##VIDEO ID:B8YpW2Qabk4## okay even shorten the live before because I saw the whole thing shortened it safe we could say the CL that's okay have email public comment an email public comment yes okay I didn't see anything I checked before I came over too I usually I welcome everybody if I could ask everybody to please stand for a moment of silence and salute to the flag I to of the United States of America and to theic for which it stands one nation under God ivisible and justice for adequate notice of this meeting was provided to the Union County Hawk advertised on January 4th 2024 notification was sent to the star letterer and is posted on the municipal website the municipal public bulletin board and filed in the office of the municipal clerk informing the public of the place time and place according to the provisions of the open public meeting Law chapter 231 PL 1975 a roll call please Miss Perry mayor blumenstock here councilwoman Bodo here councilman Foley here councilwoman NY here councilwoman samon here council president Carney here okay and uh for the Public's notice councilman lazarro is excused tonight um roll call of staff and professionals Please Mr Arthur Mr abenson here Mr stoer or chief stoer here Mr disco here um we will start with our reports then from uh Mr disco thank you mayor I did not uh prepare a written agenda because I was at conference the last three days so I apologize for that um but I can follow up with whatever we talk about tonight and give it to the clerk tomorrow okay um I was at the um New Jersey uh flood plane manager conference last very exciting so don't I'm a certified flood plane manager and to maintain the continuing education you have to go to the conference each year but while I was there I did run into Union County engineer Ricardo Matias yesterday and today and we chatted and the topic of the ramp Beacon came up which he said from his standpoint we can move ahead with that which we I think we already knew that and uh he did confirm with me again that it was on the west side of the intersection because I think that has come up recently um and I had confirmed that previously with Ricardo and also with your planning board engineer Victor benra um so I did send out quotes for the ramp which included plans photographs quantities uh quote form details um schematics and also pricing for the beacon because I interacted with a supplier for that because that's an unusual item that we don't normally bid out so I gave that to two contractors Riverview and DLS DLS was our do contractor from last year's project Riv review from the one we most recently bid and we are waiting construction on and the quotes were due back at the end of last week and I did not get quotes from either one of those two contractors even though they acknowledged receipt of it and even though I had talked to both of contractors prior to sending it to them that they were interested so what I can do tomorrow I will follow up with DLS I did speak with them last Frid Friday morning and they said I would have it by the end of Friday last Friday of the day it didn't come in so at least that they were still interested so I don't know why but I will follow up with them tomorrow with the Riverview as I was saying earlier um the last four phone times I've called them the last time I texted them in the last couple emails they are really literally radio silence and they are not getting back to me and they're not getting back to me on the the ramp because I think they just are overwhelmed or too busy to start our new project even though they were supposed to start that so I think what I'll do with in that case and I called two people from the company today neither one had the decency to call back so I think it's time for a letter I'll write them a letter and in a gentle way hopefully because we don't want to antagonize at this point uh so I'll try a letter and if if I don't get anywhere I'll I'll I'll speak to our further attorney we'll have a more emphasis uh L letter so I I apologize I know everybody's asking me about it and I don't I don't have information when they don't tell me anything so rather than guesstimate I keep trying to reach out to them and I apologize that I don't have good data that uh people on the council and John can share with residents because they're obviously interested the fact that they haven't even taken the trees down is just telling I know they're busy I know they're working elsewhere um I do again I haven't worked with them before but they come highly regarded and I think in my sense was when they do show up I think they're going to work very quickly and uh you know basically do all the non-p paving stuff and then we'll make the decision on the weather but based upon what we did last year we we we still can PVE right up to Christmas day pretty much even the dot project last year we did two of the four streets in the fall fall late fall and then two in the spring so as soon as I I have confident information to share I will but that's the story with with that in terms of um our next year do um I think we've finished all the the fieldwork we plotted I think I got a couple elevations to do on Walnut and so the goal on that is to get that designed get it to dot for their review over this winter so we're in a position to go to bid in Spring which we've done in the past and been successful at that would be the goal and so we're working on that um I don't have anything else to to to speak about so I'm I'm open to whatever questions we have on that and I I want to thank you and apologize for our constant nagging I know it is not your fault that they they have not gotten back to on this um obviously yes we we were hoping they had uh said mid-september Y and so our residents were expecting mid-september on and on Mertle and Beach and so I obviously I know to all those residents out there on the on those streets this is very frustrating um it's very frustrating for us it's very frustrating for Mr disco um we did notify the people for the tree removals right you know and it says within you know a couple days to a week so you know we wouldn't have handed out that notice if we didn't have the Assurance at that time from the contractor so I apologize is you know again all we can do is be persistent that's what I'll try to and yes please uh you have our uh permission to be as persistent as necessary and to move to the next steps if if uh we have to go about that um I do want to touch on um the crosswalk The Pedestrian crosswalk on South Avenue by verela um because I did speak with uh Ricardo Maas as well um and asked him about the location just so I would have more information and could also provide information to Residents as to where and why it was on the we'll say the surgeon side as as opposed to the Vera 2 side um and he did say that it it is further from the existing um signal the traffic signal and the fire driveway and provides additional stopping distance so they were more comfortable with that um and then the other thing that he did say is that putting it onto the verilla TU side there is exist existing storm basins and a utility pole uh that it would conflict with um so that is part of their reasoning on it you know we can go back and forth on it is unfortunately their permission to give as to where and how um it was tough to get it as it was am I thrilled that it's on the other side no I understand the reasoning behind it however so um I just also wanted to put that out there so that um anybody on verm in the veras can understand the reasoning behind it with from the county um is I think it also lines up with the walkway on the uh The Far Side far so that's GNA be right where the walk yes that was part of it too thank you um okay does anybody else have any questions for Mr disco all right thank you thank you go home and get some rest than all right uh Mr Abramson do you have anything for us nothing need a report thank you uh report from our B administrator Mr Arthur yes thank you um so we are working on putting out an updated request for proposals for concession services at the athl Athletic Field Complex and I just want to thank our Recreation director for updating all those documents um we hope to put it out in the next couple weeks and we're really again for anyone in the public if you know of someone who you know a business that has the the background we are definitely looking for someone to uh run our concession standard the athletic field so please look for look for that on gw.org or just reach out to me and I can share it with you once it's available uh we did receive a letter today from Union County Warden Garwood 30,000 for the kids Recreation trust Grant and 4,000 for The Greening Union County grants for next year so we want to thank the county and our professionals who helped us put those Grant proposals together and we are working on some website upgrades over the next coming months so as you're perusing our website you may think see things start to change uh the goal is obviously for it to be as userfriendly as possible um again you can always reach out to me for questions and uh thanks to our public information officer for taking the lead on that project as well and that's it for me thank you okay thank you anybody have any questions for Mr Arthur all right a short report um we have a couple of Halloween events in Garwood coming up the Garwood pta's annual tricker trunk is on this Saturday October 26th from 4:00 to 5:30 in front of Lincoln School the recreation committee and the green team are some of the burrow committees that will be have that will have tables there so stop by with the kids um also on Halloween itself the Lions Club will have the annual Halloween parade and costume contest this year they are partnering with the recreation committee to make this a great night the parade starts at 700 p.m. at Burrow Hall and continues to Lincoln School where we will have the costume contest uh there will be prizes for for the winners uh but all participants will get a full-size candy bar so have a happy and safe Halloween um and lastly I just want to give a big thank you to councilwoman Bodo as our veteran banners have arrived uh and councilwoman Bodo really took the Helm of this project and worked very quickly and very diligently um they are in the process of being hung up you can see some of them along Center Street at this point so I thank uh the DPW for their quick turnaround in getting them hung up and I'm of course very appreciative the of the Garwood ba who sponsored all of the banners through a very generous donation uh I'm glad we'll have them up for Veterans Day to honor all of those who have selflessly served moving along to council comments councilwoman Bodo thank you mayor um yes you took my you took my banners took your banners well I have to thank you thank you I appreciate it um I am delighted to share bedroom Banners are in um you may have some some on Centra Street I know there's someone South um they'll be going up in the next few days also thank you to the DPW they work very very quickly on them um I know I said this before but I am extremely grateful to mayor blumar for her on waivering supportting this incentive you were really really good Mr Arthur liac coldi Miss Carl Lombardo from the historical committee the DPW and the gwood PBA for their sponsorship um and really everyone was very supportive sending text just sharing the kind words I am very very thankful I hope that this will bring us some joy and that you know bring us together as we honor garwood's fallen heroes thank you thank you uh councilman Foley no comments tonight uh councilman councilwoman ndi nothing tonight thank coun woman salmon no comments is council president Carney uh just one quick one mayor um an additional thank you is due to uh PBA 117 um there's we have a couple of projects working uh in the police committee one of them is uh bike lanes and other things on Center Street and a piece of that uh is bike racks which I know has been a long-standing uh wish of uh few of our residents and uh the PBA is going to go ahead and donate those for us so um just want to give them a thank you uh for that yes thank you very much for that be very useful okay um Miss Perry can you read the minutes minutes of the regular meeting of the mayor and Council held on October 10th 2024 do I have a motion to accept the regular meeting minutes as presented second all in favor I I opposed okay Communications Miss Perry uh raway Valley Valley sewage Authority approved minutes from rbs's October regular meeting and Elizabeth Town Gas Company notice of public hearings okay received and filed um we have no ordinances at this time so I will move to council's uh standing committee reports Finance councilman Foley uh nothing to report tonight uh I have a quick fire report from councilman Lazaro uh in the month of September the fire department reported 17 incidents six day calls and 11 night including six alarm activations odor of gas elevator assist and mutual Aid among various other duties total fire department hours were 7 hours 15 firefighters were trained at headquarters and vermella on September 7th for 9 hours in a seminar focusing on elevator emergencies and5 firefighters were trained at the fire academy on September 17th with a live burning for four hours and that is all for the fire report um Community Development councilwoman salmon thank you mayor on Friday October 18th we received the fourth round obligation for affordable housing our planners were anticipating an approximate number of 40 units we received 80 just to be clear that is 80 affordable units not 80 units in total this will be extremely impactful to such a small B like ours our planners have been meeting with various attorneys and other municipalities over this past week and we'll be scheduling a meeting with the mayor myself and the chair of planning board for the week coming up that's all for my report thank you yes and so over the next couple months I know we'll have a lot to talk about but I I'm sure there might be some questions about it as well because it was in the news feel free to to give me a call or give councilwoman salmon a call and we can discuss further um okay uh Public Works councilwoman Bodo thank you mayor in addition to their reoccurring activities the DPW cleaned up the common areas around the municipal complex and the fire department perform street sweeping turn sh Tre cleaned up the municipal parking lots wed moms and shade trees begun lift clean up and removal trimmed the bushes around uh Georgina Memorial anday Plaza that's all for my report okay thank you uh police council president Carney no report okay Community engagement councilwoman ndi thank you mayor the Garwood partnership for arts and culture will be holding its fall art show entitled color this season with creativity the show will open November 2nd and run through the month of November our featured artist will be Chrissa thean she creates her color for works of many textures using needle point her work will be at the Garwood Public Library a full roster of artists and locations will be posted on social media and gpex page on the Burrow's website historical just a reminder that there will be a rededication of Kennedy Plaza on November 16th at 12:00 uh the community is invited to join the historical Committee in rededicating the Plaza in honor of its 60th anniversary uh there are many programs I would like to highlight this evening for uh for both adults and and kids so for our youth programs Crayola world of design provided by Crayola imagine arts academy and mad science this program is for ages 5 to 12 it runs on Mondays from 6:00 to 7: and will begin on Monday October 28th it is a six- week program uh the youth walking challenge they're going to get started with that as soon as there are enough people signed up for it um this is for ages 8 to 17 track your steps and win prizes uh youth basketball this is for grades 1 through eight and uh the deadline to register for this will be November 10th so here are some adult programs that I would like to highlight this evening we have the adult Ceramics Workshop Wednesdays at 7 um they are being held on November 13th and December 11th adult acrylic painting on canvas Workshop will be held on Wednesday December 4th at 7 at the Garwood Rec Center adult Tai Chi Tuesdays beginning November 5th from 7 to 8 p.m. adult yoga also beginning November 7th from 6:30 to 7:30 we have lots of upcoming events um as the mayor mentioned we have the Halloween parade and costume contest on a October 31st the parade starts at Burrow Hall and ends at Lincoln School um we also would like to um encourage everyone to sign up for the Halloween decorating contest um that will end uh this Saturday October 26th by the end of the day and the categories are spookiest most creative and funniest so enter to win a Home Depot gift card the holiday tree lighting will begin at 3:30 p.m. and will um go till 5:30 um on Saturday November 30th that same evening family skate night will be from 6:00 to 8 taking place at waren Eno the holiday house decorating will be from December 9th to 19th Santa's Workshop Garwood children are again invited to drop a letter into Santa's mailbox this year by December 20th for a reply by Christmas Santa's mailbox will be located at the Garwood Public Library at 4113 Third Avenue starting in December we still don't have a date yet for the manora lighting but that will be held in uh late December uh at 6:30 pm okay so that's all for my report thank you uh I have a library report from councilman lro some upcoming events um November 5th all day is the general election so the Garwood Public Library is a polling location the library will be open but the children's section will be closed um our computers and seating are not available browsing and checkout are permitted November 12th at 300 p.m. grab and go kids and adult craft pick up supplies and instructions for seasonal craft registration is required by Craft kits and is limited to 15 participants sign up on the library's website calendar or by phone November 14th at 1M is Ry Cube for adults play Ry Cube It's a rumy like game that you play with tiles instead of cards open to all levels no registration needed Li is 12 November 14th and 21st at 300 p.m. is kids chess informal chess games for children of all ages note this is non-instructional supervised play no registration required but the limit is 12 and November 22nd at 2 pm. decorate Donuts this program will take place at Duck Donuts of Clark located at 77 Central Avenue on the Marshall side of the Target parking lot check in with Library staff and receive a box of four Donuts to decorate donuts and top are provided by Duck Donuts then enjoy for kids in kindergarten through 8th grade children must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older registration is required and limit is 12 sounds interesting something new um Library hour updates the library is opening later on Wednesday and Thursday starting in November to accommodate Lincoln School classes before opening to the public at 10: a.m. the library will be closed Monday November 28th and 29th for Thanksgiving uh Library will be closed at 4:30 on November 27th did I say it says Monday I think that means Thursday November 28th and 29th for Thanksgiving uh and the library will be closed at 4:30 on November 27 um School Board council president Carney uh no reports a nightmare okay a quick senior report uh we had a great meeting on the 17th with lunch and Bingo and I also let the group know about a new senior activity class uh starting in November on Wednesdays we have two high school student volunteers who will be holding card game evenings and teaching any senior who wants to join some new card games or or of course you can recommend a card game yourself so please contact senior director kisc at the main burrow Hall number for more information on this free class um small business advisory council president Carney no report it's a record Board of Health Le on councilman Foley planning board liaison councilwoman salmon thank you mayor the next meeting of the planning board is scheduled for November 13th okay um we have no officers reports so I will open this up to public comment if there's anyone in the audience who wishes to address the mayor and Council please step to the microphone State your full name and address and please limit your comments to five minutes Johnny pitard W10 Bruce AV Garwood we need to back our police officers and firefighters and rescue squad Personnel even though the P department rescue squad are volunteer outfits they're out there 24 hours a day seven days a week they're the people you can count on they have the I'll be there NE fear kind of guy and kind of attitude that serves us well Police Department the fire department and the rescue squad have that type of attitude that serves us well they're out there to protect and defend and to protect and serve us abolishing police departments abolishing fire departments and abolishing rescue squats is not the answer and Mark wh well will I just say ladies and gentlemen should never be the answer so let's reject the abolish the fire department abolish the police Department uh rhetoric that a lot of the uh a lot of those radical leftist want want us to do because they're out there to to protect us and to help us they're out there 24 hours a day seven days a week and also I need to say that we need to Pro defend our military servicemen some of whom our sons are serving in our army navy Marine Corp Coast Guard and Air Force we need to back them up every way as they protect us and defend us there are investments in Freedom and we need not to Short change them at all we need to reject especially the uh Democratic office holders they ought to reject the uh radical leftist rhetoric of abolish the armed forces and arrest military personnel for quote military brutality that's that's ridiculous we failed to back arm men during the war in Vietnam let's not let the Democrats fall into that anti-g trap that we did during the war in Vietnam three of garwood's sons lost their lives fighting for us fighting for us they L the soul every day in aund ways they told us so in honesty in affection they told us so they Lov us so every day in aund ways they showed us so with loyal and bravery they showed us so they were Defenders and they kept us free they took an oath to guard us and fought for they love the soul and we should know so we and finally we need to pressure the state legislature in Trenton to open some closed hospitals such as murg and planfield or we need those hospitals we need them very badly what attack occurs we'll need them very badly to uh treat treat casualties from those attacks we need to reopen them soonest sooner we activate those hospitals the better off we all will be like Mr fa thank you ladies and gentlemen thank you Mr petrick is there anybody else who would like to address the man Council hi bless you um Jill Paul 543 Avenue um start the clock because I don't want that to be a thing um so awesome news about the veteran banners um really cool regarding the PBA sponsorship so great job everyone on that I'm really happy about that so the first thing I would like to know is what's been decided regarding Oak and third seeing that 25 M hour sign like literally splattered on the street um right around pickup the other day when I was coming home from Physical Therapy it was really disturbing that could have been a child and that corner has just been getting worse and worse um and then something interesting that happened the other day same thing actually I think I was going to um to physical therapy grown adult in a car with gar Garwood permit on the window um had no idea I guess uh the stop sign right where the library is had no idea how to use a stop sign who has the right away all that fun stuff and what's funny is one of of our Town's Vehicles were actually right in back of them and we were joking after you know I knew to let the car do its thing so I didn't die we were joking afterward about how you know that happened right in front of the school and and that happens there all the time so it's really not a funny joke because like somebody's going to get killed somebody's going to get T-boned somebody's going to get headon whether it's a car whether it's a kid and then we're going to be like oh we should have done the things well I'm coming to you again about the things um something that I don't know if any of you are aware of but first responder day is October 28th it was started by um Sean cers um the officer who was murdered by the Boston Marathon bombers um his brother actually advocated for this and so it's been a reality for a handful of years um so that's really important to put on your calendars and recognize restart a heart day was last Wednesday so as part of sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month the Aliva Foundation partnered with Lincoln School to help hearts and save lives um we reached out to Board of Education president April frell about age appropriate activities and then she connected me with the superintendent and I met with um him and the principal to develop a full day of activities for each grade at Lincoln School and we're really looking forward to partnering on more programming in the future Detective Chris not even going there with the last name and officer join me to chat with the younger students about the benefits of staying hydrated getting a good night's sleep physical activity eating well and all of that and how that can have a great benefit on the heart we discussed the importance of calling 911 in this event of an emergency and then we had a crazy Q&A session um which included a student asking about Lamborghini for the Garwood Police Department so we told him to uh contact the chief um we read from here heart um which is this book and then we have two other youth Cardiology books that we're going to donate to the Garwood Public Library um we decorated paper tubes um and these become stethoscopes so everybody could listen to each other's Hearts which is super cool I shared my cardiac arest story we had Ani um AI reenactment videos on how CPR blood uh pumps blood through the heart and how ads work um for the older kids so this was the older kids um during fourth and fifth grade assembly Stephanie willix um and I conducted a Q&A and then the middle school assembly included Hands-On interactive CPR and AED demonstrations um conducted by Lou and Kim from the first aid Squad and Chuck from the Berkeley Heights volunteer rescue squad and kids had the opportunity to use the A and learn chest compressions if they wanted to um Stephanie and Sam um Roco have joined our board and then lastly I just wanted to congratulate the New York Liberty I worked for the Nixon Liberty back in the 90s um my first job out of college and my dad's continued to follow them a lot 30 years later but um what I just wanted to say with that is that I hope you know these these girls are seeing that they can play sports and that they're valued and that they they should be a part of these team so um as was mentioned the youth basketball deadline is November 10th this is a really cool time to get your girls especially involved with basketball because they're seeing all of this excitement so that's it thanks thank you is there anybody else who wishes to address the mayor and Council please step up good evening mayor ladies and gentlemen of the Bruce Patterson 325 Willow Avenue thank you very much for the podium it's very nice and the microphone setup too it's good um anyway the reference the u ah obligation that came out the other day you know for all the towns and ours is around 90 or so might be more based on present need but anyway um unsure if you're aware of it but mayor gelli out in monville northern New Jersey is uh has a lawsuit with 21 to 24 towns joining in against the uh obligation and how it was imposed I I guess the standing is about unconstitutionality but I'll tell you I read through the DCA report and it was just a bunch of word salad with estimates how they arrived at the numbers is beyond comprehension it really is strange I suggest you guys also read it since 90 units are being imposed or 80 units are being imposed on Garwood very very ser ious information because we're looking at Major buildings again um at the uh senior meeting couple of weeks ago the mayor talked talked about the senior walk and how great a success it is and yet another lady uh member of the senior Club stood up and she said the last two weeks there was only two people attending those Wednesday senior walks so I mean you know I don't know about this word success uh obviously it's construed as the very minor numbers the uh discussion between the Board of Ed and the council about the distribution of pilot monies how is that coming along because because it was supposed to be at the end of the year and we're at the end of the year and I haven't heard any reports about it board of V did mention it but just imp P it so I'm just wondering what the status is on that how that's going along uh again uh you know you know just bringing up the rvsa B that you're thinking about breaking out I mean what is the status and what kind of indicators are we getting that verela one and two are actually going to be uh paying into this fee structure that you're planning to impose on on the uh homeowners mean I haven't heard anything about that I know You' like to be evasive about it and I'm I'm also very disconcerted about all those questions I asked about the circular ordinance and not a single one was answered so I mean transparency is very lacking here in this Council so you can smile all you want mayor but there's a Litany of issues that uh you know maybe certain members of the public are aware I'm fully aware but I mean a lot of the public out there really doesn't pay attention to Council meetings and so is not even aware of what's going on so I think it's supposed to be the job of the opposition party but so thank you very much I know okay does anybody else wish to address the mayor and Council okay can I have a motion to uh close public comments so moved second all in favor I POS okay um starting um Oak third um Chief I I know we've discussed Oak third and I know we've talked about uh during school hours with crossing guard positions and I don't know I don't want to get into it if you're not ready to talk about anything with that yet I'm sorry yes and we we talked about Cedar and third with with crossing guards so I don't know what the discussion has been uh if if you've spoken with the or if we're still looking into that with changing on Tiner and third um and in terms of Oak and third it's listen I I do know that our police are out there um I know it's tough uh because every corner has their issues and that some in particular like Oak third um but I do know that I have spoken with the chief about that and and they they're over there I you know it's it's tough to I don't know if you want to talk to to it because I don't know what you can say yeah okay okay thank you um but we will follow up with that Lamborghini I like that idea um but I do know that that day went very well so I appreciate the that day uh CCE came home and actually told me about learning CPR so that was really cool um Mr Patterson just to note the affordable housing number is 80 not 90 so I know you said you you went back and forth so it is 80 um the Senior Walk um I had spoken with uh our rec director after the first of um day and there were seven people there there so I think that is was pretty successful I know the next time and I did not know about the next time it was down to two um hopefully it's back up we have a very small town and and I think that's an issue with a lot of our classes we offer a really wide breath of classes um both for adult and Senior and kids and we have a small town of residents so um you're not going to get 30 people out to every class um but I think pretty cool thing is that we we offer these opportunities for everybody and so when I talk about them at like the senior club meetings that's why I justed to get the word out even more did you want to say something it rep to me that it was backed up to seven again this week so some days might be less weather some days people might have appointments it's it might vary because of that but um I I like to think that that is a success we got seven seniors out and going so um pilot money we have not gotten into a full discussion I imagine next uh our next meeting council president and I will have with um the board ofed president and the superintendent we would probably start to get into it further as it will be the end of the year and we'll start be starting to look at budgets for next year um rvsa we'll give you the update when we have it once again um and in terms of transparency the fact that I we're up here answering these questions all the time if you look at some other towns with Council meetings if you look at other public meetings there's very little discussion that goes on and I think we actually have a lot of discussion up here not just amongst ourselves which if you looked at a lot of our meetings there is a whole lot of Talk Amongst if if there's an actual you know issue that needs to be discussed and made a decision upon we're up here talking about it a lot um and in terms of public comment we answer every question to the best of our ability So when you say there's no transparency I smile because I think that's kind of to me that's it's crazy to say because all we do up here is talk um and we report as much much as possible uh when we have the information um I know it can be frustrating when there is no information to give and you have a question and we're still working on things like with the rvsa uh sorie but that is just the the name of the game in in this that we have to do the work before we put anything out there but the fact that you can come up here and ask all of your questions and then get an answer from me to the best of our ability or you can then come to my office hours and ask further or you can call me or you can email me and I think if you ask any Resident how responsive I am they will give you a very positive answer um so that's the transparency so okay we will move on to the consent agenda I did click um is there anything anybody wishes to remove okay can I have a motion to adopt the consent agenda second uh roll call please councilwoman Bodo I councilman Foley I councilwoman ndi hi councilwoman Sam I and council president Carney I uh payment of claims Miss par be it resolved that the following claims as approved be and the same are hereby ordered paid when properly signed and verified and the payment of payrolls as listed is hereby confirmed and ratified can I have a motion to adopt payment of claims so moved second uh roll call please councilwoman Bodo I councilman Foley I councilwoman ndi I councilwoman samon hi council president Carney hi okay the regular meeting of the mayor and Council will be held on November 7 2024 at 7M in council chambers information for meetings is posted on the burrow website can I have a motion to adjourn second all in favor I opposed okay still has the record minutes three minutes over there