##VIDEO ID:u9VCo08rNOk## welcome everybody um just a quick announcement uh we are streaming through Zoom right now uh but the live stream on YouTube is not working uh [Music] however if you want to text anybody that you know is watching they can go to the zoom link and we will upload the meeting tomorrow or as soon as possible as soon as we can onto YouTube so it will be up there um if I could ask everybody to please stand for a moment un States nation under God liberty and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting was provided to the Union County haul advertised on January 4th 2024 notification was sent to the Star Ledger and is posted on the municipal website the municipal public bulton board and filed in the office of the municipal clerk informing the public of the time and place according to the provisions of the open public meeting Law chapter 231 1975 roll call pleas m c May here councilwoman voto here councilman here councilman La uh he is excused back to school counc cmon she is excused as well also presy here V call of staff and professionals please John administrator here here Mr Abramson do you have anything for us Mr Arthur do you have a yes so on tonight's agenda you'll see an appointment for new new municipal clerk henriet Perry uh she goes by to net she retired in 2022 after nearly 40 Years of Public Service in East Brunswick uh she worked as the Township Clerk for the last 15 years of the of that time and she'll be working with us part-time together with our new full-time deputy um our request for proposals for a food concession operator at the Athletic Field Complex is due on Wednesday September 25th at 11:00 a.m. we welcome any and all qualified vendors to put in an RFP and please feel free to share the posting from our website or reach out with any questions we really want to get as much engagement as possible with that um you'll see tree plantings on tonight's agenda if approved we hope the schedule the plantings between October 15th and November 15th which our shade tree officer has advised is basically one of the best times of the year for planting um half of the funding for these comes from Greening Union County grants so thank you to the county U and the kids Recreation trust and green mechanic grants were submitted last month and I'll report back when we receive a response and at the September 26 council meeting there will be a fair number of larger scale projects that are beginning um because the multi-purpose fond that we did U the funds will become available in the next week we're so that get put off 26 that's all I've got from our report first off um I want to thank the gwood partnership for arts and culture uh especially councilwoman noi and member Leona sufer for putting a beautiful Rememberance on last night uh for the heroes we lost on 911 uh the ceremony included poems Memoirs and a presentation of a frame 911 photograph to the Garwood fire department thank you again for putting this all together uh I'm really glad that we could honor uh all of of those Heroes uh this important on this important day in that way just a reminder that the Lions Club is hosting the senior picnic this Saturday at 12m at the Nights of Columbus join us for some hot dogs and hamburgers and some bingo games with special prizes uh this is a free event for all Garwood seniors and as Mr Arthur said uh the agenda looks a little light because the the next one will be a little heavy uh we are hard at work here in Garwood on various projects um so as he said you at our next meeting you should see some resolutions regarding the flooring in Barrow Hall and at the police station as well as the shade structure over at the rec complex uh the rec director is also in the process of working to get the communication boards installed in our playgrounds we spoke about these uh some time ago as we were discussing the allocation of some of the remaining funds in the kids rec grants from previous years so the communications boards uh communication boards which are used in playground areas to help nonverbal children with disabilities communicate during their playtime uh have been delivered and we are waiting an installation date at both the re Rec complex and Hartman Park so I will let everyone know and we have a better idea of that date we are also hard at work on a new possible project for Center Street uh the Public Works committee our superintendent our engineer uh and the police department have been working along with the green team chair to put together a more pedestrian and bike friendly Corridor here in Garwood we are looking to install some bump outs uh around Willow and Center something we've talked about up here previously with our engineer they're useful tools to mitigating speeding and making it safer for pedestrians to cross at that intersection so this is something we would look to do at various other intersections within the burrow after we pilot it here and gug its effects we are also making Headway in uh installing bicycle Lanes along sander Street something we've also talked about previously here uh and while we continue with the background work necessary for those we will be getting some brand new bicycle racks installed in the center of town around the bus and train stops here at and here at B Hall uh to be generously donated by the PBA so I thank them for that incredible offer uh we will continue to announce the progress on these items over the next few months but I just wanted everyone to know that there is a lot of work currently going on to bring this uh bring these projects to fruition we are also working with our public information officer to provide a refresh to our website uh to allow it to be not only more aesthetically pleasing but more importantly more user friendly um Miss lysc is currently working to go through various parts of the website and collab cating with the software company we use to refresh the various Pages we're saving money by having Miss LC do much of the work so we just ask for patience as this will take some time there's a lot of culling and reorganizing to do uh and as you know Miss LC only works part-time as the Pio and as her Recreation duties as well but you can take a look at the Planning and Zoning page which was recently redone by Miss lysc along with help from planning board member Kathy bagio and you can see how it is now much more organized with form's group to help residents find them more easily so we are looking to do some similar work on the other website pages so stay tuned and with that I will move to comments from the council councilwoman Bodo thank you mayor no comments today councilman Foley thank you mayor uh hello Council and residents of Garwood uh for my comments tonight I'd like to propose that we consider adopting ordinance to address the unsolicited delivery of advertising circulars newspapers um like those circulars and other like printed material similar to westfields in recent efforts these circulars often contribute to litter in our streets and may negatively impact our Town's infrastructure Westfield's ordinance which I recently just saw requires a visible contact number for residents to easily opt out and ensures circulars are placed within three feet of our m is delivered reducing clutter and keeping our town cleaner I'd like to ask at this time the Public Works director to explore creating something similar for Garwood to improve our community's cleanliness and sustainability thank thank you yes I I agree with you I've seen them and sometimes the end on the joints um I myself when I walk my dog you know my neighbors collect them it seems so I do pick them up so I agree I will put it on in the agenda for us to review and I just want to just clarify these is circulars uh these are the advertisements of coupons for businesses not local newspapers or things like that right yes no you know it's something that comes up a lot um I I've had residents ask me and I do let them know you can call to cancel it there is a number usually and there should be a number um on the um plastic wrapping um to cancel your subscription and then if they they don't uh drop it at your house um but what I did I did see the article about the the ordinance for Westfield what I did like is that um they did specify that it if they are to be delivered because some people do like the coupons and and things like that that it has to be I think what was it three feet within where you get your mail three feet from where you get your mail yeah um which is interesting I I I certainly would appreciate that I I know uh we've had one stuck in the snowblower at different points because you didn't realize it was there on this know um yeah I think this is something worthwhile obviously sustainability is really important to me and I think if you know I know there's plenty of people that just toss it um rather than call so if we could get the word out that you can call and and cancel the subscription but also you could keep some of that plastic and going into the Dr Rin which I know sometimes that just blows if because it's throne and it's not put near the mailbox um that's certainly something worthwhile so yes thank you councilwoman if we could look into that a little bit I know I think Cranford has one as well um so something we can explore to put on our one of our upcoming agendas yes may I just want to add I spoke to one of our counterparts from the Cranford Council and um they just wanted to stress that if there's any concerns because there are some people that want to receive that circular for coupons in it that um it wasn't really a big throwing pain period and people in Cranford who have opted in and want to receive it still are okay thank you appreciate that um Council Lazar anybody have anything okay councilwoman n comments from me okay anybody have anything okay council president Carney thank you and welcome back there thank you uh just a quick thank you to councilwoman ndi and the Garwood partnership for arts and culture for organizing and presenting the 911 memorial last night uh we have two items uh circulating in the police committee which I expect to have a report on in the next meeting uh regarding uh various parking items and a review of the burough code regarding animal licensing that uh we started working on this week and uh finally I have a model resolution from the New Jersey League of municipalities regarding the restoration of the state and local tax reduction or what is commonly referred to as salt which they have requested that every municipality in New Jersey uh pass a resolution uh and forwarded to both state and federal government uh supporting restoration or more specifically uh allowing the existing cap on it to expire uh with the budget the federal budget next year so uh I will have the clerk circulate that to the council for comment review and hopefully we can have it on the consent agenda for our next meeting thank you I certainly fully support that one um minutes uh M at the regular meeting of the mayor and Council hust 2024 can I have a motion to adopt the regular meeting minutes as presented so moved second all in favor I Communications m c reive and file okay moving to our ordinances we have one ordinance of uh intro um miss Cameron can you read ordinance 24-26 by title ordinance fixing salaries and wages of certain officials and employees of the B of for in the county of State thank you can I have a motion to introduce this Le Mo second a roll call please hi counc IC IC president I standing reports uh Finance councilman Foley nothing to report at this time does anybody have any fire report from councilman Lazar uh he advised me there was no report tonight anybody have Community Development Council s Public Works councilwoman voted no report tonight mayor council president Carney police no report T that mayor Community engagement Council M so as you mentioned mayor yesterday on the 23rd anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks the garway partnership for arts and culture and the Bro Council held in Rememberance ceremony entitled words of remembrance Garwood poets included Leona suur councilman Mark Lazaro reading their original poems former Garwood councilman and FBI agent Michael in and council president Vin Vincent Carney shared their personal Memoirs to honor First Responders the Garwood partnership for arts and culture presented a framed 911 photograph to the Garwood fire department thank you to all who participated I would especially like to thank Leona suur the chairperson of the Boards of remembrance committee and mayor wom stock for her support of this event the next meeting for the historical committee will be held at the library at 6:30 on September 23rd the community engagement committee met earlier this month to discuss the plans for the upcoming basketball season we are able to offer this program for $90 this year which is $10 less than last year due to many coaches coming back whove already have their certification completed registration is now open the season begins at the end of November and will be for grades 1 through 8 there are many other fall Recreation offerings highlights of our youth offerings are soccer provided by us Sports institutes on Saturdays which begins on September 21st it's is from ages two and a half all the way to seven parent and me music provided by RMC Studios which will be held on Sunday um Sundays is for agent is 6 months to 3 years instrument making with Jam sections provided by RMC Studios which is also on Sundays for ages 6 to9 um the RMC is also providing Rock Shop band which will be held on Tuesdays starting October 1st which is for ages 8 through 12 stem Odyssey provided by mad science will begin on October 31st is held on Mondays for ages 5 to 12 prola World of Color provided by MTH science will begin Monday August uh October thir 21st which is for ages 5- 12 uh there will also be a teen Friday night kickball game on October 18th beginning at 7M for ages 13 to 17 and there'll be September walking challenge for ages 8 to 17 please check out all our offerings for children and adults on our Facebook page for Garwood Recreation and go to my wck on the burrow of Garwood burrow of Garwood website to register for classes and that's all for my report L of nice new classes yeah uh Library does anybody have a report counc La uh Council Lazar also let me know that the library provide one okay so he'll have an update at the next upate at the next one okay School Board council president Carney uh thank you mayor just briefly uh I was joined by mayor blumock uh earlier today to resume our monthly meeting with the board president April Farrell and superintendent Kenny uh we discussed IMS ranging from shared services to the district's advisory committee uh which the mayor and I have been invited to join uh we were also able to see the remodel Washington School which in addition to being the home of the mini Mustangs uh now houses the offices for the superintendent school bidest business administrator and some of their support staff which has uh freed up some needed Office Space at Lincoln School uh the next board meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday September 17th so I'll have a report that our next meeting um I have a quick report for the seniors at this past club meeting uh we had a really interesting speaker come to address the club about gambling invation Joseph Cain from the Council on compulsive gambling of New Jersey he spoke very openly and honestly about his own struggles with gambling and the effects it had on his life uh he also gave some tips on what to look out for with friends and family members who you may not know are even struggling with this so I want to thank Mr Kane for opening up and allowing us to hear his story on a different note we were able to celebrate Kitty madera's 100th birthday with her at the club meeting uh Kitty was able to make it out to the meeting so we could sing to her and I could present her with the proclamation that council president Carney read at the last council meeting so happy 100th Kitty uh our next meeting is September 19th at 12 p.m at the Nights of Columbus as usual join us for the meeting lunch and bingo small business councel president Carney no report Board of healthism councilman Foley no report uh anybody have any planning board from Council and uh officer's report miss Cameron enforcement officer report for AUST 2024 Property Maintenance offic can I have a motion to accept offic rep second second all in favor I opposed okay public comment if there's anyone in the audience who wishes to address the mayor and Council please step up to the microphone and state your full name and address please limit your comment to five minutes Johnny pictur orans BR gwood yesterday we remember those whom we lost on September 11 2001 that was a day and in for me in my lifetime [Music] too there 3 th nearly 3,000 of our own countrymen have been slaughtered like hge in a pin that is exactly why we need to back our police officers and firefighters and our Rescue Squad personnel as they do their Duty in protecting us they're out there for us they have the attitude of I'll be there never you fear that you can count on you can count on them every day both day and night abolishing police departments abolishing fire departments and abolishing rescue spots is not the answer and Mark well what I just say ladies and gentlemen should never be the answer we must back them up in every way the same thing goes for our men and women in uniform in our Armed Forces we need to back them as they defend our country both home and abroad we need to back them up in every way too we failed to do so during the war in Vietnam during that time we lost three of garw sons to the enemy during the war they loved us so every day in 100 way they told us so in honesty in affection they told us Soul they loved us Soul every day in aund ways they showed us soul with loyalty and bravery they showed us so they were our Defenders and they kept us free they took an oath to guard us and fought for Liberty they loved us [Music] so and we should know for we love them so and finally ladies and gentlemen we need to pressure the state legislature in Trenton to for reopening of some closed Hospital such as milenberg we need those hospitals badly and we need them soon what if 911 attack occurs I for one do not want to see smoke from behind trees again like it did on September 11 on that fateful day we need to reopen closed hospit such as mberg so that we can be better prepared in case they try something like that again the sooner I activate Hospital such as mberg the better off we all will be don't make myself clear thank you ladies and gentlemen anybody owner I've been here for 10 years and I love the town but I've come across an issue lately with the parking situation so I happen to really like that you guys made this meter parking because I feel like it helped get rid of all the the tenants that live in the area or you know whatever whatever all those cars that would be parked out there all the time right so now there's actually parking available for my customers the issue that I'm having is that it's only by app or by a phone call so I have people that forget their phones or don't want to download an app on their phone don't want to have credit cards linked to apps on their cell phones you know they just they just don't trust that that whole roow right so when it comes to that then I'm I'm stuck with the situation of like well what am I supposed to do because if there park out they're going to get a ticket you know some people are opting to go to the king's parking lot and I'm telling everybody don't do that because it's private property and they could tow at at will like you know it's just a matter of the right bu to even walk out of that lot um um so basically my concern is like I need to make sure that my customers are happy and I'm noticing a lot of my customers are not happy anymore and you know they're getting frustrated especially the older ones because there's no option for them other than you know things that they don't know how to work with so is there anything that's going to happen as far as like add pay stations physic pay stations walk up to in day um and I the way this works for public as I should have mentioned before is that we answer all the questions at the okay okay all right so um um okay so I told you about the phones um I've had clients getting ticketed while they're paying so like they'll get out of their car they'll walk up to the sign SC the QR code and like the same minute that they're paying is the same minute that he's giving them tickets so like people aren't even having like five minute like just let me get situated let me you know download this app let me you know add my because you got to add your um your plate number a credit card number download an app so it takes people a little bit of time and then you know when they leave the salon after having a service done to get hit with a ticket on top of what they just paid in my business to get their hair done I came had a client walk in like come go out I told her about you know you got to pay for parking she goes outside to check her car she has a ticket she comes inside and she screams like nobody's going to get a tip today because now I have a ticket that I need to pay for and then she's told me that she won't be coming back and not seeing her back so because it's affecting my my it's it really bothers me so you know that's why I want to really know what's going on all right so then I'm also having people Rel late to appointments because of this whole situation um when people ask uh is it P whoever's handing out the tickets when they ask him for help he get some help you know is anybody [Music] else Gooding guys my name is I'm the own of L is more common than I used to have a small group of customers coming up for launch just having an issue trying to parting apps and as you might know the majority of my customers are senior citizens so they don't know how to use this app so the solution that I saw on my side for my customers is to download the app on my own and check but time got a large group like tomorrow I got a group of 50 people coming down to for lunch more than 10 Vehicles sure I don't have ability to actually get pay for them and like I said the majority of myom they like uh the dollar owner says also it's very difficult for customers to get you know this done in a short time enough time for them to actually download the app set up all the pays to theay go and it Happ yester to drop off some veg my see what my and I need to be there I need to bring this to my Resturant so I know I have to but I se this situation happen westv I se also they also have you can actually person oh they have this uh 50 minutes free for every CL come get like invol the sitation with the ticket going for a pi up like just to go for pick up I got C the day too she only came to get and she's asking me for a specific dish we can be able to do it for her I only have not even eight minutes I have a report on my on my Sur video and she just in and out just asking a c questions for the food and just she got already when I find out this I was trying to and I said listen I try to like to the public auth something about it but she left some over to see if I can play myself if I needed to I don't want to like nonsense for something so silly or something that can be actually prevent or happen again if it's possible I don't know if you got anything in mind that can make this work better because it's working what you say is more parking lot available more parking spes available that is perfectly fine the whole thing is get my my Myers to actually be able to pay or give the chance opportunity to get it around the time thank you thank you anybody okay so please start the clock please do that thanks Joe Paul 54 Third Avenue um so first of all happy National police woman day to officer shuai um nobody mentioned that but that's what it is today so y um and then also barwi firefighter Eugene RS on being hired by the Springfield Fire Department I think that is awesome I think he's been on here since 2017 so that's pretty cool um I wanted to mention s uh Sunday I was out of fundraiser with blue from the gwood first a squad and somebody had a medical emergency and she jumped right in so I thought that was something cool because it's video do right so thank you again for holding the 9911 remembrance ceremony I was at the well trade Center's uh ceremony but I appreciated that this was a priority it really means a lot so thank you there um thank you guys for getting the lines painted yesterday so that um people aren't parking so close to the corner on W and third and can actually see the kids as they are crossing the street going to school so that is huge THS out there um and thank you to everybody who has checked in on me seeing if I need anything and all of that um I really appreciate it I'm looking at um full recovery taking a year and it's been a really buing process so uh so far um I'm planning for October which is Southern Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month um so there's a lot to come there talk about that next time lastly you notice I'm wearing a John gdo Jersey some of you know I used to work in calary with Team USA and Team Canada athletes and that involved working with the Flames their management and their players and I just want to remind everybody even though this should not be something any human needs to be reminded of in 2024 um but if you drink even a couple of drinks I mean I know we've left about this but you know I dropped a friend off at the train station and I had a couple of drinks of a cider and I actually bought a plate of french fries at the station ate it and sat there and waited for an hour probably didn't need to you know but better safe than sorry right um walk home call an Uber or lift call a friend the fact that some people are not responsible enough to do any of these things it's absolutely pathetic and just knowing you know that you might not you know hurt yourself but the fact that you could potentially murder somebody I mean it's just mindblowing to me oh I just had a couple of drinks like just don't do it so just wanted to bring that up because it's so important and know everybody says it and also the distracted driving that needs to stop as well so thank you anybody else who wishes for good evening gentlemen the council Bruce P35 have the executive session at in the meeting could I have an overview of what the contract negotiations are about last meeting uh the rvsa I've many times I'm just wondering what the status is now that you have the ba checking on high density whether you can actually K them additional monies for breaking out the rvsa cost which you planning to do on the existing home owners and I got s The rbsa Joint meeting covers Rosel Park Rosel Park actually got from the state a free $3 million to cover their joint meeting sewage bill because of their some miscalculations and they have a lot it's j down North Avenue Westfield Avenue they have a lot of high density that have pilots and it obviously appears to me that they didn't the pilots don't have to pay so the existing home holders for strap so the state gave that town $3 million U that's one of the prom Pilots starting to come out see yeah the salt was mentioned uh you know you want to prend it I guess but anyway to me I find that pretty silly because New Jersey is a wealthy State and and like the progresses basically R the state obviously but the progressives are always saying oh the wealthy should pay a little more oh the wealthy should pay a little more suddenly Trump and his and his salt act all sudden the wealthy is paying a little more oh we don't want to pay more we want to receive Sal that so I mean just just seems so hypocritical to go my opinion uh some questions on the uh resos the first one 246 ceron well uh 24157 $188,000 for development for C cbbg development block R I'm just wondering it a senior citizen Social Services could anybody gives what the plans are to spend the $188,000 reso 2418 look like we're getting 24 trees I'm just wondering what type are we getting I would assume Bill near and determin what type of Tre and 24159 Henrietta par per as a part-time municipal clerk so welcome her aboard and I'm just wondering when we talk about the part-time Powers when will she be available I would assume we do have some kind of schedule set up so thank you there anybody else who wishes to address the C okay and I have a motion toot public comments so second all in favor um thank you Marilyn and Louise for coming out and uh letting us know what you're finding out there with the uh new parking um I am glad to hear that it has removed some of the issues of you know people parking there all day and that you know not allowing for spots for your customers that was the main driver behind this so uh I'm glad that that's um eliminated um I I want to let you know we are in the process of creating an ordinance that will allow for 15 minute spots so there will be I believe three at this time Mr Arthur currently the plan 15 minute spots along um we've been talking about it forther uh the chief in the right now the number of spots has been a little you know we've gone up and down but I think we're landing on three um that will be a long Center will so that will allow for customers to do um you know menu pickup food pickup run in and grab um so I hope that eliminates some of the problems it takes a little bit of time to get all those ordinances together and passed but I do believe by October we should be seeing that um out there so uh I hope that eliminates that concern in your head um I understand uh the the issue with you know somebody who might not have a smartphone or doesn't want to um uh you know put their credit cards in um unfortunately the the problem that we came across and this is why we hadn't done paid parking for years it's something councils have looked at over many many years um is that do the cost of installation and maintenance for those actual machines way outweighs the benefit for Garwood because we don't have a large number of spots like a westfi or Cranford we have a very limited number of spots and the cost of maintaining um those machines is astronomical for a tiny little town like that so it never made sense and we Revisited over years at least the time that I was here um always checking to see if that had changed and it never did change the cost never came down so when things like these apps came about that was sort of the perfect solution in a way for a Garwood who needs some sort of paid parking but does not have the um ability to budget for those really large cost of maintaining and installing those machines um so I I do understand there's a little bit of you know what about people who don't have smartphones I do know our chief has really been working a lot with with people and our Police Department had been working a lot I've even saw a woman um was parking here and uh she was a senior and couldn't figure out how to download the app and so one of our police officers went over and helped her and put it on her phone for her you know worked it out with her um showed her how to do it and there is a it is a little bit tricky when you first start starting once you get all of your information in there it does become easier because it's all saved and then you can just repeat so I hope if it might help if you tell your customers I know the first time is a lot but it does save it and so the next time it's it's a lot quicker to input um that you're you can just hit the button that you're there um but I I do want to also let you both know that there is some free parking um that we do share with ver but there's whenever I go by there's always plenty of spots um right back here by the fire department uh the next lot the vermella 2 lot that whole side is shared parking um and I have been you know we're trying to make that and as maybe we could ask Miss uh L to put that once we start you know I know she does posts about uh the paid parking we can put that into some of the posts as well just to let everybody know we try and let everybody know as much as possible but those spots are free so if you have customers that perhaps don't want to download the app they can park there um and that that is free parking um so that is one possibility uh in terms of the the timing of getting out Chief if you want to talk about that I know we talk about you you're working our parking uh officer whatever right part of the problem is that when people get inside that time lag time they realize inside the store like Sal by the time they download the app by the time they P FS into a few minutes so parking out there not but we're trying we're getting better that and with the other things okay traffic trffic I'll also join the chief for that conversation um I just want to point out that it is not required to download the app or save your credit card information in it um the phone number is on all of the signs you can if you have any kind of phone on you or you walk into business and ask to use their phone you can call and give the Zone number and your plate number and you have to provide a card over the phone uh or any phone that has a browser flipped on it it's par mobile. and again this is also all on the actual signage uh and literally there's a button I just clicked it ready to park right now it asks you to put the Zone number in and you're off to the races this will take a little longer than downloading the app but there's there's other ways to to to pay and avoid having the issue yeah so I I just we I understand that you know there there's this sort of Gap when you know this is all beginning and everybody's getting used to it and I know that some some of your customers you know are trying to get used to it as well um I do think the overall you know Trend that that's happening is good I do see a lot of the spaces here and and the chief does monitor the um the whole park mobile and in and out and can see how things are going and it it does seem to be very positive so if there are these and I'm I I hear that there are these these small problems obviously we we work we want to work with you to try and figure out some of these Solutions so um we'll stick around after and talk with the chief I'm sure we can figure some things out together um Miss Paul thank you for the the don't drink and D message always a good one even though we shouldn't have to repeat it but we we do um and our executive session is contract negotiations police um the high density question with the rvsa I'm not really sure if you actually got a question out there with that one um I I assume you're asking if we have uh any update to that and we do not um still working on it um the cdbg is the 18,000 goes every year goes to the same thing it goes to our bus driver salaries it goes to all the senior classes uh and it's doing that very quickly as I'm sure you can imagine um trees what type I have no idea I'm sure you can email Mr nersa and he will let you know and Mr Arthur part-time hours for um the clerk is you have a a set number that youve given this cler right yeah it'll be about 10 to 12 um there will be some variability but as for availability of the clerk's office there's now full-time Deputy clerk who will be available all of our office hours um you know other than maybe vacation time or something like that there's coverage there fulltime yeah okay just a a brief comment for the the public on uh the resolution for salt so the the I'm not going to discuss uh National politics here but uh the salt the uction cap uh disproportionately affected handful of States I believe that was done in purposefully and the reason that this salt deduction exists in the first place is after the federal income tax was put into place um they determined it it was a form of double taxation so by setting a cap on it um it just means you can only write off up to a certain amount so this has nothing to do with people who make more pay paying more it's literally just double taxing people for the same services so that's my two cents on assault deduction and I uh look forward to discussing the resolution at the next meeting okay consent agenda does anybody uh need any resolutions to be [Music] removed and I have a motion to adopt the consent agenda someone second call please hi hi hi hi okay um under new business we have two new Municipal Alliance committee members CC John Hill welcome and Omar vress welcome as well um before we read our the executive session resolution I just wanted to take a second to wish uh miss Cameron best of luck in her retirement um thank you for all of your hard work and we wish you well can you read resolution 24-16 STI to in accordance with JSA 102 session to public do I have a motion to adopt this resolution second second all in favor iOS go e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right I unmuted sorry I have a motion to resume regular second in favor I have a motion to payment of plan some moved second call please hi hi hi hi the regular meeting of the mayor council will be held Thursday September 26 2024 at 7M in council chambers information from meetings is posted on the bar website sove second [Music] take the clothes off