##VIDEO ID:hFFg41oux5A## so it was 530 from ARP and 29 2989 5360 from ARP and the income was overstated [Music] by did yes [Music] good afternoon everyone to our November 4th house aging meeting uh as everybody gone over the minutes that Kathy in for and mins from last month then Mich was nice enough to go and PPE them all out sep reminded that there's two sets of minutes one for October 7th and then one for September 9th do we have uh I have a motion on the ex on the minutes of the uh September minutes the9 I'd like to move that we accept the minutes of the September and do I have [Music] a any discussions the minutes very good all in favor any oppos okay so voted October 7th okay October the 7th are the minutes of that of that meeting we have any any can I have a motion on on the minutes I like move that we accept the minut in the October meeting okay second call a second okay any discussions all in [Music] favor any oppos soos it those of you who are not paying attention Paul is having a crisis with his microphone [Music] little a little comic really all right next Terry [Music] report work magic all right you all have before you uh the treasures report as of October 31 2024 the first account right at the top of the first page is your general fund and everything is pretty much in order there um salaries a few expenses and today we have used 31% of our budget from the city and then that would be about right cuz we're uh July August September quarter of the quarter of the way through so right [Music] so is there any question at all about on the general fund no no okay it looks in good order and mik keeps it going and now right underneath that is the gift fund and on the which is also in good order on the year-to DAT income if you were some of you do and I do go back and read and all U he came up with a little more money in the year to date that was deposited but that's because of an October and the way the books closed with the auditor October 31 so there is a difference there of $829 29 and that was for $530 received from arp and 2986 was from a we Market C Market that's our uh recycle B oh okay so anyway that will show up under the uh under the income column next month but it's already been added into the year to date and and if you'd all make an adjustment I I was so excited I was excited about this month's income that I added two fivs it should be one50 not 15 and that was a correction I was going to make $150 in income the $54.99 doesn't change just the October 24th column of um 50 should be 1,50 not 1550 but it doesn't impact the bottom line um well it it does we have 50 and 53 54 99 however at the end of November um you'll see those those things will reconcile it's really important to know that we went to this report early so we were able to reclose our our expenses expenses are paid a week after what they post that week so I'll post this week the date will be next week so I always know a week in advance when my expenses are we're able to close the month on October 24th for October but not for income income comes in in that week if we don't capture it manually um we've already closed books that's booked right away that's booked at the day it was rece there's no delay in that and that's why there was a difference and um we didn't have time crosschecking to get it in time to get you a new page so please excuse us but if you if you do your adding $829 29 and M is the 50 and it's good all is good and now was there any other question yes Kathy a question no no Kathy you need to use the MS like it's going all very F that was the GI f it was yeah just the gift F any is there any other question on the gift one I hope we Mike and I have explained it correctly and and we possible we direct income uh into that category so it's specified program income it goes into the donations right now because we're Capp at 40,000 on the revolving fund so program income comes in that's General in nature we used to put in the revolving fund because we needed that to to pay for our upcoming programs but right now we're at our Max and we don't want to add to that because we lose anything in excess of 40,000 we're trying to keep that balance so if it's unspecified program income because we don't need it we put it into the GI fund which is it's a gift it's a donation for whatever we want to the longterm gift CU we'll spend some of that gift money once we get over to Waterford we're sure some nice little well with painting job but I mean there might be some nice little item that we we want that can be in memory of the COA and some you know a nice gift that we will be able to buy without having questions you know you want just mentioned that $50 donation oh yes and and a lot of you knew Brian Zach who passed away recently and his family sent a $50 donation to the COA so that's included in the gift fund so that was very nice every once in a while U we do you know get a little gift like that so it's nice so that was from gr his family anyway during the P now the page two and to the revolving fund and as you can see at the bottom our balance in the uh is 4,648 12 and um so we've got money to spend there the 3,000 up there under Haniford is a purchase order uh for uh coming up for Thanksgiving food and then U uh 5 512 is for um got my these for trips and excursions and those are those are things that have been contracted for the rest of the U expenses are in the October 24 column you can see what was spent out this month and we spent 88713 and uh at the present time is a balance of $45,000 64812 is there any question at all on the revolving fund and any of those expenses or anything that we spend out any questions at all go ahead Paul have a couple one is that we seem to spend very little money in October compared to other months that's just a seasonal anomaly yeah it could be timing as well um so what we what we typically do for the big programs it cost like you to see a huge St in November ginormous and in December yeah so you'll see a lot of the actual cash balance is 49,000 bucks you're going to see easily $9 or $10,000 in expenses between well certainly yeah in November December it's going to be uh $354,000 for the food cost uh associated with the holiday meals and the Thanksgiving meal that's another 3,000 so 7,000 just between those two programs so a lot a lot so my my second question is just clearity I want consist income for this account anything really program generators so something when somebody gives us a donation for an activity or they pay for an activity so when they pay $15 for the R class that's program income they're participating in an R class and there's an Associated income derived from that the exercise classes so um yoga Fun and Fitness if we have a veterans program cost of the the buses uh the wo socks is a great example we buy the tickets we sell them in kind of as a group rate but folks pay us for the ticket um we pay for the bus so you can see from a program perspective how it would cost us more money than we're taking in but we're still taken in Mar so when it's specifically given to participate in or be involved in program now generally like a donation received even if it's support of our holiday meals we can go either way with that we can put into the revolving fund if we need the money to pay for the food or we can put it into the gift fund because it's a nonspecified donation even though it's for the holiday program so the programs in the senior center that allows us a little bit of flexibility to put into the GI fund but the dollar for doll participation fees that all goes right in aerp driver at first thing $25 a person to participate that's program income we pay out $25 per person so it's a wash uh one other thing if you look at the top of the page under income in October you'll see 12,4 5865 I know that looks a little high too but what happened because Mike's busy schedule and all some of the smaller deposits that came in like for the classes in the program sort of got together so one day I saw him going out with a big bag and I said and that's what happened was a br truck brain security so it does look a little high but that's the reason reason for you know sometimes you don't have time to run to the bank with a $10 deposit you know so he had accumulated which is good I we do that and so that's why it's a little high so don't expect to see 12,000 next month oh I would expect to see oh yeah um well maybe not quite that high and I think the other thing to reiterate this point folks we we generally do deposits at minimum every two weeks we're trying to do once a week just to get the cash out of here we yeah we've taken a lot of steps to make sure that money is secure um so but I don't like to have money hanging around get out Friday afterno Thursday morning so there's it was a busy time in M was a few days but anyway it's good it's in the bank so okay no other questions I'm revolving we will move over to uh the FY 23 Grant is closed out goodness and now the FY 24 State Grant and again you can look in the column October 24 and you can see what was paid out um uh during October 2,700 2778 G 8 cents was paid out in October is there any question about any of those expenditures anything any just so as side just so you all know going into this most of our costs relative to the grant are related to instructors or salaries that by far they make up you know the vast majority in this case probably easily 50% or more of um our October 24th you also see a 13214 that was a return um in October 24th and supplies so the net is the 297 that's not you don't have the 296 minus 132 we get 160 it's the 296 plus 132 what we spent but we return 132 so is there any questions on the expenditures for the fy2 24 State GR [Music] now we'll move to the next page which is the FY 25 and we haven't tapped into that yet but it's there waiting for us and the next one down is the FY 25 State Technology Grant and I'm going to let Mike speak to that because I don't get too involved with that except to look at the figure so M they technology Grant so um we're we're really embarking on something very creative and very new to have multiple sites that allow folks to log in using technology and participate in those programs and the two sites are the Gardner Senior Center and the temp Senior Center to do that we have to introduce a whole bunch of technology so we got some kind of high tech Zoom boards which are like having 18 cameras dedicated for your participants on one platform so it looks like a big screen TV 63 in multiple cameras it identifies segments out every individual participating up to 18 and helps isolate the audio we also are creating a presentation integration cart again very unique we're working with the folks at mwcc media department and Our IT department to develop the specs for it so it's it's a New Concept and we're right now we're kind of just trying to walk our way through the dock and see what we need in terms of cords and how we connect things but they're about eight pieces of equipment on this cart that has to be integrated through a sound uh system and a switch a networking switch and I have to say it's it's pretty techy it's pretty geeky I'm a little bit of fun with it we have two external cameras to do large scale uh presentations and participation so we have two cameras that are on controllers from a remote location we can pan tilt move those camera zoom on uh on the on the particular uh piece of focus so for example on a yoga we can focus in on the over instructor or we can zoom out to the whole class if we have a presentation of speaker we can have a camera focus on the speaker and a camera focus on the audience so new participation questions we can pay to them it's so it's a lot of fun and I think the Mountain's having a little bit of fun with it too so most of this well all of it uh is Hardware we haven't spent any money yet on the instruction that's not true we did but we don't have a bill for it so we haven't paid anything we don't have the invoice um I imagine that invoice will come soon but the idea here is to provide an integrated technology platform for the two senior centers to to do some joint program so we may have a speaker here and folks that at the Temperon Senior Center logging in and participating as well as folks in remote location so from the comfort of your own home once this is all done we will start posting Zoom links to our programs that are part of our hybrid program kind of cool I'm excited about that um just to go back to the state grant for a minute and I'm trying to get the actual number for you right now we were notified that 50% and this is how they do it halfway through the year they give was half of the grant so 50% of that did come in um and was posted to the grant account so you'll see now a change in the income and expenses for FY 25 next that's all got are there any further questions about our financial report I think all got question yes I do is it the same trainer that's going to be training the seniors as well as the staff two different trainers it's a whole bunch of trainers so the trainer we had this summer was a tech trainer to learn how to use Chromebooks and access technology from a very limited basis folks that really don't use Tech a lot or have old Tech so trying to get them ACR to Chrome technology or Android technology um computers security cyber security safe password using Google and Google search engines that's really what that was so that was geared towards the end user there will be some specific designated training for the staff on how to use all of the this equipment and separately the software integration how do you use uh Zoom as a platform to do large scale events and programming so the training see is is that going be like um you know you get groups of people to train on the Chromebooks or is that yep so there we're going to continue with the the general Chromebook training and the technology 101 courses we'll continue that for sure as we start to roll out the lending library so the Chromebooks are like I don't know 50% of the way ready and it's going far slower than I hope they would it's about 50% of the way ready to go we're just finalizing the Google administrative account we can s l the Chromebook out but lending a Chromebook out to somebody who doesn't use it is like selling them a paper we um it's not going to do any good it's going to sit idle in the home what we really want to do is get them interested and acclimated to using Tech here so they can then take it to their homes uh and use it in a more kind of effective efficient and robust right it's a new operation system for a lot of people who just used either a Mac or Windows yeah we had F never used yeah Tech or they use Tech in such a basic way they don't know how to do file management or that kind of stuff so I think that people who never done a laptop will probably be easier to teach than somebody who's used to Windows it's like you know it's like the military or the law enforcement not wanting military R train there ready and the other thing is if not we um have presting our financial report with only one change on the gift fund what my gets one 1,000 under under the Mich yep so we're going to change the income from the, 1550 to the 15050 people if I care would make that change and entain motion okay make a motion to a motion I I'll make a motion that we minutes I'll [Music] second discussions all in favor any oppos so voted thank you everyone next thing on our list is the old business an update on the new business from prior meeting October the 7th uh really the only uh we don't really have an update on Waterford Street there's still a lot of work going on the front doors have been replaced um and start to work on the classrooms a unique opportunity and and problem for us in the sense that we have to get those rooms empty out now um we're working on getting a storeage that put some of the stuff that's been donated like large Hutches and bureaus that to put in through the center to De institutionalize it for a little bit those done moving back in they're working now on procuring that for us um and work continues on that although there is some I think the Le signing for the CAC is this week use your WR mic she try to steal your M uh yes the Govern St you will be signning our Le Friday um so there's definely forward progress towards street but still won't be until the spring when we location which I think you know we're all comfortable with we could do a midwinter move any chance that we can look at they done so far or no we tried to get in with the assistant secretary and after some discussions with the mayor um just really concerned about being an active construction site and there was an accident well even I mean there's a lot of eses for example and while nothing's been done to the eses it's something were to happen if we walk through there that would be um would really muck it up so um just it's a little bit easier and then the second thing if we went through and did a walk through we're public board and that would have to be a public meeting and open to public so we can't do private um site visits we would have to make we're certainly not ready to do that I know okay next thing on our okay next thing this is new business and have our director report um just some really basic stuff from a staffing perspective we're looking to do some development on the staff on social media using it in a more robust way I give great acetes to the CAC on their new um kind of social media roll out which has been pretty good we're hoping to do something similar uh in the up Inc coming months to that being to to that point I want to make sure you all know and are able to welcome Lauren Penny Lauren's doing a little bit of part-time work for us to helping us uh in terms of helping us build that social media presence as her kind a whole job although it'll be maybe a little bit um it'll be a little bit odd she has to attend events and work at those events so it almost looks like she's an administrative support person but she's not she's there specifically to gather content for our social media campaign we also have Lori PUO who's a part-time fill-in yoga instructor which really glad to get because now as we add more classes there's more Demand on our existing kind of long-term folks they need to take more time away so we don't have to cancel classes this is a really good thing Mary Lou was Mary this past this past week was awesome she did a great job she was another standin um yoga instructor that will finalize her paperwork this coming week in the office we have Jeff's pran Jeff is a volunteer doing some administrative stuff very happy to have her and Tabitha Menino is a social worker student she's a student in the social work field at for State University who's been doing I don't know eight weeks so far with us here at the senior center we're trying to integrate her with our housing people are Medicare people she's had the great luxury of um being part of and active in some of our case management and uh I think she really sees that social work can be very pigeon hold work can be very broad here at the sen Center she's seeing the broad perspective she's spending a little bit of time upstairs at the CAC done with DTA um so she's getting the whole the whole immersion from a facility perspective if you have noticed we finished the back ramp the back ramp is done um we applied some texture to a final coat of paint so it's not a non-skin surface it really has worked well and did a great job on that we'll be moving the parking lot into winter mode which causes a little bit of chaos for us cuz once we take those barriers and ropes off people love to just drive through and off different directions and then they pull through so that they're going the wrong so that they're faced out when they're ready to drive out but then when they're ready to drive out they have to go in the wrong direction it it does create some issues for us um but so far KN on wood nothing really uh significant we're moving away from cardboard containers in this building way we have a lot of cardboard and that always wor me when you're a little OCD you stay up at night thinking L fire hazards making sure can plug before you leave every single day so I'm trying to get rid of some of this cardboard we just bought some new equipment which I really like because it makes things a little bit safer for those participating including a weight rack we have a movable weight rack that has all of our hand weights um I think it's a little cleaner it's a little bit more functional it's easier to put away you like it yeah good um and the ball pit ball Pit's kind of nice after hours we all dump it and roll around it's it's pretty cool but then again the nice thing for us is we don't have random yoga balls rolling around on the floor in the bathro so we're contain it cage them and lock them up well not lock them up but um strap them up can I ask a question absolutely not do the wheels on that walk they do yeah the wheels on everything walk I didn't know this morning when I came in it moved us people bending over get yep everything locks I think as we get used to it um you know we'll get more in the habit of doing that but um we don't we try even for equipment that doesn't come with lockable casters we replace the casters with the lockable so it's some in some way it's a fixed um device ring around except the wheels in my office which so many people seriously have a hard time to go sit down the chair out under I got find a new solution for that something's going to fall um I want to just make sure that I recognize again Sterilite sterilite at the beginning of the year gave us a ton of stuff um and they are so good to us they are just unbelievably good to us by us not only am I talk about the seni but I'm also talk about our neighbors and partners upstairs um they gave us food bins for food and for storage and containers um that has been absolutely you know lifechanging as it relates to us being able to manage the products in this build so SAR thank you and I tallied up the the net retail value was like $1,00 in site containers if you bought it at Walmart or Amazon obviously that's not their cost and the value uh from a wholesale perspective is probably less but from a real retail perspective we're talking minimum $1,500 in containers that's a lot of containers if you haven't been to Walmart late you to buy your Christmas containers make sure you get Sterilite they um elevator inspection failed we failed our elevator inspection in September primarily because of the align compy the the actual device seems to be working fine but they weren't able to ascertain its full um you know passing of the functions I the alarm company's president Greenwood was our alarm company he's retiring he's going out of business he notified everybody about 2 weeks after our inspection that they should be migrating to a new company so all of the city departments are scrambling to do that for two of us it resulted in a failure um but only because the alarm company wasn't there so just you know full disclosure we did fail um it's a it's a tentative failure based on the outcome of the reexamination which is coming up at the end of November we're able to bring on a new americ great company their respons Plus pricing is a little bit more but not totally outrageous and they will perform the annual the semiannual the two inspections of our fire equipment alarms um and dispatch twice a year in the elevator inspection from a program perspective uh I'm hoping you will all join us and if you have something booked to cancel it and come here we have our veterans program we have close to 60 people signed up um we'll get a number of walk-ins it's always a really nice program as opposed to two other programs which are nice we recognize every individual veteran in attendance um we P him we'll have the colonel Beth um mckenny is going to be our speaker mckenny that what is it MC mccormic I knew mckenny didn't sound like mccormic be mccormic um she's local which is pretty exciting and uh Lynette gabrilla who's the kind of assistant secretary assistant director of um Veteran Affairs Massachusetts was our veteran service officer here in Garder for a couple years before she got this uh promotion so they'll be joing us for tomorrow's program for Wednesday's program our holiday programs are packed um the funny thing if you've been in the office we have our holiday party on December 9th spot that's been located by theill Forno we have terrific plan there's acrost to that we have our holiday single h December 16th the Bros will be playing it's just a a Christmas caroling kind of event we have our Thanksgiving meal held on Thanksgiving day and we have our Christmas meals held on the Monday before Christmas the newsletters just went out so everybody's going the can't like to sign up for the holiday party there are four you have to tell us which one and that's causing some confusion um and the programs have been wild since the the F have been wild about programming all day Friday and all this morning it was like off the hook so there's a lot going on it's going to be pretty busy here for the next uh 60 days uh I told about the media card concert on November 18th K School of Music and then the two oh no there's um we had a gentleman today and this this was actually really affirmative me look I was I was reading your newsletter that's all I need to hear I was good I left I said done our job he was reading the newsletter at Haywood Hospital in a strange Department emergency room um and he saw a little thing I have an idea for a program call us and he said I have an idea for a program that's why I'm here and he wants to be the person that does our druming uh using what's called a a a cahon drum right so if you lost your caho find him here for our drum course we'll be starting that in uh some my Mid Winter February marchish um it's a laptop drum it's it's really cool three different three different sounds and then uh Medicare I mean we are up to our eyeballs in appointments we run uh two full days a week for Medicare appointments through open enrollment through December 7th um and it's a pretty packed schedule that's just a side comment I I met with uh the mass or the mass Advantage people and they have a gr new program out that's better than the one I was in so I move to that so anybody who's going passage might want to check out their new called extra and the moral to this story is you don't know until you know and you can't know until you talk to somebody and so we we found the pavement um DPW our science Lance and science department has been awesome and making us some Sandwich Board science we now have sets out in front of our building but they've also been dispersed throughout the city um we have four recyclable set four that we have to kind turn over that includes our our energy program the first week of December and our holiday to Holiday big holiday program so they've been really awesome I can't say enough about Pat Wayne and the director uh Doug they're so responsive at think us and again we like all the calendars every printed poster board you see here they do and being somebody who used to do those a lot that's $50 to $60 if you were buying it from a print shop so um it's saving us a gr load of money and giving us very high quality products but they also help our partners in the community too so it's not just about those sen Center and then closures I just want to let you know like between now and January 3rd uh we have a really weird uh calendar you all need to notice that for the week of Christmas Christmas falls on Wednesday will be closed at noon time on Tuesday and won't reopen until the following Monday that's not true for all city offices um so we're closed on Wednesday and all other city offices they're opening at 12:00 on Thursday the day after Christmas and it'll be open the half day on Friday we're closing for those two half days because our staff work Thanksgiving Day the whole day and the Friday after Thanksgiving a lot of people don't know that and they do that for comp time not for uh pay like could pay if they want to be paid as well um so in addition we'll have some closures the week of Thanksgiving uh we'll close the Friday after Thanksgiving we close at noon time the day before Thanksgiving New Year's Eve we close half a day on New Year's Eve so we open till 12 and then we open half uh day late we open at 12:30 on the Thursday following years we close for Veterans Day um and my birthday so all the major holidays no uh and then the last thing I just want to let you know uh based on the um well two things based on the recommendation from the board relative to the September executive meeting correspondence was sent by the the uh chairman to the mayor uh outlining the process and what the results were and I'm hoping that we have a followup meeting with him shortly the second thing I just want to make you aware of the donations we've received since July the GFA fedal Credit Unit has G us about $2,000 worth of of furniture including desk credences file cabinets all matching you know the old banking mahogany Cherry beautiful Furniture class pops um Garden Cinema gave us the theater chairs we're just asking now for the city council to accept these donations ster light gave us $420 in plastic bins for the first uh half of the year we've gotten about $800 from that recycle B so it's helping us and we'll see a spike at the end of the beginning of next year as people start to fulfill the New Year's resolutions to do some of the cleaning up and after Christmas replacing clothes with the new clothes so we're going to see that Ty style then get a little bit more use but every year we get about $11,000 from that uh textile B to have it here and to manage it so like on Friday mornings it's a little bit of a pain in the neck having the big truck rolling so our staff have to go and maybe direct things for a half an hour for me that's definitely worth the the grand um we've received some donations from some Foundations at about 6,500 uh the Rotary Club 2,800 the early 2000 Bucks g liance Club $750 and the Ryan Jones heart of a hero Foundation last Christmas gave us $11,000 for the Christmas B it probably won't happen this year which is okay I think it's also important to know the 2840 from the the uh Rotary Club is actually an anticipation of of 3 years worth of holiday meals so they were giving us a $750 donation for 23 24 and 25 and that's what makes up that 2800 you can see why then I put that in the GI fund because as our funds you know maybe see a little bit of tightening in 25 we can draw from the gift fund into that that ladies and gentlemen is all I have okay has any questions for Michael um I do [Music] of course I've been I've been around town and talking to people um who come to the senior center and all familiar with it couple uh reoccurring comments that I've been getting is um the Thanksgiving dinner and the Christmas dinner about home delivery and I don't really have an answer for them but I can only imagine that it's volunteer intensive um um I'm sure there's some sort of um liability invol there's a there's a whole host of reasons so we stopped doing home deliveries during Co both for the safety of the recipients of the meal and for the drivers delivers um then when we ruled out of Co we started looking at it in the first year which was 2022 we saw an uptick again in Co Cas so we said this is not the here to be doing it as um more people were getting sick um and then now talking to and we still maintain a pretty rigorous um discussion with the Infectious Disease people at Haywood and at CHC and you can clearly see the concern in their um from their perspective of going into people's homes especially older folks who may have some underlying medical health conditions and exposing them unnecessarily um to you know a virus or other kind of infectious problems so for us it makes sense our numbers haven't gone down last year we served 120 people in the dining room and we had 240 people 200 people drive through plus we made another 40 to 50 um packages care packages so just for everyone's edification we used to only do 150 meals so we more than double um the capacity drive-thru seems to work and then we do some congregate deliveries so we do some lumpsum deliveries to Bol house some lumsum deliveries to Gardener housing and some lumsum deliveries to um Haywood W field uh Hy weld is very small but I think the highrise there's probably 50 or 60 meals um easily it's between 15 and 60 so we have a volunteer down there and really what she does she doesn't go into their H she brings it to the dining room and disperses them through the dining room they come down and they can me up that way they make the choice to be engaged with somebody as opposed to us kind of for on um then the last bit of liability so everybody knows what was what's happening God bless the the delivery people that did this for years least and I did it we didn't always pay attention to Serve Safe and temperature uh control and so you know maybe we stopped at n's house for 3 and 1 half hours before we delivered the Thanksgiving meal that's probably not a great thing so there is there is a a regulatory process to ensure that those that food stays hot and it stays over 140 degrees and we should be moning temperature and that kind of stuff and there's already a delay not a huge delay between the time the food is prepared and the time it's distributed we got an hour which is great we're able to keep it h for an hour once we bring it outside and we start just scening out of coolers every time we open that cooler we lose heat um we're able to get rid of I mean I told you how many people drove through I think we're out there for 25 minutes last year um we go fast so it helps us to ensure that that our liability and more importantly our strict compliance to safe food handling uh processes are they have full Integrity right that we're able to have full compliance it's it's the wild wild last we start giving food to people to deliver we're not you know I'm not delivering leftovers to my grandmother we are considered a a commercial process and once we do that we are permitted we are monitored and we are regulated so we have to follow those and for that reason I I'm pretty sure although I love doing the deliveries with my kids it was a very special part of the holidays I doubt we're going to go back I just don't think we're going to get to that point we're going to be able to do it safely for all of those reasons and more somebody carrying the boxes we watch those the gamb Bros are heavy they're heavy he we're watching carry two of those upstairs somebody's going to get hurt I get hurt you know I'm probably well not today but 20 years ago was a lot more resilient I certainly don't want to put people in that position that makesense [Music] exp the other thing is is that um you know I live in that subis and for some reason I'm supposed to have all the ANS to the senior center all right and uh couple of them are three or four that came to me and said I love the Medicare counselor we're complaining about saying that they only felt they were rushed in and rushed out um I don't know what to make of it you know you know some people maybe they're half an hour oh I've only been here 10 minutes you know and I left there more confused before I walked in so yeah that that sounds that sounds like it's a very kind of unique um experience folks generally we get very very positive responses back from all of our counselors we have three we have four that actually work through the garden Glen B ke and inat Landing um and the responses we get are usually very good but the one thing I would say about this as I say time and time again like our doors are always open if some time of that experience we can help you fix that I think that part of our um uh part of our model is service recovery like if there's an issue let's let's address that issue because if you're having that issue maybe somebody else is and we don't want that to happen but I only know if you tell me I haven't heard any I really Liv oh I know and that that's what I said to if you had a bad experience or didn't get satisfactory results it go to the front desk and let them out yeah they may not be aware of it yeah you know and as importantly I can call and say Hey you know Joe someone's so mad with you they expressed some concern can we set up another appointment and we we we do that not from a concern perspective but you know these folks are way behind they know they have to get this in or there's an issue they they had to do a recertification and forgot and they now have you know 6 hours to get that recertification in can you come in and they literally drop every single time drop everything to come they're very responsible so that there's an issue and and clearly if they're telling you there's an issue there's an issue hav't come see me and see how we can recile we'll do a we'll do some service recovery and and get uh get them to need to get a problem fixed I told them the thing come you guys know but I just wanted you to know be very intimidating what that you could be very intimidating okay um I'll keep that in yeah I'm very shy but um I I did let them know that to come and let you know but I'm just let you guys know you know I I don't mind them coming to me same you know it's their senior sen as well as M Senor yeah right so make use of that you know so thank you thank you anything else all right next thing that I list would be the open discussion I have some open discussion I just want to thank uh the folks around the table for the heavy lift they're doing Stan lco has been giving me Saturdays off going picking up the bread although you know it's it's not that they have to do something different so as you know you know this weekend we spent uh here all weekend but but for you that would have been two more hours that just like crushing time so thank you for that um for all each and every one of you do whether it's donating decorations um our big ghost if you guys didn't see the big ghost that was here in the hall everybody should have seen it it was big um that was donated by sportop and now want it that we were able to modify into a ghost but in just a few short days it'll become our snowman got multiple personal Sam I get a key to the so uh let's let's talk after the meeting about that yeah I don't know the if the answer to that would be yes but we can check any yes you can yeah anybody else have anything you want to bring up we nope on the St heo Julie's passing over [Music] there I had talked to a few people about um possibly an activity where we could get together social reason um make some music uh dancing groups that are either from Fun and Fitness and the uh ballroom and Lind dance and uh possibly either do some kind of playlist of music that we could get from the class leaders and get together for a social event maybe with a like supper that might not be expensive like spaghetti or handed beans or something like that um I've heard suggestions of maybe February uh as that activity uh I heard somebody suggest well maybe it could be masquerade and somebody said well maybe it could be linked in with um the New Orleans kind of theme of mar and uh I it's been successful in some other places around that have maybe like a dinner social dancing you don't have to be couples you you come and enjoy the music some socialization some food so it would be something we could consider we could do a low cost of people coming and they can support some of it with our funds yeah I think it's a I think it's a great idea and if if we have we've been trying to do that we've been trying to create some more opportunities the Halloween part was a great example that was really build as to dance it did indeed turn out to be a dance of three people who are remarkable by the way remarkable dancers and I said to them and said to him the staff was talking about I wonder know why more people didn't dance because they're so fun to watch they're so fun to watch they're just amazingly um talented and I guess it could be intimidating for folks like you and I that take lessons every Monday night uh and watch them dance uh but yeah I think you know any anytime we bring people together our we adopted we created a new slogan this year connection prose it's all about connection trying to bring people to De who might not otherwise be engaged with folks socially maybe they feel unisolated lonely trying to find new ways to get them out so let's add as much as we can um I want to make sure that all the folks here know that we have expanded our program dramatically and this isn't saying we're not going to do it um expansion of programs mean our time is booked we are we have no free time in our schedule during the day most months if we're lucky we have an afternoon one afternoon two afternoons a month which allows us to get some of the stuff done that needs to be done if there's a repair or some kind of work we need to do in the room so it makes it a little challenging by doing a late afternoon early evening that could that could absolutely be something that would love to do we have a kitchen downstairs um used it before that's why we have it so and spaghetti is certainly an easy thing dishes of macaroni and cheese not hard at all some hot dogs we have a couple hot dogs no we don't many hot dogs left yeah great idea let's talk more and let's talk about people who are talking you to see if they'll come and organized we were talking about doing like a New Year's Eve dance um I just don't know how many people would be excited to go out New Year's Eve to the even to the senior center alcohol free and how many people want to come out for that I don't know why I mean this question is for Mary do these people know we already have a lot of social activities here are they Outsiders or are they part of this community because we we have so many you the senior center community the senior probably both okay and I can see that and you know it's a little bit different than the bring programs but there's a thank you n there's just a lot of opportunity that doesn't mean we shouldn't create new opportunity and I do want to just mention this we talked about it at the last meeting how do we how do we get and capture those seniors 50 years of age and older who are still in the workforce that are gone from the city of Gardner from 700 a.m. till 4:5 6:00 at night we W engag in we do have to think about some things that don't follow our normal scheduling Trends not that I'm excited about that I'm really not um I'm not not excited but we have like a new staff I'm a little concerned about um late day or evening events in the winter for a lot of people don't want to drive um year I think there put people I other people right um I don't know February March might be a good time um you know we could do a uh we could do a St Patrick's Day event at night do corn beef and cabbage and have some Irish dancers and regular dancing and music there's there are a lot of options especially as we get into late right winter February Mar I think that's a that's a good timeline from a planning perspective to you that's put it all together and something the Paul just mentioned the hour just Chang a lot of people don't want to go up anyways for stay in so yeah and then again it's going to take us that time [Music] plan maybe then we'll bef we'll have more room imagine how many daners we can put at Water there it's going to be awesome yes okay our next scheduled meeting will be on December the 2nd at 2: p.m. in the afternoon so we'll see you all day thank you all for coming and you have a motion toour I make a motion to Second all in favor any oppos okay all on thank you everyone thank [Music] you right [Music]