##VIDEO ID:fzqOCemIlPY## where [Applause] call you didn't to do any minutes right we'll table all these minutes we get to do them all all the next meeting um any any old business any new business okay uh Dan any updates um the biggest one is I sat down with Eric Jette Lieutenant Jette from the fire department Tuesday yep um about EDS and got the information over to Amy and Josh to purchase through AED Superstore Paul you're on speaker phone and we're live and being [Applause] recorded hi Paul hi Paul Paul um so sat down Lieutenant hulette we went over the ad stuff and so we're going get a physio control um AED which kind of mirrors what the fire department has and we're also going to kind of get on a Ser there same service plan that they're on it'll cost us a little bit of money each year but R and physial control will come into the golf shop and check over the whole system uh replace the pads if they need to be replace cuz they they only last a couple years um once the machine is in um I have to give Eric a call and we'll send up training probably he said it will probably be after the first of the year y um get we we'll pick a date that the majority of my staff can go uh we will owe the fire department money for the training he didn't tell me exactly how much um but it's something he can bang out in about 3 hours includes and will include CPR as well okay that's good um and you know just kind of go recertification as I think that stuff's good for a couple years so he said he doesn't use American Heart I don't know which I don't remember which one he said he us this but okay be a certification process no they've already placed the order because they sent me a email as to yes where have post the expense yes how much was5 36 something CPR certified for any other reason it's good to have for sure abolutely I don't I don't think there's any requirements when they get hired I don't even know if I have a requirement when I get hired I had Mine mine's expired at this point but I've had it in the past but have I'm sure if you went back and looked at you know your your requirements your qualifications and stuff like that you know for the job I don't think it's included I don't I I don't believe it is okay I recall but so you know when that when that gets in we'll we'll figure something out in January or February that it's good to do I'm sure does what's that the restaurant I'm sure needs like choke saer yeah he he's to get his licenses I have that so that's a requirement I think just to get the food license you have to have all the certifications so um that's the biggest report um I just have a question on the um for all employees will they be required to have some sort of CPR training because you're going to have it sounds like you're going to have um one training like 3 hours and then you're going to probably have new employees I usually have one or two new employees a year and they should proba Le be exposed to some emergency um training situation some run annually or every two years I the tough part about trying to do the training in season cuz roll till 8:00 at night and I can't get the mask but doing in February is good Mass we'll get everybody you know with the exception of maybe one or two they're at school school and you know I don't know about high school kids they might be in sports and stuff like that but majority of us will go through that um but you know should you know whether needs to be a requirement for hiring I don't know if that's I check strongly suggested type thing or or required say strongly suggested I check with the may see you know you know obviously other departments that deal with public law obviously the lifeguards have it at the pool that's different but I don't know what about that's one of their requirements that's a requirement I don't know if the rec department know you know they have kids though so it's not like it's they may just have basic first dat yeah maybe so so we should you know getting the spring be better better equipped um yeah there's going to be a cabinet that'll come with it there is Def Beed inside it's just a basic cabinet it's not not need a lot ones something like that so that's about it will Todd have one as well or will they be us which is fine I mean at least if something happens upstairs it's yeah you can run upstairs yeah grab the machine yeah one machine you go whether it needs to be upstairs on the golf course or whatever right s you or the range whatever know um I I asked about getting extra pads he said you don't don't need don't worry about getting extra set of pads you know if if God for we use it I would figure that out at that point to get get The Replacements so you just have to get replac they expired a couple years so we got an extra set of paths which AR aren't cheap you can just be throwing out two sets of pads after two years rather than just one set so other than that wind it down I've got started doing the golf course schedule for next year for the golf course events um when you think you're going to are you the one that's going to send out the lotteries for the I can do that yeah I think I got those on my computer okay for that stuff from last year yeah maybe if you can do that maybe before the end of December yeah get get give him a few weeks to get there yeah okay but other than that we're winding down okay it's nice sounds good B um we just finished our final sprays today finish spring greens te's um and approaches um we'll finish top dressing greens probably on Wednesday before our next weather event whatever it's going to happen on Thursday and Friday right um and we're going to try to blow up the system in the next couple days so um all the the final buttoning up things blowing some leaves um and we'll see if we see some snow this week or not but next week's nighttime temper yeah look that so um we'll figure out what we want to do carts are probably mixed after this next Main Event um and then we'll go make the decision on Temporaries or not and see if it's worth worth do yeah continuing on so um that's it that down matches um and you said that project's ready to go for the the pipe and everything Yep they're going to come back in December when those guys are all freed up put a diver in there um any news on a new truck two weeks out but the Po's been generated transfer the money so the m yeah we're just waiting on truck okay that's good all right uh the only correspondence was from um Holy Family Academy looking for a date for their tournament uh their first option is June 13th and their second choice is June 20th so Dan's going to check what his calendar he seems to think the 13th is probably available at this point when is that usually held is it end May usually yeah they usually hold it end of B but they want to change it to June so well might be a little bit better yeah weatherwise it may get a little better weather um yeah just it's only really a couple of weeks they always try to get the last Friday of May is what they were trying so which kind of sometimes yeah kind of Memorial Day weekend so it's kind of tough so it's nice they want to go back into June so um so I just need a motion to accept that date if it's available um okay you're going to check it first we're just going to okay so moves approve yes second second we're resting all in favor say I I all right um any chairman comments Mike anything nothing Paul do you have anything no thank you m think the course is in great shap can't wait till next year all right anything in um is it possible we get new pens for the golf course the kind of wobbly yeah um we were actually looking into I thought you were so close to not saying something you were so close and well you know Christmas miror you know I didn't have [Music] anything I'm I I did play out in cha and they had some really nice you know pins we were going to replace tops pins and Flags Okay y spend that money we're spending it and some rigs and some RS yeah remind me again RS yellow and yellow and white I I played at a golf course that was pretty cool uh during like like Memorial Day and July 4th they had American flags okay that was pretty interest something different get just buy privately I'll absolutely put those on anything else let's go through the financials uh as of now we have uh about 560,000 in Revenue which is uh 55% of our budget um so that's looking good uh expense wise we're at 363,000 um I think there anything well the only other the only big item in there is the is the gator that you were buying which has been paid for right so yeah that's already been paid that came out of the the supplies I did see that go through um but everything else is pretty much considered ordinary expenses so we're at a roughly a surplus right now about $227,000 minus the indirect cost what I I say that every time we than that well put it this way we can cover the indirect cost yeah exactly that's that's that's pretty good really I mean it's pretty good that we're already at 55% about rabit CR I mean that does seem high huh that seems high we've never had a fall like we just had I've never seen two I've never seen two months of 70° in Sun I know look at you didn't even try to rain just look at your green speed well there you go right green speed are at 270,000 we we never make money in October we steam all October and even the golf guys offl 220 they went out yeah no rain so yeah it's been pretty you know pretty incredible just putting it aside reserve for one of these I call a rainy day fund because it's going to happen literally rainy days what point do we talk about next year's rates for memberships we're going to do that next meeting okay with the budget okay we meet next week me yeah meet next week has sever of questions you know people asking yeah cuz Paul Paul was asking about something too so we have to make a discuss it and see what we want to do so how did you get did you check how many new members we got from the I didn't double check after the last batch we're up to about three 700 to 785 total members but that includes you know everybody M so I don't know we probably probably 50 new members or or return or R returns that have paid you know something around there but that's something else we can discuss to know we should cap it or just raise the rates ra thees ra the rates will cap by itself Supply supply and demand yeah that's true okay we can look into that uh need a motion to accept the financi just unless there's any other questions I make motion to accept the financials second I hi all right next meeting date is going to be quick I do the 16th that good with everybody yes when are you leaving January January okay 9th okay excuse me need a motion to adjourn the meeting so moved second I to say hi [Applause] hi have fun Paulie than much you