##VIDEO ID:FC4vUCxS6nM## e any visitor or public comments no okay moving on on to informational items superintendent report sure um just a a heads up to board members I got First Communication about the msba conference and uh in the middle of January it's January 15 through the 17th at the Minneapolis Convention Center and uh and encourage everyone who is able to attend that it's a good good training session for board members um so just put that on your calendar and we'll talk more about that as we get closer um enrollment I just wanted to give an update each month on our enrollment we we were at 548 students on day one of school and uh we're at 547 today so we always have a little fluctuation in and out um had two out and one in at one the high at the high school grade levels so maintaining there and certainly want to uh want to maintain at a minimum and hopefully grow that number as we move throughout the school year just wanted to let you know that I have posted the business manager position um so we will see what kind of activity we get with that posting with the hopes of hiring somebody in in January so they could work in conjunction with Lindsay uh over the budget development process and just familiarize themselves with the district um over that time and we also I also reposted the Spanish position and just wanted people to know our we're doing online Spanish and it's been going very well um and how I know you told me eron how often that person is online in person yes so we have a current setup so we have Spanish one two and three so for Spanish classes um one and two they're live with their teacher once a week but we have Miss uh Lopez who is um Native Spanish speaker who assists the students during the week and so has been working with the online teacher about how to manage the classroom and how extra learning can happen um and then our uh Spanish Street kids they connect live with their teacher three times a week and then follow with that same routine as well um they were a little bit apprehensive about an online learning platform especially when he's not a teacher at gfw um but they are um amazing and they're um very likable U our Spanish one and two teacher actually came to our school and visited with the students um his name is Mr Hyo so um they really do like him a lot so it's been going well for them I was a little bit worried myself but um it's been going well they said they've been learning a lot of Spanish despite it being online but I think it's because it's very concentrated like this is what you do and um they upload videos and they connect and um have conversations in the class and with other students and the teacher so so while while we're pleased that that's working well um teacher in front is going to be even more preferable option if we could get somebody who's graduating semester first semester and ready to go so we didn't post that again um just want to mention uh we did we did make some furniture orders um as kind of Pilots so there are two classrooms at the elementary and then two at middle school high school um and then we actually got an order of 150 desks that were a were a I don't remember if it was the wrong color or something wrong order for a high school somewhere in the cities that were available so we got a discount on them um so some of those the pilot classrooms arrived at mea and uh so they're in the room so teachers and students are getting a chance to test test things out they're they're different than a traditional desk it's usually a a more of a table and shair concept but we're just trying them out to see if that's going to work for furniture that we' want to have in the new in the new school so that's come out of the construction Furniture budget here um did want to mention just we did some work on our security cameras thank Mr Werner and U his uh contacts at U I'm going to forget Tech check um our cameras were really in dire shape at both buildings so they weren't really usable for much of anything um and we had them come in and and we're actually leasing a head end unit that links up to our existing cameras and the headend unit is what will be in the new school so we're actually learning how to run what we're going to have next year and all cameras are up and running uh it's a really nice nice system here so uh great to have those those running um again should should we need them um and we use save schools dollars to to pay for that that lease for this year so we'll have that lease um through through the school year and then we'll roll over to the new system that was bid out for the new facility um and then I mentioned it just as some uh some committees that we' met with had a Community member call and asked if you're doing a time capsule on our on the new school and I hadn't ever hadn't really thought of that um but we are we are looking to do a time capsule of some sort with the new school building project so we'll be uh reaching out to various historical societies and community members for ideas on what item should should go into that time capsule and I I think that's an exciting exciting Fe feature something to or some younger people to look forward to opening at some point in time here but um so I think that's that's it for now I'll have few more comments down in the Business Services report okay uh middle school high school report so uh this school year at the middle school high school site staff have focused on building relationships with students and also integrating the new social studies and math curriculum that was selected last year a major change has been the adoption of schoy which is a management system that serves as a One-Stop shop for students to access materials submit assignments participate in discussions communicate with teachers and engage in assessments for teachers Schoo enables personalized instruction detailed feedback and student performance tracking helping tailor lessons to individual needs so before we had different places in which students were accessing homework and so some were doing it through campus some were doing it um through Google classroom some of them were using schooly so it was getting to be confusing for parents and students to figure out where all of their things um were for class so th why it's important for us to select curriculum that um can talk to our systems our LMS systems that we use which both of our new social studies and math CS do in addition to schoology staff are learning to use Frontline for managing District goals and evaluations teachers are currently setting student learning and engagement goals as well as identifying professional growth areas for their own personal practice in the classroom our next steps uh next week or actually the last week here in October is to helps uh teachers learn how to use artificial intelligence to help them strategize and set those performance goals so Mr Jacobson doing that with us this year also marks the introduction of a positive behavior intervention system at the middle school high school site this is something that the elementary school has been doing for quite some quite a amount of time with a two-year training period for our staff so last year or in the summertime we started this training and we'll do our next training here in November but it's sporadically throughout this year and also next year the PB initiative encourages students to follow the school's motto which we selected as do the right thing and includes monthly student recognition events for middle school students our high school NHS students help run the monthly celebrations and our teachers emphasize different topics and different types of things that they can get involved in at the event the idea is to recognize and expose these students to different things that they can participate in our pep band plays at each of the events throughout year to bring the school spirit and to promote music in our schools we will also be adding a reward day for middle school students three times this year those students who have displayed good behavior and passing grades will have an opportunity to participate in that um event every Monday our attendance team meets to discuss student attendance and students who are on the fail list we've built a student tracking system for failing students teachers required to contact parents of the students on that list each we each week so that we can have a proactive approach to our students actually graduating from high school in the Middle School it's more about learning good habits of just making sure that we're keeping track of our grades and getting to where we need to be when we're supposed to be there on October 11th Miss Wood the student Dean took our 10th graders to Ridgewater ignite your future event where they had access to over 70 Hands-On career exploration activities offered by dozens of Industry partners and Community agencies the students seem to have a great time there over mea break as our superintendent mentioned we had a furniture delivery to three of our classrooms One Pilot classroom is in our Middle School social studies room another one is in the upper level Ela and our upper level math classrooms the students appear to be pretty excited about it this morning as I popped into the classrooms we will see how it works out for us it was quite a change for the teachers and students after the start of the year so I'm proud of them for welcoming this challenge of a change after school started so next up is the school's musical which is set for the 22nd through the 24th and that will be at our High School site and then in closing some of our FFA students will be attending the national convention in Indianapolis this week and our NHS NHS students will be doing a blood drive what is the musical um the Musical Legally Blond Legally Blonde yes I have to um work with Joe Voss um on the setup of that since he would like to have our Auditorium for three weeks but um our students have recess in there so we have to did that so yeah and it's this month that is yeah November 22nd 23rd and 21 okay y so I think it's a Friday Saturday Sunday thank you okay your Dasher report was in your packet um anything to add on that um no school board representative that I seen U board reports executive committee we met and basically did our regular monthly agenda setting and discussed things that might be coming up in the next few months but nothing in too particular to mention uh Finance facility and long-term range long range planning committee did they have a meeting yeah we everything continues to be about building the school obviously things are on track we talked about any uh what's it ter change orders change orders yes change orders address those and look looked at those and U pretty much know what to expect at this point I think so rather but committee didn't meet I don't believe next week next week yeah um anything on the table for that that no it that we're rev and we'll and there is SE I can't think of the section numbers right now but we're there's a schedule to review each year so we'll start that process as well okay community we just met a lot of stuff but um we talked about you know some of the impacts of you know changing our mascot so we currently have T Bird Club that um will need a new name as well as uh the Thunderbird Foundation to um or just to think about that those those uh different groups will have to have name changes with our mascot change um we talked further about the items on our agenda tonight which we'll get to and probably add discussion to um yeah talk about Time Capsule that's pretty well it what we'll get to in a little bit okay moving on to business services um just wanted to highlight you know the information in your board packet um cash flow were just very similar position to last year at this time so things are going along well there but you'll start to see larger number in our expenses each month um and we've got a construction fund going through there last month I think was our high bill um $2.4 million going out in a month and that's going to just continue to grow as we get more and more workers out on site so this want to make people aware of that that change um yeah those those were my notes regarding finances here but otherwise everything's on track okay thank you okay moving on to consent agenda get a motion to approve the consent I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda I a second I'll second any questions question no all those in favor raise your hand consent is approved resolutions and action items 9 a set date and time to Canvas election results the school board must certify the election results within seven days of Board election between November 8th and 15th the only item on the agenda for this meeting will be the certification of results I don't know if there's been a practice here or um of when you would meet to do that um I was looking at calendars of committee meetings we have an executive committee meeting um at 4:30 on the 11th that Monday uh um we just need to make sure we have a quorum whenever we hold that meeting I've had other districts meet at 7 in the morning for it's a five minute meeting we just have to act on that one item so whatever works best for you as a board I'm flexible to did we usually do it on Wednesday or Thursday I don't think it was very far after it was it it wasn't that far after but I've been doing this for so long it's been the after school so how does how does everyone feel I can make pretty much anything work the middle of the day is too I mean early I when early in the day and move on the rest of our day yeah that'd be fine what do we think maybe 8:00 or 8:30 8:30 8:30 on I would say what least Thursday or Friday yeah wait a couple days just to make sure we have everything here we don't anticipate any problems but Thursday Friday whichever works best for for the group here on Friday should we say Friday 8:30 I don't know what date that is the 10 that right oh I think the 11th is the Monday 11th is in Monday 10 Friday is8 yeah Friday so the 8 118 at 8 A.M 8:30 8:30 okay Friday November 8 8:30 8:30 yeah we can meet in my office and just be just as easy and it's just that agenda item so we'll post that okay you a motion to approve a special meeting for campus and election campus election results Friday November 8th at 8:30 a.m. make no and a second all the favor raise your hand we B action item act on request to add hours to our custodial contract with Dasher after reductions last year it is apparent that it has been difficult to keep up with maintenance and cleaning of our buildings with the current Staffing levels uh would recommend R recommendation for possible additions to present present at the board to present at the board for the meeting yeah so I I am going to recommend that we add 30 32 hours I think other times I've said essentially to bring two two part-time positions up to full time but i' I'd like to clarify just adding 32 hours because that would give Brian and his team some flexibility and how those hours are distributed to our buildings again the high school is probably the building of highest need as far as additional space and activities going on at that building so I know there is a cost to that um to do that through June 30th would be around $29,500 um but I I do think um we just need to be able to take better better care of our buildings uh planl right now um we have a good team in place and I I don't want to burn them out trying to keep keep them uh keep our buildings in good shape and then as we get closer to transitioning to the new building there's going to be additional responsibilities as far as moving stuff um and I just feel our staffing levels right now aren't going to accommodate any of that um I am I have been looking within the current budget there are limited things we can do to make some reductions Midstream but I think I I've already identified uh reduction that would hopefully pay for part of that um I I need to continue to pursue that but uh um I just want to make a commitment to the board here that um I don't add 29,500 to the budget lightly um and then I'll make every effort to find offsetting reductions that can help cover that cost for the rest of the year here any questions or discussion so you're saying changing two positions from 20 hours a week to 32 hours a week well Tech no technically now the two part times are 24 hours a week so so um adding 32 hours within all like lihood and I'm looking to Brian make the high school staff a full-time position and then we'd leave that 16h hour extra so we take 16 of the 32 hours to make High School staff full-time and then we have 16 hours and I'm going to let Brian determine how best to use that is there an additional part-time position or would it be to make this one full-time and they work perhaps at win sometime I'm going to leave that up to Brian um so the the request is to have 32 additional hours for the remainder of the year we can when beginning uh I think is it October 31st is a Monday I think basically yeah any other questions okay um get a motion to approve 32 additional hours for the custodial staff starting October 31st 2024 I'll make a motion and a second I'll second all in favor raise your hand motions approved welome future meeting dates uh Monday November 4th work session we gonna do we want to change that Poss now um yeah we'll just talk about that we've talked about changing our work session meetings to a to a a Committee of the whole um it just it's a less formal meeting we wouldn't do approval of the agenda and roll call um but I I'm going to qualify that on on Monday the fourth we may need to have some action items on that night so but just want to give board a heads up um just redefining that from a work session to a committee of the whole kind of just frees up discussion items and things so you know changing the you can do a committee of the whole instead of a a work session because a work session is Guided by an agenda or committee as the whole you can kind of stray off and get into it can open up the discussion a little better so it's still a public meeting but it's just a little less formal process yeah so but we'll keep it as is I suppose for now and yes work that y so Tuesday November 5th uh general election and School Board election Monday November 18th board meeting Monday December 2nd another work work session meeting Tuesday December 16th a board meeting and truth and Taxation hearing any other business or items reiterate there's a candidate forum and now I'm blanking on the date tomorrow is that tomorrow night okay that's what I was thinking then over in winp at the city hall forum is a school board at 6 you're invited talk to I think I'm send my response and okay I'll be field but anyway there is a candidate for him on School Board time is first and then it goes I think into city council and mayor for politics yeah okay anything else you got a motion to adjourn second all those in favor raise your hand meeting is AED please don't