##VIDEO ID:UyYuwL2spHY## all right let's get started everybody we're waiting on Duncan so we'll do what we can um until he gets here uh we're going to skp around the agenda a little bit as well uh we're going to go right into the enforcement order on the Sledge landfill actually first let me um introduce Laurence senet she's our new meia minute taker thank you uh for help helping us out and uh taking this on and we appreciate your efforts welcome thank you um and then we're going to jump back over to the sludge landfill um thank you for sending that information I appreciate D come on up I appreciate reading through it all and still getting through all of it and understanding it right a lot of material and I I could have even said more but some of I remember reading before but some of it I did not see you know you have theil so Dane's here kind of to talk more through it how you doing Dan the DPW um just to jump into it on September 5th DP is uh received a complaint uh at the SED landfill for some erosion issues there was some photographs that were sent uh toep the site inspection I believe it was Tom Rua did the site inspection on September 19th uh determined that the photographs were not recent however they did notice a small amount of sediment that was deposited in the Wetland that was beyond the uh silk fence that in fact they also discovered that the silk fence had fallen over um saw some erosion that was um built up behind the stone um Stone dikes that are inside the Swale that at the top of if you're looking at the top of the Sledge Landfield uh there's a sale that goes along the westly side and then hits an outlet and flows into the Wetland um through a p we have a bunch of stone dams in that Swale to collect any silt run off from the landfill um so they conducted their site visit they then uh called me actually before they even sent the uh letter to me to give us a heads up to go out as quickly as possible to at least start doing some of the mitigation ASAP we also received the letter once I received the letter I talked to Justin we did a site visit um by the time we did our site visit the DPW crew has already cleaned the swes we removed the old stove dams we put in new dams um and then we used after talking Justin uh used hand tools we went inside the wetlands and um removed the sediment put up new sa fence and that's what we've done for our mitigation so what do you guys do typically I know you do rounds how often do those rounds uh probably once a month at least Joe or after a significant uh rain event um we try to go it's actually not us it'ses yeah I KN but I knew you I've seen you do it over the years go ahead I just have a question I mean I think we visited that site a couple years ago and I think there was an erosion situation at the same place yeah so what's causing it in the first place well first of all the storm water was designed in 84 that is not up to it's not up to current storm water right when they when they built it um it's we're getting to the top the water's pooling and at the top with it we had a we had a dam kind of like a Earth and Dam along the top of it so to prevent the water from flowing down the slope that actually failed okay that's what caused it because of the heavy Rin okay question so that look pictur talking this Earth and Dam and this most recent mitigation kind of fix that problem or is it just going to keep happening it's it's going to happen it will those will mitigate this topic from get weapons those those photographs are I believe from 2022 the ones that you look at these are these are I'm looking at a 2023 okay yeah they're mixed in yeah okay I we just got to take better care as far as inspections and things like that after R events that's something we were on stepping up of course it hasn't rained out in 90 days but that's the problem now we're up again so can you send us the the maintenance logs going forward when you do your Inspections just kind of let you know that you've got done been out there as far as like our inspection logs yeah just so we can have them on file unless you you have them when you show Justin where they are yeah I remember seeing him in the past yeah I think you might have sent him with when Lindsay was here I remember seeing them so it just might have gotten maybe there's a system and there a file that we have I don't I don't know so I know Alan you have brought a lot of this to our attention again and sent us some more information do you have any questions for Dane on record while we're here yeah there there any other further work that's going to be done there I I think the the enforcement order said something about and also the conservation agents report said that if the um is going to do anything in addition it's already been done ination um um barriers outside the pipe so that's my question is there intention to do anything more to so that because it seems like it's reoccurring what I would like to do is excavate on the outside on the outlet side of the pipe create like a little basing with some Stone just as a more like a sett basement we had talked about that on site I didn't know how the conservation would look at that cuz we're literally digging on the out pipe of within the weather yeah but it's Prett start we're trying to rectify a larger issue so I'd be open to maybe have you sketch something up with Rob and have Justin and maybe do a site visit I mean I think that would help some of this from going further down yeah yeah and like you said it was constructed before a lot of these stor water um regulations were in place so we're kind of working backwards but would like to do that yeah I mean I think we need to at this point yeah that was my per the only other question I there's a discharge monitoring report um that I've been getting through public records requests and I I don't really fully understand them but they're required because of the um the storm water permit by the EPA that's been issued it was issued I think it was back in 2020 or 2022 I think it's 2022 all right yeah is there um I guess my concern would be is what's discharging from that pipe it it's right next to the Wetland there and it's a very large Wetland that's shared by both um the city and myself because the Border goes right through the middle of that huge Wetland of the sou I'm concerned about anything in discharge out there the Board of Health recently uncovered through their reporting through their reporting of the solid Wasteland that there's a dioxine leak in the sanitary land not the don't know where it is don't know where it is it's showing up in four monitoring Wells one of which is right next to the sludge landfill a surface water Pond which is my property 12200 ft away and a couple of other another three Wells that are between the sludge landfill and the solid waste land to the north so it's like a pattern right there the health director is looking into it the Board of Health is looking into it my concern is paying attention to what's coming out of outfall pipe what's happening out there on that site um this exceedance that was uncovered was uncovered through the engineering company that monitors the solar Waste landfill okay but they don't know the cause and we know that these landfills are connected through a leade system they're connected through a Lee system that separate Le pump station for Sledge landfill pump stations throughout the sanitary landfill that pumps into the sanitary to the Le Pump Station so they're not they're connected at the Le pump station right I I should have said connected via the the waste so they're not interconnected that way they're they're connected at the Le Pump Station which is then pump to the city's Waste Water Treatment Plant right but the leate from but the the solid waste landfill is a significant industrially user of the um Waste Water Treatment Plant corre so to make a long story short the leate system that collects under the Sol Wasteland fi this pipe this wastewater treatment plant it is processed as any other input into the wastewater treatment plate sludge from that treatment is trucked to the Sledge landfill correct so anything in that solid that's leeching out of the solid waste landfill could end up in the Sledge landfill so I guess you're ask are you asking then what is in the we at the pump station to test that because I believe that is tested right well I I would want to test everything for dioxide one of the things I learned from the recent in covering of the board of heal is that when you lower the tolerance or lowering the reporting limit of a substance to be tested you actually increase the sensitivity of the test and um so and I know we might be Dro moving off subject a little bit here uh from the uh enforcement order but my concern again goes back to um doing testing for dioxine in particular or any aitous substance relative to the discharge off all by two so I think it might be helpful for the if if maybe you could provide them with some of the recent discharge monitoring reports of alcohol pipe two because that's the one that we're talking about here I know it's not tested I'm pretty Dy sure it's not tested for 14 dioxine I wish it was but uh I want the Board of Health to expand the testing pattern so that we can figure out what's the cause and source of the dioxine leak and how broad is the pattern how broad is the the contamination P which landfills does it involve which landfills does it not involve and uh I'm concerned because this is on my property 12200 ft away it's a carcinogen my family uses the P so that's my concern I just don't want to I want to separate the two so maybe we put it on a docket for after the holidays I'll talk to the old see what they have for yeah that way you us I'm not discharging your conversation I'm just trying to kind of keep the part so let's let's keep the enforcement order open so we can do that work that proposed work that little Basin how we allowed to do that well that's why I think with the enforcement order gives us a little bit more flexibility on doing that work but I would just need to research it to make sure yeah um so if you want to just give us a quick sketch do a little bit of research to make sure what we're proposing because I think we're all in agreement it needs to be done obviously we can grant that as a commission even though it's without it's it's within our ordinance to Grant it even though it's in the wetlands we have rubber tire escavator with a 10 or 12T diameter y we'll say like rip basically okay so then we'll meet what's the next meeting how long do you think you need game to get that kind of like put together SKU yeah next next meeting next this is the 13 oh yeah okay till the 9th is that it yeah December 9th at 6:30 6:30 yeah yeah just and then um can you make that one and what we'll also do is put on U as a different topic the discharge and the concern and then we'll try to get those discharge and the testing documentation all in advance of that meeting Jus so everybody can have that we'll take it up again there sound good all right thank you d i why I'm jumping the G 2025 I don't know why all right next on the agenda is man drive somebody here to represent yes the garden of Conservation Commission will reopen a joint public hearing under mdl chapter 131 section 4 the wetlands protection act in the city of gardener Wetlands protection ordinance no tent followed by Allan Banger for the installation of self storage building with Incorporated Landscaping driveways and grinage improvements located at maner Drive Garder which is m17 19-1 the project is located within the buffer to a bordering vegetated Wetland and outer caran zone it's D1 60660 your name is Brian Mar hi Brian so Bri marete mccard engineering here on behalf of weor nower um thought this application with commission about a year ago uh we were here with a similar proposal the buildings you see here uh were individual storage containers so um Al has a business where he uses storage containers as storage facilities um they're individual units that are placed um permanently on the s uh and he rents out each individual unit um so they have do they have a foundation or anything well when when I came first they have basically it was a a concrete not concrete it was a crush Stone there was a like a twft envelope underneath these all the banks of units that was just crushed down so they were leveled on a pad they had no foundations um so it was new in town we did some dancing with the Building Commissioner and the building department uh we ended up having file zoning to go um try to get them permitted to determine whether it was in allowable use and long story short they came back and said no we couldn't use individual units in town they didn't have a foundation so they weren't considered permanent structures so there were temporary units in place for longer than your B laws allow so we've after we met with you we went and and worked with zoning to figure out exactly what we could do now by right on the site so these are now uh regular storage buildings so we've come back now there are going to be buildings um they're the size of these are small was previously proposed we had previously 20ft container stack and to end so you have 40 fo B um now these units are um uh well they're still 20t unit so these 20 ft long uh stack in then but but sizewise widthwise they're different um when we originally met you would ask us to go back and and look at other options to minimize the impacts to uh both the riverfront area on the property the rivers through here so there's just a little sleeve of river front here uh that we were proposing working previously uh there's the 30t no touch and then there's the 60t no structure um so we had gone back to the drawing board we revised the layout we added a bunch of retaining walls to try to minimize the impacts um and we were able to reduce it significantly um retaining wall wise it it brought us to a point where it was just completely economically infeasible to build the site so so we went back and did other options what we did was we we've reduced the amount of units we pulled in some of the pavement areas um you can see grad I I'll explain it here first before I go the grading so we had over here in the Eastern portion of parcel um we had units that were deeper it turned in our detention Basin was down here uh within the 60 we grade it up to the 30 foot this alternative here using smaller buildings on the end we were able to pull this Basin completely out of um the 100 foot buffer zone uh the Basin is because of the grading off grading on the back side it do does go slightly within the 100 foot buffer zone um but we have no you can see here we have basically just a tiny bit of impact of 100 foot here in the back side of the Bas in these two locations so we' we've reduced pretty much all the impact here the buffer zone with respect to grading down to the 60 and just outside the 30 um following these these buildings Here We Shrunk these down um and with the minimal grading here we were able to stay completely out of the 60 for the majority of it there's just one small area here it maybe a couple of feet within the 60 with just there's no structures no pavings no buildings no walls um again on this side now the main bank of where the storage buildings are as you come out the site you know you're at a building grade here and you drive down to the low grade so the middle Bank B are at the same elevation they ramp down same elevation so previously when these were temporary storage units on on Crush Stone pads um we were able to use the crush Stone as as a lost St Mar on the property um we can't do that now these are buildings they're on on slab foundations so we've got the same type of drainage set up but we just didn't have the area to fit the pond so I we couldn't eliminate the surface Basin we did add an underground Basin here at the bottom of slope at the lower end of our development um but we weren't able to eliminate this one Bas and all together so we did look at options of individual um underground units in between each one of these Banks buildings but because of the piping and the catch Bas required to capture it we could only fit a really small Bank of buildings and when we ran all the analyses even with this Basin this bacing was still required it just wasn't enough to eliminate um this surface bacing Al together so uh the stor monor design here is basically what you see it's catch basins they all run down through a pipe Network walk while the unit out to our infiltration Bas could you go over that that Culvert and that outfall the spillway that's past the the 60 yes so what how do you explain that if we can't really that's pretty much way past our 60 the the ordinance yeah that Spillway but the HP it's a pipe right it's a pipe y so it's a pipe Culver and it's past our 60 no no build the the just the PIP well the whole thing it's it's just a it's a Spillway so the basin's outside the spillway allows the water to how it works but it's a pipe right it's a covert it's hdp yes so there's v r ordinance yes I'm sure you okay so what does it say about rip wrap and under structure it allows for rip wrap past the 60 right yes but it doesn't say pipe hdp e pipe so is there another way of doing that yeah structure combination materials it says on the bottom whoever in reference to no build Zone structure shall not include fenes retaining walls decks patios gazebos lawn furniture this is I'm asking if there's another way of doing it children's toys such as stand boxes swing sets rip wrap areas driveways parking areas or the like that's on page two yeah it says in no build Zone structure shall not include yeah fences well no I'm asking you how you interpret that cuz it it sounds to me like you can put the rip W there but not the pipe is there another way of building that question so the the the pipe is there to control the higher storm events oh I know how it right just to allow the water to to discharge um because we don't have room to I don't want to expand the Bas and to increase the grading impacts so by using the pipe it allows it to function um I I you know we're picking on words but it that says we can do RIP W it doesn't say we can do pipe pipe's considered properly a stret is there another way can you can you guys jump in but we've never done it no no so is there another way of engineering that without the pipe I know why you need it but is there some other way of doing it so I guess the other other question they ask to discharge it off of here there's no other way to get down that elevation without getting going into the 30 yeah does the commission I mean do you have a do you have a provision for a waiver to be requested for something like that you no we don't yeah I've never done it either I don't know what's the bottom of that the bottom of the down 6 I think 63 64 yeah cuz then it jumps back up to 7 and that's why yeah that's why to discharge water at the lower elevation you got to get down at 64 which is or 63 which is inside the 30 need the CU if it has too much overflow it directs the water it's it's there to control the water is there any way you can pull it in like all of it so you're not in so that that outfall ends at that line you saying to pull the pipe in to pull that all that this way so that pipe is not in the between the 60 and the 30 I don't design these things I'm just asking it's not we need the room to grade so you got to come down to get your volume in the base and you got to go back up well you can do it you can kind of shorten these two lines up right these you can s shorten those two rows of storage and pull it pulling the whole development in not the whole thing just those two areas those two stats right is that feasible I've never done anything in the 60 and I don't want it to you know for this type of project it's not going to be my first I can tell you that right I mean we've had people not be able to build houses this is storage containers so we're trying to take it into consideration of how else can we do it or how else can you build it so it's what so you're saying you've never done what within the anything anything I that's not true there's been a lot of stuff in this town that has been approved within do you guys remember anything that we've done is the 99 had impact within the 34 they replicated y so the 99 done but replication that's impact within not just that's why I'm asking you is there way to build that outfall is there some other means to do it or other location yes yes we can potentially pip it this way and discharge this way we'll be outside of the 30 we'll be outside of the 30 we' be outside the 60 if we type it over in this direction it's going the same weap system yeah that's fine I'm not wor about that we we could certainly consider that the rip wrap I leave where it is yeah and then but okay you're going bring the pipe up this way right yeah this way yeah and then I thought everything pitched to that way yeah well we're trying to avoid yeah yeah and then down here on that long run how I mean how tight are you this the East is it how close are you actually I'm sorry down Road I'm going by plan in the middle here how close are you really on that right there how close we the 60 yeah if you follow that down lower how close are you right here oh where it's it's to the back of the structure is probably a couple feet off 6 this when do flag this they just want they ref flag the 30 and the 60 so the commission can see it so is it how close is it I mean is it five and tight we haven't we haven't sted out the the we stay the see where where they were when staying you you st this little here that's what we've done the past when we got tight as they St it we just kind of I mean we've all been there where the flags are this way or this way that something you guys feel comfortable with so you want to St it you just just this little area yeah yeah goad yeah just just asking for the record is there any wiggle room on the on that location like can it come towards that road or is it due to weird setep back or anything like that um there's it's it's basically just just a setback from the road like where're we're keeping the the driveways out here I believe 30 24 yeah so we have 30 ft the front main Drive aisle and we've got 26 elsewhere so you know there's a possibility just because of where it is there's not a lot of room to um we want to keep it wider in the front but we could neck it down a couple of feet maybe like 5 no like 2T just to pull it away a little bit more 30 ft wide right now we've got see in between where all the storage units are we have 30 ft just for Access and maneuverability um but especially if this one area is a concerned we could keep this there you just neck this one down small units a couple of feet to give an extra couple of feet that's why I was ask to St it can I come back this way on the paving move the whole Paving this way towards the road towards Bank yeah so we can look at that there's a retaining wall already right here to catch the Gres so we can move it if you want to raise the wall a little bit keep the 30 ft you're just going to have how tall of a wall I believe the highest is I at 3 foot we slope that we don't even necessarily need well we have a 3 to1 slope up to the property line behind the wall so we could we could put that in stone on fabric move it over get rid of the wall so yeah we could we could give you an extra 2 ft and then where are you going to be storing snow when you plow so snow storage what Alan does with his other facilities they push it to the end of the driveways and they so they'll all be pushed to the end yeah it's all within pavement it's all within I think we want to talk about that before you take it off I think I remember that all right so the commission have any questions or anything so if you could get us the revised plan with the change up in the top with the pipe and stuff for this uh January 9th meeting we'll just review that so right now I keep saying January so right now the bottom of my SL here is at 259 yes you know basically down near 26 so higher them so we can easily make that work a longer run of pipe it's fine appreciate we can move this in couple of Fe so if you can move that or move it and take it and then give us the revised plan before the meeting so we can look at it let them know when it states went out with the commission and just take a look at it and we'll be ready to on the nine one go ahead it's a really minor Point uh there were plantings at one point are there still plantings we well we we had we were planning on on Landscaping the frontage so this this site is you're up in the main road it all drops off yeah so no matter what you do it's going to you're not going to see much and as part of this secure facility it's fenced so there's going to be screening so you know we did have um I don't have the Landscaping PL part of this I be see but we did have just some Street trees some planting up on the roadway so yeah I'm not asking for it I just know that some of them weren't native didn't make sense you condition yeah give us take a look at it before the next meeting and give us something it's Min but yeah my concern along the road go with Landscaping flow snow salt you kill everything y so you don't have anything that's pretty in the end yeah you got a big mess so all right okay thank you someone like to make a motion to continue the hearing until December 9th I'll make that motion second second all in favor I thank you good job I appreciate your help I am [Applause] good all right moving on next is 68 Acadia Road anybody here to represent that the regard of Conservation Commission will hold join public hearing under mgl mgl chapter mgl chapter 131 section 40 the oance protection act those filed by BR engineering on behalf of Roy competent for the construction of a single family home at 68 kadia Road dp1 16670 this is a continuance from 9:24 uh through 11:25 tonight you have any updates on that um so I attended the recent CBA meeting which they were quite scheduled um I again just pick up please sorry um so I attended the zba meeting that they were a part of this past se9th and um the way it went was that a lot of the zoning setbacks are Last Resort so they're going to come back to us with a new plan to see if we can continue discussions and make progress on you know moving the project forward one way all right well one of the last ones they had they moved they out it remember they gave us like four options right the last option was it was completely out of the yeah but I think it brought that push it back to zoning is that what happened when he made the changes potenti one on the zoning plan that I find out until I read the memorandum so it the plan that was submitted back in June July was the one that was still within our jurisdiction of the 6 fo um all right well let's not talk about any more then we get a long one night already so uh let's make a motion to continue to December 9th someone like to make that motion motion to second second all in favor next let's just skip this 143 for while 143 Colony Road come on up the G Conservation Commission will hold a joint public hearing under mgl chapter 131 section 40 in the W protect and act in the city of garden Wellness protection ordinance announcement 10 F filed by allpurpose Gardener LLC representative by Christopher guda Fieldstone land consultants for work at parcel ID number x22 1316 8-4 9-8 143 Colony Road Project inails Extension of existing storage facilities including seven storage containers forage which are located within the buffer zones of board and vegetated Wetland this is B 16664 and it's a continu from 9:24 through tonight thank you so I have a marked up cop this is just a yeah state your name for the record too so my name is Ken Robinson I'm a Buton scientist with field phone land Consultants this for everybody who's here and in the audience Ken's been a trooper through this whole thing they've done everything we've asked them to do and then some communicates on a repeated basis I just want to say thank you you you done a great job it looked beautiful down there so I appreciate that go ahead thank you um so this has been um the plan has been revised based on a discussion last month um so we've added to the plan offset from the edge of pavement we proposed 5 ft off to put a split rail fence with placering um the only area that we've called out is to make an access way here because this is the storm water basin so that we can provide M as needed um but it'll be a it won't be a permanent opening it'll be a Open Access weon um in addition to that I revised the planting based on our discussions on site originally we had talked about doing uh several different plantings and I revised that to just be High Bush blueberry along the edges I find that they're typically the most resistant um especially with some of those areas that are full sun um and if we have issues with viability they're a lot easier to track down than some of the more exotic Nursery species um so and then just as a just to go over it here what we've gone over before um so there's one expansion from an existing building into the Under Foot buffer there's a new building within the Under Foot buffer up above and there's two buildings that within the 100t buffer below the entire area is proposed to be paved and curved with closed drainage there's an infiltration Basin proposed right here to capture all of the storm water from this upper area and anything that can't be treated by this is this lower area here is to be redirected to this storm water basin um all looks good I appreciate you kind of bringing back that W lands and how many yards you think you pulled out of there we're estimating 1,200 yards it's a ton that's a lot of lands that was moved in really the previous owners filled in a lot of the W lands Ken's grouping in there and pulled it all back out and it looks outstanding back there so this is a for the commission to review but this is a a letter that Justin came up with to lift the enforcement order obviously they've done everything we've asked them to do there's two different copies I think the one you signed is probably the better one so that's going to be something we to vote on after but so K Ken what's the plan and then What's the timing on the next stage of this so the plan right now um as it stands this this the same layout that has planning board approval the only change from that plan has been um the additional plantings in the buffer zone down here and that split rail fence with plaque ring that's the only deviation from what has been [Music] approved this this is fa new yeah that's to maintain that to get in make another mess go ahead so just to be consistent uh it looks like the 60t Zone almost touches the corner of that one building it is 61 ft 61 any wiggle room there yeah um that's close we just said a foot or two c i could talk with the engineer staff I see why not that's real close yeah I mean I I know we've had both staked out and they're they're definitely different Stakes but they are close yeah yeah if you can move it up like 2 3 ft yeah just so there's no area you guys just re clean that up and yeah I'm good if you can can send us a drawing showing that you're got to move it off coup I mean I'm fine with voting tonight on it no you're going to come through I mean you've done everything we've asked to do from the start so anybody have any other questions all right let's let's do two votes here though so the first one will be um a vote to um I'll give a second the first vote would be to remove it remove the enforcement order the second would be to proceed and allow for the construction as as um requested you have all the documents and everything we [Music] need Che order conditions you still need order conditions and everything so that basically close out lift the enforcement order then you're going to come back before us on the nth yeah and we I'll talk to the engineering staff we'll have that the I'll call out that dimension for the space okay great so uh for the commission someone like to approve the um signature and initial on the lift of the enforcement order for 143 I'll I'll make that motion to second I'll second all in favor I thank you and we'll see you um on the ninth with a couple changes and I'll I'll get those to you guys ahead of time just so yeah right okay so we're going to continue it someone like to make a motion to continue 143 to the 9 you have copy okay I'll make that motion someone to Second it I'll second all in favor thank you I remember seeing the steak but yeah it's close all right the next is uh old business 170 Mill Street it's a continuance it's 160 0658 this is the gardener Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing under mgl Chapter 30 Wetlands 1 Section 131 section 40 of the wetlands protection act and city of Garder land protection ordinance of those 10 by Mark SZ for the construction of a contract to building Associated site improvements located at 170 Mill Street the project located within the riverfront area to continuance going back to September of 20 20 September 25th sorry of 2023 you have the latest and greatest on this just you got the part the structure report yeah can we just give us some synopsis of what that report entails so M justes that follow speak up a little I apologize um so it basically just says that the call up inspection from 2020 indicates that the stop block on the lower channel is displaced and that may be the leading cause of what drained out the pond reverted it back to the small tributary system uh as far as the potential paths forward um Mass Dam safety still uh confident that there are only three paths for where it's you know the owner of the structure should either um repair which would be the least um the least worthy path of going forward because that would potentially create liability in the sense that you would be impounding water behind behind a wall again and so that would mean that there would be a structure in place that has to meet compliance standards every so often um and then yeah in case there was ever a more serious breach after that point it would have the potential to cause both ecological um property damage and also potential physical harm to you know other you know people um the second path forward is an engineered breach or a partial removal um and then the third would be a fullon removal and restoration of of of the stream um in talks with D um because you know we are very fortunate that in the way that a drain there was no major killing of you know Wildlife such as like fish um but you know at some point we do have to potentially have talks to see what it's going to look like so far as you know if there is going to be a restoration project qualification for it um and yeah we just got the report Friday so had a whole lot of time to let's look into it some more did the property owner get a copy um I'm not sure I know that um that the state give me one but I'll make sure yeah make sure that the engineer mron always gets copy and um maybe we see we can get them to come to the next meeting to discuss yeah go ahead so we've clarified that we do know who the owner is as far as I understand yes it's documented in here that the property owner is Mark Thomas ating resent so do we know who owns this land we this out so according to the parcel data it's the 129 South um LLC LLC which is a dissolved company and but the registered president vice president Treasurer are in deed the individual okay so just make sure they get a copy and see if they can come to this in September meeting someone like to make a motion to continue 170 Mill Street to December 9th I'll make that motion you know wait a minut wait a minute I'm going back to a conversation we had with Mark that the agent was and he say among other things that everybody was kind of picking on them they were putting bullets in and taking bullets out anyways this the the pond is is gone but but he also stated that the for the lack of of of of interest that the state had stepped in and dissolved that Corporation it's owned it so nobody owns it nobody owns it and he said well I don't nobody owns it but he said I have first uh uh first refusal to buy it back or get control of it and I don't is it mentioned in here well I think we need to get him get him a car C and see if he's Lo then tax records and see who owns it right now who's paying taxes on it now did you when the last time we discussed it you you did you go up to the assessor's office and find out if the if the taxes have been paid through 2022 no he's paid taxes on it no so he's buying how many two years three years four years three years apprx three yeah all right we're going to continue either way I I know but what I'm saying is we we keep kicking this around well we have to at some point because we just finally got another report that's we were waiting on we were waiting for the year to go by right so we got to figure out now who's the legal owner of it and sounds like there's nobody so we got to yeah call Mr Harris there's nobody there's no so that's why I asked him to go to the tax records and find out to assessors and find out who owns it there's nobody we need to get the city solicitor and figure it out all right so that's what we're going to do between now and the 9 find out who owns it get all city solicitor with that information and take it from there everybody right with that D all right with that it's all we can do right yeah I guess you know it's just it's forever it's been so long they haven't paid taxes in two years right okay someone like to make a motion to continue to December 9th I I'll make that motion someone like to second that motion second all in favor okay new business Trail update we all got the documentation looking pretty good BR you walked it today can you tell us what you thought out there so it's Crush gravel uh it's a little wider than I expected but it's it's interesting I have a question about the smaller cul though because it only looks like it's an opening one way and there's not an opening on the other side that smaller cul not the one with the the one they move the one they shifted a little bit not that one yeah yeah I think they I didn't see a hole the lar one shifted I didn't see a hole on the other side where water would come through maybe I wasn't looking in the right place yeah I let me look into that but I do believe that there is sometimes it doesn't dump out right there it'll dump down farther right I can see the cover the end downward end but on the other side of the trail I don't see where water's going to go into it but may I wasn't looking in the right place it could be up more up slope no you looked around maybe can you just check in that just looked like dirt to me okay there that's interesting um but then Japanese not all looks good covered up stuff yeah yeah I believe they're supposed to potentially start Ping tomorrow I know they've gotten delayed couple times due to the return the wet weather but theather rain one day all right everybody had a chance to R all and see the pictures and all one my question we we had a lot heavy we had some rain is there any any erosion problems um there are no current erosion problems now I did notice that there was was a around the 36 in cver the verion controls fit what's more to the print versus what's actually near the flared end of the Culver and there was still a bit of um exposed sand that they were using but I had after noticing it you know and the proximity of the Wetland to that exposed sand I asked the engineers and contract would be feasible to implement some more erosion controls on that side in case we got a return to rainfall out there tomorrow and make make a look yeah I actually went out today tomorrow yeah I'll do yeah th Friday yeah are you satisfied with what they're doing yeah I think it looks good yeah I can see meetings and everything so you thought it was good CR yeah yeah you're all right with what you saw today when are they when are they um I asked this before and I I don't remember what was a Paving date so originally the paving date was supposed to be last Thursday um then they moved it to moved it to today to to tomorrow so I'm hoping that they'll start did they did they today they they did not start today I didn't see any operational Machinery while I was onday really there wasn't anybody there when I was there I you know with this weather we coming in I I assume they're going to start have to start paying I'd like to see some pavment in there before all hell breaks Lo really mean winter okay you're talking about some serious snow we may we may not get it but you know we're on that Fring of you have Ram Del Pond on here which did another period today just to make sure that um there was no Beaver blockage that was one of the things that the engineer from DCR and the and the Consulting engineer told us to keep an eye on is if before the winter if there were any active that they wouldn't you know start to it one more thing the fence that runs along no one runs along the path of B the first 600 ft is have they started that fence they've started Gathering the materials of it they haven't brought it on site yet um but theyve gathered the materials for it yes yeah and all the s logs are gone now yeah so all right I brought the medium minut a take care Duncan medum minut a take care yeah okay so it's really quiet right now just listening then I have this we've talked about this before and I don't remember the address but it's on West Street going towards the dump there's the monument Place yeah right before that there's been Sil fence there I asked the last person the last agent take Doug went and the guy pretty much blew him off the D sign still up is that PE Bailey Brook right there yeah right yeah so I don't know that BR that Brook no that's not can you go there BR further down okay can you go there and find out what's going on call the guy up the signs's been there Fen the sil fencing's been down Doug already went out there once and we'll have to do something with this because I don't even know why it's even up anymore you probably just don't want to to want to closes they don't get insed yeah so I don't remember you could probably look at this this business here with The Monuments and then come back but you can see it I've had a picture before the dog but it's they put it up when they were doing work work on the driveway it goes up to that house of the way in the back yeah well they they got to finish it and clean it up it's ridiculous yeah so not going to just um put an enforcement around cuz it's I want to say we talked about this two years ago probably longer do you know where I'm talking yes okay there like that Foundation across the street that needs to be discussed at some point too all right yeah any other new business else we on here got anything else anybody else have any new business on any the old meetings yeah we're working on okay oh we can go back to the front and um does everybody have a chance to review the meeting minutes of September 23rd we're catching up finally someone like to make a motion to approve the meeting minutes of 92324 I will make that motion so to second that motion I will all in favor I I abstain I wasn't here y okay so Justin's been doing a great job catching on them so we're going to at some point we're going to have a stack of meeting minutes and each one will be you know who can vote who can't vote for each one we come through them and then um warrant's here so we'll be able to catch up and keep going forward anybody have anything on New on the commission for a new business anybody in the audience have anything uh the kimer solar project CMC yeah they're um got on that oh so that that we to just resign it so yeah we have to resign it because the original copy was nailed to the destination but somehow got lost between the mail room and the suite that it was supposed to and it never got to the actual applicant so um in order to still have them receive a permit extension would it be applicable for the commission to um resign why don't we just take a vote to resign because it's got lost in the shuffle in the mail someone like to make a motion to resign for kinger uh solar I'll make a motion second we already signed it we just yeah yeah all in favor I any anything else all right everybody have a great Thanksgiving and be safe see you on done yeah yeah I I'll make it someone to make a motion in tonight's hearing I'll make motion second that second all in favor