##VIDEO ID:kLe7yPr4s-0## e e e e e thanks call Mee today is September 23rd 202 24 time is 601 I get a motion to approve the agenda as presented make go ahead George I'll make a motion to approve the agenda and a second I'll second all in favor raise your hands agenda is approved uh like to stand for the reading United States of America stand naice school and Community recognition uh any new staff would' like to welcome no nobody here tonight um we've mentioned new staff um you know we have a number of new staff from the Philippines this year as well as a few locals actually minnesotans so uh but not not are here tonight okay any uh visitor recognition or public comments no moving on to informational items uh superintendent report sure just uh a few few items just uh talked a little bit at our work session just been a good start to the school year always great to have sunshine and uh cool temperatures as we as we start the school year um and it's been off to a good start uh it it is homecoming week this week um so busy busy especially at the middle school high school but uh also down at the elementary I thought I had um well I'm lucky I didn't get the message it was pajama day today and I did not participate in so they're having fun with homecoming as well so um and then lastly just wanted to recognize um I did have columns in the local paper but I want to recognize our our school board members it's Schoolboard recognition month and um you know I've done the superintendent job for roughly 30 years now and uh the superintendent or the Schoolboard jobs I think have become just much more difficult there's so much more information out there social media um everybody knows how to contact you um and so I just want to publicly thank all of you for the the time commitment it takes and your dedication to the gfw schools it is much appreciated and uh I certainly want you to hear that from me and I hope others are are telling you that as they see you out in the community thank you and with that that's that was my report I'm back U from a break and recovering from a little head cold so I apologize for that a good break a good break yes y very good hey Elementary principal report anything yeah just a few things um I Echo to Dr Smith and saying that it was a great start to the school year and we really liked having all this nice weather so far for the kids being outside for recess and things like that and fed um we also had a really wonderful PD day um that with youth works that came our staff really enjoyed um that day and I heard a lot of people a lot of Staff members say that it was the best PD that we've had um there was a big focus on trying to hear the music um instead of the static um in the school world as we go about our day um so we've been just talking about that a lot um as we go around and just remember to hear that music right um it is homecoming week and it was PJ day today and I did take advantage which is why I I'm a little bit more casual wear today um we have other dress up days here at the elementary throughout the week the kids always get really excited about those um we also will have a pet Fest on Thursday the the high schoolers will come over and lead and so that'll be a lot of fun for everybody too to get together and do that um on Friday we have our first t- bird way assembly and and um we are going to be honoring our custodial Mig crew and our it people who helped us get our get us rolling this year so that'll be that'll be great um as well as um our first um T Bird way honor amongst our students we did complete our fast Bridge testing and so on Friday our staff and our um early out day will be getting together to review all of that data and just making plans for students um going forward um what one some of the things we do out of that is we schedule um intervention time for students and um find out what targeted type supports they might need um so it's been a great start um and finally just a TCA announcement we do have a TCA event coming up on October 26 Jesters comedy show at tanker Bay and winthrip and tickets are $10 up the door thanks thank you you um he is at homecoming events as we speak here so sounds good I didn't Dash was apologize we didn't have time to do that that's okay I noticed that is there anything you'd like to tell us about last month or so um what I'd like to tell you is there enough time here for that what I need to this GL everybody knows that we really need to make a change in getting me more staff the decision that was made by Mr Horton by cutting my staff basically by three full-time staff it was two fulltime and part into two part-time um last week I put in 76 hours staff um some people are putting in 13 14 hour days um they're all putting in well over 4550 they're all getting fried and burned out and that's been from day one school started this year and I knew it was going to happen and something has to change because I can't keep doing this so noted for sure know did we know that sta I don't kind of part of how the the deal went down with Dasher was he he requested more a lower rate and that's what occurred oh they left on their own after no to get the lower rate you to get rid of employees then is that that's basically that skin basically I just don't recall when this happened or how four so I apologize it was earlier year yeah it was actually was last year last s was when uh Mr Haron made the decision to cut my full-time maintenance uh a full-time evening position at high school and then a fulltime or fulltime position over there a part-time position over there and a parttime position here so it's a a full time position we have to discussion about that session something and we've known about this for while okay thank you uh we don't have a school board representative here today um s on that do we have one anymore since she graduated we have should the yeah did a point one okay and it's escaping me right now who it was I believe I'll I'll have to find out I believe they did find one though okay okay and I don't think there's too much to report for committees because we kind of had a off month at a l right right yeah mes were pretty sparse this in my absence here um but we do have uh Ka and wal here to talk about the facility schedule and up updates so uh you guys want to come on forward and the uh ffrp committee did meet with them prior to tonight so they've heard this initially already so hello everybody um know I've met everybody here but just for transparency Dustin Kemp senior project manager with kuss Anderson Brian Johnson project manager with cruss Anderson both working on gfw Project this one and introduced in the I'm L with gold Architects and Engineers Gary Benson with CR Anderson one of the things that was discussed a couple weeks ago is we brought it to the district attention that we've been having schedule concerns here with the rain delays that we've had and we've had delays with permitting on site so one of the things I wanted to start this discussion on here for the board is going back to the schedule that we had here back on February 27th I think that's the last feasible time we could really get a good schedule update we don't really have commitments on permit and that's kind of where I wanted to start the discussion today it's going to go into discussion on rain delays that we've had on site to but just starting here and I'm going right into it so I want to treat this also as an open dialogue so if anybody has any questions as I'm giving this information please don't hesitate to step in ask interrupt I actually welcome being interrupted and having an open conversation about it um so I just want to go right down to this plan review so one thing we talked about is trying to have plan review wrapped up here by may it was always one of the open items that we had that opened us up for risk and any sort of potential delays on our project so I'm going to add another comment in here that we have had delays here for our plumbing permit but I don't want that to just be limited to the thought of it being just a gfw problem this has been a industrywide problem on getting plumbing permit or state permits reviewed and approved from the state itself so again going back to we did have a May discussion on having this deliverable we actually received the plumbing permit that had it written down here we didn't get that until let's see July 23rd so that pushed us out here a little bit um may not seem like much but what that did is that actually impacted the site um submitt shop drawings on having that stuff turned over on time some contractors couldn't submit their site utility drawings on time or get it approved without having a stamped drawing or approval from the state so once we got those stamped approvals that's when we're able to get our storm structures and any sort of site utility Underground on site order and start installation so what that did is it actually had us kind of restructure and rephase how we're building the project right now so it just one hiccup but then that leads into the other conversation that we also had about this being an impactful season from a weather standpoint and Brian if you could could you go to the next principal of C calendar so I went through and just highlighted any days that we've had impacted our site here by rain specifically so anything that you see here in Gray that's Saturday and Sunday so I want to make that clear that contractually we can't hold contractors accountable to work on Saturdays or Sundays unless we give them approval or authorization with that said there are some contractors that are going to work um on their own accord so earthwork contractors is a specific one sorry my daughter's calling me earthw contractors are a specific one it's kind of like make hey when the sun is shining so sometimes they'll work Saturdays but think of the working days that we lost in terms of like five day work week so starting from May and I did have April in here but just going from May to August those are our making hay Seasons so to speak from the construction standpoint and just on the working days alone we lost about a total of 39 working days so in terms of just calendar that's about two months worth of time and as much as I want to sit here and say that that's not going to affect the overall schedule it has and it will it's very difficult for near non-existent to make up two months in the short time frame that we have so what we did is we sat down with Kelly and we formulated a an exercise to go through and restructure the schedule based on okay what needs do we have from a district right now and the elementary was identified as one of those needs along with the district office so we restructured the schedule to make sure that those areas finished first um above anything else and then we plugged in all of our rain delays and any sort of Permitting delays that we had and it totaled out to be about two total months worth of duration that we're losing by area and I emphasize by area because there are about maybe six seven different areas within the building um so we were able to at least isolate the elementary school and the district office as being areas that we can Achieva get done on time or at least reasonably get done on time so Brian if you go to the next slide so we talked about several areas being identified here so this area based on delays that we've been experiencing these are areas that we can foresee getting done on time and at least least getting kids into the building along with having our life safety systems online furniture in the building it up integration then it goes to about a two month or two to three week window for each area getting done behind that so right now we have decided that along with the school district that it might be the best opportunity to say okay elementary kids in first then we say winter break gives enough of a time frame and breathing space for teachers and staff to get this building operational from a FF standpoint so any of your furniture it equipment get all that operational in the in these areas while um getting these turned over so I think right now we're looking at uh the winter break area then if you look at the Performing Arts Center we're anticipating that to be around the March time frame and I want to emphasize also that that doesn't mean that this is what we're sticking to period we are still trying to shoot for an early finish wherever possible but right now from a standpoint of a deliverable this is what we know that we can commit to at this time is there any permits left that aren't approved um that's a good question so we do have um the overall building permit out there but we have been working with the state diligently and we do have authorization to proceed with certain areas of the building that are related to the structural portion of it because we didn't have any structural comments back from the state so we've been working hand inand to allow them not to have any delays on the structural side what's causing this Del I heard leave SE is way behind because of all kinds of permits what what's going on with the state that I don't want to speak for the state especially on the record but I know they do have Staffing and there's an abundance of projects out there right now so the if I'm speaking for them I'm going to assume it's backlog and Staffing can can you just speak Dustin to what would have been typical for permit approval timeline and what we've kind of dealt with maybe that's L question better I don't know yeah in my time frame probably in that two-month window is probably a reasonable time frame before my time Len I'm not sure if you could speak I think um one of the things that we've seen industrywide in the state of Minnesota is that um typical architecture firms um construction agencies have all plan for me be an 8we type of a permitting process and I think it's pretty fair to say that most if not all projects that have gone through that process on this typical cycle have been Del delayed closer to 12 to 16 weeks and so um all of the all a lot of projects have felt a lot of the same pressure it's not just your project you discuss why um it was felt that the elementary is the important piece to finish before um the middle school high school um that's something we discussed internally with Kelly and I think it had specific to do with the grade levels that were let held behind um Kelly I don't know if you want to answer that well and and they're they're a little bit easier to move into a building that's not completely done I mean the high school is dependent on more aspects of the building the locker rooms the you know the music rooms those things um we can do music in classrooms um so it was it was just more feasible and a little bit easier to have Elementary in there first I'm going to make a caveat I'm probably going to get to it um what what is not in the green area is that area right there which is the kitchen so we would be actually making food here and transporting it out to site um not ideal but certainly doable some schools do that for all of their buildings they have a central kitchen and that transport food out but uh um the expectation is that kitchen you know the earliest it would be ready would be mid October or something correct so um but to your question it's the elementary is just a little more self-contained that we get that pot done and they can live within that where the high school gets more spread out throughout the day okay and that we knew wasn't going to be done until Christmas or later way at the beginning of the project already that's not something that just came about correct and if you recall the last conversation that we had even with the draft schedule we did we were starting to feel pressure on getting this done in time just based on what we thought the permits and the um I guess awarding contracts we going to get anyways so we were anticipating some of these are not being done along with the August finish but it's just been pushing back to a point to where we unfortunately have to deliver this message to you so instead of September one you're going to be mea weekend maybe is that what we're looking at for the rest of some we were saying December at this point December yep end of December winter break yep it allows for a reasonable time frame to for staff and everybody to transition into the space for I'm not sure what gfw is is about two or three week window oh two week typically um I will say it's kind of the conservative scenario um I don't want to say worst case but conservative scenario so you know there is a possibility could move in a little bit sooner but it would have to be one of those breaks in the schedule I don't think we'll be ready by mea that what I first asked about but possibly the Thanksgiving break but then it comes into does a does a Friday of Thanksgiving give you enough time to make a major move in and that's where this is gives us a little more room to operate as far as making that transition out there extra time will allow for the project to be done correctly and not yeah rushed that some gets going do a good job than a rush job yeah the footings look really good been out there more times they look like doing a really good job on those I appreciate that we'll pass that along no don't you yes pings steel we're going to be setting pre-cast here in about two three weeks right around that first week of October so you'll start seeing a lot more work going around the building will'll actually start looking more like a building here I've done some n work it looks pretty good good this dry weather has helped immensely there's been a lot of concrete for the last last couple weeks here good Brian Johnson with all good intentions told me before this meeting what is it supposed to be the driest month it's it's one of the drier record June July and August um good just uh maybe I'm jumping ahead of you so questions always come up about activities um the football field is a separate complex and that is scheduled to be done this by August um so so it it is possible to play our football games there we would not be practicing here because we don't have lockers so it would be dressing and with bus over for the game go back to winp for for uh for showers Etc and our visitors some visitors already do that they come dressed um um we just have to let them know that um and it would be as in as planned it would be portable bathrooms out there portable concession stand but uh parking lots and all that should be ready to go so fall football would be okay uh volleyball again the gym would not be ready so we're going to have to plan um volleyball to start it our start in winp and actually some of the first the November December basketball games as well will be originally scheduled in winp if we get it done a little earlier we can maybe get them over here too at that time but uh I'd rather be conservative with those and start planning that they're going to be in win and then uh that's a good surprise if we're able to get it over here a little sooner I agreed because like we talked in the ffrp meeting we're always going to aim for that earliest possible finish so if we do have an opportunity we are going to present it to the board that the opportunity is there for us to make that decision long as you got this picture up do we have enough clay out there to finish everything it look like there's enough yeah well I guess early on when we were planning on this Bolton and M and Ka sat down there it was supposed to be a balance site I don't know the answer to your specific question but I can find that out for you well the reason I'm asking is that future gym on there the north side oh here yeah it doesn't look like it would take much clay to get that base put in place there's you know you're up there pretty high already and you between that and pond there you got the road cutting through the future gymm I think there would be more to it than just doing the clay because I think the type of soils that are out there we also had to do a pier system you did on that because you buil within a year now if you move clay there for five years down the road you wouldn't have to get the clay in place if we have it you know is that possible I mean it doesn't look like there's very much left to add to have that finish I don't want to say yes or no it's not possible but we can take that information back to Bolton M and we can start investigating that if that's something you chose that we wanted to do because now once we get it the parking lot's all TI and everything concrete lawn's all done five years so now you got to run caterpillar the big trucks through that to finish it I just wonder what the cost would be because it doesn't look like it take much and I was out the sight looking attitude finish that yeah can investigate them Mar um one thing I do want to note here on this plan so we do have the August 25 and forgive me for always saying anticipated on here I don't like to sound cheesy on any of this but I also want to be realistic and I don't want to be hit with a record snowstorm and I have to come up here again and remage something so it's always anticipated but the August 2025 turnover for like this site work I just want to be clear that a lot of the vegetated areas and the seaing areas aren't going to be ready into until the following spring except for these specific areas that you see right here this is a retention Pond right here so you're not going to play on there but you will have the softball field and the football field for practicing if chose and if you could point out the playground Elementary playground which would be in place by the time school starts as well South play area is right here and the hard play is so would you anticipate that they would be some grass that they would be able to plan or just the area some of the grass areas that we do have is like is listed in this fall 2024 seating okay um and then you're also going to have the turf add an option too okay um one thing I didn't think about until the last meeting is there's also going to be the sand volleyball pit as another option trying to grab it anything we can possibly get for you guys thank you is the current playground equipment I don't think this for you what is the current playground equipment that's here at this site being brought over no and whole new right so we have jennif right have U preliminary plans for that there's I think three or four different options that we need to Revo that and make a selection um but that'll be new equipment by the time you tear this down move it out same you're running into trouble putting it back in place and it is it is a lot older than it looks like when you get up close and you start looking at it it's impressive we fundraised for that in first or second grade for me yeah so so it's not very old so it's not very old no no it's you given up your age yeah I stopped but I told my dad I said I fundraised for that equipment she didn't get that but this is where we see things laying out from a construction standpoint today and we understand that there's going to be a lot of questions coming forward I think Len even offered up at the F lrp meeting that she's going to be putting together at least help with all of us to put together an FAQ for any questions that might frequently pop up just to help assist with this transition on new messaging any other questions people might have well we beted it for quite a while today so I think we're we're fine us three here anyway but yeah is it is what it is when we've had miracle workers I mean it's hard to make up two two months as it sits right now it's hope for a nice milder winter and there wasn't a lot of Grace built into the schedule anyways no it was it was very aggressive and even though they started early it didn't really benefit them a whole lot due to uh State Plumbing Permit you know without getting all utilities and and um big concrete storm water Subs in I mean they kind of didn't benefit us it really didn't so we tried to gain time but then it just a lot of R tape Dustin's point about a frequently asked questions we we know there's going to be a lot of questions and so if you're hearing things certainly send them my way and we'll try to get part of the website buil to to just list those with the with the district response so people know what it's at um I have meetings set up to meet with the high school staff tomorrow morning and basically deliver this message and then the Elementary staff tomorrow afternoon just so I'm sure there will be plenty of Rumblings in the buildings tomorrow uh before those meetings and um they'll have a lot of questions as well and some of them frankly we can't answer right I mean this is still I I would need to emphasize this is still a tentative schedule that's dependent on weather deliverables all those things that go into a construction project but I think it's a fairly conservative schedule that hopefully could me at the wor yeah it does allow to breathe yeah all right thank you you want to jump into we had the change order item um that maybe we could dis address while they're they're up here yeah to te it up or do you want me to Tee It Up um well I'll I'll just Tee It Up by say board did approve a action that said any change orders that over $50,000 would need to come to board for approval and that's very typical in a project that the a dollar amount is set um and this one is just over that $50,000 for this fire pump component of of the work that needs to be done uh so we are here to today to to hear it and and we won't act on it right now we'll act on it on our agenda but I think if we get the information from you now sure that should be sure and I'll just um thank you again for having us here on behalf of w Architects and Engineers a team I'm excited to continue to work on this project um the high level overview of the fire pump um really U boils down to the calculations for the pressure for the site if you all recall um our Engineers are working in partnership with the city engineers and bringing water to the site um just a quick overview again the city is bringing water to that southwest corner and then our team picked it up to get it to the building and so in the initial modeling um in partnership with the city Engineers um for both systems and the connections um the models were set prior to going out to bid and those models were projecting a fairly close or borderline calculation for pounds um for the PSI for the pressure of that water for your fire suppression system and that's hydrants and the system in the building and with an eye on budget the fire pump it was not confirmed that we would absolutely need that fire pump at that time we knew we were going to be close so let's fast forward to shot drwing some middles and working with the contractor that is on site and in partnership with the city it has become apparent that we're close to needing that that where we were close to needing that fire pump we now need that fire pump to get the pressure to work throughout this building and so so um it was contemplated earlier on in the project it was not included in the project we as a team W and K Anderson have embedded um the details for um for this change order and feel very confident you're getting a good product you're getting a good price for the product that you're purchasing um but that's where we're at today right now is that we need that you need that fire pump uh for the pressure for your fire suppression building is that able to work does it need a tank how does it work to create more pressure without it coming from behind pump so it will create the pressure further down the line push the pump is actually in the building okay um and I'm not the mechanical engineer to answer all those questions Russell probably wants to J jump in and help me out on how the circulation works the flow is there it's just a static flow to push it up oh vertically at the end so it happen the building it's just a booster pump to get it to where it needs to be there's you know there's different ways you know bigger piping could have been sized well it cost more money to and it's you this truly is something that you don't we put them in buildings after the building's built when they because they have to get tested annually and it's like he your pressure just that good yeah so I mean this pump is only going to run 10 minutes a month when it gets tested when it gets inspect it once yearly um so I I ran all the numbers through our company just for back up our whole fire protection division said you're you're not getting Dollar by any mean so U just you have any confidence I know bank at the beginning that said it was real CL we had talked about that several times in our meetings and so we issued it trying to be budget budget conscious yeah you don't want to money up front if you didn't need it at the end of the day so that's um you described it perfectly so thank you and I would just doesn't make it any better we're having to spend $57,000 but it's pretty typical on projects like this especially in I will say rural communities that maybe don't have an expanded you know their water system is fine here but it's just shy of the pressure that the fire marshal is going to require to run that fire suppress taller taller if they' ever build one would that work then oh yeah yeah yeah we're going to get uh get double the capacity of what code requires you to have and it is the smallest pump so we're not putting in an oversized pump we're putting in the smallest pump um to get you to where you need but it will far far exceed what you need for the size building that you have right now and I think it's also prudent to share as well that um as we've been working with the board in the design process that we've um the district has held on to a contingency for this project so this $50,000 is not putting pressure above and beyond the project it is a need to meet the code um for the fire suppression system and um the district will be um using the contingency out of the budget for items like this as we become come before the board and our contingencies looking phenomenal so far to just um we were going to talk about trying to get it approved tonight with the contingency of just doing a little um investigating onto the uh transfer switch and the soft start requirement that we maybe don't need how TI in the generator who who's requiring it that's the $22,900 ad on top to make it to $57,000 so there is uh my Intel says it's not necessary not required but except for if there's yeah so the generator was probably size for it but the soft start maybe could save some money there potentially but it might not be worth even it might be split here so just a little research that the motion later will be to to a Max of 57,000 I it could be less if we determine something is not needed um but right now we're projecting that full 57 it's and then there's electrical cost yet to look it up there will be some electrical cost yes yes thank you good job all right very much moving on to consent agenda get a motion to approve the consent agenda agenda and a second any no all those in favor raise your hand approve resolution and action items a acceptance of donations where then a statute 4 4 65.3 requires school district to accept donations by resolution expressed in the terms prescribed by the donor in full and whereas acceptance of the donations in accordance with the donor's terms is in the best interest of gfw schools I'll therefore be a resolved that gfw school does accept the below described donations from set organizations in accordance with terms set here in gfw oh School donor gfw athletic boosters amount $5,000 for new scoreboard Wendell Berkeley Memorial $250 for the TCA Lori Larsson $100 for the TCA wire General Federation of Women's Club $100 for middle school high school art classes get a motion to approve the resolution for donations I'll make a motion resols and a second I'll second with a motion a second Julie would you call the RO Miller yes Breeze yes Rome yes herle yes marle yes St yes resolution is approved uh B action item approve preliminary 24 pay 25 property tax levy copy of this year's Levy information is included in the packet Administration administrative recommendation is to approve the maximum Levy allowed final Levy certification will occur on December following Our Truth and Taxation hearing uh any discussion um there was information in your in your packet um I don't know W you're able to pull that up just there's any question the overall again this is the proposed Levy um if the board sets the levy at this amount it can't go any higher it could go lower if there are Corrections um but uh the proposed Levy comes in at 2.2% increase total increase of 143,000 um and that information is up on the screen there um and I I have to be honest that the last revision came Thursday while I was traveling so I the biggest adjust the biggest change is in the adjustments category last year the district had a total negative $441,000 if you could scroll up a little bit Wade it's in the general fund there there we go what a little further little further that that adjustment slide last year was netive 41,00 this year it's a plus 216 so a change of $256,000 um and the only info I had was it had to do with ltfm and I know your the district ltfm has been kind of a moving Target because of the changes there was a transfer of some to the new facility and um so I don't have a full answer but that was like 215,000 of the adjustment was in ltfm so I think I know what that is so back two years ago the board approved updating um a couple of things um the business center in gymnasium in the gymnasium and then it was voted on to build a new school so those funds were held okay and in that category there so that's where that adjustment is coming so those funds weren't spent and they were being saved for the new project because it didn't pay to update those things when we wouldn't be having those so that's okay why that is there thank you thank you that's so the the recommendation is to approve the proposed Levy as as stated and and this is the information that will go out to our taxpayers on the truth and Taxation notice that you'll get with the city Township County School District information on it any questions you get a motion to approve the recommended uh 24 pay 25 property tax liing I'll make a motion to approve and a second I'll second it all those in favor is hand recommended Lev is approved C action item approved new gfw logo um we've talked about logos in the past with a transition from Thunderbirds to the Firebirds um thank you way for putting those those up um we've been working with Varsity Athletics um and basically re refining our current logo to be a Firebird instead of a I I did put in in uh some notes to board members I've had a some community members Express concern about the firebird logo I I I really believe that ship is sailed I mean our students voted on this the concern is that Thunderbirds became t- Birds does Firebird become FB Birds I'm just going to say it um I don't think that's the case I mean Thunderbirds become t- Birds because it was three syllables and it's easier to say t- birds I think we'll be saying Firebirds um but I wanted to bring that concern forward in case board members have any concern on that and I know you've had other conversations related to this but these are the logos that uh they've put together it's very similar to the current HEB look same colors um we had some others that were more of just the head of the bird which seemed pretty non non-identifiable I'll say um so we did remove those but these logos could be used by the school in any capacity so perhaps uh the uh theater Club could use the block gfw and say gfw theater Club under there so they can be modified to adapt to an individual organization but these are the general designs that would be used for any any logos related to gfw um and bring them to you now because there are some timing considerations even though this doesn't happen till next July 1st there are aspects in the new building that have a logo there and so we need to get artwork to to our Architects so they can get those to the necessary contractors so ask for approval of the new logo so we already kind of saw eight more like a total of 10 or 12 of these and kind of already acate a you right correct one time already so we this is what was left I think regarding if you know if it was voted on it was the most popular vote by students I feel like that's a consideration if being called potentially being called the efforts is that it was voted on by students so because because it was voted on by students I don't have that large of a concern I think it's important that we just be known as the Firebirds and don't you know acknowledge and the overall general public voted you know so teachers and uh parents also were in favor of the P yeah at this point that that ship is sailed somebody will call us whatever they want to call us no matter what so gfw has its acronym as well so I said at this point I think it's much to do about nothing we could have just been school with a K okay well not too much opposition get a motion to approve the logos as presented I'll make a motion appr I'll second V was approve D action item review and approve the fire pump related change order request like to thank you guys for explaining the change order and um any other concerns we talked about 25 minutes about it earlier just to clarify the motion would be to approve the change order for a maximum of 57,000 okay okay could I get a motion to approve the change order for the fired promp uh system for a maximum of $57,200 I'll make that motion to approve and a second I'll second all favor raise your hand change order approved future meeting dates uh Monday October 7 work session uh Monday October 21st board meeting Monday November 4th another work session Tuesday November 5th an election that would be the canvasing correct that's just the election after that okay um and if I could just interject the board members we will get back onto a committee schedule here for October so I'll be sending out invites for that um and we'll follow same schedule have been in place before Mar contact today there was a community engagement meeting today so I apologize for some of the cancellations here the last couple weeks but we'll get back on to that schedule I'll get those sent out um and then October 7th great Queener was going to be back out so just a quick reminder uh there was a self assessment survey that sent to All board members if you haven't completed that please think he said by by October 4th he wanted it no later than that so he had time to compile the results anything else any want say have you get a motion to adjourn motion to ADN and a second I'll second all in favor raise your hand meeting is joury thank you