good morning welcome to the uh Tuesday April 30th uh Gardener public Gardner uh Public Welfare subcommittee meeting um let the record show that uh councelor Brooks councelor DN lawitz and councelor Mack are in attendance um if anybody is I don't believe is recording this meeting um the first item on our agenda is to accept the meeting uh accept the minutes of the meetings of febr 15th 2023 March 9th 2023 May 24th 2023 February 29th 2024 and March 7th 2024 do I have a motion motion to wave the reading of the minutes and accept them as presented second all those in favor I I approved this morning's meeting is to uh have a presentation from superintendent Dr Mark pelino and um Garden of public schools business manager U Mr Mark Hawk on the garden of public schools pre-budget presentation Dr pelo well thanks for having me here I well actually Welcome to our school but thanks for having us present the um the budget to you all um it's really important for us to give as much information as possible so we're as transparent as possible with our budget so one of the first things that we talk about with our budget the driving force is the needs of our students demographics and gner been changing over the years this is just since 2015 I remember looking back at 20 2003 and there were no English language Learners so our population has definitely been changing and the reason we like to talk about this is the needs of this of these different populations students with special needs um students from low income families students with disabilities and English language Learners those specific populations have been identified by the state as high needs populations and because they're high needs they're identified as high needs because they need more service so that means we need more in the district to support those students which was the whole idea of the education the student Opportunity Act um that um came into La change our changed our funding for so one of the things that you that you can see here is our out of District costs um went up considerably this year um much of those costs are from students who moved into the district who already had um IEPs where they were placed out of District so there was no discussion basically if they're already out of districts the family moves to the districts we take over that out of District placement um we've been doing a lot um to make sure that students can be serviced in Gardener that they get their needs back in Gardner that's been one of our major one of the major driving forces since I became super well for forever especially since I became superintendent um if you look at our inclusion rate it's over 70% um for um for especially for an urban District District that's phenomenal it's well above the state um which we had never been above the state before inclusion means that we're actually servicing students within our own schools and we don't have to Service as many students out of the traditional classes what this does for students is it makes sure that they're in with their Community they're in with their peers they're they're actually um uh part of um part of um with with their peers they're part of their own Community they're part of they're growing up in a in a tradition more traditional way make sense M okay so our gardener school choice enrollment Trends this is another thing that we've really focused on is making sure that we're providing students with what they're looking for in education from Gardner so we didn't have as many students going out of um going out of District to other districts um so the height of this was back in FY 2018 when I first became superintendent and it Peak to 300 and now we're down below where it was in um 2015 as you can see the red is the sending the blue is the receiving so those are students coming into our district I haven't been as concerned about students coming into our district as as have been about students leaving our district I believe if we're providing students with what they're looking for in education they're going to stay in our district and so this is just um higher higher expenses so this is again school choice and as you can see these are the amounts the of students um that that it costs us when students leave the district to go to other districts so even though there was a Delta seven students this Delta for money is different and one of the reasons is the the online schools virtual schools $8500 8500 supposed to, for else so if you go to a virtual school cost doesn't make sense in my head does do these numbers reflect students going Tech are they consider in District No okay we had this year yeah we had um in from Garder high school we had 37 students applied to mon Tech um I'm actually really pleased with that number I talked um talking a lot about this um typically we have 75 um 75 students or so that apply from gner high school to go to mon Tech so to have only 37 students who are very interested and most of those students are very interested in vocational employment as opposed to going on to college that's a big win for us um I think um that's in large part due to the you know creative um programming that they now have with the high school the early college program has really taken off um and I think that's kept a lot more students again want who want to go to college we should be offering the best college prep program compared with we we should be offering a much better College Prep program than our vocational counterpart so in my view if you're looking to go to college you should be staying in the Comprehensive High School so the number going out was lower I think I came it it's about 21 if I did my math correctly but is it you know because your parents work in other districts is it online you know do you do you do you find out when you say the numbers lower what do you mean people going out of gardener to districts yeah is it out of districts or is it just primarily online schooling do you find out where they're com it's both okay if you look at the report it's amazing they'll be conquered [Music] all the communities around us but then there's these outliers that are just that's weird probably of parents employment most likely parents employment or child is split yeah two parents it's all over the place so I again this just shows the out Clement cost um this year went up significantly and those costs are going up significantly that's special that's special education okay that's to people realize that's why it goes up so significantly yeah and they set their rates and they set their rates pretty pretty high this year and that does not include the cost of transportation for those people correct correct um so we again had a student Opportunity Act um uh meeting with with over 40 stakeholders where we talked about the different things where there were specific requirements from the state we do it a little different L where we actually have a meeting as opposed to just doing a survey um and we talk about specific typically marginalized populations students with disabilities English language Learners um economically disadvantaged students Hispanic and African-American students as well those are marginalized populations typically in Massachusetts so they're looking specifically at those populations to say are you serving these students in the best way you can and if you've identified opportunity gaps or achievement gaps or other outcomes then how are you addressing those outcomes and so we identified these of the populations that we really wanted to Target as we as we look at our budget the needs of our students should be driving how the budget is used um we're very focused here on you you may have heard me talking about this but multi our multi-tiered system of supports basically what this means is that um we have three levels of support 80% of our students should be supported just by the general um education that we provide and the general services that we provide the other 20% might need more intense Services those are our tier two and three services um to really make sure that we're doing what we're supposed to do in that tier one level that Baseline level for all students we have the better we do there the fewer students need our tier two and three services and so for um both academics and um so um um social emotional learning um we're putting over the next three years 2.5 million and $4.7 million of our budget that's not new money that's that includes our counselors includes our school psychologists it includes a lot of different positions over the next three years I had to do this s in student Opportunity Act plan which SCH so this is just kind of a layout and we've been tracking since I became superintendent the number of positions that we've added because the student Opportunity Act started um it um in 2019 I think we got I first is when it first started um and as you can see so the reason we have it divided into two things the top section are service positions those might be um direct service position teachers par professionals could be secretaries or U maintenance folks actually maintenance was a big part when the student Opportunity Act looked at funding they it showed that we used our money to support our students to the detriment of the maintenance of our buildings which is why you have things like Water Street you know kind of falling apart um because we had to ship the money to make sure that we're supporting our students um but as you can see we actually had I think a total of of 62 service positions and 10 administrative position since I became superintendent with the money that we've we've used um first of all I this I appreciate this data this is a really important screen and for people to see and um this is something I think that should be show every year to keep increasing um I had the question of what's a nurse assistant is that a where uh 2324 says nurse assistant G GMS ghs I just didn't noce that like a part time nurse is it a clerical position is it a full R so it's like an LPN they were gr funded and then when the grant right out Becky maaf advocated to keep them um so they might be an they might be a else there okay all right cuz I just thought it was an interesting word and I'm like What's it you know a nurse assistant they P the band P okay um my other question is so for FY uh 2425 you have your right now it's level service so you have no other than the next slide with the one position for the assistant pupil Personnel Service you have no other increased a do you feel that I mean I know there's a lot of services especially for the English language Learners that you have sufficient Staffing that you are you have to service the population we would love to have another okay L teacher this there's definitely increas and you know when we get to the end of this budget you know we'll talk about this one of the things that we we really worked um hard with our you know local politicians actually um John slot was you know helpful um sitting down with us and trying to figure out okay how do we project with Esser it's been such a funky few years with Esser funds um you know this third you know this third round of ESS to figure out well how many positions can we add without making it so we have a a gap you I'm sure you've heard in the news a number of districts around you know around us that have the sign ific gaps they actually have to cut positions um worcester's cutting I don't even know how many positions quite frankly it's a lot of positions um so we tried to project where we would be one of the things that has fallen is we used to be a million dollars above minimum de School spending and the that's the part that wasn't really factored in that we now zero above minimum net School spending what we're asking for from the city um I'm just question I was going to ask this anyways but as I said because some of these positions last year after we passed the budget some of these even though the there was money switched within the your your funds um became like the um mtss positions um you know Garden High School became uh were created after so I'm just going to ask um in like in the fall if we could get an incre like an additional copy of this as things are created because the budget process is still going through um but that was going to be a request I was going to have as and I was going to like if if you know 242 5 is not on here so as you increase things you know if we could just get an updated C coffee but I'm going to I'm going to address that later anyway what I would yeah but it might it might be kind of hard so I maybe we can talk about this later but um the budgets the the budget and the positions are constantly changing I think one of the so one of the things for example that position that was added we um there was um attrition so somebody left and so we use that money to so it's not really right it's not really an ad it's a change right exactly so but that was that was just briefly after it was like within just a couple weeks so we do Department updates all the time from departments within you know our subcommittee so when we do Department updates I might just ask for updated information from you okay as we meet in the fall what would you be so so this would be be different track so I okay just this same thing just additions on this as you have you make changes for the year so these are added positions so these are not so they're not changes right added positions position added positions is just what I'm asking not changes added positions okay okay so right but that MTS so for us the we lost a position to add the position so that doesn't go on the ads right but you did add it here so which one on the bottom under administrative positions it is here listed Oh that's oh you know oh I'm sorry that's no no no so yeah that was the what teach we okay but that's the same right I see what you're saying yeah just it I think it's important for us to see where you're finding it important to buy attrition to maybe not replace this position to add these Services I think it's important for us to see you know what the needs are within the district okay maybe if you I'm just going to do an example maybe a I don't know a great seven English teacher leaves but you decide you need this position instead I find it I think it's important for us to know what the needs of the schools are well e not just during budget season and what you find your needs are so I just I just I just don't want to get an update on the schools only in April or May when we do budget so we'll have to really yeah okay so we kind of have to Hash that up so we could give we could do a running tally of all changes we could just keep saying okay this position this is the new position that's it could be done in a narrative summary too okay okay it could be however you choose to do it um so just i' like to talk about our budget adjustment process and how we do this we actually pulled um all the principles and directors in this room we all list out what our needs are for the district um we talk about what we don't have and we still need um and we also have them cut their budgets um this year it was 150 145,000 they cut from their budget which typically means they have to cut positions then we come back in this room then we say okay what's the most important position to put back into the schools so we rebuild our budget so even though we didn't have um cuts this year we want to do this exercise so we're actually creating the best District possible so each school still each principal still has a wish list yes but the wish list so so what might happen is so somebody might say I I need an adjustment counselor right um and then we've cut positions within the within the group and then we say the first most important position we go in might be that addition of a of school of the adjustment counselor that then goes in first before some of the messages that we actually have so we real we really prioritize what's the most important position to go in first second third fourth and it can become somewhat heated um you know as we um as we look at this but it's really about creating a district not separate schools so um you know we've had for example Paula give up a par professional position to make sure that we got a an additional kindergarten teature things like that have happened through this through that process so then we all meet together um individually we meet with the individual um principles and we go with their budgets and then jointly developed and then balancing the budget is where I pass about tomorrow so our total funding f25 over here difference from the prior year um the total school budget of $34.5 million what's uh not included in that is the costs that don't apply to net School spending that's mainly the transportation costs 2.8 million so that's backed out indirect costs mainly health insurance and retirement uh just over 10 million so the total net School spending is 41.7 million you see it says netive one but that's because of pennies that sometimes don't around properly so it's really zero so where did all the money go you can see the new Revenue in Chapter 70 we got 2.2 million net School spending that's the mandated increase uh in the city is 647 th000 um we actually counted homeless uh funding this year this is the $104 a day that the state is giving us goes into a revolving account so it can be rolled and carried and the reason we're using that is because we have to um that money can be used foro it can be used for anything so it's we're getting it because of the so so they so for example if it was 147,000 they um the city only has to give us 500,000 is that what you're saying is that what you're saying Cal no no okayo yes schooling anything about next school spending and there's nothing about next spending um 155 additional from FY 24 so the new expenses 1.2 million in salaries 2.1 8 million in expenses um additions we had 225,000 less additions than we did the previous year uh Nonet School spending 67312 in indirects 575,000 more so the non net School spending negative 670 is actually a positive for the city to spend it's a negative on our side because it's not count towards High SCH spending this is the uh before mentioned addition restoration we um added it late this year so it's new next year our special ed num is one have 100 students we typically have person special ucation so um we went up about 100 students in the last 3 years that's about 20% of our population um there's been a huge Rise um in throughout the throughout the state um and the work that they have to do around not only with the new IEP which is a huge which is a huge change for us um but also with um reporting to the state and um making sure that students are getting Services if any parent doesn't feel like they have Services they now have an easier time going to the state and saying hey we're not getting the services we want and there's a lot of work literally days of work at a time um that the special director would then need to um step into that so this that role is increased about 20% and this is a restoration or we called a restoration because we did it in the middle of this year we found the need in the middle of this year okay to do it was there one no that's so there is now so the reason we call it a restoration you know restoration we put it all on the same page um because you know it could be 61 half doesn't the other um we found the me this year was great um our PPS director was literally just drowning in paperwork and couldn't get on top of things and it's and right now there's no end in sight for that um so having 100 new students we just decided we needed an additional person for that for that job that piece is so important to us if we're going to maintain our inclusion rate and we're going to meet kids' needs you know um these the IEPs that we have to follow and the the level of service that's necessary and the ease with which we can get entangled legally to have additional payments is unbelievable for us absolutely yeah we miss well time will this person be taking the McKinley vintage responsibility away from the PPS because I know that's a huge part of that there'll be a lot Shar there'll be a lot of sh responsibilities yeah that that's and was there has there been a jump in in PPS activity called from Co I mean is it is it kind of like is it going to be like a hump where where there's a group of kids that going through that just because of Co and the way education went are having a hard time I don't know that I can answer that question easily we have we have a very high turn rate in terms of the number of students coming in the district and leading the district right so we have this huge turnover we've had 100 new students for us um who have special needs and have IEPs now whether or not that's caused by Co I I don't know like it's it's an outcome of Co because people didn't feel like do getting the services so it it shouldn't be that way it shouldn't be that hey I'm not getting quite the services I need because we're in Co so I have an i it should be based on you know the evaluations of students so so it's more turnover student population is and an increase in student population yes that it is the local group that's going through and having a problem in a particular year right okay I would imagine Co caus more social emotional needs than it can consider to be learning and we were very focused on the social when when you at that you have I think you have to distinguish the difference between the two and did that yeah um this just shows the salaries through the years and the U the increases the expenses I just I just have a question under um when you buy new vehicles for the for the maintenance and grounds people is that do you put that under facilities where is that categorized facilities okay lot of new vehicle that's I noticed you haven't bought a new vehicle a pickup truck okay I thought somebody metion I I just somebody said there was a new trucker that's why I was wondering where it would because I I just saw the increase if you had any new vehicles that's what I think lawn that was okay um my other thing my question on salary uh this is just based on FY budget currently I know contract negotiations based on what you have budg bued not what you eventually will settle with so this is subject to change correct yeah okay negotiations negotiations okay um we did have a should mention this in the facilities Department several slides back it showed um two years ago we added a groundkeeper because the maintenance of the buildings was falling behind we had trouble filling that last several months um so given the tight budget your attrition it's not F so we don't have that so down one more person facilities which is needed so you want to know the needs need facilities be um and you're still advertising for that position nope we are not filling it we out of money so this one is one that really uh affects the city Side this is the budget cost that don't apply to next school spending which is just cost for by the city um there's already been one change to this the top line transportation we asked for an 11th bus and that it was the uh beginning middle of last week John Merch called me and said it wasn't going to be a fund so that's back down to 71,000 um5 yeah so you can see the um special end Transportation $47,000 increase that was huge and then the uh crossing guard increase was simply tr get 4 50 cents over nor and when is your uh bus contract up for we in the fifth year of the or fy2 will be the fifth year of 5 year so not good so these rates were set just prior to and with inflation being 7 8% the last couple years a little scary about what the next bus contract is Yeah we actually have a school committee like looking at bus companies we actually had um which is is unheard of we had like three applicants I want to say yeah um which is which is uh very unusual usually you have 9 district one we had three back then or we had three people looking now we had three back then um we we um we actually work with um I name the organization we work with folks to really identify so there other people out there who could do this and that's where we got nrt and a lot of these bus companies are buying each other up nrt Nows and nrt is all First Student First Student couple of different names yep the same the St Transportation why is that the contract change that's going up or is it more Transportation more Transportation yeah and special education transportation is obviously more expensive when theual when you number about of District placements go um go up that goes up I think that was one of the advantages of having caps Town station trying to keep keep the this education local so we didn't have that and just to impress the need for the 11th plus is um not necessarily at the high school as they get older they can drive it's not as cool to take the bus and it's really at the elementary school uh 10 buses you th000 kids in the school over th kids um we have some of the buses that are full three to se it's at a very point so we were looking for that 11th bus Which would also help um because we also have the Holy Family Academy room that runs in between all the others CU their St times don't line with our St times um so busing is tough buses run late so if you go to high school for dismissal at 235 there might be four sometimes five buses there so the kids are just waiting for the buses to arrive we finish their middle school routs yet and then who everything behind so the element School roots are behind and it's the uh teachers and the parents that are up there doing bus Dy so when the buses late minutes are extended we like to get the bus on time and in order to do that we need more can I ask at the high school level um are there a lot of kids still taking the bus buses AR in full fact r nine rooms of high school um yeah was decent population of the high school has increased a little bit too so this is the revenue projec projection um the net School spending number is not going to change but the uh Chapter 70 I think did change it changed by like $7,000 these things that discovery of a miscount by the state affected all the school districts differently I think Springfield get extra $1.2 million get extra $7,000 so try to that yeah the killer was the the cap on um inflation rate it was a they a cap 4.6.5 um and it was 11% year so our costs went up significantly and quite doing what fully what it's supposed to be they don't what used to happen is if there was a cap of inflation let's say inflation was uh 8% and the cap was 4% they cap it at 4% give be the money then the following year they would make up that Delta 4% and then add in whatever inflation is that year with the SLA they haven't done that so inflation the last couple years has been 11 8 7% and it's been capped and then they don't make up at Delta so a lot of school districts majority of school districts this year got a net net cut so Transportation was cut from the state and then their s SOA chap 70 money was a minor increase so it's a year-over-year they actually got caught that's why 90% of the school districts in Massachusetts are facing layoffs cuz there was less money this year than last year G was in the I think we were 12 or 15 as far as receiving the most that's simply because of our population got a little lucky because that side it's more expensive population that's theform mentioned net School spending history that's been at zero for the last two fiscal years so we have a funding gap of $0 on paper right now that me is on paper right now you you don't have the V that was just school that was for the school you can discuss it councel questions counc yeah I guess I just want to go back we don't need to go back to the sending and receiving out of District so I'm sorry sending receiving school choice sorry school choice yes sending Choice what um you touched on a little bit but where where are the kids going that we're sending out if they go to if they go to m does that no that's not school choice if they go to Holy Family Academy no no okay it's only other um so school choice means that they're going to another Public School in Massachusetts um instead of the the school where they're problem and when we had such a huge gap or such a large number going out at what grade level was that was it across the board was it High School in particular Elementary in particular do we know it was it was more at the high school level than at the at the lower grades the lower grades often times with you know through eth grade they have holy families um they might do home schooling and things like that once they went to high school um many of our students um were going to other other places and around here like y as opposed to going forther they many go further out as well I mean I you know we have like lists um you know one of the big factors frankly was Sports as well Sports is one of the smiling um purp one of the one of the driver yeah exactly and so we had a lot of students um who when we had those rough football years um who wanted to play football for more competitive teams and all that did was you know make our team not as competitive and so we had a lot of folks who were you know going to other districts for sports it's like the you're not supposed to U we actually fought it one time all the way up to the MIAA because we had a kid that we knew it was really clear that they did the Mia just finally said yep he can change schools I I don't I honestly I don't understand it you know the the school school choice piece of it but okay so it's been more more the high school then it was more at the high school level um yes only only because um if if folks weren't happy with you know Walk Street school for example they could homeschool a lot of folks could homeschool their kids in the younger perod but when it againsts you know to teach calculus they have more difficult difficult to do with that we having a 16-year-old around the house that would be something else yes yes all right and and so apparently we've been working on that that issue I know I was selling up at the high school kind of over the early winter and and U yeah it's it seemed to be a good good place I was I was impressed with what I saw and and encouraged by it too yeah yeah the whole goal when I first became superintendent one of the things they said was keep Garner students in Garner sure okay thank um I could just add to that um having some a little bit of few Decades of history and garden um and um Mr Haw can also add to this in the Glory Days of the swim team we had 15 years that we brought in many school choice students for for our swim team and so we were we were guilty of that on our own too we brought in Elite student athletes because not only were they Stell athletes but they were in part students who went on to D1 school school with full scholarships um and uh and this result of our 15 state titles um as well as I want to say we also have a lot of kids that always came in um because of the music program you know we had a band um you know um for years that other other high schools don't have in a music program um and another thing too which um I think should attract people is the um the early college program the advanced placement program um and the scholarship opportunities that Garden high school offers um is to me is a is a what I call The Garden High School advantage and um is a great draw for people to come to Garden high school so um I I just think I just think personally that um it it there's great advantages for the officite of coming to Gard High um so I just want to again emphasize the fact that just a level service budget does not mean a level funded budget um and that's something that even though the schools will I believe go to the city council I believe the May six meeting yeah next weekend next week um that um that think this obviously could still change um but I did I I did want to ask um because this is always is when it comes to um saving money with utilities and whatnot um how you know how did you fear over the winter um just because I I look in that area I still see the new Elementary School how you did with the it was issues with you know the lighting and stuff it is always still very lit up at night when I know there's not as many people there and how things are going there to try to cut cost um and those were just some of my my concerns I would say you know in terms of the the elementary school there there everything and I Mark Mark did this very well the other day um everything runs on electricity now so it was you know here this is the elementary school just just before we went new school there's you know some plugs usually at that end of the room and if you're lucky there's some plugs at the other end of the room um in each one of the classrooms um our Wi-Fi was terrible you know we didn't have service come in to have a a larger Wi-Fi that we have to pay for so I I think one of the things is our utility costs have gone up dramatically it's one of the questions that folks have is you know you get a new school You're Expecting those utility costs to go down well it's a school now for a thousand students there everything everything runs every school has the best projector I mean every classroom has the best projector they have the best um of I don't want to say of everything but they have excellent topnotch things so our electric build um went up considerably if you're seeing lights on there are certain lights that have to stay on all night I know that's been one of the major issues we had some bugs and things were coming staying on like it was a light that was going on a bathroom or classroom switch so there were definitely things that we're we've been trying to fix it's one of the nice things about having that this still open so before things close we still can um work on the punch list as we're working through the school as opposed to them just turning over the keys to us um so I'd say with the new school you know I would also say um things like uh plowing about how much um we're in the whole 77,000 this year we fortunately we didn't get a problem contractor um unfortunately the rates went up um yeah so it doesn't seem like it was a bad winter but every time there was the slush every time there's ice Sal was expensive it was an expensive year for us with a higher rate we did have the ppw was strong so in one respect we're fortunate in the other respect we pay for um as you talked about with kids coming into Gardener years ago um for all the sports that we was to draw um but as you've presented over the years these numbers have more leveled out where kids leing kids coming um to Garder you mentioned some of the programs other other programs in the pipeline that you guys are contemplating to um to offer the students in the future we have a lot we have a lot of programs we're not necessarily expanding programs we're trying to make them better so the you know for example with the with the early college program we're trying to make sure that U it's it has Equitable outcomes for admissions into the program we're encouraging students special needs to to participate students from um different races to participate um English language Learners we're trying to make sure that we're Diversified so trying to make those better we also have things you know there were a lot of things that I didn't mention things like our a you know we have an automotive program at the old macki building um we have our Pathways um program which um uh is again kind of a partnership with Mount W husett Community College as is the automotive program we are working on a a program that starts next year for electricians and carpenters and they're actually looking to expand it to Plumbers as well with money Tech where they would stay our students and we ever um each week one one week the kids would be in this building downstairs the alternative school let like a week worth of academic classes the Juniors and then the next week those Juniors will get on the m m Monch buses and go to mon Tech to get vocational training and we have seniors who will then me when they're so they kind of swap each week so there's a lot of different things that are going on you know like the CNA program with Pathways all all those types of things we are working very closely with uh Mass hire and the new Central Chamber of Commerce to make sure that we're identifying careers like you know Manufacturing um where we have those paths that are leading kids on to gain full employment right upon graduation or prepping them for the next level of Education we need okay so there's a lot of stuff there's actually a ton of stuff going on and if you look at our Tech program um it's it's been booming things like the Rockwell Grant the capital skills um grants um that we've received have just have just brought Hightech stuff into the buildings um making sure we have a very strong robotics program um I forget when the the competition is with the Oakmont that we have each year and that's coming up so a lot of things going on and and I just think it's important that you know um when we look at budget and stuff there's a lot of things that do happen with brands that when even be feasible without you know the extra funding that that is s absolutely well thank you very much very informative and and we can we'll talk separately about getting some updates um and do you have any other any questions for us at all so I will entertain a motion to adour a move second all in favor I I this meeting isour thank you