##VIDEO ID:3u7b_0frc4w## if you speak hear you on the recording it's okay it's okay apprciate that whenever you're ready mayor okay good evening everyone I'd like to call the regular meeting of Mayor and Council of the burough of Glassboro for August 27th 2024 to order Karen could you please read the opening statement pursuant to the open public meetings act I hereby announce that adequate notice of this meeting as required by set act has been provided by adopting a schedule of regular meetings for the year 2024 which schedule was posted on the bur Hall bulletin board as well as the burrow website and forwarded to both the South Jersey Times And The Sentinel of Gloucester County count and file with the burough clerk January 6 2024 thank you can we all rise and SM the flag please I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all karen roll call please mayor Wallace here Mr Brown here Mrs garlic here miss Miller here Mrs Spence here Mr milandro here Mr scati Mr Bean and let the record reflect that Mr cabone and Mr halter are excused for this evening thank you Karen uh though we have no formal presentations tonight uh I would like uh I and would like to announce that one of our officers um is retiring after 25 years of service um as many of you may know uh anyone that uh works for the borrow or Services the borrow in a full-time or part-time capacity for more than 20 years I do my best to recognize them so for the record I would like to read uh the letter uh to this officer that I have sent to his house he was not able to be here this evening uh greetings Nick I would like to take this opportunity to formally congratulate you on your retirement from the Glassboro Police Department after 25 years of service your exceptional work ethic over these past 25 years is a testament to your dedication to the safety and well-being of the residents of the burrow of glassbar you are a true example of what it means to be a police officer in the burrow of Glassboro Lieutenant Russo on behalf of myself and the residents of the burrow of Glassboro I thank you for your service I wish you all the best in your retirement with respect Johnny Wallace third mayor bur Glassboro now at this time I'll ask our burough solicitor step down from the de and I would like to invite our special counselor Pat Madden to address our public hearing thank you Mr Mayor thank you you sir Council for purposes our record Patrick Madden representing the bur of Glassboro in connection with pending litigation between the Barrow Dr Lewis de Eugenio Jr and Summit City Farms the purpose of my appearance this evening is for Council to approve and propose settlement with Dr D Eugenio and Summit City farms and I'll provide a brief description of that proposed settlement as follows the settlement relates a dispute over ordinance 1626 which had been adopted May 24 2016 providing a new SE section prohibiting parking on certain streets without a permit from Labor Day to Memorial Day the streets included included University Boulevard from Harvard Avenue to the dead end of University where Dr deug Geno and Summit City Farms both reside and operate an agricultural business and a winery as a result of passing the ordinance there was subst a challenge filed by Dr de Eugenio originally before the glosser county Agricultural Development board and ultimately a complaint filed with the superior court of New Jersey under docka Glo L1 12309 both of these matters remained pending uh today or they were pending until today although the glosser County Agricultural board matter had subsequently been was sub pending the for the state Agricultural Development Committee the resolution provides for uh the Barrow's adoption uh of a revised ordinance which will provide for agricultural related parking uh on University Boulevard uh from Lehigh to the from from Lehigh Avenue to the dead end uh including Farm Market related and Winery related parking and there's a full settlement agreement that's been drafted between the parties and it's presented to Mayor and Council for their review uh notice of the proposed approval of uh this settlement had been published and of course it's an agenda item as well the next step with with uh the mayor's permission would be to open it up for any public comment or testimony related to the hearing so with uh the mayor's permission I'll do that may so does anyone from the public wish to be heard with respect to the Barrow's approval of the settlement with Dr D Eugenio and Summit City farms and seeing one I think we can close the public hearing portion uh of uh this hearing and now move on if we would to uh a motion to approve resolution r21 1924 a resolution authorizing s of litigation with Dr Lewis J D Eugenio and Summit City Farms so if we could have a motion I'll make that motion okay I have a motion and a second uh Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mrs garlic yes Miss Miller yes Mrs Spence yes motion carries and mayor with your approval I can move on to the next agenda item which is also part of this resolution yes please and it's an introduction of an ordinance by first reading ordinance number 24-27 the title of which is an ordinance amending chapter 445 of the code of the Barrow of Glassboro vehicles and traffic with a proposed public hearing to be held on September 10 2024 I'll entertain a motion to uh introduce this order make a motion second I have a motion any a second all in favor State I oh my apologies Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mrs garlic yes Miss Miller yes Mrs Spence yes motion carries and that my por thank you very much and at this time I would like to invite our burrow solicitor back to the day and uh thank our special councel Pat Madden for uh his Services you sir hey once our solicitor is settled I would like to turn the meeting over to him yes thank you mayor we have a number of scheduled public public hearings tonight I will read the uh ordinances for those public hearings and we can open the meeting to the public on both of those ordinance the first being ordinance number 2421 and ordinance of the bar of glassberg Glon County New Jersey accepting a Perpetual storm water management basement agreement from Blas for real estate trust LLC and authorizing execution of set agreement an ordinance number 2422 an ordinance authorizing accepting a vacation of a portion of Academy Street County rout 637 between High Street and Grill street from the county of Gloucester to the bar of Glassboro the motion to open to the public would be for any comment on those two ordinances if the public should have it so moved second I have a motion and a second all those in favor State I I any opposed extensions motion carries the floor is now open to anyone from the public who wishes to come forward and uh address ordinance uh 24-21 and ordinance 24-22 see no want to make a motion to close the public portion and accept the ordinance as second okay I have a motion and a second Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mrs garlic Miss Miller yes Mrs Spence yes motion carries at this time I'll entertain a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of July 23rd 2024 as well as the Clos executive session minutes of July 23rd 2024 second I have a motion in a second all in favor State I I opposed may exensions may mayor I have to abstained thank you I have one abstention noted motion still carries um Karen can we go through community Comm unication yes mayor I have a letter of retirement from Lieutenant Nicholas Russo he retired as police um sorry as Lieutenant from the Glassboro Police Department need a motion for approval please I'll make that motion second okay I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed any extensions motion carries I'll now move to committee reports and begin with council president Miller um thank you mayor first I'd like to thank Lieutenant Russo for his many years of dedication and service to the Glassboro Police Department and offering the protection to our residents um as far as my highway report I just like to thank the highway department for all that they do to keep the the burrow clean uh we've had a few storms a lot of trees down and branches and things like that everywhere and they're always Johnny on the spot to make sure everything's safe and and clean for our residents and that's all I have mayor thank you very much uh councilman Brown yes good evening mayor good evening first I'm in receipt of the uh J July Financial reports uh secondly I'd like to also congratulate Lieutenant Russo on his retirement Lieutenant Russo and I came in around the same time together and uh we've talked about retirement many times so it's a special congratulations to him and lastly I just like to mention that uh last week the Glassboro Police Department held the PAL baseball camp we had uh several officers come out uh families of the officers as well as Rowan baseball players and Glassboro High School baseball players to put on a free clinic to approximately There Was 80 80 kids that signed up to Comm out uh and I know on the first day we were right around the number 60 kids that came out so um for three days to have a free Camp to have mostly Glassboro kids out there was a a really special thing and it's the third year in the world we've done it and it continues to be uh a great event that our our Police Department puts on for the children of our town so just like to say congratulations to them on a great job Chief and uh Captain Knight Chief Knight Captain Knight Lieutenant Russo was behind and also uh patrolman vernelson was were really four of the main figures that were behind it but congratulations to everybody that was involved thank you thank you very much sir good time uh councilwoman garlic thank you mayor I would like to also thank uh liutenant for his service to as a police officer congratulate on his reement and I thank you very much uh and councilwoman Spence thank you mayor also would like to Echo the congratulations to uh Lieutenant Russo and thank him for his service to our town and uh I'm going to re see of the August reports for buildings and grounds and everything's doing great as usual and we also have the uh car show coming up on Friday which is a very nice event hopefully you can all be there starts at five o'clock right out here on uh at the Town Square in R Boulevard and that's it there thank you very much um oh for unfinished business we did have a uh resident had come in uh from the uh Chestnut Ridge section uh asking about a street sign uh notifying oncoming traffic that other traffic does not stop um happy to report that that sign has been in uh put in place it is on Oakwood facing west towards University and Gerard in that area so uh good work by all those that got that uh request taken care of um we have no new business so I'll ask uh for our Engineers report please thank you mayor council uh we just have the uh 90 the tow houses at AA the DR Horton project the homes are are continuing to be constructed there um High Street tow houses the homes are completed there they're just finishing up some um uh punch list work uh and um so they'll still have to schedule a final inspection there the uh storage on Route 47 project they have had their final inspection that's completed and they'll be looking to get a a TCO very soon to open up that facility the CO's retail Bakery uh they still have punch list items to to continue uh taken care of uh they also at some point soon will be looking to uh get a TCO there demountable uh that is uh the Glassboro real estate trust they have uh they finished their clearing out there and they'll be continuing their storm water uh design and uh I mean storm water uh construction and everything out there for their site work B Boulevard that's the New Jersey do funded 2023 project uh that the uh Council had awarded uh New Jersey do has to give their final approval and then we'll be scheduling construction at a time that would work for everybody at that Taco Bell uh planning board conditions have been taken care of so construction um should be uh starting at some point soon uh Raising Cane the site construction is underway there and that continues uh DeSimone Builders they have uh they have been working on the building and they've now started site construction there also alus that's another project that we're awaiting uh some Outside Agency approvals before they can actually get their building permits there and then lastly is uh we've got Autumn Ridge there's a looping Waterman that we've started doing some survey and design that will connect the two different developments and help the uh the the the water pressure situation and and safety in that area that's it Mr Man thank you uh any questions thank you very much sir uh at this time I'll again turn the meeting over to our burough solicitor thank you mayor under our consent agenda this evening we have the following res resolutions 220 resolution authorizing refund of Street opening performance guarantee guzo masonary Inc resolution 221 memor authorizing memorandum of understanding between the bar Glassboro and William McCain III resolution 222 authorizing memorandum of understanding between the bar of coloro and Ryan Knight resolution 223 authorizing shared service agreement between the colost county Improvement Authority in the bar of Glasper regarding usage of certain stage units Craft Beer Festival 224 resolution branding approval for form B1 check p restaurant block 410 lot 2.02 in the Barra 225 author refund of tax over payments 226 authorizing agreement Professional Services bar glass Barrel Synergy and environmental Inc remediation and excavator underground storage tank dunk Pro Tonk 227 providing for for the insertion of a special item Revenue in the budget pursuing to njsa 4847 228 accepting a grant from the New Jersey Department of allw Public Safety syy sfy 24 popup party prevention response initiative Grant 229 authorizing approving shared service agreement between the GL between Gloucester County and the power of Glassboro Emergency Management coordinator Services n Pro Tonk and finally resolution 230 again authoriz refund of tax over payments there are resolution on the consent agenda and for the reasons noted on the agenda if Council moves for approval roll call vote a move for approval I have a motion and a second Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mrs garlic yes Miss Miller yes Mrs Spence yes motion carries mayor to like to abstain from 221 and 222 uh okay those I have been noted C okay motion still carries thank you mayor and we also have uh for introduction by uh first by by reading by first title only tonight the following ordinances beginning with 2423 an ordinance of the bar of Glassboro glosser County New Jersey accepting a storm water management Basin agreement from 401 High Street Partners QB LLC ordinance number 2424 ordinance amending chapter 101 police Department article 10 General Provisions section 55 rates of compensation administrative fee payment for services fee for patrol vehicle use of the code book of the bar glass B ordinance 2425 and ordinance repealing Chapter 490 Health rules and regulations article 14 backyard chicken pilot program the code book of the bar of glb and adopting a new article 14 to be entitled backyard chicken program ordinance 2426 in ordinance of the barau glas for gloss County New Jersey accepting site easement for green Avenue and Wilson Avenue a storm Water Management Facility declaration for 601 North Main Street LLC and authorizing execution of said easement and declaration ordinance 2428 an ordinance of the bar of glassbar glester County New Jersey accepting a fence easement and agreement from Rosanna B lante and John lant and authorizing execution of set agreement and finally ordinance 2420 9 ordinance authorizing the purchase of property Noti as block 427 Lots 25 and 26 on the official tax map of the B glassbook County Gloucester state of New Jersey property known as 231 East Stanger Avenue so again the motion for introduction of the following ordinances on title only this evening are 2423 through 2429 would be the motion so moved second I have a motion and a second Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes but any exstension from ordinance 2424 Mrs garlic yes Miss Miller yes Mrs Spence yes motion carries uh at this time I will entertain a motion to open the meeting to the public motion to open the meeting to the public second I have a motion in a second all in favor State I I opposed any extensions motion carries the floor is now open to anyone from the public who wishes to come forward and address mayor and counsel good evening good evening John wise 114 East Avenue grro I'm smiling because uh I really don't have nothing to say but thank you uh Miss Miller had told me that she had uh talked to the electric company and the guys came out in the orange trucks I forget the name of I know it but I forget it to look at the wires and the trees and uh they came I don't know what they see what I see and uh I want to say thank you for the mayor stopping by to check on it too to show him trees that's hanging over if and they rotted the neighbor next to me I was cutting her grass and we didn't even have a good windy day and I had to move two to three inch limbs in her yard just to cut the grass so but that they had nothing to do with that because that was in her yard I just letting you know that it do blow sometime when we're not paying attention to it but anyway they came out and I want to thank her for that but when I looked to see what they had done uh I wasn't satisfied but they did come out and uh the mayor came out today to me and him laughed and talked a little bit and I showed him some of the things that need to be done now when the Burl cut the two worst trees they didn't cut them down at the stump but what they left was not dangerous they just topped it out and it was not dangerous so I was satisfied with that but uh I just want to thank everybody for doing if I come here and make a complaint somebody gets out there and get the job done and that's what I like so I appreciate that and I want to just say thank you and uh God bless and have a good evening thank you take care seeing no other members of the public I'd like to make a motion to close the public portion second I have a motion and a second all in favor State i i i opposed any extensions motion carries the public portion is now closed at this time I'll entertain a motion to approve all duly authorized bills motion to approve all duy authorized bills I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions mayor I have some exensions uh 24- 00242 0254 n 0791 03216 0255 and 03339 that's it all the rest are good those extensions have been noted uh motion still carries uh are there any closing comments from our administrator I would just like to wish Lieutenant Russo a lot of success in his retire we've had a lot of interesting conversations walking in in the morning over the last uh five years and I know Nick will be successful in whatever he does so thank you very much sir uh again like I said earlier um congratulate uh Nick on his retirement and to thank him for his service I couldn't be more uh happy and proud of our police department and uh as a lieutenant um he was Aces uh so I wish him all the best uh as always thank all of the members of the public that have come out to uh listen and speak at the meeting I encourage you to continue to do so to keep us plugged in on what is going on um in any way that we could help and uh again to special counsel for the work that he did with uh uh the pro um with uh the the Eugenio case and um with that I'll entertain a motion for a journey Mo to adjourn I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries this meeting is adjourned thank you everyone have a great evening the next regular meeting will be September 10th uh 20124 6:30 p.m.