[Music] thank you you're welcome Happ girl sounds good thank you whenever you're ready mayor we go all right good evening everyone I'd like to call the regular meeting of Mayor and Council the burrow of Glassboro for April 9th 2024 to order Karen could you please read the opening statement pursuant to the open public meetings act I hereby announce that adequate notice of this meeting as required by set act has been provided by adopting a schedule a regular meeting for the year 2024 which schedule was posted on the burough Hall bulletin board as well as the burrow website and forwarded to both the South Jersey Times And The Sentinel of Gloucester County and file with the burough clerk on January 6 2024 thank you can we all rise and salute the flag please IED Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all karen roll call please mayor Wallace here Mr Brown here Mr cabone present Mrs garlic here Mr halter yes Miss Miller here Mrs Spence here Mr milandro here Mr scati present Mr Bruner thank you all right this is fun part of the meeting at this time we have two presentations this evening I'll step down from D yeah if everybody wants to come the my our to recogn supervisor of the year and officer of the so first bring our supervisor of the year and I have uh something here that I'd like to read to tell you little Sergeant First Class Sergeant First Class Dominic Mia has been selected as a supervisor of the year for his outstanding dedication performance and supervision during 2023 during 2023 Sergeant First Class ble has demonstrated his abilities Beyond expectation he has inspired and mentored members of his platoon through his leadership as well as by the examples he sets to be a top performer in the agency and made six arrests for DWI offenses during the year he also received a letter of accommodation in October for an outstanding investigation at a closed business which resulted in multiple arrests although his Patrol performance was outstanding during 2023 Sergeant First Class seg involvement with the community is even more impressive 2017 Sergeant First classia along with other members of the police department developed and offered our first junior Police Academy he has overseen the junior Police Academy since the time since that time and has left an impact with our community that will be realized for many years to come although the program has exceeded all expectations Sergeant First classia knew we could provide even more to our in 2023 Sergeant First classia brought forth an idea to develop and offer the glass Police Department special needs junior Police Academy this program offered an experience to members of the community that that we had not been able to offer this program was also an incredible success and the feedback from the families involved was tremendous these are exam only these are only examples of the impact Sergeant First classia efforts have had on the Glassboro Police Department as well as the community that he continues to serve for these reasons and numerous others Sergeant First CLA has reive the selection of supervisor of the Year congratulations on an outstanding [Applause] do [Applause] very nice and now for our officer of the year uh patrolman please wow all right but tell you a little bit a little bit about patrolman bu within the first month of working alongside Patrol and it became obvious that he was going to be that reliable officer that you could depend on during the entire year patrolman Bley showed up for his ship early ready to work and always in a positive move anytime I had asked him to complete a task it was always met with yes sir no questions asked when it comes to handling calls for service or investiga instances Patrol patroller vely expects and strives for Perfection not only for the department but also for the victim patol officer B remain e remain eager to accept the challenging and viewed them as an opportunity for growth his ability to to remain calm and professional even when dealing with difficult subjects is commendable I have watched the officer make decisions with confidence even when Under Pressure troll officer Bley is a member of the glass police Firearms unit and a field training officer who holds the training to the absolute highest standard possible he can he constantly preaching good officer safety practices and brings newly learned techniques back to his members I have also witnessed him go above and beyond when training new officers creating scenarios role playing and switching up his teaching techniques to connect with them to help them better understand whichever lesson is being taught trol officer is also the bike unit and the honor guard he is eager to conduct added patrols on the bike especially on busy nights when the foot traffic is heavy TR officer byy has also dropped his personal affairs on special occasions to fill an open void when needed for an honor guard detail which just adds to the dependability that he possesses as a sergeant have officers such as thy or your platoon who require little to no supervision overall dra officer's reliability responsibility diverseness technical skills initiative and his dedication to his profession allow him to stand out amongst the vast group of Exemplar officers within the department for these reasons davidy has been selected as the officer of the year 202 [Applause] [Applause] than I know perect that's how I learn to do it we're just going to give them a couple more minutes to file out in the volume will go down a little bit and we'll proceed there's no event in to okay okay I'm going to bring this meeting back to order and turn it now over to our burough solicitor yes thank you mayor tonight we have two public hearings scheduled this evening U I will read uh both ordinances first and when it's open to the public the public will have the opportunity to comment on both ordinances of say so choose first ordinance is number 2410 this is a bond ordinance authorizing the acquisition of various pieces of Capital Equipment completion of various Capital Improvements in the bar of Glassboro appropriating the sum of $1,968 th000 therefore authorizing issuance of General obligation bonds or bond an anticipation notes of the bar of Glassboro and the aggregate principal amount up up to $1,869 600 making certain determinations and Covenants and authorizing certain related actions in connection with the foregoing second ordinance on public hearing is number 24-11 that also is a bond ordinance authorizing various Water and Sewer improvements in the bar of Glassboro appropriating a sum of 3, 995,000 therefore authorizing issuance of General obligation bonds or Bond anticipation notes by the bar of glass bro and the aggregate principal amount of up to $3,995,000 again certain determinations and Covenant and authorizing certain related actions in connection therewith if Council so moves for the public portion on those through ordinance move the public portion be open second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed any extensions the motion carries the floor is now open to anyone from the public who wishes to come forward and address mayor and Counsel on these two proposed ordinances seeing none I move the public portion be closed and the ordinance adopted as written second I have a motion and a second Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mr cabone yes Mr Mrs garlic yes Mr halter yes Miss Miller yes Mrs Spence yes motion carries at this time I'll entertain a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March 12th 2024 so moved second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I I opposed any extensions motion carries uh we have no Communications this evening so I'll move to our committee reports and begin with council president Miller good evening evening um I'd first like to congratulate supervisor of the year um officer for ziga and our 2023 officer of the year officer byle for their dedication to the Glassboro Police Department keeping our t safe and keeping themselves safe it's always nice to have the good guys on your side and that we do um but mayor I'm in receipt of the highway department tonnage report very nice thank you very much uh councilman Brown uh good evening mayor how good evening I'm well uh no nothing to report from the financial committee however I would like to personally congratulate Sergeant Bia and I had the privilege of working with both officers for many years and U it's it's great to see that they what they deserve they Exemplar officers Sergeant to say they had the privilege of working with for many years and U it's just very very proud moment for them a very proud moment for myself to see them succeed the way that they are thank you thank you very much uh councilman Caso yes thank you mayor I I want to piggy back on uh council president uh Anna Miller and councilman Dan Brown I also want to congratulate the suis year sergeant biglia and the office of her year Patrol vir I'll get it out just bear with me and I just uh it's a it's a great honor and uh I I wish them to stay safe be safe that's all I have there thank you very much sir uh councilwoman garlic good evening mayor good evening um and I would also like to congratulate the officers who are being recognized this evening uh Sergeant biglia for supervisor of the Year 2023 as well as patrolman Bley for 2023 officer of the year it is a great attainment that they have reached and we're really happy to to witness that and be a part of that I am in receipt of the parking Rick report thank you thank you very much uh councilman halter yeah good evening Mr Mayor thank you again congratulations to Sergeant vley and officer Bary on their accomplishments from last year and and all the time here working for Glassboro uh as far as for the water and seore Department goes we still do have one open position we're working on uh continue to work on the galvanized pipe Replacements uh for those of you uh doing some reporting here tonight the state of New Jersey uh mandated that we replace all all municipalities replace lead pipes but they also Define lead as galvanized we had no lead pipes servicing our municipality here they had already been replaced long ago but because of that that uh direcor from the state D we are working on replacing all of those galvanized service pipes that take water into the residents and businesses uh again that's a very expensive project uh give her12 million give or take a few million dollars on one other side or the other uh with no assistance from the state so right now we have two Crews operating and they've been uh working very diligently on that effort and that is all I have on tonight thank you very much sir and councilwoman Spence thank you mayor you're welcome I also would like to Echo the congratulations to Sergeant vle and officer firley I'm very proud of them and and wish them the best and their further career in Glassboro um I also wanted to mention that the historical society is putting on a two weekend event this um month for Earth Day and celebration of Earth Day on the 20th and 21st and the 27th and 28th Saturday and Sunday with 1 to four at the old train station there's going to be an exhibit and some really neat stuff there about Earth Day and conservation so if you're around and about and you can stop in please do so and I am in receipt of the March construction report and thank you that's it mayor thank you very much Mr Mayor one other thing yes sir apologies uh just want to say thanks to all the burrow employees and the roow University students that participated and organized the event over the weekend I know a number of us up here on the stage attended that for a period of time the Arts and Music Festival that was the first time with a collaboration ation that I'm aware of between the University students and the municipality here so that was a very nice event it was a little too cold out but hopefully we'll have better weather next year uh as council president Miller said she wanted to be dancing out there on the concrete all night we'll see what happens thank well done thank you very much thank you uh we have no unfinished business this evening we have no new business this evening so I uh ask for the engineers report please mark good evening everybody uh just a brief update camlot continue to put up their houses for the townhouse projects so that'll be going on throughout this year and into next uh for those items the High Street East High Street state project all the houses are done uh they're finalizing punch list so sometimes later this year they'll be surfacing and dedicating those streets to the burough for those luo's uh expansion U out on ell Street we're still waiting 15 months in counting for D to approve Wetlands permit so they canish their work uh for those items and then the lisso foral lissos down in South D they're focusing mostly on the internal of the self storage building has been going up they have kind of stabilized the basins out front with the Soil Conservation District but there's not too many site improvements since it's all building for those with that and uh hopefully next week we'll hear from do so we can put Bo Boulevard out the bid and that'll be from the railroad tracks through to Carpenter street so that'll be resurfaced restri very similar to what's out there so if we can get dot to turn it around we'll get her done July early August before the students all come back and there's the U on your's agenda this evening Taco Bell has small Bonds in there they're they came into plan board got approval to put a a second drivethru similar to the other SAR Burger King just did so they're going to be doing those items there and as touched on a work session Raising Kane is getting close to finishing all their plans at the former Right Aid uh they have the do soil conservation group County so they're just finalizing some planning board comments so I expect them breaking ground later this summer there and whole bunch of projects at the planning board so that'll be coming one at a time thank you very much Mark thanks Mark thank you Mark thank you again Mark at this time I will again turn the meeting over to our burrow solicitor yes thank you again mayor and under our consent agenda this evening we have the f in resolutions resolution 119 authorizing sa safety and stabilization guarantee in the amount of $5,000 perimeter landscape buffer guarantee in the amount of $1,100 site inspection escro fee in the amount of 1,81 1938 for Taco Bell drive through addition block 407 Lots four and five resolution 120 authorizing release of Maintenance letter of credit number as outlined on the agenda in the amount of 19,36 for Eastern propack Building Block 15301 lot one in the bar of Glass Pro resolution 121 authorizing auction of certain Surplus property no longer needed for public use by the bar of Glassboro utilizing the service of gub deals Inc resolution 122 authoriz agreement for Professional Services bar of Glassboro Triad Associates fiscal year 2025 Congressional directive spending Grant application Water and Sewer projects n n Pro tunk 123 three authorizing refund of sewer installation fee finally one resolution 124 B Glassboro authorizing appointment of a conditional redeveloper and execution of a memorandum of understanding they are resolutions this even evening our consent agenda for the purpose is also noted on the agenda Council moves for approval roll call vote motion to approved second I have a motion and a second Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mr Caso yes Mrs garlic approved Mr halter for Miss Miller yes Mrs Spence yes motion carries Mary we also have two ordinance for introduction this evening uh both I'll read and the motion will be introduced both by title only first being ordinance number 2413 ordinance adopting a fiveyear tax exemption and abatement ordinance pursuant to njsa 48 21-1 and ordinance 24-14 ordinance repealing chapter 390 shade trees and Shrubbery and in a new chapter 390 to be titled shade tree removal replacement of the code book of the bar of Glassboro again Council moves for introduction roll call vote move to introduce second okay I have a motion and a second uh Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mr cabone yes Mrs garlic yes Mr halter for Miss Miller for Mrs Spence yes motion carries this time I'll entertain a motion to open the meeting up to the public move the public portion be open second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed any extensions motion carries the floor is now open to anyone from the public who wishes to come forward and address mayor and counsel for those in the public wish to speak there are certain rules and regulations you come forward uh uh note in particular when you approach would you please identify yourself name play place of residence or address of business and there is a five minute limitation thank you good evening stone stone stone yes sir I live on 302 Truman Avenue and I'm here because I want to know I've been there for 28 years and over the years uh you know the rain water there's no storm water system on the street and the water comes from both sides of the room runs down through my driveway so when I had the asphalt put in they had to you know have it tilted so the water ran beside the house it runs down through my backyard floods out the backyard all the time so I'm wondering whenever they redo the street if they do is there some way you could put some kind of storm drain right there uh we can certainly look into that um we can certainly will'll look into that and address that and I can get an answer for you uh by the next meeting or soon you can call the office and we can get you an answer or at least some direction okay okay all right thank you thank you for coming yes hi hi my name's uh paig Brit I'm from uh Rowan um I had a couple questions about one second about the um um water and sewer ordinance 2410 bear with me because I got a couple questions um what exactly does Capital Improvements mean so Capital Improvements is really anything that needs to be bonded as you heard earlier this listener mentioned that we go out to borrow money so it's typically bigger items it could be a dump truck it could be a trash truck it could be something like that so that's Capital Improvements capital even in the business world it's stuff that you you normally depreciate you go out and you Bond the money okay so how what does it relate to the um water and sewer specifically so Water and Sewer needs these types of uh purchases they need big trucks they need uh they need pickup trucks they need all kind of stuff like that pipes we're doing A10 million project right now to replace a lot of piping so it's projects like that cool thank you yep um also where is the $10 million coming from is it 10 million or 12 million so I thought I heard a different number it's an estimated amount right now because uh each project is a little bit different in scope yeah uh each you know house might have different intricacies that change the scope of the work and each business that has to have connections so you know waiting on supplies supplies go up over time uh the supply chain has been very difficult so with the uh with the massive increase in getting supplies there's no what it might be like in a couple years uh we have about 10 years to get this accomplished we have a little over 2500 services that need to be replaced in that 10 years if you divide that out by how many working days there are in a year you know some projects take longer than a day and you know things like that so there's a lot to get done in a short amount of time right and if you said it's not coming from the state correct the money we have actually we're we're trying to get a grant but right now it's being funded internally here and to councilman Halter's Point what you don't also see in regards to the funding we had the higher additional people to do this as well gotcha okay and then also how exactly will residents see the effect of this like will it be pipes you know affecting their homes affecting businesses so the it's this it's the service lines that come from the water mains in the street to the actual properties so where you would turn on your faucet and so forth like that again you don't want to have lead in uh base pipes because that could get into the water system recognizing that we've replaced any lead pipes that we had long time ago uh again the the recommendation or the directive from the state says it has to be lead based and or galvanized so those 2500 would contain galvanized piping even though our levels are far Far Below what the uh Baseline levels should be so we're well in accordance with the law limits but we still have to do this project based on what they said so it's to ensure that everybody's drinking water and the water quality remains at the highest level of capacity okay thank you one more quick question so sorry and then I'll give the floor um will residents see any um like will they have to pay back any of this money essentially the tax rate for this year was not raised okay cool thank you thank you good evening hello Dian Johnson 210 West High Street I just have a question for the rain with the water next door to me um like I told Miss Miller and it floods my backyard every time it rains if it rains day after day after day my black backyard get flooded because of next door so is anything going be done about that I don't so I think we were reaching out to the Builder once the weather broke which it hopefully has now so that they could start planting some grass there that would help run off yes okay because it's not just my yard backyard is on the side of my yard too it's just Bloods out the dirt yeah the dirt runs out in my yard and plus runs out on the corner of the road as well it's probably the worst time ever because I think we had record r in March okay record rate okay and my other question is I know that you're not supposed to park now you got to pay for it you got to um download the app and I got to tell Miss Miller for the 30 minutes I did not know you have to download the app for the 30 minutes I assume in my head that the 30 minutes was free and after the 30 minutes you have to download the app okay I got a ticket and I don't have no problem paying that ticket but my problem is this I live there and if I'm running in and out now I par when I come home at I'm home for for the for the night for the day my car goes in my driveway but if I'm not home permanently I'm in and out in and out I park my car in front of my house okay now I got a ticket why I have somebody in the car for one and I asked the girl if she can just not give me a ticket of course she said sto the ticket she couldn't do anything about that fine now I'm parking in my driveway now I've come in I'm going back out in five minutes I'm backing up again coming in and and knows I run in and out of my house during the day okay the traffic be so bad and y'all see seen the traffic from 4: to 5 whatever now they blocking me in so now I got to block traffic I got to pull out and make the traffic stop because they don't uh they won't let me out unless I force myself out and that's very dangerous so I don't know what to do about that because me I'm going to get out and I'm going to force myself out because then I the traffic is bad so I don't know what to do let me address the the 30 minutes first so first of all you need to use the app for the 30 minutes because we have no way of tracking it if you don't use the 30 minutes we don't know when it started I know now Anna told me that now at first I didn't know that I assume yes and in regards to writing the ticket was that the first warning that you got I I think so I'm not sure okay because it's my understanding and I can check this you have to they're issuing everyone a warning first then an advice for credit which means instead of giving you a ticket you would have to pay the max which is $8 before they would even write a ticket well first of all if I got a one I don't remember so I'm I'm not going to say I did I didn't right but the second time I mean the the ticket I got right it was was no no um $8 then $16 35 was $50 right oh the ticket will be but it's my understanding they will not write a ticket until you get a warning first and a vice a viice of credit I never got that okay I never never got it I yeah I could I could look into it for what it's yep all right so but but still what am I going to do about the traffic trying to get out my driveway I mean you guys y the one um made made that made that side for parking you know now you know you can't even Park me unless you well pay I mean I have no problem paying right but if I'm in it now I'm not going to I'm not going to pay if I'm running in I'm in the house for 10 minutes then come back out and leave now come back and pay again with another I'm not doing that right you don't have to you don't have to pay Miss Johnson if you if you put the app in you get 30 your first 30 minutes are free so if you're running in and out of the house if you're not in your house for more than 30 minutes then you're not going to get a ticket okay so yeah so the the 30 minutes is every time like every day I put it in every day yeah okay yeah but you don't I want to make sure there's no confusion you don't put it in once okay yeah because I think that's where you're going you put it in once and it's good for the day it is it doesn't work that way every time you go you'd have to put the thir you only get 30 minutes free per day you 30 minutes free per day so and that stops people from obviously we would have people 30 minutes here free 30 minutes there free and they keep moving their car yeah okay and the traffic that I don't have I know nothing you can do about that right okay y all right but still you need to put I keep telling you guys you need to put a light or a fullway stop because it was just an accident not long ago couple weeks ago with that's a County Road County that's the county that we'd have to go to that we've gone to and we can go to them again and try to get a response on it D didn't we go to them one time yeah we did we went to them one time for for the stop signs for for there and they denied it all right thank you thank you you only have one chance but an exception just quick question quick question we got a vote allow you times there motion to allow the student yeah I I'll allow this young lady to to speak thank you all I have a motion in second all in favor State I opposed any extensions motion carries got to do it the right way young lady thanks guys um quick question um just hearing residents talk about uh the issue with the storm water I was just curious if that related to the to the pipe issue I know you said the pipes are all like in no not okay that was it I was just curious you gotta walk up we're going to do this again motion allow for us yeah I make that motion second I have a motion in the second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries you have the floor M I have this a question um could I get a a a parking permit pass is that live there yeah you know it's funny because as you were talking I literally sent a text to someone to inquire about that and I will wa I could show you my phone that I texted someone yes I did yeah that's my guy yeah I did so I don't have an answer for you right now but I would I don't know why you I think it falls within our guidelines if I'm not certain and I'm looking at Mr P Pon who I sent the text to text it's good it's good to have good good friends and good friends in the front and good friends in the back yeah we're on the same page so I guess here did we close this or I gotta close it again we gota close it CL it again I make anybody else anybody else come on young lady come on young lady Linda garw fairly new Resident a year and a half two years here hi Linda could you spell your last name for us please oh please yeah for the record g a l l l o u g h o u g h thank you there you go um question about the parking oh the location of the new library where is the parking for the library is there some plan that's supposed to happen with that there's parking across the street uh directly adjacent to I don't know what the name of the din place is Diner or in the diner next to Angelo's Diner behind the pizzeria Pizza University the new Pizza University are you familiar with where the library is yeah the new library the new library yes on the other side of the street if you go a little bit north there's a parking lot right there for it so you have to cross at that intersection where the lights are okay so across there is that little diner yes and then it's the real estate and architect office going the other going in the other direction going north going the other way thank you you're welcome you're welcome that was easy anybody else see no want to make a motion to close the portion public I have a motion and a second all in favor to State I I opposed extensions motion carries uh I need a motion to approve all duly authorized bills so move second I have a motion and a second all in favor stay I I opposed extensions mayor I have extensions of 24- 01294 01303 and 01359 yes on everything else thank you very much those extensions have been noted motion still carries uh any closing comments from our administrator I would just like to congratulate both of our officers as as everyone else said um sergeant bigly and patrolman Bley and someone else that brought it up the Music Festival was a very good success I like to compliment Megan varl on that she took that along with the students from Rowan and ran with it and I wish it was a little warmer out there Andrew but it still it still went off without a hit which was great that's good it's on have thank you uh and before I ask for a motion to adjourn I would also like to again congratulate sergeant veglia and Patrol and ble uh for their uh performance and dedication to the tomor for keeping all of us safe um I would also like to thank everyone that came out and those that spoke this evening for keeping us uh in touch with what's going on at on and about the borrow because we only have one set eye so we need all the help we can get uh and to our students our Rowan students that are here thank you for being here great questions I encourage you all and all of you in the audience to continue to stay involved and to if you ever need to know anything the truth come to the borrow and you'll you'll get the answer and with that motion to adjourn second I have a motion in a second all in favor stay I I opposed extensions motion carries this meeting is nowed everyone thank you have a great evening next regular meeting will be April 23rd 2024 6 PM that's a right