the last thing I want to do oh thank you ready yes all right good evening everyone I'd like to call the regular meeting of Mayor and Council of the burough of Glassboro for December 26th 2023 to order Karen could you please read the opening statement pursuant to the open public meetings act I hereby announc that adequate notice of this meeting as required by said act has been provided by adopting a schedule of regular meetings for the year 2023 which schedule was posted on the burall bulletin board as well as the burrow website and forwarded to both the South Jersey Times And The Sentinel of Gloucester County and filed with the burough clerk on January 7th 2023 thank you can we all rise and salute the flag please I plge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with li and justice for all karen roll call please mayor Wallace here Mr Caso pres Mr Fiola here Mr halter Miss Miller here Mr milandro here Mr scati Mr Bruner and let the record reflect that Mr delandro and Mrs Spence are excused for this evening uh thank you uh we have no presentations or proclamations this evening so I will turn the meeting over to our borrow solicitor thank you mayor tonight we have uh two public hearings first is on ordinance number 23-31 that is an ordinance amending chapter 445 vehicles and traffic section 50 weight limits various streets of the code book of the ver of glass BR Council moves for the public portion move the public portion be open second I have a motion and a second all those in favor State I I opposed any extensions motion carries the floor is now open open to anyone from the public who wishes to come forward and address this proposed ordinance seeing none and move the public portion be closed and the ordinance adopted is ready second I have a motion and a second Karen roll call please Mr C yes Mr Fiola Mr halter yes Miss M Miller for motion carries and next is uh ordinance 2332 ordinance to authorize execution of a lease agreement ment between the borrow of Glassboro and Glassboro A4 Main Street urban renewal LLC for property known as 101 Rowan Boulevard building A4 G of council moves for the public portion I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries the floor is now open to anyone from the public who wishes to come forward and address this proposed ordinance hi I love you know me you wish you didn't know me um I'm from 12 deire Drive I know this doesn't mean anything anymore because it's a dum deal but I really object to the library lease it's being placed in completely in appropriate and inaccessible location you're going to destroy the library many seniors and disabl people will no longer be able to use the facility it's going to be very difficult young children to use it um I have filed an ADA lawsuit with the Department of Justice not sure it will go anywhere because the a Ada does not require you to provide parking however this is not a business this is a community facility and it should be accessible and I think moving the library into the university section is ridiculous since people from the University aren't going to use it kids don't use it the library is mainly used seniors and by people with young people with families so you're really going to see usership decrease and then of course you're going to say we don't need a library because people aren't using it any longer I won't be able to use it I've spoken to a lot of people here um I know you're aware of the issues but I think that you have a responsibility to find a way to provide accessible parking and free parking and also make sure parking is going to be across Main Street that there is a four-way stop there or something done so that people can safely cross the street because somebody's going to get hurt if not worse that's all I have to say hi 88 letter dve um I was trying to look up this ordinance to find out like what it's about because every meeting I come to you talk about how transparent you are and I can't find any information so I don't know like we can say stuff but have you told the public anything about this absolutely I don't even I'm at the point I don't know what questions to ask because I don't know anything about this lease oh everything has been made public uh the whole process find us uh it's been discussed at nauseum at all the most recent four Council meetings and it's been posted on our posted in all of our agendas and I I've been to the meetings and people get up and say they're concerns about the library but you've never spelled out what your plan is what the master is for the library you've listened to people's concerns and nodded and said we're transparent but I don't know if you discuss it you know behind in your private work session but at the public session there hasn't been too much discussion other than questions and concerns that people bring but there hasn't been a lot of information coming from you to us we've given all the information that we have gotten from the County library system and moving forward with this entire process from the very beginning we have given to the public where I can't find it I'm usually pretty good at now and I've I've said repeatedly at these meetings for the last I've been the administrator for the last four years we've proposed other Solutions we proposed the Intermediate School that was not good this was brought to us as I've mentioned by the county and we fully supported it we did not seek this out the lease itself I think I could talk about this closer it's a 5year lease in which the county is paying for the lease so what you're seeing on the ordinance tonight it's just a matter it's a mechanism for us to pay the developer the landlord so the money's coming from the county to us right to the uh landlord it's for five years we've looked at at nausea different options for it to your point in back room we've had numerous discussions it would cost to build at one point we were looking at a 10,000 square foot Library you're talking about 15 to18 million the information that I looked at and I I know when you look at library stats in both Gloucester County and the state of New Jersey they've been in steady decline since 2009 that's true if you look at books or delation no it's both it's both it is um okay so so this was I'm sorry so this was the best option for us who have to represent the whole Community if we would have went out and spent 15 to18 million and we applied for a grant that we did spend $10,000 for a couple years ago and were turned down for the grant so we've researched this and again this opportunity was given To Us by the county whose Library it is right and they had a commission meeting and corre discussed that they but they they told us that I never heard it right but that's what the lease is it's five years we will review it after five years who's ever on Council whoever is the administrator and then determine it at that point as far as the handicap parking this Feldman I've had several conversations with you there will be handicapped parking one way or the other on that side of the block whether it's behind whether it's in front well I don't like it on Main Street I've had that conversation with you right now we're leaning towards putting it behind the building so you won't have to go on the street at all so we're trying to address that as well there will be parking again it's not free parking across the street the burrow at their expense paved the lot and I believe there's how many spots nine nine spots there so we've we've I know it may seems like we didn't do a lot well I mean I don't doubt that there were discussions you know sure you know in your your sessions um but we don't know about those necessar because a lot of them are in unfortunately they're inclosed because they're contractual and so on right um I also am wondering if you're making plans beyond the five years in light of the fact that the glass schol have closed their libraries and no longer have Librarians so here we are a university town which is supposed to be about learning and we essentially have no accessible libraries for kids and people of all ages um it's it's unfortunate that I feel like you guys value ball fields more than you value um a library and unfortunate truth is if you closed a ball field people with signs and protesting you close a library people are just going to go to another Branch but you even that's not enough either because you can go to Pitman or hegen or whatever but you're not allowed to participate in their programs because you're not a resident and um so it's a real loss and it's a real shame that it's a university town it's all about learning and me we must as be living in Texas where they're closing down libraries and turning discipline rooms you know uh it's just a shame and I hope that you'll take the next 5 years to maybe rethink what a library can be we don't even have a community center in this town you have a mental Hall that is called a community center but it's not open for the community you rent it and have a bridal shower there it's not the same thing and I just really hope that you'll consider the residents at of all ages and what they need we need a Community Learning Place not the traditional library and you know I hope in the next four years that some plans are made you know in light of that I I feel like everybody's looking back to what they remember from the 1960s what a library was and that's not what it is anymore that's all I have to say thank you thank you my name is Mindy Smith I live at 220 Foxboro Drive In indek in glas and I did speak at the last meeting and I felt like you're listening but again it's not really mattering I came again one more time and I thought I spoke off the cff I wasn't prepared I needed to ask questions and right now what I just heard you say it's oh we've told we've said it at these meetings well look how many people are at these meetings that's not announcing the public we we don't get the information that way are there over 20,000 people in Glassboro how many people are you getting the information to when you say we're doing it at these meetings it's not good enough you can put it information in tax bills water bills something that gets to us there should be um more clarity online there's just not you can say it's there it's not when I look up today where is the glass for a library it still says the old location nobody's even updating that they don't even know how to find the library and having to pay parking is ridiculous towns need libraries I also am an educator I'm a math teacher but I still think libraries are super important and I want to know instead of you just listening why don't you tell us what path we can take as residents how many doors do I have to knock on what path is there for you spending whatever it takes for us to have a real library for for me to get word out for the people I will do it and I will go to the schools and I will talk to my neighbors and talk to my friends and pass it around I don't think the people know and I think the libraries are important and I want to know what it would take for you to believe that the residents believe that as well we the the me me as mayor and Council for as long as I've been involved have always supported and felt and and did everything we could to keep a library in Glassboro and really we not well the library is still in Glassboro man it's not the same it and people have to pay for parking do you really think that's the same do you really think it's going to get used as the library parking in my understanding is going to be free it's going to continue to be free it's going to be specifically for the library now again I'm not going to tell you it's the greatest location but we've paved the lot right across the street again at our expense paved it put nine spots in there just for the library and so what would it take for you to realize that the residents do want the library we want we want a library as well ma'am that's what we're we've been trying to convey to all of everybody that's been in support of the library for the last 10 plus years that have come to Mayor and councel petitioning to upgrade the library make the library better we've encouraged and always have been in support of that and while we still look well we've been looking and looking and like like Mr mandro said we enter AED the Intermediate School that fell through we entertained another uh I we've entertained all kinds of things and we've never stopped looking and fortunately the county stepped in and offered up a facility because as we all know the the current Library the condition of the current Library physical condition of the current library is not good I understand and eventually it would have to be closed so and if we had to close that a plan it we we we've been trying to find a plan Miss Mindy we have and we continue to look for a plan and even though we have this current location that we're talking about now we are we still have a plan not one of us up here has ever said that we were content with what we have we've never said that we are grateful for the county for providing us something so we didn't have to take another ulterior another alternate path which would possibly have been maybe closing the library at least temporarily until we found a place because the because the physical condition of the library is is what it is we have never never have been opposed to a library leaving Glassboro and we've been very vocal about that since day one and we continue to be that way we do is there anything that you need from the residents to believe believe that we need a bigger better Li we believe you and we're looking but right now it's it's space it's building it's money and if we don't like like like Mr mandro alluded to we have 22,000 residents that we have to answer to and if spending 19 million whatever that millions of dollar number is on a library when we may need something else that's more pressing to keeping the B going how do you how do you sell a multi-million dollar Library when you when you cut off your nose figuratively speaking despite your face I to do it in Cherry Hill because that's where I grew up and I was walking dis from the Cherry H library and it when it was really old and needing repairs they tore the whole thing down built something two three times the size it's gorgeous the residents make use of it and people in Cher H have a lot more weth and and how the right like how come everybody can seem to manage but last I I can't speak for any other municipality but I'm telling you that we've always supported it we'll continue to support it we'll continue to try we continue to try to do things better but Rowan continues to take over Rowan got the Intermediate School like that's your opinion but that's incorrect Rowan's not taking over anything but whatever Rowan is doing there's nothing that you need from the residents to understand that this is important to work just continue to believe in us if you don't believe in us start believing in us that's all I can tell you really I and I don't mean to be Curt or CR about it but truly with from my heart to you trust us we we we want to do good by you that's our that's our job I hope so thank you thank you no others on ordinance 2332 make motion close a public portion and adopt this ordinance as second I have a motion any second Karen roll call please Mr coone yes Mr Fiola for Mr halter yes Miss Miller for motion carries excuse me at this time I'll entertain a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of November 28th 2023 December 12th 2023 as well as the Clos executive session of November 28th 2023 and December 12th 2023 motion to approve second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries uh Caren can we go over communication please yes mayor I have one communication this evening it's a letter of resignation of uh from Isa ster of the glbar board of house motion to approve second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I opposed extensions motion carries so move to committee reports and begin with council president Miller uh good evening um I just like to say I really don't have anything to report from Park and rack but I just like to thank all of our um burrow heads all of our burrow employees Police Department fire department department and our residents for all of the support that you give Glassboro throughout the trying times that we may have uh whether we're in good times or bad times we know that we can always rely on you for your support we thank you um wish you continue safety and and blessings into the new year and that's all I have man thank you very much uh Council M yeah thank you mayor I want to thank councilman Tony fola and councilman Joe dou Andrew for all the years of dedication and service to the burough of Glasper you both brought much to the table and it will be very hard to fill your shoes however there is a time when it's a time to say when and also however regarding uh Council M Del Sandro he did not get that opportunity and I want to thank everybody uh all the employees all the all the department heads for all their excellent work in 2023 I want to thank the class police department and the glassbar fire department um for their outstanding work and I just want to wish everybody a happy and safe New Year that's all I have thank you very much you George councilman fol yes thank you mayor uh I am in Reet of the financial reports uh that are sent monthly to me from our CFO Karen Pion uh for the month of November 2023 and I would like to thank our CFO for the wonderful job that she's done and the whole finance department for the year 2023 uh I don't know where we'd be without her though so thank you and that's all I have mayor thank you very much sir uh councilman halter good evening Mr May good evening e Council and everybody said so far thank you to all the time and effort from Council and srew appreciate all your mentorship and learning from you over the years that I've been involved with Council here and I appreciate all your time be S to see you go uh as far as B employees I can't say enough about what they do on a day-to-day basis from our people inside this building where Public Works and of course police and fire the police are facing new crimes and new situations every single day of the year anymore and our fire department is growing faster and faster and probably have seor highest call volume maybe ever does that sound right she almost 2,000 calls this year uh for one small town there's a lot of calls for service so again thank you to all those folks out there that make the bur run day in and day out and thank you for the public for coming out tonight thank you Ang thank you very much okay uh moving on to unfinished business uh at the last council meeting uh among the residents that spoke there was a woman from the Camelot development that uh questioned uh the lighting on her street um would put on record that we are currently investigating that street and we will have an assessment and an update uh shortly uh and that's it I have for unfinished business and Karen can you take us through new business please yes mayor I have a request for approval for New Jersey state fireman Association membership application for James J Rabino motion to approve second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I opposed any extensions motion carries this time I'll ask for the engine engineers's report please mark nothing to see thank you thank you very much sir uh at this time I'll again turn the meeting over to our B solicitor y thank you mayor under our consent agenda and this being our closed out meeting uh we will move forward with approval of resolutions 358 through resolution 367 by motion as outlined on the agenda if so move by Council roll call vote show move second I have a motion and a second Karen roll call Please Mr C yes Mr Fiola Mr halter yes Miss Miller for motion carries uh at this time I'll entertain a motion to open the meeting up to the public second I have a motion in a second all in favor State I oppos extensions motion carries the floor is now open to anyone from the public who wishes to come forward and address mayor and councel I'll make a motion close the publiction second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries the public portion is now closed at this time I'll entertain a motion to approve all duly authorized bills appr that all duly authorized bills be paid second that all duy authorized bills be paid okay I have a motion in a second that all duly authorized bills be paid all those in favor State i i i opposed extenstions motion carried uh any closing comments from our administrator I would just like to thank uh councilman Fiola councilman Del Sandro for all their years of service I remember a long time ago when I was first starting they were both very helpful their contributions to this burrow are are endless endless they all they both brought their own special expertise both of them were not afraid to speak their mind it's so hard sometimes sitting up here because really the only people who come to meetings are the people it's very hard to tell people no when you there's another side to something and councilman fola and delandro I think always did the right thing they stuck to their beliefs and um I can't thank you guys enough thank you that's all I have thank you uh I would like to uh first wish everybody a happy and healthy holidays I'm going to save my comments for councilman Viola and councilman delandro for our next meeting um but to recognize uh yet again uh my Administration my councel uh CFO our professionals staff of the burrow uh I'm the luckiest mayor around that's what I'll say um it's a great team it's a great family thank you all for everything uh continued success for the borrow uh will continue to move forward uh and before I ask for a motion for adjournment I believe councilman fola would like to say a few words yes thank you mayor very briefly I just like to say so long um tried my hardest and uh given it my heart and soul and I love this group and I hope you continue to give it your heart and soul also that's all I have thank you thank you Tony you're going to be thank you very much we love you too mayor can I say one more thing you may I I I forgot to give credit to this gentleman sitting to my left here he's did an outstanding job he's did an outstanding job uh with the co with everything and I also like to thank uh uh our assistant Clark Pon thank you thanks for everything guys yes yes thank you very much very nice I already thank the chief and all you know and with that I will entertain a motion for adjournment so move I have a motion and a second all in favor State I opposed exensions motion carries meeting is now adjourned thank you everyone safe and happy New Year same to you Ronnie take care thanks for coming out have a happy New Year have a take care gang Happy New Year to [Applause] you H in there man thank you for another great year well happy year