as the the meeting minutes of April 8th would someone like to make a motion to continue to 5113 I'll make that motion someone like to second that motion second all in favor I next is a notice of intent it's a continuation for March 25th for Mr Robert laier 12218 wag Road it's D 5160 0668 he's still working on getting uh third party quotes for his review of his application would someone like make a motion to continue to the 13th I'll make that motion second all in favor I next is another continuation from March 25th um this is a public hearing under mgl chapter 131 section 40 Wetlands protection act in the city Gard Wetland protection ordinance M 10 by all purose Garder LLC represented by Christopher guda Fieldstone land consultants for work and parcel x22 1316 8-4 14 and 9-8 which is 143 Colony Road the project details extension of existing storage fail including seven storage containers four of which are located within the buffer zones every bordering vegetated Wetland this is uh D file 160 [Music] 0664 uh we did get a third party review from time Bond if you'd like to come up and just give us a rund down of your finding just very short sure um and then we'll take it from there don't you over please watch your head thank you uh some of you have photos I can see in front of you I brought copies of my photos if you'd like that as well um but basically I thought I would start by running through the timeline I guess that I found doing the going through the ear theal imagery um starting back as early as the 1938 through 1971 aerial images it appears that the site is unchanged through 1971 you can see the layout of the lot the orientation of Colony Road and the utility right of life just for spatial orientation and then up to 1985 through 2005 or early 2000s that's when the site really starts to get developed and by the early 2000s the northern limit of the disturbance is expanded into the southern edge of that utility RightWay and that's really to me like the point of reference from there things expand north of the utility right of way and kind of back south into the utility RightWay um so by July 2008 in the aerial imagery there is a clear path across the right of way and that's really when I think the initial disturbance just approximating on aerial imagery about 60,000 Square ft about an acre and a half was cleared at that time and you can see some rough grading um up through August 2016 in the middle of that time between 2008 and 2016 it seems like it's allowed to revegetate a little bit they're using a smaller portion of the overall area that was initially cleared and and in 2016 about a 20,000 half acre so uh area is cleared again and that's I think when they start using it again like if things kind of waved up and down for a period of time but in 2016 they cleared about 20,000 within the initial Disturbed area and that seems to be used for stock filing and storage just some some stuff back there on a dirt surface until 2017 in the aerial imagery it's expanded again to about 23,000 Square ft it appears to be graded and paved or topped with gravel out there today it's some kind of like crushed asphalt gravel surface and that's what it looks like from the aerial imagery in 2017 and that's also the time when the two newer rectangular buildings were constructed that are oriented kind of parallel to the property line perpendicular to the rest of the buildings those were put up and they appear in this 2017 aerial image at the same time that that gravel lot is cleared again and seems to be used for more storage and vehicle parking and there's a little bit of stock piling still going on there so I show them in there in 2013 did you see that in your studies it goes up and down but the pain no the two buildings um they were clear to me 2017 though yeah these two here yeah so I found them on another GIS map that 2013 but they're already built unless something's wrong with the imagery date because this looks pretty consistent back there but these show up already it's kind of strange yeah I can cross check it but this this is what I had I yeah that's fine I just did the same thing or there could be jumps in the areal imagy maybe I'm I'm catching from 2000 yeah I saw so in any case the gravel area was ped and I think that that appears clearly in 2017 um and then I see in June 2021 that paved area expands again and it appears to be as it is depicted on the 2022 23 Fieldstone site plans in its approximate size and configuration So based on that also recognizing that the configuration of the Lots extend to the West in sort of that zigzag area wrapping around the other few properties that are along Colony Road but the focus of the field workor that I conducted was just around that 30,000 or so square foot developed area which is the subject of The Proposal that they're bringing forward now um I did walk over and investigate the other areas but not as intensely as as the subject area and in that I think I in the report here I just want to kind of summarize my report but just describing the lay of the land it is a gradually sloping topography from Colony Road towards the Northeast and it gradually slopes to the back behind this developed area and then drops right into a very saturated very Mucky forested scrub shub emergent Wetland complex um I think a key point of reference that I describ in the report and is shown on the map that I've put in there is the boundary of the buck Bucksport and sang mck versus the Peru Marlo Association soil complex so that is a very distinguishing line between the soil types but it ref reflex in the vegetation characteristics and the Mucky area is obviously wetter um but it's important to not that that line isn't fine it's it's mapped at a very coarse resolution and the transition there is is Broad because of the gradual slope the elevation of the developed area this 30,000 or so square foot paved area that is proposed to be expanded or refinished is that approximately elevation 1110 to 1112 and the Wetland boundary that was delineated in 2016 and again in 2012 is north and down gradient of that by just a few feet but it's significant when you're out there you can see that transition in the Forest Community from a more Upland towards a more Wetland plant Community am I getting too detailed do you do you have any questions at this point do you want me to no I think it's I think it's good does anybody want to keep going on this or everybody's probably read it I have read it yeah okay so I guess and if we were out there and we were to to to do some borings like on the ramp where it cuts across are right away how long the Wetland soils typically stay intact under something like that the indicators would still be there should still be present yeah matter how many years goes by in your interpretation it's usually still an indicator available it should be clear yeah you would likely see you know if there were weton soils buried beneath some other amount of fill yeah you would likely still see a dark a horizon a buried a horizon and then if there was a depleted Matrix under that with redo features you might see those Relic features there they may change in texture sometimes the iron concentrates and gets like um concrete um but there if you have a berry butt on that those features would persist I don't know for eternity or what but for a period of time okay and so if you're looking at the this developed pad area the the bottom line in my report is that I I generally agreed with fieldstones Wetland delineation surrounding the the the limits of the the area there was one Point um over I called it observation point5 just by those were my observation points that I targeted throughout the site that I think May warrant some additional information and documentation from Fieldstone to support their delineation in that location there were some indications that it could possibly you know I'd want to see the data behind the delineation to see if that may shift slightly but it wasn't wasn't an alarming offset it was just a sort of pitten down slightly Disturbed type of topography that um with the plant Community could be again I just want to see more documentation on that and over near what I've called Observation point 4 which if you were going down that ramp which is is over off to the left in that area it does appear to me that there might have been some won fill at some point the gravel kind of finished surface that's out there extends right up to the edge of the watland and it's it's an Abrupt look looks like Phil right up to the edge of the watland um there were photos of that in the report also and my initial investigation suspected that that Wetland boundary May extend farther to the east up back towards the ramp and my findings in test pit in the field didn't really support that I think if a if a deeper boring were to be taken that would be a location on the ramp but initially the soils within that sale at the toe of slope between the Upland Southern southernly developed pad and the northern one it just looks like a Swale it's kind of like a a shallow area between two gravel surfaces and it definitely drains towards the West where the Wetland boundary it becomes more distinctly Wetland but there's a transition there that I think is is obvious when you're in the field standing in front of it on the right hand side as you're going down the ramp what I've called Observation point1 is very saturated field Stones Wetland boundary extended right up to the edge of that ramp essentially and there's also an an 8 in or approximately 8 in outlet pipe that is draining pretty actively in that direction so it seems to me like whenever those two parallel buildings were constructed perhaps that when that pipe went in but it is contributing hydrology to that location and saturating that area so can you show where that pipe is exactly yeah on the map cuz guess it wasn't on this map right correct I'm disoriented here is this the oh yeah yeah so it's it's probably about right here where that finger is coming down down this area okay just making sure so the flow is definitely coming this way there's a little kind of yeah there's a defined flow path there but it's saturating all this it's very flat just just cuz you're talking about one and four with the ramp in between mhm is there so it's just hard to imagine that I mean one could imagine that that was W elev way across at one point okay it's hard to tell with no elevations but I'm thinking like maybe it was a high point and there was Wetlands all around it naturally of some sort or it was all Wetlands that's consistent with with what I've settled on I think is as you're looking at this area here the way this is situated it is slightly elevated and it kind of coincides right with that soil line too so I do think it's reasonable you know it it looks at first glance like yeah well how could they not have been connected at one point but looking at it again and when you're standing out there it's not that obvious you really have to dig a hole there to to confirm and try and find the very GL soil okay anybody else have any questions or anything yet no do you have anything else that you feel like you need to highlight for the commission very detailed report thank you it's definitely what we're looking for and overall I think it's going to help the project as well good [Music] um those were the key points I think over near observation point three it was s suspicious to me that the Wetland boundary was really delineated right up to the toe of slope yeah and when I got over there I really found it to be kind of a conservative Wetland boundary on Fieldstone part because there is a Swale and you saw in the report that is coming off of the developed pad and is feeding this very Mucky very much a wetland sale right at the toe of that slope but then the land kind of bumps up a little bit before it starts to gradually transition from the Upland into the Wetland Forest community so I think if you went out there with a fine tooth comb you could have teased out an Upland there but they just called it all all together um which I think is conservative to the resource I talk in the report about kind of a western shoulder along the west part of the path there and that is defined similarly on the Eastern side by there there's a retaining wall or a stone wall depicted on these plans and that too I think is consistent where you can really see a transition in the mature Forest Community big trees out here that are actually up slope of the Wetland boundary so to me that suggests that that area wasn't Disturbed those trees of those are Upland trees that are higher in slope than the Wetland community and in between the Wetland and the developed area so it's it's close again but it's not I don't think it my findings aren't that it was filled or MISD delineated okay anybody have else before everything was Disturbed was that a swamp before this bad was before way back 25 years ago we'll say you know I don't think so because of the mature trees that are around the pad and the distinct Wetland community that is down slow farther away from there so you like you said you think it's a high point and slop down and created the white lands okay and there's a lot of disturbance around it too so I point out just a suggestion that all this Disturbed area there's very little storm water management out here it's just flowing towards that area so it's probably swamp today closer to the development than it was prior to the development yeah dissipated better M okay well thank you sure come on up chis how long are the present owners own this this s so uh just for the record my name is Ken Robinson sorry I'm filling in for Chris today problem um so the present owners purchased the property in March of 2023 okay um and at that time they weren't they were unaware of any possible violations y um so I don't know if did you have a chance to read the report I've read the whole thing um you going to be able to respond in writing to that at some point or absolutely okay it just makes sense and I think with time Bond being third party obviously we hire them to do it they're there for both parties to try to get this thing to go absolutely I think normally traditionally in our commission we're not Tred to stop anybody from doing anything um but we definitely think that some work needs to be done out there absolutely forward I know the previous owners did majority of this and you guys got the WR of the deal but opportunity to correct it so yeah that's I think we should seize that yeah I mean just right away I think that there needs to be some major trash pick up out there I mean that just that's good good stewardship right so as part of the development the plan is to get rid of all outdoor storage on the property so that get rid of stock piles get rid of all the construction materials that are staged there um I don't I haven't confirmed it but my suspicion is a lot of that was rented up to contractors who didn't have ual warehouse space or anything I there's concrete forms and a lot of storage trailers and stuff like that but the trash could picked up a long time ago I mean it just it's pretty bad mhm the smell of oil is pretty strong out there too I don't know what that's from there's the trucking Depot on the adjacent lot yeah that could be it not like it was more up upwind of it but it could be both all those forms are sprayed with oil every time they use them some of it too but it just got kind of walks of it you ask me but um so what do you what are your what are your um your what does your client say from this report they had a chance to review it so um we've reviewed it as their agent and given them feedback they're looking to do whatever it takes to get the pro project moving so they're amenable to um a multitude of solutions here what we had originally proposed was restoration of everything within the 30 ft um and then significant storm water improvements um we had proposed curbing in order to keep everything directed into the site so that it's treated before um overflowing from this post storm water area here and this area is proposed to be uh buried storm water Chambers to infiltrate storm water that's captured through catch Bas on site okay are you going to get to the Wetland restoration and all yeah I was just curious I mean so the the wetlands as I see them right now are filled with junk yeah so it's not just going to be some planting some stuff I absolutely okay so I didn't I mean I didn't see a huge part on that we can definitely detail that okay cuz I'm I see some plants but it needs more than that invasives that not leads everywhere right not we tough to yeah I know I think you got to put a good good attempt on it and then where your replication areas are or your restoration of the areas I almost like it need to be they're so small they're going to be hard to to bring them back without expanding some of them to some so do you have an area in particular no we're looking for some feedback um yeah so I know absolutely some of these areas they're pretty small like uh bring back this closing off that tree line on the um that lower pad area um so the other thing is what's the what's the depth of foundation for those it's just a flat pad it's just a slab how how deep are they going to go um I don't have the engineering specs in front of me but I I think it's usually they have footings below the front cross line and then it's like a foot thick slab board on top of that cuz I I think I think there should be a c put in here okay because obviously we want to tie these two w lands together it needs to be big enough I yeah we could definitely I mean we have that's elevated enough we can put in something like a 36 in well these be sized accordingly for for that type of C because we want to connect the two w lands and then there probably should be some borings in these areas to see what is there how much has been filled in because that could change a lot you know the storm water out here that could be some something that needs to be discussed so so everything pretty much Beyond this tree line here y was generally made of soil um we didn't counter any fill beyond the tree line in our test bit y so this is your tree line right here that's theexisting correct there about 1 to clearing yeah so I just have an issue with that because I just you're you're getting closer and closer just kind of like this this one's you know it's almost in the 60 and it kind of just bumps right in that corner I kind of think this comes up and around here more this this building needs to be shift so much possible um we can definitely look at that I know there's concerns here with just safety access make it shorter um so and then this so This Storm Water Management Area here after talks with the planning board through engineering the decision was made to move that outside so there's no treatment within the 60t buffer um this is 60 right that's 60 correct but you're you're still in it right here right or is it on the outside it's on that it's pretty much held on that line and you think those lines are all right they delineated up in this area we can get up in there in our in our studies that's the area where I suggest more documentation it might be all right but there's not a lot to support it that's a little yeah I talked with Chris and we've discussed doing um augur logs on the Upland and Wetland and then providing a plant Community for both Upland and Wetland just to confirm how deep you going to go um for August typically within 24 is beyond that you're not going to see any you with that yeah um like Ken said there doesn't appear to be fill there it's just kind of a there was previously clearing there so the ground is a little weird and the plant Community is it looks like that was clearcut at one point just based on it's about 10 to 15 year old growth of um a lot of Birches and soft woods so it looks like you guys this this ramp this red away it's like right through our 60 and I don't even know how this building got approved I don't know if that building was approved um it wasn't my discussions had no records of planning board approval for anything we never either so we we had found a plan that was developed in 2016 um which generally conforms with what we delimed for weapons except this area here was connected um and when we were out in the field this appears to be an excavator bucket or something of a fixed diameter pulled through there to increase drainage away from the buildings yeah um so it's a lot of loose gravel that's becoming taken over by Wetland plants but and this what about these vehicles or whatever that's trails that are out there so those are slated to get removed as part of the whose property that I um that's that would be the ab property here that is off a lot you guys get approve I remove those we I have to confirm that but now was our chance to move them out of there right so my understanding is they want to get in and do all that removal and clean up in one action I want it all done now because if I don't do it now it's not going to get done later I mean I I get it yeah you want to wait and do it all at once but I think this stuff has to come out sooner than later and all this trash needs to be too it shows some respect to the land and we're trying to work with you guys on has anybody contacted National Grid you're on you're right that is right under the right under the right correct there's an easement there they gave him an easement yes that that easement shown on here it's 100 foot passing over there I know they have the easement but did they Grant okay connect the two pieces of land together uh most of that easement is non-restrictive to the property owner they just can't impede with theity service okay so like we can't put anything in there that they may need to impact to get through for maintenance or servicing so what about the pro the trailers and stuff that are out back there now that are parked in Wetlands or or within the boundaries of the white lands what are we going to do about those oh that's outside outside storage right yeah all that's coming out right yeah all that so everything is to be removed everything is to be only within the storage units themselves cuz you got something I mean I'm sure some of those things are leaking something and they're like right up against the edge up against the I'm sure people who just leave them there for years don't leave one some great right so when they're done it's just going to be the storage containers just the storage containers um the whole surface is going to be cleaned up and it's going to be graded so that everything goes into a stone water treatment before what's the maintenance manual or the maintenance plan going forward after the Project's done so there's a maintenance manual that is in the storm water management plan um we have a copy of that though I believe you do if not I can get that to you first thing tomorrow is that pretty sure yes part of Theiss time yeah [Music] so so I guess I mean with everybody's input here I'd like to get out there and do those those borings and kind of see where the wetlands should have been where it was and then make an assessment of what we can do to shape that to make your building idea so which area just to I think we need to get input from you guys and then from the commission of where yeah yeah cuz I I was definitely correct me if I'm wrong that was one of the areas we pretty much agreed on for the delation ahead I know you had your observation five like out here may yeah um this was observation five where I don't necessarily think like a that's a real rig boring type of the augur data that Ken was describing would suffice um where else do you recommend this was the area where it looked to me like there was potential fill in the W yeah that's it yeah sorry so a bing around here would I think would be um reasonable but you have to consider like how far in you go if you're standing right here it's clear to me that there's still right up can see so where do you put your boring 10 ft back is that feasible in that area and still we'd still see it or are we too far out it I mean it really can't I know can't tell um the other area that I suggested in the report but you know it would be around here just because there's this like shelf but I I I think that would be you know if you were out here to do this one you might as well do this one that was my intent yeah I mean is it something that we start out far out and then as we go in we go till we stop seeing those potential Wetlands signals yeah you could use the AAL imagery too I think cuz this there there's portion here that doesn't really change over time but this Edge kind of migrates in and out over time and that might help you determine maybe you do two one one close one far yeah absolutely I think I think we have to demonstrate upload soils and anyway yep so so you're going to be out there for the day try to get as many as you can get in the day actually yeah we'll just keep with those with those building locations as your as your focus right yeah I remember seeing you do the whole plan the whole manual yeah okay how about cleaning the place up first US well I think that's something we should do like that should have I mean if I was a land owner I would have cleaned it up before I invited conservation out there it's pretty bad mhm that's that's just unacceptable and I don't know what you deal with with that adjacent land owner there but you know they've been there a while it's not your property but the only way they access is through your property uh you got to get them out they got they probably were from this property and they're so close to the the resource area oh yeah they're on top yeah we need to plan how those are going to come out okay maybe M them or something and then drag them up or something or someone to that that area and we do have some relationship with Westminster so if you need us to help sure Doug can send an email that to you know to their board their Conservation Commission absolutely I'm sure they'd be amendable to it too and want to get that done yeah yeah so we want a a plan to clean up all the trash want to get those Vehicles out of that wetlands area from the Westminister side then we want a full day of you know boring or augur around that area that you're planning on constructing a plan for a culber across a connecting Road through the right away um with the new cul plans not just we don't want just this round pipe you know CLW flat bottom covert overid so you want open bottom concrete that's the code now right that's the standard I don't know if it's code but oh that's what we're looking for to connected to okay to reconnect I should say and then um Str that one building so it doesn't touch the 60 yep the storm water area up in the upper top of this these are come out of the 60 no work no trees no anything in that 60 David what you to say uh and just um maybe more detail on those Wetland restoration sure what would you like for additional details on there well I mean all there is now is like a planting plan right yeah I'm just saying there's a bunch of garbage in there so it's got to be a little bit more it's be pretty evasive just live for Star okay scien no you got any opinions on any of this agree with what you guys and what are you going to is that going to be paved or what's what's the that was that was my next question too when it's done what are you guys going to do pave it all so the plan was to pave it because like right now the current condition this ramp right here is just blowing out big storms and just dumping gravel and um yeah there's a lot of erosion out there and and I think that is the best way to stabilize it and contain yeah everything so we make sure we're capturing everything yeah so where does the rest of the storm water dissipate in the rest of the the the buildings in the facility so right now there is a cat Basin Network that has a an outlet pipe I believe it's over here that comes through in this catch base and just day LS through that um concrete retaining wall and can you get a convenance on that storm water it should be something that a manhole or something is that what you're saying for that existing is it a storm water drain system what is that so it's just catch basins that are tied together with sumps so it just be a standard sump so can you get us payments on those last time they were cleaned out sure yeah we can think you have it um I don't think it's been done under the present owner um what's that other manhole that raised manhole out there which in the front or on the coming out here or it's like a 3 foot it's more like four or five yeah yeah three or 4T cement Circle that's like Cap's not quite on it [Music] yeah I just want to know what it is where hold the cover is open so what I'm worried about is what what's dumping in there I'm trying to see if I can even see it Oh's your entrance here oh right so be this area you think that's it yeah I do it's almost like a vault or something I think here oh maybe it's this may look like that well there's an existing well in yeah but I thought it was out open right the yeah may it was your point looks pretty close right there there's a there's a well the building's a next to the office building yeah that's what they're looking at yeah I don't know what that is that like I mean it's it's like it's like this high off the ground okay yeah I didn't recall seeing that yeah take a look and see what that is could maybe it's a cleanout maybe it's like a big de box or something will all come together I don't know I know the Lee field is up in the front here that that's not it no so it should be separate yeah it could be nothing it could just be an old abandoned but when the cover's off inside just want to know what's going in there and where it leads to there another catch in here did you see it nor it wasn't no I [Music] didn't dumping in so you could you think you can pull that together by the 13th all that information um it's close I think we can take a good bite out of it and get I think some feedback and yeah cuz probably the auguring would take a little bit of time right getting somebody lined up for that or is that something you guys do yourself that's something we can do ourselves um good goal to try and get out here just put your best foot forward with with us we're trying to make it work for you guys and we're trying to it's hard to overlook what somebody else did you're the owners of it now but in reality if you guys are the same owners we wouldn't be talking it would be fines oh absolutely I do it's embarrassing to when you walk in the city and see that there's one point that um if I made in the whole clean up effort this slope on either side of the entryway is just like slopping eroding gravel from the top into the bottom so I don't know if it's in the design thing but I think that would be a key point to in terms of clean up yeah right stabilizing So the plan was to pull that material that's eroded back up and then put a paav area with C Cod BMS so that nothing is going over the top into that area [Music] okay okay that's that's it right there that's what we saw yeah yeah you're right yeah let's take a look and see what it is I wonder if it's an oil water separator or something right Point there's a catch basement right there there one here and there's one up here yeah any maintenance records you have because there supposed to be a building yeah right but there's nothing here right now so there's that there one up here they look like catch B to me you have any questions for us or anything for U time Bond um no I think time B I think we pretty much in agreement with the entire report um okay so the only question I guess I had was if we're going to be installing a open bottom box cul here um I don't know how much value it has to the commission for us to do an extensive determining where that line is if it's we're just going to treat it as if it was filled anyway does that make sense what are your thoughts so I'm from the applicant's perspective if it gets things moving we're willing to just treat it as it was filled and try and restore connectivity between the two just keep moving but I also think that that W where we're filled in needs to be fixed so that's kind of where we're still going it was clearly filled in in that area especially so we'd still like to do some auguring and still put the covert in and treat it as all okay I mean I I think as part of that to we definitely just offer Recreation of weapon it just Aug will you pitch it or I I believe you said you wanted an open bottom to maintain hydrology there so that to put a cul in the access way I mean it would connect it but you're going to end up recreating so you're going to put in a connection here and create wet Con well they're already there we just TI together so that's kind of what I was saying was that if we do put that in it doesn't really matter where that old boundary was cuz Wetlands it's going it's going to spread and it can't spread now because it's been build in and the elevation the other is if you if if you tip it one way or the other it's going to drain one and not the other we don't want want I it's not that simple to do yeah it's a little bit more to it come up with some ideas what do you think and we'll work with you okay so yeah so that was just I don't know if I don't want my point to kind of be missed here that by connecting these this area is likely going to become Wetlands even if it wasn't before yeah yeah so we'll take that in consideration I mean it's close to where you're going to restore anyway so that could be part of the restoration that's what I'm saying yeah take that in consideration you could definitely change the plantings to say let's just make it wetlands and put weapon plants in there instead of kind of transition plants you like that I think that makes sense yeah there's I mean if if we're if you're going to say put a culvert in there then it's going to be wet at the end of the day whe yeah I mean you have two restored areas anyway yeah they're going to be basically right there so I know it'll be interesting to see though cuz that might be a deep cul to connect those two it's so flat and that ramp is pretty steep so I don't know how that's going to look in a profile or yeah give us some ideas of what you think you want to find out the elevation one side of the other well we don't want to if you put it wrong you're going to drain one out and that's it's to be the same and currently they're going they're going to East and West right so you don't think the C's a good idea I I I don't I don't think I think if you're I think you should drill hole first yeah was a wetland yeah then consider reconnecting it but I'm not convinced that this was a weapon so you see where she's talking all yeah yeah absolutely so I just and like a big I mean this is 100 ft right so to connect those is a that's a big cber well the cul would just be whatever was a 24 ft to the road two shoulders 28 ft of Culver and it would just be head walls I just think it used to be one well if you're going to do it I to me the biggest thing is your elevations on one side of the other because if you get it wrong you're going to put all the water in one side and nothing on the other side you destroy you destroy the we again you know what you can happen I think more than anything you're just going to create one big island might cre artificial depressions yeah well I guess the Bor I mean the borings could tell us yeah let's just see what those do okay it doesn't require a cover it just seems like there should be one there depending I just at some point it's like an odity like like you said yeah I don't disagree it seems like there should be but I think boring would really tell you cuz I I did do auguring in this location and and I went down at least 24 CU I suspected some of this slope was slopping off and that was fill but even that deep I didn't find any W indicators in soils and this over here to me seems like it's been recently saturated so I think we do have this increased water source here from The increased impervious on the property that's not infiltrating it's just running down slope I don't know staff do you agree with that I do okay didn't you say that the whole thing is draining that way yes essentially the whole site's draining North Northwest and there's a stream channel way out back in the woods well this drains this way and this way until it hits the weap cuz well huge out there the world and the slope to the left where the property line is is not really represented here at all but this is a steep a tall steep slope maybe 10 fet tall of almost vertical rib WRA so this is a pretty tight channel here yeah okay so get get what you can get ready for the 13th and and then let um if you're out there maybe let Doug know when you're out there to do some auguring yeah we definitely yeah we can maybe swing through and show us that all that trash has been cleaned up and what you find in those those augers and yeah absolutely there's anything when he's on site that he says curious here we can definitely look at it perfect when you say Aug you mean you're going to a I was just going to hand through the ramp and stuff right well along the slope of the ramp I think that's why I was saying I don't know if that's going to go down or not right in the report I was um like a drill right I mean I just think we're not going to go down enough with a hand so my only thought is for the cost to bring a drill rig in what is the cost to bring a drill or again I mean you're looking probably 15 20,000 to get yeah believe it I just did it way down under five grand um so and I think we're also going to to get on some of a driller schedule is going to take a long time I I'm sorry I think that's what we got to do oh I tell this I don't like can we bring an excavator and just no it's not going to go down deep enough how how deep do you want to go down I I don't know how long how how deep do you think we should go down I mean I mean I think pretty much we have a defined elevation here we get down to that elevation here we don't see Wetlands I think that's pretty conclusive I think you need to go down at least 10 ft in certain areas I don't know how much fills there I don't know what's been brought in that's our biggest unknown to say we just know how much that's been filled in over the years and raised if you walk on this side of that right in there you can see this is up like it's probably three or four feet that's right I would say fourt I just don't know I mean I don't want to sit there and say 3 feet and then all of a sudden I know you know you go down 5T and you hit something it's hard to tell what that what that is I think a lot of it's going to be 5 ft or less so maybe can maybe that would be a good way to come back at this um on the 13th is to have an exploratory plan designed to just review with you um could you do it with a back I don't like doing it with back Ros well it makes a mess huh it makes a mess no not the guy knows these doing little one of those little minis you know I just did it you as what s me after okay all right anything else U I think that's it I think we good starting position should to get more okay all right someone like to make a motion to continue till um May 13 I'll make the motion like the second I'll second all in favor remember if you don't make that meeting the next one we don't have it Memorial Day all right so thank you than you just hang a few more minutes uh 170 Mill Street still on here um we're going to continue it again and um have to make a decision how we're going to handle this look in the next two to meetings someone like to make a motion to continue 170 mil right I'll make that like the second all in favor any uh any new business here from baseball at all no I sent um I sent out the uh RDA email um I Emil to Matt just asking you know contractor going to reach out I can get on site and kind of coordinate with them Direction can't give away that money they will this time I know that was going back to Mayor house yeah that was that money is from Brooks that oh yeah every penny so we'll get it one way or another anybody else have any new business they want to go over got anything else have something um yeah yeah I don't know this new business but I Char my agent um the um thank you thank you thank you thank you a all right so you've got to be I mean they probably gave me a break okay I mean okay all right yeah Drive the the people who are going to build the build the uh um the rest of Y they've been a year out and hav we haven't heard from them you heard anything from them no they're using Mardi um mati engineering from L yeah same as the same as the people with with the U um yeah I mean I different staff but I haven't heard anything I want to reach out again I mean yes you know if they're not going to come back we'll take them off to the agenda I mean you know we're not yeah we'll just drop it we'll just drop it it's been a year over a year 18 months you said two years two years without you know expressing a good faith effort to want to proceed so I mean what is this uh have to certify or ratify the emergency certification for the Crystal Lake um work signed we W yeah I just I've just been in a back and forth with the DP just kind of uh talking about the the situation there and kind of the uh intricacies of you know with it being a municipal water supply and you know what constitutes an emergency just kind of having an extended discussion with them about that so was that emergency yeah um we still should ratify it because I already sent it out to them you know it's done um the conversation probably isn't done yet but I think we're going DP they're not happy what happened with that they they just because that's essentially the easy way emergency permit they just need extra justification and I've been having conversation with them about that and describing the situation and as great of detail as I can and providing as much history and um Back stories possible um I can get pictures of the work of the area before the work is done so that kind of complicated things I had to do a lot of asking around just how the area looked before cuz I hadn't seen it yet I never first time I ever stepped foot over there was after being told that something was done there it was a mess so yeah that's kind of what I've been hearing so it should have been done a long time ago didn't want to spend the money I've been I've been kind of doing doing some research just kind of seeing what I can find okay so we all approved it so we got we got to ratify but someone like to make a motion to ratify the emergency certif certification for cry Lake repairs we already approved it so someone second all in favor it just D in a tough spot only thing I wish they would do is get rid of those wles that they left there and um speaking of that area you know 5 yards to the left they're going to be knocking down the building the brick the pool the pool the pool house there God so you get ready for that another the city yeah we're going to need a pretty decent plan is is it been invaded already dunan what has it been cleaned up the site has it beened no no okay we going to aort probably booms or um you got 1.1 million to take it down this amazing yeah any other new business um no just been kind of following up on our existing kind of little tals that we have going yeah [Music] um there is something potentially going on 406 Stone Street nothing paperwork official yet but um I've been chatting with building department downstairs and they were telling me that there was some uh retaining wall work done um on this particular property which has a wetland area to the reer of it it's pretty large lot with the you know house in front and they kind of like making some retaining walls and have like a dirt bike Arena or something like that they made them take the walls down do it right and um it's in it's in the building Department's hands at the moment from what I understand but it may come way they decide to go through with there from the start so they've already done some work out there that was in the yes and then they're can you send them a letter and tell them to come before us and explain the work yeah so I already I already saw them on the uh permit viewer thing and told them this did you see it or did they notify you I was told this by um Tom so they they haven't sent anything to me paperwise but I've notified them through theate software shouldn't they come for us and explain what they already did if they're working in Wetlands yeah I didn't send a note that we'd like them to come before us the next yeah I mean they didn't even come before the building department the prior too either so I I would ask them to come before us and then when they say no we'll take yeah they need to come to see a lot of people yeah all right well time to be here for the 13th meeting just say that we're requesting it yeah so you know that property 4 406 Stone right whatever happened with the um antenna I've been uh waiting to hear back um yeah there 406 you can kind of see the dirt like whatever and that's where's the white lands line that way by no I think it's more over by it is it's it's up the hill quite way C goes this way goes up that hill St stre Stone Street goes up the hill and then over it's right across Co Pond to the West which L is it on there there's a lot of there it's all swamp yeah keeps going up more and more yeah it's off the road yeah yeah I showed him in the the office the other day U what's the latest on the H track yeah um just been waiting to hear back I've already spoken to building department as well as the health department there where as well um the project has not moved forward so they haven't been granted anything no they Haven haven't granted been granted anything have they moved any of it help yet from what I've been told yes um they started working on it essentially right as I was leaving last time what I saw but I need to follow up yeah send them an email copy of the commission just asking for an update with some pictures yeah so you'll you'll do that you'll do this 406 Stone Street whatever happened with the one you found down on the way to that they were do all that log clearing I have no idea the car guy yeah that ACC calling to the ne is way at the other end be the one F end of it it was wet ones yeah I know chucker went down and looked at it too there there was another thing that I had spoken to Tom about some time ago um it a similarly kind of complex story um they haven't been granted any permits no the they did a lot without any yeah I guess it's just really tough even trying to talk to the guy no I mean that doesn't mean anything you got to send a letter s a registered letter asking for how they're going to rectify the areas that they logged in the white LS when they logged it there was no cutting plan usually post a cutting plan there nothing there I check that out looks like W waste FL that bad big time yeah so no cutting no cut you know you on The Landings always you know how you can find send a letter looking for an update WR a lot of letters yeah me to stop uh going something in and he also did well actually I know come he made a huge driveway and he got in trouble for that too cuz he didn't come before the poers to be M okay what else you got um not necessarily Wetland related but it was something I forward to DPW and Dan as a tree waren um someone had sent me a video of what appeared to be an individual uh fing tree on um pearly Park area to make a dirt bike track leading from back with's house but it's not you know a wetland but I uh yeah I mean somebody I know was out there fishing and four wheels are ripping around like plain as day during the day I me it wasn't you [Music] know can we send something to the police department ask them to do more patrols it's been uh they're they're in send up something from the commission you know asking for a little bit more oversight of the area yeah yeah I use that four wheel a little more they have one don't they yeah okay what else you got um that's five letters yeah I just stop talking for um no that's really it now um kind of with the trail Central Trail just talking with time Bond and about kind of instituting the special conditions that we we discussed making sure those are met as the project you know evolves and kind of gets in the wind up stage thing just making sure they want to get going with that right away I gave paper okay good um is is high B going to be the Y overseers yeah he said he was so got anything else no anybody in the commission yes sir Steve Rockwood 310 Pearl Street thank you just a notation that the Wetland replication down at the bottom of the hill by pro street for the school does not appear to have been started but I didn't really expect it to be at this point yeah a little while I I checked it out on Sunday thank you yeah well when the official growing season back around here it's usually pretty soon right after right after the heavy rains in April end of April sry I thought somebody said make the or something for yeah I actually well they've been saying they've been talking to people with the Conservation Commission you get across tonight no I know going to get did you hear it 26 Wednesday night no he said was what he said yeah they said they had been talking to someone with the Conservation Commission yeah so right after the last snow we got you know two 3 weeks ago um I had J go from the company there uh reach out and just say that you know they have to wait from then but um just send send a letter he's from O'Neal or is he um bacon the actual the Builder well they all just keep on uh passing the stone around well yeah there's like eight parties involved where K can well when we went to the site didn't they say they were going to send you a list of whatever they they said they were going to contact just reach out again ask for an update and have them come before us on the the 13th meeting I mean they know they know what they need to do I still want to come before us cuz it's been draging all a while so just asking to be3 and looks like a desert up there yeah you're don't even have good weeds growing C load weed growing that's that's true all right anybody has anything else you want to write my letter yeah good all right someone like to make a motion to end tonight's I will make that motion you guys want to stay all night in [Music] favor but we saw a cool skunt when we went out