okay we're we're live e e e e e e e e e for e I welcome everybody if I could have everybody stand for a moment of silence and salute to the flaged AL to the the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God and jce for all adequate notice of this meeting was provided to the Union County haulk advertised on January 4th 2024 notification was sent to the Star Ledger and is posted on the municipal website the municipal public bulletin board and filed in the office of the municipal clerk informing the public of the time and place according to the provisions of the open public meeting Law chapter 231 PL 1975 roll call please miss Cameron mayor blman stock here councilwoman Bodo here councilman Foley here councilman Lazaro here councilwoman ndi excused councilwoman salmon here council president Carney here roll call of staff and professionals please John author borrow administrator Adam Abramson burrow attorney here Mike disco burrow engineer here okay uh we will start off with a report from our borrow engineer Mr disco good evening everybody so I have an extensive list tonight I'll try to be brief uh the good news is that NJ do has announced their yearly solicitation of Grant applications that came out on April 29th it is due on July 1st that's something that we submit the Grant application on and we listed there the last five years so I think we've been very successful at getting uh the do grants we also provided the colorcoded road map so everybody could look at that and basically if you see green on the map that's good that means we've done it and we put the year of the repaving on there they're all in the moratorium everything in the last five years um if it's yellow it's something that's transitioning from good to average and red of course is where we've probably got some really poor areas of pavement um we have we we see two obvious ones but I know that U mayor the streets committee gets involved with this and I think I think the bottom line is if you look at the map we're really narrowing uh the locations of where we really need um improvements so for instance we we we said you could do something where you do Second Avenue and Maple Street as a possibility and the only um restriction you have on this is that do does not want to see more than three streets so we don't want want to pick a block on four or five they do that is their new um standard so but it's all information there I think it's a good thing if you look at um the averages there other than the onee where we got 463 we seem to be in the mid to high 300,000 um our Second Avenue and Third Avenue Congressional Grant project for comparison came in at 390,000 to uh longer blocks one with curves one without so I think if you did something like second and maple you're probably in the 350 range obviously depending on the streets you pick or choose we would then zero in on the dollar amount and advise so it's just informational purposes we have until July 1st to submit takes me a good solid day to do the application so it can go right up to the end okay okay so um council members uh streets uh Public Works committee if you could um take a look at that and then also other council members if you want to uh take a look at the map yourself so that we can have a discussion on this at the next council meeting okay thank you okay um it's I I put it on there as a second bullet point but I think you're well aware so I think the funding mechanism for our Municipal Aid 23 project is uh imminent and then uh once we uh formally award that it goes to Trenton to do for them to basically accept our recommendation and they'll give us paperwork and then after that we would have a preconstruction meeting and start construction and that is on those Street sections there Beach Hemlock and Myrtle Avenue so that's just a informational also our our Municipal storm order trra annual report report is due May 1st each year so we did that the week prior to that that's just an acknowledgement of that uh what we were talking before the meeting started was the Flood Control Ordinance which D passed in July of 2023 and the Really significant thing about this other than some routine DP of flood Hazard or Inland flood area changes is the precipitation data which will now be for upon all municipalities to enforce for all review developments for a planning board or major developments those those rainfall datas are going to use the 2100e uh projected rainfall which are about 30% higher than what we're currently using which means everything's going to get designed 30% larger everything's going to cost 30% larger but you have to do the ordinance we're going to check and see if you did that um in August or September of last year everybody every municipality had a year to enact it and so we're coming up on July we're certainly not in any danger of missing the deadline but we've got to do that and then uh basically updates on the three concurrent construction projects that that have been going on all carryovers from last year 2023 D1 which is the DLS Paving on four streets and Municipal AG project this year they did the curb work on Fifth Avenue and Locust I sprayed the trees on Fifth Avenue today those trees are coming the first week of June I'm told and I'll continue to to Mark the tree locations on Locust Maple and the others um we the two streets were paved in the full uh Maple and block of second and Locust and fifth will be paved soon we do have some sanitary store Point repairs which I I've urged the contractor to try to do before we pave the street just in case the 1% chance that the equipment gets caught in the sewer we would need to dig it up so I'd rather I'd rather have them do the sore work first uh contract 2023 d2i Avenue Third Avenue the Congressional Grant project those were paved on May 1st and essentially are substantially complete other than what we call punch list items and uh the tree plantings for that will commence I Believe on Tuesday uh I did include the notice that the shade tree commission Commissioners did is that the proper term I don't know Shay tree board and I think it was a very good notice I think it was very informative it did ask for the assistance of people to um the trees are only going to live if the if the resident wants it to survive there's ways to make a tree not live so we've asked for their cooperation on that and I think the the the notice that went to every property owner that's getting a tree was was a good one uh 202 3-3 which is primarily West Street where we added sidewalks and then some miscellaneous tree sidewalk conflict uh improvements that was a our Union County Community Development block rant had to be done by June of this year uh we've notified Union County that that work is obviously substantially complete as well first payment went in on that we need to get that payment in before June obviously because when we go to close out the Union County portion of it we have to show that we've made a good faith effort to pay the contractor so that we can get our money back um again trees uh on that are going to be starting up uh on Tuesday of next week um there are something I think there were 59 trees on second and third Avenue there were uh about 14 trees on the West Street project as well as some skip Laurels that are going in where a arborite hedge was removed and then on the DLS uh project uh Maple fifth Locust and what did I miss there uh we know which one which one okay I think there was 40 trees in that one so you have a much more Greener um cartway yeah on these streets and um that's where I'll stop I have some other data because I I think there was some reportedly a a concerned citizen coming and I had some photos that I'll share if that comes up so okay okay um I'll I'll be here so I'm not going okay you get to stay tonight huh get to stay so if there's any questions or reactions yeah no uh thank you I want to thank you for all your work you're doing with the shade tree commission I I know it sounds simple just plant some trees but it obviously is not um and there's a lot of work that goes into it including letting all the residents know hearing feedback from them trying to educate them on how to keep the trees you know from dying um but it's something that's very important to me um we had to take out a lot trees over the past years that you know they they were lifting roots and things like that so it's very important to me to now get the right trees in that don't do that um and get some more tree coverage back into our town um I did want to just ask you um for the the Center Street drainage investigation um can you update us is that how's that got what did they find yeah so um of the three projects that we had going on two were under contract to Midwest Construction and one was under contract to DLS so I approached Midwest because number one they they were finishing more in a finished mode and we looked at both West Street where we had um Tammy last name Clan or whatever we we did that work as part of the West Street Improvement where we added a catch Bas and tied in a roof drain I've heard nothing bad so I I assume that that was a success um before construction started at her location I knocked on the door walked them through it they seemed very happy so I trust that that went well the other uh thing we did is we went to the uh burrow owned property uh between Center Street and the gas station and there's a storm sword line there that goes from the railroad to North Avenue and Clint and Lenny had um and chief had reported that that was problematic water Cascades over the cliff Down Under The Railroad under pass it's that's never good because that's a low point and can shut the road so they had uh I think brought planfield or whoever they brought in to TV or flush flush that and there was a reported blockage in it so based upon where they believe the blockage was we did a surgical dig on the pipe we found some debris in the pipe uh but we could see with flashlights and climbing in there light at the end of the tunnel so to speak but when we we did see another obstruction closer to North Avenue and we dug there we we found a buried catch Basin that's never a good thing and we found a tree stump in the vine so you're talking about a 12 or 15 in line with a 12in tree stump I took a picture of that I think I distributed it it's comical this doesn't naturally happened somebody um literally had an axe to grind against somebody and put us stump in in the storm store line okay it's a cut stump anyway we were able to get it out we uh resurrected the the catch Basin that was buried we repaired the other lines um that that work would have been done probably at this point less than two weeks ago or about two weeks ago so other than the rain today um and I I didn't hear anything maybe the chief would know better than me I assume it's going to function a lot better we probably should run a jet through there again because it was probably debris that they couldn't get out because of the blockage now that the blockage is removed this should function much better thank you for bringing that up I I forgot to mention it no I appreciate that that that was has been on my mind that's always such a bad point where it comes down onto the underpass yeah so thank you and we we well obviously on the next major storm we'll monitor it and see if it functions better okay I trust that if if after seeing it and it's to be it that had to be had to be it and uh so obviously when when that obstruction is almost the full circular opening it's never a good thing yeah oh interesting stuff that we found um one more question and then I'll open it up um the ma23 so we are undergoing preparation and we have the we the bond ordinance the funding will be in place in June um any idea on calendar wise I did have some questions uh about when that could start yeah I again I think when we formally approve the award we will then send that to Trenton there's there's this a DOT form that goes along with it it's all done electronically through that Sage or um pmrs and uh we will wait for Trenton to then approve our action again we can immediately then go to precon and get uh construction obviously if we're awarding in June it may be July be before this happens okay but I think we still got a good shot at getting Cat end summer beginning of the Fall so that's what I I was hoping I said optimistically that's that's what I'm thinking but okay yep all right terrific does anybody else have any questions from Mr disca okay I want to thank you for um I I've heard from residents and that they've spoken to you about various things over the past couple of weeks because we have had a lot of road work um and I just want to thank you for uh talking with them and and going and knocking on doors I really do appreciate that we try uh as I go out on weekends and I meet a lot of people they' had really great words to say about you so thank you for that yes thank you I'm sure that's not unanimous um I also forgot I mean tomorrow we're having what they call a lop meeting gas company basically the the the most recent gas work which is on beach in uh Hickory and Center Street yes we will meet with the paving subcontractor for the gas company and go through those Paving limits okay but my recollection and I look up was none of the the projects that they touched will not be unpaved they'll all be paved curb to curb which includes Center Street the dead end the swap right which was a swap uh the I gu know Beach Avenue that that was previously done and basically the only ones that uh weren't were what we incorporated in our be Avenue Beach Avenue coming up hopefully this summer that's right so everything that they touched will be paved curb to curb and and yeah for instance on Hickory we basically gained uh whatever it was six or years of life yeah Center Street we've got street that would never had been touched for a long time and we'll get that and that'll finish Center Street will finish it finally yeah so and that we'll have more green on the map then so no thank you I so that's tomorrow I forget what time 10 or 11 o'clock okay terrific thank you Mr disco okay moving along to the report from our bar attorney nothing to your report I know you missed it last time a report from our bar administrator Mr Arthur hello everyone so we've received an approval for our change of scope to our kids Recreation trust grants um which will allow us to move forward with some projects such as installation of communication boards at both Hartman Park and the Athletic Field Complex um as well as some necessary repairs uh you'll see a resolution tonight 24-13 appropriating $12,500 the reason for that is that the 2021 Grant um until we knew what we were going to do with the funds only 17,500 of the 30,000 awarded was ever appropriated this appropriates the rest of the money just making it available and of that 12,500 we're probably going to spend about 6,000 of it on those two projects that I just mentioned as well as there's a $6,000 match from the county the other 6,500 or so will go into some of the other projects we've been discussing which are still all very much in Works getting quotes um things like that so actually speaking of which uh we're getting a few quotes for the project at the Athletic Field Complex of taking The Botch court and maybe turning it into sort of a shade structure picnic Pavilion we had we met with my the rec director and myself met with two different vendors so far and just working through the different options the different price points you know you can spend as much as you want or you can spend as not as little as you want but there's the lower end and there's a higher end so we're kind of just going through what's a cost if we do this what's the cost if we do that and trying to bring it into the most reasonable but also functional number that we can get um you're also going to see on tonight's agenda the update or the introduction to the salary ordinance uh 24-15 um these are done typically every other year by our CFO and um I just wanted to note that the numbers are ranges you might see maximums going up but that doesn't mean that the person is getting the maximum or even even at the the middle of the range um but the ranges do need to overtime obviously change and increase to absorb potential raises and and changes um for anyone in the public interested in we've got we we we're getting a lot of calls about those slate slabs and people wanting to purchase them there's one more day to bid on it it's if you go to garwood.nj for more information and for future bullick updates if you miss the June 10th one there's there's I think three more planned throughout the rest of the year and lastly I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at U Garwood rocks on June 2nd okay does anybody have any questions for Mr Arthur okay uh I will move ahead to my mayor's report uh this week is National Public Works week as well as EMS week um and I'd like to thank all of our DPW as well as garwood's first aid squad for all that you do for our residents uh last week was also National Police Week so I'd like to honor the work our police department does for us as well we were very lucky here in Garwood to have so many strong departments that work hard for us day in and day out both employees and volunteers so um just want everybody to know that does not go unnoticed uh along that line last week I was honored to attend the 200 clubs Valor award ceremony where three three of our officers Officer Sanchez sergeant pridey and Sergeant Wright were honored for their heroic save late last year of a resident experiencing some mental distress uh this is a very distinguished award and I was thrilled just to be there to show my gratitude to the officers we will be honoring them here at an upcoming council meeting most likely in June um where we as a burrow can show our appreciation June 2nd as Mr Arthur said is the 10th anniversary of Garwood Rock so we hope to see everyone there celebrating Garwood with food trucks vendors great bands and of course the car show uh there will also be a number of burrow groups with booths to visit so make sure to come by and of course prepare for road closures that day our DPW will be on hand to help as well as our police fire and first aid squads then on June 3 join us at 5:30 to inaugurate our second outdoor AED over at Hartman Park uh as you may have seen last fall we installed an outdoor AED at the rec complex complex uh and we have worked to ensure our other burrow owned Park is now equipped properly as well so our First Responders will be there to help us unveil this important new piece of life-saving equipment so join us June 3 uh last week I was sworn in once again as a board member of the New Jersey Conference of mays I participated in a number of panel discussions on topics including flooding and cannabis uh a particular interest was one on affordable housing as I've mentioned before and I know we'll talk about again um the state will be going through another round this fall and Garwood will have to work with our planners to create another plan and enter into an agreement with fair share housing early next year uh last night I attended a meeting of the ridan Valley Line mayor's Alliance we spoke with representatives of New Jersey Transit um some interesting news about ridership postco while overall ridership is still very much below pre-co levels ridership on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday is back at capacity so meaning the total numbers that they use are really affected by what is seemingly the new hybrid work situation uh and actually on the weekends ridership is actually 15% higher than in 2019 which was very interesting to hear so um right now New Jersey Transit isn't making any adjust ments but it is something they are looking at and it's something the alliance is also looking at as we continue to push for more trains on our line uh something we are looking at is pushing more shoulder trains on the schedule as the new hybrid work schedule seems to be lending itself towards Riders taking later trains like 10: a.m. as opposed to you know the 9:00 a.m. so uh the groups also discussed our next steps in advoc advocacy right now there's a push by summon the state for the corporate Transit fee to fund the deficit for New Jersey Transit uh and that's where businesses making over 10 million in profit would be held to a search charge that goes directly to fund New Jersey Transit the the funding needed at New Jersey Transit is something that could very well make the difference in adding more trains to our line so it's something we're looking closely at um and on a local note I will be in talks with the New Jersey Representatives that were at our meeting the New Jersey Transit Representatives excuse me uh that were at our meeting um for some much needed upgrades to our system uh we've talked before about the bigger ones like the rais platform and Ada accessibility but uh we also need some more aesthetic ones uh like nicer larger waiting areas so more to come on that our citizens advisory panel also met this last weekend to discuss some parking topics that have come up uh in the police committee including adding some parking along West Street and along South Avenue across in front of vermel uh we also discussed their thoughts on applying for the kids rec Grant this year when it comes out uh and they unanimously agreed we should move forward with it so more on all of these discussions I know we'll have more from the police committee today and um more from uh Community engagement as we move along uh and these topics come out of committee that is all for me uh comments from the council councilwoman Bodo thank you mayor um I also would like to thank all our Public Works employees on National Public Works week uh we appreciate the efforts and we certainly recognize our dedication and hard work thanks thank you councilman Foley um I want to thank the gwood fire department for inviting me and for organizing such a moving Memorial event it was an honor to join the department in Remembering and celebrating the brave firefighters who have dedicated themselves to keeping our town safe the event was beautifully orchestrated and I am grateful to have been a part of it finally as we head into the Memorial Day weekend I want to wish everyone in Garwood a safe and happy holiday during the weekend I humbly ask that you take a moment to reflect on the solemnness of the occasion and to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country let us honor their memory together thank you thank you and I'm sure it's in um councilwoman n's report later but there is a memorial day service at Nights of Columbus uh we will honor all of the the Fallen Soldiers uh and that will be Monday at 12 councilman Lazaro no comments for me um did anybody have anything from councilwoman noie for comments no okay councilwoman salmon no comments this evening council president Carney uh thank you mayor I appreciated the opportunity to speak on your behalf uh last night at the Garwood fire department memorial service uh our firefighters hold this yearly ceremony to honor fire department members and Ladies Auxiliary members who have passed away uh the tradition of this ceremony has been kept up in Garwood for uh many decades and it really is a great thing to honor uh a volunteer Service uh that has always been at the foundation of Garwood uh I also enjoyed meeting with the citizens advisory committee uh as you mentioned to review uh parking and pedestrian safety issues that are under discussion in the police committee uh this is another outstanding group of volunteers and uh I appreciate their patience and hearing out the details of these discussions and all the thoughtful follow-ups so uh thank you to all them and that's all for me tonight okay thank you yes I was sorry to have missed the memorial the fire memorial service but thank you to everybody who went it's always a beautiful service they put on uh minutes miss Cameron yes uh minutes of the regular meeting of the mayor and Council held on May 9th 2024 can I have a motion to accept regular meeting minutes as presented so moved second uh all in favor I opposed okay Communications please miss Cameron New Jersey state League of municipalities received and filed raway Valley sewage Authority regarding minutes received and filed town of Westfield regarding ordinance received and filed we have two ordinances up for adoption tonight miss Cameron can you read ordinance 24-13 by Ty tile only yes an ordinance amending the burrow code of the burrow of Garwood by amending chapter 52 entitled alcoholic beverages article one sale and distribution subsection 52-3 licenses and fees do we have any correspondence concerning this ordinance we do not mayor does anyone present wish to be heard concerning ordinance 24-13 okay can I have a motion to close public hearing on 24-13 some second uh any discussion can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 24-13 some moved second uh roll call please councilwoman Bodo I councilman Foley I councilman Lazaro I councilwoman salmon I council president crony I uh Bond ordinance 24-14 miss Cameron can you read it by title only please yes Bond ordinance to authorize the 2020 4 Road Improvement project in buy and for the burough of Garwood in the county of union state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $678,000 to pay the cost thereof to appropriate a state Grant to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds do we have any correspondence concerning this bot ordinance we do not mayor does anyone present wish to be heard concerning Bond ordinance 24-14 please come to the microphone state your name and address and please keep your comments to five minutes good evening mayor ladies and gentlemen of the council Bruce patteron 325 will Avenue uh more or less just just some confirmation um it looks like you know looking at all the dollar figures in here so $214,000 will be uh in the bands you know which is our temporary notes uh $463,000 will be from a state Grant and so the total the total is $678,000 for the three streets listed here in um I guess my question is on the bands um right now we're we're carrying a lot of money from the past 10 years I'm just wondering is this going to be rolled in with uh the bonding that's coming up with the other bands or or if Sandy I talk to Sandy later on but anyway it was just more or less confirming uh the numbers that were're here in thank you is there anybody else who wishes to address the mayor and Council on this ordinance okay can I have a motion to close public hearing some oh you have a question on this oh I'm sorry yes that where this is public Comon just on this Bond ordinance regular general public comment will come later no problem um do I have a motion to close this public hearing so moved second any discussion um just for uh yes your numbers are correct um I would assume it would roll in but I will certainly have Sandy get back to you on that just to confirm um can I have a motion to adopt Bond ordinance 24-14 so moved second a roll call please councilwoman vodo I councilman Foley I councilman Lazaro I councilwoman salmon hi council president Carney I we have one ordinance up for introduction uh miss Cameron can you read ordinance 24-15 by title only yes an ordinance fix salary and wages of certain officials and employees of the burrow of Garwood in the county of union state of New Jersey can I have a motion to introduce ordinance 24-15 some moved second roll call please councilwoman Bodo hi councilman Foley I councilman Lazaro I councilwoman salmon I council president Carney I okay Council standing committee reports finance and Personnel councilman Foley uh nothing to report to at this time okay fire and OEM councilman Lazaro thank you uh as the previous councilman talked about yes I also attended the annual fire department Memorial ceremony honoring members of the community who are no longer with us but who have served as vital members or supporters of the fire department or Ladies Auxiliary it was an honor to speak and pay tribute to those that have sacrificed so much to help serve our town I believe this event serves as a tribute and a morale booster to those that continue to volunteer on our current Squad and that's all for my report thank you councilman uh Community Development councilwoman salmon thank you mayor last week the mayor and I met with garden homes along with our town planner we are currently looking at our new affordable housing obligation we'll be meeting again with garden homes in the next few weeks and I will provide an update then thank you Public Works councilwoman Bodo thank you mayor I have a little bit of a long report today um in addition to the recurring duties the Public Works employees cleaned up the common areas around the municipal complex and the fire department dragged the infield and striped the little leak field at the sports complex performed the monthly fire extinguisher inspections at all Barrow owned buildings we did the Landscaping beds at the municipal complex sports complex Kennedy Plaza and Georgiana Memorial picked up and installed the Garwood rocks banners installed the taste of Garwood Banner near the under pass on Center Street relocated the old Center Street Blue Stone sidewalk labs to the recycling center perform Sher removal printing elevating in various locations of the bur including the 500 block of Spruce Avenue installed 28 Park Mobile signs planted and water the flowers in the street beside Planters C the vegetations and weeds trim the landscape bushes and shrubs at the municipal complex sports complex and georgana Memorial installed new mulch in the Landscaping beds at the mun IAL complex um separately at the last council meeting there were a few items the mayor asked the Public Works committee to review um the first one as part of the infrastructure Grant there was discussion to further the sidewalk on West Street however two residents who would be impacted are opposed although the sidewalk could be installed on the opposite side the thought of parking reduction is a concern since this is a a safety concern the committee has proposed the installation of flashing Crossing llies as well as flashing stop signs we received quotes and once we're able to review them I will have an update with a recommendation at our next meeting secondly the planning board through its April 25th memo recommended the review of the open space and Recreation element and advanced the recommendation to place properties under the recreation and open space inventory or uh rosi in order to qualify for green Aur funding through the njd for preservation efforts a municipality is required to provide njd with a list of all the lands within its boundaries that are encumbered for open space conservation or Recreation purposes lands on the recreation and open space inventory can be owned by the municipality County or another entity and leased by the municipality but must be utilized and held for recreation or conservation purposes prop listed on rosi generally do not include those owned and used by schools or Farmland I met with the shed tree officer and the bar administrator to discuss the properties recommended by the planning board we plan to meet with the tax assessor in a couple of weeks and then with the bar attorney once we have more detailed information and confirmation on the uh properties listed we will be able to present it for discussion and ultimately a recommendation to the planning board lastly um a resident on the dead end of Union Street would like to plant holy bushes in the RightWay part of her front yard to keep the away and protect her pollinat gardian the committee and B administrator do not have any objection um you will see resolution 24099 on the agenda and I hope that Council will support it to accommodate this resident that's all from my report okay thank you and thank you for doing the work on all of those Rosie properties rosi properties um there's a long list of them but it's important that we update that and get them on on the list uh so that we can conserve them um so I know uh it's it's a it's a long process it's not going to be an overnight thing um work you know as the our attorney and tax assessor look at it but it's it's a worthwhile one for Garwood so thank you thank you and thank you to um Mr Arthur he has been very very helpful police council president Carney thank you mayor uh BAS on discussions in committee and with citizens advisory last week uh we are requesting that a few items related to parking be moved to the agenda for an ordinance introduction at our next meeting uh working from Chief stofer's recommendations the committee is proposing the addition of nine marked spaces on the south side of South Avenue in front of the second vermella building three additional Mark spaces on the north side of South Avenue uh in front of the first vermella build buildings retail storefronts and six new marked spaces on the east side of West Street uh that would be between Willow and Myrtle Avenues um the South Avenue spots in front of vermel 2 were not currently marked out and they were originally set aside for responding firefighters uh however I've spoken with councilman Lazo and confirmed that the fire department has not used this area to park and does not intend to uh the new parking spaces would be added to the paid parking overlay uh and as with all of our other paid parking they would be available to Firefighters who respond to a call uh anytime there is a call uh hopefully these additional spots will help alleviate concerns from both Willow Avenue residents and several business owners along South Avenue about retail parking uh we are also proposing some tweaks to the numbered spaces on Willow Avenue near the Center Street intersection uh which are currently available for businesses to lease Chief stoer informed the committee that the mark spaces on Willow Avenue that are adjacent to vermella 2 that's up behind the building off South Avenue uh are not well utilized uh and only about half of the current numbered spaces closer to Center Street are least so in committee we were discussing changing over one parking space to uh 15 minutes for pickup and deliveries and uh also the assigning of a reserved space for veterans so the committee is proposing uh relocating four of the business Reserve spaces that are currently unassigned anyway uh to the end of the 400 block on Willow Avenue and adding signage indicating that the remaining spaces there are residential permit parking only uh and then converting the four spaces closest to the Center Street intersection on either side of the street uh two would be additional paid spot spots one would be the 15minute spot and the one Reserve veteran spots would be the one closest to the post office in the intersection uh so I will direct all this in writing to the burrow administrator so an ordinance can be drafted and circulated to the rest of the council for feedback before our next meeting and that's all for this report unless you have thank you you know what I just um it's because it is a lot we know we said that at the citizens advisory I mean there's a lot of parking going on and moving uh pieces um Chief can I ask you to talk a little bit about um a why uh the additional spaces especially along South Avenue and West and then maybe um the employee parking terms South Avenue just a part of that was trying to keep people to the 435 building on 435 side especially visitors also there was some concern for some of the businesses around West um we we change the 24-hour parking they really part hit on that so trying to meet halfway with that also for the the inevitable people that are going to cross between 435 and 450 that may help alleviate some of the issues that we have with car stopping then other car going around then and The Pedestrian that was concern as well but um as the paid parking comes in I think we'll have a better idea of what the needs are going to be as far as the other spots on rway Avenue and down on the other side of Willow toward West um to see what happens with the businesses and they need more will be business spots okay and also um I think the three spots by the retail especially the the one store it's over right now it's really something that they're going to need yeah so okay you know just uh try to help yeah help yeah I I and it's also paring that's always been so it's nothing new it's just bringing it back bringing it back is really what it is okay um I don't know if anybody has any questions about it I would like to address it or if you want to sit on it and think um and and email questions over to the chief or anything or to police committee um when we discuss at citizens advisory we we talked about how it was kind of like a win for many different things the retail that's coming and there is if you see there is another uh retail location up they did put their window signs up so we're getting there um it's a win for them it's also a win for sort of like the road diet to try and help uh narrow the road and and to help uh eliminate any pedestrian issues that people who are crossing um and then for yeah I I understand that's always been an issue the parking over in that on that area so if if there's room to to help I mean it goes into our paid parking anyway so if there's room to help then I I the the citizens advisory panel saw it as pretty much a win for that so um and then yeah I do think once Park Mobile kind of is rolled out for a while we'll be able to see in terms of who's parking where on Willow for with the employees parking I do think you might get a couple more owner business owners here who might want a spot uh and then we can look towards how we maneuver them because I do like the idea of putting a veteran spot right in front of the post office I think that's a great idea um so and I I do know I have had concerns from residents about like a 15 minute spot so they can run in and grab food um so I think those are things we're going to need to address so we're getting there so okay anybody we're good um just had a maybe a clarification and I Know Chief you you spoke about it um on our finance committee meeting but just for the benefit uh and and just if there's any updates in regards to the timeline of the implementation of the parking so that everyone knows because I don't know office if the timeline has changed at all um or if it's still on the same path as what you we were spoken on finance committee sameth June 3 is going to be the roll out and will start um not to give any of the secrets away but be a lot of warnings in the beginning for people get into the groove and used to it but the the uh June 3D will be the start date and uh make sure to take a look at Garwood social media there will be updates on social media pages to uh about that okay um Community engagement Council uh does anybody have councilwoman no's report I do you do thank you mayor um Garwood partnership for arts and culture the Garwood partnership for arts and culture is planning a group art project to celebrate pride month we're asking members of the community to submit their original 9 by9 Square abstract artworks using the colors of the rainbow the artwork will be collected and assembled into one large piece by the gpack artist for display at the library during June directions will be posted on the Garwood burrow website drop of your Creation in the gpac celebrates pride month box a barrel hole by June 5th you may submit more than one original abstract artwork for inclusion in the project historical the historical committee the historical committee will be participating in the Memorial Day ceremony on May 27 as well as participating in Garwood rocks with its Garwood rocks scavenger hunt find the Rocks hidden around town and answer questions about Garwood history to win prizes Recreation summer camp uh there are 13 34 register for Campus of today last day for early bird pricing is tomorrow May 24th at $110 a child prices go up on Saturday to $135 per child stepped into summer Walkin challenge uh June 1st to June 30th stepped into Summer with the gwood recreation committee's walk-in challenge starts June 1st track your steps and report them weekly there's a chance to win raffle prizes receive weekly health tips participate in optional group walks sign up um on the website and for more information email Recreation atwood.com us with a lunch on to follow uh this is open to the public to attend adult sucker is held on Friday nights from 8:00 p.m. to 10: p.m. at the sports complex register at w . gar.com and the ice cream social please save the date it will be on Monday July 22nd free ice cream treats for the whole family during the fire department's pump Trail at 7 p.m. that's all thank you that's a fun night um Library mayor's representative councilman Lazaro thank you mayor so upcoming events happening at the library on May 31st at 9:00 a.m. there will be an author visitor visit local author Laura sassy will read her book good night Arc and provide a craft for the Lincoln School kindergarten classes at the library the library's annual bookmark contest has uh completed the library had over 50 participants for its annual bookmarks contest Lincoln students created bookmark design encompassing this year's summer reading theme adventure begins at your library all participants will receive a small gift for participating on June 2nd from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. uh you can visit the library booth at the Garwood Rock Street Fair sign up for our card learn about the library programs and participate in the libraries raffle on June 4th the New Jersey primary election will take place as a one of the polling locations the library will be open the children's section will be closed the computers and seating are not available on that day browsing and checkouts are though permitted on June 10th the summer reading uh signups begin Adventure begins at your library is the theme and they'll be celebrating all kinds of Adventure and travel the summer events include ice cream parties scavenger hunts and other from programs you could also have a chance to win tickets to Great Adventure The Mall of America's Legoland Discovery Center or the sea life New Jersey Aquarium registration begins today pick up your summer reading packet on June 13th is the target date for the launch of our new of the Garwood Library new system Garwood library has has joined a library Services Consortium called Stella Stella is a Consortium with more than 47 libraries and branch locations spanning middle sex Mammoth and Mion County including the neighboring communities of Cranford Westfield Scotch Plains Clark and Fanwood after the transition to Stella Garwood residents will be able to reserve items from any of the 40 plus libraries and have them sent directly to our library for checkout this will expand the number of books and other items that Garwood residents have access to to more than 3.2 million Garwood library cards will also automatically be accepted at all Stella 40 plus libraries to make the transition there will be some several uh there will be several temporary impacts to service from May 6th to June 13th there will be a pause on processing new materials and Inter Library loan requests from June 4th to June 13th limited Library services including no new holds on material no new library carts issued accounts cannot be accessed without library cards and return items cannot be checked in and on June 13th we hope for the new library system to become available and finally the library will be closed on May 27th for Memorial Day and just one final note is that that Stella program was fully funded by a Union County Grant which has helped uh to provide access to all of those new services and uh books and resources that's all for my report I'm very excited for that for Stella y all right School Board liaison council president Carney uh the Garwood Board of Education met on Tuesday May 21st uh there was nothing relevant to the borrow a report from that meeting uh the board's next regular scheduled meeting is on Tuesday June 18th okay um I have no report for the seniors our next meeting is June 6th at 12m at Nights of Columbus uh small business advisory council president Carney uh thank you mayor just a quick one uh tonight and tomorrow are the last two days to get your taste of Garwood in uh so thank you to everyone who's been out and about in town all week supporting our great local restaurant scene uh don't forget to post a public picture on either Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag Taste of Garwood for a chance to win one of several gift cards that have been donated by some of our participating venues and that's all yes there's some good gift cards so make make sure to hashtag Board of Health liaison councilman Foley the guard the Garwood Board of Health met on May 15th and Garwood resident Deborah brosi was appointed to the Garwood Board of Health fulfilling a vacancy for an unexpired term effective May 1524 until uh December 31st 2024 cat licensing was also discussed the Westfield Board of Health intends to introduce an or in September mandating the ra R rabies vaccine licensing of all cats this is due to a high rate of rabies known to be carried by cats and increase of RAB reports fil filed with Westfield Board of Health Community Health was also discussed the county of Union has sponsored a community health needs assessment survey with healthc Care Partners to gain a thorough understanding of health issues within neighboring counties the survey is currently posted on the County website until May 25th immunization rates amongst Garwood Public Schools were also discussed Lincoln School RC kids and the YMCA all have Exempted pupils a new health office will be opening soon in Madison and will assist with immunizations for Westfield and Garwood residents that is all okay uh planning board liaison councilwoman salmon no report okay uh no officers reports on our agenda so we will move to public comment if there's anyone in the audience who wishes to address the mayor and Council please step to the microphone and state your full name and address and please liim your comment to 5 minutes joh pitchard 410 Bruce Garwood first we must back our police officers firefighters and rescue squad personnel as they do their duties to the best of their ability they're out there every day uh serving us even at risk of their lives let me say this abolishing police departments abolishing fire departments and abolishing rescue squads is not the answer and markw what I just say ladies and gentlemen should never be the answer they're out there every day serving us they're the people who can can on when the going gets rough they have the attitude of I'll be there and never you fear in their in their DNA they're out there every day and so are our military personnel we must back our military personnel or who are serving our country both at home and abroad with the uh border crisis the way it is right now what if some illegal M migrant uh it's caught on a federal military post we must back our soldiers Sailors Marines coast guards but Airmen as they protect and defend our country we failed to do so during the war in Vietnam three of garwood's sons lost their lives fighting for us they love the S every day in aund ways they told told us so in honesty in affection they told us so they loved us so every day in aund ways they showed us so with loyalty and bravery they showed us so they were our Defenders and they kept us free they took an oath to guard us and fought for Liberty they loved us so and we should know for we love them so finally we need to pressure the state legislature in Trenton to reopen some closed hospitals such as mberg and planfield because what if an the 911 attack occurs we'll need those hospitals very very badly the sooner we activate those closed hospitals the better off we all will be do make your prayer thank you thank you Mr prer is there anybody else who wishes to address the mayor and councel good evening everyone uh ol kachenko 33d Avenue uh I want to thank you guys for applying for the grants and improving our roadways and upgrading so I have a concern about the corner of Third Avenue in gallows Hill in particular that after the construction there is a giant paddle in front of my house and it's been happening after every single rain event I brought it to the attention of the engineer and thank you to John Vol board by the way for responding and replying to my emails but this is unacceptable because the road elevation was changed it was raised before it was draining from the crest of The Gallows Hill along the curb on Third Avenue into the inlet now it just stands in front of the Crossway walk that we just installed in front of my house which I don't mind that's fine but in the rain event how are you going to cross through the giant paddle 2 Ines of water besides that the water runs once the paddle fills up it runs across the street into a Cranford house backyard this is unacceptable guys try to bring it up and it pulls on that ears seems like second of all curb I ask for details on a curve terminations which detail you using do or not or there is a particular want for the town because you wouldn't install a curb termination like that with a hunk of asphalt in front of mayor's house or in front of any member of this Council I mean this is just ugly would you do it in front of your house no I'm sure not so I understand there is a tree obstruction but there are other ways of fixing it I'm working in a heavy construction industry myself I know how it's done thank you just um I bring Mr disco to answer this at the end of public comment Mr chenko but can I just clarify you said there's a pothole or I just not a poth hole but because the elevation of the G line by the curb was raised by about two Ines so the water doesn't run so it blocks and it puddles right at the corner puddle okay I sent pictures John has all the pictures even from today's event you saw the giant p I'm not making the stuff up I can show you pictures after every single rain and getting drain in a small strip in front of my house because it's not paav and it goes to a neighbor's yard okay or the car is dragging it along the road also thank you since maybe I have not a minute but got one minut so I just heard that PNG is going to be installing some stuff and they're going to be Paving from Curb to curb not after their work not on your not on yours well I'll talk about it okay but what I'm trying to say is that one is the Gallow skill is going to get repayed it's patch after patch I don't know how many bandid can we put on it I mean you can lose a tire at one time okay you know thank you so and lastly last he got 10 seconds parking spaces I understand everyone needs a parking space when you go shopping but how's it going to impact the traffic right now it around 5:00 5:30 it takes about 20 minutes to cross the this intersection right here in front of the town so how is it going to affect the traffic is it going to be backed up even more or vermel can provide the parking space in their garage for the patrons that visit their shopping center okay thank you thank you okay is there anybody is there anybody else who wishes to address the mayor and Council uh good evening mayor ladies and gentlemen of the council Bruce Patterson 325 Willow Avenue the uh parking obvious obviously some parking is being readjusted and such and when uh Mr Harris the original the previous ba you know he had this this Dot Plot of all the colored dots you know that kind of made sense you know as you were setting up but now uh obviously it's changed are are you going to be like updating that colored Dot Plot that he put out and probably put it on the website so the public can actually look and see what is a vet you know a vet parking spot and the additional spots on the South Avenue which was designated for the gfd and you know is now for public parking which actually brings a question the exit and entrance of of vermel across the street and then people are going to be parking like across the street on the south side of South Avenue seems like there's going to be some kind of interference there I'm not traffic expert but seems it's going to be a tight area as they're pulling out um oh Kitty M yeah kitty mad who just called me right before the meeting she's going to be 100 years old in August so keep that in mind I I know like giving out proclamations you know because it is exciting when you hit 100 years old uh the good news was the Hartman AED um I'm excited about that that you know you can intercept maybe a Heth incident right then and there so that's great that is going to happen uh some questions on the resos uh 2495 that's the UC INF infrastructure rant which you know is great count I like to count sometimes but anyway that's for the rugs you were talking about and I'm just wondering who assessed the condition of the rug that that determined that it was going to be replaced I'd really like to know who did that because I'll tell you right now I'm looking at the rugs they were steam plan many years ago when Tina was the uh previous ba but anyway and I'll tell you they're in great shape but who's the one that assess be a bading the 24100 uh you're hiring another temporary Anthony kagro I guess we DPW just last time I know you hired two others for the DPW so now we have three I don't know how how many Temporaries do we have uh 24101 yeah this is an interesting one all there's additional part-time parking enforcement officers uh if you can explain mean h how you know how this is going to be working because now there's not only Mr Patterson I'm no relation uh there's one two three four more uh 102 uh it's the Pierce Light Tower that's being uh replaced because there's damage and also for the ladder truck that's still sitting over there that was damaged how long are are each of those two vehicles going to be out of service and when when are they actually going to be repaired if you know that answer uh oh the resolution 24104 is the executive session uh just an overview discussing personal matters is that are we being sued by somebody or are we suing somebody or is this negotiation is it's just an overview of what this personal matters is about and uh that's it so thank you very much and uh yes a very solemn Memorial Day is coming up where we honor our uh the Garland 27 Fallen senior veterans you know that c us way World War II and Vietnam so and thank you very much for honoring them all the time thank you thank you is there anybody else who wishes to address the mayor and Council yes ma'am um Joe Paul 543rd Avenue so first um thank you to all the awesome selfless EMS professional past present um this week we're celebrating them um it's the 50th anniversary of EMS week and they really mean more to us than they'll ever know well at least to some of us right um and they really should be recognized every day you had this up so high chief that normal people it's way too high um so speaking of um you wouldn't run around saying happy September 11th right would you so while while you enjoy your weekend and Memorial Day please um take a moment to remember it's about those who died while serving our country and head to a remembrance ceremony like the one we have here or in Cranford to honor them and please keep the word happy out of your Memorial Day messaging you save that for November 11th Veterans Day the day we celebrate those who served or the third Saturday of May that just passed which is Armed Forces Day when we celebrate those currently serving um if if you're not following the olivver foundation on Facebook Instagram or LinkedIn you should change that because we have a lot to share leading up to CPR and AD awareness week which is June 1st through 7th some really exciting things are coming up um we're excited for Garwood rocks on Sunday June 2nd and for the following evening because as the mayor stated on Monday June 3D Garwood will be unveiling our second all- weather climate controlled tamperproof a enclosure and device at Hartman park at 5:30 p.m. during this community event we will show people how easy it is to do CPR compressions and how ridiculously easy it is to use an AED literally zero training is needed attendees will also have the opportunity to meet our Town's awesome selfless First Responders and we really hope to see everybody there because this is really meant to bring the entire Community together and not to be politically driven um and that's really important if you were at the last one it wasn't about politics it was really you know showing that we have this thing that it was important obviously to our town but to our police chief and to really be able to save lives I love that we have this one going in um at Hartman because you know Jackie and I and you know different people in our neighborhood we take our dogs for walks there every single night and um while I have an endless supply of ads currently in my apartment um it's really important if something happens um you know and then you have the building that's right there you have the school you have you know just so many you know you can just run right there and and utilize that so super super excited so please come out um you know if you're watching if you're in back of me if you're there please come out for that but the biggest thing is it's the night before the primary so please do not make this political because if you do you will never see me in this town again I swear thank you thank you is there anyone else who wishes to address the mayor and Council okay uh can I have a motion to close public comment so moved second all in favor I I opposed okay um Mr chenko um I just so you know when we were talking talking about PSC and coming in to finish their work they had done some gas meter replacement on other streets uh here on the South Side uh and Mr disco was talking about they're coming into pave now what you know they had to let it settle and now you know where they dug up and now they're Paving curb to curb so it doesn't include um Third Avenue um in terms of parking spaces adding to the traffic there's and actually this goes into I think a question for that Mr Patterson gave um it's not really going to add into traffic it's these parking spaces were there originally were kind of putting them back um and uh you know I I think it would the ones on West I think will actually help anything that gets backed up during surgence when they have their classes come in and out um but the ones on South Avenue um it's you know the it's it's nothing that I it's three spaces I believe or two spaces in front of the businesses we're not talking about adding anything um across the street from the fire station so it should it's not going to affect uh the fire department coming in and out with their trucks the parking that they were talking about on that side is is on that side not across the street so and it's currently right now designated for the fire department to use but they have obviously as you heard up here said that they don't want to use it they don't intend to use it they still can if they ever want to but um at then it just makes sense to add it to our parking for anybody that might be visiting verela to but it's not going to be blocking the box or anything like that um so it shouldn't have any effect on any sort of turning radius or anything like that and or a tight area with the fire department um and you know the fact of the matter is that there is um parking in verm uh they do have the uh retail parking and visitor parking and they have put up new signage which I hope does show everybody as you're coming down South Avenue there is a large sign with the arrow pointing to the retail parking which we've been asking for so I hope that that does alert people that you can park behind the the stores and come out that way um but some people don't when they want to run in they want to like every Bowl you want to run and grab something so I do think that that would help I don't Envision it actually um adding to traffic what the the point of it was also just to um help in terms of traffic so that I and I experienced it myself I was waiting for a pedestrian a pedestrian just crossed and I was waiting for them and someone went around me and I almost hit that pedestrian because they decided they didn't like that I was waiting um so those spaces kind of visually help that so that was really the the intent behind it um in terms of the curb termination I'm not exactly sure I will assure you whatever is done to and in front of any of our houses is the same that is done in front of everybody's house there's no special Paving or in fact it took forever for my block to be paved too so then there's no special uh Paving that gets done to you know in front so I just want to make that clear um but I don't quite know what the curb termination issue is um or the puddling Mr disco did you want to speak to this I know if this was the the question that you were I can speak to this yes thank you um I'll pass these around uh we I spoke to John yesterday and I said I would look at this issue again after the next Reign and coincidentally that was today okay so yeah and um so my office is in yeah sure my office is in korth and uh it probably rained where I am till about 10:15 this morning I then went to a meeting Springfield and on my way back I went to revisit Third Avenue again so a a couple of things and it's i' I've talked to Oleg three times there's been numerous emails it's good to put the face to the voice and um uh he he does remind me he's in involved in construction you you do do that um and so if you look at the the first couple because in some of the emails it's terms like improper or unacceptable or whatever and I've been and I've communicated that I've driven a Third Avenue twice after rainfalls before and I went again today and although I can't give you a video of the entire Street line because cars are parked there where there was no cars parked I took the first four photos that you see and I'm very pleased with the drainage on Third Avenue in fact we had two repeat complaints uh one on the mid block on the south side and on the North side near near House 20 there was um some some complaints about always water there and this is two hours after the rainfall has ceased it wasn't intense for 15 minutes or so so we certainly had a good reaction to it and there's there's not a puddle or a drop on the street you see I show you the one Su pump it's pushing out underhead and then it drains along third so I'm very pleased with third if you go to photos five and six to the corner where Mr kachenko was talking about you do see uh on the where the paving butts into Gallows hill now when we do a street of course we are constrained at each end by where we Bud into the streets we don't change that condition and that's important to note when I when I get to the crosssection um also we don't get to change where the catch basins are now sometimes we can add catch basins we did add two mid block on this street I certainly think that they've helped the situation and then on photos seven and eight are Gallows Hill so I will I will certainly agree with uh Oleg that Gallow Hill is in poor shape and if you look at photos seven and eight you can see that I will point out to the uh the the committee some obvious things uh Gallows Hill is a split road with Cranford and um and Garwood hence probably the reason it hasn't been touched who knows how long and it's poth hold up and you can see from the photos there there's there's water in some of the puddles there I'd love to do Gallows Hill and certainly if you want to entertain that in the dot or whatever probably should be a discussion with Cranford or at least a contribution from one town to the other I'm all for that it certainly needs to be done um the if you look at the crosssection that it also gave you and I kind of highlighted the center line crosssection of gallows Hill and then the curb line where uh Third Avenue butts into it and that's on that grided sheet there and you'll see in the center line of gallows Hill there's a consistent pitch of the of the roadway pavement from from the from the south or from the Second Avenue side going to what I think it's called West End in in Cranford but if you look at the uh curb line or the West edge of that where Mr kachenko lives you'll see that the edge of there is actually not a consistent running uniformly down towards West End is there is in fact the 2-in low point or um dip of where that road is so that's been there and then I also provided I it's easy to P get a picture now because we're in real time but to go back in time so I'm constrained by Google Maps um they had about eight dates there that you could pick I gave you the December 2021 and if you see my bubble there's staining there's water ponding in that corner there so I don't think this is a new new item and I am I will say if if we could get rid of the tree and wrap that corner with curb Andor pave out into Gallows hill we can obviously remedy that situation but with the tree staying where it is I'm not putting curb the bituminous curb that was put there was requested the the gentleman requested it from me also requested of the P I let the pver handle it he he rolled some bit there if it's not attractive to somebody great it's only there until we ever ever do Gallows Hill and I certainly hope we can do that someday but the point is with the cross-section there was a low point there at that uh thing we only bued up to Gallow hill we didn't go into Gallows Hill and correct the the the historic problems or whatever problems are there so it we it can be fixed if we extend curbing around with or without a tree but I did wield the street Gallow Hill is only 20 foot wide in some areas your your minimum width on a residential site Improvement standard is 24t and with 24t in Cur curbs you can't have parking so that's a decision that somebody has to make if we want to put curbing there you're not going to be in in a position to park right now there's essentially no formal curbs some homeowners have put their own curbs in they're in R right away I'm certain they didn't get permits for that so that's an obstruction when you go to park if you line both sides of Gallow Hill with curbing which we would want to do you'd have to expand that and widen that roadway in order to do that you can't can't pave a 20 foot Road and put curbs on both sides and expect two-way traffic and parking one side or two side again 24 feet wide you maybe could do parking on one side Third Avenue for comparison is 40 feet wide it's twice as wide as Gallows Hill so there's challenges with Gallow Hill I would love to do it the resident is correct Gallows Hill is is in very poor shape it is so I'd love to do that but we it's half at Cranford yeah who pays for it are we going to do it for Cranford are they going to do it for us um curbing is another thing we' certainly want to put curbing curbing allows the paving contractors to follow the curb grade and get better uh Paving if you pave without curbs you're relying on the eyesight you could be up and down water's going to have to drain off into the grass areas so I think you have a solution long term I could certainly um add some Paving there as a patch I don't know if I can force the contractor to do it but with talking to Lenny we could do something and we could get rid of a a a that little ponding prom that's the only one I saw that there but I think the the the certainly the more refined and I I drew a future grade there to eliminate the problem but you you see you're going to go up probably 4 in it's going to be the same grade as the center of the street there's really no grading or a crown of Gallow Hill because it's so narrow number one and as the resident said it does actually drain across to the um the homes on the other side that's just the way it is so we didn't go into Gallows hill we didn't correct the low Point that's at that corner I'm happy to entertain things I don't want to be confrontational I want I'm trying to solve things um I think I think what we did on third though I mean it's been categorized as improper I think it it the proofs in the pudding that if you go up and down the street like I did today again for the third time now since May 1st that that water drains we corrected a lot of problems there we can certainly correct this but I think the tree is the first problem that constrained me in where I could go I can't put curbing in and and take out two-thirds of the tree roots that's a problem that's a giant tree if that tree goes we're talking about destroying somebody's house um or something so I I'm not the expert in town and that tree was deemed to to to remain so we kept it there remain okay it looks to me like the work on third is done just fine it looks to me like the issue really is Gallow Hills well it's right right where they two streets me where and if we do go into an agreement with Cranford it looks like this could get corrected yeah is that the just the general overall assessment if if we do improvements to Gallow hill we that we would correct that problem and it's on the Gallow Hills was on the radar maybe now that we're going into the next do uh and figuring out what we want to do the next step is perhaps for uh our engineers and Mayors and Council people to get together and discuss what we can do we have done this with them before on Fifth Avenue yeah um so to discuss an agreement and I have mentioned it to the other May and he was more than willing to discuss it so um I I can't imagine Cranford people are happy with the condition of I think at this point it's it's lived its life that road so um perhaps that's one piece of our next do so maybe within the next couple weeks we get some sort of uh discussion going assessment figure out maybe it's similar to Fifth Avenue in the terms I don't remember what that was I think that was a little before me but um how that was handled but we can look into that um and that be a next step and then that could solve this problem very easily not only solve the problem but but M Gallow Hill help our residents on Gallows Hill who I'm sure real Road who I'm sure are sitting there very patiently waiting for that road to be done so um just uh also it looks like um Mr disc you uh targeted two blocks for the 2025 yeah and you said that uh the do was open to us targeting up to three blocks you can name three streets so you could do a Third Street yeah okay so I mean obviously um we should do our due diligence and take a look at all these locations but yeah I mean I I've yeah I mean that not I haven't gone down that road recently but yeah that looks really it's in need clearly yeah I mean it I know we're trying we want to keep the road work down like we did last year and um I think we can I think that there are roads like Maple that Mr disco mentioned that are in great need um and Gallows Hill which is obviously in great need that maybe the others you know they're a little yellow still and they can be pushed back so um I The Next Step uh Mr chenko is I will get everybody together on the same page with this and see what we can come up with for gaso yep I think we just have to reach out to Cranford and and have some sort of understanding they may not want to participate in gallows Hill this year who knows who knows for whatever reason but we can see what what what we can do I'd hate to pave half a road but you know that's true too but we can have that discussion with them as well so so um I I know no talking from the so I I have spoken with Cranford recently though and they are open to um they understand that there are roads that we share and so I'm not saying that it's on their like immediate radar this year but we can perhaps have that discussion and push it a little let's try yeah um okay moving on um yes I just oh I just wanted to clarify real quick with Mr disco there's no way to drop curb there without removing the tree just because I'm assuming something that I'm looking at the Google Maps um large and old as an extensive root system well if we if we do a curb concrete Granite block as we traditionally do you excavate down for the footing of that a curb is 18 to 20 inches deep um if you do that you're going to cut I mean I've always been told the roots go out generally to the extent of the tree although they may be small at that point um we approached the tree there was concrete curbing there before we didn't really change dramatically the extent of where the curbing limit was but if we wrap around we're obviously going to take out more Roots there if I was living there I would not myself want those roots on that side could because that's going to be the weak side it'll fall the other direction so it's going to go to the house so again I'm I'm not a tree hater I'm not a tree lover I'm I'm just in the middle um but the the tree neutral there you go so it's a beautiful big tree come on who's tree but again if you if you know if you're gonna uh establish a width along Gallows Hill you may have to on on both sides of the street go beyond where the pavement is right now so now you're going closer to the tree so Mr net and others will have to live with the fact that if we if we do Gallows Hill probably going to lose that tree can always plant more trees plant more but um and and you you know we can solve it again I can pave a little further out now uh either through public works or another thing or whatever but I'd rather assume get a more permanent proper solution and and we can get a whole street out of it through a grant great if not we'll figure it out some way but I think um uh common Minds can understand where we would like to head on this what I'm saying I think that this is a solvable problem it might not be solvable you know tomorrow tomorrow but I do think that this is something that we can look to solve this in this next year okay um parking uh the Dot Plot yeah uh we can update that um we wouldn't be able to update it we we we're a little bit aways from being able to update the Dot Plot though that Mr Harris had put together in terms of the parking because um we're still not sure we we'd have to pass ordinances about what's coming in um but eventually I do think it's good idea so that they can see exactly what uh spots are designated for what um that was the plan once everything kind of got together to put something up with that so uh we will follow through with that in terms of the infrastructure Grant the who was a it's not just rugs we're not just replacing this which by the way it's it may look like it's in good condition but if you come back here it's it's pulling up it's it's kind of a mess back here um but it's not just the rugs we need to replace the flooring in the administration offices um when we move things around there's there's no flooring back there in certain parts of it uh and it's also the police department and um the the locker room tiles and bathroom tiles so this is all in that project it's not just carpeting here in council chambers but if we are doing a large amount of the building it only does make sense to just do this part and get it done is it horrific no after we steam cleaned it it's it's better but it does make sense to actually to me also makes sense to do something a little bit more um easily maintained than carpet because carpet can get W as we've seen with stains and and it can pull up and things like that so um if you're doing a large part of it it's actually financially um you know it's more efficient to just do this at this point and get it done um so and the other areas in the building are in desperate need to be honest so this might not be as crucial but if we're coming in to do it and the grants there I just think it's it's reasonable to to take care of this now and not have to pay for it again in a couple years um Mr Arthur do you want to talk about the temporary uh workers for the DPW because we are hiring another but then we're losing a few because of the seasonal work uh when they can work and how many months so so we are with this hire tonight bring us to five seasonals but at the end of June we'll be back down to three then someone starts in July bringing us up to 4 and then three will be leaving us in August bringing us down to one so we we still have to hire for starting in July ideally or maybe even August so it's a it's an up and down yeah we're trying to of higher go it's different we're trying to plug some gaps right now the the idea is for the next couple months at least we're going to have extra seasonals than we typically have to really make the spread the spread the labor more evenly among the department and give relief to some of our full-time staff thank you yeah um the actually the resolution 24101 uh I actually am going to be asking the council to table um because we do need some more discussion uh with the the police department and uh Mr Arthur need to have a further discussion in terms of position so uh so that's going to be pulled anyway from the consent agenda um Mr Arthur the Pierce Light Tower do you have any idea um in terms of length of time I know you've been dealing dealing with the the company for a while length of time the truck will be out so the Light Tower fix you know assuming approved tonight they're looking at two to three months I believe just to get the part and then probably another month or two to do the fix we're looking at a three to five month process the light it won't be out of service for that long because it's in service right now the light power is still well the that the Pierce is still operational it's just the light tower part that's not operational so they can still use it while we're waiting for the part to come in um as for the repair um that was approved last time that also is I think about a 4month process total but again these are approximate numbers the vendors could change them you know um that's those are the timelines we've been given as estimates and we're looking to sort of um so we don't have a an overlap of of trucks out of service so I know that there is some working of the calendar with that yeah we're going to try our absolute best so that they're not both out at the same time it's two different vendors so right we've got it's not gonna be easy but we'll figure it out right okay okay all right thank you um and our executive session is about Personnel so there are no lawsuits that are being discussed Mr Patterson uh I think we can move on now to consent agenda um I'd like to ask I'd like to pull resolution 24- or ask a council member to pull resolution 24-11 and take and table that at that point when we get to it I'll request 2311 be deleted okay um anybody else would like something removed I would like to pull 24-10 okay anything else I'm sorry mine was 24-1 yes I I figured L track the all right can I have a motion to adopt the consent agenda as amended I'll make that motion second second uh roll call please miss Cameron councilwoman Bodo hi councilman Foley hi councilman Lazaro hi councilwoman salmon hi council president Carney I okay um 24-10 is there any discussion can I have a motion to adopt resolution 24-10 someone second uh W call please miss Cameron councilwoman Bodo I councilman Foley I councilman Lazaro I councilwoman salmon no council president crony I okay um resolution 24-11 uh make a motion to table 24-11 second okay um roll call please miss Cameron councilwoman Bodo I councilman Foley I councilman Lazaro I councilwoman salmon I council president Cory I okay all right miss Cameron can um you please read the executive session resolution 24-104 yes close session resolution authorizing an executive session for the purpose of discussing Personnel matters and matters of attorney client privilege relating to the above and in accordance with njsa 10 4-12 Close session meetings open to the public public exclusion of public subject of matter whereas it is necessary for the mayor and counsel of the buau of Garwood to conduct an executive session close to the public in order to discuss the above listed matter now therefore be it resolved that the Council of the burough of Garwood hereby moved to go into executive session in accordance with the provisions of the open public meeting act njsa 1046 for the purpose of discussing the subject stated above be further resolved that the matter is disced discussed in ad minutes of the closed session shall be disclosed to the public when the reason for confidentiality no longer exists no action will be taken um that's a correction yeah I just realized yes action may be taken um can I have a motion to adopt resolution 24-104 some moved um I will motion to adopt 24- 104 as amended reflecting the correction of the statement that action may be taken thank you okay so motion by councilman lazarra second by councilman Carney all in favor I opposed okay okay sorry about that