all right we'll skip around a little bit um just to be fair to everybody that's here uh the the first um is meeting minutes we're going to pass for that for now we're going to go down to the hearings first on the agenda is request with certificate of compliance for 73 Min is any I always say that um anybody have any comments or anything on it did did you get down I just checked it out today yeah good fine everything's all right so there was some discussion on um [Music] sorry okay it's [Music] different making up a different address might fall I a different address you didn't see anything that's jumped out after you need back to the side visit nothing no problems on it just was done cuz I wasn't sure where it was you know across the we you know he did what we told him to do you know so we could build his way off he's up 300 ft off okay would someone like to make a motion to pass the request for the certificate of compliance was 73 Mino Street yeah I'll I'll make that request I'll make that motion someone like to second that motion all in favor we going to sign it now get it out of the way you got yeah I got that's what you have 73 well this is a that's thing law this these these were with it so I don't know which one to use yeah I'll use this one all together there two of them to sign is the first one yeah [Applause] you who seconded that motion nor thank you I don't know secretary went [Music] did you just whack her with the paperwork I just bypassed her oh you haven't had somebody sit over there for a long time like do it it's okay sign did everybody sign in on the board here yes yes yes just can sign right at the bottom there thank you appreciate it P thank you you're welcome thank [Music] you the next one is the um Garden of conservation Mission will hold a joint public hearing mgl chapter 131 section 40 of the wetlands protection act for the city of Garden of wetlands protection ordinance and as notice content Follow by David Ross Associates for Robert laier for the property located at 122 120 won Road South this is D file 160 0668 it's also a continuance from July 8th is anybody here to represent you kid me yeah he could be email and Doug's email M Lo is pretty good about communicating with us all right um some I'll make a motion we continue to hold on looking for the date August August 12th yeah August 12th uh second all in favor I I can reach out too like I said he usually really good about communicating um the next one on the agenda is the Conservation Commission will hold a joint public hearing under NGL chapter 131 section 40 in the wetlands protection act the city of Garder Wetlands protection ordinance a no inent filed by allpurpose storage Gardener LLC represented by Christopher bua Fieldstone land consultants for work on parcel it's x22 1360 8-4 and 9 through 18 which is actually 143 Colony the project entails extension of existing storage facility including seven storage containers which is located within the buffering zone of ab boing vegetated wet uh bordering vegetated Wetland this is D60 0664 this is also um tracked as a violation in current enforcement order and continued from 78 I did receive an email from Ken who again communicates very well doing his best out there and he says that um they've um notified us that they've hired better dirt uh out of Templeton and that they'll be conducting a survey and layout of erosion controls this week and they'd like they requested Contin to our next meeting um I'm sure Ken again is great at telling us what he's got so I'm assuming that he's going to ask us to take it um a RVE by at some point and take a look at the erosion control so would someone like to make a motion to continue to 812 I'll make that [Music] motion2 someone like second it second all in favor thank you GL they moving forward doing those repairs and everything's been really having a tough time getting all that wrapped up for us so yeah um also we still have 170 mil Street on here U that's a continuance from September 25th it's being tracked with the state as well you know over the past few weeks we've had some communication with the mass Dam safety they've been pushing as well and some more notifications went out to the owner so it's some like to make a motion we're going to continue this everybody knows why we're continuing it um thought someone like to make a motion to continue to the August 12th meeting I'll make that motion second all in favor I nothing under professional development um we do have a few um that continu continuance on the um 68 Acadia road so just so everybody's aware and the audience is aware we're in the middle of interviewing um new agents and there's a bunch of people filling in so we're um we're kind of in a scramble here trying to keep up with everything so we're going to just talk briefly about 68 Acadia road that was on the agenda from last week the gentleman did hand us out um some options those of you recall just said hey provide us some options on the site it's aadia Road come on up and uh your name is [Music] [Applause] Troy those you know that that 68 Kad is previously Disturbed they're just trying to put a new dwelling on it correct yeah it was previously Disturbed the trail on we discussed at the last meeting um so I provided four options here different movements for it option A was the one you saw last done no Chang to that one then the other three we moved the proposed driveway from the existing cut to the other side try to move it closer out of the way and closer to that property line I need back options so I'll start with option b here uh this one moves it up to keep the side setback available as a 15t zoning setb um and then it moves the front required 30 ft but that was was going to have to change anyways um so we have that 15 ft off that front property line and 15 ft off that corner um corner of the lot as well that we angle corner here so it's 15 15 15 that agrees with their SES bag zoning and then the front would need a reduction um this moves it about 7 ft further outside reduces the impact square footage by 130 sare ft not this 290 down to 168 um option C here reduces that side setback and that corner um angle set back down 10 ft um which is a little bit close to those property lines Zing wise obviously reduction inside and quite a reduction in the front from option b moves it another foot outside still not hitting that 60t it's not possible on the slot um reduces the square footage down from 168 to 81 Square ft impacted into the the no build Zone option D here um hold the 15 side set back from here the side set back on the the north side um 10 ft off that angle point which would require the say zoning and then 15 off of this front parallel as well um this moves it 50.7 ft um which from option C is a foot and a half closer from option D 610 more away and square footage on that is the impact and the 60t is 104 sare ft versus the 81 of option C and 168 of option b now none of them did get it completely outside of the 60t uh no build Zone again this is already priorly disted new disturbance going on just the new uh Foundation footprint going in there is still being proposed the help of any Sil that would attempt to run off into the weapons um all options are better than previously seen and the previous existing structure on site um there is existing water sewer there into the lot already that will be utilized comes out about halfway where that existing trailer home was about halfway into the frontage of the log give R take thank you [Music] like I said he gave it to us on Friday small house and I don't know about you but as a volunteer working on the weekend doesn't make me too happy so I mean it's kind of a you know know we met last meeting and forg get him on a Friday and we have to meet you on Monday it's probably not the fairest thing to do but um so I understand that it's you guys can all jump in and I'll I me was on last week's agenda and this got missed on this week's agenda but it's previously Disturbed right and you're saying yeah it's previously Disturbed but there was a trailer on now you want to dig a foundation it's a little different than just you know pouring a you know there's already a driveway there and you want to increase your driveway or whatever and now we're talking pretty significant in that 60 no build Zone where where's the line where it's already cleared to in the back of the post you could see that there's a hatch line point out to you um this hatch line here coming across here almost into the wetlands that's previously Disturbed up to that point cuz when you drive by it doesn't look like it's been Disturbed that far back yeah I mean that was yeah that's where it's cleared to Phil and then it drops how many feet back is that from the road that it's cleared to right now it just doesn't look it when I drive by it looks like it's very short uh the nearest spot here would be approximately uh to the edge of Road approximately 95 ft to the property line approximately 80 60 to the nearest point that would be the left side South Side the north side is approximately 140 from the road comment go ahead I mean I would just like to stay for the record certainly if I owned a lot I'd want to try to build a house on it however I can also say in recent years we have removed houses with less than 81 Square ft of disturbance inside the 60t no build zone so I totally get why you want to do that I just feels inconsistent with what we have been saying about buildable Lots it's too much into the um no build lot as I interpret it how our rules are so go ahead sorry why don't you just put a small house in there that's a fairly small house to begin with well I mean you know but you're still in a no bill Zone yeah there's one you're 52.2 ft from from that point to to the point here so you got I don't know what you know you could you could if you if you did a the hous is was proposed house is 24 by 36 correct how about uh you know you could be 24 by 24 and you would fit in that still went quite how you consider turning the house at all yeah we did that in the three um different options a little bit I didn't want to get right onto the road I mean I think she means completely turning it I mean like having the short end fixing the K Road I mean I know that's not an option that's not optimal for lot of people but the front door would probably be facing the proposed driveway um that's actually what I had thought when in our last meeting when we asked to see more options I thought oh maybe they'll turn the house the other way maybe it would fit in there I mean even doing that cuz then you have the long way coming down that's still going to be inside of that sub back it really looks like a challenging a challenging 52.2 it looks like it's pretty close I know if you turn turn this way it would still be 20 ft inside on this corner oh on that corner okay tight here okay so again that doesn't really Much More Much I mean I I guess I got to honestly do some more research cuz it looks like option C is the one you're looking at to D yeah the 52.2 on the on the corner there even one option uh D is 50.7 yeah it looks like a little bit more yeah I mean at some point we got to just determine if if what's previously Disturbed in this situation um um applies for this typee of a you know construction within the no built Z I understand it's been cleared it definitely looks like in the pictures and when I drove by I mean it's hard to see without entering the property you're saying it's 90 ft back it it could be it's close I mean um so this is like a neighbor Bridge kind of right there for reference that's right inside that Wetland area if you saw that at all it's hard to see from the RO yeah yeah it is I don't know how it is now when when the trailer was there was it on a pad was there a cement pad underneath it I don't believe so onr block conrete block thank you you want the property yeah like Duncan said and I know David said the same thing we're pretty consistent with no build in the no build Zone I guess I need to get some more I got to just do some more research on they previously Disturbed within the not within the 60 guess what happens is you know when I don't know how old this property this trailer was and how long it's been on there if you if it was truly permitted I I I don't know right um could have been prior yeah prior to any regulations but now we're you know we're here to hold that 60 no build so I've got to um just get get some guidance on it to make sure yeah cuz you're not going to be increasing right any of the Disturbed area yeah you're putting in a foundation but that's not going to really affect the wetlands back there you're not going to be moving the soil around much um there's no grading needed outside of the house it's a flat lot um I mean if this previous is disturb and you weren't this into the 60 and you you know riding the edge it' be a little easier for us to make a quick determination if on on option C if you increase that from 52.2 to 60 ft you'd be out of the no bill Zone yeah then you no you know can you get a variance on the on the zoning on the front that's what we're trying for the the the neighboring lots are they're within that 30t required set back consisting they're at like 15 16 so we want to keep it around that to be consistent with the neighborhood um but even even if you were rotate to that touching the 60 then you're pretty much on the front property line itself um on that algeny you were talking about there if you hold the 101 rotate that yeah I mean that would still be outside the property line if you increase that 52 52 2 to 60 ft would that bring it out of the out of the but you be right up be over the property L yeah you you'll be out of the no bill Zone correct yeah also outside of the property yeah that sense I me problem is all your options are leaving us no options because it's in the 60 no build so like I said this give me a little bit of time to figure out when looking to breakr and the thing if it goes through um yeah that question I guess it depends on when it goes through still going to go through zva after you guys anyway so it'll be be next week yeah it's yeah have you beened to to zone no he's put in a application to Z okay um obviously needed update plans because that was I think the original plan yeah so but that's on getting that W roll I would show them all of these and show that you're putting some effort in to try to move it out yeah trying to work with both of you here I know it's kind of pulling both of you guys in the wrong direction um we're trying to do a little bit of both um guess that zoning down give you guys a little bit of leeway I know it's not outside but being previously just dir lot we thought work a little bit all right so don't we do this I mean why don't we continue into the August 26 meeting that gives you a little bit more time to talk to zoning see what they say see what they say and then this is really isn't on do so I'm not going to open up in public it's a public heing correct PA I'm not going to do this okay we're trying to help this guy we're just trying to work with him some research I was going to make some suggestions I understand that come to the 26th and maybe we can get him a little bit farther is that there I can speak go ahead all right um is this a a single story building yeah SL on okay U my suggestion was going to be is do twostory reduce the footprint and my other suggestion was going to be that already was suggested is um go go before the zba and um AG bring it more closer to the road that's what we're talking about right yeah all right thank you yeah cuz it's kind of we're like Paul said we're torn in between trying to let them do their thing with zoning and us get out of our 60s so why was I'd go in front of you know go talk to zoning show them these four try to get on the docket gets some feedback from them initially and then we'll take it from there so is is that is that fair y okay um someone like to make a motion to uh continue this to the August 26th meeting make that motion to the all in favor all right a couple more things that came up there is a u preconstruction meeting on the nature trail on the 24th had Trevor had emailed it to me he's saying if anyone's available to attend that it's on site at 300 p.m. um on site the 24th 24th yeah if you can make that if it's on site if it's not raining if it's raining it'll be at City Hall so if anybody can attend that that'd be good 24 repat that again this week 7:24 yeah time 3:00 and public assuming you guys are all invited there um then we got the I I got to push off the covert every want to take a drive by and just take a look and make sure everything's done then I can sign off on the uh meeting on the two catch well they repay well they might have just Disturbed it when they repay with the heavy equipment I don't we've had some pretty crazy storms [Music] lately and then uh we did interview uh somebody for the new uh uh agent and planning last week uh we're going to just uh keep looking try to get a couple of other alternates then we'll do a second round inter viw so uh Trevor has been keeping me in the loop on it if um we can kind of get a couple more people lined up narrow it down if you guys can can attend it's it's hard to get here I mean City Hall closes when everybody else the taxpayers get home so it's been difficult but Trevor's been pretty flexible and then um he said if we could if anybody can't make it we can zoom or if any of us come maybe we can zoom as well and zoom out to somebody else if they can make it in so like I said the first the first one um had some decent experience with uh conservation he's already an agent somewhere else he didn't have any planning at all so it's kind of you know we'd be okay Trav might be a little tight um we've got two more good resumés that came in at the end of the week so we're looking through those right now I think that's all I have um we're going to have to make a continuance the meeting minutes are seem to be getting backed up so that other thing on the agenda can um so I'll make a motion to uh push out the meeting minutes from July 8th to the to the 12th of August I'll make that motion thanks no one second all in favor thank you anybody in the audience have anything they want to discuss please um St your name for the right sorry sure sure Paul De Mayo n WR yeah thank you um I just want to point out to the board um 827 green scet when the um Conservation Commission approved the order of conditions on 827 Green Street back in 2021 that order of conditions was never um filed with the registry of deeds that order of conditions um because they did not file um it by this past February became null and void now here's the thing the order conditions which you folks approved back in 2021 was never piled but gamma went ahead and installed a new system um that has since failed and what what we learned tonight at the Board of Health meeting is that GMA has been pumping out the tank on a weekly basis since February and the Board of Health had no knowledge of that so um here a system was installed it was installed illegally because it was never recorded and um you know I wanted to bring that before the board I know they recorded it the last week in June but it doesn't matter it's still M and void thanks thanks where that that's 827 Green Street yeah I know that I know the dug out there a few times so um we should well we've tried I tried calling a couple times to get out there with Doug so just yes ma' go ahead your name is say for the record pleas oh I'm sorry debah Mor Al thank you they um registered it at that time because I had gone in and asked for all the records for that parcel as far as per test sep you know the title five everything so they asked if I wait a week weekend for the results and that's when they tried to fix whatever thank you okay I just wanted to ask you something too I ran across this water management Act and the Board of Health said this was something that um had to do with you guys um or women sorry what's it what's it called uh the under the water management act um I have the law um reference here each Community must have a water resources management plan that incorporates conservation standards based on guidelines of the mass Water Resources Commission Now do you have such a plan I'm sure we have something on file but I have not like going I haven't gone back there to look I mean okay is that something that we could possibly get I mean did you file with the city clerk maybe you should file an application to to get it to be fair to make it make it they hav been the most but yes I will okay I that's what I would suggest because we're all volunteers they would come in somebody would come in I think probably honestly chrisan will probably come in and find it if if it's available I I I'm sorry I can go back there and dig through I'm you know what we're doing we're just trying to understand say water I live in the city I get it understand yeah I know we're we're we understand but I would go to the city clerk and ask I'd probably send an email and ask I know that there's some others looking for some documents when I was here um last week they were in the process of pulling those documents I think you'd probably get it faster okay I have to take time off of work to come and find it oh no I understand thank you appreciate it go ahead um lorine PE thank you um you're welcome the pile of newer that I keep hearing about when they come to meetings I think you called it an open case or an open item or something but you seem to say that there's like a three-year grace period that you give to people to comply with your orders they have been slowly pulling it away and I know do the agent the previous agent has got out there was what did you see for Progress there's multiple we we talked about where they were going to put it okay on the other side of the property closer to the other Brook but not in the place where it would run down into the um but that was talk and that was April yeah sorry did you say closer to the you didn't well the one that the one I'm so sorry just no no no I'm trying to figure out how to describe it the um uh if you picture the property from the air okay okay um with the current horse track and the buildings and two Brooks all right that go eventually to PE Reservoir over here is where the manure was stored and there was a cliff which means if it got too close it would drop in pretty easily or any rainstorm it would drop in pretty easily the brook over here doesn't have those kind of kind of cliffs and so they were going to move it it was going to be in that direction not right next to the the brook and not within the footage that's required but we were looking at we were walking the property and figuring out where it was also all going to be they had not yet moved it so they were going to only move not remove well the farm theyve around so there's some agricultural things sure going on there but let me give me give me some time to go look I've tried calling him a few times haven't got too many calls back so you got me no no no no I'm saying give me some time to contact the property owner and get back out there again it's all I can offer I so just short short and sweet yeah I know I understand this but you guys understand this is not on the on the agenda um I understand you guys I'm just saying I have a background in that through college I to Waste Water treatment licenses and I went and tested the water today from Co till after it goes by the um the ra well the little tiny track that's there yeah um it's EPA you know they like this test and everything but I wondered if that showed up that it was going in there if that could hurry things up a little bit if this eoli what your testing what did you come for reporting 48 hours I did it this morning okay sorry okay I'm curious in C too just interested oh yeah you know eventually P out Crystal Lake our drinking water and you know I asked for um the report it's public from the um the water station and they said they don't test any of the reservoirs they just test the raw water coming in so I asked them if I could have their report on that water and I haven't heard a word again I'd send an email to the city clerk requesting that that's the best course to get it okay and document okay could I just give this to conversations used to be great sorry you know they they used to hold but nowadays you just got to document I'm sorry to say but this is the aquafer yeah I've seen this y okay that track is right there I know so the whole area is the aquer protection area I'll just say this it's not on the docket right so I'm dancing the fine fine line here but I don't know those of you that know us as Conservation Commission of very pretty strong about protecting the weap so just just thank you understanding where I'm coming from on that we appreciate that I know I you give us how yeah so we we're just we can't get into the details there's nothing before us I have seen this over the years so thank you um actually I think there's I think somebody had said there was one that showed the whole all of it all around Garden to how it's all kind of connected that is specifically the AER protection where'd you get that from um it's right in the open space of on the comme thei cor has it now but they'll only become involved if so many acres of wetland right they impacted yeah yeah okay thank you anybody else have anything no no other the new business so I'm going to try to get out there and look at where this uh the manure stored if they've moved it yet I mean they yeah um I've called so um and then I'll get a hold of bard of Health as well because I I keep hearing that there's something out there going on with that again we're kind of dancing for information a little bit here they're running out of water the clients aren't able to take showers and the toilet it's bad came up anybody have anything else no some like to make a motion then tonight's here I'll make that motion all in favor second sorry someone second it I know I'm just thinking all in favor all right thank you it thank you [Music]