thank you make sure whenever you're ready mayor all right let's get this show on the road good evening everyone I'd like to call the regular meeting of Mayor and Council of the burrow of Glassboro for May 28th 2024 to order Karen could you please read the opening statement pursuant to the open public meetings act I hereby announce that adequate notice of this meeting as required by set act has been provided by adopting a schedule of regular meetings for the year 2024 which schedule was posted on the burough Hall bulletin board as well as a burough website and forwarded to both the South Jersey Times And The Sentinel of Gloucester County and filed with the burough clerk on January 6th 2024 thank you can we all rise and salute the flag please I Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all Karen roll call please mayor Wallis here Mr Brown here Mr cabone present Mrs garlic here Mrs Mr Bruner here miss Miller here Mrs Spence here Mr milandro here Mr scati present Mr halter yes thank you step down for our presentation [Laughter] hello uh I was given what a job that's not really in my job description but I was passed by the Glassboro green team that ran an initiative a poster and a uh sign contest for our kindergarten uh age students first grade second grade and the poster contest uh the third grade uh our winners first place first second and third place drawings are up here for our kindergarten first and second grade and over here are our first second and third grade posters and I going to announce and present each of the winners uh with a uh with a ceric and bring them up here but I have to tell you it was a very tough task to do I had so many drawings and they were all excellent the parents and teachers should be very proud of all of our students and with that I'll move over to our our winners and for our first place winner for kindergarden we have Olivia [Applause] she's so precious second place first second grade I'm sorry first place for first second grade is [Applause] third place first place third grade first place is Nolan R great job by all of for second goes Emma [Applause] Jord uh first place I'm sorry second place for first and second grade goes to Mah Patel all right good job good [Applause] job second place for third grade goes to Alexis solos [Applause] Cortez uh third place for KY goes to [Applause] Sanchez first and second grade third place goes toison martinz and for third grade third place goes to adri bir and these young men and women did all of these drawings over here those were the winning drawings place for the contest goes to abil abil Lagos ar ar [Applause] second place poster contest goes to [Applause] and third place for the poster contest goes to Isabella [Applause] Morales these are our winners I know I would like to invite the members of the green team that are here to come down and get a picture with everybody wow [Applause] all right everybody in come on in there you I'll everybody be very proud of [Applause] ter ladies and gentlemen that does conclude the ceremonial portion of this meeting you are more than welcome to stay for the business portion of the meeting but we will not be offended if you all want to go enjoy the warm weather but you're like I said you're more than welcome to stay you're welcome thank you and thank you all be very proud of those kids congratulations yes I knew people down there Friday might take FR let me that was interes first you thator there yeah we've had EV we all settled back in we are going to move forward we have no public hearings this evening so I will entertain a motion now for the approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 23rd 2024 as well as the Clos executive session minutes of April 2 3rd 2024 motion for approval second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed any extensions motion carries uh carara could you take us through any Communications please yes mayor I have a letter of resignation from um Willie R king senior of the Park and Recreation Commission entertain a motion for acceptance please I move that we accept letter recommendation I'll second it I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries uh we'll move to committee reports and begin with council president Miller good evening mayor good evening um first I'd like to congratulate all of the students being recognized this evening for their Earth Day poster and coloring contest and also congratulations to the parade committee on another successful parade in Glassboro and that's all I have at this time thank you very much and well said uh councilman Brown good evening mayor good evening I a receip of the financial reports also uh just to for to back uh president Anna Miller uh also congratulations to the Earth Day poster and coloring contest winners and also a thank you to the parade committee uh for an outstanding parade uh being involved with the parade for many years seeing the uh the differ different departments that that go into all the all the hard work that happens with the police fire Highway departments um fantastic parade as we continue to do that every year so thank you to them as well thank you very much sir uh councilman C thank you mayor I am in receipt of the monthly report from the police department for April I also would like to congratulate the students on the poster contest and you know mayor I've been involved in many award presentations here and this has to be one of the best uh they they're just adorable and I also like to thank all the prey committee for an outstanding prade and I like to thank uh councilwoman Spence for the flyby she does a good job I'm giving her credit there but truly her her husband that's all I have thank you very much Sirah uh councilwoman garlic good evening mayor good evening I would like to also congratulate all of the kindergarten first second and third graders who did an awesome job with the coloring and poster contest for Earth Day and also the parade committee thank you for what a wonderful day that we had on Monday as well as the ceremony everything was so smooth it was very um nice to be a part of that I am in receipt of the monthly report for the park and wreck we do want to encourage everyone to come out to the golf alting which will be two weeks and on June the 10th thank you very nice thank you uh councilman halter yeah good evening Mr Mayor U evening echoing everybody else congratulations to all the student Achievers tonight from their poster contest again the parade was a fantastic success again this year thankfully the rain held out for us I know my family has dozens of friends and family that come to watch it from May's Landing to Trenton and everybody says it's the best parade in the time of their year so they all enjoy coming to Glassboro which is nice uh water and sewer we continue to make advancements on the lead pipe and galvanized pipe replacement as initiative from the njde uh we're still on track for that along the delsi drive Carter and some other significant streets in town that are going to be getting repaved soon so uh crews are working diligently on that project and besides that we're all squared away Summer Fest is starting soon so come out and join us on Thursday nights in June and July on Town Square sir thank you very much sir and councilwoman Spence thank you mayor you're welcome I too would like to congratulate all those young children that were here tonight they just looked fabulous and the dresses were really nice I have to side it's very nicely done um also I'd like to extend my thanks and congratulations to the parade committee they work really hard and all of them especially um Chuck Williams really did an amazing job on the police side and and uh Kyle Schneider and um it's just they really every year it gets better and better to think of more ideas and things to do so uh thank you to all the folks that are on the prade committee and get involved I'm in receipt of the April construction report and everything looks great we're busy here in Glassboro and uh that's it mayor thank you very much with that we'll move on we have no unfinished business uh Karen our new business please yes sir uh we have a request for facilities approval of facilities use application for fourth Friday movie night for missio day Church motion approve second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I any opposed exstension motion carries the second item on the agenda was removed from the agenda um so that one is not necessary uh we have request we also have a request to purchase excavator through sourcewell for glassbar Water and Sewer Department motion to approve second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed exensions motion carries at this time I'll ask for the engineers report please mark yes good evening the the projects for the tow houses of camela and East High Street still continue are going up with those areas we have other other projects in the works of the planning board ongoing uh licio former licio Bakery the Self Storage as you can see is mostly all building now so there workers can find inside they do have the storm War Basin taken care of so that's underway um Taco Bell is just recently get has approval they're getting the to get completing all their paperwork so they can build a b second bypass lane to help facilitate the crowd that they gather but their facility Raising Cane which is a chicken finger retail establishment one just open in effort that's coming to the right AE so you'll probably see the Right Aid being demoed in the next month or two uh that they're finalizing their paperwork there and the project along Main Street D Simone that's rehabbing the former medical building uh that's under continues to be underway and the parking lot will be bued beside it and along the back will be retrofitted so that's all working there uh you can see the work at Lio Bakery they're finishing up the entrance on Main Street so that's there they have to get the permits in to take care of the inside with those aspects and as far as Chick-fil-A across from them they're still going through their appr approval process at the do and local levels that's all I have at this time thank very much Mark okay at this time I'm going to turn the meeting over to our burrow solicitor yes thank you may mayor under our consent agenda tonight we have the following resolutions beginning at 152 resolution authorizing execution of RCA discharge of mortgage by the bar of Glassboro property 216 pona Avenue resolution 153 authorizing execution of RCA discharge of mortgage by the bar of Glassboro 108 East Avenue resolution 154 to award contract for Management Services for the 2024 Craft Beer Festival to Landmark Americana Inc 155 resolution authorizing acceptance of Award of Community Development block grant cd23 pf2 by the bar of Glassboro for underground water service pipe replacement and filber Street between Stanger Avenue and Earl Avenue res 156 authorizing safety and stabilization guarantee in the amount of 8,527 34 perimeter landscape buffer guarantee in the amount of 8,725 site inspection escrow fee in the amount of $1,546 and performance bond public improvements in the amount of 12,000 965 for 601 North Main Street LLC block 38902 Lots 18 18.01 and 18.02 resolution 157 providing for the insertion of a special item of Revenue in the budget purs to njsa 48 487 resolution 158 authorizing change order number two for Charles third driveway tribe roadway improvements in the bar of Glassboro 159 authorizing purchase of a galri rolloff truck for the bar of Glassboro Highway Department to Mid-Atlantic Waste Systems under a national Cooperative purching purchasing system sourcewell resolution 116 authorizing purchase of a 2025 Peterbilt 5481 arm trash truck for the bar gasbor Highway Department to Mid-Atlantic Waste Systems under a national Cooperative purchasing system sourcewell resolution 161 authorizing purchase of an armed model ALC 214k Leaf machine for the bar Glasper Highway Department to ha deart and Sun under a national Cooperative purchasing system Source well and finally resolution 162 authorizing purchase of a 2025 International 4x2 chassis for the bar of glor Highway Department to ha deart and sun under a national Cooperative purchasing system sourcewell there are our resolutions again on our consent agenda also for the reasons noted underneath each uh resolution on agenda if Council so moves for approval motion to approve second okay I have a motion and a second Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mr cabone yes Mrs garlic yes Mr halter for Miss Miller for Mrs Spence yes motion carries mayor we have two ordinances for introduction tonight the first is uh number 2416 and ordinance releasing relink extinguishing and vacating the rights of the bar of Glassboro County Gloucester and a sanitary sewer easement located on block 38902 lot 18.01 also known as 601 North Main Street in the bar Glassboro and also tonight ordinance number 24-17 an ordinance authorizing the donation and conveyance of a portion of Gerard Road from njsh Route 322 to University Boulevard to the county of Gloucester from the bar of Glassboro there are the two ordinances for introduction this even so move by Council roll call vote motion to public portion be open I'm sorry motion to introduce I'm sorry I'm sorry introduce it second okay so I have a motion introduced any second Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mr C yes Mrs Garett yes Mr halter four Miss Miller four Mrs Spence yes motion carries at this time I'll entertain a motion to open the meeting to the public Mo the public portion be open second have a motion any second all in favor State I I any opposed extensions motion carries the floor is now open to anyone from the public who wishes to come forward and address mayor and councel for those members of the public we do have rules and regulations Rel to the public participation they are outlined on the agenda most importantly when you do approach would you please identify yourself for the record name and address and there is a five minute limitation thank you good evening John wise 114 East Avenue glbo good to see you all you as well saw you on TV man how about how about that um there's a tree that the first two storms we had that was blown over off of um Oak Street and it's in the area where the grass cutters come down on the on the Burl side I have a portion of it the bur have the other portion and they cut it but that tree has been there now and it's starting to grow again and the water it lays right over top to of the fence it's two fence that takes the water past the backer into my house kids play in it I'm about to call for the mosquito control because you know we're going to do that pretty soon but no one seems to want to uh cut up the bush the tree is just there and pretty soon you're going to have a tree growing up out of there so I I didn't know who to come to so I thought I'd bring it to the council and make sure that it be looked at or taken care of one way or the other I don't know the reason why they hadn't cut it already you know it's just the whole it's rooted up out of the ground it's not just a limb the tree is rooted out of the ground and you can see it from uh Oak Street going west so I appreciate it if somebody just come out and look at it just make a decision say something there'll be eyes on it tomorrow eyes okay there'll be eyes on I mean I seen I seen the workers out there with the Green work shirts on but they nobody did anything so I was concerned about that because it's right over that grape that's full of water and the kids from the other they do cut I'm I'm not knocking the Cutters down because the field before that they keep that nice because kids be out there playing but I don't want them around that tree in case something happen one of the reasons we haven't been out there is we're still waiting for that to dry out out there so we can get out there but I'll go look at I personally will go look at it tomorrow yeah because You' be waiting a long time for that water to Sun cuz you know it's not going to go uphill I got one in the back of my house I got one there and it gets to that area and it stops and they both I can look down there and I can see you know that pose and whatever else my boots on tomorrow and I'll be out there you got my word yeah take a take a look at it at least okay absolutely thank you thank you Mr wi Mr absolutely hello hello hello uh my name is uh Vincent and I live at Franklin Pennsylvania Franklin Now Pennsylvania is a pretty straight road and there's a lot of cars that goes down there about 70 m per hour I almost got hit I almost stopped on the stop sign there not a car has a stop sign it went right through it if I didn't stop I would have been flat so I was wondering if you guys can put a couple bumps on Pennsylvania Ro that's one uh the second thing is every year there's college student that rent in Glassboro especially in the ridge now there's a lot of trash being thrown from the college Cas why should we be paying their trash to be picked up I think that people that R st house she pay something toward that trash and she be up to Glassboro resident to for out the money and I was hoping that you guys can look through it and see okay absolutely yes sir all thank you you're welc thank you we'll look at both of those issues sir we'll look at both of those issues absolutely yes short June Longley 1305 Glen Lake Boulevard Pitman I have a couple questions about the 322 bypass yes um my daughter who lives in Soul Street did not get notification of the online meeting they had but I own a property on wmer and I did get notice which seems a little strange um is there going to be an opportunity for the public to weigh in on this design because it seems like weaving through neighborhoods at 25 miles an hour is not a good idea for 322 and what's going to keep them from turning left down boat Boulevard going to delce to to cut off all that twisting and turning that they're doing um I'm not sure I know where you're referencing The Twist to where they were cut cutting from where they're going from what I understand from what the meeting explained they are turning right at Gerard yes there's going to be a additional access road I I guess and then 322 parallel to the railroad tracks and there's also concern that's where the light rail is going to go so there's going to be stopping on 322 because of the light rail line going through um so it goes all the way down to Su then it separates by by um Head Start and the t-ball field and goes curves back down around and then goes through Grove all the way to delce and then there's another traffic light on dely and then they have to take the corner of high and delce and widen it so that trucks can make the turn right um it doesn't seem like it seems like we need to get it out of Glassboro not through the middle of glass Bor okay um I I to I was able to listen to to the presentation the reason I asked you to explain because I wanted to know what where you were where you were landmarking things essentially the bypass is broken into two parts there's going to be a business the business route essentially a business route which will continue to 322 it's proposed the plan is to go 322 right on to Gerard that will be car traffic any any traffic that wants to go to the the downtown or parts in the downtown there's they're proposing a the side road that you were talking about that road is going to be essentially exclusive for those people that live in the Ridge and in that development Beyond The Ridge to be able to maneuver in and out of the development without having to get onto Gerard or the quote unquote bypass route into town but now you have the I don't disagree that 322 through campus is not the best idea but anybody that lives on the ridge that's a college student now has to take the access road and cross that then two lanes of 322 and cross that and the Light Rail and cross that so no they won't be Crossing then how are they getting how are they getting to campus from the ridge they will either walk or they'll come down the either the by the access road they were telling you about or out Harvard into wherever they want to they're going to have to cross all that they're going to have to cross access 322 and those things and I I don't you because we're only we're we have only a certain amount of time here right that and this is a long conversation um and there's we're a long way from getting this worked out um essentially just because I know this was left out of the uh presentation there's a second portion of the bypass which is essentially going to be the express route which will route all truck traffic and all traffic that wish to get to points Beyond Glassboro uh down to the Ellis Mill Road exit turn down Ellis Mill Road and they're configuring a roadway to connect Su to Grove to dely they're still in plan sections um there are proposed things in answer to your question about will you have an opportunity to weigh in on that there will be another opportunity to weigh in on that but that will be the the county and I can see when that will be and when there are going to be notices we'll make sure that all people that need to be noticed will be noticed okay thank you and just by the side the people that were sitting next to me own all of Gerard okay and they got no notice I I I'll have to find out how the county decided how those notices went out but okay thank you very much thank you very much also miss Longley they as I listened to the presentation as well and they did say I don't have the lady's name if you have any questions or you have any input you could send it directly to the engineer who was orchestrating she was the one doing all the yeah so she is taking comments okay okay all right thank you you're welcome thank you my name is Bob hoer I live on Cornell Road 419 um obviously Miss Longley is u a lot more knowledgeable about this than I am um so um they are going to use Gerard Road as part of this bypass that has that been settled the the discussion about using Gerard Road was was put before all of us because we did not it we didn't want to stop all traffic we wanted we need traffic to get to the downtown we want people to Patron our restaurants our shops at be able to get to burall or wherever they want to get to downtown that's the traffic that we are we want to funnel down Gerard into downtown we're trying to reroute all traffic trucks anybody that has no business big vehicles that really have no business in the downtown or in and around Glassboro to be able to go around Glassboro right was there any consideration of just ing the traffic uh down Bo Boulevard past the high school out to delce drive that way making a right on delce down to where 322 intersects dely drive now that was proposed as well there were so many T there were so many proposals okay why was that rejected I it that one was so far back I couldn't even can I conjecture that then you increased traffic by the high school I mean I assume that they want to reroute 322 because Rowan doesn't want to going through the center of their college there's been okay yes shake your head yes that's fine I understand I'm giving him the floor there's several incidents on on there but the major part of the bypass was to take the traffic away from the downtown away from The High Street to the mayor's point the first part of this which they said is about a year away it's probably more like a year and a half away to the mayor's point we want everyone really to do this is go from Ellis to Su there will be a new road to Grove out to 47 that keeps everybody out but what we didn't want to do is we have a huge investment in the downtown right okay for people who want to come to the downtown that will be what they're calling plan C which is the second part which is probably three years away okay that's the part where you will come from you will come off of 322 to Gerard okay you go down Gerard where it meets Whitney over to Whitney and then on the high that's just for local traffic okay that's the intent of it right right cuz I know if I like come to you know over to tags to get an auto part it's like impossible to get downtown now without re-rooting 322 to the center of town it's like already hard enough you know what they didn't do a good job on on that presentation they made it sound like they we were taking the traffic from 322 putting it all on High Street that's not the intent of okay all right that's that's sort of what I've been hearing and it's like wow only the people who want to go down the town is hopefully how we will they will sign it and so on local traffic everything else goes all the way around outside town there there's going to be a new construction of a of a road going down the Grove and and out that way then right okay uh well there's there's going to there there is on yes there is okay y all right good all right well uh thank you very much I appreciate it and just one one last thing uh the gentleman uh commented about Pennsylvania um Pennsylvania does have a lot of traffic flying down there and me personally I've already seen some young folks I'm not going to say they're college kids all right but I'll just say Young Folks we have a lot of four-way stops like on Harvard out on the ridge I I I live on the ridge lived there all my life so you can see how old I am so I probably lived there a lot longer than some of you guys have been been around but anyway I've actually seen kids fly down they're 25 miles an hour however fast they're going they know nobody's on the opposing section and just keep going right on the RO they don't even they don't even stop and and the other comment I wanted to make was we put speed bumps on uh leeh High all right in a lot of places but I know a lot of traffic comes up Buck Road all right comes down past the old Owens Illinois right down depford all right and and then right out through Hidden Creek to 322 and could you consider putting some speed bumps along Deford because there's nothing there's no stop signs there there's nothing to slow the traffic down along effort and and those folks that live along there I mean it's just as hazardous for them they got little kids out there running around too so that's just a comment so appreciate it thank you very much for all the time we'll absolutely look at that as well sir thank you well seeing no other I move the public portion be closed second I have a u motion to close the public portion and a second all those in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries public portion is now closed this time I'll entertain a motion to approve all duly authorized bills motion to approve all duly authorized bills and second to approve all duly authorized bills I have a motion any second to approve all duly authorized bills all those in favor stay I opposed any extensions mayor I have some extensions sorry George um 24- 02113 844 0814 02021 02135 02153 and 02192 any left that's it all the rest good thank you your turn I'm good oh very good all those extensions have been noted and that motion carries any closing comments from our administrator no sir no thank you um I would just like to uh again the uh Green Team we recognize the uh students they did a fabulous job but I also want to recognize the Green Team and the members of the green team for uh their uh Forward Thinking and uh just creative way of getting people involved and getting the message across uh to uh carry on the mission of our Green Team great job by all of you thank you um to the parade committee and all those that were involved in kicking off that parade and making it go off without a hitch uh great work uh the parade committee our uh law enforcement um Public Works everybody great job and to the people residents from Glassboro and all around thank you for attending fabulous day to the residents that came out tonight to Express their concerns uh thank you for coming I encourage you to continue to come all of your concerns will be addressed uh there we go and we're g to be doing speed studies on depford and Pennsylvania this week St well soon I can't give you a day very and with that motion to adjourn second I have a motion to adjourn in a second all those in favor stay I I any opposed exstension motion carries thank you everyone this meeting is adjourned next regular meeting will be when will it be June 25th 202