##VIDEO ID:ZqM1syzz794## uh meeting for the garden Board of Health it's uh Monday September 23rd 4:37 p.m. meeting is called to order the first item on the agenda is review and approved minutes from August 19th 20124 [Applause] I kind of had a little bit of a question on the wording on that second paragraph of the 441 topic I guess what is that the one that starts for the landfill okay um oh no that wasn't the one I don't know I guess I guess I get the gist of it I just the wording was a little bit that one or the the one that begins with the health department has received oh that's something we could hopefully fill us in a little bit more on I mean that phrase is a little yeah about what we're expecting yeah and then um where it says it looks like they should have been notifying the emergency spill but that was confusing anything else you want a word SMI that like knock off that phrase of that's something hopefully us in a little bit more just say we haven't received any more updates yeah yes the other comment is on the second page at the very end um which a little confusing what that is sorry what was this the second page to the very end suggested a buffer zone around fley Brook just um I mean there is a buffer zone around curly Brook correct so just that there was a reference to buffer zone I can just get to clarify that more okay all [Applause] so can I get a motion to hold off on the approving minutes or minutes with those Corrections we can just pull off we next um on the agenda was a hearing of housing L issued for 183 main stream which yeah I'll just give a little synopsis of what's going on there main streets um Angela did an inspection and found uh pretty hefty lists of violations there um some of them were related to things like cleaning common areas and provision of oil which kind of depend on the number of units the building is broken into so technically it's been still considered a three unit uh building um she wants to try and treated as a single unit to try and get out of some of those Provisions um so we're going to try to work it out with her in the meantime one of the problems is that there's been multiple order letters and some of them the time frame to request a hearing that pass and some of them don't so that was part of the issue as well but so I'm a little confused so there three three separate it's one building broken into three separate Apartments oh but there's three separate families living in those apartments right now it's all we're all related to each other um it's kind of a mess as far as that goes so um she's actually trying to get them out but hasn't issued any eviction notices or anything like that so that's the but regardless the the violations are still there and need to be fixed so is she going to still come in for a hearing or is she just going to try to you Ang go back out they wanted to try and just see if we can iron it out without having a hearing so if she requests another one it'll be up to the board and decide if they want to hear it at that point okay any questions okay next on the agenda is the health department updates okay um so for 827 Green Street uh I still have not issued a setic construction permit uh a contractor had applied for an installers permit and was moving equipment on site in anticipation of starting um um that contractor has since decided to quit the job citing harassment by the public as well as potential online defamation of himself and his business um so right now we're still waiting on concom and approval of an installer and then I've also kind of updated d as to everything um so and I've been working with uh J the commission just to make sure everything is IR out before they have to find somebody that will do it they have to do that as well yep um so that's kind of where we're we're at with that um the plans for the septic system have been approved um just waiting on Conservation Commission and finding inst for that uh we did a contractor did take a quick look at the system just dug up the distribution box um and he identified some issues as possibly the the low vent for the system was located in the wrong location um so it's kind of creating a a vacuum and not allowing proper flow through the system as well as uh it's unclear as to the quality of the sand in there at the moment and then we're also looking to see if it had two distribution lines are one it should have had two distribution lines the two separate parts of the system and it's not clear if that happened or not so we're waiting to excavate that part and find out a little bit more as to what's going on so once we get the pipes uncovered we'll look at that once that's gone we'll look at do that until we have another contract no we'll have to uh waiting on that so right now there's still tight tanking um which is not ideal we would like to get a a new system in there as soon as possible because that's definitely more hazardous with having to pump out a tank and have a truck come and Spills could happen anything could happen with that especially with the weather getting colder and stuff yeah yeah absolutely um so I I updated D today again and I'm just looking to get some feedback from their Title 5 Section Chief on everything um and that's that's kind of where we're at with that one for the landfill um we received the final plans for the erosion repairs so now we're just it's going to be a definitely over $50,000 be a public process that will go through the purchasing departments and I'm hoping to get at least a start on one of the let down channels sometime before the ground gets too Frozen um and then we'll kind of go from there as far as how to get it all [Music] finished um here so that was it for that um another thing at the landfill is that the DPW is moving ahead with upgrades to the sewer pumping station that's on site at the landfill and there are some components in there for where the Le get pumped into that uh pumping station as well so there are some health departments landfill components in there that we want to get upgraded as well Lauren had a company come in and do an evaluation on everything so we kind of a written report of what needs to happen there like electrical panels um not all the pumping stations are able to SK on automatically like they're supposed to things like that so we're working on that there was some funds in covered for that so it's that's kind of already covered as far as budget goes oh good and yeah that's going to be go through tatan Howard is the engineering company on that um and I know you had expressed interest in a tour of the landfill so you just want to let me know your availabilities and we can definitely set that up and that's all I really have for anything new for those projects what about the um the front loader just that oh um yeah the front end loader the turbo blue on that uh it's also been having transmission problems for as long as anyone knows um we did get some quotes for a new machine that would be around $240,000 or so um so at the moment I've decided to just go ahead and fix the turbo on it which is about $5,000 give or take and then we're going to see what we can do as far as setting aside some money for a new machine and the future um there's also other options we're looking into leasing or upgrading a piece of equipment at the DPW things we could use something along those lines it turns out that like buying a used loader is almost exactly as expensive as buying it brand new for some reason so didn't really make a lot of difference there so we're just going to hope that it holds together until we can afford a new one so I just checked out the uh latest arbo virus update not a lot has changed in the last couple of weeks since it started dly kind of sprouted up in the Littleton area um but haven't been any changes there's still uh 11 cases of West virus and four cases of triple in Mass we'll probably have issues till at least the end of September beginning October whenever we get Frost yeah so I'm just kind of been keeping an eye on what other towns are doing and when they're doing it as far as limiting activities at evening time um in case we have to recommend something of those LS so it came up at the last fep meeting that I guess the representatives for f should be voted on by the board didn't realize that and I already said this letter um saying that I would be the primary person and then it looks like in previous years we've gone with you as the secondary um so I just guess that needs to be voted on by the board if they want to ratify that or have other suggestions yeah make motion that we continue that designation okay all favor or second fa okay I did bring a copy of that letter to sign just so I can send that to them yes please okay U L that is the um public health emergency preparedness and we're region to and we actually um have a very strong have been for many years which has helped us out a lot Co having that information and knowledge yeah so I'm uh on the executive committee now I went to my first meeting uh last week and they're going to be trying to restructure it so it works a little more like it did pre Co and trying to cover more interests 76 towns I think in that region um we get limited participation from about 40 towns um so they're trying to increase that and make it worth everyone's time a little bit more so there's a lot of federal funds that comes through which is what provided the grants for a lot of our equipment and supplies in fact we need to do um emergency dispensing site drill um coming up y we've been getting those emails um and then FF is also planning on hiring their own uh I guess it's like a coordinator position so they'd be responsible for arranging a lot of that um checking on our equipment to make sure that's been tested Whatever frequency it's supposed to be getting tested at um we have an emergency response trailer that's just been kind of sitting that needs to be updated updated gone through because all that medical equipment is just sitting out there and you know cold or hot it saved us a lot now through Co yeah we had everything all set and ready to go so we could do thein Haywood and all that PCC it was big help all right I think I forgot to put Outreach on the agenda but um verica didn't have a lot just that we have the new National Night Out October 1st to the P Auditorium um she's working with the schools quite a bit right now on her programs there we did do a um taping the other day on Liver Health Awareness with Dr mik tala and myself and she did do an interview so that'll be coming out soon um so that'll be good um and is there anything more on there's no new information on the for dioxine or anything um no nothing has really changed from the last meeting um we're just kind of go ahead with repairing the landfill parts that we know need repairs and um kind of just deferring to d as far as whatever they want us to be doing for that so we're going to keep updating them and Consulting with them as far as what should be done there so I'm sorry no I was just going to go MO yeah so I could we just circle back quickly to the 827 Green Street issue I I'm not sure I fully understand what how did the contractor um there was a contractor and he plans approved he was hired and now he's not there anymore no he left he refused to do it because of harassment yeah he saw some Facebook posts online um he said he's familiar who makes those posts and didn't want to be associated with any of that just TR of fear of any kind of unfair defamation or getting kept drag through the mud sure I understand why is the contractor being targeted as far as he's just he's just carrying out the construction of the system pursuing to the approved plan or yeah he he just brought his equipment out there in anticipation trying to make sure they can start as soon as they're ready having his photographs taken of him his employees uh which is also very disturbing I well I mean it's so we're going to every month after month we're going to be revisiting this issue are we not going to be able to get anybody over there that's going to do this I did um call Sean from GMA today and to confirm that that's what happened with the contractor and he did confirm that and he's um working with trying to get another one out there um yeah so I went out there today with uh Justin and just confirmed the machine is gone um all they did was dig up the debox which is still uncovered but has it lid on there right so yeah so I it's I will say it's also very disturbing that um pictures of been taking um from the outskirts of the property it's a private healthcare facility and um pictures are being taken and posted and um I know I will just speak with the pictures that we received from an email that um was also sent copied us and sent to the state um represent the representative for the Central Mass Department of Environmental Justice and the pictures were I mean it's disturbing it's a it's a private health facility um um so yeah so now it's impacting the time frame being able to make this a safer situation than it is now with uh getting pumped out there's just another further delay right and making it uh yeah a better system so this has been going on a long time but it's being delay as well new business all right for housing ement complains um we had 12 new grash grass crash complaints uh 10 new housing complaints uh 21 cases were closed with a total of 20 still open um for sanitary housing complaints we have 10 new complaints there uh six cases closed and 17 cases um are the trash excuse me but the trash complaints are they against the trash pickup or trash that's overflowing um on a property so they have trash in their yard or um mattress on the side of the road or um just people with too much stuff in their on their property causing issues overflowing dumpsters things like that food uh slowed down a little bit there were 15 new food establishement inspections uh 22 re inspections which is really great that's really how we get traction and getting these places to get up to compliance and stay that way so Ed's been doing pretty job and it got a lot of progress with a l places so very impressed with that um four complaints none of them were related to food born illness um they're meing like sanitation complaints uh things along those lines um we're going to be having a public vaccine clinic for Respiratory viruses Co and flu that's going to be October 2nd at the Polish American citizens Club from 3: to 700 p.m. um there's going to be a vaccine clinic for city employees on October 15th in periodit trium from 9 to 12 and then we have two private clinics at three two for the housing authority and then one at the B house those are for um just foric is do all three yes y it should have all that available my last update is that uh Ashley mtiv left last month and we've hired a new administrative coordinator uh who will be starting on September 30th so we did do a little bit of we're still out of space downstairs but we did do a little bit of reconfiguring of the office and bought a desk and should have space for now so um do we have any covid tests left downstairs we do and I put in a new order for I think 700 more two test boxes so I will covid tests I mean I know it's on the uptake around yeah but you can now leave public an order um free tests [Music] another I know that the test we the last test that round of test that I know I picked some up and gave to people they do have an expiration date in November but they're extended for six more months so they're still good I think that's mainly what the state had yeah yeah so I ordered the same brand of tests um so hopefully those get here soon yeah and then we'll uh any CD department that want some extras or school department will we'll be sure to help them out they request that see what we can do as far as ordering more I know all the I know thees have that new booster with the new affect the new strain so okay anything else that's all I've got on my list so we need to set the next meeting on the first [Music] I send me home or I have to but I shouldn't commit to that date but 28th the 28th about that works for you y should okay um okay so the next item on the agenda is executive session and that's um executive session that I asked for to update you on some staffing employee issue information um so if I could get an motion to pause the open me aspect and move into executive session and then we can adjourn from executive session so we don't have to go back okay make a motion to pause the general meeting and session and um I believe I have to have an official roll call so Jeff hi Dr pucker and myself I so this concludes and we exective session thank you