##VIDEO ID:UDbTpXRvaSo## no oh I need one for myself okay here 435 all right and what was the change that you had find found oh it's it had a whereas that it said uh May 22nd 2002 okay all right there we go all right here's the second one yeah he's going that one any Steve who that that coming in the door it's me you made it sorry I'm [Music] late all right uh we ready CH and I I we yeah I did too quite honestly okay folks good evening and welcome to the planning board meeting of uh Wednesday September 25th um and uh with that I'll proceed to open this meeting up pursuant to the open public meetings law this is the state for the record that adequate notice of this meeting has been provided to the public by publication in the Union County Hawk on December 21st 2023 and by posting on the burrow website and filing of said notice in the office of the municipal clerk uh the zoom Access Link is for viewing purposes only and is posted on the burough website this is a regular meeting of the board um at this time I would like to have a mo a moment of silence and a flag salute I pled alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repu for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you ad roll call please mayor blumenstock here Mr Capo biano here councilwoman salmon here chair greet here miss vagio here Mr nstead here Mr Barkin here Mr Mr McCormick here miss biano here miss hay here and Mr buers here okay thank you um at this time I'm going to uh we're going to um suspend the regular order of business to allow for a presentation by our superintendent burough superintendent of schools um Mr Kenny uh superintendent Kenny and um he has no and he has uh provided us with an outline of uh what he's going to present for his 5-year plan tonight uh with that I would like to allow him to present uh without questions and then save your questions to the end and he's more than welcome to uh to address those at that time Mr Kenny thank you for coming um I I appreciate you accepting our invitation and I look forward to uh to hearing from you thank you very much app everybody's thank you very much uh tonight I appreciate the time to be able to present at a planning board uh something that uh i' like to take pride in the fact that the stakeholders that are listed on this plan uh was it was a yearlong process that we had delved into this um and looked into what is truly needed for the district when it comes to both infrastructure technology uh as well as um supplies whether it comes to um you know computers wiring and whatnot so you'll see this all outlined in this plan and we try to make it as userfriendly as possible sometimes you see long range facility plans it does read like hieroglyphics so we really want to make this to present it to the community planning board and anybody else that wants to go on a district website and take a look at what our and again our plan is even though it's a five-year plan it it still is a plan and there are circumstances that arise that throw your plan out of whack so keep that in mind um but it is it is our plan as far as what needs to be done in order to keep the district running and and properly uh you know being able to house uh both the teachers the staff and the uh and the Learners in the district so you'll notice that there are different sections in the plan the first section is just an overview of the facilities and existing structures and as you are aware um we just put Washington school back online in regards to now housing our early childhood Learning Center our preschool programming so that is now part of our existing structures uh the structural needs what needs to be done within the buildings some of which has already been done over the summer such as the flooring at Washington school three of the four classrooms the particular plywood uh the VCT Tile had to be replaced the fourth classroom is looking to we're looking to to do that next summer um the big portion of the structural needs has to do with the HVAC and the roofing as you'll notice um over time the roof the wear and tear being that it is a flat roof uh there's water that settles down uh gets underneath the seams and therefore causes some damage there as well as the existing structures underneath and the hbac units that we have both on top of Washington and yes yes chairman greed is there way we share this no no no no no it's on the bar it will be it's on the school's uh website right now sure no problem um with the HVAC the units on top of both Lincoln and Washington uh particularly when you look at Washington they are older units So eventually they're going to have to be replaced as what happens with any typ of unit um either the unit goes bad or the parts to fix the unit become Obsolete and in Lincoln School you have units that have what are called relays so these relays from a point of uh where you would control the temperatures the relays for the whole school have to be controlled at a computer station those relays need to be replaced and that costes cost money as well as the units themselves so that's something that structurally needs to be done there are maintenance plans that are listed here Washington School there'll be an updated version of this as we know what the maintenance plan for Washington school will be for this year so this was completed in May prior to us taking full control of Washington school so this will be updated when we have the maintenance plan for that it also outlines existing technological Frameworks computers servers networks wiring um every five or so now we're given we're granted 10 years on the Chromebooks but it used to be five where every five they used to somehow do something and make our Chromebooks start to go bad for some reason who knows it's those updates I'm telling you um however that being said that's also listed in the existing technological Frameworks and that also has cost money as you want to keep your technology upgraded summary of Technology needs is listed there and then we get down to our student population data disaggregation I tried to lay out an elongated longitudal study of what our population is currently and what it will be over the next five years of the plan given that we are hypothetically putting uh formulas in play I could tell you right now given the fact that we had close to 18 students and we still have a couple registering 20 students this school year over the summer um these are projections this could change when housing changes when people move out you know when the rentals change so these are projections that are out there for the next five years um with these projections you take a look at Staffing analysis and whether or not you're going to need more Staffing you're going to take a look at your room utilization whether or not you have enough room to house those particular classrooms both General Ed special ed ancillary classroom space such is occupational therapy uh counseling child study team offices So the plan outlines that as well security measures every uh School deserves the proper security to keep our staff and students safe uh it outlines the current security measures in both Washington and Lincoln School we are still upgrading Washington and we'll continue to upgrade Lincoln as we are directed by not only the office of school emergency uh planning and preparedness from the New Jersey Department of Education but also our GPD here and the burough development planning we' like to take into account what has been developed and what's going to be developed and how it's going to affect our student population so we tried to get as much information from those in the know in regards to what and when is coming on board that will affect our student population thus our room utilization and the needs whether it be technological or otherwise uh that we're going to have to account for within the next five years uh so there is a a brief conclusion it talks about um certain technological funding as well as infrastructure funding and security funding and gives you some broad numbers as far as what's going to cost over the next five years so given the fact fact that again it is a plan there are certain things that we cannot take into account for if something happens immediately over the next five years that we didn't anticipate in the plan so that's not in here because we don't know of it so we did the best we could with what we know with the information that we have all right I'll take questions goad mayor thank you um I just wanted to ask uh about section six with the student population obviously that's always like the Hot Topic right um but I wanted to ask the 2425 projection I guess that from last year when this was created uh you projected that it would go the population would go down um and obviously you did have an increase this year a substantial one actually but so I wanted to just see the discrepancy like right again it's a projection yeah yeah we didn't know um that population dropped was because last year the preschool was housed there and now it's house at Washington gotcha you do have some of those kids at least 20 kids jumping over right okay um and that larger jump this year I I mean I know it's not all from veral you're seeing a because that wouldn't change that much to that extent so you're seeing it come from other I'm good um I have a question uh how is this or uh or uh how will this be funded all these improvements yeah within the next five it's a fiveyear plan correct so how do you anticipated being funded well the one projection that's pry a pretty large number is the riing right as you saw over a million dollars correct um there are ways that as you meet the needs of other costs and you budget out uh you may need to work as far as not looking to fully replace the roof but to repair it which would cost you so so you would utilize like a a surplus or or put it away fact if you have Surplus or if you have a surplus um would you set it aside yeah roof you would you would try to do that as much as possible given the 2% cap incre cost yeah you know I know it's difficult but um so the rest of the stuff um the technology stuff some of that is throughout the budget over the next five years all right that'll be built into the budget but stuff like the larger cost would have to go through a uh you know adding up a reserve or or or would you or would you I'm trying to ask the question um would you look to do a bond it would it be up to solely deide that if that's the way the dire of support wants to it's quite possible that all in one full swoop you do that um but I wouldn't but it's five years it's a fiveyear projecting plan yeah because they um the uh major part of it of 1.3 million it is yeah2 yeah that's a that's a big chunk it is of it and to to set aside $1.2 million in only five years it's going to be very difficult that tomorrow the roof's going to fall apart but but if the roof is at you know the roof is the roof you know it's a flat roof correct right there are certain portions though that are rated differently okay in when we got it evaluated there are certain portions that could be just repaired there are some that over time are going to need replacement that cannot or Beyond repair and there are certain portions that have been replaced all right and um because I personally would rather see it somehow some way like if like if it needs to get fixed it would be more cost effective I know it's a big number to do it once um um um can do it right right like instead of Patchwork because if you do this section this year and the section over there that needs to be done you know like in a couple years well that whole cycle is going to go again potentially yes yeah usually because I think like uh uh we have a flat roof up here right and I know like they they fixed it recent I don't know couple years ago but before that like every year um there would be something wrong with it right like with the ice or something to that effect but yeah so it's definitely a consideration to do it all at once but it's also a consideration as we have uh it it has been evaluated to where certain portions would need to be replaced sooner than others okay and um Can next you about the uh soon population I just want to ask another question if I could go um how many of those 18 new students we 20 now right 20 now coming in yeah um we from verela that I don't have that count off top I have right now okay thank you thank you chairman do do those do those new students include um the new preschool that you uh no that's just Lincoln okay 18 Lincoln and I have a question about the uh the funding the state funding for Education um that you would would get every year pretty much um is there is there a a budgeted amount for uh repairs to the the physical buildings at all within that uh structure you get certain Aid right uh like you could you Equalization Aid they call it so there are General AIDs that you get that you could allocate to wherever you would need it right okay so that could that's part of that funding does include some um some maintenance work for the buildings themselves it could potentially be depending upon where you allocated to as a district right right I would and along Kathy's Kathy's uh note yeah it would be actually Beyond interesting um to find out exactly since since vanela opened and they're 100% occupied basically saying um what the effect of the student population was from the time prior to them opening to the time that they're fully staffed right now or fully operational um could that be posted on your on your website I it's in section section nine there's 15 total students okay because that's what the question was earlier yeah last year as of last year it was 15 yeah there but the new students I don't know how we don't know how many are but it's okay really spread out I don't think would want to post that publicly yeah truly identify okay all right number certainly below what was what was projected earlier on I know there there was there there no additional classrooms needed right when you know the kids came in so okay go Mr thank you Mr chman thank you Mr Kate first thing I wanted to say is put a thank you out there this board some of us been here a long time been here a long time we requested fiveyear facility plan from the board of education for years for the last at least the last five to 10 years oh go maybe well I was get them benefit doubt so I wanted to thank you very much okay putting this together because no other superintendent has has done it um second thing is I want to go back to Cathy Wass uh I agree with her wholeheartedly and what the chairman said also um you know that 1.2 F figure that's in the low end that that is the U uh that was the May prices who knows when you get couple years down the road you know I did add them up I said let we get the Lo let's roll this everybody but I know the Board of Education me back up the reason we've been asking for this plan is because you know the municipal land requires that the board repair educational facilities element and master plan which we've never been able to do because we've never had this and the purpose of that long range plan is to indicate and maybe it's it's specific rationality not relative to we are today in Garland but is provide for or if we need another school you know if your projections are hey we're going to have you know um you know 20,000 you know students coming in here while the planing Board needs to recognize that hey maybe we need to uh and the council needs to recognize maybe need some some of the land areas we have you know try to work together I saying to you the autonomist body autonomist body but we rely on the citizens we rely on the taxpayers right and so we want to make sure we work together and either I said the town perhaps can reserve from space that it has and isn't using terms of land area or the me to zoning area for school so I'm very happy at planning perspective that have this so um jumping into where Kathy and and the chairman were and go back to it uh I assume the board of education has a capital the budget and you put better so looking at that just at 1.2 and as I think C said it you know yeah you can repair stuff but we all know repairs only last so long um and if we can make a with ey through the board here to make a recommendation that the board you know look at those sections I didn't realize there were 10 different sections to read L school yeah yeah and you know as you said some are poor some are fair I think one was with the library library room were was the newest one that's right all the others and you know what the roof report talked about in terms of how bad some of the are and some of the root they did recommend store some of the root they recommend place right so again gr chair of the board to make the recommendation to vation take a serious look at that grof report and try over the next five years to indicate path great money coming from I remember but when the capital Improvement Capital profit okay well if we give you 1.4 million nobody else fix anything so you know this year it's 400,000 we put that inve you're saying then build up okay maybe 2027 we can do 1.2 past three years say right in Reser just really enation look at that and don't just say we can rep most of us here on houses and we know that you know repair last so long and repair I don't think anybody's going to get stuck down the road and I know take we St here you know we don't want to have A8 million Bond issu down road to fix a roof right in 2029 we knew back in 2024 that all right 2025 we put in, 2026 whatever that is right and I know the board Council talk about certain monies and perhaps that's where certain money I make that citizen ta try to that um other items um one of the items in there talk about you know Lincoln School outside playground has Board of Education every you know I as a young child back in 20 you know my wife and I both went have school and all playground the metal monkey bars with the concrete I was there so I would again encourage maybe take playground yeah um and then as the mayor said important part what together section six of student population right um one of the things that jumped out at me in looking at school well the first that jumped out was Lincoln School as the mayor said it became zero and the school population actually went down I said wow went from 371 down to 349 open and it took a while to go through the L school stuff to figure out okay that's where K went right but 2024 2025 seems work so when you get to 20 25 26 26 778 um that maximum strength so spe in 2026 27 really only have enough class class rate for 60 students where where are the had to look it up program through students with disabilities um uh children going and where you going to put 68 students with be right so you have a space downstairs and Washington schol is currently a multi-purpose room you could convert that into a classroom that's the first thing that we were look at you're also allowed under the grant to look at other ancillary Spates outside of the school and contract with Head Start programs as well as child care centers to bring them on so the whole goal of the program is to continuously build and build and build this way you are reaching potentially all preschool students three and four year olds in the district so right now you know you're here at 68 I don't know necessarily in 2728 if there's 75 I'd like to house all 75 somewhere and offer them the free preschool opportunity so that's the goal the state wants you to get to at least 75% of your population through the grant my goal would be 100% but and if that goal was reached and I I I heard and I understand what you said but if that goal was reach M become one classroom two or uh I would say you you'd be hard pressed to get the state to approve that as two classrooms you that's a small well you need you need minimum 750 square feet so and you don't want to over comp so so then if indeed we were not able to we only able to convert that no take week so if we were only able to convert that to one right still need another one right saying that's when you reach out to other child care providers correct correct so there are current towns right now that are utilizing the preschool expansion grant money uh they don't have enough space within their town they are looking outside of their town uh in Cranford particularly um there is a child care center that is picking up on what's going on here and they're saying hey if we don't get on board in conforming our space so we we could grab some of the extra classroom space that these other towns need they're getting smart about it from a business standpoint uh we're going to be out of business because eventually the state is going to want you to come and grab all of your preschool students into this sprak I think I think that's a wonderful idea to do that and you really have to get creative but you have to make sure that you're abiding by what the preschool expans Grant allows so it can't be under 750 sare ft uh a bathroom has to be within sight of the room it's around the corner it's no good now is that an ongoing grant that you can reapply for or is that one time right good question um the grant even though it's called the grant right now it converts to our state aid it's preschool state aid now but once we have it it's built into our state a equ okay so that is Ono we need to do um reporting right uh every year we need to update a three-year plan but in essence it becomes part of state A okay all right thank you so so back then um today we're good going down the road we're good um what percentage are we do you know what percentage we're attracting now at 45 students right uh I I don't I don't have the that's all right birth rate figures I guess you could say the Fig yeah yeah that's fine um I see a lot of carriages though you know yeah I live like gami Park let me tell you yeah there are carriages going by you know it's it's it's it really is interesting to see many she said characters well had too but we will get into that here so um all right so I'm glad is a plan now this might be a silly question uh I just can't place them child Fair Senate in garage what do we have we have RC kids RC [Music] um it was the Y that is it so you're you have to reach out potentially yes there are child standard there's already ones that are up and running and kind of picking up on what the districts around need that's other districts do do that that's how where I talk remember back when my three girls went to school late 80s early 90s I think that numbers were higher than what we're seeing today yes they were they were like when our kids I don't understand what we're projecting what the problem is if we gave our children hold on if we gave our children the education and both became successful what is the problem today why having these bringing up an issue of what's Happening Here I'm not saying there is a say what they're talking about is in preschool there's a limit on the number of students you can have in that classroom at 15 that's a well we didn't have preschool is it's just preschool so it's not K through 8 um that I don't remember whether that number was but it's been like that for long yeah the 15 has been forever then next of I mean I don't think it's any different than one of us having a house making or or there's always one roof that's newer or older than the other but with that being said there a wall there's something that defines that gr from leing right when it does leave it's always G to come back well you should have did this and you should have did that so I think it was Kathy that said that or maybe but if we're going to do this as a taxpayer I think all the should be done at one time so24 and we go back to 2030 all our were done at the same time more than likely the same contractor right and then we can figure that out I and I understand that and I'm not arguing with it that certainly is a way to go the only thing that we as as the I would say to the planning board that we have to remember is that's a great way to go but that means one year you're going to Sock the taxpayers for literally I I use high-end I use low end 2.5 million in one year and it's gonna be whoa wait a second second why didn't we fix the roofs as we go why didn't we put 250,000 in 26 27 and 300,000 27 28 I hear what you're saying but Rich they are eight separate roofs you really can do one and I understand that I understand the average home rer on the screen right now I understand that but and it means you're always going back asking for more and there's nothing to go back to it's like the roof lead well be of this because that but you did it over at once it's that same contract that same wule that same line yeah and I don't want to be a council person or a board of member at that time when when they're asking for a $2.5 million bond issue I'd like to see you vote for it I I I do have a question getting off I'm sorry one one last name isad um oh I was just gonna say you know the the end the end result here the end product uh where you actually indicated uh hang on I was so happy to see no additional classroom spaces are needed you know that out now based upon the projections two years from now we could have 50 students move in that all go with third grade yeah because as rich said he's absolutely right when you know before our kids went you would have years of four and 500 kids the difference is that when you go to the room utilization so many more of the classrooms say itiz for what's a good term they're not classroom ancillary type classroom ancillary I don't like that one how about um uh no no I'm trying I'm trying to search for specific um resource rooms things like that which didn't exist when our kids were going to the school so that's how you kind of lose some of the rooms too so last question I'm very happy to see that there are no no additional classroom I'm curious about the projected 27 28 28 29 um you're you're you're looking and if I can understand the thought process you're saying hey verela is open whatever happens that pave board is open and so there will be a turnover but there won't be additional students is that what you're saying what what I'm saying is that as many from right now projecting out four to five years out you would most likely see as many many kids leaving Garwood and transferring as you would coming in you know they do transfer out yeah which here they do transfer out thank you Mr chairman okay uh I I do have a question let's get back to the to the budgeting a little bit for for roofs um currently do you have an immediate need for any repairs on the roof on these roofs not currently do you have a budget item or line item that you can do locally where you can start putting funds away for a future let's say a major overview or a repair rather and there are reserves yes there are reserves okay um are there any and I'll just ask um is there any funding currently that's required from our buau to supplement that that fund at all well the one thing about reserves it's a funny thing because as much as you have what you would consider Reserve I go back to the 2% cap in the fact of you know the cost of health insurance uh the salary increases cost of you know utilities a lot of that Reserve kind of dwindles away because you're bound by holding to your contracts so as much as you want to say we might have $150,000 in reserve that may go away because you have to build that into a budget to substantiate even functioning for the following year so it's always good to have uh Community Partners you know help out in certain ways because of you know we are dealing with you know a lot of constrictions and um a lot of fixed costs that are potentially above 2% I think so in a nice way you're saying yes yes I I think chair it's very similar to the burrow Council budget where you're constrained you know how many times do you hear we'd love to put more into our Capital Improvement fund and we're not able to because of ongoing ongoing costs and and caps so it's you know we're all kind of stuck in the same boat which is really the the problem I should guess okay thank you uh yes Maran question a plan and forgive me I don't what the current Lighting systems are that are installed in most schools if they are still all old florescent they are not okay I'm sorry you saying bulbs made me think of something you've got solar panels on the roof we do do you use them how are they used how the power unfortunately right now the solar panels after a while they don't really benefit you in the in the manner at least a large building like ours on washing on Lincoln School uh simply because of the the output that you get back in out of it is pretty much cancelled out by the input that you're no reverse that the input that it's giving energy wise is being canceled out by the output so I have solar panels in my house for about 10 years I don't understand what you're saying what I'm saying is we do not see currently a fiscal benefit to having solar panels well I understand that but I don't understand why not I mean you should be getting power toing you know I don't want to get into it but should be getting power I mean is that are those are those it's also causing damage to the roof but that's that that I read That's whoever installed them should uh be able to call them back and have redo it but um you know we're trying to go sustainable and so many other things um you got the panels right they are producing energy yes but after a while the wear and tear on the panels they are older how old is older uh I want to say we're 10 years that's nothing 10 10 15 years Mr KY I'll be honest with you okay they're supposed to last 15 to 20 can I recommend um through the board that perhaps you have somebody look at that because you should still be getting power from those P I'm not saying we're not getting panel I know that but you should be getting there's a lot of panels up there yeah I just a recommendation I haven't physically up there to check them to look at the power out power output of it I do know that when asked it always comes comes up as if there there isn't much of a benefit when it cost savings for us and I get that from my business departments and and I'll simply say I don't understand that and I encourage you to look uh look at that a little more noted 10 15es no there's no there's no trees within the direct no anyone else with questions from the board same then I'll open it up to the general [Laughter] public do you mind coming up to the mic you have to be able to hear I can't remember how long it's been since uh we rented that to the the YMCA but might about five years yeah about five years I guess I think it's a little bit more than five but first I have to say Bill the last time uh the board of V came in here Dr quickley came in it's probably been about 10 years and she gave A Five-Year Plan okay at that time I remember that because everybody was panicking because we were thinking about verela about Redevelopment and everybody was oh my God we're going to get going to K kill the kids and it was even in their Five-Year Plan and it turned out to be nothing uh my question is if it's been five years since we've used Washington School have has the town not thought about fixing the roof has it not been in the budget to look at the roof on was Wasington or even Lincoln and now all of a sudden that it's been 10 years in the making that we have a fiveyear plan coming up we're looking at roof repairs we're looking at HVAC repairs we haven't talked about that in 10 years why not so all of a sudden now we're going to panic again for the next five years on $2.5 million it's not the town first off Mike it's not the town B B I want to make sure that's number one understand and number two there's no Panic this is planning you need to do XYZ Bill I know you know understand that but my my point is since we haven't had the board evet come in front of us for 10 years 15 years or whatever it is now all of a sudden we're looking at repairs on the building well this is projected repairs right now projected I understand that but why wasn't it projected five years ago so when we gave the building up and we rented it didn't we think about the projected repairs couldn't the rentals of the building that would have let that would have been on the board of ed and I'm sure they've been talking about it I obviously we don't know what they're what they've been talking this year the Board of Ed wasn't was it the Board of Ed that rented the building yes yes the Board of Ed owns it well then that makes my point it should have been talked about and discussed or brought up to the town to the board uh to the planning board about repairs that could be and not just throw them in now since we took the building back up Mr chair okay but but the the board of EDS submitting this plan to us now has nothing to do with the turnover of the building okay not leasing not leasing it from yeah I understand why if is the question why hasn't the Board of Ed looked at us for the past 10 years well I don't think this div Bo to answer that perhaps you can talk to Mr Kenny he's only been here two years I don't know if he knows I know I'm saying is it's It just strikes me that he's coming with the board of event not the board of event is coming with a fiveyear plan now and it's encompassing roof repairs projected but apparently somebody was up there saying that we might need roof repairs now why wasn't this looked at in the past five uh it might have been I that that it would be on the board of ed okay thanks Mike while the Washington school was being um rented by the Y I know that the Board of Ed was constantly maintaining or working with them to maintain different things yeah contracts had but there were certain stipulations that they did some you did some yeah I'm sure I'm sure the capital was on the board of ed yeah because certain portions yeah if I remember with that contract originally um it's it it's it's stated in the contract um if but something had to be fixed okay um um um 10 the dollar amount was over $2,000 I think the fee I think that that was the number then that would be on the burrow I mean that would be on you know the Board of Education if it was minor under $2,000 when you're talking about a building that's a minor issue um then that would be the wise responsibility if I remember correctly from the agreement anyone else on the board here okay again I'm going to open it up to the general public for one more time of anything from this witness and uh seeing none I'll close that portion of the of the meeting um okay well I thank thank you thank you thank you very much yes for attending that was good Mr chairman um make a if you're looking for a motion well no I'm not ready for a motion yet we have uh some some minor cleanup that we have I mean on this oh yeah go ahead um if if uh if you're looking for a motion I'd like to make a motion at the planning board accept uh the uh Board of Education five-year um facilities plan uh with the I don't want to just put my own out there with the recommendations there regarding uh the Board of Education look into uh Capital plan for the uh roof um what else everybody say uh lighting was already done the solar the solar panels what else did everybody say those um I think that was the only thing Bill okay was the major and Andor thing I don't know this is separate if you want I I'll pull this back you know this isn't it's not a full educational facilities plan but this is the this is you know 90% of it so and maybe it's a separate motion and if it is just let me know that we ask a council for some fund so we can turn this into the educational facilities of the master plan so we can have that done for 2025 that could be a separate motion thanks Bill you welc say that second one again no maybe you'll call that project one [Laughter] point on that all right bill made a motion um I'll second that motion okay mayor roll sorry please mayor Bloom andstock it's just that first part right hi well no is it can't on that that's why so is it both parts or just one no just one just one yeah I Mr Capo biano hi councilwoman salmon hi chair greet yes Miss vagio hi Mr nstead hi Mr Barkin Mr McCormick and Miss biano I motion carries then Mr chairman I'll make a second motion that we the planning board uh request Council in its 2025 uh budgetary proceedings that they consider um the installation of additional funds for the for the incorporation or for the uh transformation of this long range plan into the educational facilities element of the burough master plan so that we can have that added to our master plan also do here a second I'll second that roll call Mayor blumenstock abstain Mr Capo biano hi Council woman salmon abstain chair greet yes Miss vagio yes Mr nstead yes Mr barin yeah Mr McCormick Miss biano hi Don when people abstain do I call the extra or go for it Miss hay I and Mr buers I motion carries okay thank you okay with that um we can continue on with our resolutions um we have two that have been prepared and distributed um and sent out electronically as well so if I hear a motion to accept these uh to resolution uh PB 2403 I'll make that motion to accept PB 23 2433 24033 okay all those in favor well roll call Mayor blumenstock I Mr Capo biano I chair greet yes Miss vagio hi Mr McCormick Miss Bianco hi and Miss hay I okay we have a second um resolution as well um and that's um for 24- 04435 South Avenue um again realigning some of the uh some of the um uh property lines uh as per agreement uh do I hear a motion I'll make that motion second vo mayor blumenstock hi Mr capoano hi chair greet yes Miss vagio yes Mr McCormick Miss biano hi and Miss hay I okay I'll open it up for General minutes oh oh yes thank You Adele um has everyone had an opportunity to read the minutes and if they have do I hear a motion I'll make the motion to accept the minutes second all those in favor I opposed he no motion carries Minister accepted I'm going to also um and uh I'm just going to open it up again to the general public uh for any comments um up front tonight um or questions seeing none uh I'll close that section of the meeting and finally I have um one bill that has to be approved and that's for um for Fara Fraser and Forester and in particular for Donald and that's in the uh the amount of let's see um actually two two bills one is for $1,960 and that's for meeting attendees attendee and um then one is build in escrow to U verilla one and verilla 2 for $660 do I hear a motion to accept that bill I'll make that motion all those in favor I opposed here we go Motion carries it's going to charge extra I sent last time what what I was going to charge extra they sent Jean last night extra [Laughter] oh never mind do I have a motion toour did we want to announce that we're going to be canceling the uh first October yeah our next meeting October 7th was it no 9th 9th the nth okay um the next me scheduled meeting was for October 9th we don't have any uh current business for that night so we're going to postpone that or we're going to um cancel that meeting uh for October 9th of the planning board right chair can I say sure I just wanted to congratulate the planning board um for winning the New Jersey planners award for uh verela 2 um and some of us will be uh attending their award ceremony on Friday but uh you know you guys did the hard work I wasn't even up here during that so I get to I get to reap the benefit but uh thank you very much everybody I appreciate it well thank you very well done it is the we had one for the Lofts yes and now verela too so Garwood yeah thank you to all it's uh it's very good it's a it's a good good uh show for our town um definitely I don't know chairman who chairman um I just want to know what the uh status of the the ordinances are that that needed to be changed by um Victor's office um sure I can reach out to Harbor consultant yeah we'll uh we'll follow up on that thank you you're welcome um okay any other business okay then we hear a motion to adjourn I'll make that motion Mr chairman I you would second all those in favor I oppos all right we're J thank you thank before said was hot in here and I wasn't now it's hot in here so M what happened you didn't e e