##VIDEO ID:KSd_W6Af05w## [Music] gra all right got a busy agenda tonight thanks for coming we'll try to do the best we can to move through these quickly let's just keep the cross talk to a minimum silence your phone as best you can we got to take a call to step out in the hallway we going skip around a little bit try to get all the hearings out of the way first um the first hearing to request determination applicability The Garden of Conservation Commission will hold a joint public hearing under chapter 131 section 40 the wetlands protection act in city of gardar wetlands protection ordinance on the request for determination applicability filed by haly award Incorporated on behalf of fwp realy Partners LLC the proposed project is set off Crestwood Drive map w22 621a for the construction of single family home residential with Associated driveway grading utilities this request is to determine whether portions of the proposed work will be subject to the jur areas of jurisdiction somebody here to represent that yes thank you very much Mr chairman my name is Anthony Cleaves I'm with hey Ward here on behalf of fwp realy also with me tonight is is Matt Marl Matt maral consultant so we uh reviewed the site it's a vacant laot between um 146 and 166 Crestwood Drive on the southide existing developed neighborhood this is an undeveloped lot steeply sloped from from front to back on the west side of the property there's an existing Municipal stor outfall on on the West Side left side if you're looking at you have copies for us I do yeah [Music] [Music] I also brought copies of uh GIS if you want to see where it is in relation to the neighborhood to pass that out if you need that yeah might as well pass them you brought them perfect thank [Applause] [Music] you so when reviewing the the vacant lot um again Mr marrow went checked out some of the vegetation soil on the lot in the immediate area and didn't find anything that's team jurisdictional um to the we protection act um what you have in front of you is the water sewer clearance plan um what we plan to do with the lot um again on the left hand side of the plan is where that existing swarm water outfall is planning to extend that as what was intended on the original subdivision plan there's a an easement that was there the pipe should have been extended all the way to the back of the lot it wasn't um so we'll extend that as part of this and and then put in uh single family home similar to how the ones on either side of it are um filling in the the front portion there walk out basement out to the back to to work with the existing graining that's brief brief overview if you have any comments or questions anybody any questions dis what outall is to so it just it goes um out to the back out to the grade and then runs eventually here's a quad map so we have the subject lot here's the sub division yeah that's the lot here so then it just dumps and then just continues eventually making it to a wetland kind of off of Murdoch Pond outfall Way Way Back there but a couple hundred feet away before we get to any any Wetland areas you walked in you would you didn't see anything either and you took some soil samples it sounds like yeah what took inventory of what was not there for vegetation more than what was there so um there were no Hydro soils present in the channel or on the sides of the channel um the vegetation that was there was kind of sparse couple of facultative ferns here in there but nothing nothing to right home definitely definitely the channel was carved out from the pipe which is sticking yeah way up high and the outfall is coming from the double catch Basin that catches the water on that street right on the road and our improvements on the drainage well actually it will be an improvement where right now as bat alluded to there's just a drop the pipe is just super elevated and there just drop so we're going to put in a Dro manhole to transition that elevation down and then we're going to put a rip wrap um at the end of the new pipe to help dissipate that energy so it should be an improved condition as well b a pipe uh 15 in which is what's there now we're just extending what's there now I I mean I I know the area I walked it into it I don't see anything that's in question anybody you guys all look at it you know where it is right yeah a vac there yeah yeah if you go by there you don't really notice it that's years ago oh way more than that good all right um negative yeah it probably be a negative two because it wouldn't affect anything under jurisdiction someone like to make a motion to approve a negative the second motion second all in favor thank you time we appreciate it thanks guys we'll see you thank you give us some time to process that page working yeah sure appreciate that thank you yeah we're going to have sign while we keep going though the next is no intent maner Drive The Garden of Conservation Commission will will reopen a joint public hearing under mgl 131 section 40 in the W protection act in city of gardland protection ordinance a noce of ATT 10 followed by Mr Allan glander for the installation of self storage buildings incorporated Landscaping driveways and range improvements located at Drive Garder M 17191 this project is located within the buffer reporting registrated Wetland and outer reparan zone it's dp1 16660 your name is Justin mlar engineering of the applicant so at the last meeting commission has pretty satisfied with the changes that were made three of the changes that the commission had asked for was to have this pipe relocated this building section here pulled away from the 60t no structure and then species on the front so this is the revised plan that we had sent to Justin so you can see we did relocate the pipe from here now we have the ALF fall going out this way here just 60 Noe structure so it's fully outside we did pull the building away from the 60 foot here before we were probably a foot off that buff and now we're 3 feet from it and then we did have the landscape architect do a revised landscape plan I didn't put it on the board but he did swap out all the plant things for na so that's the changes any questions remind me again where you going to put snow so snow will be off the sides a couple landscape here but the applicant also contracts some priv come in and take it off site so it' be temporarily on site until they can come in and remove it so you going to how are you going to mark that area that's 3 ft off of the 60 like are you going to so do they enter from both sides or just this one side right both sides no I me I guess in those storage areas the storage sheds themselves ideally this is probably the shortest run in yep so they come in from here but they don't go it's not a driveth through like double door no no no no no so sorry so the doors are only on the pavment side so there's no access off the back and you move that out there you move the outfall out of the way yep so the outfall is now we have rip wrap here that ties in to the outfall From The Underground Basin so they're both discharging from the same spot again just outside the 60t here you can see limit of clearing limit of grading and the elevation of that outlet didn't really change all that much always good to work with listens and it's trying to be flexible I mean it's I appreciate the 3T I know the but for 3et but you know it makes a difference to us yeah so when we did that we did add a wall back in in here outside the buffer but make it more accommodating to everyone so pretty much it what's just to remind me what's the elevation behind that row right there here what's the elevation change from the back of that to like to the Wetland 0 yeah so it's 98 980 and change and then you're down at call it 970 so it's not too crazy yeah okay yep we maintain that exist GR in the back obviously and that's the way it's graded out so you can see limit grade here limit gr here and then we're maintaining this as natural grade just to limit the potential eruption there yeah and the pad you're going to put that on isn't going to encroach in that 60 right we talked about that ear yep we did at the last meeting I believe we talked about that okay yep anybody have any questions or comments on that thank you J appreciate that Y and um you want to get out there and have them stake it before they do anything construction just to take another look or um so um we did reach out to Andre Isaac serine he got back to me this morning and said he'd be out there this week to State the back here yeah I know as part of the order conditions preconstruction meeting so Stakes would be out there if obviously if Justin goes out there has any concerns to bring him up and okay address it accordingly all right you guys have any questions soone like to make a motion to close the hearing for man dve I'll make that motion like the second on motion second all in favor I think it's fine you guys know anybody has any adds to the U order of conditions anything besides standard I mean you got anything you want to add to this order conditions I like to keep it all for Ken no okay yeah good good someone like to make a motion to approve a man a drive with a standard order of conditions that I'll make the motion it second second all in favor oh yeah I [Music] all right uh next on the agenda is 143 Colony Road Garder Conservation Commission a joint public hearing under mdl chapter 131 section 40 W protection act city of uh Garder W protection of 10 by All Purpose storage Gardener LLC represented by Chris Buddha Field Stone Land consultants for work on partial IX 22316 8 through 14 9-8 at 1 43 Colony Road theart inails Extension of existing storage facility including seven storage containers for which are located within the buffer zon of the Border vated Wetland T1 16664 this is a continuance going back to 9924 uh through tonight just so everybody's clear um 10 came out before us when we started and there was um some infill of of white land they went back out there they did a great job of clearing out how much did you take out I ask you time 100 yards of of inil it looks fantastic so I again appreciate that um so if you want to just kind of go over what our easel that would be great but one so there's only been one change since the meeting last week we moved the building it's 2 ft off set from the 60t no build um that allows us to maintain a 27 ft aisle passageway between the existing building and the corner here proposed um this is where we're maintaining the two ft separation um and everything else is as we discussed last week with um we had the additional plantings that we revised based upon sun exposure concerns to high Bush blueberry um to supplement the areas that have been seated yeah and um so then the plan here is it's all closed drainage with curving to prevent any runoff of untreated storm Waters essentially the design hasn't changed since the previous meeting other than shifting that building location and you put spr split rail fence up you put some signage up just so people that didn't wasn't so split split rail fencing around the perimeter here 5 ft offset so we have room for snow stor um and maintaining a access way here for any maintenance concerns with the storm water Pond Yeah question I know he's hung through it the whole time I'm going to keep coming [Music] just what so if if we move forward with this What's the timing on this so they're looking towards probably late spring to start construction what's the duration you think from kind of start to finish um based on what I've seen with similar projects they're usually two to three months okay um so the building that put the same as they got there now right basically the same the steel building yeah it's just the steel frame building they're pre-ordered on site and put onto a slab that's laid ahead of time on the right all right U I think you did a great job I think we got everything satisfied it look looks much better than what we first saw I like the idea the plan it cleans it up I like that you're putting this rail fence up and putting some signage up you cleared all the trash out of there all the parking that wasn't supposed to be there I know it's new owners so they had no idea even if you did the research and like we did GIS mapping and satellite it um they would have had no idea because some of it just didn't line up with what we saw on site and what was on you know the documents and what was available at the time of purchase so I say we move forward and yeah good yeah someone like to make a motion to approve 143 close oh I'm sorry someone like to make a motion to close the hearing for 143 Colony Road I'll make that motion second all in favor I someone like to make a motion to approve 143 with um standard order of conditions I'll make that motion like to second that I'll second all in favor I give us some time to sign some papay thank you so much thanks for in there looks great you addition said keep just keep it I'll take it um next on the agenda is 68 of Kia Road Conservation Commission will hold a joint public hearing under ml 131 section 40 protction act the city of prot and those fed by garage engineering on behalf of Voice open for the construction of a single family home at 68 Acadia Road uh D60 0670 this is a continuance going back to September 9 2024 [Applause] thanks your name is my name is Josh I'm representing open in on this project 6 um so basically a quick overview we've been before this commission I believe twice before um there was an existing mobile home on site that's been torn down andos to replace it with a stick build home with a slab on grade the site is fairly flat and what we're looking to do is basically the existing mobile home was 43.7 ft away and we're looking from the Wetland we're looking to stick to 43.9 Ft which is more conforming than the mobile home was and I in the last few meetings that we were at you guys had made the determination that you wanted to see what dbaa had to say about it first so we went before zba twice and ultimately they said that they cannot make a decision until the conservation makes their decision so we're back here with this plan basically you have the 30 foot no disturb Zone proposing to keep that silt fence no more than no closer than 30 ft from the existing Wetlands uh the existing properties already Disturbed basically down to the Wetland cover type of lawn and we're not proposing to disturb any further than that 30 ft we will be 43.9 ft away from the wetlands even though there's a 60t no build Zone but based on your bylaws it appears that you are allowed to approve this as long as it's not any more detrimental to the Ws in your opinion so the thing is is I get it is it's been pre Disturbed so that's something and it's lawn right now in that area right y just looking at this again and I soon as I see the no build Zone and I see that's almost splitting that corner of the house off that that's our concern and like you said yes it's under our our our decision and jurisdiction to make the determination here um and I'll let the rest of the commission speak as well um we're putting a house in where where it's a no build and we're so close to that 30 how do you how do we know that that homeowner in the future is not going to uhud the damage to the wetlands and what what this property being built on in a no build Zone given you it's been previously Disturbed but I mean how do how do we protect this Wetlands if we proceed we put boy says no build uh so in the past we've done boundary markers of no disturb zones or Wetland zones so um we've actually got some in the office if we have an open sometimes you can use the 6x6 posts with signs um yeah but the signs would be in the middle of their house well I'm talking the 30 but no disturbs though yeah I know but normally it's 60 so that's that's what we're tring of they won't even be able to do any lawn maintenance they can't put anything down they can't put any they can't have a garden with fertilizer in it that's not approved in front of conservation right that's so what's happening is we have other areas in the city that are close to the no 60 but they're outside of it and we even wrote in the deed about this 60 and we're still fighting that and that's been 15 18 years that we still have people coming not realizing that they have a lot with with the no build Zone in their backyard they want to come before us and put ducks and sheds and swing sets and you name it so we're we're trying to figure out how would we do that but commission members please jump in and kind what are your thoughts here I get it it's a nice lot it's Disturbed already it's not like we're out there and we're cutting down trees in the 60 that's never been Disturbed before what's everyone's opinion on this what my opinion is we shouldn't let them move we never allow in the P why why we stop now the difference with this that there was already an existing house there it has the sewer hook up it has the water coming in off the road and because it had a structure there that was lived in and it's already been Disturbed you have the ability in your bylaws to approve this yeah we have the ability but I mean it's the right thing to do we can't take into consideration some of the stuff I just brought up no I that's the hardest part for us David what what do you got any upd well I I guess you when went to zba I guess you still don't know if there's any wiggle room in terms of moving it closer to the road or doing an L or doing a twostory so I was looking at that also a little bit and last time uh Troy was here in front of you guys he showed you four different options and all those options would get the structure further from the wetlands outside that 60 foot no disturb Zone but I was looking at those today and the issue I'm seeing with those plant is that you have to put the driveway on the other side of the house which would be close closer to the Wild and and I I've always seen driveways cause more runoff and pollution to the b in the structure so I'd rather keep that structure on the left side and this plan is more conformant with the zba requirements we just had two people move their structures to get 3et away from the 60 y I'm just I'm at a loss on how to handle this with it it's not like we're in a corner of a building and you know we're we're into you know 18 ft or whatever of a house 18 s ft of a house that's in a no build that's been previously Disturbed this is you know a little over quarter of the house is going to be in the in the no build zone right then you got to dig back to make Foundation right yep then what's that in the back that square I 972 got a deck yeah that's not a proposed that's part of the original the the original structure that was there so is it still there no that's all been removed so you're proposing a deck on top back in there no no just the foundation that's shown is proposed the the area with the hatching go ahead I mean so the question for the commission is whether we want any part of a structure in it because in some of the earlier plans they gave us there was much less in that 60 that's the first question where do you want any of it because there is a plan you could do with less than half the house in 60 question is whether we want to do that other building Lots we've looked at we've said you cannot have any of the house in the 60 this is quote unquote used before so it's a little tricky but was that a permanent structure was a trail I know but was it ever pered no footings yeah but you still need to you know electrical permit and sewer and water and I would assume they have so if I may I'm always opening hold on go ahead sorry you don't know if it was what the pering situation was on the trailer right no there in 1959 is that what it was yeah so what is it in that area today is it grass still in that no build in that corner it's all grass there right yeah it's basically down to the um you see the existing edge of or limited disturbance right down near the wetlands yeah that's all grass and we we could propose to to set things like I was saying along that 30ft no disturb so it's clear that none of that area could be further altered come on take your name so everybody's clear yeah thank you my name is Roy copin thanks and um so yeah Josh is here and um so I just wanted to say that I earlier I knew that when we had met a few months back um that it was a tricky situation and and I've never owned a piece of property before going into it so I I ignorant I guess I got myself into this situation um so seeing what we had I tried to I look into um putting a mobile home on it just to make it narrower for uh different options so it would appease everyone involved and um looking into that that's not possible anymore comes up the Building Commissioner said that there's a rule that no mobile homes can be going going in now in that area so I guess I what because of zoning um I guess I don't know exactly what he had said the reason why um and then he said that so that was the reason why then I opted not to do the mobile home and then went back to the house plan um so I guess I just wanted to make everyone aware that I tried doing a different option that would make work for all parties involved so if you have any further question thank you we're trying to figure it out I understand this happens when you know when you get a good looking LW and it's a decent price you have it yeah pleas what happens is it's why it's cheap somebody already did the due diligence and saw that it's in the no build [Music] zone is that yours so what I'm trying to figure out is when it's previously Disturbed what does that do have you seen anything I I've already done this so I'm doing it again but you never done it in the past if it was a house that was there they could add on to it I don't like the extent sorry I just did this the other day so I'm doing it again but I'm just I'm sure you guys have read through the the letter that Paul had sent over about the yeah even on some of the exemptions I don't see an exemption for prevy disturbed no build paragraph 65014 e what' you say was uh 65014 e 14 I don't even see a 14 in here this is is he is he stating the wetlands or our ordinance W protection act but not our city ordinance right chapter 650 yeah the Garder City or yeah I know that that's what it's called but I don't 14 these are variances though it doesn't talk about any about anything about previously Disturbed that's what I'm trying to find something I I'll read you the quote that yeah go ahead please record uh paragraph 65014 e no disturbance and no build zones where a prior existing structure prudes into or a prior existing alteration exists in a no disturbance zone or a no build Zone the commission may permit the extension of such non-conforming structure into or further alteration in such zones in accordance with it rules and regulations you see that again yeah is that our or this is ours find it water yeah but I'm looking for where it says previously Disturbed we follow that that alter this is just just says we have the right to do it yeah yeah well I know that I I mean we know that part I mean that hasn't changed in how many how many years you've been doing this no that's what we're trying to find I mean I think I go back to my question about whether you want any part of the too much for sure question is whether you want that corner cuz whether the driveway is on the left hand side or not you can design it so it's not going to the wetlands if you wanted to um so the question is whether we would allow any part of a building to be in it as I well I don't have it here one of the times you were back you gave us three or four options and one of them was it was outside well it wasn't outside one yeah there was there was a smaller corner what's wrong with this one well it's still a little bit of a corner yeah is oh agreed which option are you looking at U C yes yes this isn't really working for it does have a driveway on the other side right I've just never had this issue before to know but I know it says no build Zone the problem is it wasn't like there was like you said a foundation there they took that Foundation out it was crumbling and doing they have to go back and repair it when they repair it they're going to extend the house to the right or left or whatever outside of that buffer zone or the no build Zone this is it was somebody clearcut it back in 59 and put a trailer on top of it thank you for Theo I think that's what CL you have said too and but now we want to dig into it so it's let me see that you would that last section that would you guys be okay with that that's what I'm asking or at least look into those we've never done it I keep saying it I know we never why don't want to do it now I don't want to do it now I don't want to do it now you know if you go back through all the history of the tech Wetland every we just just 10t and give us 5T over here no yeah I know I mean our history is that we we just don't do it no and I get it's a tricky liot yeah I think it would set a dangerous precedent yeah what are you guys thoughts over that I feel the same way yeah I mean we've done it for like8 square ft I I feel a little torn on this too because I think you've done an incredible job preparing yourself I mean this is good that somebody has done for a tricky situation I'm just not 100% sure that I would vote not to do it I guess my only hang up is that it's historically been a site that had a structure on it that was lived in I mean if this was just a vacant lot with no sewer no water no structure ever running there I wouldn't even be here I agree but it's like I said if there was a duck foundation with footings and stuff that was already there it's a little different that's what we're up against how many square feet in now and in this design is in the 60 what is that option number that c right got it [Music] 81 this option right here option D how many square feet is that one D is 104 what is this one now the one you gave us tonight I something 293 so I I I I tend to say I if we brought this up for a vot wouldn't apply I don't want to do that I mean can can you still design an L-shaped structure here I know you haven't but can you I mean you can do anything it's just the matter yeah I mean like if you're saying basically cut that L right out yeah yeah we're saying just jog it like this so that one side of the L would match the street and one side would match the driveway yeah that's a good idea it most it would be out of this option C yeah I think I did the same thing last time yeah you can almost do that and turn it too I mean I what we can I I guess we can see if we can fit some sort of in L shape I would just be hesitant going through to zba being that close to the front setc that that's the other hang up we're going to be going through is getting Rel from the front they're looking for us to make a decision before make one so I think if you make an l and that same footprint that you already have with the L boxing out the wetlands area I think this commission will be a lot happier with that yeah and then maybe we could you know see how that lays out with Z just I'm a little hung up on the that 62 just for clarification just for the ability for VAR answer so I can get cut up so I mean I'm only speaking from my limited experience as a conservation agent but in the event where a commission were to either waves for compliance or Grant a variance in some cases sometimes they would condition their order conditions to almost do a potential give and take in a sense if they had the comp compromise or well not compromise but if they had to for go a little bit of their of more buffer than they would particularly like so I mean in the case of um if they if you weren't to have them change the shape would it be would it be possible to you know allow for a certain section of that what is still going to be existing lawn that is somewhere near equivocal to you know natural I but still allow them to still have the majority of the amenities and everything that they want in the lot I mean you you could make this out just like we're saying right here and about this nature to take its course along that area well why why don't we look we can talk about this to blue in the face and then we're not going to get anywhere this way so why don't you go back and see if you can do a make an L on here and you'll be out of the 60 foot maybe you can maybe you can't I don't know we'll continue till once's the next meeting yeah let's let's just give us some other options we're trying to work with you guys go ahead so um just a thought that I had when you mentioned about the foundation the the mobile home was on concrete blocks the blocks are extended in the ground about 3 ft 3 and 1/2 ft so that I just figured I'd mention that for I saw that in the pictures okay U just come back with some other options for us so do as best you can um and for the December 2013 okay yeah someone like to make a motion to continue make that motion for December 23rd someone to second that I all in favor thanks guys we're trying to work with you on it I get it than you work that that one mine mine all right we're going to go back to the top then thank you thank you um enforcement order sludge landfill uh Dan came up U kind of with Rob and gave us this potential fix on this one side this first glance I think it's it's a suitable proposal so you know to rectify this [Music] area it's suitable bandaid right it's what it's a suitable Band-Aid no right but I mean what else no better to have a discharge in there right there's other areas that we could discuss as well but I think this one right now um those two so I I guess what we should probably do is maybe have like um Dustin work with Rob and danane to pull together a full noi with some stamp drawings or [Music] what couple of pictures would be good too we have them pictures you got a couple pictures already that are you one this so if you could do that with Dane and Rob and kind of give us a good layout and um if they can stamp that that will we can Le say proceed on that um through the enforcement on this area and then we'll can carry it out you know for the other locations that are in question I'm going to bring up something else while you're talking with that to ask if they've heard anything about the um proposed when they had that hearing that way everybody was at oh yeah that's and we've never heard a thing about that have you heard anything about that yeah Helen Russo 211 Betty Spring Road yeah that whole uh you hold it from me right the appeal is on hold pending the the completion of the mea process standard procedure so is the the permit for the landfill everything's on hold so that's no we you know for some reason we never get back anything like this well may have something yeah we get some emails on it but so you're going to proceed to get pulled this package together that we discussed you're going to get some pictures lay this out get a stamp drawing and we'll bring it up up to the 23rd meeting okay and then um next we continue yeah someone like to make a motion to continue the enforcement on Sledge landfill December 23rd meeting I'll make that motion second all in favor thank you um we have two we only have one on here but I thought we had two meeting minutes in here we really can't vote on both no there's only one yeah there's two here but only one on the agenda say any other okay okay thank you what's next we're going to vote on meeting minutes right for the uh September [Applause] 9th you're not on this one right so I'm going tostain there someone like to make a motion to approve the meeting minut of SE 99th I'll make that motion second it all in favor I Iain thank you the next one is November 25th meeting minutes Norman and David weren't there for that one the present members someone to make a motion November 25th second all in favor approve thank you good job in the meeting minutes thank you good then um next going back to the second page here any update on 170 Mill Street what oh I'm sorry going sorry Pearl Street uh uh W 27134 Gard Conservation Commission hold joint public hearing under mgl chapter 131 section 4land protection actland protection byd engineering LLC on behalf of David Richard 122 Smith Street Gardener for the installation of the driveway in up PE Street which is w273 through 4 project is located within the buffer zone of the board vated Wetland this is16 0672 thank you [Applause] Chris everything changed years ago no no other than the sewer and the water line stubs were put in while the order was uh in effect okay so this is a plan that I prepared for Dave Richard uh back in 2020 um like I was just telling Duncan the uh the sewer in the water stubs were put in um and then the order expired so Dave it wants to get going on this again so I filed a new notice of intent um and basically it's the same plan other than you know what work has already occurred um just to kind of refresh you guys a little bit we actually had a site visit with with Duncan came out and Justin um and cor came out as well um and the remnants of the Wetland flags were still there so I tied you know new blue ones next to them so you can you know the commission could view them at that point and they're there for anybody else to go and look at as well so uh What uh we're doing here is putting in a single family house and a driveway that's going to pass by the wetlands um as you can see on the plan hopefully there's a a a delineated Wetlands there and it kind of spans the frontage of the property and there's really no room on the left hand or these side and there's a little bit of room on the right hand side and so I designed a driveway that goes in there and uh we are 10 ft into the 30 foot no touch Zone um what uh and what I did is a few mitigating things to try and ensure that the wetlands would be protected um the driveway goes in and I've got it sort of set up so that there's a high point and a low point so that water from the high point flows down to a low point where I'm sending into a rip wrap uh Channel and a leeching catch Basin to take any of that water I proposed to burm along the road there going in so that the water's not going to hop over and go towards the wetlands it's going to go towards my catch Basin further back into the property on the other side of the high point the water is going to flow down and continue on past the wetlands to a discharge Point that's I believe I think it's out of the B sorry does that make sense how long is that driveway 300 ft I think 350 something top of my head I yeah and so again we're going through the 30 right yeah but I do have the opportunity to really protect the weapons I know when the other one you were talking about how to enforce that but I mean here I think we have an ability through the construction process uh to mitigate that what is it is it going to be gravel or pavement I'm assuming that it would probably be paid yeah which would be better there wouldn't be you know any we wouldn't have to do nearly as much maintenance on the catch Basin so it just slope the driveway this way well I'm got to there's a so I mean I guess I would I would guess recomend I guess I would want to send it towards the burn and then run it down towards the catch Basin because I've got an uphill slope on the other way so the water's not going to go that way so I guess I would just put a you know a cross slope that heads towards the this all slop that way anyway yes yeah and I have to make it I'm making a cut you know I'm close to the neighbor on the other side too so there going to be I think I've got a two to one slope there yeah what do you guys think over there can you see it or you want to look at the bigger one yeah please try look at the same thing I [Applause] slope right here these Contour indicate that I'm proposing to burn to send water from my high point right here down here to a catch Bas the high point here continue we be try and make sure that we don't have anything you know hopping it and there's a detail showing what how I would cross-section good plan get the water both way yeah exactly yeah so Chris we're still waiting for D to come back with some sheets some data sheets on this one well I mean I can do that I mean it's Mary Pinto gave us a report um I'd like to see those you would like to see those please all right um okay uh I guess I need a continuous to do that I need some time um not the best time of the year to try and get the I know that's the only reason why we're kind of hesitant that's why we were talking over here but I'd like to see those all right then we can clear everything else up and ready to rumble I okay I mean this is pretty can you get in two weeks I'm going to try get I'm going to get some snow off the ground here so maybe there's not an awful lot of plant life to look at right now um you know and I think it's a pretty straightforward delineation if you go down there I mean it's practically topographic yeah um it's get as much as you can on the data okay I mean give the time of year maybe some historical pictures I don't think I took any pictures unfortunately well let's see what we can come up with I'll see if I can't come up with something yeah and then if you can get it to us a day or two before because we know they're coming we know what we're looking for yep um before the meeting then take it from there so we'll continue till the 23rd If not yeah okay and I again one other thing one other mitigation we did I think um part of I think when we had the meeting and the uh the order conditions that we got said we were going to plant some trees so like there were 10 to 20 trees small stuff yeah so maybe kind of note that well right so yeah so I mean I would assume that would be again and I think MaryAnn's report listed some recommendations yep all right some like to make a motion what's the next 23 23d of December to second that I'll second that all in favor thank you thanks folks you guys want to yes please all right 170 mil that any update on that um and contining to do weekly periodic side checks to make sure there's no adverse impoundment going that um I've also sent out copies of report to both um both Mr Moz and also mccardy because on file that was the engineer that was associated with the structure on 1606 um and they just received report it's got to a little bit analyze that and I did also invite um Mr to come to one of our upcoming meetings um I did give him the list of meetings because he inquired about the dates and times of the meetings com out he said he would I check on it it's down to where it's it's not going to go in lower and there's nothing they're not breaking back in any water I mean there still a pawn here there a tenth of the size of what it was the dam was in so who owns the land right now we're discussing the under the tax partial data it said or under half the mapping data it says 129 South L Street Corporation they can we test the city solicitor looking to this and see who legally on the proper right now I we have a city s yes an no one yeah yeah we do have can you ask who legally owns this want know janary because at one point we heard that there wasn't somebody I want to know from the city solicitor or and or the city clerk who owns that lot for the next meeting for the 23rd can you do that well when you when you when you did it before know I'm asking a load of question but that's what I want that's what I want I I tax records something somebody I think you can have to call the clerk and the city s on this one that's what we need all right I'm not going to just beat this up someone like to make a motion to continue 170 M Street to the 20 December 23rd meeting I'll make that motion second all in favor nature trail update we you know got some pictures thanks Justin um you know you did you did note some damage to the size of the um nature trail the pavement starting to break look like some wheel or some type of track piece of equipment yeah I wasn't so sure specifically as to whether or not it was due to you know fact that we're doing it so close to cold 10 for cracks might be a little bit more common or if it was because it's potentially use of heavier equipment to get certain Stones over there yeah I I saw that too I think they would that just happened when they put the rip W there yeah and that's only the first coat anyways that'll that'll all be right yeah put the final coat on in the spring yeah but the problem is if they any water gets up underneath there no that won't happen all the elevation the rof wrap was just put in there just in time it's right where they they must have hit it when they would dump the okay make sure looks very good did you write it uh I'm not going to tell you but I I will um make sure the contact Time Bond just so we keep that in our sides to yeah make sure I know next thing is is the going to put in the yeah good yeah that'll all be done the other thing I i' seen to they did a little damage coming in they backed in a couple of gravestones with the trucks making a corner they push them back did you ever see that where just as you enter right just as you enter the trail no no no beginning in the cemetery oh from the park as you go in you start go up the hill where they had the detour where they went to their no before that okay take a look tomorrow take a look tomorrow but after it's it's I I only spotted one cuz you see the tire tracks it just went right over the grass and push in was it from that or was it from plowing no that's from really was before the snow when they were taking yeah no not there so just take a look at it all right next is Ram Del Pond what do you got on that okay Y and then National gr meeting notification yep so couple months ago representation from LEC contacted the department to let us know of a I believe it's a replacement of the utility poll it's already within an existing utility blueprint it's just replacing the structure and trimming back on a couple branches that may be ining on the right of way um because this is in service of Public Service structure such as providing electricity or utilities um it's pretty much exempt from from per requirement well we can still say we what we want for you know some protection around there while they're doing the repairs right I suppose so yeah we can't they don't have to get a permit they still got to protect the Waterland while they do the repair so that's no they're pretty good at no they are they are really good when are they put Pros to do this I think they were oning it um between it's it's a twoyear project when the lady came to tell us about it yeah remember that this is not the same this is a minor maintenance I don't think this is the major I think they want to be doing this he said late fall mid midwinter to do with okay thank you and then I see you're taking some classes they're very expensive classes should probably brought that up to the vote on I don't know why you're saying that can't yeah the price of F I would say that got a cost to it um but yeah I'm just taking a couple um free online fortive you say how much they cost you don't want to it's free um but it's um just a couple conservation related courses um about the federal Wilderness Act of 1964 uh and you that and looking at you WR right that the good yeah and couple courses on how to do some a politician he really is this let us know for some so young really good at yeah let us let us know how it goes and if you have any highlights for it that' be great yeah of course I still have probably about 20 to take before I'm satisfied with it um but um the other one that I just wanted to kind of put in your your guys' year that I might be interested in doing later this July um Eagle Hill Institute up in stupid name it's really close to Acadia they're throwing on a weekl long course seminar and training on Wetland delineation um and where is this going to be all the way up in stupid name Aria near near Eagle Hill it's called yeah I've seen I know Oran yeah so yeah and I I'm looking into a lot of the detail so far as you know so far as cost budget and everything I want to just make sure that I am thorough with that before I don't forget don't forget your B you know we're not paying for that just get us get us some rough budgets yeah of what it could be with hotel and travel and Fuel and food so we can start talking about it that we have that covered don't need a hotel of food we need to make sure that we're okay for him yeah in case he gets lost in the woods need to be there to help well then you're paying for the GPS phone right I'm kidding we already have a GPS on you just don't know it yet all all right that's awesome I appreciate you taking that extra effort your education what else you got um I guess last thing I well last two things I have which unfortunately didn't make the uh on the agenda uh so uh one we did get our uh first notification of our next fiscal year dues for nacc um I guess they say it's going to be about um $20 but we'll when we get closer to getting an actual invoice we'll discuss it more uh and then the last thing I kind of want to open the discussion about I guess briefly is um I wrote an enforcement order um this past week um about um located on 36 Nicole Terrace um this was older development that was brought before the commission years ago um the house was built around 2000 to 2005 era um and I got a call from a party saying that there was a couple trees that were cut uh but upon arriving to the site I noticed that the lot was nearly clear cut um for however much you can get up until you hit Wetlands if not some parts of the debris are or some piles of the debris are past the beginning of the wetlands because if you look if you were able to expand any of the pictures at all it's a you got to go and see it it's a huge area yeah it's almost behind the yeny yes that's where out yeah there um there does seem to be a bit of vegetation that's more akin to what's in the wetlands that's on the inner side of the pile so I I did write in a letter notifying the party that they are in violation of the act and our ordinance and I did write enforcement orderers saying that they will have to come before us to discuss the proper steps and procedures in order to return it back back to or restore it to where it's satisfactory it's a clear cut they I saw it you been up there he sent me pictures well that was a Harrison M project do they f a cutting plan less than an acre so I don't know they would so much they cut yeah I so I'm wondering even that's a potential yeah but I I looked on things for Nicole Terrace and the only things that I have are really for when the development was actually in play so I don't have any reent for plans or anything work who cut the trees down no no a quick question they used to post a cutting plan when they say if they there's nothing up there well that's obvious that's what I'm saying so that could that's another potential violation that they cut that much I should have had I mean it goes way way back behind the house it swings you know s couple different angles that's WRA behind the houseo so just make sure that they come before us on the 23rd meeting right and I'm hoping that we can get the contact so I can actually go out there and you know kind of lay count and take better photos to kind of just see what the M I made contact with the general who said he owned it and I said don't have anybody do any more work until you get in touch with the our conservation agent he said he would but he hadn't he hadn't got that letter not yet well he said he didn't have the letter I don't know I haven't got the receipt yet we it I don't know the name know the property owner uh it says aiz asra I think was the primary name show the paperwork so we can see it all right anybody have any questions on that yet okay they should be come before us on the 23rd so you get that receip i' call them and say make sure you're here the 23rd Le you know initial you know I I haven't had a chance to go I will I will yeah all right yeah anybody have anything else any other new business one quick thing I didn't give J in the notification oh that's fine and uh but the other thing too is we had that old order yeah so I have a request for certific compliance for that old order to close it up that's not on here so we really can't do that now no no I'm I'm just giving it to you guys so you you're aware that it makes sense to get it done and get the old order done that yep me you have something else oh no you good everybody good y someone like to make a motion in tonight's hearing motion second motion all in favor [Music] right