##VIDEO ID:nawyCQIiCaA## at 8:30 a.m. I'll call the public welfare subcommittee meeting to order the clerk will call the role councelor Brooks res councelor D lawitz present councelor M present is anybody recording today's meeting seeing none item one reading of the minutes for prior meetings April 30th 2024 May 20th 2024 May 22nd 2024 August 15th 2024 uh I move we wave the reading of an accepted that's presented second all those in favor I I uh approved uh today's meeting is for Department updates as we have not met in a while our first Department update will be Stephanie Young for the library good morning good morning morning all right let's see so first of all I just have a couple of things I wanted to pass out to everybody for your reading pleasure this is a um final copy of our strategic plan I have one for you for the minutes thank you welcome we are very pleased with this it is on file with the mass Board of Library Commissioners and it has been accepted and this is the report I am going to give to you today copy for a minute all right just going so the I guess the first update um is that I am transitioning out of being Library director I unfortunately have some commitments at home that I have to take care of so next week we're going to be in the process of interviewing some new directors um the trustees have asked that I stay on and help with that process and um I'm willing to stay on and help train the person as well so I don't have an official end date yet we're doing the best we can um I want to make sure that I'm able to help with a healthy transfer of leadership um this report that I'm giving you has been adapted from the six-month update that I turned into the mayor so I thought this was a great starting point to talk about some of the things that have been going over at the Library the last 6 months and some goals and and um and some things we should meet in the future so if we talk about state requirements to the mass Board of Library Commissioners um I think the library needs to continue to collaborate um the association with the city to create a budget that satisfies the state aid Library program certification um and we we talk about this every year part of that certification requirement is um making sure that our material expenditure requirement that whatever our bottom line of the city budget is that 15% is being expended on materials that circulate to patrons they can also be digital materials um and technological things that patrons use we met that goal this year um the other goal that we need to meet that we're not meeting is being open 50 hours a week at a minimum we're open the the lowest we can and still maintain our certification which is 45 hours a week by doing this we see we receive 125% less state aid every year um and the year years prior we weren't quite meeting the material expenditure requirements so there was 25% less that we were getting on off of the bottom line from state aid um so that's one thing to consider that that would be a very large um it would be a funding commitment from the city to get to those 50 hours a week because that would mean Staffing um I think this Staffing requirement could be maintained um with a few more part-time employees so there wouldn't be any needed benefits that the city would have to pay for which could be a more cost-effective way to to kind of approach it um so that's something maybe we can talk about more if you have any questions and please feel freee to stop me if you do have questions we can go into that just have one the 25% they're losing a state AG how much that is um I think last year so when we lost 25% last year it was about $114,000 um this year our paperwork is into the state and they just did their first round of state aid certification but because we are not at 100% full compliance we go to the end of the line and we won't get our first award until the third round no matter how soon we get that paperwork in so that's another thing about not making the 100% we don't get our state aid right away we they kind of hold us off um so if numbers are the same we get about last year we get a little under $60,000 so we could have had $144,000 more um this year we're expecting probably around the same I don't know what the figures will be um but knowing that we made the material expenditure requirement it would be about 7,000 that we would lose instead of the 14,000 if we're using last year's numbers and the cost to keep the library open the extra 5 hours a week well and that's the thing that's an investment more than just investment into open hours because open hours translate into more services for the city and for the people um access to late nights or more hours on Saturdays Saturdays throughout the summer which we're not able to currently fund right now um I think that's going to be roughly like $90,000 which is a big number but in the end is it you know what you're able to put in and and how the library Services all ages in the community it doesn't matter who people are so but again that is up to what the city would like to do um and so if it is something I think you can see the third goal The Benchmark that I was talking about is maybe develop a three-year funding timeline can we increase it um you know a little bit over the next 3 years and and in doing that I also see a need to pull in a part-time young adult librarian who could start doing more teen services this last summer um we started launching um teen programming which is something the library hadn't done before and I I I personally ran an escape room and we had 12 teens show up which was like a huge surprise the amount of teens who participated and I think there's not as many um programs for teens in the city so that we have an opportunity to help serve that age group and that actually came out in the longrange plan so there is information about that in that documentation um so that's going to bring me into the Strategic plan um beginning in April we used a consultant Deb holey um the association hired her to conduct focus groups and phone interviews we had um a survey that went out she talked with the trustees she talked with the mayor she talked to the superintendent of schools um and then in June that survey had 304 responses um patrons reported wanting more open hours and more programming so to provide this the library would need to increase salary line items and hire some part-time positions um if the library increases hours by 5% the city will meet the NC's open hours requirement this would increase State award by 12 a half% we're not currently meeting that so um that's the other thing they do want more programming we have been offering more programming over this last year since I've been there and we are getting so much positive feedback from that we're trying to hit other age groups and and do more adult programming and young adult programming um again it's a huge opportunity but why we need more staff members in the building because staff members are pulled away to be running those programs we have to be in the room and we have to put staff time into the prepping and doing the program in but we also have three desks that we have to maintain um enough people at so that there's safety in the building as well so it's it's a balance of trying to to meet all of that but I think it can be done um and some some great policy improvements that the trustees and I've worked on we went fine free as of May 15th which um really removes barriers to access to the library and ensures that all community members can benefit from resources and services so people still have to pay for books if they lose them them um and but the the 10 cents a day or a dollar a day if they're a few days late because they don't have transportation to get to the library or whatever reason um they're still able to not have fines and use the library and we've been seeing a lot more people we've had a lot of positive feedback from that um we're allowing more flexibility in the library we're using the library lawn for programming people are allowed to have beverages in the building um we revised our study REM use policy people like room use has tripled it was only being used for um tutoring and now people can have meetings in there they can be working from home but maybe they need their internet's not working so they can have conference calls in the study rooms and um it's been great to see those rooms flourish and being used all of the time some English Ling learning language language classes have been going on as well um accessibility in the building is something I've been working to improve and I'm very happy to report as of last week we have accessible entryways in all seven entryways in the building um I worked with the mayor we were able to get $27,000 from arpa funding and they covered um that mostly covered the doorway work um we're using it's a little over but about a $1,800 from state aid funds to cover the remaining of that and then the association is covering all of the electrical work which came came in around $9,500 so that whole project is done the doorways are accessible which is a huge thing because I've watched so many people struggle with those heavy doors to get in and out of building um whether they're in chairs or trying to use strollers or or for any reason so um I'm really happy to say that that's going on um and I had applied for an operational Grant to from the mass cultural Council on behalf of the association it hasn't been awarded yet I don't know if we'll get it or not um it they're saying they're going to let us know by November so we have you know another few weeks left um if we do get it those funds are earmarked to help um work on the HVAC system and some of the other things our building turned 20 years old last month and so some of our systems need some work um and with that you know sometimes the state aid funding is used for that um but I also just want to point out when we're when we're doing our budget the state aid funding is going right into the repairs and maintenance line item because the association the city have a really great balance of how how we work together um but last year we used most of the state aid funding award from last year to cover the budget um our our Heating and our fuel and electric lines were about $144,000 over budget so I had to take that from state aid to cover um plus we were already covering the repairs and maintenance so it it it gets tricky I think in the future if we could have some more funding for the cost of heating which is going up and up that would help us balance our budget a little bit more um we we did work with the mayor and John and Josh Cormier to get on the city's electric rates so our electric bill has gone down um but it's still not covering that that overage um and then just some good news about we've been really working with a lot of Community Partners to do programming um the plan is to still continue to do that we um have increased programming attendance if you look down at the bottom of the second page um the number of programs in FY 23 were 222 and FY 24 they're 3 6 and then that participation really jumped so in FY 23 we had 3,45 people and fy2 24 it jumped up to 5,429 people at those programs um so we're really hoping to continue that line of programming and then our summer reading this year um we had 287 children sign up for summer reading we had 26 16 sign up for summer reading and 156 adults so people could sign up for the reading club and um we had some great prizes that ended up being raffled off um and local businesses donated those prizes um and Judy you also gave me a donation which was really appreciated to get some gift certificates that we were able to do and the adults the feedback from the adults was so much fun because they got to play too so there's been a lot going on I don't know if you have any questions there's a lot of information I I just think that what you've done and and what is going on with your staff of the library has been tremendous um you know I I just think that the um trustees with the mayor and you know with the work of the city council I just think there's ways to be creative you know fiscally and financially to come up with ways uh uh to keep I I think it's important to find a way to keep the library open on Saturdays in the summer I agree I I really do um you know and it you know and it may be in the summer cutting down the evening hours a little bit you just you know and you know sometimes there has to be a little trade-off but you just have to be creative um in and maybe it's you talked about the electric Bui maybe it's looking at you know solar on the building as we've done with other City buildings that cost or or anything but I you know I just I just think there are ways and and you know it's a great service to the city and the city's going to have to put more money towards it I mean that's just the bottom line I think I think the tricky bit also also um I think working in the public sector people also come to work here because there's great benefits being offered right we have the sick incentive leave people have healthy sick time they have healthy vacation time and so that's staff liability that we have to cover and we want to make sure there's a culture in the library that says yeah please use your time like this is your time you can use it but that means we have to cover the building and and that gets really tricky and I think we do that really well and maintain services but we're stretched really tight on that so to get creative to be open on Saturdays with the current budget we have in the summer to be open on Saturdays in the Summer with the current budget and the liabilities and the time everybody's using I think we're at our maximum capacity so like we we will need more funding to be able to do that how many high school students do employ these Pages we do not at this moment in time okay cuz that that was a huge yes in the in the 70s and ' 80s that was a huge part of having the library open at nights and on weekends yeah was to have cuz I was one of them was to have two pages on yeah and it's tricky because Pages um are an important part of the library and making sure that the library is well shelv and organized but now there's an entire um electric you know there's this electronic library in the world and we have access to so much Patron data and so we work very very hard to protect Patron privacy and intellectual freedom and all of those things that Pages aren't having access to the computers and running that information and so that there has to be a balance like we we could use that help and I do think um as part of our long range plan and and looking at our priorities every year we will be turning action plans into the state um I think getting a healthy volunteer base with teens going forward is something we're looking at doing as well um but you can't run a library on volunteers either um we need trained staff who can use the computers and and maintain very um important standards of librarianship I agree have any questions I'm obviously sad to hear that you're going to be leaving us it's fantastic work you've been doing there just the programs alone you talked about the increase um par number of programs of participation um I know there's a bit of a more of a around the library of it's a place to go um and things to do there so um I I hope you do help do a great job picking picking some to the place to but thank you for everything thank you thank you first I just wanted to disclose that I am a member of the board excuse me Board of trusters for the Library Association um and I was on the committee that interviewed Steph uh when we were looking for someone to fill the library director's position and we were very excited to hire her and more disappointed when she said that she had to leave I understand U but I think in in the year that she's been here uh there's been a tremendous change in the library a lot more uh programs activities um a lot more interest in what's going on and I think that that helps them to uh guing support to do more with the library agree um the financial piece is a is a tough one because um if I you know from my background I look at the whole city budget and City budget's not going to be have any any wiggle room for about another seven or eight years when the pension liability is paid off um so in the meantime we just have to be careful as to what we're doing and how we're doing it um but I think if the if the library is wunning successful programs and it makes it easier to justify uh putting more money into the library and Steph mentioned about the association and what it pays for and what the uh state aid pays for and I think the association in kind of overseeing things has tried to make sure that that we're not relying on the state aid for operational purposes that that that's more of the cushion we need we grab if we need it or something else comes up and then using Library Association funds for uh the the building any the building projects and so and we're fortunate to have that uh those funds available um and I hopeful it will keep but I I think as inflation has hit all of us really hard um and prices of things have gone up I think that that best practice of not fully relying on state aid for operational costs is a thing of the past I think we are doing that and I think that's a hard truth that we need to face we are using almost that full allotment of state aid to cover operational costs and it's not best practices but it's what's happening and sometimes during hardship you have to make concessions and you have to know but it's important to have the conversation and saying this is a conscious decision that we're doing this at this moment in time because of hardship but we have to come we have to have a plan to come out of it because if you just always do it and don't talk about it it's just going to become the practice correct correct and I and I so I think it's it's important that we we do give enough to keep operating um and and just one final thing is as Steph mentioned the library building is 20 years old so I've been told that I cannot refer to it as the new library anymore just as I cannot refer to the new high school I me to the high school is the new high school so yeah it's just it's something to keep in mind yeah thank you and and I I understand this the situation the city is in financially but my my viewpoint has always been such such things as the pool and the library um we have to continue to to realize that these assets are what our are citizens are using and those are the things that we need to continue to support and fund and find creative ways I agree to support them because these are the things that draw people to move into our city like the golf course and things these are what our people are using um and those are the things that are important and sometimes s we have to be creative uh we have grant writers um and we don't think of always thinking you know are are they supporting these other aspects of of our of our city that offer services to to our citizens besides um you know DPW and all these these you know other departments and we have you know we we just have to you know value them because um you know I may not go to a library every every day but I am so impressed with what's going on there and you know as you know as sad as I am about step leaving family comes first and that's I've always believed that and she was brought here for a reason and you don't know what the future will bring and she might be back here someday but she has put us on such you know I think she's brought so much to our attention of what the needs are in the city um and and I and I thank you for that you're welcome and I appreciate everything that you've done pleasure to serve in Garder I really this has been a fabulous job to have and I am sad to go um but Garder is has so many really cool things going on and you know the library can end up being a help to be a connector to that I think coming out of this long range plan it was decided that the library is the Connecting Point we can connect people to the information to the other organizations and just be a hub for that um and I think you'll find a a small investment into the library compared to all the other budgets in the cities um especially during um hard Economic Times like people can come to the library and use it for free they can read the newspapers they can check out books there's Museum passes we are the cheapest place to fax people are faxing things for food stamps for work things you know we have free internet people might not be able to afford the internet and they can come to the library and use a computer if they can't afford that and and I think going over the next couple of years you talked about seven years the city's going to have a hard time that means people are also having a hard time and and they're going to need those services and and the library can do that and I think the great thing about libraries is that we do a lot with a little but we're not always great about touting how great we are so we just need to remember that and I think that the long range plan and all of the thing the policies the trustees and I work work on over the last year has laid some strong groundwork for a new director to come in and and keep the pace going and I believe that will happen so thank you for your time thank you so much thanks [Applause] for Golf Course commission Bill good morning good morning I'll probably be shorter than that you have your handouts if you guys can believe the hand I'll text you later um Believe It or Not golf is still booming whatever Co did forcing people Outdoors um it's stuck and that was kind of a question we had from the very beginning is this going to be a flash in the pan or is this a real thing um it seems like it's a real thing we ended up with almost 800 members this year um 790 something um which is incredible um that equates directly to financial stability which is we're an ENT budget we talk about this every time um probably more for the financial side but it's important to note with the things that we're doing um that we probably netted around 240 $245,000 this year um which is huge so to get that Surplus up to a number of $900,000 or a million dollars you would have never thought right um that's that's just forcing people to do things that they had never done before and that now they like um another big part of that is the Juniors and the families um we had a banner year as far as young men and women on that Golf Course um the youth membership price is still really affordable so it it brings them out and there's different membership brackets within that um so a ton of young kids a ton of families moms and dads come out because of the kids um we hosted free Junior clinics which was the first time in a long time um and that is free free um opens up to the driving range and gets a lot of people out there um the weather cooperated not if you like rain but when it doesn't rain play a lot of golf um and we really haven't gotten any rain since June um our water bill will reflect in that um I think kind of like Steph was saying um costs are still up on everything everything is expensive um we'll be meeting with the golf commission Jeff glant to uh to tweak the budget um but we spent more money than we ever have and we will probably continue to do that um things are more expensive it costs more when you're open more um and we're going to spend money um we're buying a plow truck this year for almost $80,000 we haven't had a new plow truck in 30 years um we're going to be preventative um on some of the HVAC type stuff we're going to replace a 30-year-old um condensing unit and heating unit and furnace in the maintenance shop we're not going to wait until it breaks like we used to do um because then it just gets expensive and then you scramble to do it the right way so we're going to reinvest some of that money um and I think that's one of the nice sales points of a municipal golf course is we keep the membership costs low but we show people that we put the money and reinvest it right back into the golf course um it's not like a private sector owner where they do what they want with it we show them that if we made 245,000 we put a chunk to the side in the Surplus so that we're making sure that we're open for the next 10 years um but look what we do we reinvest in the in the people um in the training in the buildings and the infrastructure um and we just keep it rolling so we could use a little bit of rain but other than that another great year you know we try to we try to open in April and close the Thanksgiving and it seems like with this weather trend we've got um that we're going to continue to do that so um sustainable but reinvesting is is kind of the theme over the last couple years and going forward um we don't know exactly what we're going to do with certain buildings like the restaurant building um that's a big question mark you had mentioned solar that's something that I would love to sit down and explore for the golf course because electric is without a doubt um one of if not our biggest costs um and it's not going to change to solar something we would look into um but other than that just proceed proceed Council I don't have anything as a m of the golf commission I do talk to we talk a lot talk to Bill quite a bit so um I kind of know what's happening so as you can probably surmise I'm pleased that there's a substantial Surplus uh because I remember at a point when the golf course was down down close to zero and I was working with the superintendent Mike Hermon at the time to finagle some things to just get them through a fiscal year in order to get to the other side and begin to rebuild it we knew we were going to I think the golf course is a tremendous asset for the city and and it's I'm pleased that that that families and kids are are playing uh because I think that's what uh Municipal Golf Course should be should be about people in the community um I mean it always was to me the guys in the factory that we got to work for and go up to the golf course and play or on Saturday mornings because they always got up at 5 they get up at 5 and play golf and I think having that accessibility is is important and makes makes for a much richer community so I'm I'm pleased that it's it's coming along good thank you I I'm I'm just a huge fan of the course I mean especially I love to hear about the junior golfers because that's how my family started as Junior golfers and you know I I think of my mom who can't walk right now at you know was out there at walking the course because you couldn't go out to a certain time unless you had a a parent with you and she used to carry my brother's bag and walk 18 holes because he wanted to get out there early and that's that's what family was and that's what you did and and it became just a tradition and special time um that that people have I just it's an amazing asset um I love going by out there seeing it I am a huge proponent as and I've been very vocal about you know a new building for a restaurant and everything I think we're you know I'd love to see you know um the commission work with the mayor and the council to have Ty on I'd love to see a design get started I it's being talked about but I think we I think you know we can talk and talk and talk but I think it's it's you know it's some action needs to be taking place and you know um and just find out what's out there and what the options are are um and uh because that's one thing about the welfare committee the welfare we oversee some of you know the best assets of the Departments of the city and we get to see you know changes and and proposed changes um in services to our citizens but that's I mean I think that's really the next step because um I I I I I think there are are um really you know positive things that can continue to happen um I wanted to ask you all that new equipment you got about a year go did everything come in and everything's in working everything came in okay yeah we're gently breaking stuff I well that was my next step is is are those things still in working order they are they are so we're we're moving forward in a good way yeah so it's all it's all coming in and we're going to continue to upgrade that little by little we started with the big stuff yeah now we can just fill in those little cracks in between the big stuff okay so yeah to answer your question yes okay all right I just you know I know you had to order it so far in advance to make sure you got it and um I just you know we all know what the supply chain is right now and um so but no I I you and your crew do a great job and um and I you know just we just got to continue to plan for the future absolutely thank you conditions are fantastic the junior golf is we have six teams playing there if you count those six teams in the fall um I know there's a lot more I see a lot more of those kids out there together playing and getting better um some of the teams are pretty good there um for those at home the current restaurant and people who don't go up there it's used to be the 1772 house and the reason was the 1772 house is because it's a house from 1772 yeah so it's not ideal for running a restaurant or holding any kind of functions um at a golf course so as you spoke to councelor Mack it's um it's a neat there something definitely it is not accessible it's not to say Bel it's barely upright yeah yeah and uh but but I just golf is a lifelong sport so having those young golfers there is just is is wonderful yeah thank you so much for your time thank you guys appreciate it go uh we'll go with cable commission Mr josty nice to see you nice to see you too on a side note golf talking about that my son who just went to college as a freshman this year the last thing he wanted to do with me before he started classes was go play around the golf so and he thought he was going to be better than me but he wasn't de thank you very much for having me um I don't have one of fancy formal reports I just kind of put together my thoughts um first starting off with some of the things we talked about at the annual budget meeting um we have now purchased um an annual uh lenser as computer stuff goes now I have to repay it so it's going to be in my budget going forward uh for the Adobe um production stuff uh to be able to do the graphics and I don't know if you you seen like on the mayor's update we have new graphics um we have uh new openings and stuff for sports um that Shane's been able to create by using that adobe um Editor to be able to make those openings and make those graphics and things um we only bought one license because they're about $450 a piece for a year um so we have set it up on Shane's computer where he's more apt at the Modern graphics compared to what I was doing uh even though we're we're the same age it's just he likes the graphics and I was never a graphics guy so um he likes to do it so we gave it to him to do um we've continued um with some more Sports last year we were able to do uh Shane brought in the love of doing sports um so we've worked out with schedules and things like that so that he's maybe not in during the day as much when he has sports to do we last year we did we're able to do basket boys and girls basketball we do the work on the home games um and try to get at least one a week of each team or something how we can figure fig it out um we did boys basketball girls basketball hockey last year um unfortunately we weren't really able to do anything during the Spring um but we did do football this year for home games and actually Shane will be working on Thanksgiving uh shooting the Thanksgiving Day game um and uh and things but we are looking at how we can get you know trying to get some more kids involved uh the ad at the school is very big proponent of us doing this and is trying to work to get some whether it be interns or or something to work with uh Shane and Andy on the sporting events uh and things um we're still producing we're looking at shows that we produce in house and things that we're looking at um we're still producing the mayor's weekly update um the gcat chat the senior moments um obviously city council school committee planning board zoning board um we have added a physical fitness show we've had some from outside sources that we still still mix in as well um but we're currently Jane's currently getting ready to shoot the third episode of reboot um which is done at Fitness Concepts with the CrossFit um instructors down there um so uh it's a three camera shoot it's a good portion of the day to get an half an hour show um but we've started that show um we're currently talking between trying to work out a deal with Haywood hospital for Mike Ellis to host the show like he used to even though he's still doing the senior center show um to kind of bridge the gap now that they've worked their way um back into viability till they can get a person up and going um to host the show um for the hospital again we used to have uh Haywood healthbeat um as a show uh and we have been in contact with the chamber um to get a chamber show started probably after the first of the year um and uh pretty soon we'll be knocking on everybody's doors or shooting everybody emails to to try to revive uh we're giving Andy another project besides just nighttime things to revive the um the chair City story time um where we ask you know city employees or Librarians or whoever to read um their a favorite childhood story you know what we try to do is go in and have you read two or three of them at the same time uh if the people have the time and then what we do is we you know put the pages the pictures of the pages to the story line and stuff like that um so that's something we want to revive again I think that's it for production right now um we're having a little issue we've been shooting some of the shows offsite um that are usually shot in the studio because with the new bell system and PA system that they had uh at the high school um they're supposed to be able to bypass like my the studio so that the announcements aren't going on in the middle of a show um but they've been trying to figure it out when they shut off our room for some reason part of the other school got shut off so they had to start using the All call again so they're they had text in yesterday and they have some texts that have to come back again um to try to do that and um I don't want to do what I did the last time and just disconnect it and put a switch in because this is more intricate than the last system we had from um I don't know whether it was Tao or Simplex grenell at the time but um so we're doing that um equipment wise you know obviously we had just done a major upgrade about two years ago now um we had had a problem here um couple times it was iffy like it's the start of the show and then all of a sudden it went dead in the middle of it um but we were still able to record it and and put it out it was the modulator had gone I had Comcast come in Comcast thought it was a bad wire put it in it was working great for a month and then it happened again so Comcast came in and actually the modulators are pretty much phased out now uh we're using it's older technology still that we have here um still works um but that modulator we had was going bad it had been here since the day we put the studio in here um so luckily Comcast had some spare brand new ones sitting at their headend and he was able to come back the next day and put brand new one in so we're up and running here more stable again um but all the equipment is going well uh I will need to P be purchasing like a new KVM switch and I don't know if you know KVM switch but what it is it allows me to run multiple computers off of one screen and one keyboard um so like the computers that are in the rack for the television station at the high school there are multiple computers that make up everything for the for the station there's a video playback there's the um the video on demand one there is the graphics one and then there's one that does the scheduling and instead of having to have three modul four modu monitors four keyboards for mice what I can do is um have one system that you can open up the drawer see the screen and then choose which computer you want to work on um and that one has finally gone after about 15 years so I have gotten a quote for a new one of them that should fit well within my budget that I already have approved for um equipment and things and uh un unfortunately it still works but one of our cameras that we have bought is starting to have an issue on the uh the digital Zoom so you can use a regular if you only go to a certain point of the zoom but as soon as you go into the digital zoom on it we get a line across it so I'm in the process of trying to find out whether how much that's going to cost me to get repaired or whether it's more feasible to just replace the camera and maybe move up to one that actually takes the integrates the scoreboard system um from the field into it um or something so that's the only bad news I had um one of the things I'm looking for going to be looking for hopefully prior to April um which I'd have to go back to council for obviously is um we're at the point where um we'd like to kind of boost up Andy to more more hours bring him up to full-time hours I know he's running into a point where he's going to be losing uh access to his father's benefits um as he's getting older I thought he still had a couple more years but I don't know whether it has to do with school or whatnot that he's only taking a couple classes of semester um so he had expressed interest in in doing that and he's worked for us for a long time so I really don't want to lose him um and we can put him to work with and he's doing more Sports so when he does a game on a Friday night or a game on a Saturday night we only have him for like maybe 12 hours during the week a city council school committee meeting takes takes up time the zoning on week we zoning planning in a meeting um we pretty much don't see him in the studio working on any other project because he's tied up with this and if he's doing a game on a Friday night or a Saturday night too as well um so I have to look at that look at budget numbers and things like that and talk to him make sure that he wants to stay as a full-time um I don't know I don't know what the lowest number for full-time hours is um to be considered full-time so I have to sit and talk with uh HR Director when when she's back and stuff and and go over all that um so we've also been doing a lot more of um of like the grant announcements um that the May's been able to do I know you've been at at them Judy you that when like when there's something that's come up that we've gotten a grant for but we're able to talk about you know there's a big pressure pressure for it especially out of the back um road behind the police station and stuff like that Shane has been able to go shoot that during the day turn it around it gets up on YouTube but it also goes on to the TV station because I've always had this policy we get paid for by cable funds so that if it doesn't go on television we don't shoot it just to put it up on television I mean up on YouTube and that's one of the things the mayor and I have been talking about for a little while about which would help fund Andy yeah or you know that position would be able to have doing some more of that just YouTube stuff that the city needs shot you know or things like that so that's something I have to sit down and make an appointment and sit down with the man to talk further about but this just kind of came up so I'm you know trying to put it in front of you guys just so you see that it might be coming um which I think it's great that we were able to do that because not only does it bolster the May's update but we can also if it's a longer one we put it on as a standalone um you know a lot of times he'll talk about it in the mayor's update if it happened Monday Tuesday Wednesday that week and then we tag it on to the end of it um so it's not a just a f minute little thing but people can see that whole presentation um we had a couple shows that we've done that I've had people reach out to me and say that the cultural The Gardener cultural committee or something has paid for or sponsored the show I've never heard from the council the cultural Council before um but it's music it's a music show that they and it's been a couple years now that we get it so I mean that's kind of nice it's an outside source of uh piano music that the same company the same performers keep coming back year after year with it so this gives us something nice during the summer time to do uh we're heading into Christmas so of course I know the music is going to have to change on the TV station which leads me to one of my other issues um and I'm trying to stay as cheap as I possibly can um but we have lost the web page that we used to use as a provider for backgrounds and motion backgrounds and music um they went out of business one day they were working the next day there was a email on a message on the graph on the page that said they were no longer in business uh so I've been started to reach out to some other access stations to find out what they do some just run the radio station but we're not supposed to be running commercials so by playing a radio station uh one of the things that um I've contemplated is actually starting our own radio station um an internet radio station um and what that allows us to do is it gives us more rights for regular music to be able to play on the internet radio station that we actually then use to feed the the station I don't know anything about it I've just heard about it so I'm looking at that as an option I don't know if that costs more money that's not probably the way we're going to go we'll probably just find a web page to provide more music and things but and then uh we'll have the stroll and the tree lighting coming up we'll have um the um we'll we'll be the the only place as far as I know that's doing the um Memorial lights scroll I know it's you know people look at it and go it's boring it's on three or four times a day but you know it's it's a place where the people can see those people that they're you know that they're doing it in memory of or in honor of and uh we do it once before programming once after programming and during the day and then once or twice in the middle of the day depending on what we have for a schedule um for meetings and things like that it's kind of where we're at right now questions any questions though good and you're so you're fully at staff right you have all your I have two and a half people okay yep well two and a 16 hour person so yeah yeah um we were lucky with when we got Shane uh I knew we needed somebody right away Matt had worked with Shane before at aotv I knew he was pretty comfortable at aotv so I was really surprised that he decided to but one of his perks for him is that it's 2.2 minutes away from his house you know and stuff so um I know he still does you know does some extra side work for them or something like that like as a volunteer but it's not on our time so it doesn't really matter um and things so yeah I'm really happy with who we have that's why I really want to get maybe look at that pushing Andy up to that full-time stuff because we've had him and he still has some more College left and I don't want to you know lose him someone that we're working with now doesn't mean that we won't have to get someone later of course we'll have to get someone later but maybe that'll be shange problem when it's time to get somebody new well thank you I mean you've been doing cable you've been there for a long time and 24 years it was it 24 24 years this past September and um you know you guys cover so much and and you know you're always at everything and um you know it's a great service to the city and I know a lot of people rely on WG for everything and you know besides finding out that when there's no school and um but well I'll tell you it'll be it'll be sad to see the librarian go because she sends me stuff actually we shot a we shot a show this past year that she hosted a speaker at the about tits um and we actually were invited to shoot it over there a couple of her other ones we couldn't because of you know show contracts or whatever and then we were able to shoot the library hosted one of their events over there um the last one that they did the last one in the series was hosted at the at the library so well I'm sure that's something that the trustees can keep into account with the well we have one here one of the things that we've been able to do their slides have you know we've been able to go on Facebook and grab their stuff so put it on on there so I hope they still continue to do that because it gets it out there for people thank you cuz the one thing is um you know along was we the the meeting that we had that we did you know hold at the library of the welfare committee meeting you know but you know the veterans working with the l department working with the library and everybody working together at the senior you know Center and everything um you know the inter collaboration of the Departments is is just is Wonder we did with the children's show we would just go down and grab like three they pick out like three or four books for the season for us and then we could go get somebody to read it unfortunately that kind of show kind of took left precedence when we were in the process of finding men's replacement and some other things and now sat too long that we haven't been doing it so I want to get it going again and hopefully we'll be able to do that get them to lend us some books because High School where I work doesn't have the right books for children no so thank you very all right thank you very much yeah councelor questions concerns comments councelor Brooks anything councelor I don't have anything I'll entertain a motion to adour so move second all those in favor we are jaring thank you