##VIDEO ID:UGYDN_AB7Ss## [Music] good afternoon everyone thank for coming for the cation board meeting of December the 2nd 2 p.m. at the did everybody look over the minutes I know some just a few minutes ago over at home on your computers can I have something accept the minutes [Music] motion I make a motion that we accept minutes from the October November meeting sorry the second any discussion all in [Music] favor okay all oppos so Ved okay next thing on our list is the treas [Music] report okay treas report as of November 30 how the month of November be gone already November 30 2024 on page one the top you have your general fund which is as always salaries repairs and other expenses that are paid for with our city budget the money the city gives us and you can see everything seems to be in order if anybody has a question about any one of those items try to answer but at the moment we have uh we have used up 36% of our budget um but we're okay on the line items with salary and things like that I think it's in uh in energy utilities and repairs so anyway we're in good shape up there no questions we'll move right on any questions on the general funds so so 36% and this years at July 1st right so we're kind of ahead of the game right now remember this is as of November 30th so we should be at about 40% as November 30th we're doing a little bit better but that's really not a great litness test other than to just kind of show where we are we'll see a lot more expenses in energy and utilities for the upcoming months so that's going to get jacked up a little bit um and then you know repair so those two are large budget line items but right now we've incurred small expenses just this past month we spent about $4,000 on heating system uh repairs just to get that Heat going and running this building so um you know next month we'll we'll be at our 50% any any other question on the general fund if not we'll move on to the gift fund you remember last month we because we closed early because of but some money came in so we had to take that into account so everything has been now accounted for and everything is up to date the balance and the gift fund is $83,900 $25,000 of that for painting if we and when we get down to water through so that's the get fund is there any questions on the gift point just aside note Terry um picked this up and I gave her the um the analysis on how that happened if you go back month to month and add up the income per month it's actually be different than the year to dating I'm going to show it 6724 and there's a specific reason for that you refer to your minutes under the financial reports the gift fund section I overstated the gift Fund in a um transposition error instead 105 I typ is 15 that's where the $500 is otherwise it comes out perfect yes at the moment we are perfect right right we are perfect that's good and as I said 25,000 of that is pledged for painting and that's about it on the GI F any questions okay so I had the notes from last month that and this might be what you just explained 1500 I thought I thought the 1500 was to be changed to 150 for this month no so no last month last month we had to change the 1550 to 1 50 in last month's Financial but if you do that and then add up all of the financials from July through October you'll come up with the correct amount plus plus the the U November Mike Mike had closed out all our bills for that month and send them sent them to the city but when some money came in the city automatically put it in the account but we had already closed that and that's where a little discrepancy nothing nothing UNT it's just once we so like I I paid bills on the 20th um when I processed those they're actually paid by the city on the 27th so I know all my month bills because the next week if I process a bill on the 27th it's not going to be paid till December so on the 20th I can close out my books for the expenses income is actually realized when we deposit it so if I deposit make a deposit on 10:31 it's recorded as 10:31 not a week later and that's what we did close out and that's the correct balance is yep y we went back and reconciled that with mun account that's exactly and we knew that last month we knew was overated by ,000 by $500 so we we're okay and we do try to make numbers come out right okay if no more questions on the gift we'll turn over to page two which is under that and there you have the revolving fund and there's nothing really unusual there uh on the very last column over you'll see contract purchase orders 3,000 for hord and down at the bottom um 5125 for um T and those will should be cleared out this month because the 3,000 will be uh aners will be looking for that money for all Thanksgiving things and the other will be so those they we're carrying them for the moment and they will be cleaned out shortly and at the moment the revolving fund is 49,4 2492 and uh that's any questions and any item on the revolving you're going to see some really significant changes in expenses in November December um so you'll see like this month we'll be posting all of the credit card bills for the food that we got for the holiday meals that's a little bit over 3,000 so the contract po will disappear I put that in the financial reports just so you know because we have encumbered that money it is spoken for so we can't really use it but if you look at our cash balance after expenses it's 52,000 but that's not the real balance of available funds the real balance was the 49,000 those two will switch in for the December report you're going to see those realized expenses this month Y and then the trips and excursions is for buses for events we have two going that I'll talk about in my direct oh is there any any other anything that anyone would like to question I try to keep him from spending money hard yeah he grants a credit card and sneaks out anyway so we're in good shape and that's what the money is there for to be used for the entertainment for the programs for the seniors so that's what the you know and anything that the programs need okay and if not we'll move on to page three which is easy and that is the state GR the FY 24 State Grant uh there is one little change and it caught me by surprise the out money for the Outreach coordinator was always up at the top so I accused mik leading it off he said read it down it's down at the bottom now from now on it will be down at the bottom of the page under subtotal and that is the money for to pay the Outreach coord coordinator salary okay and other than that everything else is pretty much in L and not that you care but it's it all comes out of the state Grant but there's sub accounts so there's the state Grant regular expense account then there's a state Grant Outreach coordinator salary account so salaries are accounted for separately it's all on the state Grant but when I go to um try to reconcile with with the Outreach coordinator in the lumpsum it's hard to get to that b so now I can get to the bottom line of my expenses and add the Outreach coordinator it's easier from a bookkeeping perspective um I just want you to know and be aware of the $3,393 of expenses about 2,200 or 2/3 60% or for salaries for instru government coordinator program any other questions on that f24 state GR [Music] any question all right then we will move on to the page four the FY 25 State Grant we haven't spent anything yet where to go to spend it but we haven't and then the technology State Grant I will let Mike explain that cuz he has more to do with that one okay Mike the only significant change in um the last month has been we finally got the invoice for our Tech trainer this summer which is 300 bucks uh Hardware cost associated with the production cart um so this is a a pretty high tech low kind of knowledge or learning curve technology to allow us to do Dynamic filming and and zooming of our programs here so we can have two cameras going for say an exercise program one on the instructor one on the class um if we're doing a presentation in the program we can have one camera on the presenter and one on the program side of that so it's pretty cool I'm really I'm really excited about it and proud about it we have uh tech people from out Community College in the city as well as G involved in developing this so we're coming up with some new and creative ideas on finding solutions to to transmit this Tech um so much so that the college has asked for our framework so that they can replicate it for their moving or rolling cart at Tuesday in December of 2024 you're going to see another $118,000 of tech expenses the knat boards for some of you who were here early we just moved the two KNE boards in and the SS one of those will go to Templeton one will stay here and that will allow us to use a much more Dynamic Zoom platform using a smart board in Smart Board technology that has 18 integrated cameras on the board um so we can isolate people and isolate audio during the zoom meeting particularly useful for you know like support groups or board meetings or other types of static non- Dynamic the dynamic part will be the um cameras who we were talking about like not that you guys are static but we're sitting here we're not really moving around it's it's a great um vehicles for that kind of a environment we were struggling really hard by the way find instructors um and the type of instructor we're looking for needs to be able to teach on various platforms like iPads iPhones uh Chromebooks and laptops and that's really hard to find I think we have somebody lined up and we might have two people lined up so we'll be now a able to start booking those courses our plan was January 1 our plan was November 1st that got pushed back in September um so I think we'll be on target for January question so you're planning on like having mat just Chromebook classes but apple and also Windows all platforms primarily focus on getting people on meeting uh platforms like zoom and teams so our focus is to get them acclimated to technology to the point where they're able to sign on easily um we'll also do some like safe internet surfing and file management stuff um computer 101 using a mouse file storage and uh accessing you know the internet you have to access the internet to use these team and zoom meeting platforms anyways but it's really primarily focused on getting people to be connected um using technology rest of the stuff is just bringing I'll be able to on myop I don't it but I could you know do it at home in my pajamas uh it's a great question and the whole um basis for this technology Grant was to really try to outreach to seniors who may be Mobility isolated or maybe some health reasons or Transportation right so we don't often think about people not being able to get here because they on a ride but it's actually much more frequent than you think so as long as we can get them technology and part of the program is we have a 20 Chromebook lending library so we'll lend the Chromebooks out for folks to get activated used to and put their toes in the water and see if they like it and if they do then they can go get their own Tech um we'll lend it out for a very finite period of time um hopefully with the the end result being that they get their own Tech and are able to log into things like fun and fitness line so any other questions at all anything at all Mike is here he'll answer he will if not then that is the end of our financial report and it's safe to say we are in Good Financial condition and U Mike does good job and I try to keep after a little bit I can okay thank you okay right have a motion to make a motion we accept the treasure report okay any discussions I am going to make a point and just say prior to the last two years our Treasurer really only accepted received the report and then just kind of regurgitated what was out in the paper um and John Richard did a great job providing us a a very high level summary of expenses and income this report is much different than has ever occurred in the Council of Aging uh before and as you heard Terry called me first thing this morning said hey on this eror she's she's really involved and um and engaged in this process and I appreciate even though I frustrate the heck when toate I I super I do appreciate it I hope you know that thank you for [Music] the good shape all the of the hi hi okay any opposed right so voted next thing on our list is going to be uh old business updates on new business for prior and there's no done okay and direct report the next section um so this was a worldwind uh week for us we we have the trailer and on permanent loan from the city we're moving so much stuff around we cooked about 750 to 800 lb of turkey on Thursday served about 320 people which is pretty cool in the rain um which was not so cool well actually was it was actually cold rain it was terrible um but people were so delighted and I think at the end of the day it didn't matter what the weather was like it was a great environment and a great um program for us to be engaged in we had about a 100 people signed up inside we had a number of no shows which really wasn't surprising because of the weather but we're able to flip that around um the police came not only did they come to get meal uh packages care packages for their dispatchers and officers for the regular day shift and night shift they also picked up rooms and helped us clean up they were exceptional I I so appreciate it as well as sending um care packets to other folks it was a really good day it was a long and arduous day that being said I need to make sure that you all understand in the understands that our staff worked on a holiday on a paid holiday from the city and they're entitled to that time off or to get paid for that so um they opted for the time off in exchange for the time they worked at a rate of time and a half we are closing the day after Christmas and the Friday after that so we'll be closed half a day on Tuesday all day on Wednesday Thursday and Friday and that'll eat up the Cal time they earned on uh Thursday um I worked about 11 hours on Thursday and then went back in between on Friday I didn't have the staff join me for clean although we did recruit some volunteers who were exceptional um it's just remarkable to work around people that that really want to do a good job and care so much and in particular I want to thank the Els and their entire kitchen crew for the amazing work they did not only Thanksgiving day but the day before and the day before and the day before um from Monday moving forward they were all um you know peeling potatoes and squash and cooking all the food for that event and then the folks that showed up on uh Friday to help clean up from the Els and at our own senior center in particular I just want to pick on a guy named Scott who has been at our beckin call for any major lift um and that's kind of cool to know that we have somebody that at the last minute we can call to do heavy lifting we can call a lot of people but you know when you're moving 300 lb of stuff in one uh fell soup you want somebody that can physically handle so I'm so appreciative about that so that was our holiday meals exceptional we'll be doing the same similar thing at Christmas um that's going to be on December 23rd we're going to pick up and serve at 1:00 it's an entirely drive-thru option we you will be here for about an hour we've got all the cars um 200 meals out in about 25 minutes on Thanksgiving primarily because we're motivated by the bad weather so I'm hoping it'll be rainy on the 23rd so that no not it'll be terrible if it rains on the it will be terrible we don't have enough tents um so that that being said I also want to just thank all of the many Community sponsors and donors and folks that helped make these holiday meals um possible in the in the sometimes very big lifts including by the way da early uh act fastening Solutions the garden Lions Club the garden Rotary Club and of course the garden Lions Club that came through with a lot of resources people and money so thank you them and a whole bunch of other um donors and volunteers as well uh we have two unique trips coming up at the senior center we're going to the rentm malls small group we're we're going to test this and see if it works so we have a 14 passenger Mini Bus um that is scheduled if we get 40 people we'll just get three mini buses um but our plan is to right now we're guessing about yeah somewhere between 10 and 20 people we also will have some personal vehicles going down so I think 14 passeng vehicle will be fine um we're going to um Handover theater we're going to go see a Christmas C again we bought a group uh of tickets small group of tickets first come first serve they give us a good group rate we have nice seats and we'll be doing a lunch probably at OK Conor's before after uh the performance we have a great social media presence it still pales in comparison to some other nonprofits that we work with who do an exceptional job on social media but we're working at it we're working at it and to that end we brought a young lady Lauren pen on and Lori has Lauren has really been helping us push a lot of messages out so a lot of messaging we did our analytics and we had um 1,900 views on one post alone so it's getting out there um and I'm I'm really appreciative because the content takes a while to do uploading it is easy but developing the content the messaging takes a long time and Lauren's doing a great job on that couple new programs we have coming up in January we have the the kajon kahun drums um by Mr Ledger who's agreed to come in and do that for us it's a laptop drum that has four different sounds on it it's it's pretty neat and uh we have the ukulele program coming up um sponsored by the Massachusetts cultural Council the garden cultural Council and brought to you by Nina Becky and crew so that'll be kind of fun as well that includes instruction time and then open ukulele plane so for folks that don't want to come for instruction but want to come in Jam uh we invite you to come and do that I told you about the knat boards we just got our KN boards in $188,000 uh for that and we are looking for and I'm going to be asking probably at some point in time to use a little bit of money from maybe from the gift fund to support the staff development on social media to actually do a six or eight week course on social media developing content how to create reals and and short videos that we can upload as well would be great to capture the essence of yoga for example um in a social media post as opposed to just having pictures it doesn't really bring the true U nature of the experience to people when it's just a still picture um Lauren is joining us for dance tonight so she's going to take some video of dance and that'll be our first attempt at using video and video production as part of our social media push those are the big things uh coming up throughout the month of December we are jamack I mean our our program schedule is full 100% we don't have room to add anything if we wanted to um which is really kind of nice but it it makes for um very short days because um the time goes by quickly and it requires a lot of work so I want to give you know some recognition of course to Nancy at the front end who building all kinds of calls and has to try to figure out how to manage all the reservations 27 New programs we have going this month and Burman who is constantly moving you know flipping rooms changing things um again we had to adapt and overcome today and trying to figure out where we're putting these very expensive me boards for short duration stay um in a place that's already that's all I have T CH December 5th um yeah we talked about new groups coming so on December 5th we have a lot of interest a lot a lot of people have already signed up for that um so that again was a word of mouth actually was our newsletter so we're doing a really good job at getting the word out in the community we now dist do 2,000 fullcolor newsletters at the greater Garden community and we do that um using an army of volunteers and a whole lot of people take a few newsletters take stack 25 and put it in their locations wherever it might be doctor's officers Supermarket um we have about 75 locations in Garder that distribute these for on the couns make them available to their uh folks it it's it's pretty cool they went up 300 newsletters just in the last two months they've given us uh they produce that many more for us so we're putting them out um we still have a little stash available I kept a lot uh for the Christmas party and the Thanksgiving party um but now they distrib if you have an outlet that we haven't tapped yet you're thinking of that don't have newsletters please let us know now the reason I was getting there is somebody happened to be at the doctor's office and picked up the Senor review and was reading it and saw a little announcement in there that said hey you have ideas for new programs you got particular skills and talents call we want to know so he called he said I do these drums and I'd love to do a drum class and I able to find a venue an opportunity place that we can do them I'd love to uh offer that to seniors so that's how we got engaged with this gentleman and why we're able to offer things like Tai and druming and you so again I appreciate the folks that support us and make this stuff possible and allow us to be successful just one question what's the date for to go to Handover for a Christmas car the 21st Saturday December 21st it's a 2:00 p.m. mm show that's why I said we haven't quite figur out if we're going to leave here at 11: and do lunch first or do lunch after or do dinner after but the tickets are 50 bucks plus the cost of your meal we'll pay for the transportation we're also picking up the piece of the ticket price okay any other questions for mik okay you want to open discussions anybody have anything they want to bring up nothing I think they're all tied up thanks we talk a little B more about the books and how you how that's going to operate like when people lend out Chromebooks and then it comes back you know that you know make sure they you Ru the com book if there's any gam there's going to have to be some sort of monitoring that lending library we're in the process of finalizing the end user agreement um in the terms of that agreement but one cool thing is we decided to spend a little bit of money on purchasing a Google manager so Google manager allows us to register all 20 Chromebooks and if one should disappeared um you know maybe a grandchild took it and brought it home after spending time with grandfa or grandma or um it was abounded we can shut the Chromebook off and it can't be turned on it can't be overwritten it can't be flashed there's nothing that possible on DOD through ner that will make that Chromebook work and at the end of the day we might still take a loss on the Chromebook we might still say all right that Chromebooks gone to cost us 450 bucks but knowing that the end user isn't going to kind of walk away with the mon so that was one of the things we decided to do um there was some conversation about is it worth it for the $450 you spend a year on the administrator a little bit more than that you lose one you really think you're going to lose more than one if we do then the administrator for they um under the approval metion too they can also find my device so somebody says they lost their Chromebook they they misplaced it on our end of find out exact location of where it is and we can we can um and have already created a lot of access controls so you know while these are all adults and I don't want to restrict people's free speech and that kind of stuff we do restrict this got a question is there in the uh system that would hold the uh L responsible for that we're we're trying to look at doing that as part of the end user agreement yeah yeah so you know at what point in time is it an accident what point in time was it purposeful or negligent that's the discussion we're having so how do we discern that what are the parameters around making somebody responsible for paying for it or not um certainly don't want it to be arbitrary I like this person I'm going wave it this person I don't really know so you have pay for it um that's one of the things we're wrestling with and we're really trying to mirror the schools um the schools approach agreement that they have say all right you know the reality things get broke acds happen why they call acents and our purposes how do we determine when you know somebody should be responsible that's the hardest obstacle we have now do you want any volunteer for the Chromebook training to train or be trained no you assist in training we're always looking for yeah absolutely I I had the very first Chrome book in 2012 Samsung that was like a polished brass book yeah it was compared to what they can do today you know I have three Chromebooks now at home but I'm very familiar with the operating system so I'm happy to volunte we will definitely have that conversation and talk about what that looks like okay sure and by the way we also have opportunities for students in um program so we have student internships that been set aside as part of the grant so if student came and spend some time with us we would pay that student um they get a little bit of FaceTime doing presentations and programs uh and they get some cash we have three students from n Dan who've already approached us I'm hoping we get two from garden and we'll be able to accommodate all five of them plus if they come on board little one-on one time it's okay thank you anybody else go ahead it's more of a comment than anything else but just thank you Mike Senior Center staff that El and all the volunteers for making sure people [Music] have it was so cool thank you okay so you to tonight more no nothing else on your mind I have a good question have far long answer a good question okay I got my answer okay so I guess we're all set for today and uh our next schedule meeting will be on Monday January 6 week after New Year's and be at 2:00 in the afternoon so thank for coming today and we'll see you all after the not quite not quite oh sorry about that uh can I have a motion to adur I make a motion to second okay all in favor oppose no okay now I'm going to tell everybody happy Merry Christmas know