qualifications till the public understands some of the documentation that's in that um so we originally came back to this board most February at this point started talking about the north central pathway connector uh called the nature trail goes from Crystal Lake Drive around to the uh former Railroad on the north side of the national grd substation um you know we worked with this commission for three hearings obviously we're going by the reservoir we're going by vernal pools protected areas um so you know this commission did its job and we made sure we made some changes we added added some fencing predominantly to restrict access to the reservoir um we we did a lot to document a lot of the decision we made because we hadn't really brought that initially so you know so that the commission was justified in their decision making process um if you recall Mass DP comment letter didn't come until right before third here uh one of mass D's comments was about the storm water the approach the storm water management on the project they basically said you haven't done enough for storm water management we put back justification for the approach we had taken um we had that before this the third hearing here move forwards with order justifi in doing that you know um on the last day of the appeal period of the order of conditions massp notified Trevor and Doug that they were officially Co intervening in the project and appealing the order of condition granted by this board um and they were doing that on the grounds of stor Mar um so I've had been field process before so it was it was riveting right Trevor um we got a letter of intervention um that letter detailed didn't really detail anything simply said you haven't managed storm water of Standards you have nothing the performance standards um an email started shortly thereafter which is part of their record including Doug as the agent Trevor as the owner myself as the rep in 3D section chief JY Schmid's senior analyst Kim Roth and uh and Becky jendro was also an analyst um the plan was to have a virtual call we had a 45 minute virtual call of them to dig into what the concern was um and that was followed by a site walk with them where we met on site was there um and uh that was like two and a half hours or yeah and I guess I'll point out that you know the state concern of storm water and got into many other things that day you know which heard frankly I think is beyond their jurisdiction when they state that they concern of the storm War but um I'll show you the changes that resulted from that so um we met with them and then we had two options one was dig our heels in and fight him because we felt that our project was adquate as it was or proposed some changes they would do an informal review if they felt we met their concerns at that point we come back ask for an amendment you know being a city project being the group of regulators the city has to deal with all the time that's obviously the preferred route the other advantage of that route is it allows this board to issue another order which allows you to keep your V protection local by line in fact if they go the superseding route you know locals out the door so frankly you lose protections which you know the city wasn't going to do to s in the first place right um so essentially uh last week we sent them a series of proposals of changes it was a revised draft storm water report and a set of drawings with some changes on them they indicated that if this body uh move forward with an amendment incorporating that documentation they won't be inclined to reive their appeal U and so so here we are so that that's how we got from order condition to we standing here in 201 talking about the project for a fourth time um and then what I can do is kind of run through those proposed changes and then obviously you know discuss whatever whatever we need to um so the resubmission these things are never clean but you'll appreciate the reference I kind of treat this like a conform you know contract do sp um I took the original no was intent I annotated very clearly and readed in the table contents which sections were either modified or placed in total um you know that primarily was the storm War and the drawings however I also added uh a couple appendices one being the correspondence we had in our first three hearings so it's actually founding the book now um the other being that I took the weapon replication plan we developed and gave its own you know front and center spot in the back of the book and there's a RIS the we have notifi um were there any changes on the butters you're one get I'll go to the drawings last uh you will notice when we look at the drawings that we CL revision clouded everything we change I did that for two reasons uh this project is already going down the procurement pathway and so there'll be a field change with the selected contractor so I didn't want to double my efforts there but it just makes it easier for everybody to see what exactly Chang from consideration now um in terms of storm water so actually supp sorry so our original storm water uh memo we make two arguments principally one this is a pedestrian and bicycle cook path so standard only applies to the maxim extent PR that's written right into the well two we said based on DP appeal case law if you're not creating a direct storm water discharge in a resource area virtually the standards don't even apply anymore and so we said we're actually you know we're extent practicable but we actually don't even need to meet the standards um so the one approach would have been just not given the storm bar report probably compation we would have felt Justified doing that but you don't make friends that way um apparently we didn't make them this way either um the original memo we still step through and said um how we felt we're meeing each standard so the biggest thing was that we are Paving a 10t strip and there's no uh impervious out there now so we were creating impervious surface uh in the parcel and there is no the Minimus in the actual regulations where you can say oh it's less than an acre or it's less than this so it's not um but the argument was if we introduce something like a storm water basin or piping or whatever it is whatever the best management practice was was going to increase the O and just be more disturbance in these s of so we ultimately decided to argue for doing nothing quite frankly um and D that's what D took exception to you know I called it common sense they called it Ley and that was the point of contention so uh one of the things we did in the revised storm water report is we uh developed the backup calculations for what's called low impact development credit so in the St water Reds there are these L credits and credit number three is the disconnection of non pops runoff credit which is a wordy way of saying that if you um if you're going to pay something that's not paid you basically cannot create a flow path that's more than 75 ft long well the way that we graded this whole site everything's going to run right across the the width at 10t so we're not creating any flow paths that are greater than 75 ft runoff can't come from a designated hotspot use the length of the quote disconnection must be equal to or greater than the contributing length the entire Vegeta disconnection shall be on a slow L and are equal to 5% of that in second the surface and perious area to location cannot exceed 1,000 square ft U and there's a couple other things and and we did respond directly to the ex actual star Mar report the only one that I have a star next to is that you know when we come off Crystal Lake Drive it's steep down to the present so I'm greater than 5% down there in my disconnection but the two arguments we made were one our contributing area is well below the threshold and two our impervious point is well below the threshold so therefore you know looking for a little Le on the disconnection so the thing is when you culate out uh that Li credit version comes back and says that I don't have to mitigate for any of this either a recharge or because you can deduct credited volume from the volume that you're so yeah and I check the L check box and give me the calculation in the first place we should um but given where we are in this process and given the commentary from DP on the site in addition to that we've decided to add a 1ot by 1T Stone infiltration trench on the downgrade side of the path for the first 800 ft L near um that in the report it shows calculates a volume it's not huge volume but it calculates a volume basically saying our requirement was Zero we're given 287 cubic feet or whatever the recharge volume was um yeah I mean we're doing that to directly uh satisfy you need um you know that well I think it's in excess of what's required it's not detrimental right the runoff flow is going to come across the path if it's carrying any sediment from the upgrade side get stuck there um you know the like if you're watching it physically during a rainstorm it should flow across and you disappear to the point where you know until Sur if it's raining hard um it should provide some basically erosion control no velocity dissipation s capture so it's not a bad thing um it's just an add of expensive project this will be in the area directly adjacent to the path on that side and then before the chain wi fence so it'll be accessible for maintenance because it will need to be maintained periodically um we're proposing right now like a 3-inch Stone I can't go bigger because I don't have enough size but I don't want to go smaller because I don't want Stone pth so try to get as big as we could while still being practical with that um I guess we can look at the plans real quick because the rest of the changes are kind of back and forth between the two I'm just going to look right at the first site plan shoot as I mentioned before Vision bubbles around everything we change um and I'm going to read them on and we can go back and study a closer yeah I have a list of St that you but hitting them as your go um you know there was concerned instantly about the potential you know dog waste being left um City's got a pretty good precedent having dog waste stations we have the city standard detail we're going to add one of those right as you come on the path to encourage you know responsible thought ownership um we're adding stay on trail signs in addition to the water supply signs so again re reinforcing stay on the path don't go off the path on the downg rent side of the first 800 ft there along Crystal Lake we're proposing trees and shrubs to be planted in there to kind of there's some soft spots in the vegetation so you know I'm calling them out generically here the the direction is to be uh feel verified and that would be with the project monitor so you know we select these locations will be selected um you working with the commission also working with Ty as the project monitor to make sure that they're addressing areas where there's softness in the vegetation where there's Gap in the canopy uh things like that there's a couple footw tasks that go down off the current walking trail um DP was concerned about those so we added a note to grade and stabilize those areas you know that wouldn't be some kind of like massive earth work that'd be more like roughing it in you know I don't know seaing really makes a lot of sense but basically kind of not making it look like a footb path anymore and getting you know getting something to stabilize and take uh we talked about the stone Trench the irrigation lines out there we are already saying to cut and cap them um we expanded a note to remove the disconnected sections he he was pushing the call for like a full removal and I just I don't think they're in use so um we will what's Disturbed I think one of their big objections was you know those couple posts with like sprinkler had sitting on just in face out there so uh more trees and shrubs stay on trails Wasing oh the commission will love this so the Wetland replication area has been so it's actually backing spot it's just the more appropriate shape and Contour um much more similar to what was asked originally um so this replication got put behind the Wetland before the concern was access and causing more harm getting there the concern was also the not that's back there you know not the replication to take hold um the removal or the control or not still in Project hasn't come out it's just that the replication is now coming up forward uh to a location and we stood there with the EP and HED it all up and yeah it's pretty appropriate location please rise the crosssection and that was the gist of thing there is note on here about the location of a flag varable so um Judy Schmitz who's the section Chet for central region had her aing out there and she's aing around and she you know her opinion was that the flag line didn't quite match but she didn't want to go through the process of completely throwing things out starting over so we identified a a bush that we took swing ties to and she said as long as your Culver ends prior to that much then you know they say no har no follow so it is called out for everybody to know but also from construction standpoint it's called out to say project Min to verify we've got to push that c you know 10 ft or something we will to avoid you know what she considered to we with the her evaluation that's that's the bulk of it I'm sure some questions I'm happy I got a bunch of questions like 15 but I think you answered most of them I'm going to just ask them again just to reiterate and some of to just like get answer to some of them are just more clerical the noi is dated May 24th should it change to match the date on on page 10 I don't know I'm asking it's more of a what's the right thing I played these games too frankly nobody really knows because this doesn't happen I know that's why I was one of my questions so I I gave you the original n back because technically I'm only asking for an amendment to theorder okay so I changed some dates and I definitely put a new cover letter in there stuck with the original F doesn't I just didn't know like you said we've never had this either um and then David had mentioned that there were some notices about we don't want any straw wles or any straw it's noted in there a couple times those tues what we're going to use yeah you should definitely just make sure that's removed yeah um I would say put it in the order too okay but it okay and then um this this is more of a just explain to the public and and others that may be listening so we have a loss of 80 square fet of BBW right yes however the replication area is going to 3 41 ratio can you just explain that that shows the resulting of an increase of the overall size of the bvw to 270 square feet just not not into details just I'm explaining that we're not doing this because we're getting this right it's better it's better better overall um we do need a 75% survival rate to the standards so we always oversize in general you know the goal is to get 100% you're not going to get it but that's the goal you should be getting more back than you lost and that is because you shouldn't be losing in the first place so you know we go in and we replicate it a lger size the 3 to four 3.4 to1 is really a result of that was the Natural Area that's how it worked out so we did the math and said 3.4 you know 2 to1 is a good ratio that's we normally see is 2 to1 that's why impressed so so it's just you know like kind of the way it fits by stop no that's perfect I appreciate that explanation and on page 38 can you just confirm what the the total acreage of limits of work is 38 in the PDF probably right yeah I just went right in the PDF sorry no that's fine um is that on the form or is that in the narrative um I think it's in the narrative hold on I get to p 38 tell you what it really is I just did that to be confusing for you not believe it's just over here because we I thought it was 77 anything over an acre requires a Swip and you sit in there you would you weren't doing a Swip we didn't do it but I believe it's in the Construction contract the contractor develop it I think we check the box and said it would be provided instruction good that's why I was asking about po limits y perfect um I was going to ask for a Swip anyways you if it was 77 but obviously nope that's again and just one note um we don't want any exceptions on the New England Wetlands mix people always try to say but I can buy this wherever they claim they can buy it if never grows we've dealt with it at the middle school make sure that we definitely that's well they simit on it it doesn't then they change it it's going to be coming out if they F if they don't um if they submit and change on us um on the fence pip the bottom guard it's on 51 but it's on the detail one of the drawings yep at one point I thought we talked about the bottom guard rail how far off the ground it will be for wildlife and critters but the detail is missing on this drawing it's the fence Note 3 or right above Note 3 and also that mentions a fabric I don't remember seeing that before c you got it right there yeah what page is that I'm making sure this that's it okay uh c21 I thought at one point you you had showed us yeah that's it yeah I thought the bottom rail was going to be up higher it is is it on that up I don't see it no it is actually says 6 in it's not it's not it says 6 in uh the section that's got the cross bar going across it yeah I know but what about the rest of the fed well it's level from there so the implication will be set up 6 in the the fabric is just the old school notation to the actual mesh CH mes mesh okay actually mean like a I was worried about someone's like a wind sock okay maybe we strike it I don't know we can this is more of a question than anything on page 52 you have the trail side show the person I'm gonna refer to Norman on this one should it be a bike and a person because if I'm a kid and I go oh I can if I'm on my bike I can get off the trail it's do that there's no there's no standard sign PCR kind of hiking sign um you know if I'm if I'm a kid and I see that it says like I got to stay on the tra I'm walking but if I'm on my mountain bike I can go off is that ridiculous or I don't know nor what your thoughts on that yeah more of a question observation than anything but no I mean you could condition it that way and this hasn't been given to anybody the price yet so well maybe we put them side by side like in the same I don't know that of like kind to the stack kids are all they all think they're engineers and and lawyers so um page 53 I don't know what it is on that one but it says um it talks about uh Waste Management who's going to actually get out there from from the city and change these buckets and where the where the location's going to be so the dog we're put the dog ways sorry they do that already every Friday you go through the trail TR to do station okay so I'm sure that's going to be added to it okay where are the locations so we put a dogway station right at Crystal Lake Drive Right Kind of when you come on the trail at the start that that's the one we're proposing so here's the thing you have a dog do you want to carry that the whole way is your dog going to go to the bathroom when you first get there or you're halfway through I get that yeah well I get there H I don't know you we can easily but I'm just again let's just make sure we put in the right spot and that's why I was asking if we're going to be out there someone's not going to walk a mile in again adhere to the rules yeah they go out there they use a doggy bag and they leave it there they think we're going to pick it up yeah okay so how do you correct that yeah maybe we need a trail guid I think it's more locations to drop them because nobody wants to carry once the dogs done that's I just one have that and you can easily drop one on the other side I enough just yeah it's only one one right now it's only one side it's only one side par side paringit there's one over there and there's one at the Crystal Lake entrance yeah but if you keep going there's nothing if you keep going there's no more no well we're just saying at the other end of one I don't maybe get a cost for it and if it's like a change a change event and see what we can do um is the can you confirm the total pathway what the length is is it, 1650 or approximate approximately yeah 1650 approximately just over I thought I saw somewhere else there was there was a little so I'm just more Curious the profile goes to about 17 but like that's on the other side and then you already explained this and I appreciate you doing this it's the uh the standard number four quality the credit number three so you already that was one of my questions thank you yep um and then my next one was literally a Swip um and then on trash and pet pick up do they have lids like what we're what you're proposing I don't know do the ones out there now have lids they have yeah it's got a hinge cover standard detail and then on page 109 and I think that's the storm water it says rainfall greater than a half inch kicks in additional requirements can you just kind of talk about that I'm going to look on here and see what drawing where that hold I'm G try to find it on hold on in the maintenance I uh oh in section oh uh it in the like we list out the different yeah features ter prevention sorry actually a water man system so okay so under walkway and gred shoulders we looked at those as a component thing we say spring Sorry by annually in the spring and fall someone presumably DPW needs to go go on trail make sure things are in good condition we add in the special inspection events spring snow melt and rainfall greater than half an inch so if you get a heavy sow that's why I mean who's going to really do that first a who's going to see if we have a half inches it does that's un once you got a rain gauge out and don't that was my next thing where's this rain gauge and who's monitoring it send out whoever you know go check them all I guarantee you this wouldn't be the only system in the city for this type of thing right but now we're at the point where we this is our drinking water and Y how do we is is half inch I mean is that real how many half inch storms do we get and should it be an inch or 3/4 or get an inch in qu next the stone infiltration Tren does go back to say two-year return frequency I know but right now it's we're not going to be in compliance if we get a half pitch storm and nobody checks it and then somebody's going to walk out there and see a big wall out yeah and then on these forms who's going to complete these forms when you guys are gone this would the be whoever DPW is doing doing the maintenance I know but you know what happens I know exactly me to say it so should we change that in your opinion I you know I've seen these written before also where it's like in the first year you're doing that because you're word things aren't stable it doesn't really say that though it does no I'm saying I've seen it done that way that might be my recommendation is to say you're one yeah let's keep an eye on it right it needs to be stable all that Ian you still got project at that point2 if there's an issue after that and you know it's generally stable I think you can get back to your biannual inspection and just say you know we'll notice if it happens obviously if something rips through you know the region everybody's on higher to respond but the last thing they're going to do is worry about that trail it's critical when it comes to that yeah so can we just make sure we modify or maybe you modify for record that okay great um yeah then next one was the inspector log who's responsible to do that because I mean but I can tell you right now there's several others out there that city owns we haven't seen a single report and then they they're Wetlands not drinking water which to me is just is important if not more yeah so we need to find out who is from Dane is going to be responsible for this and when they do fill it out they got to give us the completed form within three days five days I mean within three to five days but I think some of that won't be as bad if we modify that half inch yeah next one is the maintenance plan it says it's about $4,000 in costs that it within the budget somebody's budget whose budget budget do you see that in it was I don't remember seeing the last time if I remember right has a certain amount of his budget for of the bu this is an addition to though it's another on top of what he already has maybe you [Music] can The Bu for that I would say you know obviously just hand it to DBW say you know what the heck right but frankly this gives him justification when he gos to do his budgeting annually to say six of these things and that's the number that was you know like this this gives him backup in this proc yeah I just want to make sure somebody has it because I can tell you I agree okay same thing's going to happen there but that's definitely the way to communicate around it you know what I mean is is it's actually the backup to get the resources who needs yep and then next one is the material storage area like project setup it says National Grid but did anyone talk to National Grid the confirmation I can tell you they didn't confirmation we shouldn't put it in there if we don't have it yeah that's a if if I'm doing this job that's a change order when you tell me I can't use the thought you told me uh yeah I mean it's in here it's technically in the construction documents it's not on the plan show there but it's in here it's listed naal GD a couple different areas so we should probably modify that I mean where else do you think we can put stuff what about the parking lot right next to the eles L what are you going to SP it all the construction um anything it could be a yeah trailers it could be materials it could be ha bals could be the Waddles yeah natur g not going to let to put it there I let's just be real probably not or what about the parking lot in Cemetery parking lot at Park Street that's what I was talking about we should change that because let's just be real with it conru is yeah well maybe we designate a spot that they have to I know it's a little bit farther away so maybe it is the parking lot of the at the cemetery you know when you go past it as soon as you enter the cemetery and the water's here there's like that bankman there could be area LED along that curve there wor sorry up where the shed used to be yeah the DPW wants to put a creatori in there I think like graph now but it's going to get redeveloped so yeah someone should just change it talk to D each and um well we just want to make sure they have spill kits and all their vehicles out there because they're going to be I mean everyone says it I guarantee somebody goes out there and checks they don't have them I do it all the time at work and they always say they they go to open it up and it's not there Y and then why I got you and thank you like I said you I had a lot more on you but you hit them already can you just talk about the cost everybody hears this of the low bid uh of 375 697 and the high bid at 648 650 and we went low bid right it's uh has been the appar yes um I will say there's minimal grounds out there and throw them out by oh no I don't mean that I mean but so you know so uh yeah you know we've got a uh essentially a Paving contractor out of South Bridge who you know meets the qualifications for the job um but they are significantly lower there's been some conversations to make sure they understand the will work and the expectations um they have you know reaffirmed that they do so you did bid leveling and came across everything legit I just that's a big swing so I just get concerned you know it's extremely l yeah what $300,000 to the next bit yeah we go again yeah no you know it's uh you do get what you get U but we did we tabulated the bids we looked at them there's nothing unbalanced in there there's no obvious signs that they you know think they're on something yeah and speaking to them they're they're trying to make a name for themselves and they know they they knew they came in well on this and actually talking to their estimator the owner drove them down an extra like 30 Grand 2 minutes before the bid because she wanted it so um so what what is the process for change orders or change events going to be for this low bidder who evaluates them who reviews them who approves them we evaluate them can you copy us on the commission on Trevor my Bo mean um before they're approved double be okay just like you did with this St if it's related to you know replication you know well the whole thing's related to conservation so any change over yeah we can I mean I see a $200,000 swing in construction other than low bid it's not even it's not even even reviewed as a bid level this a I know yeah okay thank thank you for answering those I mean it's specific that credit that I thought that was going to be something that the public should be aware of yeah no absolutely all right hold on anybody else in the commission have anything else yeah I do go ahead so we're stuck with a little bit yes I mean I'm not going to say that I'm on the record I can't say yes yes the city has not made their decision yet is the answer I have if if you have time later on this week dou can show they did the due diligence that but I I would you know you know but it's still $200,000 less than the other guys I mean you know like 150 it's 197 from the the low bit to the next one there's a 376 the bit 37 something no the 376 the next one's 572 got it right here 520 that's 572 it's $197,000 swing de there's a third bit that is at 640 8 560 so traditionally in construction when you got somebody that high cuz he's almost $100,000 higher than the next guy yeah that means I don't want it if I do because I can't manage it I'm going to throw a lot of money at it because I got to pay up to get people to do it so your PC Mr chairman on it was 500 534 800 so that's what we car as a total budget yeah but I don't want to do is spend that because I mean that 534 is right at the 572 understood let oh you definitely you did this I could tell you did it so thank you anybody else have anything else in the commission anybody in the AUD ahead you say your name please halfway with the change orders will the low bid increase will they be changing their bid as a result of that so he'll get a B the Apple for the change will be discussed the stone Trench that was stations and the plantings um and that will increase you know that that'll increase the bid but um that will you know the first step is that they still need to get their bonds and insurance approved so that they can actually be award a contract they have to contract requirements for Purchasing Office once all that's done then we can engage down about Fu change order on I was just curious because with the other vendors uh have an opportunity now no we did a scope of work we have to reward based on that scope of work then we can manage the changes that D is process so you have to cheat treat that revision as a change order to the contract documents even though they haven't been awarded yet yeah otherwise they havein Betis what do you think those costs are next question I'm asking because I hate people that ask me to do this but I mean percentage wise because like you can't give a number percentage wise is it 10% all the trees we're calling for it's like 10% it's on the it's 5% you know it really depends on things like Nursery stock and stuff like that so okay that was a good question go ahead now the other thing is because um the state did a last minute change you have to wait another 20 days um before you can start my understanding is there's a new appeal period but you know given where we are with the Contracting process I think it's 20 any could everything signed so you know I think the focus shifts to advancing the Contracting process I think you know whoever the award bat and then I think on are going to together pretty good speci standpoint when do you anticipate that'll be started they're either how many times they R your phive it works yeah who's going to be the project manager you're the project monitor who's going to be the project manager I'm the project manager for the job for the dire of the project yeah is that that's a change from what we originally talked about I don't think so I think that uh originally Trevor said he was the project manager on the oh well okay so I guess terms he's the owner he is the dou represent hold on hold on you said I looked at you you sat right there you said I am the project manager Doug is not the project manager it's on record so we can pull it back up I'm trying to qualify you sat right there next to Ty the project manager not managing project Doug is managing yeah but he's not he's a conservation he's not the full project manager I guess that's the I think I'm in Department I determine who the project manager we can take it offine he doesn't he doesn't have the it's not why are you doing it no well no I me his job it's not his job no it's not his job to overse talk figure it out right that's all I'm trying to's trying to save somebody and I don't blame you yeah I don't think it's a money thing it's it's it's it's time it's part of his job to manage project not I don't engineer is over the construction from a technical aspect Doug is the one that manages all the invoice processing from the Department contractors yeah to the engineer the engineer approves but he's not that's not what his job is on this one this is this a city project this is something different he doesn't go out there and monitor costs of the school did he no he a school project it's not being one it's Mar through the city though it's I don't I just don't believe that's a we should be putting him in it it's he oversees contractors doing the work through an engineer and that's why I was asking who the project manager was I I think this requires further discussion then yeah I do too I'm not opposed to any of the project I think it's more clerical so let's just make sure that we're clear here be clear we construction yeah so how many hours a week are you going to be on the project on site on the project on the project I mean construction job this will be pretty quick me personally oh not you personally but couple days so you're contracted for two days a week throughout the duration contracted for a don't fluctuate basic on what's going on there yeah buildable hours such those allotment of money when you're going to hit that we will manage based on what they're doing there's certain things we need to see there's certain things that we can you know somebody can stop by um yeah I'm just trying to clarify and then your bid assessment this is more again back to what we're talking about who the project manager is and how that's going to be handled is that bid evaluation going to turn into your s so no they're submitted it's unit price so they're submitted unit price yes okay I thought you were going to maybe potentially turn in that line item it'll be okay okay we use the ejc form based on their bid prices that cover sheet we make the back of sheets every month schule I'm talking about so schedule okay I was just thinking that might be helpful for everybody if they that type of document you know it's on them to meet this give them a spreadsheet like a lot easier so the invoice to come through to you or would they come through the project manager that they'll be they'll be submitted probably to me and then copi to the city the city Representatives we'll evaluate each pay go back and forth quantities that you know we are concerned about or not and we'll endorse it and I H the what are the is that our is that what the the budget is approved from the state that 5 is that's what we're going for that 534 there's a grant there a match is that what we're the 534 so the budget was the low bid was 375 but we you carried 534 as a a number we put in I forget I think I don't Grant's like 400k there's a match on top of that something like that City okay we have a match okay 220 so I guess what I'm saying is if if if the they're at 375 we went in for 500 is there room for additional improvements as we go or an extension past where we're going if if there's $100,000 left can we extend it another 800 ft I'm just saying while we're all there Well what we'll probably be looking at um J is is upgrading or upgrading Crystal Lake Drive to the extent possible yeah um and and also continuing More Design on the extension the next one F yeah cuz we still only at like 25% um so we still need significant funding to finish that design so it's probably where any additional money will go to I'm just saying we're already there they're already moved everything is already in place we got we got to see that one out once the project started so once it gets projected you know there are discussions that could happen but I don't like they to ro yeah there's no utilities here so that's an advantage you know that's pretty that's where you get you still want to get to that point where you're rejected budget job so I I just had overall question just for clarity um you don't have a crystal ball but based on the D comments or there anything make it to run say it's kind of a deal breaker like the cutting the trees stuff is that the only they that they didn't really get into that um they couple good ones they wanted to save 30 diameter you know like re stuff like that yeah I just want to make sure that I mean we could say yeah then oh Wonder no they pointed out some good point okay they I mean again the language they used was very non-committal but we would be inclining based on what you provided us to to with send our felds um you know just you said cutting one thing that uh in the plan now but that landscaper was manicuring the downgrade side and they want that to see which is kind of largely for isue quite frankly not but we still put it our so that you know the city essentially knows they're not to go down there and frankly there was like a pine stre that was cut off like you know that breast P that that's why they went exploring down there more they they could see that from the trail well those other P are going to be blocked by that def yeah and they do want us to kind of like R them up and right so yeah so we're getting ready to bring this into a vote do we need to modify what our previous requirements and conditions are I would keep them I would add anything that you discussed tonight because you do have that opportunity and and I mean I would issue no it's I'm requesting an amended order right you you would have your order and if you want to you know my documents are amended those get attached and if you you have the opportunity to say a couple things yeah what you know but you already have it though I you have you have a list of I definitely think we there's a learning experience for all of us yeah so it's going to be a new document but it's going to say amended order condition is be the same plus okay you have the list of the old one what conditions were but thank you for guiding us through this because with the learning experience for all we were just trying to say how many for since we've had this and we had you ever remember anybody else has been longer than us yeah yeah uh yeah so what what's the duration of the project I'm going to say should be a project that's what I'm going to say will it push the four with the changes you want to just I don't know why would we change anything because their CH the change that we would put our conditions he's already got yeah and that's and it hasn't additional conditions during constructions still K on recon meetings um access shall be provided to Construction man software to the Conservation Commission proor what are you going to use scheduling Milestone dates qualified staff which we you did fix that already um but he's GNA do that on his I mean um yeah he's gonna modify from yeah right you're gonna change that we're gonna I'll tweak the the actual I we can tweet this to but twe the actual plan yeah nor what sorry catch but normally what they'll do the contract will come to do Logistics plan yeah because we're going to say they want it over there and they're going to go to where tror said you know the better idea and then next one is um updates regarding the status of wetlands replication so we should probably can get rid of that correct yeah that's all right um updates regarding the status of the wetlands replication area this we had it on there updates from June 30th and December 31st did we need that still well I I responded to that you essentially have that condition okay so we'll leave it in there leave it um removal and abatement of the invasive species which we got right yep that's in there yeah stock piles of material on site shall be secured with appropriate um bmps which that's pretty standard Sil fence yeah we have on here as no no straw when when the trail come out me me see the rro you people can't come down from the from thees that operation oh can't cut that off I can't cut off you know I can't buack the power cor I can't anybody else have any other question comments I would like to uh are we going to vote on anything that's we're getting let vote for us uh someone like to make a motion to approve the uh revised noi uh keeping the same order of conditions as previous I I still move someone to second that okay all in favor I oppos no one thank you thank you so we'll get this signed up yeah I want to get back to that uh project man person is there any restriction s who can't be AO well it's a matter of responsibilities and what he's G if he's the project manager who's he going to go back to if there's a problem okay are clate say who can be I I I don't know okay I don't know the answer now I don't know what your workload is but do you want to be a project I'm not kind of a conflict of interest a little bit too I'm you wanted to be project manager that said So when you say project manager I'm not sure what that's why I'm saying let's take it up offline because I think we're both on the same page representing this department for seeing that project now we have a te from a technical standpoint of project management is being done by they hiring engineer H consultant all Doug been doing is going on site because he's going to have to do that anyways to oversee what they're doing from the conservations D I think it's a perfect but when I think of project manager I think who's running the project meetings reviewing all the documents all that stuff so that's going to be the engineer that's you processing invoices after they were approved by our engineer at the local end so we issue so our finance person will cut the check and issue payments yeah just overseeing yeah but I don't know if should reviewing cost not I he was he is please ship across inv internally why would you why would you do that um because I have other projects yeah but I don't know I don't know if I wanted processing finances it's not priv J right let's look at a job description let's look at it seriously I don't maybe I'm not let's look at it do you have one of every I'm not going to pull it out right now but we can I'll send yeah so every one of our employees in the department overseas projects and manages projects that's just that's the nature of the the job let's look at a job development the assistant director conservation planning agent the director myself yeah we're all responsible for overseeing specific projects okay associate with grants in our department I can't believe them I'm that's one of the biggest problems with yeah yeah I'm training three new people again expect time in three years and everything gets put on me so I need people that can come and do that type of job let's just send me description we have it so we make sure we cover it's the nature of the job just send it to it's fine it's fine we'll be so fine it's your call well it's not well our call is the commission as as director planning I determine what staff does in my department I have a question or any comment I mean Playing devil's advocate there could be a situation where it is a conflict of interest as a conservation agent on a project dealing with water and CA and things that maybe someone else wants that he's then going to be in it could be in an off position I'm thring that potential out there that you can't eliminate that from discussion and if that's the case I'll be one half step in you know what I'm saying yeah we're constantly because you don't want that to be the perception either well we have to vote on this no we're already passed everything's this is more but I mean for the agent no this is more just clerical stuff it's everything's passed it's going it's moving it's just we got to just make sure everything's covered prob we going to make a decision well he's going to send me the job description and we'll it'll be done if if it's on there then it's done it's discussion so Works Direction I determine what Doug's workload is on a day-to-day basis I determine what Doug's responsibilties out yeah within the department that reports to me I report to the mayor yeah that's chain of command okay somebody to make a motion to end tonight's hearing I'll make that motion someone to second second all in favor thank you everybody thank you J