##VIDEO ID:mypqzNNVDLA## we recording G our airport commission uh meeting at the airport December 4th 5:32 well uh we need to approve the minutes from October and November um cuz we didn't have a qual last time I see that's why I was car these I've got a to here if you need it get that's November yeah that's November and there a this is October anybody want a copy here's November October you need October you go here's October hey on hey okay handing out papers got appr [Music] okay little white yeah we won't read it all I promise just informational now if you go through I want you to correct my my minutes in the in the with r so I can find it right Jackie so Hand gliders are towed by ultral LS yep they get back here haven't heard a word but Isabelle would probably be the only one she call or something I don't know how many how many fire boils do we have how many what fire extinguishers six or eight somewhere in that range uh she put one down in the down in the new hanger but I don't know where it is I haven't gone to look for it um cuz it should be they have to be inspected annually or yes they go through and check them to make sure that the powder is uh that get pretty pricey cuz I just had mine gun they Char 75 Buck if they have to if they have to recharge him they do but he comes out and he goes and shakes them and then if he has any that I think it's every five years they have to be tested and he swaps them out and it's uh I forget how much it was I had ever see the build but uh yeah there's one or two in Dominic's hanger there's one over here by the refrigerator one on the uh fuel Plum on the fuel pump or in the in the cage I there's one outside the door of dck right there too yeah always bothers me when they put fire exure next to the place it might burn you should have them a little ways away so that you can take it without getting burned and uh then uh yeah I don't know if she she got another one and I don't know where she put it she said she put it down on the other hanger but if it's in a lock storage yeah can't get it right and uh so I would want to get one of those C cuz I think there's one on the by the emergency stop switch too yeah another one there and one on the hanger and that's a five six in there 10 pound I think it ones I I go through it all the time because I have two five Pounders in each ul and one five pounder in ja and every year we go through and they come over and take care of it yeah you take away Templeton yeah he's been very reasonable and fair yeah on everything so I think it's a good idea so so whatever your any questions it wasn't it's pretty stand yeah just everything is so hard to get done and being a [Music] Yankee I just everybody got pinch this year because of the increases in wages keep and then they only Che and they get down works by 10 I'd like to move that we accept the October minutes if I may I'll second okay for Yeah well yeah it's kind of like a I take off I'm not a pilot is that fer fact you know on a hot day yeah um but I I think that was a the one I uh had seen a plan FL was just the opposite direction and went down here and up here and this was this here and he had it all dra up on PL that day and was within the boundaries of the problem it is now elevations saw that I was guy who used to be in the big hanger kid showed it to me and he did my annual the second year 50 years ago and I don't know where the plan is somebody said they s iin that sense because they say one thing and do another we're going to make the airports Municipal airports bigger and more useful I guess or how they put it they had terminology they use but yet us 6 I don't think anybody listens to because contradict what they how about the uh meeting I'll move if we accept that please okay we can go back to you get started I'll give you the floor get you out here get hopefully hopefully I'll I'll try to I know it looks like a lot tonight but I I should be able to move through it pretty quickly um so you should all have a packet for me I did include a copy of my business card um on everyone's packet just in case there are any questions um my plan tonight is really just to go through the information and explain um what is here rather than kind of go line by line and then just take questions um you know as as you have them um just in the interest of time so I'll start off uh Runway reconstruction project um on page one um I know that the two outstanding items for that project one is the 18b aeronautical survey the other is the storm water pollution prevention plan uh that project so I reached out to Blue Sky the company that does the aerial survey and spoke with them um they confirmed that all the field work has been completed um and the AIS which is the airport geographic information system um you have to basically create the airport has to create a project within AIS um so Isabelle has done that and they were able to upload what's called a statement of work it's under review by the FAA so as soon as they get approval on that statement of work by the FAA they can start um uploading things like the um imagery the quality control and things like that um to keep moving that process along sometimes the review process um for these various Milestones can be a little bit lengthy um but they expect you know by I would say early Springtime of 20125 um that portion of the project should be complet they've been around here survey like every 50 ft I guess I have to do something so they Tak their wife around here so but they're but they're um just want to you know give you a good good update and let you know that that that is underway and moving along um keeping it going to page two I know last time I provided everyone with a copy of the storm water pollution prevention plan I'm hoping um that tonight I know Jim thank you so much for calling me and um identifying some items that you know need to be updated I I have the notes from our conversation the other day and any notes that any of you have uh tonight happy to take those and um incorporate those into the Swip what will have to happen after that is um we have to submit a notice of intent it's basically a permit um application for the storm water industrial permit um and that is all done through the epa's online portal um I actually have the um noi almost complete um really just need to finalize the Swift so that we can upload a copy of that with the noi and then um all you'll have to do Jim is just go in and sign that um electronically and I can help you sign up for an account say there's some areas that kind of seem like they say one thing where you have to do it's like a four-year plan or something for a time period And if you don't get the water samples or something like that you or within fing days or there's a whole bunch of stuff M that and then they say well if you you get it you good for a year you don't have to to quarterly right and then there's another place where it says you have to uh if you can't get it you got to keep doing it quarterly yeah so um um so there's two different and I think I talked about this in a previous meeting but it might have been a little while ago there I didn't understand the yeah yeah so there there are a couple different types of monitoring that has to take place under the Swift so there's um regular routine visual inspections where someone is supposed to go around and um just look at um all of your storm water controls and outfall points and things like that um take a look at the discharge that that's coming out and just visually inspect to see if anything appears to be off um if there's any if there are any problems with um like I said any of the storm water controls the uh slls the drainage any issues like that you would have to document and come up with a plan to correct those things um so that's you know that's one element of um implementing this Swip and then you also have to do two types of um basically basically monitoring for various um potential pollutants so every airport um has to do what's called indicator monitoring and that is basically um EPA is looking to see if there are there are 16 different chemicals that that fall under their list and um so they they're basically looking to see are these chemicals present there aren't any uh thresholds or things like that that you have to you know be under or whatnot at this time but they want to know are any of these basically chemicals coming off of the airport that they should know about um and then the other thing is there is um an element of um there's an impaired water that uh the otter river is categorized um as an impaired water under um you know Massachusetts law so there is additional impaired water monitoring um that has to be completed and there's one specific and I can't remember remember the name of of the chical but it's defined in the plant a very specific chemical to that impaired water that has to be tested for on certain intervals and all of those intervals are defined um within you know within the Swip I believe it's um with indicator monitoring you're looking at um once in the first year uh sorry twice in the first year of permit coverage and then twice more in the fourth year of permit coverage and the impaired water monitoring is a little bit more stringent where if the chemical does show up on one of these tests you'd have to test for it more frequently yeah that goes into I believe yeah I I would have I have to agree that through for for the specifics um but but they give you yeah so it should be I think it's section six seven pages of chemicals yeah but you don't have to test for all those chemicals that's just right fishies right and stuff like that because we're we're meling a couple of agencies is this the first time this has been done for aort I get the impression that it is no because it's uh no the the indicator monitoring is new Under the recent guidance for for EPA so they're definitely becoming more strict these things for previous Swifts um and previous airpls that we've worked on all you had to do is a quarterly routine make sure your storm water management controls are in place and you know basically take a look at your water whatever's coming out and make sure it doesn't smell funny or look weird or have suspended solids or have an odor of some kind um but there wasn't actual you know you didn't actually have to have the water tested by lab a lab right well that's what I was wondering how they uh cuz you got the five sites where drainage goes in towards the river M and U then we've got I know half a dozen catch basins yeah so you would you just you just sample the outfalls so and they're all um they're all you know on the right on the plans um in attachment B and what I was saying um previously was you know and I know Isabelle was very helpful and did go to the city and see what DPW had for a Swip unfortunately uh the airport sector s is what you know the category right there's so so I don't think that the city does specifically does the sector s monitoring but I would I would reach out once this Swift is actually um um f you know I mean even even draft final I would go to DPW with the Swift and just ask them are these you know are these types of monitoring is this something that the city can provide for the airport as part of its overall um industrial storm water monitoring I would I would suggest doing that um either that or you know I'm I'm sure there are companies um I know there there are environmental companies that specialize in this sort of thing that you could hire to you know um basically I think you could hire them to implement it that cost money it does yeah lot M so but they should yeah if they want to for I I would I would reach out to the city and see and see what they have for capacity if there's if they already have Testing Laboratories that they utilize if they're already on a schedule or something like that I would I'll get as soon as we go through any comments um I'll get this finalized I can get a copy back to you Jim that way you can go um you can go to the city and you can ask them some of these questions okay probably a c questions and Stu on help need to ask the conversation started yeah I would say what I would what I would say um specifically paying attention to if you look at page 27 um 4.7 that's the monitoring page where it describes in detail the indicator monitoring and the impaired Waters monitoring so it has a list of the pollutants that need to be sampled the monitoring schedule when that has to happen Yeah by annual is what they indicate conducted by annually in the first year and the fourth year yep so once you basically as soon as EPA comes back and says yes your permit is active um that's when you're you it's I think it's within the first six months so you have to within the first six months um submit and then again you know the second six months of that year and then you get to wait three you know before you do that one again and then the impaired water um monitoring annually in the first year and then again in the fourth year so just just once a year but if the pollutant is detected you'd have to continue um monitoring until it's basically you've detected this pollutant now you need to do something to make sure that that figure out where that pollutant is coming from make sure that it's not discharging and then you'd have to continue sampling and monitoring until that pollutant is no longer there any you got any more questions seems pretty straightforward test board if it's there we got to get rid of it it Bally yeah yeah so Jim I would I I'll get a copy of this back to you once I button up these last little couple things and um and then again I would just go to the city with um and really just talk to them about that page 27 and 28 that's that's really what all you need everything else should be a to be done internally as far as you know the quarterly monitoring you know someone from the airport I mean just goes out and inspects everything fills out a worksheet and then attaches it to the end of the S we can give you a copy a physical copy of this once it's finalized um in like a binder so that when you complete the forms you can just insert them right in the inside of the Swift and have it all right there something to them or we just there's so the the indicator monitoring you will have to send you do have to submit as well as um as well as the impaired Waters monitoring and then they will ask you for an annual report on all of the um visual inspections that are done as I uh like to soil down by back saying Beckers and I've been Ming that and had them all sh you know I I can't sides to it but I had the base of it but on the other side where it goes out and I don't know it's trying to find out where access to property I would say is what they're looking for I don't specific where I get I haven't really okay any other questions um before we move on um can I request a vote from the commission authorizing um the chairman to submit the noi and revised Swift to the EPA just sign part all your names on it so we all go the same okay yes 1 2 3 4 yes okay okay great thank you all very much um so moving on Airport Master Plan update um really the new items are um on page three of five so at the November commission meeting we reviewed um the chapter six Alternatives which basically outlined um the different projects that the airport uh would like to see maybe over the next 20 years um took comments um received comments from FAA from Mass do the one change um that that I made based on the discussion we had here and then based on recommendation also from mot was um we moved the runway 18n happy um to the left side of the runway so the original alternative had it shown on the right but it's now um been moved to the left um David so you'll see um um what you'll see here is um in the ultimate Airport layout plan which is the airport's 20y year like master of document here um you'll see all of those proposed projects and the papies will be on the left and set oh that means we're landing on Runway 36 we have use of the py is that what that means so you'll have so there's the other way around there one for each end yep so the 36 end will be on the left which is more the grass area and then the one/ eight end will be in kind of the infield area correct yes yep okay so if you're landing on 18 uh the papy's on the left yep so if you look at um it's on the hanger side of the runway yes and if you're landing on 36 the papy's on the left side so there's two papies are separ right so it's yeah it's right on and you have a Cy this as well by Page four so these are all the new projects so you'll see we talk about hangers there's your reserve hangers um you have your fencing and then you see this was the Cy that we had originally had them both on it size little things representing the they're representing the P yeah so this one's coming in on the left and then this one would be also so what do you think of that what do you think of that I use it well you know I mean you're one of the few people that I know like to so uh previously Jim they were set up for being on the right hand side of theway whether you were land on left or right we changed them from left to right or from right just on the one just the one most of the guys were landing on the upper end of 18 on that side when they came so I mean initially both cies were on the same side of the runway is that what you're saying yes correct correct yeah and I know the last commission meeting that was one of the items that was brought up by the commission was oh and the concern was that if you're landing on the grass you uh papy shouldn't be uh in the way in the way is that what it is okay you don't want to have anything that you can hand nothing's Sol yep so that um so that's all set um my plan moving forward is to um compile an electronic version of really chapters 1 through six but we'll include chapter six um so that that can get up on the airport's website um so I can do that this week and work with Isabelle on that um the next part of the process um now that all the projects have been discussed is going through the schedule improvements so this will basically allow FAA M and the airport to build the airport's power Improvement plan uh for federal and and state money um and other projects moving forward so if you'll um I gave everyone a copy of chapter 7 I'm not going to go line by line with the chapter but I just want to show everyone what's in here so that um you know you can take it and ask you know any questions you have any today or um I provide everyone my business card so give me a call um at any point or send me an email whatever works better for you um so if we just start off here um page 7-2 you have um these projects group together in terms of short-term improvements which is you know the close in Next fiveyear Period uh you have your midterm improvements and that would be from 6 to 10 years out and then your long-term improvements from 11 to 20 years so um the first project here is the um obstruction [Applause] project the instruction study project is being included as part of the upcoming environmental assessment so that's already on the docket and that will give the airport a sense of uh where trees are penetrating into the approach surfaces um where are they located on airport property where are they located off airport property does the airport have easements in those areas uh to clear trees would you maybe need an easement in the area um to to clear trees if you don't already have rights to do so um so that report will really take a look at all of those things and provide you with a good uh plan moving forward to take care of your trees um and then right now and some of these you know um can be you know shifted around this time goes on based on need but we have um the acquisition of your um avigation easements so that would be you know um coordinating with property owners to uh purchase airspace rights effectively to clear trees that are penetrating the approaches um and then you have um your design and permitting for any of the tree clearing that needs to happen um as well as the construction phase services for obstruction removal so that would be the construction portion or really just you know taking down the trees having the contractor come out and take down the trees uh followed by anoda Hazard beacons um have been an ongoing challenging issue um you'll see here I have an estimated project cost to take them down um I did reach out to mass doot to inquire as to whether or not they would entertain a state Grant to assist with the removal of those um obstruction lights so that's still that's an outstanding item right now um but I did reach out so hopefully have an answer soon I also reached out to the FAA again and uh requested a response I know the commission was interested in potentially uh dissolving the existing ements for the beacons um basically as an act of good faith was my understanding to give the property back to these Property Owners now that the beacons are no longer needed um so again still waiting on an answer on that but we are trying to move forward and get some answers um you know for the commission on those things um so midterm improvements and again if if these projects if you'd like to see them shifted around to different time periods or you know things like that um but we have anything related to safety the you know trees coming down and permitting to do that getting the rights to do that um is really going to be Paramount I think for the airport for you know for for a little while here um you know because FAA and mass D want to make sure that all the safety elements are addressed before you know moving into more infrastructure um so midterm improvements I have on page 7-4 the construction of that Wildlife exclusion fencing uh once we complete the wild life Hazard site visit um this upcoming spring uh that will be very telling it will give um some insight as to what sort of um you know what is the height of fencing that's recommended what sort of wildlife will be trying to keep out are there um any sort of other barriers you know underground barriers and things like that that might need to be included bar wire they'll make all those recommendations um within that report um then I know the commission had mentioned to me when we were going through uh the facility requirements that the Zero Turn Mower is in poor condition so I've added a projected midterm improvements um to replace that mowing equipment and again if that's something you'd like to you know move around to to different time periods just let me know I just went based on discussions that we had and what I felt would be um you know an appropriate schedule that would meet your needs but we can certainly move it around based on your preference um the other item on midterm improvements that we had is construction of the tie down apron out here or really reconstruction of that tie down apron um then moving on to 7-5 for the oute uh projects we have uh replacing your snowblower and carrier vehicle I know it's in good condition right now but as we start to get down the road and things start to age you know want to make sure that you're planning for uh potentially replacing that as as you get into maybe the early the Early long-term improvements you know 10 11 12 years down the road um might need to start considering that I also have um construction of a sowal equipment building and a hanger building um and again I would just you know I know I've said it before but I'll reiterate it now um just because a project appears on the schedule of improvements just because a project appears on your Airport layout plan for your future improvements um that doesn't commit the FAA the state or the city to funding anything it's really based on availability of funding availability of local funding um and what the airport has for needs um at the time as these projects start to come up um but the master plan is really intended as I guess a vetting process to say you know I identify the needs identify what is eligible under the AIP program and what's supported and make sure that you're you know planning for um you know planning for your potential needs over the next 20 years so what I would um what I'll suggest is again I'm happy to take any questions or comments now but if you'd like to take some time with chapter 7 over the next couple of weeks and um call me email me um with any concerns that you might have things that you wish to see change I don't know if you want to um coordinate that through JY and then Jim can you know give those changes to me um but more more than happy to do that but I wanted to give everybody the information and let you know that we are almost across the Finish Line with this master plan I know that it's been a lengthy process and um just let you all know how much I have appreciated everyone's input um and really just enjoyed the time that um you know we've worked together on this so thank you all uh for everything you've done I know it's a lot of hard work on everyone's part I have a a simple question replace mowing equipment estimated cost 120,000 bucks this is a zero zero turn mower which basically could fit right here and one guy drives it um and uh usually they're green because they're made by John Deer or something but U so I'm surprised that this uh project is estimated as being $120,000 for Z the price right so the price the cost estimate is I took um in 2005 the existing equipment was purchased by the state and I believe the price tag on the equipment and the attachments and whatnot it was it was actually around I think it was $78,000 so what I did that have referred to the John Deere tractor in this array of uh it did and all the attachments and and so I just I applied in inflation but I can I can dig in a little bit more um on those and get a better you can buy an awful lot of equipment for 12,000 if I could just say too I mean they're they're just estimates so the cost is going to be what the cost is when you go to purchase it so if it's $5,000 it's $5,000 but I think what Jack is saying last time last time the airport went and purchased that with the equipment it was what 70 ,000 so just accounting for inflation we put numbers in here this these numbers quite frankly could be meaning l in five years so yeah and I can I can I can find you that that's not a problem at all David A minor Point yep it's a good point though it's good for for the commission to understand that too it's like these numbers aren set so yeah yeah absolutely is the the loaded designation is 44444 isn't it that's the model yeah yeah they got just 44 in four three fours okay yeah I and then down on the cost estimate for the hanger mhm 2 million yep and it was 600,000 FAA correct State 33,000 M and local share one yep so I'll explain exactly where that comes from so um FAA only allows for the airport to use what's called nonprimary entitlement money for any sort of Revenue generating project and you that's the 150,000 and you can bank that amount of money for four years before you have to use it so you have a total of $600,000 that you could use for a revenue generating project the state will contribute its you know presumably 5% share to that $600,000 and then the rest of the price you'd have to assume would need to be a local share and again this is included on the long-term improvements y if okay if something comes to fruition or if you have a private you know again like designating the area out here um for potential hanger use if you have a private developer that comes in and says you know what I'm ready to construct something I'm looking for a place to build you have areas specifically designated for these things so again with the understanding that I know that that is a high price tag and and I didn't exactly add up y yeah and and those are a little bit a little bit unique in a sense that you know the FAA really will only contribute that 150,000 a year to the anything that's for Revenue so I will um I will leave this with all of you for now and I have a note on our update if you could please provide um any comments that you have to me within the next two weeks call email um and um I'm more than happy to take you know take your questions and and make the updates um or go to gym whatever you'd like um I do have one more item just to quickly go over and that's the plans that you see here um so your Airport layout plan is the final document that will go um get submitted to FAA it gets submitted through their it's called OA obstacle airospace analysis um and by submitting through oeaa um you are allowing various lines of FAA business typically deal with the airport District's office of New England but various lines of business um you know flight procedures and all these other areas that need to review an Airport layout plan basically to see if there are any issues with the plan um any changes that would need to be made so um this plan basically lets them know what are the proposed facilities where are they located um what's going on with the airport's approaches what's going on with the airport departure you know surfaces what's currently here so um you'll see this plan set contains you have your cover sheet um and then you have sheet two is a data sheet this is all of the relevant dimensional information about the airport so it's your um safety areas it's your Runway protection zones it's your wind coverage it's your you know taxi way and taxi Lan Dimensions any dimensional information your critical aircraft that you could possibly lead about the airport is on the sheet um so that's all that is for informational purposes um sheet three is your existing conditions plan everyone saw a copy of this um when we went through chapter 2 it's effectively the same plan there a few little items that get added when you put it into the Alp full plan set um and really the the I guess heavy hitter here is sheet 4 which which is your ultimate Airport layout plan this is what ultimately gets um signed by FAA the airport and mot and approved and this is showing all those projects that we talked about that we worked towards that we Justified and um that everyone's voted on so that shows all of those projects laid out and what that would look like in the future and it shows you you know obviously nothing is um you know contradicting with anything else so you you have all of your um you know spatial requirements and everything um are met here um and I won't be labor um the conversation on you know there's several approach planings um [Music] unfortunately the scope of this project was very very limited and we were not um able to include an obstruction analysis as part of the master plan ideally it would have been very nice to have that done as part of this project um but what we had to do was you know for now just pull in um all of the obstructions from the previous Airport layout plans so you know it is they're required sheets we have to submit them but FAA is aware that this is old information and again that's why that obstruction study coming up is so important it will actually give you usable obstruction information and what's going on at the airport here so you'll just see that these are um these are all protected air space plans and that's really what is through the end of this um documents you'll see uh page 8 is all of the um part 77 airspace so all of the protected services that go out it's about 4 miles around the airport um and all of the obstructions that have been previously identified so those are all outlined in there and then the final plan is your departure of surface drawing so um these are all stand sheets these are all required um by the FAA these have all been done in accordance with uh faas standard operating procedure they have a specific procedure uh for each of these sheets um that that they require in a checklist that will have to submit as part of this as well um but I just wanted to make everybody aware of the sheets and what is included here and I would say you know the one that would be of particular interest to everyone is probably sheet for um so if nothing else if you have some time again over the next couple of weeks to at least go over sheet four and make sure that you don't have you know any questions or that anything looks um you know just that everything looks good to you um I'll take those questions and um hopefully get that submitted um I know the commission is not meeting until January but my hope tonight would be to get a vote from all of you um effectively uh permitting you know the chairman to authorize El to submit these documents once all comments have been received so if everyone would be comfortable with that I would entertain um a motion to permit chairman would to authorize scale to submit the Alp and chapter 7 of the master plan as appropriate I'll second that motion we can vote on it I'll say yes second I'm in agreement as well wonderful these drawings are beautifully done a lot of detail here yeah um Andrew lza from our office um produces the drawings and he um your whole organization produces these he does he does a wonderful job okay so those uh for both the uh LP final and the chapter seven yes yep so if you know um if you could maybe work with the group to get any comments to me but you know a couple weeks from now and then we can at least move to um you know get these things submitted and and the the Airport layout plan sometimes can take 60 plus days um sometimes even longer um to be reviewed by FAA so that's you know I'd be eager to get it submitted because it's again it's still technically in draft format until everybody reviews it and then what will happen is um FAA massot um will provide their comments on the Airport layout plan we make those revisions whatever is necessary and then it gets finalized and circulated for Signature so there's still opportunity even after it gets submitted through the oeaa system to make little Toots and changes how long do can we go without trimming those trees penetrated um I would say that you should be looking to you know realistically you you should be looking to clear them as soon as possible yeah but this process I know is going to take forever and be good to do it this window while it's frozen so you can walk out yeah but I don't know if we're going to are they on Airport property or no we haven't had a problem in the past with the owner I mean you don't necessarily have to obtain an easement in order to clear trees if you have an amicable amicable agreement with a property owner and they will allow you to go and clear the trees then you are welcome to do that the the reasoning for um programming that an navigation easement airspace easement project is because FAA will only contribute fun fing to tree clearing projects if they have if the airport has rights and perpetuity to clear them so um if you're looking to clear them that was the one that we were going to try and get for anything within the airport boundaries mhm but we we talking a lot of some of this stuff is out away from and again if if you're not using Federal if you're not using Federal money and you're you're doing it on your own you you do not you do not I mean if you have an agreement with the property owner that's between the air for of the property owner but you cheaper to go that you guys have agreement with this guy you can get in there absolutely they'll save you money absolutely yeah it's just that the Avenue that that FAA requires is they have to have the property rights to you know continue to clear them basically forever well we've run into the problem is the we yeah we got so much Wetlands on our property that uh that's why we wanted to get the blanket yes saying we can do it I don't know how we so to conom and temp that that would come as part of um you know and we'll talk about that a little bit more um you know your your vegetation management plan um you know that would come into play and you know could be potentially included as part of the overall permanent effort um you know to to get these things permitted so then it would be lot easier for um you know a lot easier for the airport to clear trees once you have that vegetation management plan in place so we have to get somebody to physically go out and mark the trees and have to come down um if they were on their on somebody else's property probably but on our property if we can get the whole project anything we did not B you once they say yes we'll give you c l then we can just do it Bas based on height zones yeah we have height zones sou your approach surface as you know 20 to1 slope we have those height zones we could we could approximate where we are and cut them down okay can you do like flight check just to make sure that the trees are out of the way yeah yeah it's just it's on the property and then expand from there because I was surprised at how flat out how what was it 21 you say 21 slow yeah it's pretty flat yeah yeah it it's actually um well you just looking at some of these here you know yeah sheet sheet five is yeah that that shows your um that shows the approach surface it's um under the designed advisory circular from FAA and that's you know the approach surface 4 is what they call it and that's the um that would be as part of the obstruction study this would be or these would be the surfaces we would be analyzing to see what is actually there um any other questions comments I know it's a lot of information to take in in one day um I don't have that much more I promise everyone okay moving on from the master plan stuff or there any other questions okay let's keep keep moving um so Wildlife Hazard site visit um no updates since last month that goes on to page four or five and then um the environmental assessment and obstruction analysis so um the environmental assessment is basically the follow on document to a master plan and what the environmental assessment does is it evaluates um the airport's short-term proposed actions um against various um environmental resources and identifies if there will be um any imp imps to those resources what the impacts would be and then are there any ways basically to mitigate or reduce the impacts is there a different way of doing the project that you could um you know reduce the impacts of these natural resources um and again this is required by the FAA for any project that will use federal money um so we've we've rolled in um your environmental assessment and that obstruction analysis that we talked about um a little bit before um so we had the um um I know back in November um we got authorization from the mayor that the local share of funding would be available so then we ended up scheduling a scoping meeting with FAA massot um and Jim um attended that as well that was this past Monday uh we're working to um you know finalize that scope work I know we had talked a little bit in the past and um you know I know again this is a lot of information it everyone at once but there are Federal Environmental requirements and there are State Environmental requirements so the Massachusetts um Environmental Protection act we actually didn't have enough information and data really to make a determination as to whether that um impact report would even be needed based on a cursory look it doesn't appear that it is but we also don't have um when you're talking about doing these sorts of documents for tree clearing projects we don't have defined tree clearing areas because we don't know where the obstructions are yet we don't know where wetlands are in relation to those OBU obstructions so we really can't tell what are the anticipated Wetland impacts by clearing these trees and that is really going to be the determining factor of whether you need that Massachusetts um environmental impact statement or some sort of other uh state regulatory review so that has basically been tabled at this time at the recommendation of mass do and FAA until we have that information so um there may be a phase two for that meepa um portion of the project if we determine you know if it's determined that that that that will be necessary if there will be enough impacts by these projects to Warrant basically that type of review um the good news is that means that we're um at least for fiscal year 2025 one of the elements of the project you know the city will need to come up for with the funding for that right now so that is good news on that um so once uh the scope of work has been finalized I am waiting on an answer from FAA on um some archaeologic an archaeological question that I had so once they come back uh with the response on that I can work to finalize the scope of work um the airport will um Jim need to solicit that independent fee estimate again um basically basically to review the contract yeah y so to review the fee um but right now and and again this is a cursory look um and these the um figures that are coming right from the CIP the capital Improvement plan but um the EA is estimated to probably come in around 175,000 Mark and then the obstruction an is portion around 25,000 which would equate to $5,000 local share for um fiscal year 2025 so um that's that's where we are there um and again Jim you know just stay tuned as soon as we get you know you'll be included on all the correspondents for any sort of um scopes of work that are circulated right um and then let's see I think that is it I just still had the note in here of the when the airport's last CIP meeting was held but that's um that is all I have for today unless anyone has any questions comments concerns yeah could you go back to the AL one more time yeah like I say the acronyms always get me but I think about them I try not to use too many acronyms but I I feel like I'm always catching myself with them that's what when I when we going through the scoping meeting yeah I couldn't write down oh my well we we catch up yeah yeah we'll get we'll get you caught up um any concerns questions hearing seeing none I will yeah it's lot to digest it is it it's a lot to digest but I think that I look at all the property that we have and I think we probably need something like 50 hangers just start things getting close even making it work as an independent you know like the golf commission is talking about building a new facility oh yeah but they've got millions gu because everybody pays a lot they got every lawyer doctor in town go DOL so we don't we don't and but the only only Revenue we can generate is either off the fuel or what do you mean when you say the golf facility is looking to golf course no new B building new they're talking about over across the street from the Animal Hospital a new facility for the because the building they're in now is not in good shape maintenance hanger top of the next right across from the they were working on that and but they're an Enterprise fund and you figure everybody that plays golf there if they buy an manual annual membership it's $800 or something like that $900 and then they pay for every time they you know car fees and all the play without a membership it's like 20 30 bucks you know I mean they're just nothing but purpose money machine and all that fertilizer that put on right into Crystal Lake and we drink it of course why we grow first run through treatment facility Crystal water run through all kinds of chemicals in that but the uh no it's just that's one example of how this got to keep moving in that direction in order to get us freed up so that we can do things that we want to get done and keep everything going but very frustrating the Bal it is it's a dling act on pennies and then you know and if when the FAA comes in and says wa you can't do that you know something I don't what's next J Okay so we've gone through the runway and the master plan we don't have a manager here tonight thank you very much tired oh and I did leave um a full siiz copy of the Airport layout pin that plan set there in case anyone needs to see what they because these would somehow be insufficient not well done done well enough I they're well done but I just figured that there's a lot of Tex on them I'll get here pull that stuff up okay I think that the uh yeah we've got found out tonight that the one time not first drag L loose um I haven't been able to get the load out done so I haven't got the weight for the back of the truck but it's been serviced I think we'll be okay wa in the back of the one the one truck was small dump I cut off block of cement that goes in I don't want to pick it up with a small doesn't well without that weight is that thing yeah it's nice to have the weight does have TR needs it would be nice I don't think we're going to have more fourwh Drive which isce that's true yeah and uh the uh I had to buy two new batteries for the loadout so I'm hopeing that be straight out I'm going to try time so I can use it but I don't want to get that pist CU it leaks not bad bad but stop and then they were going for the pollution stuff so we have to out that um we got a second bill from 2od and so I'm trying to find out way that is that supposed to be um there's a lot of stuff even on the slip that goes into mitigation of fuel spills from airplanes we have the barrel but that has no mockings on but it can be used as a facility to put any waste that we get from a fuel but I'd like to get the uh so that everybody knows that AR how B fuel tank is what it is that's got all kinds of pads and Speedy dry and protective equipment that you can put on and all that sort of stuff I didn't knew what it was so 2 years old 3 years ago so it's been sitting there with a lid on unexamined for 2 years no I've been in it a couple of times cuz when we had the fuel spell from the airplane that got shot yeah um we were able to contain that so that it was like less than 5 gallons yeah and the U I know the fire P doesn't do anything in West it's more than 5 put Speedy Dy down and we had a when they first started Sun equipment Sun Belt something like that that supplied some of the equipment for the construction the runway Sun Belt Sun Belt they blew a line and they laid a a whole bunch of hydraulic fluid over the ramp up by uh Kevin's hand who keeps that Barrel in Supply I have added some more to it I was supposed to get some stuff from Sunbelt but they never did you mean like Speedy dry or Speedy dry and yeah and we have the pads and all that sort of stuff it's all there uh we had to buy some new stuff to supplement the the Booms that you can lay down and absorb but uh can we have signs made put on the well this is what I was trying to figure out whether we want to do it because that's a pretty well rusted too but it's not leaking or hasn't got any PES in if you uh most of the gas stations now have these plastic ones and they'll have one plastic plastic ones yeah we don't grer they sell yeah and that's what I think we should just try and get some from there it's getting everybody to pile the money I think if you had one or two barrels um would you use some of the equipment and throw that in there that we already have we don't have to buy them with brand new equipment or you know supplies cuz we've got quite a few quite a bit in there I mean it is full but uh so you're saying Barrel donations will be well we got to try and you know I think that the I just want to make sure that if somebody's out here filling their plant and they spill it that they know that they can grab the spill kit and start stopping it from getting into anything and then there has to be a whole bunch of training with this too for everybody that's involved and that I think has to be done on almost a continuous basis every year so we got to have get everybody that is on the airport uh to Coral and make sure that the train is done properly and that gets to be you've seen it cave at your place how you have to Pat training pmat training and I've seen you in there doing that yep and how you get rid of it you know and I do I'm pretty familiar with the bio stuff but the uh let's wait some better weather before we go outside and get trained in the use of that barel I mean we got we just I mean everybody should become familiar with it oh and I had one other thing that I wanted to get your approval on I think this bulletin board should have a list of people and numbers to contact and make it big enough so that they when they come through they can if you need help assistance and any way shape or form these are numbers you can call and list some kind of an order on there but I think as Commissioners we should be familiar enough to help somebody out when they come in I've given people rides over to Clon a hotel when they rental car didn't show up because nobody I think very few people in Gardner and in this area know that Gardner has an airport oh yeah there's a ton of people don't T of people I bought a a a relay for the uh four Y and I the kid that was has an airport at Alan and he's lived there all his life yeah oh yeah you know we're the best kept secret in town yeah I gave Bob Craft his wallet yeah left silly you it's that type of thing that we you know I'd like to be able to get something going down here that we could do raise his money or something like that I mean Harry had it golden up in Jeffrey because when Atlas came in yeah they did everything and they just split the proceeds up three ways y Chamber of Commerce airport and Bob grass flew in here his kid his son what's son's name what do you fly in helicop okay okay so I guess we're pretty well set take a motion second you guys want I'll agree very agree 643 well that's a lot of work you do to prepare for those presentations it's fightable well thank you