##VIDEO ID:PFUnXHgzIRw## the Monday December 16th 2024 regular meeting of the gardener city council will come to order the clerk will please call the RO Council Brooks pres Council Craig cor president councel General lawitz president councel harder president councel heglin president councelor Heath president councel Matt president Council tone pres Council Tio MOS pres Council tyros pres and president kinus pres please rise to recite the opening prayer and say the Pledge of Allegiance almighty God we thank thee for bringing us together this evening Inspire us tothy deeds and sound decisions and direct us toward the attainment of good city government we pray the to bless and protect all the people of our city and to so guide and Inspire us that we may delate in unity and Harmony amen I Al to the flag of the United States of America and to theic for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all announcement of open meeting recordings any person may make a video or audio recording of an open session of the meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium subject to reasonable requirements of the chair as to the number placement and operation of equipment used so as not to interfere with the conduct of the meeting any person with the any person intending to make such recording shall notify the chair forth with all documents and Exhibits used or reference at the meeting must be submitted in duplicate to the chair as they become part of the meeting minutes pursuant to General Law chapter 38 subsection 20 is anyone here recording tonight's meeting okay we'll begin with the reading and approval of the September 16th 2024 regular meeting minutes September 19th 2024 special meeting minutes and October 7th 2024 regular meeting minutes is there a motion Council generals make a motion to wave the reading of the minutes and accept them as presented second motion made by councelor General seced by councelor to to wave the reading of the minutes and accept them as presented is there a discussion on the motion all those in favor say I I those oppos say no motion passes there are no public hearings at this time I'm going to take out of order item number 11 1447 it's on page three of our Council agenda under appointments committee item 11 1447 a measure confirming the mayor's appointment of Robert moika to the to the position of police officer permanent report from the appointments committee councelor tyros thank you madam president the committee met earlier this evening with the mayor Chief mine and the appointee uh the mayor and chief reported that officer moika has nearly completed his field training uh that the field training officer reported favorably of great performance and the mayor reported that officer moika will be a great asset to the force the committee voted unly to recommend therefore I move the uh the to confirm the mayor's appointment second motion made by councelor Tyro seconded by councelor councelor Heath to confirm the mayor's appointment is there a discussion on the motion all those in favor say I I I those oppos say no the motion passes at this time we will take a brief recess of the meeting to swear and the officer who has been appointed here this evening we will reconvene after the swearing it is completed and call the meeting back to order at that time have you raise your right hand and repeat after me I state your name I do me swear do you me swear that I will bear truth that I bear truth faith and Allegiance faith and allegiance to the United States of America the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and will support the Constitution and will support the Constitution and the laws there congratulations [Applause] con e call meting back to Communications from the mayor from the mayor orders item 1147 I'm sorry item 11450 an order appropriating $800,000 from sewer retained earnings Surplus to sewer leate pump station improvements report from the finance committee councelor Mac thank you madam president the transfer of the 800,000 is from the available sewer retaining earnings for improvements to the Sewer Le Pump Station the improvements are needed to perform necessary repairs to handle the flow from the Sledge landfill to the sanitary landfill on West Street the project is currently out to bids for construction to start start in late spring the finance committee was in favor and I make a motion to move the order second motion made by councelor Mack seconded by counselor darwitz to adopt the order is there a discussion on the motion this item and the next item require a roll call vote and 2/3 vote which is eight votes to pass the clerk will please call the role councelor Brooks yes councelor Craig Kier yes councel General lawitz yes councelor harder yes councelor heglin yes councelor Heath yes counc mat yes counc tone yes counc Tio Munos yes coun tyros yes and president yes 11 11 y the motion passes item 1145 one an order appropriating $150,000 from water retained earning Surplus to water repairs to Main's account report from the finance committee councelor Mac thank you madam president the order for the $150,000 is from the available water surplus funds to create a valve exercising line item to make improvements to the city water City's water system this is to implement a valve exercising program the water department will be testing the city's 1,000 water valves to properly repair and replace them in a timely manner to ensure the proper water flow this is a multi-year project and this is only the first phase that in this amount will not cover the complete cost but it is a much-needed maintenance project to prevent breakage in the F future as we have some water valves that are well over a 100 years old that need attention and this is a proactive approach um to prevent future breakage issues the Comm finance committee was in favor and I make a motion to move the order second motion made by councelor Max seconded by councelor General to adopt the order is there a discussion on a motion the clerk will please call the role Council Brooks yes councel Kier yes councel dwit yes councelor harder yes councelor heglin yes councelor Heath yes counc math yes councel ton yes counc yes counc Tyrus yes and president yes 11 y the motion passes Communications item 1145 five notice of appointment of Vincent puser to the position of city solicitor for term expiring January 7th 2026 Council retiros thank you madam president I moved to place this communication on file and that a letter be sent to attorney flick to thank him for as many years of service to the city of Gardner as City solicit second motion made by councelor Tyro seconded by councelor jnz to place the item on file and send a letter of thank you to attorney John flick for his years of service as city solicor with the city of Governor is there a discussion on the motion all those in favor say I I those oppos say no motion passes item 11456 notice of appointment of Rachel J Roberts to the position of executive secretary for term expiring January 1st 2026 councelor tyos thank you madam president I thank the mayor for this letter and move to place this communication on file second motion made by councelor tyros seconded by councelor Heath to place the communication on to place the notice on file is there discussion on the motion all those in favor say I I I those oppos say no the motion passes petitions applications Communications Etc item 11452 application for motor vehicle dealers licenses Class 2 Gardener festar Auto Sales 407 Chestnut Street councelor cor mayor thank you madam president uh the Public Safety Committee just met on this item uh it's a business longstanding business and good standing with the city uh therefore we unanimously in favor and I recommend and move to approve the application motion made by councel forier seconded by counselor Harden to approve the application is there a discussion on the motion all those in favor say I I those oppos say no the motion passes item 11 1453 fire department update with fire chief Greg lagoy finance committee councelor Journal Al make a motion to place the update on file second motion made by councelor Journal out seconded by counselor tone to place the update on file is there discussion on the motion councelor Journal lawitz Madam president uh fire chief L had a presentation about the overtime budget at the fire department up to um through the beginning of December our our packet contains those overtime expenditures uh by Year back to 2020 for both the fire budget and the ambulance budget um while not Aline with previous years FY 2025 budget was uh formulated um when it was beli there was going to be full Staffing um due to a number of um things that have happened uh resignations military duty uh start times that the fire academy has resulted in a higher than anticipated amount in the vacation um budget um for the overtime um this the chief did say that line item that line would be near zero if the fire department was fully staffed um call volume was also up and we had the unusually dry fall season where um we had init um additional brush fires he the chief said normally there are Zero Brush fires during that um that time of year um reality the situation is the fire department will be coming back to the council at some point to request free cash to supplement their overtime budget um finance committee was grateful uh to both the chief and the mayor for coming forward keeping us informed uh so we can make educated um decisions going forward with the current free cash we have um and um I did get some um ask the chief for further information and the breakdown in those even those line items was very similar to to past years so that was the update from from the chief that I thought everyone should be um aware of in further detail thank you thank you counselor for the discussion all those in favor say I iOS say no motion passes item 11 1454 report on the investigation of the macki park project at this time I am calling on counselor George tyros to present the findings and recommendations from the report councelor tyros thank you madam president the key issues and events that were examined include the following the design of the park changed from initial concept to bid award the conceptual layout created by tyan Bond and presented to the city council in June of 2022 showed three teres with individual ramp accesses to each level the mayor's letter supporting the project cited quote the teres would correct grading issues bring the slopes to a level that is compliant with Ada standards and allow us to utilize the area in a productive manner however in May of 2023 the bid set drawings utilized during the public bidding process for the project clearly showed ramp entrances to the bottom and top Terraces with stairs connecting each to the middle the second key finding was that the Department of Community Development and planning did not apply for or obtain a building permit for Mackie Park prior to its completion this issue was confirmed by both the Building Commissioner and director of Community Development and planning in the notice of violation by The Building Commissioner he stated quote Magie Park does not meet the accessibility requirements as outlined in section 19 of 529 CMR Massachusetts accessibility code as the middle tier of the park is not accessible to persons with disabilities the errors around this project give us an opportunity to make corrections to prevent this sort of thing from happening again this was far from the largest project the city had going on and is actually on the smaller end of what we typically deal with however this review has generated necessary steps to improve internal policies processes and oversight for the betterment of local government efficiency there are 30 departments that compromise the city's Administration each needs to be able to stand on its own and have strong internal policies stacked as guard rails because realistically there's only so much the city council can do on a day-to-day basis to be those guard rails for example in this case the Building Commissioner in a span of a few hours was able to articulate the issues and violations with this project the trouble is the Building Commissioner wasn't brought into the project until complaints were made by the public after its completion this happened in this order because despite there being a requirement to do so the Department of Community Development and planning did not apply for a building permit for this project the director informed me that his Department had never applied for a building permit for any project they had done of a similar scope this appears to have been a long-standing practice in his department since before this Administration this approach to internal policies is what I see as the first Domino however poor communication and clear directives are just as much to blame this project was seemingly assigned I'll be it Loosely to at least four different individual ual in the Department of Community planning through different times and through critical Milestones compounded by the high turnover rate of Staff in this department every time there was a handoff made sometimes of which were unclear there were delays delays led to cost increases and the potential for things to be missed for example there were numerous examples of members of the department reaching out to members of other City departments for things like account numbers engineering drawings funding amounts and even email addresses and contact information of the contract contor who won the bid all of this information should have been known documented and organized within the Department's files in another instance the member of the department responsible for the project inquired with the engineering firm where Mackie Park site was located let that sink in nearly 2 years after the council appropriated funds for this project the department was asking outside Engineers for the specific location of the project which is visible from this building in general it seemed like there was not a lot of policies or standard operating procedures guiding this project I make these points to drive home that while I think the question I set out to answer is relatively simple I also think that there's more that needs to be done in making sure the department is functioning properly because it is so important to our city objectives and because it is Conduit through which much state and federal funds throw flow and those funds have been and will continue to be essential for improvement furthermore as the council has seen earlier this year through our review of the community block grant program which this department administers those issues are still not entirely corrected and did make an impact on this project it should also not be the expectation that the mayor micromanage this project or this department as I said already every city department needs to be able to stand on its own which is why after the entirety of this review I've just undertaken as well as my experience as the council's representative on the cdbg steering committee for the past two years I offering some suggestions for us to consider that I help form structure that will help enforce proper oversight without being overbearing and to help to make sure the department can function one last point before I go into my recommendations overall I think this investigation went smoothly but as you can probably tell by reading this report there were varying levels of cooperation and resistance but one point I want to make sure is clear the mayor was very cooperative and stepped in where necessary to support my work my first recommendation is the creation of an economic development sub committee the council should consider establishing a new subcommittee to cover Economic Development it would also allow the committee more focused attention on the topic and the department enabling better and stronger Council oversight we've had success with this in the past with the creation of the appointments committee at the suggestion of president kusus to clear the backlog of expired and vacant appointments and enable the council to adequately review and process nominees I think it should be considered adding a non- voting representative with the disability commission to the committee for their added perspective the second is progress reports the council should stipulate as a condition when large Appropriations like this are made that regular and thorough progress reports are made until the project or goal is accomplished this should be done on a case-by casee basis and subject to varied circumstances that come before us this would have been certainly uh sorry this would have certainly enabled the council and the mayor to spot the issue with this project much earlier and I think in all like Hood would have saved the city money it would also give us the opportunity to be proactive rather than reactive the third is subcommittee oversight in general subcommittees should be more proactive in seeking reports from departments under their jurisdiction regular opportunities should be created for subcommittees to receive updates from departments and subcommittee should be encouraged to provide oversight and feedback when necessary I think we've seen this begin with finance committee and we should continue to see it finally is a new ordinance proposal that earlier today I submitted to the city clerk a proposal for the finance committee to review that proposal is that this Community Development Block Grant steering committee shall meet monthly and I would suggest for a period of 18 months I've tried working both the department and the mayor on informally implementing monthly meetings for greater focus and attention to the program after significant audit findings from the state showed significant mismanagement earlier this year however I believe a more formal approach to over it may be needed in this case this is an example of how we can provide objective oversight through targeted legislation in closing I would like to thank the council president for assigning me to this investigation thank you thank you councelor tyros is there a motion on the item Council tyros thank you m president I've completed my investigation and reported my findings for the purpose of further study and review after discussion I move to refer my report to the finance committee second motion made by councelor Tyro second by councelor J lawitz to refer the macki project report to the finance committee is there a discussion on the motion all those in favor say I iOS say no the motion passes reports of standing committees Safety Committee item 11 1444 applications for motor vehicle dealers licenses class one a Salvador Chevrolet 442 West Broadway B Salvador Chrysler Dodge deep Ram 442 West Broadway report from the Safety Committee councelor Cormier uh thank you madam president uh this business has been longstanding it's in good standing with both the police department and the uh City Hall uh therefore unanimously in favor and I uh recommend approval of the application second motion made by councelor Cormier seconded by councelor Harden to uh to uh approve the application is there a discussion on the motion all those in favor say I I I those oppos say no motion passes item 11 1445 applications for motor vehicle dealers licenses Class 2 a AC Auto Clinic 411 Parker Street B Brian's Auto Sales 549 West Broadway C Blake Motors 412 Main Street D Garder Automart Incorporated 182 West Street e Gardener Motors LLC 119 Pearson Boulevard f j PJ Automotive LLC 78 East Broadway G Mike's Auto 251 East Broadway H osagi enterprise LLC 43 Toby Street I RX radiator repair used car sales 800 West Broadway J Riverside Auto 65 Riverside Road K Salvador Chevrolet 421 West Broadway L Sal Salvador Chevrolet 249 Tiffany Boulevard m jwood Incorporated 361 West Street Safety Committee counselor cor uh yes all in good standing and we unanimously move to approve these applications second motion made by councelor Cormier seconded by councelor Harden to approve the applications is there a discussion on the motion all those in favor say I I those opposed say no motion passes item 11 1446 applications for motor vehicle dealers licenses class 3 a osagi enterprise LLC used auto part sales 43 Toby Street B Riverside Auto 65 Riverside Road councelor cor mayor thank you madam president uh again both are in good standing and we unanimously recommend approval motion made by councelor Cormier second by councelor Harden to approve the applications is there a discussion on the motion all those in favor say I I iOS say no motion passes appointments committee we entertained item 11 1447 earlier this evening taking it out of order at the beginning of the meetings Committee of the whole item 11 1289 an ordinance to amend the code of the city of Gardner part one thereof entitled administrative legislation councelor General lawitz thank you madam president I make a motion to send the ordinance to Second and final printing second motion made by councelor General second by councelor tyros to send the item to Second and final printing is there a discussion on the motion councelor Brooks uh thank you Madame President and leading up to a motion uh my intention tonight is to propose three different motions that would lessen the possibility for Mischief in city government and by that I mean the ability of some future mayor using the flexibility in Board of commission size or in temporary appointments to avoid having to go through city council to get the action they want these Pro proposals provide guard rails for future mayoral action and protect city council prerogative the first motion would be an amendment to set the size of the various boards and commissions to a fixed number rather than to a range a future mayor would not be able to stack a board by increasing its size and adding members lyed to their views conversely a mayor would not be able to shrink a board by not filling seats in an effort to main control of that board the fixed number in the first motion aligned with current board sizes with one exception and that would be the youth commission the ordinance currently authorizes a size of up to seven not knowing how many are currently serving or how active the commission is I set the number to five but if councilors prefer a different fixed number I am opening to open to adjusting the proposal so my first motion is to amend item number 11289 administrative legislation in order to set the size of the various boards and commissions to a fixed number as follows and I won't read all the details but I'll briefly go through them the board of assessors to three assessors airport commission seven members Board of Health three members Cemetery Commission three members Council on Aging seven members disability commission seven members golf commission five members historical commission seven members Municipal grounds six members of which one shall be the director of Public Works planning board five members youth commission five members thank you motion to amend is there a second second is there discussion on the motion to amend councelor tunos thank you madam president pursuant to the city council rule 8 I request uh brief recess to review these newly offered amendments pursuing to rule eight the council will be granted the recess we will take a 10-minute recess for the council to review the Motions for the public watching uh these have been provided in writing to each member on their desk and the recess will be the sole purpose for each member of the council to read the Motions at the end of the 10 minute recess uh we will reconvene e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e call back to order we will continue with discussion on the motion to amend councel hgin thank you madam president and through you to the council um and I appreciate the the recess and time to book these over um appreciate I um you know my colleagues work on these uh and then the time and thought that went into them on Motion One the um ranges versus set numbers for committee uh and commissions and Boards you know I spoke at our last meeting with um you know the opposition that this doesn't necessarily fix I think the concern um whereas even with set numbers in the current system should a mayor be elected again in and an appointment or you know position be 3 years they could simply let that spot become vacant and then fill those as they want and see fit um so I won't get too much into that again however I do think I want to note that um you know one of my concerns to is at this stage in the game where this has been before us for some time this was before the finance committee for some time um and we're on our way to Second and final printing potentially is making substantial changes um you know a sort of late hour I think where we had such time to consider this um it's something I would have liked to have maybe seen a while ago had it um you know come up with more time to think of it um and I and I worry about going Beyond just technical changes at this point um not that we don't have that ability to uh however in in my opinion that's what this sort of time is best reserved for crossing our our teas and dotting our eyes um and this would be a big I think a change and adjustment if it's not a simple thing um whether we have to accept this as it is or if we end up debating board and commission by board and commission what we want this to look like to set some sort of standard that is agreed on by the whole Council so I worry that it's it's sort of a solution in search of a problem um that if it ever actually arises I do think we have a strong and well-run appointments committee that can I think handle a lot of these things uh and so on this motion I will I think be respectfully opposing it thank you thank you counselor further discussion councelor Mac um thank you madam president um currently at the appointments committee this evening there were uh five uh commissions and boards that had resignations so I think by setting specific amounts we're going to be limiting some of our commissions in boards by doing the work that they need to do um by setting set amounts um uh I will say that um and I looked it up during our recess that um the disability commission by state statute has to have uh five members by state law and we have it as seven here um and they have to be staggered to one two and threee terms but no more than 13 um is what it says on the um on the State website um but currently there are many V vacancies on boards besides the five this evening um and as I said we're not allowing people to do the business that they need I think we're going to be um you know putting ourselves in the corner and if I recall when I was part of the appointments committee and the uh chair can correct me if I'm wrong in January of this year I believe we had over 60 vacancies and appointments that were brought to us and that took a long time for those people to be vetted um and voted on and for the mayor to find qualify people and to bring them to the appointments committee and to be approved by the city council it is a it is a process um and uh I as I said other than you know three boards that I think are you know zoning board planning and conservation um are the ones that probably should have a set amount and um to make sure they have an appropriate quum to meet um the other ones I I don't think it's necessary to have a set number um other than the ones that are gu are dictated by state law so as written I will not be supporting this motion thank you thank you counselor further discussion on the amended motion a motion to amend councelor tyros thank you madam president I will also not be supporting this amendment for two reasons the first is that this amendment would revert back to the status quo and the status quo today is that the mayor can stack or Shrink uh commissions and Boards if he or she chooses um as the previous counselors have mentioned um the second is I support flexibility uh I also as an example see an issue with three member boards and commissions lacking agency to have differ opinions and and express them and debate them and serve the city in their best so I I like the flexibility boards and commissions have I think this will be a good thing for the city and I'll be supporting the legislation as it stands thank you thank you counselor further discussion Council generals thank you madam president uh this is something thatly as on the finance committee we've gone through this for some time back to may I think whatever it was um and the the range was something that had concerned me as well um appreciate Calin Brooks um Council Brooks bringing this uh to us um but in fully you thinking it through nothing can completely stop any executive from um tampering or tinkering with the the commissions and the reality is it's the prerogative of the executive to set those boards um and for the council to approve um the the nominees if um if we so see so fit um I think the council has as mentioned done a good job of creating the appointments committee with Council tyos um in overseeing the appointments so there is a check there in place um the council needs to be attentive and I'm not sure um if adding more and more um restrictions to it is going to make it um any less likely um some some other executive has takes nefarious action uh so at this time I um I also will not be in support of of the motion but um I do appreciate the the hard work our Council reports put into um putting this together thank you thank you Council further discussion councelor he thank you madam president um first I want to say thank you um Council Brooks for um presenting this um gave me a different way to look at it um I think his concern was more about the temporary appointments am I correct is that more of what you were concerned about that's a question but uh give me a second um I won't be supporting this the um reason why I won't be supporting the um the motion is because I I do believe well the other councilors went ahead and they touched on so I won't go ahead and repeat what they said but I I strongly agree with what we already have put in front of us but this amendment here I do like motion number two on there as far as no temporary appointment shall succeed himself as a we're just on promotion one right now yes I'm sorry but um so yeah I won't be supporting this all right but I think it's I just think his concern was more about temporary appointments thank you thank you councelor further discussion any further discussion on motion to amend okay um I'm going to go ahead unless there's an objection and do a roll call vote on the motion to amend the clerk will please call a roll councelor Brooks yes councelor Craig Cormier no councelor DARS no councel harder no councelor peglin no councel Heath no c m no coun T yes counil MOS no counc tyros no president kazin no two y n NOS the mo the amended motion does not pass back to the original motion is there a discussion on the original motion councel T councel Brooks uh thank you Madame President uh I have a a second motion as uh I believe councilors have noticed uh the second motion is designed to prevent a person from receiving consecutive temporary appointments to the same position there by avoiding city council confirmation for an extended period temporary appointments are meant to get the city from here to there not to be a long-term solution so my motion is to amend item number 11289 administrative legislation section 30 chapter 3 Personnel appointments and employment section 4 temporary appointments by adding the following sentence to the end of the section no temporary appointee shall succeed thems as a temporary appointee thank you counselor a second motion made by councelor book seconded by councelor Tone to amend the motion uh as is written uh and we have that in front of us again this will be part of the record of the meeting it'll be in the minutes of the meeting but as the counselor said um a motion to amend no temporary Point shall succeed thems as a temporary appointee is there a discussion on the motion to amend councel Brooks may I just add that that that sentence is is currently in the ordinance and was taken out of the uh revision that was presented to us thank you and I just think it's it's an important concept temporary is meant to be temporary thank you thank you further discussion on the motion to amend Council tyros thank you madam president just a question that comes to me when I think about because again really invting this uh changes and searching for flexibility uh and reviewing the legislation counselor um question for councelor Brooks through the chair um the scenario that comes to my mind is this language would not make an impactful difference if say the mayor temporarily appointed the secretary or her secretary for a day and then reappointed the temporary appointment that previously was the temporary appointment now it's getting confusing to thato appointment as a temporary appointment again I only ask this question because as the chair for the appointments committee for the past two years uh I have not seen this situation occur where we've had a temporary appointment succeed themselves as a temporary Appo appointee and again if there's a situation where an individual needs some flexibility maybe some more time to decide if it works for their family work life balance to be able to serve the city often times in a voluntary capacity uh with not all these boards meeting monthly and sometimes ad hoc uh they might not get a chance to attend a border commission meeting uh in their time as a temporary appointee so I I look for flexibility in these changes and that's where I'm coming from thank you thank you councel further discussion further discussion on the motion to amend okay we unless there is any objection we will do a roll call vote on this motion as well the clerk will please call a rooll council Brooks yes Council Craig cor yes Council Lo no Council harder no council heglin no council Heath yes Council math no council tone yes Council t m yes Council tyros no and president kazus no five a six NOS the motion doesn't pass back to disc discussion on the original motion Is there further discussion on the original motion counc books thank you and this is the third and last time uh my third motion merely requires the mayor to advise City Council of its temporary appointments the mayor currently does advise City Council of his appointments this motion would codify current practice and prevent future Mischief by a future mayor I would also say it helps protect uh city council prerogatives uh we earlier this evening uh on a different item there was discussion about oversight by Council on certain activities and I think the only way Council can have proper oversight is by knowing what's going on and this is a way of just assuring that a future mayor will continue the practice of notifying us so the motion is to amend item number 11289 administrative legislation Chapter 30 section 30 chapter 3 Personnel appointments and employment section for temporary appointments by adding the following sentence to the end of the section the mayor shall notify City Council of any temporary appointments made under this section second motion made by counselor book seconded by counselor to Sony to amend item 11289 um as he had said and by adding the mayor shall notify City Council of any temporary appointments made under this section is there a discussion on the motion to amend Council tyros and just like to provide my thoughts as the chair of the appointments committee that appointments are a public thing um that the mayor does uh they're not secret um any appointment made whether it be full or temporary so to the clerk uh who then by a city Charter notifies the city council um so again I I don't know um I think it was said earlier if this was um a solution is in search of a problem but it's and I do believe in Council oversight this this one just doesn't make as much sense to me in terms of um it's practic today um and I don't think it's a necessary change at this point in the process thank thank you counselor further discussion on the motion to amend councel Journal as councelor chra said the the motion itself the amendment here on its face makes a ton sense we need to know the temporary appointments however we've established an appointments committee to to um take on the role of monitoring all the appointments it's the job of the appointments committee to be aware of those temporary appointments who's been appointed as stated by councilor tyos the city clerk has those at her office and should be um aware of those um in part of their role um so I the essence of this um motion is already provided by the process we have in place so I will not be in support thank you thank you counselor further discussion okay we'll also if with no objection we will do a v call vote on this motion as well the clerk will please call rooll counc Brooks yes councelor Craig Kier yes counc joh LTZ no counc harder no council hegan no counc Heath no council ma no council ton yes Council [Music] yes tyus no pres no 47 knows the motion does not pass further discussion on the original motion Council Brooks so I I will be supporting this for for second printing uh given the the way the council has chosen to to follow I would just ask that uh as we go forward we we keep our minds open to the possibility of what can happen and if things happen to be prepared to to make to shift our our uh decisions thank you thank you counselor further discussion councelor Tyro I just want to support those comments that I do believe this is something the council should take up more regularly that way it's not such a Herculean task uh when it does come up for review and uh I support this uh this proposal thank you thank you counselor forther discussion so the original motion was to send the item to Second and final printing uh made by Counselor General lawit seconded by councelor tyros any further discussion on the original motion all those in favor say I I motion pass there is no unfinished business matters for reconsideration there's no new Business Council comments and remarks are there any Council comments and remarks yes I just want to take a minute to uh wish everybody out there a a safe and H and um happy holiday uh season and um enjoy the time if you get time to spend with your family thank you counc um I also wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season I want to take an opportunity at the end of the year to um give a special thank you to all the city employees including our First Responders um you know they work hard and they're very dedicated and I don't think they have enough recognition for what they do and I think it's important as the city council um that we let them know how much they're very much appreciated thank you thank you counselor further discussion I mean further Council comments and remarks councelor Heath thank you Madame President um I just had a kind of a question for um the city clerk there you changed the way the name go now you used to go Harden Heath heglin you threw me off today you me any warning um I was ready to say a couple times I just want to you know let you know that I know um but I also had a question for the mayor um just slight question um is chipot opening this week I know I feel like I'm always asking about food mam Mr Mayor thank you uh Chipotle's opening day is this Friday thank you thank you you exciting that is all thank thank you counselor forther discussion I'm sorry any further Council comments and remarks I'd also like to wish all of the city counselors our city clerk and all of the city employees and all of our constituents and every citizen in the city a very wonderful happy and healthy holiday season and a very happy New Year um we've had a great year on the council and um I just look forward to what we have coming in our our second year of our turn with that I will entertain a motion on the floor to adjourn after the closing PR by councelor second by counsel for all those in fav say I say no Almighty father who seeks over all as we we thank you for the opportunity join deliberation anding of this meeting bless Lord alled here the people who represent we are th attend to our common Ware amen meeting stands AED thank you everyone