recording okay this is the city garden Bo of Health um meeting and the is conference room and starting at 4 meetings call to order and first item on the agenda is sign off on the minutes from April 22nd 202 [Music] [Music] I wasn't okay I wasn't here last time so I couldn't sign him but did you guys sign did we did we put it I think we signed and then left them for the minutes from April 22nd were approved and signed attim okay so but we don't have here the on to sign so we we had approved found they just need and then we want to riew and approve the minutes from June 17th 2024 make a motion to approve second okay um any discussion that's a lot I know this is the the minutes I was not here at this meeting um so I won sign them or on but there was a lot lot of updates lot of lot of reallying yes I'm so excited about all this stuff with the transfer station okay I have nothing no coms make a motion to approve second okay minutes are approved and sorry um can we have vote [Music] everyone please you don't have uh I do have so the next item is um General Health Department General update um there's been a lot on the past month um two main issues that we're going to discuss in a little bit more detail but um one is on the4 Ding and one is on 827 Green Street just to give you an update on what's been happening and you kind of can you guys hear us okay Sor I'm having a hard time hearing people with the air condition and I'm sorry I shouldn't I should have also welcome j i I get nervous on the camera thank you for coming um it's a maning so it's not you know a public hearing or anything but we appreciate that you're here and I I do apologize for not acknowledging excuse like I said the camera gets me I get a little camera shy but you can all come sit up here if you want um because it is hard with relaxed here so as I said um Mike is going to give us a general update as he usually does in um and then when we get to two topics that are are I think really important that we um discuss and and in share with you all time frame timeline of things that have been happening and so we can you know help to clarify um any misinformation that's been out there and at least be transparent as far as the health department goes so um when you get to either one of those topics we can stop I guess and sure you know go through the discussion save those for last okay so I will start off with our housing and nuisance uh we have 12 new Property Standards which is grass and trash um with 21 of those cases we also closed out since the last and we have a total of 20 open cases for crashing grass we have 10 new housing complaints um since the last Board of Health meeting six cases have been closed and we currently have total 17 open cases um we also had one cond condemnation due to health and building SL structural issues um the home it was vacated when it was okay so now needed to get relocated yes everyone is out it's vacant and we're just kind of waiting to see what the owner plans to do with that property for food inspections um I had an quy from the Gardner news about uh Community fridges so excellent article yes so there hasn't been anything put together as far as regulations for that yet for the city of Garder there's nothing really specific in the food code so I wanted to if there's an interested party to kind of work with them as far as setting it up setting some regulations so that we're sure it's going to be safe and well maintained easy to access and then present to the board for us to yeah present that sounded like there was the closest one has anything similar would the Worster um yes so I when I worked in Shrewsberry one was set up um but the health department didn't know until after the fact till after it was up and running um but we I do have some model from that that we could use and some other towns that looked up as far as what they're doing or what the state might recommend so so I don't know if you saw the article the community FR refri how did they turn it Community fridge I've I've just been calling Community fridges I forget what the so it would be set up instead of but there it would be under the regulations because you we had um based on someone can't just go and set something up and um you know have foods and even some of the Sues and stuff and can foods and you packaged Foods they would have to go and set it up and you know m is very willing to work with them so absolutely let's see the farmers market still ongoing no changes there uh we had the food truck festival on the 13th there was a total 22 food trucks that were permitted we inspected all of them prior to the events didn't have any issues there um since the last Board of Health meeting there were 32 uh regular food establishment inspections with three reinspection and only one complaint investigation um there were no food BN nless investigations or anything along those L since the last meeting let's see um next up would be body Arts I was we have someone who's interested in doing piercing there hasn't been anybody in town who's who's been licensed to do that for a while I know we went painstakingly painstakingly developed regulations for that did right not an internship but a there was after looking at those I think we just need to revise it a little bit to make sure it consistently says both piercing and tattoo on everything because it kind of goes back and forth between the two when it went through The Apprentice program requirements so this person just wants to do piercing he's already permitted as an apprentice tattoo artist okay um um he sent me a uh link to a course that he was planning to take for the pierc sing educational requirements and it is a course that we person who has previously appearer use that same course so we would stay in line with that and allow it and then uh if he passes the course then he could be a an apprentice piercer as well and he has in Main Street yes he would have to complete both the 1750 hours you have to complete those in each category for a full Lo license and I think we were pretty clear about what areas we here we looked for you know state regulations and there there's some things that were defined I think more for the piercing than for the tattooing and mro blading that was all sort of fuzzy there wasn't any clear standards in place but we we tried to make and I know that since we did that I was at the um fall DP MOA conference and um right after that that was two Falls ago and they were trying to develop regulations I think it was Cambridge maybe and that's where we took some of our stuff from I don't know but they might have updated ranks through M right now yeah we will take a look so because I know that was a big thing at the conferences trying to get them all yeah unified microblading there's like micro pigmentation there slightly different um so and the microing did we I'm trying to remember did we include that with the Pearson r or did we put that through cosmetology was that I thought it was on it own that I can't remember it is on it own it's slightly less in depth than a tattoo where you're still doing body next up uh just an update we're currently still in the lowrisk category for Triple E and West n virus across the state haven't been any animal cases reported so far and it looks like the number of positive mosquitoes has been fairly low um and they're mainly over um kind of nor of the Boston areas some of those and the m control project I just saw the letter that they're going to start doing the spraying in our area right yes I brought up the the uh performance standards for public health at the last meeting um one thing I've learned since then is that there's actually some educational requirements for board members so I will be sending that list out to you it's basically um kind of the foundations of Public Health and some online courses that they would like Board of Health members to take to meet those standards so will be sending those yeah before you go into the other two topics I just had a couple questions about pools testing and water testing and um and then I know Matthew stream situation um it sounded like they were all ready to get inspected or yeah that system is is in the ground and he's all set as far as good getting that um so I guess that we'll move into kind of transition to Title Five here um so GMA at 827 green streets um we were contacted about miday by engineering conf uh firm mardian Associates out lemonster uh just letting us know that the system had had had some Breakout that they were um looking at the options as far as upgrading the system um so then again and then nothing no you you didn't go out at that point no and there's been no there was no communication until June correct so why was D was involved but the board hadn't been notified or um well there wasn't any actual Title 5 inspection down or anything because it was not changing hands so weren't any notifications it was basically that um gamma has been working on trying to find a remedy for it and then we finally got notified of a complaint that it was actively working out in May you were notified by the engineering firm that they gamma hired yes right and then we didn't yeah so then there was nothing I mean in retrospect maybe you know we probably should have gone out and followed up but so how old's the system it's only three years old which is uh pretty curious as to why it failed right now I've gotten no answers as to why that is mardian Associates is looking at that right now they did chemical tests on the water uh the last update ah had they were doing uh recording the actual flows we did actual flows uh they did test on the soil uh everything that they could think of to test and I called gamma today just to get any updates and they had haven't had anything else changed since so they're still pumping every week yes so they're pumping the tap on a weekly basis uh they've been sending us the pumping records uh as soon as they get them they get them invoice once a month and then they'll send us that whole month's worth of Records so theard Associates are are they the engineer firm that designed the system or they are not so I think it was uh Whitman and Associates who designed it and when gamma went back to them to tell them that they had problems I don't know they weren't my understand they weren't able to deal with it when they hired the other I think that's commun yeah just mccardy was done involved anymore so they went out and hired this new or Whitman was they just couldn't come agreement I don't know what the details were that was went out H when you first went out there was we were notified that this was happening and on June 18th and then Michael contacted um you went out there and examined it I did went out the next day um took a look at the tanks the field I didn't see anything weaking or cooling or any signs that had been actively breaking out um and D's been involved and they they've been looking at things yep so the the complaints got sent to the as well so they reached out to me talk to the title Five Section Chief just to let him know what was going going on okay with their current plans ofing once a week uh to avoid anything actually getting out into the field that's that's where the problem is so has the problem diagnosed formally what has not in fact formally diagnosed as far as I know was it D that questioned checking you know a lot of the residents are on different medications was it them they were no um they I think that Mardi Associates had one of their thoughts was just to see if there's anything weird in the chemistry of the water like Ching any other kind of chemicals that could interfere with slow absorption system and as far as what they told me they they didn't have anything worthy so what's the time frame for getting an answer on this I seems like it would be I mean pumping it out every week is solution and do we know what the system that's been there how many occupant people that's set up for you have residents you have staff you have volunteers you have visitors you know that's could be I don't know how many come through a day there but I me I don't know what the system is set up for I I don't recall right now it's on the actual um but it is set up for they have the I think it's 11 bedrooms or 12 bedrooms plus whatever activities they have going on otherwise there I mean I know that at one point it was four to six residents but um I'm not sure eight bedro bedrooms okay because that's that's you know when you add up all the people that might be using that system I yeah we should do they have any kind of timeline that they're want they're on this they do not Title Five says they have up to two years to fix the system unless the Board of Health decides that it needs to be done Sim so do you feel with the we we pumping that there's a there's a tight Tak in place at this point or it's just being that's basically what they're doing is tight tanking um and it's come the cost to them is they're going to want to get this fix as soon as possible as well well before there's a sale they would have to go and have it past Title Five yes and that wouldn't happen at this point it would not so EPA has been notified not D but EPA uh no and do we know is I mean I know we're close the board is close to a water um project water control so how is there anything that could be leaking in or what's the buffer zone that so yeah so there was a form1 done for the system that was in there now and that identifies if it's in any Wetlands or um Drinking Water Supplies anything like that and it's it's very close the field is located is right outside of the uh setmax and what about their well they're doing uh they haven't had any issues it was the water was tested when they put the well in um that's our only requirement um so there hasn't been anything else as far as they well they M EP did ask about their the number of people that could be using well because if it's 25 over it becomes a public water supply um so they GPA has communicated to them and me that they are at 24 people so I did let M EP know and I haven't heard any any response or any feedback from that right now so at this point have we issued any orders or anything to the property to fix it I was waiting till this meeting to see if the board wanted to decide on a more constrictive timeline and then once that's decided I will have the letter drafted up and ready to send that the system is meeting uh shows a criteria for failure and needs to be corrected for title five within two years or what establish yes I mean it's been going on so technically you were notifi M um but we didn't actually go out there until June middle of June how long had they said it had been they had been pumping it I've been getting pumping record starting in I believe like February really pumping sorry but I didn't realize that long um I think we can discuss it but so I don't know when it actually coincides with the problem happening but that's when I'm starting to get uh ping records do they have two years from the point of February or do they have two years from now they have uh two years from now or until when it was identified so and and what is the extent of D's involvement with this for right now they're just monitoring the situation to see what happens um they they're they're more curious about what might potentially happen to the property afterwards and then they're also looking into things like the agricultural uses I mean I just don't see why it should take any extended period of time to at least diagnose what's going on over there you know it's hard for us to make a timely decision we don't really know what the problem is like we want to be unreasonable in correcting it but but I think it's a a significant but since February February March April May June July that's six months already they been home weekly um without any yeah I don't know how long the new engineering firm's been involved but I I'm planning on I should be getting an update from them soon since I talked to earlier could they diagnos it by our next meeting and then we can set a time next meeting for something sooner than two years yeah so I can I can issue the letter now just stating that um the title five regulations and then if the board decides to put in a a shorter timeline is how I would keep it but I do want to send that off in order to correct as I can so yeah I mean we i' like it made clear that we'd like a correct as soon as possible um if there's an engineering issue or something that their engineer would like to present to the board they could always get on the agenda for the next meeting absolutely do we want to make a motion to vote on that or do we need to or trying to think um I mean it shouldn't well I mean you certainly have the authority to write a letter for I mean we're all if you want to put put it to a vote we as you can but I don't think it's can we also identify from them what system is in there at what capacity it's supposed to yeah I I have that information I can okay yeah [Music] um Susan I think yeah um I'd like to speak for a minute on this uh issue the okay first of all um it's a meeting so it's not a hearing but we will I will let you um speak if you just state your name and keep it for two minutes sure okay Paul De Mayo N9 Willis wrot um the system that is in there now um that was installed in 2021 is illegal the reason why is it's illegal because the Conservation Commission ordered conditions was never filed with the registry of deeds that term that it had to be filed ran out this past February meaning that the order of conditions is now now in the void so um they went ahead put in the system put in the well they did it illegally um and it's it's all on record and you asked if the EPA has been notified yes they have so the conservation system do you know why would they be the ones to determine that was that because they had to have um special consideration because of close to the water well um see here here's the thing um that whole property is right within Garden's aquifer gard's water protection Zone completely within that property also borders pearly Brook which is gardeners drinking water um this is a very very serious very very serious issue and um I've been on top of this I spent countless hours on this because I care about our community um and and we are an environmental justice community and um we need to W look out for the health and well-being of our citizens there was a case um with suffix Downs in which suffix Downs polluted Boston har and they were fined by the EPA millions of dollars we don't want to see that happen in G thank you right now they're pumping so hopefully don't want to just allow they're pumping but nobody was notified right there also were other issues that had come up in fact Mr Deo had brought them up about having horses on that property and being the the um buffer zone to the water shed not being in compliance which I had never heard anything about that before and so I did print out some information you know you guys can have a copy of that about I mean it's a whole bigger issue than what we're going to be addressing because that should be through conservation and have you been in touch with conation or uh I don't know if there I don't even know if we still have the same agent right right um because I think we should let them know I mean hopefully things are going off that way um but there's a lot of information in there about fores and I I had no idea I never had come up before you know anything in public health that I've been dealing with um but hopefully um that would go that an issue is going through conservation with that um so um that's that yep so the uh the agricultural use none of that really falls under any regulations that the health department I mean not been something auth for the other thing that had come up with this I know that you know we there was some misinformation or misunderstands about people requests in time five that everybody that requests what sounds like um CU we've been talking about you know whenever the accusations came out that um some of what was being requested wasn't really clear but everybody who requested information on Title 5 for this property received everything correct correct okay um and the other note I had um one not I'll out there is that um you were told by one of the requesters that title 5es exemp from public records right it is it is not yeah so I I asked that question to attorney F and got any response I just wanted to be transparent and make sure everybody was clear that there's no cover up going on or anything with that as far as um at the Board of Health with what was happening I mean I actually I'm pretty surprised that it's been the pumping has been going since February I will let you speak for a minute two minutes most pleas this is this is just a the water man oh I'm sorry I'm de Aly under the water management act um each Community must and this is a must have a wi resource this is management plan that incorporates conservation standard standards based on guidelines of the mass Water Resource Commission so I'd like to see um a copy of that what their plan is you can request that would be from this for I mean that's the thing you know like I I I personally believe in process and I believe that you know what health board can do is under a c is a certain jurisdiction and hopefully you know we can address the things that affect in the public health with the septic the water system um but some of this also falls over into conservation and you know that would that probably is a request that you want to put through with conservation I just shortly want to say that one of the documents that I got was for Pur test and came out with no pass of veil at all they found um the ground could not be saturated and that um the water level was only 3 and 1/2 ft down from the surface which makes a Le field you can't do that I mean there there is no pass or fail with a per test it's just a recording of how fast the water percolates through the soil there are bit dug to look for signs of the high water table um so that's where it was measured as we know no pass fail to that so that's why they have out there uh the system is mounted up um and that is to increase that elevation from the water table and so they had the title five when they purchased the property the issue now is it's not working their system is not working and we need to address that with the letter yeah I mean the system as designed should have worked correct should have worked so there's obviously a problem here that should be able to be diagnosed and I I don't see why it should go on for you know the rest of the year yeah right in here for sure about horsekeeping it says there you can get free assistance in planning and implementing the best management practices described in this first sure contact your local n resources conservative service or the UMass Cooperative Extension Service and they want to make a difference in Water Resource protection for the Commonwealth of massachusett so that may be a no cost to get an outside person come in from for the water piece yeah assessed and everything but as far as the planning ahead you know it's like whose jurisdiction is this you know we as a board of health don't do all of that but we can have oversight and making sure it's safe and and maybe calling right clearly it does affect the Watershed so that's part of you know we come in with that so I agree um and I I think that needs to be fixed um sooner so would definitely support you know getting a letter out um the other the other thing that I'm still unclear as to what what you said you know capacity of the system you know did it is it overflow did it get overflow but I mean you can still every week um um it's it's really hard to say like without them getting in there and starting to possibly even have to like dig up pipes could be could be anything at this but if they've had two firms since February working um basically just the one firm the original firm did not help her or do anything along those lines so I will check in with the new firm as far as where they're at in the process okay so Whitman did the original design and they've basically not been involved since then was the corre um since I've already let you I'll let you speak but please keep it it's going to be real quick just so I'm confused on I'm sorry who does what is it safe to say that the Board of Health on the human level I know regardless of input and output to know what I mean um no matter where it's located and versus the concom being maybe they're involved because of the location if that made any sense I'm kind of confused as to the separations for for the working together Health public health so obviously you know septic water I mean we are concerned about the health and the public health you know not just for the individual um property and residence there but how it affects the whole community and the whole environment you know all all around um so that is where our jurisdiction falls into um and if there's any violation or anything that's affecting that um you know it may be a a joint effort you know I mean in in at the same time you know conservation has some interest in this too because of how the we you know if it's close to a water I mean any building that is close to a watershed protected water shed area or um Wetlands I mean they come into jurisdiction so I think it's probably both I mean so there's no um our regulation that we're looking at here is strictly Title Five that's the only one that had we have any Authority Under nothing with the water so not as far as I'm aware so that's why I've I've just been updating uh D and just waiting to hear if they have anything else any instructions as far as as the Board of Health part goes um and then I don't really know we can definitely into making sure this is the first time I have heard of the order of conditions from confirmation conditions so I want to look that up and see what happened there uh and then just keep open communication with d as far as timeline and um system design all that kind of stuff were there any unique conditions that you can recall in that order that particular to that property or I don't recall um you know it is all um City Watershed I don't recall the specifics um I looked at the uh time frame and um just the fact that um they didn't do what they should have done and nobody followed up on that fact so conservation had conditions on the septic or just on the um yes on on the um installation of the um septic system on that property because it is watershed and nothing's on our records on that I have everything on one file I don't have everything has been sent out in the requests so that's that's everything that I have I will I will tell you this though that um the order of conditions the time in which they could uh record it um ran out in February okay they since recorded those order conditions on the last week in June but it's now in void um it says within the order of conditions that you get it you give it to the board it specifically says until such time as the order of conditions is recorded with the register SC Deeds no work can commence on the system for sure Jean I know you wanted to say something just really quick um there is a document that the city has the um open space Recreation plan okay which is now under uh draft I think the original one was 20 19 maybe and now it's in draft but in the appendix there is a map number nine and that highlights the protected aquifer area in Garder which is mostly it's all North Garder and it's all outlined and the entire RAC trck or Stables gamma is right in the middle of that Acer protection area so that's all documented we've done regulations and all the ways to protect it and then we have this situation where smack in the middle of our precious resource so it is available online I mean when they when they made the sale back in a few years ago they that should have all been addressed and you know clarified with the which was the title five that came through probably have come conservation I'm assuming or thinking I want assume but I'm thinking maybe that's why conservation got involved because of the open space document maybe because to protect that a for area um I can look up all of those buffers andas on a map I'll make one up and I'll send it to each of you so you take a look at what she is talking about thank you what sure um I noticed that the Board of Health of course is responsible for checking their eating areas making sure everything is culture well what about them not having the water to take showers and the um toilets all baging out I'm not aware that they aren't able to take showers the toilets are backing up if they're pumping it every week this is from employee there we can certainly look at that we have not been anything nobody cares they're afraid to yep so when's the last time maybe you can make a visit yep make a visit any other discussion or questions about this we be working together with the conservation like they're missing at the table we don't have I don't believe so yeah we don't have a conservation agent they left I think two months or a month ago is that what you were talking about that it's kind of dissolved or something no the agent the agent left the last week in June um con Conservation Commission is meeting tonight in this room at 6:30 so we do have a commission there yes agent so I mean it should be brought up to them are you all stay I I I'll be there tonight most of us St yeah I mean it's something that and maybe you officially can notify them sure that this is what's been happening and you know something that you know once you look at the other buff zones and inform and then if you're going to be here tonight so okay any other questions are you all good with questions and stuff I just you know I said it wasn't a hearing but I wanted to make sure that you know I know you all have concerns I definitely wanted to make sure that you know Mike and I have been talking and we wanted to make sure everything was clear and transparent and questions as far as we know this is what's happening so so I know we have another topic here I'm certainly sure concerns about water and I want you to feel that we're not being heard because I certainly want to thank you thank you very much you're welcome okay moving on moving on another fun subject so at the landfill transer station let's go down this here we did have hous have this RTE collection day on Saturday we had 64 Vehicles come in um I was not able to get a cost analysis slash fee comparison as far as our curent fee schedule I'm still working on that uh it's just hard because every town breaks it down differently too my daughter was in lemonster and I saw how theirs was and it was bit different yeah it's kind of a can of worms uh and then another update is that there's been a little bit of looking into the feasibility of adding solar panels to the actual Hill of the landfill um but that's just in a very kind of preliminary stages as far as I know um and then the update on the dioxine there I did get 14 diox yes 14 dioxine I got on the Mass DP um because it's the first time this has been detected um there really not a lot of data to go with as far as potential sources or causes so what they normally do is look at it along a 3 to five year cycle and see if they can once they have more expanded data set they can see if they can find any Trends anything else along those Lin so I I just have a question on that I mean it's obviously very concerning um is it a matter I mean it's being brought to our attention now has it always been tested for or is it like so is it either that hasn't been tested up till now or it has been tested and there's something new in the waist stream that would be causing that so it has been tested for but the test was being done at a much higher limit um so now we're testing for which is the same as the drinking water um maximum contaminant limit which is 0.3 parts per billion I can't remember off the top of my head what we were testing for um but now that we've gone to this lower limit that seems to be why it was now detected because wherever we were at before was much higher but there is a testing history that goes back pretty far so are are the limits stable compared to what they were or are they increased from what they were um as far as like what the regulatory standards are no not the standards I'm saying what the actual readings are compared to what tests in the past have shown is it has it gone up or it's just been this is actually the first time it's been detected as far as know the first time it's been deted the limits would like a new EPA requirement to test public drinking water so that's fairly recent testing I don't know if we have any data over time for our specific community and it's interesting because I happen to have children who are very environmental um conscious and a lot of the one for diing is in a lot of the solvents the detergents the chem cleaning chemicals and stuff and you know of course then that's all in the transort station oh oh not the transport station in the the um the dump and it you know starts leaching out um actually the the soap detergent that I use now is one for dioxine free Molly Suds um you know but I'm just starting to see it more advertised about some of the chemicals that are one for dioxine free which I you know up until you mentioned it was at the last board helped me because I wasn't here and then we received some information thank you um and I just fig your coffee of some of the you know frequently asked questions about it from the state but um it is in a lot of our chemicals a lot of our cleaning products a lot of um our plas the Plastics I think industrial um solvents and things too which it could be that it's just now starting to Lee out and that's why we're s the way it was described to me is that lands well ver basically is how how he said it and occasionally um it's just kind of the the nature of having a landfill that you don't know what was put in there um way back when when it was getting filled up and um the most important thing for me to be would just be to get all the erosion control make sure everything is draining properly um and see if that has anything to do with what's going on out there and I know you met with one of the ABS I mean is is it leeching out any danger that leeching out into the land abing the landfill oh actually one of our testing sites is in Mr Russo's property to the south of lill as a pond so was a surface water uh and that is one of the locations okay okay so what is the um remedies for it at this point I mean I know the and EPA and everybody else is involved with it right now they're they're just monitoring just to see where the levels go where the changes go so right now it's just kind of a wait and see they're also we just sent them our corrective action plan as far as erosion control so they want let get that done as as possible so all the things that we're doing at the landfill right now to try to correct everything should help hopefully I would hope so yeah so erosion control I mean but from the source I guess it's it's it's a hazardous materials disposal issue like is going forward in terms of Trying to minimize what's being put into the landfills or um well since it's it's capped off um they're just but I'm just saying in general as far as this being a problem everywhere you know I mean is is there any discussion about you know yeah so I can forward you uh some of the links that I sent from the EPA M on 14 dioxine and where it's its status currently is it's an un unreportable contaminant because they haven't studied it enough to figure out what levels for like dermal exposure or ingestion or breathing I don't think any of those levels have been establish yet as far as what the danger is it's a known carcinogen um and that's that's Lev the water at 0.3 but they said it's okay to brush your teeth with it swallowing it you take a shower but should coffee out of it right and that's what we know now because as we learned you know 20 years from now but so I mean I do know like I said a lot of the cleaning chemicals a lot of the I think it was the fragrances or I'm not sure exactly what long list but yeah so is there any links we can put out there to try to educate the public about maybe looking at I mean I know I'm slowly TR I'm not not slowly I you know my new residents I got a big gift pack of all the um more toxic free cleaning items and in transition and into that is there something we can let people know to start looking at some of the things they're using because you know our environment is we're all we all have a piece of M choices that we're making and if we don't know we can definitely post what I've what I've come up with so far from the able in depth kind of went into all the different kinds of studies they're doing as far as different kinds of exposures and just whatever objective information we can put out we can definitely put that out there I know Facebook must have picked up my an algorithm on the fact that I was searching for one for dioxine because I keep getting advertisement for momy subs and you know all the other in looking at the other um detergents that's one par that's just one thing you know I mean it's all the cleaning stuff all the industrial solvents I mean and I don't know that EPA has done anything about looking at regulating industry what was the thing a couple meetings ago about the paint you can return your unused paint for some chemical I don't know if that was related to this this agent in the paint or whether that was another thing that was just a thing in general to kind of do a like a a [Music] return so at this point everything is being evaluated in your action plan so that to try to minimize I me you I don't I didn't see anything where you could clean it up from like contaminated water I mean um no um the only question for Mass D was if there were any Wells at the test sites so I take you online I looked up all the wells measured I sent that map to d as well just to show them this is how I surveyed for all Wells this is the measurements I took and nothing 500t and with templet we about kind of templet is that a concern there um not really no since it's not like a reportable contaminant or anything should we let them know or I I don't think so I don't I would just kind of refer to d as far as anything along those lines that they tell me to well but um I mean they might show up in templon could be from a completely different source so their Board of Health must be aware of the general issue anyways I'm guessing right I mean this is a problem that's kind of coming up everywhere yes um so for Gardener's sake it's a matter of containment at this point in erosion control pretty much yeah I mean that's the only only directive we have at the moment did you have any other concerns about I yeah just a quick statement about it and of course Mike is new to Garden here and everything but it's been documented that the underground water flow from the um landfill and sledge landfill Goes West so I agree um so I agree with your concern that Templeton should be notified because they have two um public water wells within a mile of um gardeners landfills so um it I think it behooves the board to just give him a head I think so it does I mean just as a I don't think it's an official responsibility in the city necessarily but I think you know to communicate on it just in the sake of the the interest of Public Health you know for both towns okay probably wouldn't be a bad idea just to I mean you must communicate with their board occasionally don't you every now and then I mean because I actually hadn't heard of the one for dioxan until and try to stay up with a lot of the um public health issues especially not just Medical but you know with environmental too and I hadn't heard of that until recently if it's something that you know they can be prepared in case it does become a problem for them and there's any kind of measures they can take to protect themselves and you know I don't know I'm not familiar with the the distances and the flows and everything involved so I don't know you know what the danger is to them but if that is the case and it's potentially a problem they should be aware of it to be able to take any precautions they would need to I guess so just so everything is ongoing and with that yes it is okay all righty any other items on the let me just go down oh uh the last thing I had on here was just to I think you were interested in the drinking water report oh yes yes um so 14 ACC is a chemical that's tested for in the drinking water testing it was not detected um it seems like the biggest only contaminant that was out of limit was Maines um so I didn't see any other glaring issues in the water I know the last report I mentioned ear at the last or two two meetings ago that the um they did put a nice little thing in about P so at least um they're you know aware of it and bringing it up and trying to mention it and educate people about it so I think that's good um forward and again there's so many things that have PKS in it that I mean as consumers you know we have to all kind of Take A Part in that um it's hard because we're so used to but like I said I have one family my with my grandson and you know it's like nope nope you know any potential risk is it's amazing the things that haveen and we just don't know unless you start looking at it okay any other no more business no more business that's set next meeting what's the 19th look like for everybody I could do the 19th I could do either of those last two mon I we I can do the 19th or the week after better do the 19th um say that's not yeah either one works for me so how about [Applause] okay meeting ised at 536m oh sorry I am so sorry thank you all for your input and for coming than for letting us ask big questions appreciate I always appreciate seeing Board of Health CL onook I just wish it didn't always contradict like maybe the city hall holiday trash I apprciate all I I know recycle day and thing that just happened come on no this Saturday just have oh have was yes things like that at the res app yeah I think the more we can get clears out [Music] there we have to get the people have to be concerned with [Music]