##VIDEO ID:QCYUlbFNQXk## hell o' May whenever you're ready mayor all righty I'm ready good evening everyone I'd like to call the regular meeting of the mayor and Council of the burrow of Glassboro for October 8th 2024 to order Karen could you please read the opening statement pursuant to the open public meetings act I hereby announce that adequate notice of this meeting as required by set act has been provided by adopting a schedule of regular meetings for the year 2024 which schedule was posted on the burall bulletin board as well as the burough website and forwarded to both the South Jersey Times And The Sentinel Gloucester County and filed with the burough clerk on January 6 2024 thank you can we all rise and salute the flag I pled aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all car roll call please mayor Wallace here Mr Brown here Mr cabone pres Mrs garlic here Mr halter yes Mrs Spence Mr milandro here Mr scati Mr Bruner and let the record reflect that M Miller is excused for this evening thank you at this time we has have a presentation from uh sickles and Associates so like to invite look up if you'd like yeah you can present it people 11 always and between that years we thought that [Applause] we2 app nice job mark thank you okay uh moving forward we have no public hearings uh this evening so I will entertain a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of September 10th 2024 I guess I got to do it all again so move second I have a motion and a second all in favor stay I I opposed extensions motion carries uh we have no Communications this evening I'll move to committee reports and begin with uh councilman Brown uh good evening mayor I have even nothing to report this evening thank you thank you very much uh councilman cabone uh yes thank you mayor I'd like to uh thank and mark from sickles and Associates for all their hard work it takes a lot of time to put this together a lane of powers and everyone that was involved in the in the golf ating to make it a success for $16,000 and plus for the kids um we did a great job and hopefully next year we can we can do even a better job so that's all I have very nice thank you very much uh councilwoman garlic good evening mayor I would also like to thank Mark and and Patty and Elena was our first time working with um them all this year and it was a great um effort and work that was being done so I was glad to be a part of it and it was a great turnout and a beautiful day so we were really happy about that so thank you for what you're doing for Park and wreck in Glassboro and we are in receipt of the park and wreck report everything is going well thank you good to hear thank you very much uh councilman halter hey good evening Mr Mayor good evening thank you um good evening everyone the Water and Sewer Department is uh has one main opening right now we just had a treatment plant manager um move on from Glassboro so we'll be looking to hopefully fulfill that position that is something that takes extensive amount of time to gain some certifications but we do still have employees at our treatment plant that maintain those certifications um a lot of the lead times on supplies have been extensively long lately so they're still working through that and during installations of uh some of the items on South on delsy Drive the residential sewer M identified some issues so they'll be working through that to hopefully get some Med mediations done on that prior to the state asphalt paving project um beyond that everything else is going smoothly I also want to say I attended the PA for the calls from the police department a couple weeks ago or last week I guess and it was a really nice night out it was not rainy this year which was good it was very successful it was good to see everybody out there and also I want to thank Chief Knight one of your Police Explorers jumped into action when there was a collision on the Bounce House slide between two boys and provided some first aid medical attention to one that was uh had bled all over and I'm happy to report that my son is doing fine now so something about slide at your own wris mayor so I think it was we're okay very nice good to hear thank you very much sir uh and councilwoman Spen thank you mayor I just also want to congratulate the park and rec committee and everyone that worked hard to raise the money for that um fundraiser and golf tournament and we probably will do better next year because we're going to get that ball drop thing and I to say I rece of the construction report and everything look in order and I'm excited about what we have on the um agenda tonight more constructions will be coming on in town and it's very exciting time for glassbar that's all I have there thank you very much uh we have no unfinished business Karen can we go over new business please yes mayor I'm requesting authorization to go out to bid for several items actually uh the first being a crane truck for glass bar Water and Sewer Department I also um am requesting to go out to bid for water and sewer construction materials Ortho phosphate sewer lining lateral reinstatement materials brass water main fittings as well as water meters additionally I am asking um authorization to go out to RFP for the following items water valves concrete materials fire hydrants flight pumps and motors Labor Service and Repair Stone sand and crushed concrete that all of them that that's it mayor there we go there you have M entertain a motion for what everything the Karen said I will make that motion I assure you we order things often this isn't one time second okay we have a motion and a second all in favor St I I opposed any abstentions motion carries at this time I'll ask for the engineers report please mark yes good evening again uh just a couple minor items uh the town houses continue over Camelot they are progressing so that'll be nearing I don't know if it'll be done quite the end of this year but nearly after so next string spring they'll be wrapping those up for that the High Street town on on 322 towards Williamstown are all paved they still have punch list items that have to be done some Landscaping it's been so dry they really didn't want to get that out there yet for those uh the project immediately to the east of that Str court is another project it's under uh did did some utility improvements uh that's still getting their approvals uh for some other outside agencies so that'll probably be coming next spring breaking ground might be over the winter depending on the weather uh the storage building down on delsa Drive the former lissos that's near completion of D the punch list so we still need a couple items there they're at TCO and they have been operating uh working with the code office there Theo's Bakery on ell Street reported last month they finally did get their D permit contractors getting their materials uh to complete some work in the back of the site for discharging the Basin that they've been waiting for D approval and also doing the curb work up front along that side with the county so that's been processed there if you haven't seen demountable Concepts is Broken Ground over on Leo McCay Boulevard uh that's under well under away cleared they've got the site uh conditions site improvements being worked on and we just okay today to proceed with the building permit so that's that's going to see you start seeing the building steel going up for that here in the near future with those Taco Bell haven't heard anything from them they have a plan board approval to add the extra drive-through Lane but we're still waiting it's a usually with a corporation it takes some time for trickle down they were trying to figure out when they could have it with at least impact all their customers and they are always busy so that'll be a challenge for them to find a time uh and Kane everybody can see the building's going up pretty well uh they're starting to do the site parking lot improvements so uh they're running gun to get that done by the end of the year and get that open on there Deone Builders has been doing a lot of work on their building they're doing some site work there around on Main Street which is across from Matt vat um they're also trying to get their their stuff set up for this fall they're relocating from West efford down to their offices will now be in L that U last item was touched on U 5 47 uh dos got their massive project from Grove Street the wholeway up to National Park in Westville uh for those their work they're going to be start doing people are going to start seeing Crews randomly along DC Drive doing some storm white pipe Inlet uh cleaning pipes verification to see if they have to replace anything uh that will progress into they're going to replacing most all the traffic signals the whole way through town uh using updated technology to get all those through things and a couple other left turn features we tried to get in over the last three or four years the mayor's persistence so succeeded there so that'll probably take that'll go well in the 25 probably Paving in 26 so I think they their ultimate goal is to be done by 29 but that's for the whole route so they are going to be working on two area two out of the four areas at one time so they'll be there then they won't so it'll be a long drawn out process so if anybody questions give us a call and that's all I have this time thank you Mark thank you outstanding okay at this time I'll turn the meeting over to our buros solicitor thank you mayor this evening under our consent agenda we have the following resolutions beginning with 264 authorizing execution of Redevelopment agreement with glbo Cornerstone Group LLC block 29 Lots 8.02 11 12 12.01 resolution 265 authorizing purchase of a 2024 Silverado four-wheel drive for the bur of Glassboro Highway Department from pelo Chevrolet to the Bergen County cooperative 266 resolution referring authorizing directing the glbo planning board to reev review a proposed Redevelopment plan for Block 361 lot five and 5.03 resolution 267 is resolution approving eight sidebar agreements by and between the burrow of Glassboro and the various collective bargaining units within the bur of the resolutions this evening under our consent agen Council so moves for approval roll call vote motion to approved second I have a motion and a second Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mr cabone yes Mrs garc yes Mr halter a motion to approve with an exstension on 267-2410 and ordinance adopting a Redevelopment plan for Block 361 Lots 5 and 5.03 within the barau of glass Council so moves for introductional first reading by title only roll call vote motion to approve second I have a motion and a second Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mr cabone yes Mrs garlick yeah Mr halter yes Mrs Spence yes motion carries at this time I'll entertain a motion to open the public portion move the public portion be open second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries floor is now open to anyone from the public who would like to come forward and address mayor and councel seeing no one I make a motion to close the public portion second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries the public portion is now closed uh at this time I'll entertain a motion to approve all duly AU authorized bills motion to approve all duly authorized bills I'll second the motion to approve all Dy authorized okay I have a motion and a second to approve all D duly authorized bills all in favor State I I opposed any extensions motion carries any closing comments from our administrator a couple quick things again I'd like to thank Mark and and everyone who was involved in the park and W golf tournament I also would like to Echo councilwoman Spence's uh comments it is a very exciting time to be in glass bro glass bro is changing uh the downtown is it it's it's it's adopting it's adapting rather um I think it's for the best that's my opinion and the other thing I want to bring up I'm probably going to start doing this on a regular basis is with the growth comes other stuff just to let other people know so far this year every Tuesday morning we have a we have a meeting I've mentioned this and we go over problem properties uh I've been directed by mayor and Council to do this and we've done this for the last two or three years and the approach that we've taken is a little bit different than in the past we now go after landlords of problem properties uh that's what we do we give warnings we give written warnings and then we haven't gotten there yet but ultimately we would go to revoke a license if the problem property continues to be a problem so so far this year our police officers and this is just on the weekend have been on 64 calls 10 calls this weekend we have issued four warnings uh two letters a formal warning uh that was just from this weekend and overall we've issued 12 warnings three letters and one final notice Final Notice is if you become if you're still a problem property we very well move to revoke the landlord's license so I just bring that up to let everyone know that so many times you hear that this council is just after development and lets Rowan do whatever they want and whatever and I think the students of Rowan would tell you that's not the case but I just think it's important to report those numbers and that's all I have mayor thank you very much much appreciate it um I would just like to First congratulate uh the uh golf committee the park and wreck golf uh committee uh all those that were involved in uh organizing it because I know what goes into that um all of the sponsors the participants um for such a successful outing every year it just seems to get better and better and again looking forward to another successful one next year um another successful pause for cause for our police officers the pause for cause event which I also attended um was phenomenal as usually is we had great weather again this year uh so kudos to all those that uh put together such an amazing event again it was better than last year and I'm sure it's going to be better again uh even better next year than it was this year thank you and kudos to all of you to everyone out in the audience tonight thank you for coming out uh and being part of our council meeting um I encourage you to continue to come out uh voice your concerns let us know what's going on because we are here for you and with that I will entertain a motion for adjournment I'll make the motion to adjourn this meeting second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries this meeting is now adjourned thank you everyone have a good evening next meeting will be October 22nd 2024 6: p.m.