##VIDEO ID:ubuGLSie_kU## out all right we're live and on YouTube and record e e welcome everybody if I could have everybody please stand for a moment of silence and salute to the FL I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice adequate notice of this meeting was post provid ided to the Union County Hawk advertised on January 4th 2024 notification was sent to the Star Ledger and is posted on the municipal website the municipal public bulletin board and filed in the office of the municipal clerk informing the public of the time and place according to the provisions of the open public meeting Law chapter 231 PL 1975 roll call please miss vasos mayor blumenstock here councilwoman Bodo here councilman Foley here councilman Lazaro here councilwoman ndi here councilwoman salmon here council president Carney here a roll call of staff and professionals please John Arthur here Adam aimson here Doug stofer here uh starting off with our report from our bur attorney Mr Abramson anything for us uh nothing new today okay um report of our B administrator Mr Arthur yes hello um Garwood has submitted our best practices survey to the State and it's also posted on our website um we achieved a score of 41 points anything above 35 means that no state aid will be withheld to the burrow uh so I want to thank our CFO Sandy Bruns for really taking the lead on putting that survey together as well as all the staff members who helped to get some of the answers to some of the questions um the mayor and Council have all received a link to the submission and just please let me know if you have any feedback on anything on there um on tonight's agenda you'll also see an ordin or an introduction of an ordinance adding a part-time Municipal housing liaison um recent amendments to the fair housing act are requiring that every municipality with an affordable housing obligation appoint a municipal housing liaison and it must be an employee of the municipality um previously the B administrator held this title and there was no additional pay with those previous um positions but there's now expanded duties tied to the position including reporting coordinating meetings new training coming out from the state um the state is allowing municipalities to pay for this role from their affordable housing trust so it does not impact the operating budget um so at this time we are you know introducing this and we'll be proposing that I as the bur administrator take on the expanded role that the state is is put out um but please let me know if you have any questions about that or any thoughts and that's it for my report tonight okay thank you anybody have any questions or any thoughts for Mr Arthur okay uh I have a small report couple of updates um the shared public parking spots in vermel 2 adjacent to the Firehouse Firehouse lot have been given new signage uh to better reflect that it is free shared public parking um there are also a few updates on the retail front of ran as we've mentioned before here Sweat House is opening uh it should be opening in the next few weeks there's also a fitness gym called Game Changer that will soon be doing its fit out as well as a small restaurant called Molly sweets which will also be fitting out at space uh there is a pilat studio that they are looking to come under lease soon uh there as well so things look like they're starting to move along in some of those spaces uh I plan to discuss the retail situation at verm with the planning board at next week's meeting uh where we'll also discuss affordable housing with Mike Mista our our affordable housing planner who will be in attendance road work has finally begun on the stretches of beach Hemlock and myrtle tree work was done and curbing is underway once the curb work is complete on the areas residents should receive another notice when milling and Paving will occur and we thank everyone for their patience during this project I want to thank the Garwood fire department for their assistance uh with a really tough fire over in Rosel park at an apartment complex there this past weekend departments from around the county were called in to help and Garwood of course was ready and willing the Union County fire chief even sent a note uh letting me know how grateful he was for the Department's assistance so again thank you we often note when the fire department does great work here in Garwood but we should always remember that they go above and beyond when helping our neighbors as well I also want to thank the Garwood Police Department for implementing the new Power DMS software this tool will send out text message surveys to Residents to collect feedback on the interactions they had with with 911 and the department following non-life-threatening calls for service uh this will allow the department to possibly adapt the way they do things if the feedback calls for it uh it's very much a useful tool for our officers and it can really bring the service we provide as a burrow to the next level so thank you chief for bringing this on board uh and just one last thank you to all of our First Responders as well as the Garwood Lions Club and the recreation committee thanks okay no problem um so again thank you to our First Responders the Garwood Lions Club and the recreation committee for a really great on Halloween um with the parade and the costume contest everybody had a lot of fun I think um thank you to all the volunteers uh it was really great and our and our Police Department was out all day giving out bottles of water and glow sticks and everything to the kids so a really fun holiday here in Garwood uh that is all for me comments from the council councilwoman Bodo thank you mayor I'll just have a quick um um a quick comment I received a few emails and phone calls regarding the veterans banners and I just wanted to clarify that although we have a lot of veterans in gwood this Banners are for our fallen heroes those who did not return home um so we're displaying 25 banners again just for those who did not return home thanks yes and I um talked about it today at the at the senior club that these were ones who passed in our yes in Wars uh councilman Foley uh no comments tonight councilman Lazar I just wanted to um congratulate uh councilwoman NY for putting together the Art Crawl it was really fun to be able to see some of the creative uh uh displays that our town was able to do and to see them at the different restaurants and locations throughout Garwood so thank you for putting that together yes thank you it was a lot of fun uh councilwoman ndi no comments except to say you're very welcome it was fun for me too councilwoman salmon no comments council president Carney uh thank you mayor with Veterans Day coming up uh I just want to thank all of our veterans and those currently serving all around the globe keeping America safe you um minutes Miss Vasquez meeting of the regular minutes of the mayor and Council held on October 24th 2024 can I have a motion to accept the regular meeting minutes as presented so move second all in favor opposed okay Communications County of Union Clark Reservoir project public hearing notice received and filed yes rvsa notice of public hearing received and filed yes town of Westfield General ordinance number 24 I'm sorry 2024 d24 an ordinance adopting an amendment to the Lord and Taylor train station Redevelopment plan received and filed yes and the uh state of New Jersey accepting applications for NJ do fiscal year 2025 local free impact fund and received and filed yes we have an ordinance up for introduction uh Miss flas can you please read this ordinance by uh title only an ordinance fixing salaries and wages of certain officials and employees of the burough of Garwood in the county of union state of New Jersey do I have a motion to introduce this ordinance second a roll call please councilwoman Bodo I councilman Foley I councilman lazro I councilwoman ndi I councilwoman salmon no council president Carney I okay Council standing committee reports Finance councilman Foley uh no reports tonight fire and OEM councilman Lazaro yes I do have a report um in the month of October the Garwood fire department reported 14 incidents including three Mutual Aid assists that included U one mulch fire one electrical fire one medical assist amongst others total firefighter hours spent on these incidents in total was 90 hours on October 15th there was a training on hose deployment and advancement in which seven firefighters participated in the 11-hour training in addition 516 total hours were logged in for house duties cleanups extra Duty fire prevention week activities and work details due to the ongoing drought the njde has banned Fires for recreational use on all public lands and private properties in all municipalities throughout the state all fires will be prohibited unless contained in an elevated stove using only propane natural gas or electricity the following fires are strictly prohibited wood and charcoal grill fires any recreational fire with Open Flame including uh Chimas and outdoor fireplaces and fire pits burning of leaves or other vegetation is prohibited bonfires and the use of all fireworks including fireworks that may be part of a holiday or religious celebration are prohibited most wildfires can be avoided by he in to these common safe safety tips don't discard cigarettes matches or smoking materials on the ground use indoor wood stoves and fireplaces carefully both can emit Embers that spark fires fully douse ashes with water before disposal be mindful where you park or drive your vehicle hot exhaust systems can ignite dry vegetation if parked or driven over it be careful when cutting your grass or using other yard tools power tools like lawnmowers and chainsaws can throw off Sparks that ignite dry grass or leaves and keep matches and lighters away from children the Garwood fire department reminds residents of the following keep grills at least 10 feet from any structure and not directly under any overhangs or trees smoke and CO detector battery should have been changed on November third and detectors should be tested monthly have the appropriate fire extinguishers in your home garw has already had multiple calls of open burning odors of smoke during this ban one of which resulted in a fire outside of its original containers due to Embers igniting dry vegetation all fires odors of smoke or visible smoke should be reported immediately by calling 911 questions regarding the fire ban or any other fire related questions May D be directed to Chief scal adona or deputy chief Gregory that's all for my report thank you uh Community Development councilwoman salmon thank you mayor on October 30th the mayor and I met with our planner and his staff to review our affordable housing number of 80 units after a lengthy discussion the planner has been instructed to confirm all zoning codes transmitted to the state are not with any error a number of 80 is extremely impactful to such a small town like ours and honestly double what we expected we'll be meeting in the next week or so to review the options as well as discussing this at the next planning board meeting thank you thank you Public Works councilwoman Bodo thank you mayor and addition to the reoccurring activities the DPW cleaned up the common areas around the municipal complex on the fire department perform street sweeping please note street sweeping has been completed for the 2024 season begun the weekly pickup and Disposal Leaf program assisted with the removal and installation of a new hot water heater at the sports complex thank you thank you uh police council president Carney thank you mayor the uh police committee continues to work on the following items uh police Staffing and recruitment police accreditation the Center Street Bike Lanes uh proposed curb bump outs at trial locations additional sidewalk and pedestrian safety improvements for consideration in next year's budget process uh several code updates which have been recommended by the chief and the dog licensing update I previously reported on uh we should have several ordinances to introduce at our next meeting uh I also have the monthly police activity report the Garwood police department has recorded 2,199 CAD entries during the month of October 2024 these calls include 163 911 calls 203 motor vehicle stops 66 parking complaints 80 fixed traffic posts which include radar stop sign and distracted driving details 16 motor vehicle crash investigations 15 building and property checks 37 medical assists 83 community policing posts 73 walking posts 34 investigated suspicious person or vehicle complaints and 25 criminal investigations uh also as you mentioned earlier in your report uh I'm also thrilled to announce that the Garwood police department will be one of the first agencies in our area to use a new software that improves the connection with the community uh this is a citizen satisfaction program that uses text messaging to keep citizens informed and gives them an opportunity to provide feedback after certain interactions with the police department uh much how like private companies send automatic notifications and updates and surveys to customers uh the Garwood police will now be able to do the same uh we expect that this new solution called Power engage will enhance communication with the citizens we serve and simplify Outreach uh text messages will be sent after the call for service and we'll ask citizens to take a quick survey about their experience it will also allow for citizens to provide their own comments feedback or have an opportunity to thank the responding officer uh this information will then be used to help improve the overall service the Garwood Police Department provides uh and that's all for my report thank you uh Community engagement councilwoman ndi thank you mayor uh the historical committee met on Monday October 25th plans were finalized for the rededication of JFK Plaza it was decided that the historical committee will celebrate this rededication with comments by both Carol Lombardo the chairwoman of the historical committee and the mayor or mayor's representative to discuss the historical relevance of the day a flyer will be created for publicity and shared on the uh Garwood burough social media Pages the event will take place on November 16th from 12:00 to 12:30 in JFK Plaza light Refreshments will follow the Garwood partnership for arts and culture is presenting color this season with creativity all month long the Garwood Public Library is hosting an installation of a featured artist Chia Tiani displaying three of her vibrantly colored punch needle Works Chrissa is a contemporary farbor artist who draws inspiration from traditional materials and techniques Christine gerer is the featured artist at Coy Corner Christine is a calligraphist and artist who combines her beautiful watercolors with words from literature and songs Steve Barkin photographer is showing his work at both Al Deli and the Garwood Public Library he has been exploring the varied textures of sunlight on objects as well as documentary photography from his recent trip to Vietnam the youngest artist represented in the exhibit is a Lincoln School eighth grader Lily Pan's collection of works lono's Cafe is exploring eyes and how we see and our seen the art will be on display throughout November the next meeting of gpac will be Monday November 11th I have a number of updates for recreation um youth programs um most importantly is uh youth basketball the deadline to register is Monday and that is for grades 1 through eight we have a couple of adult programs that I would like to highlight this evening we have the adult Ceramics program uh the workshops are held at the Garwood rec center on Wednesdays at 7 we have two ceramic workshops coming up on November 13th and December 11th each time you would create a new themed piece to take home the adult um acrylic painting on canvas Workshop is going to be held on Wednesday December 4th at 700 p.m. also at the rec center um and also I would like to mention all of these wonderful um upcoming events that are going to be uh ways for us to celebrate uh our town um holiday tree lighting will be from 3:30 to 5:30 right here in front of burrow Hall and the family skate night the same evening from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. this will be on Saturday November 30th uh the holiday house decorating will take place from December 9th to 19th Santa's Workshop Garwood children are once again invited to drop a letter into Santa's mailbox this year by December 20th for a reply by Christmas Santa's mailbox will be located at the Garwood public library located at 4113r Avenue starting in December the manora lighting we have a confirmed date of Saturday December 28th at 6:30 p.m. so I hope to see everybody at these wonderful events coming up that's all for my report thank you uh Library coun Lazar thank you so some upcoming November events um first of all this is not an event but just something that that happened uh which you know we wanted to celebrate there was a uh donation from Sylvia Seltzer the library received a $250 donation from Sylvia Seltzer in honor of her 90th birthday she is a lifelong reader and lover of libraries and one of her favorite books The Woman by Kristen Hannah was purchased and placed in the collection with a commemorative book plate and the $250 donation was used to fund the museum pass program for the American Museum of Natural History uh upcoming events on November 12th at 3 p.m. there's a grab and go kids and adults craft pick up your supplies and instructions for a seasonal craft registration is required and limit of 15 for both kids and adults on November 14th at 1M there is a activity called ryb for adults play ryb it's a Ry like game played with tiles instead of cards open to all levels no registration needed and limit of 12 on November 14th and 21st at 30 at 3M there's going to be the kids chess program informal chess cames for children of all ages this is a non-instructional supervised play no registration is required limit of 12 and on November 22nd at 2 pm there will be a program called decorate Donuts check in with Library staff and receive a box of four Donuts to decorate Donuts toppings and instructions are provided by Duck Donuts then enjoy this is for kids in kindergarten through 8th grade registration is required in limit of 12 and just a note that the library will be closed on Monday November 28th and 29th for Thanksgiving and the library will be closed uh early at 5 4:30 on November 27th that's all for my report thank you um School Board liazon council president Carney uh thank you mayor the Garwood Board of Education held a regular meeting on October 15th 2024 I have nothing to report from that meeting a special meeting was held this past Monday November 4th for the board to approve the district's New Jersey quality single accountability Continuum or qac uh submission and also to approve the 2025 to 26 three-year plan uh submission for preschool these approvals were needed before the next regular board meeting which is scheduled for Tuesday November 19th uh also mayor blo and I will meet with superintendent Kenny and board president April Farrell next week uh to continue discussing our collaborative efforts uh along with continued discussion about a longer term agreement regarding pilot payments to the district and that's all for this report thank you uh for the seniors we had our meeting today of course with lunch and bingo um and we had a very nice treat one of our members made uh made lunch for us sausage and pepper sandwi wies uh in honor of his birthday and in uh honor of the anniversary of his late wife so uh it was it was a very nice treat that we got today um our Christmas party will be at the Westwood on December 5th at 12: PM uh it is $15 for club members and 35 for non-members so it's always a good it's always a great time and a great way to start the holiday season so our next meeting will be November 21st at 12:00 p.m. at the Nights of Columbus small business advisory council president Carney a little jealous about the sandwiches I got to be honest uh I still need dates and locations locked in but we are on track for potentially up to five new business grand openings in Garwood before the end of 2024 uh we will also be doing Outreach in December uh to our small business Community for new representation on the Small Business Association executive board uh new volunteer board members are essential to assist the with maintaining events like wellness month and the taste of Garwood uh which promote our entire town along with expanding our existing networking efforts and advocacy on behalf of our small businesses so uh please spread the word to any business owners that you know that we are recruiting and looking for volunteers for all positions uh for next year and that's all for this report thank you Board of Health councilman Foley no report tonight planning board leaz on councilwoman salmon thank you mayor the next meeting of the planning board will be held on November 13th thank you officer reports Miss Vasquez zoning Enforcement Officers report of October 2024 and property main maintenance officers report for October 2020 thank you can I have a motion to accept the officer's reports mov SEC second all in favor I opposed okay we move to our public comment portion if there's anyone in the audience who wishes to address the mayor and councel please step to the microphone and state your full name and address please limit your comments to five minutes Johnny pitchard 410 Bruce Garwood the election is over we'll have an we'll have a new president come January that's a given and settled we need to back our police officers and firefighters and rescue squad personnel as they're out there 24 hours a day seven days a week even though the fire department rescue squad or our volunteer outfits they're out there protecting us and serving us they have the I be there NE fear kind of attitude which serves us well abolishing police departments abolishing fire departments and abolishing rescue squats is not the answer and Mark well would I to say ladies and gentlemen should never be the answer with the president's election I hope they'll put stop to all this nonsense we need to back our military personnel too our soldiers Sailors Marines Coast Guardsmen and Airmen are serving our country both at home abroad and they in they in our V in Freedom and we must not short change them we did so during the war in Vietnam during which time three of garwood's sons lost their lives fighting for our country three of garwood's sons they loved us so every day in aund ways they told us so in honesty in affection they told us so they loved us so every day in a 100 ways they showed us so with loyalty and bravery they showed us so they were Defenders and they kept us free they took it all to guard us and fought for they love the show and we should know all we love soon and finally we need to pressure the state legislation drenon to re some closed hospitals such as milenberg because what n a 911 attack occurs will'll need those hospitals very very badly the sooner reactivate milenberg and many closed hospitals the better off we all will be don't make myself Fair thank you ladies and gentlemen thank you Mr Pritcher is there anybody else who wishes to address the mayor and councel hi Laura Thompson 320 Pine um can you explain to me why G are not joining the lawsuit over against all the this over development and these new uh little income housing assments he just said that 80 is way more than this town can handle we've already got more kids than we can handle our school taxes are going up and we're not fighting to against this at all why is there a reason you've got 13 towns in in the state of New Jersey if not more that are going to fight for this why are we not raising our voice that's my question okay I'm I'm sorry we answer all the questions at the end of public comment thank you is there anybody else who wishes to ask address the May and Council good evening mayor ladies and gentlemen of the council Bruce Patterson 325 will miss Thompson is is right there there is this lawsuit out there there's actually 26 towns involved uh mayor gazelli is is the uh Point person out of uh Montvale I think he's the mayor um anyway so he put together these towns I don't I don't even know if you guys have heard about it um what they're asking of these towns is like they want to provide $10,000 initially and then maybe another $10,000 um and that's each town so I guess they're in for a long haul unconstitutionality I think is their basis that claim to me there's actually more but I guess that's what they're doing uh somebody mentioned Housing Trust I guess you're taking the money out or the liazon money out of the Housing Trust could somebody just give an overview of what this Housing Trust is and what money is actually in there now uh yeah the rvsa under minutes the rvsa is having a public hearing could somebody just give me an idea of what the public hearing is about I may want to attend it the election's over as Mr Pritchard says so congratulations to all those who won and also for those who gave their best effort and didn't make the HP in the mountain but one good thing out of coming out of the council election is that we actually have a homeboy now on Council uh Mr pusc who grew up here and I think the last person we had as a homeboy or a Home person let's say on Council was richm mccage so those who grew up here have a great affiliation of what gar should be so look forward to his turn the uh yeah nobody mentioned the catalytic converters which is interesting because I mean now it's it's starting to crop up again and and I would figure somebody should be talking about it so I would hope somebody will talk about it after I sit down uh the JFK Plaza rededication which the which I believe the uh Council olding mentioned the uh public is invited of course and this special part of the rededication will be that the public will be invited up to speak of their memory of that faithful day where President Kennedy was assassinated or of how they felt you know his his Persona affected our whole whole society moving forward um just one of those is the Peace Corp that he created so that that was a great thing that he did uh the Garwood Care's food drive of course this weekend so hopefully everybody uh is chipping in with cans of of goods and uh the block Capal it's already passed out the bag so it starts tomorrow if you haven't dropped off any food it's over at the firehouse tomorrow Saturday and Sunday and I guess the last yeah the last thing let me just bring up round three on the affordable housing program that we had it was developed uh it's called the RDP realistic development potential and it was created as to how much land we actually have to uh develop and it came out I think our RDP was actually zero uh so we had overlays of of the various malls and factories but we do not have any more realistic development land and yet they're coming out with these 80 units you said 80 units which you're saying is extravagant and shouldn't be twice as much as what we figured so I mean we don't have any land bottom line so I mean I suggest you really do join in the uh lawsuit send you a form letter that I saw somewhere uh just to get you up to speed on that if you haven't heard anything so thank you very much thank you is there anybody else who wishes to address the mayor and Council okay um if I could get a motion to close public comment some moved second all in favor I I opposed okay okay um answer answer I will answer a couple of questions first and leave the Redevelopment lawsuit to the side for a second um the Housing Trust those are fees that we uh get from affordable housing um and it it they're very specific as to what you can and can't use them for um and so if you would like the exact amount um I know if you if you could just email Miss Brun I have an estimated amount that I saw from last year but um some things have moved around since so um you can of course email her and she'll get you that that number and just to add I I do believe that's funded by vermel and all the other the affordable house yeah it's not it's not Municipal right it doesn't come out of the budget um or the taxpayer uh rvsa the meeting is about amending a contract between the rvsa and management I believe they have that program where they do the food waste so I'm assuming that it's about that contract between them but again you're more than welcome to reach out to our rvsa representative um or the rvsa themselves um catalytic converters um Chief do you want to speak to anything with that at this point okay um yeah there was a rash of it here and there I recomend recommend that everybody make sure that you pull your cars into a garage if you have one pull your cars as far up as you can um cameras of course now are always helpful um and uh that's where we are on that um and then the Redevelopment lawsuit first of all I just want to point out um yes the number is more than we had anticipated um and we're still looking at that number um right now aren't I I want to just comment there was a comment made about the number of school kids that we can't handle the number of school kids um the school actually the number is actually a little lower than was projected they haven't had to increase any sort of uh you know additional classrooms for any children coming out of vermel um we'll see what comes with uh the projections from paperboard when that comes along um but I just wanted to clarify that uh I personally um I have read the the language in the lawsuit and I personally don't there was some contradictory language in the lawsuit that I felt made it a little bit weak the lawsuit itself that they're putting uh putting it forward and I don't think I personally don't think this particular lawsuit is going the what they're using the arguments that they're using are going to um work in their favor and so I don't feel comfortable putting out that kind of money um to join that sort of lawsuit um especially after reading it myself and finding some of the points were very contradictory I understand the feeling behind it but this lawsuit itself is not something I can support um something that I do want to and obviously council is welcome to give their opinions on it themselves as well um I have been looking at um some other things that Mr Abramson sent me about um a group of Municipal attorneys are putting together some possible amendments that they'd like to put forth to the legislature it um to summarize it they would basically be looking at the regional numbers a little bit differently using the number of cosos from the Census Data as opposed to different numbers that are currently being used and that would lessen our number I still want to find out more about this particular Amendment um and I was planning next week to discuss it with planning board uh Mr Musta will be there he has I mean this is this is his wheelhouse I wanted to talk with him a little bit more about it I do recommend that everybody come to the planning board meeting council members and public alike to hear from Mr mrea he did offer also to come to council meeting to talk about this but I think at this point it was best served to come to the planning board and talk about it first because we haven't um moved forward into any sort of plan yet or he hasn't given his recommendations I should say as to any sort of plan but he can speak a little bit more as to the number itself so I really do recommend that everybody come to the planning board meeting and um this will all be discussed at a little bit in a little bit more detail um with people who are really working on this for us themselves so um if anybody else wants to comment they're welcome to or we can move okay yeah you wanted to or no yeah I just I do not believe bringing this issue to the courts is going to do anything positive for any of the towns involved it's to me just lighting money on fire the courts have repeatedly ruled this stuff as constitutional in this state over the course of probably two generations now I I believe legislation is the way to address this I I was hoping that the final bill that passed would be a little better than it was I I think engaging our legislators and getting amendments uh specifically to address what I think is the imbalance in this which is the ratio of affordable to market rate is the best return for our constituents handing over money to a group of lawyers for a lawsuit that is not going to go anywhere is not I concur that's why I I would like to look a little bit more into these possible amendments to the legislation so anybody else okay and once again I know we're we're just hitting on the edges of this so please come to the planning board meeting next week um consent agenda does anybody have anything they would like to remove okay can I have a motion to adopt the consent agenda so moved second uh roll call please of um any discussion okay roll call please councilwoman Bodo I councilman Foley I councilman lazro I counc ndi I councilwoman Simon I council president Carney I uh payment of claims Miss uh Miss Vasquez be it resolved that the following claims as approved be and the same are hereby ordered paid when properly signed and verified and the payment of payrolls as listed is hereby confirmed and ratified can I have a motion to adopt payment of claims some moved second second uh roll call please councilwoman Bodo hi councilman Foley hi councilman lazro councilwoman ndi I councilwoman salmon hi council president Carney I all right before we adjourn I just want to um take this moment to thank all of our veterans as well as all of our active duty military um and hope that everybody joins me in saluting them on Veterans Day on Monday uh the regular meeting of Mayor and Council will be held on Monday November 18th 2024 at 700 p.m. in council chambers information for meetings is posted on the Barrow website can I have a motion to adjourn someone second all in favor I opposed okay I got closer this time I got close