the board back in June for approval um it was about a 18-page document laying out uh kind of some background on frle public schools along with um just what our projects were um that we were undertaking um there are a number of projects as you know within um the scope of the $30 million Bond um everything from uh Safety and Security upgrades uh to uh some site work parking lot updates um uh the the football stadium um we've got um playground equipment all kinds of different things within um uh the the plan for deferred maintenance as was mentioned earlier we have a lot of deferred maintenance um within the district uh this 30 million will help us significantly uh towards updating um all district sites um uh which will be fabulous it doesn't address all of our needs um but it will take care of many of them that we have um and put us on a good path um going forward um uh again we submitted the plan to uh the Minnesota Department of Education uh they approved it without any questions back to us which I think was a testament to the work that um that was put in by a lot of Staff here um and uh and and a nice facility team uh to go ahead and and complete the document um and so we are in a position to move forward at this point um uh the department as part of state law asked that uh the school board approve uh the review and comment um after asking for any public comment um on the projects at hand nice job thanks Jason so at this point I guess I'd open it up to any public comment seeing none I would the chair would entertain a motion of the approval of the preliminary Levy certification do I have a motion so moved where he go Jones do I have a second second second all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed motion passes and then we have another He he'll do the preliminary Le Levy certification okay so I should have done that after no you're good you're good you're doing it exactly right okay perfect yeah the next item we have is the preliminary Levy certification um I'm not sure if we uh can bring the documents up or if you have them in front of you um and and I'll walk through a couple of those numbers this is an annual process we walk through um uh to approve our our preliminary tax levy um this is for uh calendar year taxes payable in 2025 which is revenue the school district will receive in fiscal year 26 um so this really starts our budgeting process for next school year um this is always an interesting time uh for the finance department we're still working to close all last fiscal year uh FY 24 uh we're working in the current year fiscal year 25 and now we're starting the budgeting process for fiscal year 26 um and so um tonight we're talking about um that tax levy for fiscal year 26 um we bring this forward as uh request to approve the tax levy at the maximum that's language that comes through state law um it's not a preferred Language by us when we're talking taxes um but it's the language that our legislatures uh has created for us um when we come back in December we approve um the specific uh tax levy dollar amount um so tonight uh what you approve is is allowing us to continue to work with the Minnesota Department of Education around the tax levy uh they still have a number of changes they're making every day they put out a new uh tax levy for us to look at um based on updates that uh have occurred so uh the the one we have in the packet is a is a few days outdated at this point um but I'm going to walk through that one I'll mention a couple of changes that we've had since then um and so uh up on the screen the document I've put together is really just a comparison document um between uh what the proposed Levy is tonight which is that fiscal year 26 or third column uh compared with last year the fiscal year 25 numbers uh We've included a column for uh the change uh in amount um from that prior year and then some brief comments on on why it may be changing or if it's staying uh similar to last year we've we also um uh included uh uh state aid numbers uh for you when the state puts out the levy they they give us the the levy proposed amounts and they also give us some estimated Aid numbers uh for next fiscal year uh it kind of gives us a good full picture of what our budgeted Revenue may look like uh for fiscal year 26 and some of those major changes and so when you see the the rows highlighted in Black Rows such as 15 31 3944 50 and 54 those are the levy amounts and the ones in yellow like 30 43 52 and 53 those are the eight amounts tonight we're really just looking for approval on The Black Rows or those Levy amounts um and and we'll talk about this the aid numbers when we come back with the adopted budget later uh in the spring um but it gives us kind of an insight into what we might be looking for um so if I just go back up to the top and look at um uh some of those initial numbers you see some numbers are declining some are increasing uh it's pretty typical each year a lot of the numbers are based on enrollment uh or projected enrollment um here in this Levy we actually were projecting an increase in enrollment um so it would drive some increases um within each of the line items that that's why you'll see some of those uh increasing amounts um I want to highlight row 12 which is our building and Lease Levy number uh showing an increase of $222,000 on it um there was an adjustment coming through our Levy from um pay 2022 or fiscal year 23 Levy um when we inquired to the state about that they identified it was an error um and that we would not be uh receiving that adjustment um and so that number is coming off of the levy it was correct when it was submitted back at the time um and so um that number comes down which will help bring down the levy percentage as well um you see r 14 long-term facility maintenance is declining by a significant number um almost $700,000 um but if we jump down to the bottom and row 47 we see an increase of about $650,000 this was due to uh the action the board took back in the spring to try and capture some of our long-term facility maintenance money early so that we could tackle some of these projects uh through the summer and so it shifts it from uh kind of the pay as you go uh general fund Levy into our debt service account as we took on that uh that debt uh a little bit quicker so it's just a shift in the categories um if I jump into that Aid section in the middle and and highlight uh row 22 special education uh you see an increase a large increase of uh 1.4 million that's really a rough estimate number coming from the M Department of Education um they look at our special ed population they estimate what our revenue is going to be uh for Aid we don't use this um as Laura very well knows um in our budget calculations we have um some other tools that we use to budget um but I think what it indicates is the increasing special education needs we have in the district um and that we will see some additional Revenue coming uh for at Le way um that specific amount we'll we'll get to as we go through the budget process a little bit a little bit tighter uh Right Above It is basic skills or compensatory Revenue um we're seeing the number of families that are applying for free and reduced uh decline in um and that's probably a product uh to some extent of of declining re or declining enrollment over uh recent years um but it um as we've moved to free meals within the state some families are not applying um that are eligible and so it's still an effort we need to um continue to reach out to families it it does still drive some revenue for us um and so we want to see that uh still coming in strong again these are estimated numbers the numbers will change as as exact enrollment and and in this case the applications come in as we look towards the bottom and and and wrap up the presentation on row um 52 you see an aid totals um about $88,000 so um that's for um just Debt Service I should say the all funds Levy and Aid total at the bottom is 1.8 million um so that's about the expected Revenue increase we're looking at for next year and then the the total for tonight with that Levy uh Grant total at the bottom is just over a half million again that number has changed a little bit since uh these reports were run um and that numbers come down so while we're you're seeing a 4.3% increase in the tax levy um it actually will be a little bit less at this point um and probably be closer to that 3% range this is before the November election obviously so uh when the voters uh hopefully approve uh the ballot question uh specific to um Debt Service and and the bond um we know that does not have a tax impact um so that number will not uh change on here um the uh the the levy component um will have um will have an impact though um as we've talked about that tax impact on on question one um and so that will increase um the uh the number on row five on referendum uh should the community pass that when we come back in December um uh should the referendum pass we'll have all those numbers included in here along with updated tax impact numbers across varying uh values of homes and and commercial property um and present that um uh to the board um and that presentation's a little bit lengthier where we walk through the truth and Taxation component um and and take public comment at that meeting as well if anybody wants to uh ask questions about their tax statements so um for tonight what we're asking the board to do is approve uh the Lev as present presented this evening at the maximum um and then at that point we'll go ahead and certify the levy uh to your county auditor the process will be complete for now we'll then return in December and and and look at those specific dollar amounts and have you approve those awesome thanks Jason I just wanted to say one thing um excellent presentation Jason uh one of the pieces that Fridley um benefits from is the new legislation around direct certification so 54.8% % of our students are immediately qualified via direct certification so that means if we're in the Minnesota family investment uh program if a family is there if one child's enrolled all child children are automatically counted in snap Etc and Michelle has been doing an excellent job with our principles on the students that are not direct certification getting those forms into Jason's point it's you know it's confusing right because when many of us think free and reduced lunch we're like why would we need a form now in Minnesota when it's really about title dollars compensatory dollars all those types of pieces so we are working really really hard in our district to get those forms and one of the pieces that I have asked uh amsd to consider is um there isn't a process currently for students that are enrolled in our district that uh are undocumented to get um counted into that Aid so that's a piece too that Minneapolis and St Paul have a high degree of interest in um pieces around that one of the pieces that one of the legislator said to me is great we'll include it in the multi- uh lingual learner uh Grant and I said I said most of our students that you're talking about here are not multilingual Learners so please don't add it to that formula so um it's just some things to think about and uh as part I believe of legislation this year especially since it's a BM year the legislation as it currently sits for um the uh dollars that we were talking about um compensatory is moving to direct certification only is what districts are funded on um I think that'll change that's always I I suspect it might Jason knows this well too those dollars are always something that's really legislated I'll just I think that was about as generous as I could be there so District like ours need that money need that money Jason I believe it's about 6 million a year give or take right yeah that's that uh that's correct it's going up um to about 6.6 million or down I'm sorry down to 6.6 it's almost 7 million uh for the current year and it um I'm not telling you I'm asking it follows a year delay correct correct yeah so it's just essential in our districts and district and um it's it's really not even about free breakfast and lunch so I just wanted to illustrate when he was talking about that certification the steps that we're doing but I think we have probably a pretty high rate of percentage of direct certification excellent presentation thank you thanks Jason any questions for Jason okay now I can move to the motion M uh so chair to entertain a motion for approval of the preliminary Levy certification as laid before us do I have a motion so moved motion by Jones no sorry do I have a second second second by Jones all those in favor sign signifi by saying I I all those opposed motion passes thank you thank you sir next up um the chair would entertain a motion for accepting gifts so moved um The Following persons have donated to Stevenson Elementary School pres Presbyterian Church of the way supplies for students valued at $1,399 I have a motion by start do I have a second oh second second by Honor this is a roll call vote uh Miss Anna I Miss Jones I Mr car is I miss star I miss Amed I Michel I motion passes next up up we have uh the custodian Master agreement that was recently agreed to by the parties the chair would entertain a motion to accept the custodian Master agreement for the 2024 2025 year do I have a motion so moved motion by Anna I have a second second second by Jones all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed motion passed we uh that was ratified at 100% so we're so excited chair car up if you wouldn't mind moving your cell phone it's giving feedback to the mic oh it's not I do not have a cell phone up here I just got a message saying Jer carab cell phone is causing feedback sorry David we don't know who it is yeah David sorry about that my purse is under the table let me move it in the back sorry everyone getting all nervous remember when I said this is a trial tonight no David gave me a very Stern talking to before we started about this great sorry David it's not who we thought go ahead shair sorry about that no we're good we're I just thought I missed something uh but that is great news anytime you can have a bargain you ratify a contract by 100% that means when you walk into a room with 100 custodians they're all happy to be here so good work for everyone that contribute to that next up on the agenda we have our one reading uh needed and Adoption of policies we've all reviewed those those are on our board books policies uh 5:15 protection of privacy of Student Records policy 522 uh Title 9 sex non-discrimination and policy 620 credit for learning I would entertain a motion to accept these first readings into policy so moved motion made by Jones do I have a second second second by Anna all those in favor signify by saying I I I all those opposed motion passes um next up we have the consent agenda uh which is an agenda to approve uh minutes of the business meeting held on October 20th I'm sorry August 20th new contracts amendments leaves of absence resignation letter of agreement with nutritional services to modify the work week during the 2425 school year memorandum of agreement with fly Education Association regarding special specialist teachers taking an extra section of students and a memorandum of understanding with the for the Education Association regarding the training for mandated read act implementation chair would entertain a motion to approve the consent agenda so moved motion made by Anna I have a second second Jones second Jones thanks for clarifying all those in favor of approving the consent agenda please signify by saying I I I all those opposed motion passes I missed anything before the important dates you're good important dates we have our Stevenson PTO meeting on September 18th at 5:00 at Stevenson Elementary we have the Fridley football tackle cancer and youth night on September 20th at 6:00 here at the Fridley High School stadium we have hay Tower time night with the works September 24th 5:00 at Hay Elementary Stevenson family night will be on September 26th at 5:00 at Stevenson Elementary we have the fley High School homecoming dance September 28th starting at 600 p.m. at the fley high school there will be no school for staff development day on September 30th homecoming week will be the week of October 1st through the 4th Hayes Better Together family meeting on October 7th at 5:00 at Hayes Elementary and conferences on October 10th Stevenson 4 to7 rley Middle School 4 to8 uh on October 15th we will have Unity day uh we will all be wearing orange more conferences on October 16th prek here I'm assuming at the community center 7:45 to 11:45 in the morning Stevenson at Hayes 8: a.m. to noon for the middle school for the high school ALC 7:15 to 11:15 a.m. in their respective locations no school for mea break October 16th through the 18th and then we have uh dance team grades 7th through 12th Middle School wrestling grad 6 through 8th Middle School girls basketball grades 6 through 8th begin on October 21st and then lastly we have our next frle Public Schools board meeting on October 22nd here at the community center at 7:30 the chair would entertain a motion to adjourn tonight's meeting so moved motion made by Stark do I have a second second second second by Anna all those in favor sign please signify by saying I I all those opposed the motion passes and we are adjourned at 8:15 thank you