##VIDEO ID:rZv_ln6RTf4## say same just against hopefully think they are waiting ke I got to go to Spencers they have them there's dispensers in mow yeah come on smell good what is it okay hi everybody welcome if I could have everybody stand for a moment of silence and salute to the flag to flag of the United States of America the for stands Na indiv liy and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting was provided to the Union County Hawk advertised on January 4th 2024 notification was sent to the star lger and is posted on the municipal website the municipal public Bolton board and filed in the office of the municipal clerk informing the public of the time and place according to the O provision of the open public meeting Law chapter 231 pl1 1975 roll call please Miss Perry mayor blumenstock here councilwoman Bodo here councilman Foley councilman Lazaro councilwoman NY here councilwoman salmon here council president Carney here okay roll call of staff and professionals please Miss Perry Mr Arthur Mr abenson here Mr disco here Chief stoer here okay we are going to push the swearing in of patrolman uh akuk Kur just back a little bit because he's we're still waiting for some family members so we'll move to some of the reports first um report of our bur attorney uh nothing to report thank you uh report of our bur administrator Mr Arthur every truck number one for department has been returned um and is being tested out and is in good working order so they'll be sending out the other vehicle that needs to repairs in the next couple weeks um we have two resolutions for shared services with Fanwood on the agenda tonight uh one for court administrator another for DPW superintendent um we've developed a very strong relationship with Fanwood in the past couple years and uh both shared services represent a significant cost as you can see the flooring project in burall is underway um we anticipate a few more weeks before it's completely finished uh the clerk registar office and tax office will be closed tomorrow and we'll probably Clos for a few business days I was talking to the workers today they thought it might take a day or two at first and then looking at a little bit more they're thinking maybe more like two or three days for that part of the office after they'll do that in the hallway they'll move on to the police department so a couple weeks most likely the installation of the shade structure at the Athletic Field Complex is also scheduled to begin next week we met with the contractors for that today um they anticipate that once they get started that'll be a a week or two probably and they'll probably start mid next week they're looking toward the warmer days of the next week to P the concrete we're also introducing an ordinance tonight um in our shade tree ordinance and that basically just is to ensure that um when plantings are agreed upon with a hand board or land use board for a land use application that those approvals kind of the existing Purity so if those trees die or if something happens they have to be replaced since it was part of a land use board application okay thank you yes the flooring I think looks great in here can't wait for the whole building to be done um thank you for all of that coordination um I will I have a short report um it's among all my papers I'll get there there we go okay um I just wanted to say what a a wonderful evening Garwood had this past Saturday night the recreation committee volunteers and director K katell ISAC put together a really fun Christmas tree lighting um with music and food and crafts hot chocolate and donuts uh and if you were there you even saw a really cool robot dancer which was fun um it was it's really nice to see everybody gathered and enjoying themselves despite the freezing cold um so thank you to Santa and Mrs Claus for joining us as well as the police fire and public works department um for all of the hard work they once again put in to make this annual event a success uh and um the I just wanted to say the um Recreation committee members afterward had decided to bring back what was an old tradition of ice skating following the lighting um so we had that at Warren AO Park and it was an unbelievable success I think it was more than um 150 people uh Kata told me skated at the rink that night um and so we started off the holiday season right so I just want to thank uh the recreation committee again um it's really one of my favorite events of the year uh two weeks ago I attended the annual League of municipalities and was joined by councilwoman Boda the topic of the year of course was a affordable housing um but we also did attend a class about social media and municipalities it was actually interesting to see that Garwood is out of those who attended the class at least one of the few municipalities who have already engaged in and are compliant in the comprehensive archiving of the burough social media which is legally required um some municipalities are actually still catching up so it was really gratifying to see we're already ahead of the game in that area and of course the other major topic was next year's Governor's race with many opportunities for us to see and get to know the various candidates on both sides of the aisle so overall a great week I know we came away with some good ideas and possibilities for some future projects and Partnerships for Garwood um and just lastly on a different note I wanted to just give my condolences to Mayor McCarthy for the death of his mother Doris uh Doris was a longtime volunteer in Garwin and gave a lot of her time to serving our community so I just want to extend my sympathies to the whole McCarthy family okay moving along to um I I assume we we're still waiting Chief we're still waiting okay so we'll move along to our um Engineers report Mr disco the floor is yours good evening everybody I'll try to be brief uh first topic on the agenda was that good news we received our New Jersey Department of Transportation Municipal Aid 2025 Grant uh in the amount of $249 ,000 in change this is for resurfacing of sections of Maple Street West Street and Gallow Hill Road um we requested 420 we got the 249 the construction estimate was just over 420 so obviously when we go to do financing we'll have to make up the difference although that includes the Garwood and Cranford split on Gallow hill we didn't break that down we put the whole cost in so when the time comes to to do that it'll be less uh update on the uh Municipal Aid 23 project which is in construction by Riverview uh Beach Avenue Hemlock Avenue and Myrtle have all three Street sections they've completed the curbing the handicap ramps the driveway AP and restoration the drainage improvements and the restoration of the roadway in front of the curb they are scheduled to be in there very shortly with a subcontractor National water main at an orc who will do the television inspection of the sanitary stores on those three streets and assuming that there's no problems with those uh sore sections the next thing would be to do the milling and Paving of the streets subject to weather limitations obviously this last week it's been very cold but prior to this week we've had excellent temperatures 50s and 60s and we normally get good temperatures right up to Christmas time so I have every hope that we can still um pave um this year but we'll we'll have to wait on the weather um we we didn't get I at least I didn't get any phone or email complaints on U Myrtle I got two small complaints on beach one was which was uh please install a uh additional sidewalk which used to be a ramp at a corner we did that one drainage complaint that the sidewalk appears low but again that's really not accurate until we do the milling and Paving and then a debris issue that will direct to the contractor that they felt it was left in a a lot of debris or small stones behind which would normally be done uh or rectified with the milling and Paving it's just that because they shifted to go to another Street they didn't come right behind with the milling and Paving so we'll deal with all of those but those are relatively minor I think the contractor did on balance a very good job he coordinated well with the residents and I know on Myrtle right before um Thanksgiving the day before I was out there with the contractor and they had everybody in except four people they had communicated with all four and those people were able to get in within a day or two anyway uh the design work is ongoing for municipal a24 project East Street New Street and Walnut Street really will we'll aim to get a bid out in the spring on that after we go to do and then um I provided a um the two quotes we got we we were directed to get the quotes for the South Avenue pedestrian Crossing there with the flashing Beacon the arrangement As I understood it was that the beacon and the um crosswalk would be paid for by the developer uh we did discuss this a couple of months ago we actually solicited quotes beginning of October to the two contractors that we had open contracts with those were DLS and uh riverv viiew unfortunately DLS after much time said that they just weren't interested it's just too small for them and Riverview even though they keep saying they're going to give us a quote on it uh has not so what we did is we went to two other contractors Midwest which we technically have an open contract with from um 2023 work although I don't have any room in the contract and denar construction that we've done work with in the past and I provided those two quotes to you now on the surface it looks like it's 34,000 or 43,000 but the majority of the work more than half of the work is actually the beacon and the crosswalk and I listed what those approximate costs are and I do want to explain one other thing and if you have the quote forms you can see it there's an item in there for the foundation so the beacon poles require a foundation it's a concrete foundation 3 feet deep cylindrical it holds the the post up um um vertically so that it it won't be like a signpost that might be tipped over if somebody hits it that that cost or that item has to be done coincident with the curving and the concrete sidewalk work hence that's why we put this all together under one thing so um I listed there that it would be down to 14,000 the gar exposure if we pull out the Beacon and the crosswalk items but that 14,000 still includes a $3300 item for the foundation which presumably we can get from from the developer as a um a course pass on but we can't build the sidewalk in the curb without that found Foundation otherwise they're just going to rip up what we put in with the with with those two items so um I hope I'm not confusing anybody but we need to build the foundation for the pole at the same time we do the curving and the sidewalk work and that's reflected in the 14,200 okay um so I ask my questions first off that 14,200 um would be something we would be looking to possibly with the next do Grant work in or we could do that okay I guess timing wise we have to work this out first with Russo is what you're saying because we have to order and get in the beacons before they anybody can come in and do work no no we we can build the curb the depressed curb we could put the sidewalk in we could put the curb ramp delineation the red mats and have the foundation with anchor bolts in for the poles okay we just put a cone over the the anchor bolts per se the we would then have the developer order the beacon directly and whenever it comes in they would attach that in and when weather permits we would do they could do the crosswalk so that's one option is to pull out the Beacon and the crosswalk options from what we um issue to the contractor we could certainly issue everything to the contractor and recoup the money from the developer so whatever way you want there's options on that we we again we we originally had it separate I spoke whatever it was two months ago we put it all together because we have to do the foundation for the poll for the beacon the flashing Beacon at the same time so I can't segregate the full amount of that work out of the contract um I my assumption is at this point um we will have to talk with Harbor Consultants I know Gabe Balor Harbo has been working with Ed Russo and and Chris minks on all of this previously so um to figure out which is the right way to go do we go ahead and get recoup and recoup the money or do we just do the work up until the the beacons and have them purchase it so um I guess we'll work together with with Harbor to figure that out first and then come back with a with a plan hopefully at the next meeting unless you have something you spoken to something implications depending on how we do it as well good call um we called it a draft so draft review so okay um let's offline with the Public Works committee let's figure out the and with um Gabe Bor and let's figure out the right way to go about this then but at least that quote came in finally at least we got some quotes and that that doesn't that seems pretty decent to me considering the other one as well so all right does anybody have any questions okay any other questions for Mr disco about anything else yes will you be at the next meeting I can come to the next meeting the the meeting two weeks from night tonight I have a planning board at 7:30 so I I'm happy to come I would just need to leave quickly for that meeting I don't need to leave quickly tonight we'll determine whether once we figure out this plan on Earth at least okay good okay thank you okay thank you you you're welcome to head out okay thank you all right I am going to suspend the regular order of business at this point to swear in our new officer many papers tonight so tonight I want to welcome officer Kerr and his family officer Aku ker began his career in security at the presedential center in norc he worked as an explosive expert there until 2020 where he transferred to NJIT as a public safety officer and following his work there he decided to focus on his journey to become a police officer he graduated from the John H stamler Police Academy in 2022 making officer Kerr a third generation police officer along with his brother who works for the Union County prosecutor's office now I mean it says brother in your bio I swear I swear it with his sister that's on him um but just a note that I did want to recognize officer Kerr's grandfather Edward L cerr was the first black Police director in norc so that's obviously a very significant accomplishment so I just wanted to note that for everyone officer Kur joined the Traffic Unit at the NJIT Police Department where he dealt with domestic assaults aggravated assaults and Drug offenses while also providing community relations during public events he also participated in the Joint Task Force with Ruckers PD and Transit PD in the detail for theft from Auto and criminal mischiefs officer care was quickly recognized for his work ethic and expertise and sent to train to become a certified field training officer he has since trained numerous officers and has gone on to Garner multiple life-saving and exceptional Duty Awards so I just want to welcome officer Ker's friends and family and congratulate them uh and welcome officer kurer to our Garwood family we're looking forward to you being a part of our very small but Vibrant Community so welcome at this point I would ask you to come forward and then whoever you would like to uh join you for the swearing in well now you have to come because I please raise your right please repeat after don't have that it's not hooked up okay please repeat I akur do Solly affirm that I will uphold the Constitution of the United stti of United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and Allegiance faith and to the same same and to the governments established established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people theth of people that I will Faithfully I will Faithfully impartially partially and justly perform and justly perform all of the duties of police officer for the burrow of Garwood according to the best of my ability congratulations your down we take some pictures you might taking a picture then family let's take come on in take pictures and don't be shy everybody come on take pictures come on here prayer get in here or photo photo pictures sorry yeah that's ululations just give it a quick minute okay we will move on at this point to comments from the council councilwoman Bodo thank you mayor um you to Sean tell tonight because I promised um the uh the Arts um the artist the art teacher that we will share our projects and a lot of uh residents have asked what we're doing on this classes so here we go so this is this is part of the Ceramics class we'll b a pumpkin in the fall and then oh it lights up and it lights up right it lights light up it lights up it is cool and then last night we had our first canvas painting did I think I missed my calling this is the mayor's work I make some snow people so uh for the next class which is December 11th uh she told us we could share that is going to be a snowman a light up snowman a light up snowman which is very important so please sign up um it's a lot of fun it's very relaxing um we get to share a lot with everybody you know with everybody who comes in it it's just a nice time so please sign up yeah it was a nice group and it was fun it was a fun night that's um oh thank you for sharing your your um knowledge at the leue of municipalities I mean we did a lot we walked a lot and it was just a really nice experience and a lot of information so thank you for that thanks okay councilman Foley uh no comments tonight councilman Lazaro councilwoman ndi just thank you to council and voto for sharing her art I just think it's wonderful I I know that the feedback that we get from that program is is that it's a it's like a time for community and a very relaxing time to you know to just focus on on the art it's and she's a great instructor she really is so um councilwoman salmon no comments council president Carney uh just uh another Welcome to our newest uh Garwood police officer uh I also wanted to Echo your condolences to our former mayor uh Dennis McCarthy on the loss of his mother mother darus who as you mentioned was a longtime volunteer I think she was probably on almost every club and committee we've ever had or have in Garwood so uh I'm very sorry for your for your loss Dennis thank you uh moving along to the minutes Miss Perry minutes of the regular meeting of the mayor and Council held on November 18th 2024 can I have a motion to accept the me regular meeting minutes I'll make that motion approv all in favor opposed Communications Miss Perry rvsa approved minutes from November 14th regular meeting raway notice of adoption of bond resolution 2456 I received and filed we have a couple of ordinance on for adoption tonight uh Miss Perry can you read ordinance 24-23 by title only an ordinance fixing salaries and wages of certain officials and employees of the bar of Garwood in the county of union state of New Jersey did we have any correspondence concerning this ordinance no does anyone here wish to be heard concerning ordinance 24-33 please come to the mic state your name and address and please limit your comments to five minutes thank you good evening mayor ladies and gentlemen of the council Bruce Patterson 325 Willow Avenue just a single question uh what are the duties of the uh what is it Municipal liaison oh no is this the one yes that is the one okay yeah could you just explain the duties thank you thank you is there anybody else who wishes to be heard okay can I have a motion to close public hearing on this ordinance so moved second uh any discussion among council members okay um Mr Arthur you're welcome to answer the question sure so the duties include uh reporting to the state um they're actually changing the reporting structure they're they're requiring more reporting um a lot of deadlines in line with the new laws that have come out they are also expecting Municipal House housing raised on to coordinate efforts between the publical housing planner you know attorney to of coordinate meetings um they're also releasing new trainings and a certification process that will be required and they also requiring every town to appoint an employee to kind of go through this process which they are it's it's an everchanging process because they haven't even released the classes yet but they're they're they're making us appoint someone before they ask us to send them to the classes that's that's essentially what they've shared with us at this point thank you you okay do I have a motion to adopt this ordinance so moved second second uh roll call please councilwoman Bodo hi councilman Foley hi councilman Lazaro councilwoman ndi hi councilwoman salmon hi council president Carney I okay Miss Perry can you read ordinance 24-34 by title only an ordinance by the Council of the Bureau of Garwood amending the Bureau of garwood's code of ordinances chapter 138 shade trees and creating new article five tree removal and replacement do we have any correspondence concerning this no does anyone present here wish to be heard concerning ordinance 24-34 please step to the microphone appr I here good evening mayor ladies and gentlemen the council Bruce Patterson at 325 Willow Avenue um there's a couple of tree ordinances on here but I I'll tell you this is just comments but uh a little over 20 years ago uh this was when mayor kinoli was still around May rest in peace but anyway I was pushing for tracking of trees on private property and and back then they were dismissing it saying you know well it's private property we can't do anything about it back then a lot of people were cutting down trees anybody you were probably here Clint but anyway a lot of people were cutting down trees back then and uh so I I wanted them to do something I mean obviously it's a long time coming but here it is and also I was ALS back on the planning board I really wanted to push a a tree bank for people that cut down trees to to they owe one that the governing body or the tree officer would be able to direct where it should be planted so I appreciate you coming out with these uh ordinances this one and the one I guess the next meeting so just want to say thank you very much thank you is there anybody else who wishes to be heard concerning this Ordinance do I have a motion to close public hearing on this ordinance some moov second uh any discussion okay do I have a motion to adopt this ordinance some second a roll call please councilwoman Votto hi councilman Foley hi councilman Lazaro I councilwoman ndi I councilwoman salmon I council president Carney hi okay one more ordinance for adoption Miss P can you read 24-35 by title only an an ordinance amending chapter 67 entitled bill buildings and structures of the burrow code of the burrow of Garwood by creating new article ex entitled lead based paint inspection program um did we have any correspondence concerning this ordinance okay can you please read it thank you okay it's to Garwood municipal clerk from Michelle Papo biano stated today my comments for tonight's public hearing on ordinance 24-35 lead base paint inspection please read my comments below into the record at tonight's council meeting for public hearing and adoption on ordinance 24-35 lad based paint inspection program in section 67- lead based paint inspection it states a a lead inspector or lead evaluation contractor for the Bureau of Garwood shall inspect every single family two family and multiple rental dwelling located within the buau of Garwood for lead based paint hazards through Visual ual assessment or dust wipe sampling then in section 67- 51 fees the fee for a lead based paint inspection performed by the barrels lead inspector or Le lead evaluation contractor shall be 100 per unit for the initial inspection a visual lead paint inspection is different is less time consuming less expensive than a lead dust wipe sampling I feel the language in this ordinance would make more sense by stating the fee is $100 specifically only for a visual inspection by a burrow employee then it should also state that a visual inspection or dust wipe sampling by the Barrow's lead evaluation contractor shall be in accordance with the contractor's fee scheduled a Leed dust wipe sampling May cost 200 or more from the Barrel's lead evaluation contractor adding this additional fee language in the ordinance ensures the fee charged covered in the covers in full the Services provided by the Leed evaluation contractor thank you Michelle kappo biano 404 Myrtle Avenue okay um I will [Music] um we will answer some with some of that those concerns uh after the public hearing then um does anybody present wish to be heard concerning this ordinance uh can I have a motion to close public heing then second okay um Mr Arthur do you w to Sure discuss some of the things that were brought up sure so the dust the dust wipe sampling would not be a part of the initial inspection it would be essentially if they failed the initial inspection they would be sent potentially for dust swipe sampling with an outside contractor and that would be between them and the contractor at that point it wouldn't be part of our ordinance per se would be that our inspector is saying you have to do this before we will do our reinspection so don't even come back to us for the reinspection until you've done this and provided it to us so in my view it should exist outside the ordinance because we can't really speak to what the fee would be with a private with the private contractor and I know Mr Abramson has gone over this ordinance at length um and you're comfortable with the language I am I am fine with it and we all know if there is something down the road that we think needs to be changed it can always be amended true I I think the way it's set up now it's it's not referring to the this when we talk about the the cost it's not referring to the um more in-depth sampling it's just referring to the inspection um so that's the way I write some okay just for clarification so essentially the $100 would be for initial inspection yeah and any reinspection after a failure and basically if it if for example it needs additional inspection that goes beyond the visual it would probably be referred to a contractor and then that contractor would basically obviously that cost would be Beed on that that person yes and then they'd come back to us for a reinspection after any sort of if there was remediation needed correct then you come back and say okay you've successfully remediated and you know you're essentially good to go okay there are ways as well um for the owners of these properties to work with some state regulations to get a sort of that called almost like a blanket certification that shows that they they don't have to do this over and over again you have anyone listening that is in that situation owns a proper you have to work with the with the state's guidelines on that that doesn't have as much to do with uses you're working with the state to get those yeah I'm comfortable with the ordinance as a all right um thank you do we have a motion to adopt this ordinance so moved second uh roll call please councilwoman Bodo hi councilman Foley hi councilman Lazaro hi councilwoman ndi I councilwoman salmon I council president Carney I okay um Miss Perry can you please read uh ordinance number 24- 36 by title only for introduction an ordinance of the burrow code of the burrow of Garwood by amending chapter 138 entitled shade trees Article 2 regulations Section 138-a motion to introduce this ordinance second uh roll call please councilwoman Bodo I councilman Foley councilman Lazaro hi councilwoman NY hi councilwoman salmon hi hi council president Carney hi you um we are moving along to council standing committee reports Finance uh and Personnel councilman Foley no report tonight community did we do the other tree one that one happened already yeah the introduction yes we just did that one just making sure got it I had it long day I had it last under my uh p so I thought that was like another one that had happen sorry nope thank you for checking fire and RM councilman Lazar no report Community Development councilwoman salmon no official report our next meeting will be held on December 10th and I'll have another update at our next council meeting Public Works councilwoman Bodo thank you mayor in addition to the real current activities the DPW perform Leaf cleanup prepare to sold spreader put up winter banners assist holiday decorations and the annual tree lighting a barrel Hall that completes my report thank you thank you uh police council president Carney uh thank you mayor as we can see from tonight's agenda the approval from the state DOT for the marked parking spaces on North Avenue is still pending um we're going to carry that large group of ordinances forward into next year and I'll hopefully be able to introduce them in January uh I also have the latest police activity report report the Garwood Police Department recorded 2,116 cat entries during the month of November 20124 those calls include 176 911 calls an astounding 229 motor vehicle stops uh 61 parking complaints 80 fixed traffic posts which are radar stop sign distracted driving details uh 23 motor vehicle crash investigations 281 building and property checks 37 medical assists 74 community policing posts 45 walking posts 39 investigated suspicious person or vehicle complaints and 21 criminal investigations uh also the Garwood police department wants to remind everyone to make this holiday season a time for celebration Not Tragedy driving Under the Influence end danger lives and can have life-changing consequences plan ahead designate a sober driver call a ride share or arrange alternative transportation let's work together keep our roads safe and ensure everyone gets home to their loved ones thank you thank you community engagement councilwoman ndi thank you mayor uh historical committee met on November 25th to discuss plans to organize and catalog the collection archival boxes and envelopes were ordered from the historical budget for this year there will be no meeting in December that the next meeting of the historical committee will be on January 27th Garwood partnership for arts and culture no report the next meeting of gpac will be December 9th Recreation the basketball program is up and running when I last spoke with our Recreation director there were 150 kids registered and she plans to keep the registration open in case any kids want to join even as the season has begun community events many thanks are in order for a wonderful tree lighting on Saturday first and foremost I want to thank our Recreation director Kaa LC for planning and organizing the participation of so many groups and departments in order to make it a memorable event for our community thank you to the Garwood Recreation committee Garwood Police Department Garwood public works department Garwood PBA Garwood first aid Squad alen Keith entertainment Garwood Lincoln School choir Garwood PTA eth and eighth graders box mobile catering Garwood Dunkin Donuts for the free hot cocoa and donuts it's delicious ice cream for the free ice cream Girl Scout Troop 41 290 Boy Scout Troop 145 the Garwood Green Team Garwood Public Library Game Changer Fitness Port portraits by Brian and a special thanks to the Garwood fire department for delivering Santa and Mrs Claus to the event a fun family skate night at waro follow the tree lighting there's more to look forward to Holiday House de eration is taking place from December 9th to the 19th check out social media for the link to register Santa's Workshop garwood's children are again invited to drop a letter into Santa's mailbox this year by December 20th for a reply by Christmas Santa's mailbox will be located at the Garwood Public Library 413d Avenue uh it's and it's up there right now so any kids would please send your letters to Santa the manora lighting will uh held on Saturday December 28th at 6:30 music laser light show free donuts and cider as well as arts and crafts will be available for the community I hope everyone will join us and that's all for my report thank you uh Library councilman Lazaro just a few reminders of upcoming events um from December 2nd through the 20th uh holiday photo station is available at the library take your holiday picture or do it yourself holiday photo station complete with a F to backdrop and a carboard Santa and goodie bags for kids are available while supplies L on December 10th at 300 p.m. and December 17th at 3 P.M um the first one is for kids the second one is for adults there's a grab and go craft uh project you can pick up supplies and instructions for a seasonal craft registration is required for craft kits and is limited to 15 participants sign up on the library's website calendar or by phone and on December 28th at 11:00 a.m. there's the countdown to noon program from 11: to 12 12:30 uh p.m. 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. uh bring in New Years at the gwood library enjoy Sweet Treats crafts and a whole lot of fun with a new ball drop celebration for children in second grade and younger registration required that's all for my report thank you uh School Board council president Carney the Garwood Board of Education held the regular November meeting on Tuesday the 19th uh I have nothing to report from that meeting uh also mayor bloomstock and I met with superintend Kenny and board president April Farrell yesterday uh regarding current and future shared services a potential joint Community event in the first half of uh and continued collaboration between the district and the council along with uh some new items where we might bring in the municipal Alliance and the Board of Health on topics ranging from mobile devices uh social media uh all the way to Mental Health uh we also continue discussing a longer term pilot agreement uh those discussions are progressing well uh that discussion will continue into January as uh both governing bodies prepare to reorganize and swear in their new members for the new year uh we'll be expanding the discussion group specific to the pilot to next year's Finance commissioner uh and also additional Boe members uh I hopeful that we will have an agreement hammered out to align with the budget process uh that's all for this report thank you I have our senior report well today we did we celebrated the holidays in great fashion we had our senior Club Christmas party at the Westwood today so thank you to them for some great hospitality and to Club member Jenny Brown for organizing once again uh there was lots of dancing uh and of course great food as we enjoyed the annual event our next meeting is on December 19th at 12:00 pm at Nights of Columbus moving on to Small Business Council president Carney uh thank you mayor I'm looking forward to attending our second ever grand opening at vermel Garwood station this weekend uh sweat house will celebrate its opening this Saturday December 7th at 11: a. uh so let's all turn out and welcome another business to the Garwood Community thank you uh Board of Health liaison councilman Foley no report tonight and planning board liaison councilwoman thank you mayor the next meeting of the planning board will be held on December 11th um moving on to officer report Miss Perry zoning Enforcement Officers report for November 2024 do I have a motion to accept the officer report second all in favor opposed okay um public comment if there is anyone in the audience who wishes to address the mayor and Council please step to the microphone State your full name and address and please limit your comment to five minutes Mr Patterson if you're are you coming up nobody's coming up Mr P if you want to come up come on up good evening mayor ladies and gentlemen Council Bruce Patterson 325 Willow Avenue uh we we have the illustrious Clint Dixon superintendent the DPW here would it be possible to ask him to um give us a status on the TV of around the uh Town that's happening is that possible anyway let me continue on uh the executive session I think that's on the agenda if you could just give an overview of what the exec the executive session is going to be about outside of just stating one of the seven items that uh you talk about uh also let's see the the skate night from what I heard over there in Warren ano four Garwood cars were damaged or vandalized and I don't know I guess maybe they don't like Outsiders coming over to waren ankle because that that's a really nice facility that they built um I don't know if anybody's following up on that the question actually is I don't know why you didn't have it at Gumpert park right there uh also let's see the the affordable housing lawsuit uh it's it's now up to 28 towns that joined uh this was brought up before by Resident Spina and then myself last meeting you mentioned about you you read the you read the lawsuit and you really didn't like the language could you just explain what was wrong with the language that you felt there was a problem with uh I don't know if Chief is here I'm just wondering again this usual question is how many parking tickets were given out downtown and lastly uh we got the Garwood times and I don't know my I'm a member of the gar historic committee as you know and and somehow I feel like our our historic committee is being slighted I mean the the new veteran banners there's an article there written by bur of garage they talk about the new veterans banners and that's great the police uh pb1 1117 uh donated to it and that was great I I appreciate it it's not and also uh councilwoman Bodo did obviously be the point person to get it all done but unfortunately it does not mention the historical committee that was involved also uh chair Carol worked close with councilwoman Botto about getting all the pictures and and even I got involved in tracking down if anybody actually died in World War I which surprisingly nobody did no no gar residents had been killed in AC in World War I which was great but anyway I I just have this feeling in the last month or so that that the government is is kind of imposing itself on our little committee and what I don't want to see because it there seems to be a common threat I mean the celebrations committee about a year ago the government was starting to get involved there's this Common Thread the government gets involved and all a sudden these committees collapse the the celebrations committee collapse and I don't want to see the garard historical committee uh go by the wayside I do appreciate apprciate the government helping us with the transcription hopefully everything's going okay at this point but anyway you know I don't mind have the government help us but I mean like to impose itself a little more deeper I'm not too happy about that I don't want to see the historic committee collapse like I mentioned before and um and I just I guess the last note is um The Archives over at the library is actually the library's ownership it's not our historical committee ownership uh we had an argument over that before uh m not be so but anyway that's it thank you does anybody else wish to address the mayor and Council okay CL H yeah can I have a motion to close public all in favor I opposed okay um I I'm not sure what TV Ving Mr Patterson that you're talking about if you're talking about the sore cleanup that's a different scenario but um you are welcome to um send an email over to the superintendent and he I'm sure he will be kind enough to get back to if there's um an answer he can provide we're not TV WE tv the roads Mr disco talked about as the um construction is going on on the you know for the paving we do TV those but the the the sore program sorry the sore program is a different scenario but if that if you would like an update please email U Mr Dixon about that the executive session is a Personnel matter um skate night um it has nothing to do with there was an accident there I I I'm really not sure why the contention is is that it was targeted to Garwood um and I and I don't want that put out there um can I just for one second cuz actually two of the four cars lived on my street and it was purely just an accident it was just an accident yeah also I I was literally walking out right after it happened I there's spoke to one of the County police officers it was a just a car accident there no Dage else up the affordable housing lawsuit um there was a couple of points that I found contradictory I do not have it in front of me so I do not want to speak and give you any sort of quote I will get it back in front of me and I can provide you with that information um if you would like to ask the chief about parking tickets I'm sure he he can talk with you afterwards as we do every time the G would um just to note with the the items in the library I did actually want to say because I spoke to the historical committee chair Carol Lombardo today and they are she told me she started them while she was a librarian there but they were donated to the historical committee so they are historical committee items so that's for the committee to work out I just wanted to let you know that I I did ask her about those and that that was the answer so um okay we will move along consent agenda does anybody have any resolutions they would like to remove from the consent agenda uh I have two mayor uh 24-1 184 and 24-87 187 184 and 187 okay can I have a motion to adopt the consent agenda as amended Mo second uh roll call please councilwoman Bodo hi councilman Foley hi councilman Lazaro hi councilwoman ndi hi councilwoman salmon I council president Carney I we're gonna do each one separately yes um so 184 first yes 184 first um do I have a motion to adopt resolution 184 I mayor I'm going to make a motion to adopt resolution 24-1 184 as amended the uh new version we were given by the uh ba right before the meeting do I have a second second does everybody have that is there there was just some everybody good okay thank you uh then we will move along to I assume no discussion then NOP okay roll call please councilwoman Bodo I councilman Foley I councilman Lazaro I councilwoman NY hi councilwoman salmon I council president Carney I 187 yes do I have a motion to adopt resolution 187 some second okay any discussion then uh thank you mayor um I deleted this resolution from the consent agenda so that it can be hopefully briefly discussed with the full Council on public before we vote um we had an extensive discussion on this in the public works committee uh where I expressed reservations about the renewal simply due to the number of times we've extended the existing contract uh I believe it's vital that this Council does its due diligence uh when considering shared service especially one that includes the supervision of an essential Town Department um I understand that we can opt out of this agreement with 60 days notice however I also know that's unlikely without a cataclysmic occurrence so um with that in mind I'd like to see how the rest of the council feels about directing Mr Arthur to check into what alternatives could be out there next year for similar agreements uh with other municipalities in our area and uh if we happen to find something better we could consider an opt out going into 2026 uh I don't believe this has forly been done since 2018 uh and I'd just like to check and ensure there isn't a better deal out there for Garwood um thank you uh I obviously was here in 2018 when they when we decided to take another look just you know because we do do our due diligence for the residents and of course we did not find anything that would um benefit fit us financially better or um any other way that um would improve on what we had so we we continued the extension um I do think it's however in the good service of residents to always continue to look at shared services every so often we've done it with the Buildings Department shared service um you know we with um the other agreement with uh our Fanwood Court Clerk you know this was the first year and at the end of the year our B administrators got together and we you know looked at that and made sure it was still advantageous and would work for us so I'm certainly I I don't ever think it's a bad thing to look and um check things out and make sure we're you know giving our residents the best service possible so yeah I I mean I was you know also part of that year in 2018 where we did investigate um different agreements for the DPW shared services and at the time the Fanwood deal was definitely the most advantageous and you know so far it's it's not to say that there's any reason to you know if we're investigating that doesn't mean that we're we're unhappy with the current service but it does mean that we want to make sure that we have the best possible fit and if there is other neighboring towns that have other Alternatives that fit us financially or more efficiently um Etc um I think we should consider looking for it so I would you know definitely encourage our bur ministrator to just look into it see what options are of available uh you know moving into 2026 um I have to look back in my email but I thought I remember us going out and looking into this in 2021 I don't remember that but to be honest feel like we did what I know we did an 18 so I know we did an 18 and then I if there's anything A lot changes in three years too as well even if it it doesn't hurt to yeah direct Mr Arthur to just you know make some phone calls feel it out but um totally might be right and really what I'm going for here is just to so there isn't a perception that this is a rubber stamp up here that we are keeping an eye on this stuff I agree we again we do and so it it's good to to bring it up in public because we do go through these things every so often yeah okay so Mr Arthur you have your marching orders um and then we will move to roll call Miss Perry roll call for 187 I know we didn't we didn't approve it yet uh councilwoman Bodo I councilman Foley councilman Lazaro councilwoman ndi hi councilwoman salmon I and council president Carney I okay so at this point we will be looking to move into executive session miss Perry can you read resolution 24-20 close session resolution authorizing an executive session for the purpose of discussing Personnel matters and matters of attorney client privilege relating to the above and in accordance with with njsa 10 colon 4-12 Clos session meetings open to public exclusion of public subject of matter thank you do I have a motion to adopt this resolution still move second second all in favor I I'll be recusing myself from executive session okay do you need a roll call for this um not if you did it well I'm favor okay a tiny break action may or may not be taken got e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay can I have a motion to resume regular session all in favor opposed okay um payment of claims Miss Perry we have resolved that the following claims as approved be in the same are hereby ordered paid when properly signed and verified and the payment of payrolls and ISS hereby confirmed and gratified so I have a motion to adop payment of claims so move second a roll call please Council Foley councilman Lazar councilwoman ndi I she's gone council president Carney I okay the regular meeting of the mayor and Council will be held Thursday December 19th uh 2024 at 7 p.m. in council chambers information for meetings is posted on the burrow website can I have a motion to adjourn move second all in favor opposed thank you everybody oh yes I wouldn't W to leave my snowl watch out Patterson will come out of the w trust me yes enj