##VIDEO ID:wXRV-sWPYzE## all right real quickly just like to call the order of the meeting the License Commission for the city of Gardner on November 12th at 4:30 uh brief announcement any person may make a video or audio recording of an open session of a meeting or may transmit the meeting through any medium subject to reasonable requirements of the chair as to the number placement and operation of equipment you use so not to interfere with the conduct of the meeting any person intending to make such a reporting shall notify the chair for with all documents referenced or used during the meeting must be submitted in duplicate to the clerk all documents shall become part of the official record of the meeting the commission consists of three members a quorum of two members are needed for a motion the ruling for a section 14 which is a one-day license lie with the local commission local rulings on violations can be appealed to the abcc within 5 days of receiving the written decision When approaching the commission please State your full name for the record sign the sign in sheet we here and our agenda this evening is as follows uh first we have approval of the October 8th 2024 meeting minutes and if we can take a few moments just to review those make sure everything's good [Applause] yeah was uh any questions comments concerns in the meeting make a motion we approve the minut as written second all in favor I motion carries the October 8th minutes have been approved put that there I sign that there uh next so we have hearings uh The Women's Circle of giving this is a one- day license request for a holiday meeting to be held on November 20th uh from 5: to 7:30 at the Perry Auditorium and who's representing anybody representing the I she's not here froming okay Teresa Thompson ter is doing oh Hill is doing but we're going to do the bar yeah per can you just state your name for the record kin break all right so looking at okay so 5 to 7:30 approximately 100 people beer and wine only thought they do a dra I was wondering if they were going to actually do a a a drawing of the a this works stage so the serving area will be inside or will it like be outside on in the um under the balcony I think we're going to go under the balcony for this one cuz it's a smaller event so it'll be in the same room then wait yeah under that got it so out out in the hallway right like is that is that that's no no under the balcon is inside the hall yeah yeah yeah that's that's what I meant to say yeah yeah cuz the holiday party last year I you guys were outside yeah and we will because it was bigger yeah that's on this agenda we will be out oh that's I'm getting old yeah no problem all right so this is this is the first sry we got two certification this is the first year you guys have' done this here at Perry uh the woman Circle I believe we' we've done it one other time I don't remember when it was it was very very small the last time we did it okay letter provided by mayor Nicholson for the Youth okay do you have any questions or comments for uses okay a motion to approve this day license second all in favor all right The Women's Circle of giving is approved and let's see and you know the the drill just you get the certificate put it near the serving area so if there's any questions y right good to go on that [Applause] one uh next on the agenda is the greater Gardener Chamber of Commerce this is a one- day request for Holiday Spectacular be held on December 5th from 4:30 to 10 in the Auditorium looking at 200 people expected and moonh Hill as well is the distributor and [Applause] ser okay and it is a full liquor so thank you for providing the nonprofit ID the payment was the payment submitted for 50 or for the 25 [Applause] because it shows um 50 it says beer and wine but then it says the full on the application that it's for a full liquer just want to make sure that was 50 so I have to take a look at that so that would be the full liquer [Applause] license yeah I think the be L is a mistake yeah that's why you should get the 50 yeah and a full liquor is is is allowed with if it's as long as non profit for the state law any questions on that I was just looking at the drawing it looks like it's um similar yeah did you have any questions get on Gard P nope make a motion that approve this one day license second all in favor I motion carries this is approved one day for the Holiday Spectacular at the curry Auditorium on December 5th so good there all right next on the hearing's agenda is the Hayward health healthare holiday social all right hi Hi how are you good how are you I'm Kelly KY with h Healthcare okay this is the holiday social held on December 13th from 5:30 to 10:30 same location Perry Auditorium expecting around 350 people all right letter from the mayor [Music] [Laughter] I didn't want to say it's location and is is there I'm sorry was there is there food included too can this yes uh moonall will be providing heavy outs okay any questions Nick or any comments no this is also a full sense like it's going to be the place to be first one since Cove that we issue the one day license for healthare their event at per aitor on Friday the 13th second all in favor I all right motion carries the Hayward Healthcare holiday one day is approved on December 13th from 5:30 to 10:30 at the per Auditorium and you know the drill the license visible so we're good there all right that's good you're welcome have a great day good luck let's see next is old business so we have the over case post 905 veterans foreign affairs change of officers so it's still pending by the abcc for review and approval have we got any feedback from them that on these several oh so we've just been kind of dotting our eyes crossing our te's anything that they've been asking for so they have everything that they need but unfortunately the person that was reviewing it was gone for the rest of last week so hopefully we'll be hearing something this week okay so we can to have a follow up from that in December M okay December follow up okay on to new business uh right we have the Sawa Asian uh Cuisine and Lounge in the process of requesting a change of location from 360 tiany Boulevard to 242 West Broadway Garden of mass uh pending receipt of the abutters notice and copy of advertisement all right so we are still waiting for that information so we're just waiting for the notice to come back um have they have they given a timeline on when they think they'll be completed with sour would like to be January 1st provided everything is in line everything all the inspections are done everything else yes so put them on December they will be on December yes provided I have everything back that they requesting we reting all right so move that to December as well for an update and then next is h four seasons Chinese quisine in the requ uh process of requesting a new on premesis all alcoholic beverage license and this is pen receive the abutter notice and copy of advertisement Four Seasons Chinese cuisine Jade next to cross T okay and they're requesting a alcohol license yes is it a full license they're looking for mhm so they're looking for a full Le license what's the seating yeah that's what I was just I was G say that is small yeah and there's really no I me there's maybe what four or five tables in the place yeah it's very small are they read do you know if they're redoing anything or not to my knowledge they have not mentioned anything now okay yeah I think we'll have to can you request to have them come to the December meeting so you can just kind of ask some questions absolutely on what a layout of there yeah and what the what the you know the intention is of serving I mean uh they have an occupancy or yeah I mean it's we we've had restaurants where they've sold beer and wine but it's I mean not never a full leer license okay it wouldn't it's not well I'm trying to think because it's not set set up like it would be like yeny where you have a restaurant and then you have a Bara room for and still serving food so yeah if they can if they can come to the just for informative purposes trying to figure out what we can what we can do there absolutely all right so we'll move that into December okay and um I know you reached out to me about the uh requirements or the certificate for the crowd control yes we've never since I've been on the board we've never had to sign any certificates for crowd controls or anything like that so I'm curious as do you know who in the city was signing those certificates to my it's very to it's new and confusing to me so it's mainly the fire chiefs signing off on it okay um but my question was who is responsible for providing the crowd manager is it the person serving the liquor alcohol is it the the person holding the event is it where the event it's just for the one day licenses yeah all other liquor licenses have their crowd managers in place but it's the one days that there isn't a direct answer as to who is responsible for providing that I almost thought of like the crowd control was based on based like you said with with the fire department based on the occup of the building or the space and that would be that would fall on to like the fire department and they would do a check or a random check at like an event like say at Perry Auditorium and say okay the occupancy here is 300 people but we're counting 350 MH I just don't know how we how we would manage that with a one day I mean we could I'd have to look into it more to see how us as a commission would put that into a packet and get approval for it specifically for one day because if they having these locations these one days at locations like this um you would think it would be the building's responsibility to have to sign off on a certificate so say like we're doing a holiday party at the Perry Auditorium and the city owns the property so the city would be responsible for acknowledging or checking on the crowd control which then again it falls back to like the fire department who handles crowd control but then it's Catch 22 because of the applicant applying for the one day yeah how would they know that that location has a crowd manager it's very yeah it's not cut and try so yeah any thoughts on that it's never been approached to us that's why I think it's simply a notification to the fight dep okay that we have an event on that day or that someone is in the location that it's at and um up to them they they're 24 hours a day to stop them just to I'm just any thoughts on just reading this real quick there's some exemptions um on the second page um on the left hand side there and I feel the perod hit that so like for a one day license you wouldn't need a crowd manager because it would fall under that exemption 100 so it says a limit of 100 or more cuz I mean most of the one dayss that you guys do like October Fest they have a crowd manager cuz it's being it's taking place out there I mean most of them there is a crowd manager and if there isn't a crowd manager we will acquire a police detail which we have um for and usually for the public events because it's open to the public and really can come and go like October Fest the food truck festival uh stuff like that but like with stuff in per Auditorium there's no police detail or anything like that there yeah cuz it's you know you have to purchase a ticket usually prior to and like some of them are offering meals and whatnot and it just it's not like an open form for the public just to come and go so it's and where it's in the auditorium I don't think we really need to have I mean they can always request a police detail if they would want if they feel comfortable having one there but I don't think it would be a requirement that we would ask for yeah we'll have to just think about that one for the next and I mean I don't really see us having to sign off on us for CR control like you said um I wonder what other towns do um yeah let me do some research on it CU I I'll reach out to a couple other towns and see how they handle it like lemonster Fitchburg and things like that you know kind of in our area sure see how they handle it if not and go to like wer or something like that and figure it out okay so I'll have some information on that for I meeting well I know the city solicitor from fburg so I may just give a call sure yeah what he knows about this issue because I know nothing about it yeah like I said been boy forever it's first time yeah yeah it's the first I've seen it okay being here so okay yeah so it's just table until then we'll get we'll gather some information okay um if you want to reach out to F that'd be fantastic yeah I'll out that all right any other new business or anything any concerns or anything anything going on nope just the way we like it that's good I like it all right I hear a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn I second all in favor meeting is adjourned at 4:49