let me get her out on the phone man what's he doing leaving this stuff up on my de must have been a bad day must have been he was crowded no no he definitely coming back in court good evening everyone I'd like to call the regular meeting of Mayor and Council of the burrow of Glassboro for February 27th 2024 to order Karen could you please read the opening statement pursuant to the open public meetings act I hereby announce that adequate notice of this meeting as required by set act has been provided by adopting a schedule of regular meetings for the year 2024 which schedule was posted on the bur Hall bulletin board as well as the burough website and forwarded to both the South Jersey Times and the senal glester county and filed with the bur clerk on January 6 2024 go ahead can we all rute the flag please I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for Cameron roll call please mayor Wallace here Mr Brown here Mr coso pres Mrs Garett here Mr halter here miss Miller here Mrs Spence here Mr milandra pres Mr scui presid Mr berer here thank you we have no uh proclamations or presentations this evening so at this time I'll turn the meeting over to our burrow solicitor thank you mayor I'm public hearing this evening we have ordinance number 24-6 calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap Bank pursu to njsa 48 44514 Council moves for the public por move the public for should be open I have a motion and second all in favor State I I opposed exensions motion carries the floor is now open to anyone from the public who wishes to come forward and address this proposed ordinance seeing none iove the public portion be closed the ordinance adopted is R second I have a motion and a second uh Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mr coso yes M Mrs garlic yes Mr halter yes Miss Miller yes Mrs Spence yes motion carries at this time I'll entertain a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 23rd 2024 and the Clos executive session of January 23rd 2024 so moved second have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries uh we have no Communications this evening so I'll move to committee reports and begin with council president Miller good evening mayor I have nothing at this time thank you very much uh councilman Brown uh good evening mayor good evening uh just want to let you know I'm in receipt of the finance reports for the month of January also we uh will we plan to introduce the budget on March 26 for adoption on March on April 23rd and I'd like to thank the uh Financial committee for all their hard work especially burough administrator Ed Andro and Chief Financial Officer Karen pass that's it thank you thank you very much sir councilman Caso yes thank you mayor but I have nothing at this time thank you very much sir uh Council garlic nothing to report mayor thank you thank you very much uh councilman halter he good evening Mr Mayor SE continues to make progress in replacing the lead based uh piping and service lines to our residents and businesses and distri with de galvanized but besides that nothing else to report thank you very much sir and councilwoman Spence thank you mayor I don't have anything for this evening thank you very much uh we have no unfinished business so Karen can we go over new business please yes mayor I am in need of authorization to go out to bid for water treatment chemicals motion approve second okay I have a motion in a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries I am also in need of approval of facilities use application for the 2024 Community Day being held on June 8th 2024 motion to approve second I have a uh motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries this time I'll ask for the engineers report please mark yes good evening for the camot projects both sides of the road are continuing the construction of the homes that'll commence through 2024 High Street Estates uh they're down to their last building uh they have else sold they're down to the one last building on the phase two and we're working out some grading issues on those and then that will be completed anticipate they'll be coming in to finish the paving on the phase two part and looking to dedicate it to the burrow sometime this summer so that's that's coming soon for those uh the storage down rout 47 going making good progress with decent weather the building going up we're still working on some site issues so that'll continue over the next few months for those and this year Bakery is just fighting the weather they're going to town on the parking lot they they did really did step up and working on the planning board to restore the parking lot but they're going above and beyond they're doing a nice job going to right down to the base and replace everything so they're making a good effort on on that on those and that's all I have this time thank you Mark thank you Mark than you for mark thank you again okay at this time I'll again turn the meeting over to our burrow solicitor yes thank you mayor on our consent agenda this evening we have the following resolutions and to make it simple resolutions 75 76 77 7879 are each resolutions authorizing refund of a tax over payment for the purposes noted on the agenda for each of those resolutions resolution 80 authorizing Award of contract for co-hosting cornhole tournament in the bar of Glassboro resolution 81 reassigning Danielle Spence from class B member to class C member of the Glasper historic preservation that's right 81's Nancy 81 is Nancy okay I got the wrong agenda that's let's regroup here there's Nancy on 81 on 8 that was the whole conversation we had back 81 signing Nancy pus from class B member Class C member of the Glassboro historic preservation commission 82 appointing Lori Marshall as a Class B member of the Glasper historic preservation commission resolution 83 pointing Dr Jennifer jaski as a Class B member of the Glasper historic preservation commission resolution 84 authorizing agreement for certain Professional Services with Triad Associates process 2024 FEA assistance to Firefighters Grant application resolution 885 authorizing the Glass Pro planning board to review a change to chapter 107 development regulations and Zoning article 10 storm water control of the codebook of the bar of Glassboro they are resolutions this evening under our consent agenda again for the purposes noted as well on the agenda if Council moves for approval call vote approval second okay I have a motion and a second Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mr casone yes Mrs gar in favor Mr halter for Miss Miller for Mrs Spence yes motion carries and mayor we have one ordinance for introduction tonight that being ordinance number 248 ordinance amending chapter 107 development regulations and Zoning article 10 storm water control for the codebook of the bar glass Ro of council moves for introduction motion for approval okay I have any motion any second count roll call please Mr Brown yes Mr casone for Mrs gar yes Mr halter for Miss Miller sorry Mrs Spence yes motion carries at this time I will entertain a motion to open the meeting up to the public so moved second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries the floor is now open to anyone from the public who would like to come forward and address mayor and counsel members in the public There are rules and regulations related to the public portion of the meeting they are outlined on the agenda most importantly when you do approach if you would please identify yourself with the record name address and there is a five minute uh limitation per speaker thank you good evening my name is Sean Sloan live on Quincy Court uh been a resident of Glassboro for about 35 years constant visitor to the Glassboro library and I'm disappointed with the move to the new library it's certainly more well-lighted but uh I question whether the activities that have gone on in the library in the past will be able to be done in in the size of this new library it's just so small compared to the other Library it's also very hard to make access to uh you have to pay for parking or the only free parking apparently is in a little lot across a busy Main Street with seven spaces it seems to me that's just inadequate for of size but the worst part is I've been a reader of books all my life I browse the Glassboro library for years there's nothing to browse anymore there's hardly any books there I used to look you used to go to sections that were titled religion psychology history the Arts now there's just some pot boilers you know recent best sellers and things like that and I just think that libraries are the sole of the community and I I just don't think this new library has is doing this community well finally although I don't know this for a fact I did hear that Clayton has scored a multi-million dollar grant for a library and if there was grant money available for libraries why didn't we why weren't we able to score so thank you for your attention thank you sir Sor I think you forgot your C excuse me seeing no other I Mo the public for should be closed second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries at this time I will entertain a motion to approve all duly authorized bills motion to approve all duly authorized Bills second to approve all duly authorized bills okay I have a motion and a second to approve all duly authorized bills all in favor State I I opposed any extensions yes mayor I like to obstain on p number 24- 00678 thank you than you mayor I have exensions of 24743 0088 and 00 696 everything else thank you very much those abstentions have been noted motion still carries uh any closing comments from our administrator no sir I just would like to thank those that came out to uh attend the meetings those that shared their thoughts and concerns with us I encourage you to continue to do so uh everybody stay warm and I'll entertain a motion for joury so Move Motion to adjourn second I have any Motion in a second all in favor to State I I opposed extension motion carries this meeting is now adjourned thank you everyone the next regular meeting of Mayor and Council will be March 12th 20124 6:30 p.m. have a good evening everybody take