##VIDEO ID:YpYSu73nK7E## all right okay good afternoon everybody just real quickly like to follow the order of the meeting License Commission for the city of Gardner on Tuesday December 10th 2024 at 4:30 uh any person may make a video or an audio recording of an open session of a meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium subject to reasonable requirements of the chair as to the number of placement and operation of equipment use so as not to interfere with the conduct of the meeting any person intending to make such recording shall not by the chair for with all documents referenced or used during the meeting must be submitted in duplicate to the clerk all documents shall become part of the official record of the meeting the commission consists of three members a quum of two members are needed for a motion which we have this evening the ruling for a section 14 which is a one-day license lie with the local commission local rulings on violations can be appealed to the abcc within 5 days of receiving the written decision just When approaching the commission please State your full name for the record sign the sign in sheet here and our agenda this evening is uh first we're going to start with the minutes so these are the approval for the minutes on uh November 12th that accept the minutes okay I second all in favor motion carries so the minutes for November 12th is approved good thank you all right uh next on the agenda we will do uh let's see uh Four Seasons Chinese cuisine you can come on up come on up right up here how you doing today good uh you have a seat yeah you can have a seat yep and then just sign a sign in sheet down below [Applause] all right and could you just state your name for the record huh state your name for the record name my name yes oh y okay and your name okay thank you so you're coming to us in request for a uh full liquor license for the premises okay um have you applied for it already for through the abcc or through the local we do have a lot of phy we you have okay so you're applying for a full liquor license at that location do you intend to have a bar there we don't okay so how would you go about serving okay so beer um and then mixed drinks my the uh because the reason is we have a lot of customer from G let we open first we we are here about 20 years we own KY before okay yeah and by the time customers already asked oh we wish you have a my yeah and we open the restaurant in bfield uh we have a full Lial license so custom night or my go enjoy the meal and have one and Sh from open want some J and with the meal sometimes I don't have J so we just take the meal B so for customers so for customers who stay you serve them the my ti or or and even for now we have quite a b really regular customer from G from G they specially try that in the we end to so Baldwinville is where you had another location yes okay all right must be in the center yeah trying to think where um would that be like near where the Thirsty Turtle okay where the Thirsty Turtle is oh okay I know okay so oh yeah okay just wanted to make sure um all right so currently you have business there as well yes okay so this is a second business yeah okay okay understand that I understand that we weren't I wasn't we were last meeting we were trying to understand if you had already applied for the license through the abcc before you came to the city of Garder and appli for the license because usually there's like a step process you you start start here and then you go to the abcc when it's approved at the local level then the state will approve it as well so you have any questions or don't I I kind of wish um police on was here because I think I would want to hear thoughts yeah yeah so Gardner Garder Police Department we have a liais on that's usually here he assists with any type of rules and regulations um um how soon are you looking to want to open up and serve Etc I know it's going to go through the process through the state which can take a little bit of time um would you be open to coming to another meeting and sit and have a discussion with the gardener liaison as well oh yeah definitely to yeah yeah come January meeting so our January meeting would be perfect because then they'll be yeah I'll tell you right now it's I can give you a calendar it's the second we meet in the second Tuesday of every month so we it's just we just like to hear from the police department yeah because that's go back to try maybe with would be January 14th would be the would be the next date is when we would have our next and we'll try to remember to yeah I sure my brother just passed away so I mean I don't know what day they P the funeral but maybe got two we three week so that's sure so we that's a really unexpected happen I'm sorry sorry to hear that we can work something out as far as how you want to hand like we can do the 14th so right now we can put you on the 14th agenda okay and then uh if something happens just let us know yeah if something happens let us know we can try try to do we've done special meetings in the past yeah so where we'll you know it's it's usually a meeting that is not on our normal day uh in the month but we can arrange something as well because we still have to waited for uh my parent in North to see how they set up his F okay okay so let's if we can um if we can table that so cuz we need to have actually the police department here so they can give us some guidance as well on the rules of reg have some input from them yeah definitely yeah definitely yeah because we we want is a customer most night have a all the food first and maybe they just have made a drain for yeah keep keep them more rela just see talking more more happy yeah exactly no that makes sense oh it's great okay so let's do does do the 14th put you on that agenda uh is that okay 14 yeah yeah exactly and we can we can make an adjustment you know after or before if we need to do a special meeting we can do that as well I think we can we p on comp on 12 12 yeah I try try that's what we P we don't know how the size set up for the video okay okay you want to put that on if if we cannot so uh how can we call or or talk to some go to 29 or if if we cannot I'm going to give you my information right here thank you you're welcome thank you you're welcome I you can go through her she can get it set up as well yeah and we'll go from there okay okay yeah thanks no thank thank you for coming we just wanted to try to get an understanding of exactly what the plan was um so now that we know we'll have the uh police Garden of police department here and also our other member will be here as well oh great great great okay yeah perfect great thank you thank you very much all right thank you [Applause] thank you y thank you have a good night you too okay next on the agenda is Sawa Asian Cuisine and lounge and this is for approval for change of location you guys can come on up good evening all right so we got we got the we got the book here that heavy it is um all right and just briefly State your names for the record my name is Kenan um the owner of sa Evelyn Evelyn yeah Evelyn oh it's uh my wife yeah perfect all right so request is for change of location you want to just go into real quickly just what you guys are doing so we have um so we we've been W in the this uh current location at the plaza for probably around 12 13 years already with full all alcohol license and um two years ago we purchased Southside building and the plan was to redo it move our location to the Southside building location and I've been spending you know past two years working on that and now it's come to the conclusion stage and the plan is to you know have move that license to the new location okay then you know um we U we do something else with uh ABC I think okay in terms of it's I think my Atty John was working on that end okay um but for tonight just try to okay that we do get with the same license um we did think about it to just open a new one for the new location but yeah knowing that it's going to take a lot longer when the process you know all the stuff so we say just just do the transfer of license location and it will be a lot easier this way when do you think you will be ready yeah we're Target in January right now um I'm working very close with the whole officials in terms of building fire yeah um in for our final inspection okay um my GC is uh try to get our final inspection if not this Friday next Monday or Tuesday okay so once they get going uh get a green that from them the plan was to contact B Health immediately have them do a work through before we order anything so um hopefully sometime J we can definitely get a grand opening you know I know The Whole Town's been waiting waiting waiting you know need a need a bigger place when did you purchase the building Southside yeah I think it was 2 years ago right before I think Bill shut down on right before Christmas this time of that year our deal went down on January 3rd of you know 2021 or 2022 20 I think okay so 22 I think right about that time 23 24 yeah two years from now I did see the drawings too so thanks for including the drawings and the the blueprints as well yeah we have new um drawings from the facility with the layout with the occupancy uh I was very surprised to find out that souai had like 300 occupancy oh really when I got in there yeah I'm like damn this is a lot and my um engineer was like hey how many seits you want I said hey I don't want that many keep it low um so people have space the or bigger you know it's it's comfortable more comfort you know how many SE at your present loation uh in the plaza right now we have about 90ish yeah with staff member just 104 is the number just passing the 100 100 um but on the South Side our our occupancy low is targeting 170 including our staff member so about 150 okay so it's just like uh just I think I think that's a good number to work with it's more comfortable it's not clouded in and it's um it's not so stressed in terms of so many people you know inside there to my opinion did you um did you plan to have like I know Southside that when they owned it they had like a b Entertainment do you plan on doing yeah that's another thing that people keep bugging me about like throughout this inti hey Kenny we're got to do music music music I'm like damn I'm not a music guy I just want to food and serve people and go I'm like all I I do small amount of it you know it's when you come to a restaurant it's for food for drink you don't go to a restaurant because they have great music over there you know it's this type of conversations has been open so you know occur so so frequently throughout this process yeah I was I was curious just because of the size of that area was going to be but um when you guys go in there when when we open you'll see how significant have we have done Tren before it was going in people go to right side when the bar and the music is left side is always there quiet yeah right now we kind of divide it half in the middle when you come in in it just our take out and Sushi by area everything left right side will be quiet side dining family seats left side which is we move our new location of bathroom and the bar areas will be L side connecting the outside patio oh okay so I think that's a very great yeah that's a good idea design to to get it kind of separate up with the family kids you know versus people want to drink get take out on the other side and yeah that's that yeah it's a good idea yeah say okay I'm not sure the O so you own the property correct from the South Side yes yes okay because I was just looking at your lease yeah um it just this is probably a clerical era it says um rent and then it it's um in words it says 1,000 and then in numbers it says 500 okay $1,000 so he wrote it out as number is 500 so I can reach out to him yeah just correct that at some point all right I'm going to pay John L this time I let him know you said that well everything through the packet when I reviewed it online and um seem to be everything in order uh did you have any questions or any other comments I don't um between the two of us we can approve we can approve it up to so it go it'll go to the abcc for approval for their review okay and then get back to us and then and then what they'll what they're going to request which you already said you're in the motion of doing is getting the the Board of Health uh getting the fire inspection all that kind of stuff so initially it starts with us to get the ball going for that okay so we can then I make a motion that we approve the change of location okay I second all in favor I all right uh we approve the change of location for Sawa Cuisine and Lounge um and that will go into as soon as you we pass this information on or we get it up to the abcc then you can go on from there okay um if there's any questions or concerns or you guys need any suggestions or help just reach out to the Board of Health Reach Out yeah exactly not that you don't already have that yeah one more time yeah okay yeah I I think the next step yeah joh will tell me what's happening next day you know I I I think it's going to go to abcc they get back to us whatever yeah yeah it's a change of location so it's not it's not a new license you already carry the license yeah so it's just a matter of getting the approval for the you know inspections it'll be fairly easier ver a brand new one I think yeah yeah absolutely yeah 100% all right yeah I'm glad we at this stage you know it's getting there excited for it I I hear yeah everyone's excited I hear the talk around town so we just put out the sign on the street today oh you did yes oh good but um I I might come back next time from the meeting from the V on the on another side on the building itself okay you know so we'll do that next time little by little yeah that works but uh it's it's a great addition from the Ghana Community M especially with the building used to be an old Trish restaurant for so many years back in the days right now we give you new touch new brought to it great yeah looking forward to awesome yeah yeah glad glad we're able to fill the space too years oh yeah [Music] yeah yeah until we like Al and and they all talk about their like like oh we used to go when I was little yeah it's going yeah thank again yeah good luck though looking forward to it no I appreciate you know it's been it's been almost uh 15 years since I came down here yeah when I first come down here it's it's a lot of challenging it's a lot of work yeah you know do stupid things before you know then try to work on right right path you know you know so yeah it's work in progress right getting better I appreciate the help from you know from the town 100% you know getting getting the application good yeah glad thank you all right we'll help you yeah yeah it is a process we're going to go back there again clean to do all right well good luck see you see you soon bye uh now we got just a couple things on the old business we have over case post 905 for more uh change of officers uh just a delay in the Corey checks with the state um ABC is ready to move forward the approval so that's pretty much self-explanatory yep it's approved once that query comes back so okay perfect um the other was the crowd control manager requirements for the one-day liquor license applications this came up with uh in conversation with with most of the events being at like Perry Auditorium because of the amount of people um and Gardner PD was going to give us a little bit of guidance but they're not here this evening so we can table that till see if we can get an update in January absolutely on that from now I had a brief uh conversation in court with the um assistant city solicitor about this and he seemed to think that um this isn't really an issue that affects us it's more the fire department and the venue itself okay but I've been I'm trying to coordinate a time where I can get over to the fire department so we can kind of button it up um but with inspections and end of year yeah deadlines they have been busy so that is still on my docket to get over there no that's that's good info though so at least we we've never had to right deal with that in the past so at least uh you know we really get some information from the city solicitor sure um we can just put it on as a topic same thing as old business in case Garden PD wants to speak on it or yeah we can refer we can refer what was told to us sure from there um next is uh new business so we have the approval of all the 2025 abcc liquor license renewals um and approval of all 2025 these are the with these the entertainment poker permit mans okay so everybody came through everybody's submitted we have everybody has submitted really okay good um we just have six that are waiting for their certificates of inspection to go through okay um so the list of completed renewals that you have is everybody is complete they have applied they have given all documentation fees are paid um inspections have been completed um so these are 100% um the next is just the six I met with Tom this morning from the building commission and um there are just a couple of side notes here just kind of delay in actually getting the physical inspection done a couple had failed um but they are actively working on fixing the reasons for failing okay so they're in process yes well kudos to the uh to the businesses because normally we were going into the new year and after the New Year we're still trying to get renewals so good job on good job the staying on them and uh good job by them too getting everything in on time which is fantastic they did a great job all right perfect and we'll just get an update on those other six just on six just to make sure that we can do that the next meeting make sure if there's an issue just Reach Out absolutely we got to do something on our end all right any other new business anything all right no everybody's CH up I second all in favor all right motion carries meeting is adjourned at 4 59 [Applause]