##VIDEO ID:Bhy_AiBvXwk## e e e e but I did everything in there actually want copies of it 26 oh okay well we need extras I got start the recording f uh if I could ask everybody to stand for a moment of silence and salute to the flag I pledge ALG to the flag of the United States America to the repu it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting was provided to the Union County Hawk advertised on January 4th 2024 notification was sent to the Star Ledger and is posted on the municipal website the municipal public bulletin board and filed in the office of the municipal clerk informing the public of the time and place according to the provisions of the open public meeting la chapter 231 pl1 1975 roll call please miss Vasquez mayor Blen here councilman Bodo here councilman fogley here councilman Lazaro here councilwoman MDI here councilwoman salmon here council president Kerney here a roll call of staff and professionals please John Arthur for administrator Adam Abramson bur attorney here duck stofer chief of police here Michael disco burough engineer here uh Mr Abramson do you have anything for us uh nothing need to report okay I'm going to switch it around and move right to the report of the burrow engineer so that Mike can head to his next meeting uh Mr disco floor is yours thank you and thank you for having me I will be brief so you can watch the football game um only three bullet points South Avenue pedestrian Crossing mayor um I know that's been very active lately with the emails going back and forth I did speak with Ricardo the County engineer about two and a half weeks ago at this point and I think that forced some of the paperwork transferring to go on I spoke to Victor I got plans of the Russo development uh went out there and I think I forwarded I don't know if everybody got it but I forwarded what was a quote proposal form to uh effectuate the handicap ramps the striping the flashing beacons and Advance warning signage uh this afternoon after I put the agenda together I did get from signal products that cost for the equipment for the beacon uh I did have in that a proposal an alternate for a black pole as opposed to the aluminum looking pole I think the black is much more more aesthetically pleasing it came back the equipment cost was about only $1,000 I believe if I'm not mistaken that that cost is not going to be borne by us correct development is I think I'm going to delete the alternate at this point and just include the black pole in there thank you um and um I I have the information now from the equipment manufacturer and I will basically put these quotes out two contractors we're going to give it to uh the contractor Riverview Paving who is about to begin Beach Avenue that's the next bullet point we will give them the quote to do it obviously they're going to be working in town uh very soon and we will also give it to DLS we did Broach this with DLS we are under contract with DLS right now we are um over 100k under the final payment on that although there are some items still coming and the asphalt cost was only paid 80% per the dot requirement until we test it but I'm very confident especially because of Fifth Avenue if we recall we pulled back the milling and Paving limit all that savings was significant in terms of the milling and Paving costs that we didn't have to expend that Cranford expended so um so with your permission I'll delete the alternate and go forward with the quotes and sounds good to me I'm very as you know very excited to get this going I letting me go back and forth yeah it's a solar Beacon so there's no uh electrical or com that was a conversation y Mr Arthur and I were having so good to know um I spoke with the contractor again today for contract 202 24-1 uh their surveyors are presently doing the layout for them they intend on starting on Beach Avenue with the curbs first okay the tree contractor I was assured would be there next week um they are using Wetlands Inc it's a subcontractor they haven't used before but they said they're local and um we'll we start the the process we have five trees to remove three on Myrtle and then Mr nearad had given me two more uh on Beach Avenue so that should be done next week with the um survey marks out in the road promptly and then curb construction starting therea they did indicate at the preconstruction meeting it would take them about three weeks to do the job so um that's that's pretty quick to to do all the curbs on those streets in three weeks we'll see if they they fulfill that the three weeks to do the curbs and then the milling and Paving or okay and I'm sorry I'm going to jump in and just ask a question um about how long do they normally wait after the curbs are done to begin the milling and Paving so uh when they they need to settle in this case well not really this this the curb is only 20 Ines deep okay so the settlement is on a firm ground when they excavate that's all virgin material when they excavate down after they put the curbs in they have two other tasks to do they're going to restore all the drive way aprons between the sidewalk and the curb and then they joint it so that does take a couple of days to do that then they do do patching of the road in front of the curb uh because the excavation creates a a void or cavity there that you fill with stone and other paving materials and then you get to the mill and Paving in in this project what I presume is going to happen is they're going to want to do all the milling and the paving on the three streets somewhat simultaneously so for instance if they start on Beach and do the curbs and then the driveway Restorations then they'll Leap Frog to say Myrtle or whatever and um there won't be a settlement issue it's not like a gas main where that's uh three four five feet deep and you could have settlement for three months six months something like that I I have a couple of residents that knew it was coming and obviously they're very anxious being beaches not in great condition and one of the last so I know they happy it's coming so I'll be able to I guess tell them within the next few weeks it's likely it's imminent and that contractor uh River Riverview um teams up with another contractor called Port toino por toino is essentially does the concrete work Riverview does the paving work they subsequently got a bid in Springfield and we had a preconstruction meeting for that last week and I anxiously waited for when he would tell us he was starting and it was after the Garwood project that's right okay thank you and then lastly uh you know just an update we We Now work on over the winter the next Municipal Aid project and we've now finished the fieldwork on New Street and uh East Street and half about maybe a third of the work on Walnut I try not to be there at 2:30 in the afternoon so and that's what I have so I'm hope hopefully that was brief enough okay anybody have any questions from Mr disco Mr disco just uh just just for clarity purposes um you're going to uh be Paving on the 600 block of Myrtle and the maple AB the dead end area because I had two residents from that Um Myrtle is the dead end block that goes to Westfield I don't I can't remember if that's the 600 block so okay but it is the the 600 block of myle to the dead and um you'll be working on Maple to the dead end correct no so I don't know are you talking about U Maple that little tiny pie that little tiny piece yeah that's in another the the following year okay thank you so much yeah our three streets are Beach Avenue the two blocks that are kind of the missing link Hemlock the one block Missing Link and then the the end of Myrtle which is the missing link on the west side yeah I just had a quick comment um I just wanted to point out you know I know that for many years you know we go out for Grants with uh you know NJ do and usually we get a grant that covers a majority you know about 60 to 70% and um and I just wanted to confirm with you it looks like our grant award for the um 24 Grant projects is almost covering like 90 to 95% of it which is you know uh a tribute to you and the application process but also you know I think it's something that we really strived hard on the finance committee to really reduce road work um by aggressively Paving all throughout the town getting those swaps so we normally would bond for a couple hundred, and this bond is going to be likely to be maybe 25 30 35,000 which is a significant difference in previous years so I just wanted to point that out I think that's a that's something that um I'm really happy to see that all of the years of Paving has really helped us financially completely agree this this was a really great Grant award when that came in I just have one question Mr disco it's not related to these three topics but the sewer issue that we it was either Hemlock or hickory that we just had recently like the collapsing it was yeah it wasn't a sore but um collapse so how much was that I we got a quote from denar I don't it was I would say under 5,000 somewhere in the range of $3 to $4,000 I don't have the exact number in front of me but it was around that so was that paid for through the municipality through the budget or was that paid through yeah that was just paid for through our budget was this was just an emergency situation okay yeah so between three and four yeah okay thanks that was at the intersection near um East Street I believe right okay yep anything else okay thank you Mr disco you are free to head meeting thank you okay uh Mr Arthur do you have a report for us yes uh first I'd like to welcome uh gard's new Deputy clerk shisha Vasquez to the her first meeting um welcome and our new part-time clerk also starts October 1st she came to visit us today so that was really nice um on tonight's agenda you're going to see we have approvals for variety of projects we have um shade structure at the Athletic Field Complex half of which is funded by uh y County kids Recreation trust Grant flooring project for burough Hall is on the agenda tonight half of that is funded by County infrastructure Grant turnout gear for the firefighter department and just $800 less than half of that is funded by an American Rescue plan Grant um we have introductions for a bunch of parking ordinances what's really happening there for the most part is some paid parking on North some 15minute spots on North some 15 I think one 15minute spot in Kennedy Plaza Three 15 minute spots in this uh Center Central bus business district area and some other slight changes it's it's five different ordinances because when you change one part of the parking code you have to change delete the other part from a different part of the ordinance so there's a lot of juggling um we also have an introduction for an ordinance that requires unsolicited print materials to have a contact person and telephone number for residents to cancel delivery of those materials and also requires the materials be either placed where uh where each address receives its mail or within a three- foot radius of where they receive their mail and we also have approval of a shared services agreement with the planfield Area Regional sewage Authority which goes by parsa uh this agreement allows the buau to meet the Department of Environmental Protection regulations um so it is a requirement uh by cleaning the plan is to clean one of our sewer system every year for five years and then you just kind of keep doing that in perpetuity um both Mr disco um our engineer and our superintendent of Public Works looked at the pricing of this shared services agreement both came to the conclusion that the pricing is I think Mr disco's word was excellent um Clint or superintendent Public Works agreed the price is really good um it's $2 per linear foot and Mr disco gave me some other examples of projects in other towns where it was closer to $2.90 per linear foot so significantly less than other projects um FW already uses parsa Clint is happy with the level of cleaning that happens he feels like they have the proper equipment to blast everything that could possibly end up in the sewer system out so you know um it seems like a good cost a good service and it helps us meet our requirements so that's on the agenda tonight as well um and this was a question I I had to you I wanted to remind ourselves that it that was budgeted for this year correct yep it's in the budget already um does anybody have any questions from Mr Arthur okay uh I have a short report um as you may know Garwood has a new congresswoman uh L Monica mcgyver was elected last week to fill the term of the late Congressman pay uh Congressman mcgyver was sworn in Monday night she is the first black woman to serve the district and the youngest woman ever elected to this office from New Jersey uh she will serve until the end of the year the seat is also up for election again in November for the next term uh when Congress woman MacGyver will face Carmen Buco once again um so I want to wish congresswoman MacGyver congratulations and best of luck as she Begins the hard work representing the people of the 10th District we had another great annual Lions Club senior picnic on the 14th it was a packed house which was great to see there was picnic lunch of hot dogs hamburgers and of course the famous clam chowder uh there were also bingo bingo games where seniors competed for Alonzo's Cafe gift card so thank you to everyone who attended and of course a big thank you to all of the Lions Club volunteers who helped set up cook serve and clean up I got some really great feedback from some of the attendees so I think it was definitely a success I want to thank our OEM coordinator K Kappa biano for inviting me to participate in an oem basic training yesterday held by the New Jersey office of emergency management council president Carney and councilwoman Bodo as well as our bar administrator join me as we learned about the basic uh State structure of OEM but also got to participate in a real life emergency simulation uh we responded to an event in real time as Emer as an emergency management team it was actually quite fun even though in real life it wouldn't be as fun it was fun to do and try with everybody there so this meeting provided a lot of insight uh and ideas to bring back here um some really great news for the Green Team and for Garwood our burrow has once again been certified sustainable by sustainable Jersey uh this time around we were we were able to add even more categories and points which gives us a good idea where Garwood is progressing in terms of sustainability and obviously that progress is positive uh if you go on to sustainable Jersey's website you can take a look at all the different items and projects that a municipality must abide by or provide uh and it ranges from anything from prescription drug recycling to brownfields inventory uh so I want to thank Green Team chair bill nstep for Lending me a hand with some of the work involved this was a lengthy six-month process to do the recertification documentation uh but in the end it was well worth it just to see uh how well Garwood is improving in its sustainability we will be receiving our official certification placard at the sustainable Jersey event at the league of municipalities in November um and just a quick congratulations and best of luck to officer Klein soran as you will see on the agenda he is retiring from our police force uh we wish him well in his retirement uh and you'll also see and I'm probably stealing some of your thunder here but we have a a new hire patrolman Aku care um we want to welcome him to our police department and we will have an official swearing uh an unofficial ceremonial swearing in in October um and that is it for me so moving along to comments from the council councilwoman Bodo thank you mayor I will also jump in to thank our OEM coordinator for facilitating our attendance at the New Jersey OEM basic Workshop in Emergency Management which was held yesterday in Westfield it was nice to exchange ideas with Personnel from other towns and have the chance to interact with some of from our own burrow it emphasized the fact that an emergency can not only affect us but the surrounding municipalities if not handled properly the information was invaluable and I am grateful for the opportunity when I join Council I promised to acquire as much training as possible and I am pleased to have taken advantage of this class and its upcoming certification so thank you for that um I also want to bring up the street sweeping schedule for 2025 which we discussed the other day during the Public Works committee meeting we all received the copy of an email from the DPW superintendent in which he advises of the following in the past few years it is noted that the amount of material picked up daily has significantly decreased and most days the sweeper Hopper doesn't require emptying after a full day of sweeping versus at least two to three loads of material in past years ultimately the department is performing sweeping operations without much result while still using the same amount of Department resources while lessening the useful app of the barel sweeper due to the wear and tear of the equipment the superintendent and Foreman's recommendations for the 2025 street sweeping schedule is that the street sweeping should be reduced both superintendent and Foreman agreed that the burrow should be swept every other month beginning in April and ending in the end of October for the 2025 season should they notice specific areas requiring additional attention during the off months they assure those areas will be addressed ASAP so again we discussed this recommendation in committee but we really thought this was something we should bring to the full Council to see how everyone would feel about this yeah I age all for me um it's pretty important obviously street sweeping is always the Hot Topic um so I will open it up then at this point to opinions um I really don't have a strong opinion about this but I I would say I guess my here are some of my concerns right so my concerns of not doing it consistently is like is when I think about you know how much I guess material could accumulate in the time that and will that cause more wear and tear because you're having to pick up a larger amount I I'm just wondering it's just a a one something I'm wondering about but um in general I mean I don't I you know ultimately I do trust the you know foreman and the superintendent in their you know analysis and if they believe that there are better use of resources that they can do other things that our burrow needs then I generally end for it so so I I would say I lean slightly in favor of the every other month councilwoman councilman we'll go the side first are you on Commit I mean if this is a recommendation I tend to be okay with it I mean they seem pretty open that if there is negative feedback that we can always go back and you know change the schedule or ask them to go out and sweep correct um yeah I don't know about changing the schedule mid season so much but I mean I do remember from last year they do like sweep around the school for the start of school that's not on the schedule you know there are little things that are done before definit go out at different points that aren't on the schedule if there's a nice day earlier or or they just happen to have an opening or just yeah before school they want to make sure the underpass is done right so there's definitely times there doing the big areas at other pars um if it's a recommendation I'm not against it I favor that also I think on the recommendation of the foreman and the superintendent and what my colleagues just stated on the right I'm in favor of it to um I hate to be the voice of dissent over here but um I I just want us to remember um you know the investment that we made in the street street sweeper and the fact that our streets are clean I think this is something to continue the path forward um as we have a street sweeper now and uh just because uh your house is clean doesn't mean you don't have to vacuum it um you know what I mean like if I wait two if I wait two weeks to vacuum my house I'm gonna have to change that bag a couple of times right so if I don't change the bag and I just clean my you know it to me it's like just because the bag isn't like it's not so dirty doesn't mean we shouldn't celebrate a clean town we have a street sweeper we should use it um so I I'm on this committee so um my colleagues already uh heard my opinion on this I I tend to come down more on councilwoman oldi side of it uh I generally uh like to follow the recommendations of our of our professionals um just um the way this one was was put together I I was a little interesting and some of the statements that the superintendent made uh to make his case I I think councilman noi kind of hit the nail on the head are you saying that the town is too clean like I'm not so I mean I I know this isn't thing right yeah this isn't a decision we have to make today um but it's um I just considering the investment that that prior Council put into this which uh it's probably only you and councilman Lazaro that are still here from that um it was a very big deal back then to to get a street sweeper back into Garwood so uh something that perhaps we could uh we could have the superintendent come in and either brief the committee or brief the public a little bit and then come to a resolution I I'll I'll let we've all and then I'll chime in since you're the chair so the first thought for us was the investment yeah right um and not just that um we've heard residents being that happy when the streets don't get cleaned because they move their cars and the super didn't come by and you know they're used to it I I realize that but I'm also considering the investment that was made and like you said if we stop cleaning the way we are what the cause later so um it's tough because you you I I do my initial reaction was yeah that makes sense um but as we go through the street sweeping season you know that there's always times when certain streets there's cars that are Park so they don't get swept and so hopefully they get swept the next time and so if they don't get swept and then they're not there for another two months so that's kind of where I have a problem I will say um I'm would like to talk with the public works committee and um our foreman about next year putting starting back the signage we used to put out the signs and I know it's it's labor intensive for the DPW I and I understand that um but I I do feel like there is a difference it's not perfect don't get me wrong I I don't think that everybody moves their car when they see you know just cuz the signs are out there obviously we certainly struggle but I do think that more cars move when they see the physical sign out there um just because knowing that it's on the schedule people just tend to forget um yeah it's it's quite possible some people don't realize that that's their sweeping sweeping day maybe they didn't see the nixel maybe they threw out their their mailer at the beginning of the yeah even sometimes you see the pixel and then the next day you've had such a busy day so I I get it I I think that we do tend to do better with the car removal when the signs are out there so I I would like to go back to that so I think that's a component here was last year did we do that last year so like if last year we did that and say um it's not on the DPW for that I because the staff we have staff who are out on totally I'm not not I'm not try resource that we don't need to be doing right now until some of our employees come back so I think I think it does speak to the fact that like if last year they were using signs and they did claim that there was they were picking up a lot more I just certain Dee it does make a decent case that if we did bring back the signs maybe they would actually be collecting the similar amount of was anecdotally last year I a lot more cars off the street during the the this the proper times and so that's really the only thing I can pin it to is is the signs I just had the thought from listening to councilman Lazaro if you know there have been issues with compliance that I've had residents contact me about um it's possible the lesser amount of debris they're seeing is because there's cars in the way of some of it and then you know so they're not able to pick they're not able to get to it they're not able to get and then the followon concern to that is like what's ending up in the in the drains and the SS and everything else so true I mean just because I I do tend to get a lot of Resident feedback about sweeping all the you know that it's a service that the residents love obviously and when we got the street sweeper it was great to have that back um so I kind of moved my opinion into not changing I think what we could do so we don't need to decide this tonight um but we do need to kind of decide this within a couple of weeks because we put the schedule together for next year um is I would like to gather some more feedback from a wide variety of residents and reach out to people and um I would encourage Council to please do so as well and then maybe we make the decision at the October meeting um just if you get some more feedback one way or another that people are like you know it's it's fine if you know I don't see a problem with that or if it's some a service that they they really want us continue to see the way in every month um it's the way I'm leaning towards to keeping it going every month but can we ask the superintendent to come so we can understand why he proposed this to begin with so obviously he's seeing something different we can ask the superintendent we can ask the for I think they're both on the same page with it maybe they could come and come I know um he was going to come and talk to the committee um to see if you had any questions I think it it's pretty I think he did a good job explaining it in the email I'm not gonna say he didn't he laid out his his I know Council mcney said he didn't I guess he was surprised what was your exact word I don't want to misquote you that you were surprised at some of I was surprised at at kind of the past of his arguments read that we're so clean that we don't need to do this and I didn't read it I I know what you're saying I didn't but I mean I wouldn't mind having him in the committee it's probably easier to get that scheduled than to get him in here for a council meeting but that's fine some open dialogue with him regarding it that's fine I'm open to going the other way on this I need a little bit more feedback as well all right do we know Fanwood schedule don't I I talked Clint about this um I I don't want to say the wrong thing because I don't know it offhand but there I believe they're a little looser with their schedule I think it's more on like a as available just on their website I can't find it they don't have a set schedule because they don't have the sit and I know that's something uh even superintendent Dix and I have talked about past years we're a little different in the parking situation so they don't have a lot of homes where um cars are parked on the street they don't have a lot of streets with that issue where the notification is necessary so they don't that because you know we talked about when the street sweeper came on how to schedule this and should we schedule it and I really feel like it's it's necessary for Garwood to have a set schedule just because of the parking situation here in Garwood on a lot of our streets like Willow and second and third if you're there during the day you do see a lot of cars still park there um but Fanwood doesn't have that same issue different different area so they are able to just go out when they fit it into their public work schedule okay so if he comes to committee or if he comes here that's fine but if he goes in committee if you can let me know and I can talk to them on my own well yeah you're always welcome to yeah I'm give him a bus um we we'll put a pin in it and see and you I would like to get some more feedback I people watching this are going to now come to you with some feedback so we'll see what what what kind of questions they may have too that we can present to him okay thank you okay councilman Foley no comments tonight uh councilman Lazar no comment councilwoman ndi nothing from me tonight councilwoman salmon no comments this evening council president Carney um thank you mayor and uh Welcome to our new Deputy Clerk and good evening to everyone I'll uh attempt to do this as quickly as I can because as I noted before the meeting started the Giants are playing the Cowboys on Thursday Night Football at 8:15 so I have faith in everyone here tonight I know stop talking that I will see the kickoff um we do have a busy agenda uh there's several ordinances uh on for introduction tonight which are reported out of the police committee with unanimous support uh Mr Mr Arthur was kind enough to summarize them earlier uh there's one he didn't mention it's the last one on there 24-32 is an amendment that was uh requested and recommended by the chief of police to adjust a no parking area on uh Second Avenue near Hartman Park um I also just want to touch briefly on two public comments that were made at our last meeting um the uh the first is regarding resolution I brought to the council from the New Jersey League of municipalities regarding the state and local tax or quote salt deduction from our federal taxes uh the person commenting somewhat disingenuously implied my national political party has stated quote the wealthy should pay a little bit more and then falsely claimed the 2018 tax cuts and jobs act achiev that goal because quote New Jersey is a wealthy State uh so I just want to read something directly from the issues page of the website king.house.gov uh one of my most important priorities in Congress is to restore the full state and local tax or salt deduction as a proud Vice chair of the salt caucus I have co-sponsored the salt deductibility act a bipartisan bamal Bill to restore the full salt deduction the salt cap unfairly penalizes new jerseyans leaving a lasting effect on all all who call our state home not being able to deduct state and local income taxes is double taxation uh restoring the salt deduction will get more dollars back in the pockets of hardworking middleclass New Jersey families our state pays more than our fair share to the federal government especially when compared to other states New Jersey residents need and deserve this critical relief end quote um this is a direct quote from a person I am well known to otherwise literally never agree with Republican Congressman Tom Kaine Jr uh with that being said I request the full support of this council tonight for resolution 24-17 because it's simply doing right by the residents of Garwood for our local elected leaders to urge Congress to allow the salt cap to expire and to stop penalizing New Jersey's middle class for political points uh for the second comment um there was a claim regarding our neighbors in Rosell Park receiving $3 million in I believe it was described as free money from the state of New Jersey due to sore issues somehow caused by a pilot agreement I contacted Rosal Park council members who I'm friendly with they had no idea what I was talking about so I'll charitably talk to chalk this up to a misunderstanding but uh if I were to be provided with the date that this was discussed at our Park council meeting I'll follow up with them further uh just to see if they've located that elusive money tree that I've always hoped was out there somewhere and I I mean they might be just be trying to throw me off the trail so they get to keep it all for themselves uh and that's all that I have thank you thank you um Mi Miss Vasquez the uh minutes please minutes of sorry minutes of the regular meeting of the mayor and Council held on September 12 2024 minutes of the executive session of the mayor and Council held on September 12th 2024 can I have a motion to accept the regular meeting minutes and the executive meeting minut some second uh all in favor opposed okay we begin our ordinance oh no first Communications uh Communications Miss Vasquez the Raleigh Valley sewage Authority received and filed yes and the township of Cranford received and filed correct um we are beginning the ordinance Journey now we have one uh ordinance up for adoption uh Miss Vasquez can you read ordinance 24-26 by title only an ordinance fixing salaries and wages of certain officials and employees of the bur of Garwood in the county of union state of New Jersey do we have any correspondence concerning this ordinance Miss Vasquez no no okay does anyone present wish to be heard concerning ordinance 24-26 please come to the mic okay can I have a motion to close public hearing on ordinance 24-2 second second any discussion among Council all right do I have a motion to adopt this ordinance so mooved second a roll call please councilwoman Bodo I councilman Foley I councilman lazro I councilwoman ndi I councilwoman salmon abstain council president karney Hi all right we have a bunch up for introduction Miss Vasquez can you read ordinance 24-27 by title only an ordinance of the burough code of the burough of Garwood by amending chapter 99 entitled health and sanitation Article 4 littering section 99- 26 hand bills do I have a motion to introduce this ordinance so moved second we need to do a roll call sorry I should have um roll call please councilwoman Bodo hi councilman Foley I councilman Lazaro hi councilwoman ndi hi councilwoman salmon hi council president Carney I okay Miss basus can you read ordinance 24-28 by title only an ordinance amending the burough code of the burough of Garwood by amending chapter 21 section 21- 8.2 entitled 15minute parking do I have a motion to introduce this ordinance second roll call please councilwoman Bodo I councilman Foley I councilwoman sorry councilman lazro I councilwoman ndi hi councilwoman salmon I council president Carney I ordinance 24- are we on 29 Miss Vasquez can you read that by title only an ordinance amending the burough code of the burough of Garwood by amending chapter 21 section 8.7 entitled on Street business and burough employee permit parking do I have a motion to introduce this or second uh roll call please councilwoman Bodo I councilwoman Foley I councilman Lazar councilwoman ndi I councilwoman salmon I council president Carney I uh Miss Vasquez can you read ordinance 24-30 by title only and ordinance of the buau code of the buau of Garwood by amending chapter 21 entitled vehicles in traffic article one traffic and parking section 21- 8.8 paid parking zones do I have a motion to introduce this ordinance second roll call please councilwoman Bodo I councilman Foley I councilman Lazaro I councilwoman ndi I councilwoman salmon I council president Carney I uh C Miss Vasquez can you read ordinance 24-31 by title only an ordinance of the burough code of the burough Garwood by amending chap 21 entitled vehicles and traffic article one traffic and parking section 21-8 to our parking do I have a motion to introduce this ordinance I moved second roll call please councilman sorry councilwoman photo hi councilman Foley hi councilman Lazar councilwoman sorry councilwoman ndi hi councilwoman salmon I council president Carney I and ordinance 24-32 can you read this by title only please an ordinance of the buau code of the B of Garwood by amending chapter 21 entitled vehicles and traffic article one traffic and parking section 21-1 parking prohibited do I have a motion to introduce this so move second roll call please councilwoman vodo hi councilman Foley hi councilman Lazaro hi councilwoman ndi hi councilwoman salmon hi council president Cary hi okay we did [Laughter] it Sean and I go and stereo for the rest of the night committee reports Finance councilman Foley thank you mayor hello Council hello gowood um we had our last finance committee meeting on September 23rd on a Tuesday uh 550 p.m. weks for that it was 4:50 excuse me get it right request during our latest finance committee meeting we began pre preliminary conversations about how best to fund necessary maintenance and upgrades to our sewer system as well as cover the yearly rvsa increases while no decisions were made our CFO and bur administrator are still actively investigating funding options and approaches to ensure a healthy and efficient infrastructure for the future our aim is to thoroughly review best practices and methods that will help us achieve the most effective and sustainable outcome for the community while also being mindful of minimizing the financial impact on taxpayers further updates and continued transparency in the process will follow as we continue in this important process and that is all thank you thank uh fire and OEM councilman Lazaro no report Community Development councilwoman salmon thank you mayor no official report there's been no meetings with the paperboard plan uh the paperboard site at this time but we are waiting for the fourth round of affordable housing numbers to come out that will be in October so I'm hoping that we have an update for everybody then thank you Public Works councilwoman Bodo thank you mayor in addition to their reoccurring activities the DPW cleaned up the common areas around the municipal complex and the fire department assisted with the specialty and electronic waste recycling event pruned the St treats cleaned up the municipal parking lots install Park Mobile signs on Space striping and assemble the new picnic tables for the sports complex a quick reminder that Bol pickup is scheduled for October 21st applications are due Friday October 4th at 2:30 p.m. that's all for my report thank you police Council president Kerney thank you mayor and uh welcome to officer Kerr who will begin with the Garwood Police Department on October 14th uh and also my congratulations to officer Klein organ on his retirement uh which is effective on November 1st uh I also have the GPD activity report uh for the last month there were 1,623 CAD entries recorded during the month of August 2024 uh these calls include 104 motor vehicle stops 35 parking complaints 80 fixed traffic posts which are radar stop sign and distracted driving details uh 16 motor vehicle crash investigations 245 building and property checks 39 medical assists 78 community policing posts 24 walking posts 23 investigated suspicious person or vehicle complaints and 19 criminal investigations and that's all for my report thank you council president Community engagement councilwoman ndi thank you mayor uh the Garwood partnership for arts and culture will be holding its fall art show entitled color this season with creativity we will be exploring the theme of creativity Garwood artists of all ages are welcome to choose a recent piece that best expresses the creative ideas and mediums you have been exploring lately we accept small sculptures framed watercolors pastels oil paintings photographs or mixed media work please send a photograph of your work with the dimensions to myself Cen oldi garwood.nj mon also up uh upcoming will be a rededication of Kennedy Plaza on November 16th at 12:00 the community is invited to join the historical Committee in rededicating the plaza in honor of its 60th anniversary there are a number of youth programs that I would like to emphasize this evening um some are uh uh you know they we're really looking to run these programs and we just need a few more uh people to sign up uh particularly the parent and me music program uh provided by RMC Studios uh this is for ages 6 months to 3 years and that runs on Sundays from 11:00 a. to 12: p.m. from October 6th to November 10th so this class will um you know help your little one discover the joy of Music um also um uh registration is open for stem Odyssey this program is provided by mad science ages 5 to 12 which runs on Mondays from 5: to 6: beginning October 21st to December 2nd uh Crayola world of design is a program provided by Crayola imagine arts academy and mad science this is for ages 5 to 12 runs on Mondays from uh 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. also from October 21st to December 2nd uh teen Friday Night Lights kickball game this is going to be one game on October 18th at 7M it's open for ages 13 to 17 and all skill levels uh that will be held at the Garwood Sports and Rec complex also um up coming up in October is youth walking challenge um the registration is on my Rec it's for ages 8 to 17 uh for this you will be tracking your steps and winning prizes youth basketball is also open for registration the program starts at the end of November and runs through February of 2025 this is for um grades 1 through 8 also open is adult basketball uh this is actually currently running right now it runs every Wednesday from 6:30 to9 um at um and it runs through November 13th and that is at Lincoln school gymnasium the adult Ceramics Workshop to be held at the Garwood Rec Center um is on no October 9th and November 13th and December 11th uh that one is 8 uh sorry 700 p.m. you would create a new themed piece and take it home with you also new this year is the adult acrylic painting on canvas Workshop which is Wednesday December 4th at 7M also held at the Garwood Rec Center um adult Tai Chi uh will begin in November on Tuesdays from 7 to8 which will also be held at the Garwood recck complex um adult yoga also held at the Garwood Sports and recck complex will be beginning in November there will be 10 classes um and that is also open to all skill levels um upcoming townwide events we have the Halloween house decorating contest entries will be due by October 26th um also important to um jot down everyone save the date for no November 30th for the tree lighting and the townwide ice skating taking place on the same evening um also holiday house decorating will be uh entries will be between December 9th and December 19th uh we haven't set the date yet for the manora lighting but that is also upcoming so lots of things to look forward to in the upcoming Seasons uh Library uh councilman Lazar thank thank you mayor just a few programming notices so from September 26 through October 21st the library is running a program to create a haunted house from a bird house pick up a wooden bird house from the library while they last use your imagination to create a haunted house for Halloween while supplies less and don't forget to put your name on the bottom return it to the library for for display through October 21st then take it home for Halloween this is for kids in kindergarten to 8th grade on October 3rd at 700 p.m. there'll be a financial planning strategies program Gil L Abrams Esquire will address many aspects of financial planning including preparing for potential changes to the 2025 sunset provision of the tax act exploring strategies to help seniors lower taxes on Social Security and interest income on investment accounts she will examine ways to protect investments in volatile markets and present retirement strategies that could lower the impact of inflation and Market risk on current retirement savings registration is required on October 8th at 3 P.M for kids and on October 15th at 3 P.M for adults there's a virtual crafts activity pick up supplies and instructions for Halloween inspired craft registration is required for craft kits and limited to 15 participants sign up on the libraryies website calendar or by phone and finally on October 9th from 10:00 a.m. to noon the ask kiosk uh event that's this is where the Union County division of Aging staff will be on hand to assist seniors age 60 and over or their caregivers with information on services such as meal delivery respit care adult daycare and support services for caregivers and that's all for my report thank you School Board liaison council president Carney the Garwood Board of Education met on Tuesday September 17th for its regularly scheduled meeting superintendent Kenny provided an updated Hib report to the board uh relevant to the burrow the board approved a resolution for use of the Lincoln school gymnasium for Garwood uh the Garwood Recreation adult basketball program uh which began two weeks ago and will run through mid November uh the board's next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday October 15th uh also mayor blumenstock and I will meet with board president April Farrell and Mr Kenny during the first week of October uh I look forward to that and also the first district advisory committee meeting which will be held that week and I'll report back on that at our next meeting thank you um for Garwood senior citizens just a quick little something we had a great meeting um with a special lunch from Club President George deers uh our next meeting is October 3rd at 12:00 pm at Nights of Columbus small business advisory council president Carney uh thank you mayor due to scheduling conflicts with the majority of our board members uh our meeting is being moved to mid- October so I'll report back to the council when we've held that meeting okay Board of Health liaison councilman Foley on September 18th the Board of Health held their meeting and the meeting focused on preparation for increased Demand on health services for flu cold and covid-19 illnesses in the coming months in response the board emphasized the importance of vaccination programs particularly for vulnerable populations such as seniors and children the Board of Health Clinic will be offering vaccines for both groups ensuring accessibility to fluent covid-19 vaccines and encouraging early vacc ation to mitigate the impact of these illnesses board will continue to monitor Health Trends and collaborate with local Health Providers to ensure preparedness for the season ahead thank you thank you uh planning board leaz on councilwoman salmon thank you mayor the planning board met last night and reviewed the long range facility plan for Lincoln and Washington school it is available for the public to view on the school website it highlighted upcoming repairs and maintenance to the building as well as current pupil status the planning board has requested that we add this to our master plan so that is something that next year's finance committee can discuss that's all for my report thank you um moving along to officers reports Miss Vasquez zoning Enforcement Officers report for August 2024 Property Maintenance officers report for August 2024 and the chief of police monthly reports for August 2024 do I have a motion to accept these officer reports second all in favor opposed okay we will move along to public comment take a bathroom break please sure thank you uh second the motion for recess I may I make a motion for a break I'm sorry all in favor I okay we'll take a short five minute break wasn't that long yet e spe know for have a motion to resume mov second all in favor okay we will move to public common if there's anyone in the audience who wishes to address the mayor and Council please step to the microphone and state your full name and address and please limit your comment to five minutes John pit 410 Spruce AV Garwood we need to derail that the criminal train of uh aragua guys if they come over here I hope they don't come but the but we'll need our Police Department to derail that criminal train and we need our police officers and firefighters because they are out there for US 24 hours a day 7 days a week that goes with his Rescue Squad personnel as well they're the people you can count on they have the I'll be their n fear kind of attitude which serves us well we need to back them up in every way abolishing police departments abolishing fire departments and abolishing rescue squads is not the answer and markw what I just say ladies and gentlemen should never be the answer and it should never be an answer to abolish our military forces we need to back our soldiers Sailors Marines coast guards Airmen as they do their duty to protect and defend America we failed to do so during the war in Vietnam three of garwood's sons were lost during that war they loved the so every day in aund ways they told us so and honesty and affection they told us so they loved us so every day in aund ways they showed us so with loyalty and bravery they showed us so they were our Defenders and they kept us free they took an oath to guard us and fought for Liberty they loved us [Music] so and we should [Music] know we and finally ladies and gentlemen we need to pressure the state legislature in Trenton to reopen some closed hospitals such as murg and planfield we need those hospitals badly we need them we need them to be open because what 911 attack occurs I don't want to see smoke B from behind trees again and the sooner re activate mberg and many other hospitals in this state the better off we all will be do I make myself clear thank you thank you Mr petrick is there anybody else who wishes to address the mayor and councel Jo Paul Paul 54 Third Avenue start the clock please thank you so welcome Patricia I forgot that last time and I felt bad um what I want to know is what goes on with the drains if you lessen um the street sweeping especially with the leaves and you know that that whole issue that I think we kind of fixed um a couple of weekends ago Captain Roco and officer Miller helped fix um temporary fencing at Stephanie Gardens that the contractor left with a 3ot by 1 foot Gap that led to a 15t hole in the earth um when they went home for the weekend so I was worried about our older tenants and asked if they could bring over a couple of cones but of course um they went above and beyond as usual so really really appreciated that um I'd love some clarification on where South Avenue is 25 miles per per hour the reason I asked this is the signage isn't great um I've been driving to physical therapy every day and even going 30 after making the right onto South um right out in front of the police station I'm being tailgated honked at hands up and it's dangerous um this actually also happened on Sunday when I was driving on South back from Westfield in front of the firehouse um and it's it's not okay I don't think people know what's going on and on honestly I've never gotten a ticket I'm 47 years old I've never been in a car accident I will get a ticket going fast there because I will not get tailgated I have no back seat in my car and these cars are coming within like six Ines of of my car and it's it's not okay um so I guess I risk a ticket rather than having to be so close to these people um so love some clarification on that Tuesday starts sudden Cardiac Arrest month and the Aliva Foundation is continuing to develop social media content activities and events we're bringing restart a heart day to Lincoln School I met with the superintendent and principal today with age appropriate activities for each grade including an assembly for middle school students where we're partnering with the Garwood first aidid squad on an interactive demonstration on how to do CPR uh chest compressions and how easy it is to use an AED similar to the session Lou Leed at the unveiling event at Hartman Park this is going to serve as a pilot to roll out similar program to other schools in the future Crossroads and hot works in Garwood um and it's delicious in Clark are taking donations for hearts to be displayed around their businesses if you're not a member of hotworks you can actually stop in for a free workout session Rush bows in Westfield is donating 10% of their sales from October 1st through 7th and we're working on confirming more local businesses and donating equipment so four more communities um this month next Tuesday the 1 we're hosting a community a unveiling event at Lower Columbia Park in Berkeley Heights with an A and CPR interactive demonstration component they purchased the equipment taking the lead from Garwood um the county approved the purchase of 80 ctec 4,000 outdoor enclosures for the 36 parks and voted on that um this week and they're securing actually I kind of said this last time but they're securing the model um we use and we're they're getting it from the vendor that we use so I think we did pretty good on bidding things out right um so that's awesome um there's a lot going on but we're really excited to have so much Community Support right here in Garwood so thank you thank you is there anybody else who wishes to address the mayor and councel please come up to the microphone good evening mayor ladies and gentlemen the council Bruce Patterson 325 Willow uh the uh couple of items that Council Carney mentioned the $3 million over the Rosel Park I guess they were being evasive only because they received $3 million it was a joint joint meeting uh sewage utility miscalculation that Rosel Park owed a lot of money at the state G through so of course there is no free money it all comes from our pocket uh the other issue of the salt uh one of the reasons I can fathom that Trump set that salt in there was because New Jersey is a high tax state and and he's trying to like I guess penalize us by this salt act and I guess New Jersey's tone death or actually garage tone death only because the last two years our taxes increased about $750 I mean we just spend willy-nilly the government just keeps on going forward Kan I would assume that's probably just political but anyway uh the fifth time I'm I'm going to ask this question and what is the status of whether Vera 1 and two would be paying into uh the separate rvsa breakout fee that you want to do if somebody could answer that uh as to that um ordinance 24-27 I think it is uh that's the one with the uh the bags and the Flyers being tossed around town but I just want comment on that for you to think about it before it actually becomes adopted uh that to me it seems like it's a zoning issue uh that you know you're creating a three-foot landing pad around a mailbox that something has to be put in there so that to me that sounds like a zoning issue of distances and allowances on on property uh another thing is who came up with this three-foot why can't it be 4 foot why can't it be five foot well you know the three- foot is just just an arbitrary number so I mean that makes no sense whatsoever um I suggestion if if you're really going to do something about it make it off of the curve the the8 foot the8 foot distance is the right away that the town owns so make it it has to be past the 8 foot uh right away that would probably be make actually sense uh I got a question about the whole thing whether it's really a freedom of speech that that this should be allowed anyway I mean it's nice to opt out but I'll tell you that this governing body with with what they're creating I you know I wrote down this you know it's somehow you want to hinder Commerce you hurt the little guy and the people in general uh you always hit us in our pocketbooks you know all the while you're creating such a bigger and more expensive government and even being more intrusive I'm not too happy about that um I I guess that's it I mean you know my comment and I'll probably mentioned the same thing when it comes up for adoption but seriously think about what I just said about this I I think it came from Westfield I mean you know they're run by progressives over there critical thought really isn't put into a lot of these items so anyway but that that's the two uh the response to the two items that you brought up councilman Carney thank you thank you is there anybody else who wishes to address the mayor and councel Miss Vasquez did we have anything through email yes we did uh we received an email from Miss Michelle capab biano um she started from the beginning first okay first for resolution 24163 which is a three-year agreement for services effective 10124 with the Plainfield Area Regional sewage Authority one exactly what service services will be provided to Garwood in this agreement two what are the annual costs and or fees that Garwood will incur expect with this agreement second what is the status of the previously discussed planned implementing of residential sewer fees that started back at the November 20th 2023 council meeting computer software module to accommodate the residential sewer fee billing an employee received $5,000 pay increase back on 7124 for sewer billing related job duties which is just about 3 months ago so there should be an update for the residents as it's been radio silenced publicly by mayor and councel on this topic as to what the plan is I am sure by now the plan must be in place to close or close to it so you owe it to the Garwood residents to be transparent and communicate the status of what the residential sewer fee plan is one when will this be brought before Council publicly excuse me publicly to vote on two what are the proposed fees three when will the residential sewer fees be implemented or if there is no update tonight or answers to my above questions when exactly will residents receive answers update let's get the implementation to the Garwood resident sewer fees plan out in the open to the public discuss it explain it get feedback the mayor and Council should not remain silent not wait until the meeting or two right after the November election as usual to give residents more bad financial news this year as taxpayers already received another large Municipal tax increase in 2024 lastly I also certainly would not be a transparent nor an ethical thing to knowingly purpose ly not disclose their residential sewer fee implementation information to Residents until the November election thank you Michelle capab biano 404 Myrtle Avenue okay can I have a motion to close public hearing some second second all in favor hi hi okay um Miss Paul what happens with the drains and the sweet streping I think yeah that's something that I think kind of came up and I think that will be something we're going to have to talk with the superintendent inform forment about um just to get some further clarification about that um the 25 miles per hour that is from Maple to Center Street um West sorry West to Center Street oh never mind I'm gonna let the chief talk about this one okay right yes so west to east um we can talk about Chief afterwards the signage um and see what we can do um I'm not sure how much of the signage has to be with the county or anything like that but we can talk after the meeting about it um and good to hear about all those good events coming up especially with the school that's a good one um Mr Patterson the ordinance with the bags and flyers to be honest I think this helps the little guy I mean I know I often have those bags grown where whichever which way and it gets caught in my snowblower and the bags start to go down into the drains and I don't think it's hurting Commerce or or business to um require them to have the phone number on it where you can opt out um in fact the one I get already has it on there so they're following this already [Music] um the rvsa verela you keep insisting that we're not answering it we are in the process of researching I know Mr Arthur and Mr Abramson are doing their due diligence on that as we have said before there is nothing to bring to you with it in regards to tonight they're still working on it um but that doesn't mean we haven't answered your question it just means that we literally don't have answers for you right now I think also mayor um when the legal research is finished and we have an answer it's for the committee to make a discussion and then for the committee to discuss it with the full Council it's not something for us to just give legal answers to our residents before the council reviews it and discusses it yeah and I just I just don't like the implication that we're being evasive and not answering the question each time because you just don't like the answer that it's not there yet but it's being worked on and that kind of goes into um mayor Miss Kappa bianco's I just I apologize for jumping jumping in on you but uh while you were speaking I went on the uh Westfield website and I looked up the roll call vote on ordinance questions about pars I think Mr Arthur answered in the beginning of the meeting um with the sore fees as far as I am aware uh it is still being discussed and I don't the implication that we're waiting for the no we're not saying it because of the November election is kind of silly because we have the um it's been discussed in the finance committee for a long time during budget discussion and there's both parties there and both parties voiced support for it should we find that it's advantageous after we go through and crunch the numbers so I don't it's think that it's any sort of partisan issue um but like councilman Foley said the CFO and Mr Arthur are still working on in fact I was just you know part of a discussion with um the Westfield B administrator yesterday to talk to them about how they do it we're still trying to get more information about from other towns and how they do it how Vera would work into it what you know if we do go ahead with a fee what the numbers would look like uh it's it's not that we're we're keeping anything from anybody it's really still just under a lot of Investigation there are some things that go very quickly up here I know um and then there's some things that you can't you don't want to do quickly because it one of these like this it's not something you can tweak very easily so want to make sure we do this right so can I just add a timeline comment just just for context um we did discuss originally in finance that uh you know we had were looking at implementing that sewer fee and then we came to the conclusion at the time because we were hiring a new burough administrator that transition along with we needed to do additional research before we decided to implement some sort of fee um but we were also told by our CFO that it would require a lot of preparation work we were told that we needed to make sure that we had a sewer clerk who was then compounding all the names we have to have a new edmin system in place so it requires preparation work before we then decide to you know implement it but that preparation work needs to be in place in order for us to include it in the next budget year season so you know as soon as we have that information we had our last Finance meeting and we're going to continue to have additional meetings um we will report that to the public okay so thank you um we will move right along to our consent agenda does anybody have anything they wish to remove yes I would like to remove resolution number 24-1 162 resolution 24-1 163 resolution 2 4-1 166 and that's it okay can I have a motion to adopt uh the consent agenda as amended second oh roll call please when you're ready Miss Vasquez councilwoman Bodo I councilman Foley hi councilman Lazaro hi councilwoman ndi hi councilwoman salmon hi council president Carney hi good um resolution number 24-1 162 can I have a motion so moved second uh discussion any discussion okay roll call please councilwoman vodo I I no take your time councilman Foley hi councilman lazro hi councilwoman Noy hi councilwoman salmon no council president Carney I Okay resolution 24-1 163 can I have a motion to adopt so moved second second um discussion I just don't think we're here yet where we're ready to completely move forward with this up until Monday we were under the impression that this was cleaning and scoping and it's only cleaning which is okay and we did have some correspondence back and forth with the superintendent but given that you know new information we are still talking about the sewer fee and what is that going to look like I'm not ready to sign the five-year contract for this that's just me um can and can I ask was this discussed because I know it's budgeted for so I assume this was discussed in finance committee uh it was I mean it was discussed put into the budget it would discussed in last yes last fall and into the budget season and it was something that our burough administrator of the time Kyle um did recommend um and I I would I would argue that you know regardless of whatever came of sewer fees it's something that I you know feel is a very very important thing for us to maintain our infrastructure um so you know maybe I did have the perception that scoping was happening but then I talked to our engineer and we've been actually incorporating a lot of our street projects to actually scope some of the sewer lines as part of a lot of those engineering projects so it kind of would be somewhat redundant and so that really wouldn't made sense we actually look into it so you know perhaps it might be something that later down the line we look into or try to add on to other roow projects in the future but the actual cleaning of the sewers and the pricing that we got for this to me makes it a very practical decision to move forward I'm not against the cleaning of the sewers we were under the impression that it was cleaning and scoping everybody was everybody um I just wish we had a full picture for the public of what we were doing with what's going on with this sewer and how we were planning on funding it for the next 5 Years cuz the sewer fees can't go into a trust they can't they but they can be put into a line item that can cover right but we can't get a really firm estimate of exactly how much money we're spending every year on sewer repairs that was asked we haven't really received that yet so I understand that they can go into a line but you could put 50 $100,000 in a line it just lapses to Surplus that's literally a slush fun line that's all that that is especially when the sewer repairs are three to four thousand at a cliff they're not all we've had repairs that are much more if we had I would love to see them so I could feel better about doing this but we're still we're still talking that's why I'm not say I'm not say say no ready for this right I I understand but there's but this doesn't I don't think that whatever we decide ultimately to decide on the sewer fee I don't think that that is really relevant to deciding whether or not we go forward with cleaning the sewers either you are you know think it's important to clean the sewers or you don't it's and it's already been aligned to part of the budget so like we've already we've already put it into the budget so I think they're two separate issues right one is that we AG that it's important to keep the sewers clean and that therefore that hopefully keeps the sewers lasting a lot longer and then a second issue which you're talking about which is we're going to continue to have a conversation here on Council and you know the finance chair um is going to talk about this all of the different conversations that we have related to the actual cost once we figure out what is a fair and Equitable cost we'll also talk about obviously how would we fund for example a sewer emergency which I think is we had this conversation which is like I'm okay like we're just talking about a we were just ballparking a number but we haven't committed to that number correct so we're not I don't know why we can't table this till we know more about what we're doing financially instead of just I'm not against cleaning the sewers but I would love to know financially what we're doing I I'm hearing I I do think it's two separate issues is a separate thing but if we're implementing a sewer fee and we're telling the public that this is what we're going to use to pay for this but we haven't told them what the fee is well because that was the thought process in finance now tell me I might be correct and the committee the thought process go to pay for uh many different things in terms of Maintenance of the sword not just the cleaning but any emergencies that pop up things like that so it's not just directly and as well as the increases in rvsa that are going to come each year to help offset that so it's I I hear what you're saying I just I see this as a as councilwoman Lazaro sees it but just drag this back to what's before us uh tonight for 24-1 163 uh we did discuss this in the public works committee um councilwoman boto reached out and uh confirmed with the uh burrow engineer and the superintendent um the cost effectiveness of this agreement that was my question from committee uh the burrow engineer basically said it's a really good deal and I know this is something that Mr disco had recommended to us last year and I I do recall this being discussed in out of last year's finance committee as well during that budgeting process and it just didn't go anywhere until this year and frankly there's a lot of things that we're doing this year that are not going to resolve until next year and that's part of the nature of our workup here uh but for what's before us right now uh this is a good deal it's a it's a piece of the preventative maintenance that needs to be done and really not to derail back to the other conversation but preventative maintenance is a large part of what's going to inform my thought process on that when that does actually come before us for a vote because uh I see a lot of logic in having a a line item that can be pointed to a lot of people pay lip service to transparency in this case we would know what came in and the public could very easily see what the council then spends out for any projects or mainten or whatever else with source so uh with that being said unless I'm cutting off my colleagues to the left I'd like to motion the question and move on okay can I have a roll call please councilwoman Bodo hi councilman Foley hi councilman Lazaro hi councilwoman ndi hi councilwoman salmon no council president KY hi Okay resolution 24-1 166 can I have a motion for this resolution to adop uh I'll motion that second uh roll call please oh sorry any discussion roll call please councilwoman Bodo I councilman Foley I councilman lazro I councilwoman ndi hi councilwoman salmon no council president currently I all payment of claims Mrs Vasquez be it resolved that the following claims as approved be and the same are hereby ordered paid when properly signed and verified and the payment of payrolls as listed is hereby confirmed and ratified do I have a motion to adopt so moved second uh roll call please councilwoman Bodo I councilman f hi councilman lazro hi councilwoman ndi hi councilwoman salmon I council president Carney hi all right the regular meeting of the mayor and Council will be held on Thursday October 10th 2024 uh at 7 pm in council chambers information for meetings is posted on the burrow website can I have a motion to adjourn soov second uh all in favor I thank you everybody you look so disappointed [Laughter] Sean sorry I chose no