all this is we'll see how this is going nobody Daniel my office is bringing drops they're bringing them to you okay don't crunch them no I won't oh yeah that's why he got moved whenever you're ready mayor all right good evening everyone I'd like i' like to call the reorganization meeting of Mayor and Council for the burrow of Glassboro for January 6th 2024 to order Karen could you please read the opening statement pursuant to the open public meetings act I hereby announce that adequate notice of this meeting as required by set act has been proved by adopting a schedule of regular meetings for the year 2020 three and four which schedule was posted on the burall bulletin board as well is B website and forwarded to both the South Jersey Times And The Sentinel of Gloucester County and filed with the burough clerk on January 7th 2023 thank you very much can we all rise and salute the flag please I to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all oh actually can I ask everyone to please remain standing as I have asked uh Glassboro High School senior alandre Santiago Chavez to do the uh national anthem please I'm sorry I moved that [Music] yeah [Music] we at the Twilight [Music] lasts [Music] we and The Rock bur in they prove through the night that our flag [Music] there [Music] the and the home all [Applause] the good job good job again everyone please remain standing again as I have asked uh Pastor Tim Conway from the First United Methodist Church of Glassboro to do our invocation for us I would like to say that First United Methodist Church the past year 2023 celebrated their Bic Centennial here in Glassboro thank you join me in prayer great God We Gather this evening to reorganize and affirm our commitment to the unity we have in you and the unity we have as people of Glassboro we humbly seek and ask for your Divine wisdom discernment and guidance on all our leadership our mayor councel and officials as they navigate a path forward this new year we lift in prayer the leadership in this room those being sworn in and their families as they serve this community we pray for the residents for together we are Glassboro May our burrow continue to be a place of welcome we lift our schools students teachers professors administrators and staff may our educational institutions be a place that allows imaginations to ignite with unbounded possibilities may your blessings be upon all of us in Glassboro we ask this in your holy and precious name we pray amen amen thank you sit down yeah we can sit down now thank you we been doing the sit up sit down very nice uh thank you Karen roll call please oh I'm sorry my my mistake at this time we are going to uh I guess have uh councilman halter escort uh or meet Mr oh okay I'm sorry it does say that that's okay this time we' like to call Mr Dan Brown up and uh judge Romano to give uh Mr Brown the oath of office please yeah don't be see ra right hand right ready to go please all right repeat at the me I I Timothy Brown do somly swear do swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear that I will bear true faith and Allegiance true faith and allegiance to the Saint to the Saint and to the governments established to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially and partially and J perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of the office councilman of the of Glassboro counil the B of Glassboro according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me go take why we have wheels got come on man be him up right come on con at this time I'd like to ask the honorable Todd brues to come forward and swear in uh Miss Diana garc get your family up there d right get them all up there I state your name I de garc do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear that I will bear true faith and Allegiance true faith and ALG to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of of the office of council member for the borrow of Glassboro council member for the borrow of Glassboro according to the best of my ability according to to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God yep we're getting out of the way now than why you tell me that I want everybody to see what a gentleman I am yeah first and [Applause] last thank you and now that everyone is settled it's time for roll call Karen please Mayor John E Wallace here Mr George coo pres Mr Timothy Brown here Mr Andrew halter yes Mrs Deanna garlic pres Miss Anna Miller here Mrs Danielle Spence here Mr Edward milandro here Mr Timothy scati pres thank you at this time time I'd like to recognize some of our dignitaries and honored guests here not that you all aren't honored guests but i' first like to recognize my wife Alisa and my mother Barbara former mayor of Washington [Applause] toship uh we have Senator uh John berselli in the back uh we have Congressman I believe we we have Congressman Shan O Conor out in the audience tonight Congressman here there he is thank you very much we have State Assembly woman Heather Simmons in the back thank you very [Applause] much I see uh director of Glon County de Department Commissioners uh Frank Demarco is [Applause] here uh I see commissioner Jim Jefferson here uh commissioner Denise Dar Carlo is here I see uh our County surate uh Joe Chilla is [Applause] here uh assemblyman Bailey is here this evening of uh commissioner Matt Wang is here there he is very nice uh and I see uh we have Rowen president Ali hman is in the audience this even thank you along with I know of two board members uh of uh Rowan Board of Trustees Nick Petron and Tom Galler here this [Applause] evening former commissioner Lyman Barnes uh I do I see former commissioner Lyman Barnes in the back also former Sheriff carel Marino in the back as well good to see you uh I see our uh School uh school district superintendent Mark Silverstein is in the audience this evening as well as uh uh the Board of Education president Chris escrow is also with and I'd would like to just recognize that globally uh all of our partners and stakeholders that are here I spot Nexus and a number of the other ones here this evening thank you for being here you all are invaluable thank you uh at this time I will entertain a uh nominations for president of council yes mayor I'd like to nominate councilwoman Anna Miller and I like to Su that okay I have a nomination and a second are there any uh all those in favor stay I I any oppositions extensions motion carries congratulations [Applause] President at this time I will be announcing the committee appointments for 2024 I'll be starting with Public Safety George P cabone senior chairperson Andrew halter Anna Miller committee people Finance councilman Dan Brown chairperson Andrew halter George P cabone senior committee people Highway chairperson council president Anna Miller councilwoman Deanna garlic and councilman George pone senior as committee people Health W welfare and Recreation chairperson councilwoman Deanna garlic uh council president Anna Miller councilwoman Danielle Spence as committee people Water and Sewer councilman Andrew halter chairperson councilman Dan Brown and councilwoman Danielle Spence committee people public properties and ordinance councilwoman Danielle Spence chairperson councilwoman Dianna garlic and councilman Dan Brown committee people Council representatives for health welfare and and Recreation will be council president Anna Miller for the planning board will be councilman George P cabone senior for the Housing Authority will be council president Anna Miller for the school board will be councilman Andrew halter for the Board of Health will be councilwoman Danielle Spence and for historic preservation commission and museums Danielle Spence and Andrew halter thank you all very much [Applause] uh I believe we have no Communications this evening so I will turn a meeting over to our burrow solicitor thank you mayor on our consent agenda tonight we have the following resolutions for approval they are 01 24 to 53-24 if Council so moves for approval roll call vote move for approval second I have a motion and a second Karen roll call call please Mr Brown yes Mr Caso yes Mrs garlic yes Mr halter yes m m four Mrs St yes motion carries mayor we do have on the resolution tonight A ordinance on first reading by title only that is ordinance 24-1 ordinance authorizing execution of deed of sanitary sewer easement for property known as block 410 lot 2.03 between 5B 3G Enterprises l LC and the bar of Glassboro uh for the Lio Bakery uh to be opening up on Main Street Council moves for introduction roll call vote motion to approve second I have a motion and a second Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mr CR yes Mrs garlic yes Mr halter yes Miss Miller yes Mrs Spence yes motion carries uh at this time it calls for comments I would like to uh begin I would originally begin with our council president but I would like to offer up uh councilwoman Deanna garlic would you like to make any comments before we move forward just would like to say thank you to everyone for um being here and coming out um during this process um would love to see everyone involved in this um governmental process throughout the whole year that would be great right mayor yes it and and thank you for everyone during the the time of our campaigning and helping us along the way really appreciate it and I pray that I'll be able to serve the city of Glassboro and the voters of Glassboro to the best of my ability thank you very much councilman Dan Brown yes uh just like to thank first my family especially my wife Lisa for uh for putting up with me through this entire process uh but also to Mayor and Council solicitor scafi uh Mr mandro gr administrator uh to to judge armo for tonight especially to burough clerk's office thank you very much just 19 months ago when I retired from the police department um I didn't know what I would be doing as far as community service when I was with the police department a majority of my time uh here was either uh being involved with the community or supervising the community events so I'm I'm honored to be back in this position where I could be a part of the community again and have an influence on the town of Glassboro I look very very forward to uh to getting involved feet feet first and I know Dean and I are both equally excited to to get involved and and I just want to thank everyone for being here especially my family tonight thank you very much very nice council president Miller good evening good evening thank you everyone for coming out in this downpour but i' first like to thank God for giving me another day on this Earth I'd also like to thank my family for their Relentless support they're always there to support me for the various meetings that I have to participate in thank you to Mayor and councel for reelecting me to be council president um I truly appreciate that I'd like to welcome Dan and Dean to council um we're going to have some hiccups but you know what's the point of having a hiccup if you can't have something smooth afterwards but it's all going to work out and I want to thank the department heads for all that you do for the burrow all of our employees um our administrator at meand mandro excuse me and our assistant administrator CLK P Point um I would also like to thank our fire department for maintaining the safety as well as our Police Department for keeping the residents of Glassboro safe and lastly I'd like to thank the employees and the residents of Glassboro for choosing Glassboro to be um place that they call home and thank you everyone for all of your [Applause] support councilman Caso yeah thank you mayor you're welcome sir I want to First say uh I I want everybody to realize that they have the old guy on Council sitting between these two pretty young men I want to thank my wife Linda for putting up with me for all these years believe me that wasn't easy I want to congratulate and welcome councilwoman di GLE and councilman Dan Brown to burrow Council also I want to thank Ed mandro Clark Pont and all department heads for a job well done in 2023 especially Chief P and Chief Smith for their assistance they gave me as public safety director I want to I want to thank councilman Tony Fiola and councilman Joseph delis Andrew for all the years of service and dedication to the burrow of glassar and I want to wish everybody a happy healthy New Year and may God bless Council hey good evening Mr Mayor evening everyone in the audience tonight uh thank you for being here with us tonight on this special occasion uh and bringing on Di and Dan and Tim as well happy that and that wasn't easy was it we're happy to have you on board with us and looking forward to a good year and a good couple of years with you going forward uh special thanks to everybody in the burrow that makes us uh makes us possible up here and your support uh support from my family my wife Laura who was an able to be here tonight and you know my extended family uh the burrow employees I think are second to none we have some of the best services around anywhere I think it's safe to say around here uh from right outside on our streets making sure our infrastructure is well from water and SE and Highway uh all the way at to everybody in these offices on this complex here uh without mentioning uh without it should go without saying the police and fire department are outstanding in this town uh they're facing new battles every time with different crimes and uh increased response flows I know our father Department had the largest call volume of ever before almost, 1900 calls this year which is massive for this area so we thank all the work the police and fire do every day to keep our streets and our town and our residents safe and uh looking forward to a healthy and well 2024 with everyone of us thank you thank you very [Applause] much and counil woman Spence happy New Year everybody Happy New Year I want to say a special thank you to all the elected officials in the room I know you're have a very busy time of year and I really appreciate you being here to support glb really means a lot to us all um Cas congratulations to Dan and de for their election I look forward to working with both of you and all of council even George and I'm so wellik Dan Indiana worked extremely hard knocking on doors attending events and getting out in the community to connect with our residents and I strongly believe that these two new council members are going to bring so much to the table and I will and will invigor our mission to continue building a better Glassboro for future Generations I just want to mention that with the election of Diana garlic Glassboro Council has three women serving for the first time congratulations to Adam Miller on her re-election to the office of council president we look forward to your leadership Anna thank and I would like to thank all the volunteers and committee members who gave their time and efforts this year you all played such a major role in this election not only for Glassboro but for the county and state as well please know that it's all of you who put Glasper at the Forefront as one of the top municipalities not only in this County but the entire District thank you to all of our burrow department heads and employees for a great job that you continue to do every day making us look good as a government body special thanks our administrator Ed mandro assistant administrator Clark Pier Pont CFO Karen cion who couldn't be here tonight because she's ill clerk Karen cosgro Fe your exceptional work ethic and outstanding leadership and she is ill and she's still here so that's pretty good it does not go unnoticed and it is appreciated immensely I'd like to thank all those individuals Appo of the various boards and commissions at this meeting and all those currently serving thank you for volunteering your time and expertise making the personal commitment to serve is not to be taken lightly and thank you all for being here tonight and I wish everyone a safe and healthy 2024 [Applause] very nice uh before I go further um I I apologize but I need to recognize former councilman Ray Kennedy and former newly former councilman Tony Fiola is in with us so um I would like to uh start by recognizing councilman Joe delandro and councilman Tony Fiola for their dedication to the burrow of glassborough for Combined over 40 I think it's over 45 years uh but and thank you for and not only that but for thanking you both for mentoring me along the way in the ways of good government it's invaluable thank you I'm honored and proud to be able to say that I have worked alongside you and to be able to call you both my friend friend my wish for you is continued good health happiness and prosperity and my hope is that you both continue to stay involved in making our municipality The Shining Star of Southern New Jersey to councilwoman Deana garlic councilman Dan Brown congratulations and welcome aboard it's going to be a fun ride I'm looking forward to working with you both for the betterment of our fine borrow I'm very excited about what's to come to our employees department heads uh all the staff of Glassboro you're the best I say it I say it over and over again you're the best we're the best of the best keep up the G the great work to our stakeholders uh Rowan University Nexus and all the other stakeholders out there and to our professionals thank you for all you do thank you for being great Partners it's time to get back to work and to all of our residents that are out here tonight thank you for supporting us thank you for taking care of our burrow please please continue to uh come to us and let us know what's going on because we want to make things the best that we can make them for you as our residents thank you all for attending this evening and I wish you all the best in 2024 at this time uh our burrow administrator Ed mandro would you like to make comments thank you mayor um I'd like to congratulate Dan andiana I think you have two fine people I've known Dan for 20 years now over 20 years we coach together had the privilege of coaching his son Nick and Dean I know we're going to work well together because we dress very much to see I'd also like to thank uh uh really congratulate and thank Joe delandro and Tony Fiola I had the privilege of sitting with them on Council for a number of years and I like to thank them for all of their contributions um the governing body I couldn't ask for better bosses I could not ask for better bosses um they give me their strategy and I take it and I execute it um and they let me execute it and try to get it done the best possible way so thank you for that to the mayor you're not g to find a nicer guy like we kid each other he as as nasty as I could be he's as nice and we've learned to balance each other out I remember when I first started working for the mayor I'm like mayor you're you you trust too many people man he's like Ed you don't trust anybody and we've learned to balance each other out and it's been great working for the mayor yes it has to the employees of Glassboro I couldn't ask for finer people to work with and I like to call a couple out Clark Pier Pont who's the assistant administrator Clark is absolutely phenomenal Karen Pion our CFO Karen Cosgrove our our clerk Chief Smith chief chief pillo and deputy chief Knight you guys keep this town safe and I canot thank thank you enough for it I'd also like to thank Rowan University and Dr hman you know I work very closely with Rowan and I love when people come and tell me Rowan's taking over the town I know Dr hman will go I don't want to take over the town he doesn't want to and believe me there's there's a lot of healthy debates that go on but at the end of the day we both know that we're relying upon one another the town does not go without Rowan and Rowan doesn't go without the town and our great Partners like Nexus and um I just wanted to thank them as well um lastly I wanted to thank my girlfriend Megan because when you're you know I'm an ex- banker and I always say like when you're a banker you go home at the end of the week and you know if you had a good good week like I sold1 million doll worth of mortgages when you're in this job you never please everybody like you're going home somebody hates you every night they just they just do and I want to thank my girlfriend Megan for putting up with me every night when I call her and say this is what happened today so Meg thank you and I appreciate you driving over from Bucks County tonight snowstorm in Bucks County and you came to the southide over here so thank you for that Megan and I want to thank the people of Glassboro I mean we got something special here we really do we do and I I want to thank the people for getting behind us we try to be as transparent as possible and tell everybody what's going on and I think the next five years you're going to see tremendous growth in this town and we are going to continue to be the Crown Jewel Jersey thank than you mayor thank you Ed very well said very well said at this time I've asked Pastor Eli jenez from the Emanuel Baptist Church in Glassboro to perform our benediction Pastor Herz is the uh first Hispanic Pastor for the Emanuel Baptist Church who celebrated their 100th anniversary this past year [Applause] Heavenly Father we come to you right now father this is a special moment father we pray for the ones that have left office that they remain healthy and safe father for all the newly elect and the ones that are holding position father that they make a sound decision father that benefits the community and the office father we ask for your hand of protection for the police department and the fire department father for all their countless hours of work they do father we ask you right now to bless this city as you have done in the past and will continue in the future for we ask for this in your precious and mighty name amen amen thank you sir okay can we sit down yeah we can sit down again thank at this time I'll be entertaining a motion to open the meeting up to the public so move second I have a motion in a second all in favor State I I opposed any extensions motion carries the floor is now open to anyone from the public who would like to come forward and address mayor and Council I think everybody wants to eat mayor so uh I think the public for should be closed second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries at this time I'll ENT to a j thank you councilman second I have a motion in a second for adjournment that I will ask for now all those in favor stay I I opposed extensions motion carried this meeting is now adjourned happy 2024 everyone our next regular council meeting will be Tuesday January 9th 2024 6:30 p.m. a long close --------- ready I'm ready good evening everyone I'd like to call the regular meeting of Mayor and Council of the burough of Glassboro for January 9th 2024 to order Karen could you please read the opening statement to the open public meetings act I hereby announce an adequate notice of this meeting as required by set act has been provided by adopting a schedule of regular meetings for the year 2024 which schedule is posted on the bur Hall bulletin board as well as the bur website and forwarded to both the South Jersey Times and Sentinel cler County and file with the B clerk on January 6 2024 thank you can we all rise salute the flag please I PL Al to the flag United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all karen roll call please mayor Wallace here Mr Brown here Mr Caso pres Mrs garlic here Mr halter yes M Miller here Mr Spence Mr mandro here Mr scati pres Mr Bruner uh at this time we have uh ceremonial swearing in so come down off the days we how are you good right you want to take the Bible please left hand on the Bible raise your right hand repeat after me I I Jason O'Neal do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the Constitution Constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of patrol officer of the Glassboro Police Department patrol officer for the Glassboro Police Department according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God wait anybody else we get up get everybody in coun than just you do this right congratulations B please raise your right hand and repeat after me I I Watson you Solly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the con of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the United States and in this state in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of patol officer for the Glassboro Police Department of the patrol officer of the Glassboro Police Department according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God here thank you I don't know the not the wrong meeting not on the's wait for everybody to uhart I'll make that announcement joh I thought they were all here yeah I right there they went the family look gang that is the ceremonial portion of the evening uh you are not obligated to stay but you are more than welcome to stay for the business portion of this meeting we will not be offended if you want to dodge some raindrops yeah keep forgetting his name when I won you can't all right all right uh we have no public hearings this evening so at this time I'll entertain a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 26 2023 I'll make that motion second I have a motion in a second all in favor State I I opposed any extensions abstention noted here abstention noted here okay those are noted Karen okay motion still passes we have no Communications this evening so I will move to committee reports and begin with council president Miller I forgot I'm the long run parking rack but uh t- ball and uh track registrations are ongoing thank you very uh councilman Brown nothing to report thank you sir councilman cabone oh yes thank you mayor I want to uh welcome uh patrolman O'Neal and patrolwoman Watson to the glassberg police department I wish them the best and and stay safe and that's all I have Mar thank you very much sir uh councilwoman garlic no report thank you thank you very much uh councilman halter he good evening Mr Mayor making some improvements still with water and Sil and replacing our lead Piper and galiz pipe rep placement uh we're moving on to that some roadways can get paved coming up this spring and the summer so beyond that all as well thank you very much sir and councilwoman Spence thank you mayor welcome we see the December construction report and December housing report beautiful thank you very very much uh we have no unfinished business uh we have no new business so at this time I'll ask for the engineers report please mark uh real briefly just U town houses are continuing over Camelot or or Village and also Road there so that's continuing going they are pretty quickly so they may be done by the end of next year or this year 24 for those High Street Estates are also doing the same thing they only have 12 votings left they will be done this year those lines this three they're still waiting for permit and is almost one year waiting so they can finish the curve by front finish a job up for those Self Storage they're having some challenges with the weather get things time Basin out front and maintain those so conservation working with them on that keep that in place and Lio retail Bakery up with the old sa lot is underway they are doing improvements what you see is some islands being put in with some new lights all be landscaped the access drive through there will be changed and narrowed as far as that they're doing their side improvements and chickfila which on the right hand side is still going through all their approval process and up at the D that's all I have to say thank you Mark anybody have any questions for more thank you again at this time I'll turn the meeting overs to our burrow solicitor thank you mayor a very light agenda but we have under our consent agenda resolution 5524 resolution authorizing tax collector to issue duplicate tax sale certificate pursuant to njsa 54 colon 5- 52.1 and resolution number 5624 authorizing agreement Professional Services the bar glass barel C and Associates Inc for partial outbound survey block 36 Lots 3 and four there are the two resolutions this evening under our consent agenda also as noted on the agenda and for the reasons stated on the agenda Council moves for approval roll call vote motion approve second I have a motion and a second Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mr cos yes Mrs garlic yes Mr halter yes M Miller yes Mr St yes motion carries uh at this time I'll entertain a motion to open the meeting to the public Mo the public portion be open I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries the public portion is now open to anyone from the public who wishes to come forward and address mayor and councel my name is Pastor Alex G pastor church 520 Avenue in Glo JY um I want to begin by just sharing with you all that Proclamation recognizing Reverend curly gri upon being elevated to the office of Bishop whereas it is a desire for the mayor and Council of the burough Glassboro to pay special tribute to individuals who have provided exceptional service to the Bur of glb whereas G has supported the community of Glassboro and has served his congregation both spiritually and socially whereas the Church of God in Christ was organized in November 1907 and has a membership of 4 million people established in every continent with their headquarters in Memphis Tennessee and where as the appointment of Reverend gri is historical and that he will be the first individual from Southern Jersey to ever be appointed as Bishop within the Church of God in Christ now therefore I Leo J mccab mayor of bur bbro in the county of bler in the state of New Jersey do hereby Proclaim July 10th 2004 as Bishop curlyy gri day in glbo New Jersey I was sharing this with you today um because it was 20 years ago that this Proclamation was uh was given uh Bishop gri was my father was very close to Mayor MCC um and and the two of them shared many things together I guess one was their generation they had seen a lot and one of the things that my father used to say constantly as he drove through the streets of Glassboro was that Glassboro is going to be a big city one day he lived to be 100 years old he didn't see all the developments that came to be but I come this evening to first of all thank you for um allowing us to name the drive where our church is located Bishop curly gri way uh 20 years after this Proclamation was given and I want to exent to you all uh as we have already extended to the mayor and and he has agreed and I I would like to believe that mayor Wallace and myself will have that same type of relationship uh that my father did with mayor uh MC I agree um but I would like to extend to you the invitation to the unveiling of that street sign which will be on my father's birthday January 21st um which is a Sunday afternoon at 4:00 uh p.m it will be a brief ceremony uh but it would certainly be an honor for us mayor as well as councel um as many as council members could attend thank you very much thank you very much looking forward to good evening good evening0 street because I know ising and I wanted to know told W stop and I want to know if that's correct the uh which I'm not sorry you're talking about uh rainbow I knew I knew what you meant I couldn't think of I know uh I haven't heard heard anything they they shut down oh I didn't heard was be a wing St yeah I don't know to be there but I Wing yeah I don't know at this point haven't heard anything I haven't heard anything you know shut down right okay and my next question is the El part have you decide about the bathroom or who who to talk so for now we still have the portal potties out there as development grows out there we're trying to get developers to help us pay for regular toilets with plumbing and so on and that's the approach we're taking right now try to have a developer subsidize the cost of those okay because um is is in all the parts that I know such a hard time that one because they were you're right would have been nice if we put them in when the park was first established would have been a lot easier but it's a little harder right now but we did put the porta potties in for the time being yes we are you know it okay thank you thank you see no other members of the public wishing to speak I'll make a motion to close the public portion second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I uh opposed exensions motion carries uh make uh entertain a motion to approve all duly authorized bills motion to approve all duly all Bills second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed abstentions yes mayor I have an excuse me an exstension on PO number 23-05 345 thank you any others extensions noted motion still carries uh closing comments from our administrator nothing mayor thank you thank you uh I would uh just like to congratulate also and wish uh them all the safety and wellness uh new patrol officer Jason O'Neal and patrol officer uh Cheyenne Watson um they're joining a very strong police department and I just wish them all to be safe and well and with that I'll entertain a motion for oh I'm sorry I'm sorry there is a motion in a second to turn all in favor stay I oppos extensions motion carries this meeting is nowed great evening everybody stay dry next regular meeting will be January 23rd 2024 600 p.m.