##VIDEO ID:bSiCsZ8TTDM## making sure the cameras working two going one bre did you say on two Camas put on Wednesday My Rainy most of the time in the house do that work I'm looking at my my watch hand fading get back out in the sun here right it is here which you talk 18 no good afternoon everyone Welcome to our good afternoon everyone to our monthly Council Ming meeting for September the 9th starting at 2:10 210 in the afternoon uh so can we go on with the uh uh reading of the minutes as everybody go over yes from last last June yeah have think what we think what we work okay minutes very well second okay second very good any discussion going on on the minutes all in favor any oppos okay very good okay next thing on the on our uh list is the treasury report I'll just make a quick um qualifier your financials have a cover sheet for June a cover sheet for July and a cover sheet for August we have set some financials be looking at today okay today settle down now because we got three to approve the first one is on page 105 and up at the top you'll see the date 63024 so that is the one that we are considering right now and this is our final report from fiscal year 24 okay everybody got that page no YouTube YouTube those are my two my two bad kids over there bad ones in the middle of there okay is everybody okay so you can see uh on the budget report we ended up at the bottom with a overage of 1,955 18 that amount was turned back into the city on the final column which is highlighted there in green you can see where we didn't which accounts we didn't spend all the money for information information Tech you can see we only spent 30 to 8 83% and um information Tech minor equipment just a on infot um so Information Technology C we spent % 99.9% we ended the year with a $15 Surplus so we turned back 15 of the 3,000 just so that oh so we can't really go by that and you can the dollar signs are what was left in the account at the end of the day the percentage signs is what we we spent the budget but anyway we ended up well and I'm sure the city was happy that we didn't ask for more money we got 19 5518 back to them we spent 99% of our total budget okay are there any questions on the general fund quick comments um our budget was boosted by about uh well I can tell you exactly it was boosted by $6,500 in anticipation of extraordinary expenses for the generator and for the air purifier so the city gave us an additional supplemental buet 6500 of for that line atem but we had money in other line atem so that was 1955 so ultimately at the end of the day we over spank by about 4500 but but that was given to us in a supplementum so we just looked at our bottom line basic budget that was approved last year on July 1 we would have been $4500 in years but they gave us $6500 more so $1,00 if that makes sense I hope that good and at the bottom of that page is the gift fund and we started the year with 65,536 24 we received in the year to date you can see year to dat count through the year we receive 13679 69 and therefore we have an ending balance of 79,2 15 $25.92 to start off the next fiscal year so the get fund is fine no problem there $50 is no donation no we don't book interest on any of our accounts it all goes to the city so we have zero interest on our accounts the GI fund is still managed by the city it's not managed by us in terms of like who holds the money so we don't receive any renumeration in terms of Interest or dividends on any of the money like we it cannot be treated as an endowment fund I have a question on here um we've got aable amount we really didn't use it at all past year what yes no we didn't use it at all in FY 24 an fy2 we had $1,500 to the equipment you'll see that in the upcoming reports for July August and we have the $225,000 earmark um or appropriation from that for the painting that's right we hav we haven't spent that yet right thank you any expend out of the GI fund must be approved by the board you know we can't just we can't just let him have his car and and call that $50 under that count is included in the 13,000 I was just trying to figure out I I used to manage the downs and we used to earn a lot of money and there's a gray button at the bottom it's right yeah right is um I used to manage endowments and you could earn 3 4 5 8 10% depending on how you build and it seems have to understand Municipal Finance but it seems that a block of money sitting there aark for us could be more productive than zero interest but that's the ru so that's the city I'm sure has invested and I'm sure the city gains interest but that's the way the rules are for the interest we don't know that's the City Rules we must go by City Rules okay thank you thank you though it would be nice yeah okay the next page is your uh revolving fund and that came out okay we ended up with a balance of 44,8 3095 you you can see um the expenditures for the year 18,000 that up and so that was the revolving fund is the city allows us to have uh 40,000 and 44,000 is okay right yeah especially where we have contracts outstanding on a city appropriation that money would be encumbered but we don't encumber revolving fund because it's a Everlasting continuation so we don't have to do that so that 44 actually was in in captur money probably more like 38,000 but we be spend 44 uh do we do U any numbers analysis of saying that well next year instead of 18,000 we have to do 25,000 and then budget back accordingly for items that we might forego but would enhance the mission of the coun the reval fund has to be approved by the city council every year and they approve it for so much and we're allowed to spend what we need to out of it and we're actually we could spend every single penny if we wanted to but we don't want to we try to keep the 40 at least 40,000 that's if we say we had 50,000 in there the city would want 10,000 back we don't uh for we don't like but what we have been doing is doing some Trend analysis and what we've seen in both the gift fund and the revolving fund is a trend where at the end of the year we our our income exes our exper so we're trying to spend more money but we're generating more money this year will be a little different we're not doing for example the healthfare healthare brought in a little bit of excess money but we spent all that what money we bring in on the Revol from supposed to spend so we spent that on program stuff we're able to do some extraordinary program stuff but um so this year we won't do the extraordinary expenditures we're not getting that extra in okay so any other questions on the revolving fund it's all there all sld out and if you notice we had $2,638 in expenses I brought in 2581 an income in June so here's a great example $500 more income than we get taes that's that's a new phenomenon that's not something that's happened for the last 50 years we're actually yeah yeah this is the one thing I'm going to say no okay so the next page is the FY 23 State Grant and we think it's all zeroed out right it is indeed it is indeed so that one is finished zeroed out and Mike is taking care of all final bills nothing outstanding at all right we brought in 46620 this year started off with an ny23 Grant we spent 40 6 620 now M 8817 so respect it all and Terry had a party yeah well I was yell and just close out one close out yeah did we go to McDonald's okay next page is our what we'll be working on a lot this year is the FY 24 State Grant we have spent a little money so far out of it that's good so far we spent 13,000 but we still have in that account 64718 so um this is the have the fund that we'll be using a lot this year and on the next page is the FY 25 grant and we haven't started on that yet but uh if has the state approved it yet yeah so technically Mike could start if he had to if he didn't have enough an FY 24 he could start to use some of that FY 25 money now there been prooved even if we don't receive it City lets us expend the anticipation of the revenue coming in now that it's approved this private state budget um and I believe the first check is coming between now and September 3rd we'll get the vast majority of this money in the next 30 days and at the bottom of that page five is the technology Grant now I'm not too familiar with that so I'm going to let Mike talk about that one new e is part of this year's um Tech grant that we got as a a special award we bought 20 Chromebooks at a cost of 8685 we really budgeted close to $220,000 for that so we're able to kind of break that out a little bit and put it into some other technology like the Owl Cameras so we' got two Owl Cameras um that owl technology is great for meeting like this we can put it in the middle of the table and instead of having two cameras running the ow board will pick everybody up as you speak so it actually rotates to the speaker pretty cool technology we'll probably be implementing that for our next meeting so that'll be our new uh way of doing our board meetings we also purchased uh two laptops two very very expensive laptops um for the purpose of managing the portable um production cart the production C being a mobile device that allow us to go from room to room and uh and project capture that activity and send it out on the internet so people can live stream it or Zoom it um if we're doing yoga we have a special presentation like we had the Attorney Gina Wilson here we could have actually if we had the tech we can send that out to our seniors that aren't able to make it for whatever reason may our Mobility or Transportation issues so they can pipe in uh for that as well in addition we also just bought all of the cart material so our our production cart materials for two carts right now is about 2900 bucks um that's going to be an extraordinary expense this year that we'll pull out of one of the the state grants we have that extra money but it's it's pretty Hightech stuff including um you know two cameras that was put place in whatever room that production is going on portable speakers uh sound capturing equipment pretty pretty excited about this something uh once this this gr is zeroed out which I think will be in the year no actually it'll be two years just for example the internet access subscription is a 24mon proposition okay um but the any continuing expenses to support this from from us not from we'll go into revolving F yep yep that'll be programming fans absolutely you got it and and any of those kind of specific Hardware logistical stuff we can use the state brand the form brand so yeah we'll have the funing to do that so things like instructors is a great example this year we have instructors built in to pay for them to do technology courses here for 12 months we also have instructors to help train the staff on the utilization of this equip next year we won't have it of course our staff will already be trained there'll be trained staff here that can train other staff but the instruction for our seniors used in the Chromebooks for example is something we'll build into our program cost is there any idea or plan to help people with their cell phones yeah we have that going on right now yeah every Monday morning we have Tech insights it goes on from 10: to 12: every Monday Jen um m is a fabulous instructor so she provides assistance on laptops tablets smartphones you know basically any tech people bring in that have a specific question so it's targeted Tech assistance it's a little bit of Global Tech assistance as well so it's not you know I shouldn't say it's targeted but it is it's targeted to your needs so you'll come in meet with Jen for now and then you know another member came in they would meet with her for an hour prob the long took for them to Lear that SK so she does everything from internet to email she she's really quite marvelous to have him we're we're very lucky Mike about how many seniors are taking advantage of this program and working with the Chromebook um so far we've had 14 Unique Individuals uh we ran seven classes but every class was different so one class would have eight the next class would have six new ones through the old ones the next class so 14 people total every week was a different set of skills um which is which is pretty I think pretty good I was hoping somehow to be able to get this restructure to be able to do a longer term proposition which he teaches so this this regular paycheck stuff is getting in the way of our seniors you know program any other questions on the June 30th yearend financial report I just want to uh be confirmed the state Grant we have a balance with 2024 yeah 64710 our balance yep on the state Grant is the state gr there two state right yeah well fy2 yeah but um my uh the 2025 State Grant has the bance of 83 correct so if you combine those two correct you're going to come up with [Music] $148,000 correct all right y I just wonder have obervation of that all right thank you don't say it [Music] thank you can I have a motion on thee 30th of the budget on the finance report a motion we accept you add the year final very good that was second [Music] by any discussion any discussion all right I I just like to make a comment that I after being in the board meeting for a while I really impressed at the way the finan are under control and understood and managed well okay now we move [Music] on okay that concludes our financials for FY 24 we ended the year in good shape and we're off and running for FY 25 and the first one is the July report you can it's page again page 105 at the top it will say 73124 and you can see there were no expenses uh in in salaries or that the GI fund we received $2,800 they added into the um gift fund right yep and just uh so on the on the general fund just so you know the year to date is July because remember July is the first month so there's there's no second entry required it's all the same numbers for August you'll see two numbers you'll see the July numbers plus the August numbers and then in that audious column just the audious numbers right just so you know that it looks like there are no expenses in July 24th that's not true it's the first month so all the expenses year today were in July there isn't really much to discuss on this report because just like Mike said you know what covered it'll be covered more in the next report in the August report except the gift yeah the GI fund the gift fund did receive a gift of $2,800 oh that change question um when you said there there's no increase or no raises are the raises controlled by mandate out of City Hall that's a that's a really good question and the answer is there are contracted obligatory raises built in so the union I of our Union staff they get an automatic percentage increase based on the contract that amount is not included in the budget they give us a supplemental budget once to raise our approv so that's already being set aside by the mayor and we'll be added to our budget similarly the department head gets a raise but that raise may not happen until January so that raise isn't filled in in kind of anticipation it's done the additional money that's needed to fund that raise is built in a supplemental budget now do you have the discretion of nany AR raise I do not no that's set by ordinance and set more specifically by Union contract thank you and the revolving fund the revolving fund had no expenses in July no I'm going to just correct on that our year-to date expenses are July expenses the year to date are the July so there was some beo supplies handers which would have probably been food um some flowers traveling transportation that was so Mike could go to a room I wish I what was travel that was a Bigg number we had we had a number of uh travel related expenses this year but the July one in particular was for the uh bus to go to wox and the WX tickets so we had last year we sent eight people 110 people to LX we had two buses plus we had four cars driving um we also did an intergenerational program so half of those were kids this year we opted not to do the inter generational but we still had 62 people the schol S which is pretty good yep it was fabulous and um in the last WB Mason that would be suppli so those that was the money that was spent in from June 30 to July 31 I mean July 1 to July 31 yeah no yeah that's right and just so you know again let's look at the comparison we brought in $2,490 in July for different programing and you can't say that it was all of the program related to expenses here because that it may not line up like we may have expenses for programs in uh July that we didn't pay in log but still it's important to know our income for July was about 2500 and our expenses was about 24 25 so 38 75 bucks and on the next page unfortunately we do have FY 23 State Grant I'll let Mike explain that some unexpected things but they had they didn't come out they had to be transferred right Mike they did so for the expenses I control I was able to make sure that our budget was Zero but I forgot to change with our credit card person in the city does a great job all of the credit card charges for apply to the 23 State Grant which happened in by the way July so it ended up showing a negative of 429 that's entirely credit card related charges that were backed out in August so that $429 expense was reversed and charged to the 24 Grand in August so I would say don't worry about the 42911 cuz you're going to see in next report it's gone yeah so that was the 23 so hopefully we'll get rid of that page okay I'm fy4 and you can see what was spent in July and basically year to De is same those two columns are basically the same are there any questions on any of the items that were the money was spent for in July and when we move on this report if you would also note that there is a typo and the typo is the balance the some total balance that should be the totality of the expenses so that last column should equal the FY 25 year a day the numbers are all right I just went through the columns I just something happened with that formula so that last number instead of 3122 77 should be 24 6247 usually to pick off and you only have one month to look at okay that correction is 24624 that last balance number down to the bottoms of to there any other any other questions if not we can move on to FY 25 as you can see we have not spent any money out of that and then we're back again to the technology Grant I don't um I forgot is there any changes in that there were no no changes that oh that takes care of the U July [Music] 3124 budget report may we ask the chair to ask for if there no further question ask the the chairman to or ask for a motion on the okay can we have a motion on the budget of the uh July July 31st to 24th I think Mo budg for 202 just clarify the language we're not accepting the budget we're accepting the finance report it's for the it's for July 31 [Music] 2024 okay discussions all in favor very okay final report this next month we'll just have one but this is we had to do the year end and then we had that's what you get for having a vacation see where you're paying for okay so we can go quickly through the August 31 2024 this is our latest and you can see there now some expenses up there in the general fund for salaries and other expenses if I don't think there any questions at this point the um the gift fund down below we receiving I'm just going to make a quick note you see some pens scratch numbers in there that expense happened at the very end of August so it we do the reports about 4 days before the end of August and anticipation I can capture so it's an $8 difference but the reason I put it in there we're going to leave the 9981 as the reported amount I do that as a paper so somebody comes back and says mike yeah you under reported I can like no was 989 now I know why yep just for your information so is I should have asked are there any questions at all about the general fund is just basically the first month of operation of that fund and I think everything looks okay with now the gift fund uh we received an additional $170 52 cents as a gift but we also spent some money out of that account which was approved by everyone all the board members $1,500 we spent for some electrical um well it's a AIO a audio and it's going going to be installed in the new building now which is the one thing that we try to when we spend money out of the gift fund we want to make sure that it's permanent and it's going something for the seniors and this is an audio to help with the we can use it in the new building and so that's a the board voted that but we still have now 8,686 45 and the gift fund is good now on to the revolving here we go and are there any questions at all in the revolving now there's Mike has got a an ending column here up top it says contracts purchase or and that means those are outstanding $3,000 5121 for a total of 35125 is um ear Mark contract contracted otherwise you can see every everything was pretty much cering was high but that was a meal and events and are there any questions on any of the items on the uh book in the year to column and notice any questions on any of the expenditures so just so you know the catering expense was for the Summer Outing that was about $3200 in the other uh 2 St PS out of the 24 account even though it's the 25 year okay no questions we'll move on quickly and you can see FY 23 is zero and maybe we'll save a piece of paper next month why did not have that in there okay on fy4 where we've started to spend money out there in the year-to date column list everything that we've spent so far for the last two months some of the money went to the Outreach coordinator the other expenses are small Mass councel dues is a large one and marketing Outreach any questions on any of the items yeah you do okay bar little break got it at one of the last meetings did you say that you have trouble getting an Outreach coordinated because we're don't pay a lot pay a lot pay a lot we don't pay a lot yeah and that's set by uh Council yeah so there's a Personnel committee because the Outreach coordinator is a paid position those salaries are set by counil so um the city sets that you know by ordinance and then we have follow so the origal pay scale for our reach coordinat was $15 sorry which was by the way the same basic siging rate for the low skilled workers in the city um and of course we were saying this person needs to have much more experience and the credentials behind social work um but they only their even though it comes out of um what doesn't entirely come out of our discretionary funds half of the the cost of the Outreach coordinator comes from the city so for the Outreach coordinator now you're going to see Blended Outreach coordinator description Sal description line items in the financial reports that includes also our support staff um you know the very very part time 10 hours a week 12 hours with support s so there are four Blended positions but half of the cost of the Outreach cor which is 20 hours okay yep it's a it's one of those Cs and I think historically the city's had a hard time attracting people at City positions because you know cities don't pay a lot they benefits are when you retire but for a young person looking for a job they're not looking for $18 $20 an hour job look and FY 25 again we haven't spent any money out of that and then the technology Grant any I don't believe there are any changes in that this month so if there any questions on any accounts if not we will turn it over to the okay so we have acceptance of the entertain Mo entertain a motion I move that we accept the financial review of August 3124 with theis that adjustment on one of the items that will be it's just going to be ring just okay not discussion see done okay all in favor any oppos thank you everybody for your patience for the long report but hey we're off and running for uh okay that CLE it up okay thank you thank you yeah that was a that was a huge task this month and every year end it is so Terry I appreciate you taking the time um I want to remind folks that are watching this and the members of the board that the financial reports are also given to or submitted to the city auditor um for confirmation qualification or just for information so if there's something drastically wrong they will be able to pick it up and put it out so um we are triple checked in that regard I think I think that's really a good thing uh for all businesses do would allow me there's no update on a TR Lan destination really no update on Water Street I've been to say been reporting for the last year there's a lot of work being down there World steam is down there Mor is down there they're you know working the the um you know the building with some of the upgrades there's still a lot of equipment that needs to be taken out because there was a la in that activity uh some neighbor not neighbors I some people were taking advantage of the dumpsters that were there that were collecting it um and throwing mixed product in there we had specifically had a metal dumpster for example and a recycled dumpster and there was all kinds of crap uh p in there so the city decided to take those out so ready to start loading them immediately so that there isn't that likelihood that people will be throwing their junk in there um the problem with that is it becomes kind of Tainted Goods if it's not an all metal trailer then they have the sort and we don't either get the amount back on the metal we hoped or there's a charge which is even worse so um rather than risk that the city chose not to do um I'm hoping we'll get a more extensive update on Waterford Street this month after I meet with the mayor um and be able to kind of bring back a progress report on the senior C time any questions on either a [Music] or I we're shooting for Springtime yeah I really think um I haven't been down there in a while so I really think if work is progressing and they've hired the contractors to do things like the anap renovation in the bathrooms that the work will be done certainly by the early part of winter so November December terrible time for us to move December and January so November December January are typically our busiest months although all year we've been very aggressive at keeping our schedule full it would be impossible to do a move during those months so we're really looking at you know February why do the February move so probably March or April if all things progress well if you haven't been by waterf street by the way there's a whole bunch of of plywood on the front of the building that's because they're putting in a brand new entrance one of the things we talked about was handicap accessibility the old doors were about 28 in maybe 30 in wide now be 36 clear for a handicap right um entrance to be acceptable so they're putting in swishy swishy doors the automatic um opening doors that will open just like they do at the market which is really cool I'm excited about that upgrade as well different than what we thought it was going to be as with regards to the push paddle open I have a question on on the move are we going to be hireing professional movers oh yeah we we're playing the staff's point on moving stuff some stuff down there are things I want to take just because I'm concerned about the their kind of fragile condition um and there's some things we can easily move it also helps us cut the cost out so there's no reason why using some volunteers and the staff we could bring a couple Trail loads down there but by and large I we're hiring a moving company we've got quotes from five companies that quote is they're year old now so we'll have to revise them um but yeah our plan absolutely is to have a comp and what fund will that be coming out I I believe that's going to be coming out of the water First Street Improvement account y so could to touch our budet yeah that's you know the last agreement was that's was going to help pay for the M I have one question on the doors uh you're having swishy doors the main entrance what about our come into the I don't I don't know what the plan is for I don't know at the very least the door's going to be replaced it's probably not going to be switch as s um it'll probably be just like we have here our um automatic opening doors double wide don't even have to button they automatically pick up your motion just like you do when you go to hand or yeah yeah the Bears there um on our side we're probably going to do for the for the entrances they're just going to be like we do now which is handle and for handicap accessibility the push bar push button push bar this we easily install in close proximity to those doers and they're all these are all openers we can take with us we specifically brought these openers so that they can be transportable all the doors from the classrooms that go to the parking lot are they going to be used no no so they're going to be usable in the sense that nothing is going to change with regard to to their aspect and a right so somebody needs to get out of emergency they can get out but we are going to and alarm those they are going to be alarm somebody leaves the classroom to one of those doors and alarms going to come see who it is and talking the reason for that is we don't want unfettered access we don't want people to be able to just come in out of the park room because we have no idea who's there plus it's uncontrolled and unmanaged right so somebody comes in who we don't necessarily um appreciate having the building we're not going to be able to tell so those doors are not going to be open access with one exception the the entryway door down by the boorder room that really is an entrance and primary entrance to the gym that's going to be a two-way entrance Door the entrance door at the the office right which we consider the main door to that Wing it's not the main door in the building the main door to that Wing that's going to be a exit entrance um so those be two ways and our plan is in the middle of the building to convert one of those fire doors which only have panic bars they don't have any hardware from the outside to be able to open it to convert that to also an exit entry door so there'll be one entrance in the middle of the building one entrance on either end and one at the front of the building for the senior center um and why are we doing that well you know if you look at the distance that somebody's parted right into the middle of that parking lot they're going to have to walk 100 ft to get in and maybe 100 ft to get back to whatever room they're using this splits the distance in half so 30 ft would probably be the most if you park on the side of the building 50 ft um is the most not 30 I apologize for that that door will also will'll be building a hallway entrance to and so we're taking a room a 30 by3 room and we're taking 6 to 8 ft off of it to create an entryway right so that cuts the room down to about a 24 22 ft by 30t room the rest of that space will convert it into storage space cuz it's too small room to do anything else with um we'll make it into a storage space for you know Christmas and all the stuff we have that call do we have any uh idea or plan to increase the amount of people to check in are we going to have more representative so we have uh right now we have two kiosks one kiosk is upstairs one is downstairs our plan is to have a kiosk at every entrance now that being said that door I just talk about the middle of the building actually is parallel to post proximity to the main entrance to that one so we'll have one check-in kiosk there there's no reason to put one a door in another one 12T away um but the other entrance is so we'll have a kiosk at our main door we'll have a kiosk at the door to the gym and we'll have a kiosk on the front right now here at the Garden C Center on 294 Pleasant Street we have volunteers that man that kind of on a on a rolling basis so one week we might have all of Thursday covered for all activities and they only job is to stand by the kiosk and make sure people check in one of the biggest problems we do have is there are a number of people who either don't check in or don't think about checking in or don't want to check in um and I don't really understand that mentality I don't get it but as we try to educate our seniors about those check-ins are important those are the numbers we're presenting in terms of activity levels to the state um those are the numbers we present as activity levels to the city council in particular a great example of that is the pool room we can have as many as 18 players downstairs on any given day but six of them checked in and so our plea to them is like hey guys you know we're going to love we're 90% sure this middle pool table is not going to make the trip so we're going to ask for some money to buy a new pool table um and the first question that's going to come up is do you really need one do you have the utilization are there enough numbers and quite honestly if you're not checking in I have nothing to back up a statement that says oh yeah there's plenty of people to do it so that's the kind of important message we need to have people understand we don't share their check-in data we don't tell people what activity Mike 's checked in on any given day or throughout a year nobody knows the personal information except when we Deep dive our senior center staff so why would we Deep dive on activity participation well maybe if we haven't seen somebody while we think we haven't seen somebody in while we can look and see what when was the last time they checked in at the center oh gosh it's spent six months when they used to come every day that gives us the impetus to make a call and find a wellness check we did over 2,000 Wellness checks this year the first year we said we did 4,000 welfare checks we made 4,000 phone calls to people specifically to let them know we were open see how they were doing um and just engag them so they knew that they can come back to the center that we were open did 2000 last year um very big difference between end of Co and today but still do a lot of calls to people so it's pretty important to have that check in information most people don't understand or quite honestly care and I get that um why it's so important but I really want to stress the need for check-ins for a lot of different reasons you I'm thinking that there might be a passive system U but then it wouldn't specific or specify the program they went to they have RFID recognition of the tag you would know they were here but you wouldn't know what they were doing right so I don't know if there's any value there has to be interaction from the entance correct yeah they have to and understand that sometimes people come to multiple programs so I mean i' I've honestly been with people that have checked six programs for the day they're going to be here all day so that ver if you think of like a uh capturing that information that first lock in well it really only tells us about the first for in contact it doesn't say that they could six activities so that's an important piece Capt as well we could I mean I'd love to do something and some of the some of the software looking at for room scheduling on our side just because we're going to have seven rooms compared to two really here we manage five rooms but we're going to be managing 12 rooms here including the gym um and having that schedule what what TurnKey system might be out there to gra that and some of those systems also allow for room check in so as you go in room you can check in um but they're unbelievably costly and so I don't see value if we can just continue to educate our utilizers that checking in in the morning or every time they ENT the sent for new activity is super important would it be beneficial to have just sign in like at the pool room you know not swipe when you come in but it might be better I don't know you know so at some point in time somebody would have to capture that data so some you have to take that sign and Che and convert it to numbers um you know I don't have the funds necessar pay somebody through that data entry but it could be a backup system so we can start to look at it might be a good way to be able to see all right um how well do our numbers correlate to actual participation and we might do that using you know um volunteers to just take random surveys any point time pool room is fluid would be really hard to do but standard activity that's scheduled for an hour you can find out how many people are actually in yoga and how many people check into yoga you all right uh director support I have a ton of stuff to talk about but I'm going to keep it really short today um because I know our financials took a lot of time it's 3:00 already uh I I want to just I want to just give credit we're cred to do one our staff has been working really hard because I keep throwing stuff at them um for those who've been on the board for a while you've seen our activity level increase substantially we're doing more today than we've ever done um some unique programming and we're trying to find ways to get people involved but that takes effort uh you know we're we're turning both rooms now every hour and a half uh which is crazy and you know doing some out out of um building activities which takes a lot of logistics for example the Gardner Senior Center the suicide bring task force in gcap which is a program offered by Board of Health we we were a major TS International night out well what did that mean well we decided we were going to cook hamburgs and hot dogs that day so we started working the staff started working at 8:00 loading up Trail we loaded 80 80 tables that day just tables we want to talk about the rest of the stuff that one two trailers full of stuff along with the back of the truck f set everything up looks beautiful bright blue sunny day and at 4:30 the thunderstorm rolled in it didn't stop until midnight um which meant by the way we had a reverse engineer on that from 5:00 until 10:00 that night we work to take all that stuff down and we get to do it all again on October 1st um we did it out in Ash we're trying to get the senior center involved in ways that are high profile but not necessarily cost us anything other than some resources um you got some marketing materials that we'll introduce next month when they get in I think you'll be excited about them but just as way to remind people that senior s is here or get some engagement Ron and I did a series of conversation cing conversations at local housing authorties just to hear what people think and um what their opinion is transportation continues to be the number one issue although we've heard unbelievably good comments about the transportation initiative that we've set up at the beginning of the summer for Bingo so folks that wanted to come to bingo that have Mobility or Transportation issues can call here we'll schedule them a ride and get picked up at 12:15 on a Thursday play Bingo and then leave at 3:30 that's resulted in 8 to 10 new people coming to bingo doesn't sound like a lot but it matters right those kinds of things matter I'm really looking forward to being on the bus route it's going to make life a lot easier for a lot of our seniors and I know that is the impetus behind a very aggressive um rehab of Waterford Street on behalf of the mayor and the same rep they they know that this is going to be a great benefit to the senior so um you know we're rolling that along and then from a program perspective we have a lot of really neat things happening we had two providers reach out to us today and have sued within the next 30 days some vaccine clinics which will get out the door and do food vaccine and covid vaccine um our numbers our utilization numbers have dropped precipitously on the covid vaccine I came in and begin to talk about the numbers when the first 2 years after Co um hit and following the numbers of Co shots and boosters we gave the last Clinic I think we had 25 people 23 people for the whole you know 3 hours and that was still the highest number of people that attended the covid vaccine clinic in the last you know 6 months and didn't do that so it's pretty I mean I think even if it's one person it's a good thing but I sure wish we could get more people to come and participate in those kind of activities so we'll be presenting those as well um from a programming I would just ask an employ look at the newsletters we send the newsletters out we're doing 1,700 newsletters that are going out um in paper form we send out 1,800 email forms so we have 1,800 people subscribed to our email service now which is pretty remarkable I talk about this all the time on a side we had 50 so um we've really built up that we do two massive email marketing we we pledge to do at least two two a month the reason we do that is to keep the continuity so that people see the messaging coming from us uh it takes 10 messages by the way for someone to finally read or understand it and then it takes another 10 messages for them to respond so you know doing two a month really gets us in the the door of people M fors and robust we're turning those over every 30 days we have three messages three message boards going here at the senior center that kind of highlight the upcoming uh significant programs uh and just our senior moments is going really well getting lots of good feedback on that we're going to uh video on demand for all of our programming now and then the last thing I want to see is our Partnerships have been awesome awesome awesome staff awesome volunteers awesome Partnerships and then the great example of that this month is the partnership with G who now sends a producer here to capture our shows so we had a producer for the concert we had a producer for the legal considerations for seniors we had a producer for the Edibles in your backyard program um on a Sunday at 1:00 this guy came out to film and shoot that and all those readings are online now which gives people another way to access our program so I'm really excited about that um and I also just want to say how unbelievably proud I am of the staff the last two weeks I've been out of the office and U nothing there's been no kids so basically um yeah no I was really excited they were able to handle 99% of the stuff on their own and the 1% that came up that probably wasn't appropriate to them handle so I think that was pretty exciting any discussion any questions regarding just my dire great you yeah we got to yeah let's go open discussion and then we'll go to Executive session any open discussion any thoughts on your mind anything go on question I know that in last October we had the health there at water but there's no Health Care this October correct we we had planned a health for October 2nd we actually started Market promoting it early in Spring of this year um a couple things happened first of all Waterford street is in the throws of construction and we could have really gotten in if we deed and pl but it just was going to create too many hassles for too many people and the second thing is National Night Out which was August 8th was rescheduled to October 1st now many of the vendors they have about 70 vendors at that we about 120 but most of those vendors do both and I just didn't think it was fair to the vendors to come out do a program you know back to back day after the day two days in a row um so we will not be doing the health fair in 2024 thank you because I've been getting a lot of people I was sire asking me about that there will be Noth get their BL shots and but we will we will be doing a vaccine cling we will be we are doing a vaccine cling either on October 2nd or on October 9th so the Wednesday after yep okay thank you okay uh since the open discussions are finished uh we have uh next schedule meeting will be on uh Monday October the 7th at 2 p.m. in the afternoon now we're going to go into executive session uh and motion s now I entertain a motion for that Ive on October we will after thetive session yes amend my motion reflect okay we have a second second okay all in favor can you oppose no okay I'm going to leave for exective session um I am not going to keep the video on because that video goes to public so what I'm going to do is I'm going to leave one video on we'll Capture One um but the executive session will not be captured when you're ready to to reconvene come and grab me and I'll turn the other camera on see