feel like I'm a little low MJ yeah CH can you go an said you ready hey Anna said you ready to do the twist I I call you check man feel good baby feel good we ready yeah she getting tired rock and roll here we go May we're G have to do [Laughter] this good evening everyone I'd like to call the regular meeting of Mayor and Council of the burrow of Glassboro for March 26th 2024 to order Karen could you please read the opening statement pursuant to the open public meetings act I hereby announce that adequate notice of this meeting as required by set act has been provided by adopting a schedule regular meetings for the year 2024 which schedule was posted on the burall bulletin board as well as the burough website and forwarded to both the South Jersey Times and the senel bler County and fil with the bur clerk on January 6 2024 R salute the flag please I Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all karen roll call please mayor Wallace here Mr BR here Mr yes I am here Mrs gar here M Miller here Mrs St here Mr milro here Mr pres and Mr here okay we have no proclamations or presentations this evening so at this time I'll turn the meeting over to our Bor solic yes I'm here too I'm so sorry Mr hter thank you mayor I believe before we uh proceed that' you get here I believe before we proceed uh councilman Tim Dan Brown has some comments on the budget yeah just yeah since uh we have a very light crowd we were able to uh meet on February 21st about the the uh budget for the upcoming year and we were able to come to a 0% tax increase for the new budget just like to thank uh the hard work of financial chief financial advisor Karen pasun and B administrator Andre thank you thank you okay can we have a motion then to introduce the 2024 Municipal budget by introduction move second motion and a second uh Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mr cabone yes Mrs garlic yes Mr halter yes Miss for Miss yes motion carries and now that we have introduced the budget we have uh resolution R 10224 resolution to amend the introduced 2024 budget no I'm sorry an amendment we're alling de okay all right this is so so for the record amended for the record there is no resolution 10224 or right there is there is the title is incorrect okay that is the one to introduce okay to introduce that's it very good oh my goodness so for just so we redo it again how about a motion to adopt resolution 10224 to introduce the 2024 Municipal budget would that be correct second there is a motion and a second Karen roll call please sorry Mr Brown yes Mr C that's another yes Mrs garlic yes Mr halter yes Miss Miller four Mrs Spence yes motion carries we'll move to the ordinances yes thank you mayor uh tonight we have H public hearings uh uh given the uh audience participation and I have done this now in other municipalities I'll read all three ordinances and then we would open it to the public for comments on any one of the three ordinances the ordinances are as follows 2407 ordinance authorizing transfer a property known as block 52 lot 16.04 also known as 147 South Academy Street official tax map the par Glasper County coloss state of New Jersey coloss County Habitat from Humanity nonprofit corporation of the state of New Jersey pursuing to njsa 48221 one or L ordinance 24-8 ordinance amending chapter 107 development regulation and Zoning article 10 storm water control the code book of the bar of Glassboro ordinance 24-9 an ordinance fixing establishing the salaries and compensations of the officers employees of the bar of glasman the county gloss of state of New Jersey year 2024 the motion to open to the public for any public participation would be on the three ordinances 2407 2408 or 2409 if anyone wishes to come okay I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed any extensions that motion carries if there's anyone from the public who wishes to come forward and address either ordinance 247 ordinance 248 or ordinance 2409 may do so at this time come forward and address mayor and counsel see n make a motion to close a public portion and adopt ordines 247 248 249 as written second I have a motion and a second Caren roll call please Mr Brown yes Mr C yes Mrs garli yes Mr halter M Miller yes Mrs Spence yes motion carries uh at this time I'll entertain a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of February 27th 2024 second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I opposed extensions yes mayor I obstain on the uh minutes from February 27th 2024 any other extensions extensions noted motion still carries Karen can we go through Communications please yes mayor I have a letter resignation from Gilbert J Marshall of Marshall geoscience Incorporated uh Mr Marshall is our lsrp his services will be um um terminated as of uh July 9th 2024 motion to approve the letter of resonation second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed any extensions that motion carries uh we will move to committee reports and uh we will begin with uh council president Miller uh good evening good evening I just wanted to say I don't have an official report but I just want to uh commend the burrow employees for the work they did over the weekend on Saturday when we had all of the flooding by getting out having cones put out to prevent people from driving through water and causing damage to themselves and their vehicles and that's all I have thank you very much uh councilman Brown uh yes good evening man good evening I just like to let you know I'm in receipt of all the report Financial reports for the month of February and again on the budget just uh thank you to the committee for everything that they did when we met back on the 21st and again add Karen for their hard work very nice thank you very much uh councilman cabone yeah thank you mayor um I'm in receipt of the monthly report of September for the police department that's all I have thank you very much uh Council woman gar I'm sorry I said September February I'm months ahead sorry I'm burn out tonight we behind we're behind councilwoman garlic good evening mayor I don't have anything new to report all right thank you very much uh councilman halter good evening thank you very much and councilwoman Spence um thank you mayor I just want to um reiterate the thanks to Karen C and Ed mandro for doing such a great job along with the finance committee keeping our zero tax rate in Glasco doing such a fine job in saving us money every year um I also to uh mention the glass Memorial Day parade is coming up in May and if anyone is interested in putting in a float a walking group like that please go to our website and sign up and that's all I have for now very nice thank you very much uh we have no unfinished business uh Karen can we go over new business please yes mayor um I need authorization from governing body to go out to RFP for the 2024 Craft Beer Festival second second I have a motion in a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries and additionally I need approval from governing body for two facilities use applications one is for Main Street Music and Arts Festival which will be held on April 6 2024 and the other is an Easter egg hunt which will be held on March 29th 2024 motion to approve second I have a motion in a second on favor State I I oppos extensions motion carries uh this time I'll ask for the engineers report please mark uh keep things brief uh everything's still moving to the town houses uh we have some plans we reviewing for water and sewer on a couple of the projects of the planning board so we going through the reviews on those we be presenting them to councel uh so that'll be coming up in next meeting or two for several of those and we as that time arises and storage build moving on South D drive and Theo is going to town on the parking lot we com comment on that they're going above and beyond on the parked so replacing everything so nice thank you Mark by for Mark okay thank you again uh again I'll again turn the meeting over to our burrow solicitor yes mayor under our consent agenda this evening we have for approval resolutions 103 to 113 if Council so moov person second I have a motion any second Karen roll call please Mr BR yes Mr C yes Mrs scarl yes Mr halter yes Miss Miller yes Mrs Spence yes motion carries and we have uh two ordinances for introduction tonight I'll read three I believe three ordinances I'll read all three and the motion would be to introduce the three of them by title only tonight first being 2410 Bond ordinance authorizing acquisition VAR pieces of Capital Equipment completion of various Capital Improvements in the bar of glbo appropriating a sum of $1,968 th000 therefore authorizing issuance of General obligation bonds or Bond anticipation notes of the barah in the aggre amount of 1,869 600 making certain uh determinations and Covenants and authorizing certain related actions and connection connection with the foregoing ordinance 2411 uh also a bond ordinance similar language the amount to be appropriated is $3,995,000 for various Water and Sewer improvements in the bar gra bar Glassboro appropriating is sum of 3,995 th000 making certain determinations and Covenants and authorizing certain related actions in connection with that Bond ordinance and also ordinance 24-12 and ordinance amending chapter 203 construction codes uniform Section 3 Municipal fees of the codebook of the bar of Glassboro again they would be the three ordinances number 10 11 12 if Council so moves for approval for induction roll call vote I have a motion and a second uh Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mr yes Mrs gar yes Mr halter Miss Miller four M yes motion carries at this time I will uh entertain a motion to open the meeting up to the public move the public for should be open second with a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries floor is now open to anyone from the public who wishes to come forward and address mayor and councel good evening good evening my name is Dan Montgomery and I reside at 1309 South of Street and uh I'm here because uh two houses prior to where I'm located there's a little Crossroad there one side is mckenley okay and on the other side I'm not sure but there's a stop sign there it look like it has been hit and uh so I went looked at it and I notic this never been that is orange so I had a chance to speak with council president another and so my question is uh where are we at with that or what going to be done well I can tell you that uh it's been this is the first I'm hearing about it I'll give it to our day-to-day people our bu administrator here we'll then have somebody from our Highway Department go check it out and I'm sure it'll be rectified so it's it's on McKinley it's across from McKinley AC it's the corner of McKinley and Academy got it okay okay right I will take care of it somebody be it not you let us know we appreciate that thank you right thank you for coming out thank you very very much yes sir seeing no other I move the public for should be put second have move Moot and a and a second all in favor State I I opposed any extensions motion carries this time I'll appr uh entertain a motion to approve all duly authorized bills motion to approve all duy authorized Bills second to approve all duly authorized Bill okay I have a motion and a second to approve all duly authorized bills all in favor State I I opposed any extensions mayor I have some ABS course you do of course I 24-11 48512 and 00791 everything else outstanding thank you very much extensions noted motion still carries uh any closing remarks from our B administrator I too would like to Echo Tim Dan Brown's statement um around the budget it was it was a very hard budget Karen and Alexis did a fine job Clark Pier Pont and all the department heads we started out over a million dollars in the hole and got it to zero and that's that's hard but thank you and uh that's all I have mayor thank you and uh again same thing thank you all uh for your hard work I know over the years though I don't understand numbers the way you all do um I know what an arduous task it is and to be able to keep the tax rate uh at a zero is quite an accomplishment so thank you for that um I would also like to thank uh Gil Marshall for uh all of his years which he predates me uh but I what I know about Gil Marshall is that uh he served the burrow well uh and he will be sorely missed and we wish him all the best as he moov for and with that I will entertain a motion for adjourn motion to adjourn second motion any a second all in favor stay I I opposed extensions motion carries this meeting is now adjourned have a great evening the next meeting is April 9th 2024 6:30 p.m. ready break