##VIDEO ID:x4Lt3XMD-uc## 40 seconds man 40 35 got issues going on issues really the little dresses so cute they are picture ready Showtime May are waiting for fireman Steve ready and the mayor start never mind too late good evening everyone I'd like to call the regular meeting of Mayor and Council the burrow of Glassboro for October 22nd 2024 to order Karen could you please read the opening statement pursuant to the open public meetings act I hereby announce that adequate notice of this meeting as required by set act has been provided by adopting a schedule of regular meetings for the year 2024 which schedule was posted on the bur Hall bulletin board as well as the burough website and forwarded to both the South Jersey Times And The Sentinel of Gloucester County and filed with the burough clerk on January 6th 2024 thank you can we all rise and salute the flag please I flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible libery and justice for all karen roll call please mayor Wallace here Mr Brown here Mr cabone presid Mrs Miss garlic here Mr halter M Miller here Mrs Spence here Mr milandro here Mr scati and Mr Bruner thank you Karen uh at this time I will turn the meeting over to our burough solicitor yes thank you mayor before we begin the ceremonial portion we need to take formal action on these appointments therefore under our agenda we have the following resolutions beginning with 26 924 a resolution appointing Joshua Lee as Lieutenant for the Glassboro fire department resolution 270 appointing Patrick Mason as Lieutenant for the Glassboro fire department resolution 271 appointing Matthew Lincoln as firefighter for the Glassboro fire department and resolution 272 appointing Blake wiel as firefighter glass for fire department if Council so moves roll call vote motion to approve second okay I have motion and a second Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mr cabone definitely yes Mrs garlic yes Mr halter for Miss Miller for Mrs Spence yes motion carries we'll start with the ceremonial way repeat after me I Joshua Lee doly swear that I will support of the United States and of the state of Jersy United States and St under the auth of the people I will and Department ability [Applause] than should be right there if you don't see it don't conat [Applause] pleas me I Patrick Mason swear that I will support theti of the United States and the state that I will bear Fai and alance to the same and to the governments established United St and in the St the auth I willth per Allen forb Department [Applause] PR [Music] family [Applause] we Solly swear that I will support the of the United States and theti of the state of newy that I will bear fa and alance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and in St the author of people I will and per all the DU for Department to ability [Applause] than conat [Applause] name swear that I will support theti of the United States and the of the state of that I will bear fa toed States the authority of people that I will faith and per Department all right that's what i' like to congratul am [Applause] that does conclude the ceremonial portion of our meeting you're more than welcome to stay we won't be offended if you go enjoy the weather congratulations boys's over on the floor yeah yeah the letter I don't know what I did with it hey what's up not me I like it yeah that's a good idea thank I appreciate that you're the man Timmy uh how do I find December 19th put his name in yes I can name is put in is this it it's nice doing a good job I got it yes you all right in there I'm stressed I never seen that in there before thanks mag I guess no I didn't you're you're the only one with a white hat people sh up you take care they're probably all going to come I would imagine wow I that right I guess we can start moving forward okay all right uh at this time we're going to proceed on with our agenda at this time uh I would like to recognize a uh gentleman that is retiring from the burough of Glassboro after 28 years of Mr Roco fogarino um I like to recognize those employees that have worked and served the burrow for 20 years plus be it full-time part-time any combination of both I think that's uh a testament to somebody's uh loyalty and resolve that stays with a uh anyone or anywhere for more than 20 years um I would like in his absence to read the letter to get it on record that I have will be uh sending to Roco it reads greetings Rocco I would like to take this opportunity to formerly congratulate you on your retirement from the Glassboro Water and Sewer Department after 28 years of faithful service you started your career with the borrow as summer help and hired full-time in 1996 as a laborer you soon became a heavy equipment operator treatment plant operator for the newly built Deli plant in 1999 and in 2012 became the treatment plant manager knowledgeable and dependable are terms easily used when referring to your work ethic and you always went above and beyond for the residents of glass bar Rocco I cannot thank you enough for your dedication and service to the burough of Glassboro and wish you all the best in your retirement with respect Johnny Wallace III mayor burrow of glassbar we have no public hearings this evening so at this time I'll entertain a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of September 24th 2024 as well as the closed executive session minutes of September 24th 2024 so moved second second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries Karen can we go over Communications please yes mayor I have a letter of retirement from Roco Fogo of the glassbar Water and Sewer Department effective November 1st 2024 motion to approve second good I have a motion and a second all in favor state I I opposed any extensions motion carries at this time I'll move to committee reports and begin with council president Miller good evening good evening um I first like to say congratulations to Lieutenant Joshua Lee Lieutenant Patrick Mason firefighter Matthew Lincoln and firefighter Blake winel welcome to the we're glad to have you at the Glassboro uh fire department and we wish you many years of success I also want to congratulate Roco fogarino for his many years of dedicated service to the water and sewer department and I'd like also like to thank all of the burrow employees for all that they do every day to make the burrow of Glassboro a great place to to work and live and play and that's all I have well said thank you very much councilman Brown yes thank you mayor good evening I also would like to congratulate Lieutenant Lee and Lieutenant Mason on their promotions uh also like to congratulate firefighter Lincoln and firefighter W welcome to the burrow good luck congratulations to Rocka figurina on 28 years of service that's outstanding and I wish him well on his retirement and I'm in receipt of the financial reports for the month of September that is all mayor thank you thank you very much sir and councilman cabone oh thank you mayor and I'll keep the congratulations going very good I like to congratulate Joshua Lee and Patrick Mason on their promotion to tenant and I also like to congratulate Matthew Lincoln and Blake wsel as the new firefighter for the burough of glassar and I want to thank Rocco for all his service 28 years uh he's been a great employee we're losing a a a good employee and I wish him the best and also I am a receipt of the September monthly report for the police department and that's all I have there thank you very much sir uh councilwoman garlic thank you mayor I would also like to to congratulate lieutenants Joshua Lee and Patrick Mason for their promotion we really appreciate their service and also like to um congratulate Matthew Lincoln and Blake winsel for their addition and we appreciate them joining us as well and want to say thank you to Roco Forin for all of his service um that's a lot of years and we really thank him for doing that for the town of Glassboro I am also a receipt of our September report for the Park and Recreation thank you mayor thank you very much uh councilman halter hey good evening Mr Mayor thank you uh congratulate Roco thank him for his years of service here with the burough of Glassboro and wishing well in any future endeavors um as far as Water and Sewer Department goes we're still a long lead time on a lot of the materials that we're looking to gain and the Water and Sewer Department continues to make uh Replacements on any type of galvanized pipe service for D requirements especially along the delsi drive Corridor ahead of uh repavement and surface work there also want to thank uh or congratulate and welcome two new firefighters and welcome the two new lieutenants that were promoted tonight as everybody said it's tremendous I think it's important to note that the Glassboro fire department has done a lot of growth in a few short years it was not too many years ago where there was one firefighter on duty and all the other volunteer firefighters met the firefighters at the scene of the fire or at the firehouse so when I say a few short years about 15 20 years ago which is not that long ago now we have Round the Clock coverage uh by dedicated staff members and the two new lieutenants fulfill a void at the fire department that did not have uh dedicated officer coverage around the clock so it'll be a great thing for the fire department wish them all safe in all their future shifts thank you thank you and councilwoman Spence thank you mayor you're welcome I also want to Echo the congratulations for the two new lieutenants Joshua and Patrick Mason and two firefighters Matthew Lincoln and Blake welzel I wish them all the best and thank you and appreciate they come here to Glassboro and take keeping us safe I also want to say uh regretfully we're losing Rocco fogarino is his very valued employee he's going to leave a big hole in our department there so wish him all the best but we are going to miss him um I also just wanted to mention that this weekend at the historic train station we are hosting Civil War history weekend there's a living history from 11 to 4 at the station with uh reenactors and all kinds of really cool speakers and a live band um and then we have a 5:00 and we go to the VFW in Glassboro for a civil war ball banquet and ball it's all free paid for by a grant by the um Gloucester County cultur and Heritage so it's a really interesting night that and day and night if anyone can come out and Sunday we'll be open at the station again for civil war artifacts and presentation inside so hopefully people can make it there's um information online about it and I think that's all I have mayor Thank you very very much uh we have no unfinished business so Karen could you take us through new business please yes mayor I have a request I'm requesting approval for street closure permit for 10 Chestnut Court so moves second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I opposed any extensions motion carries uh at this time I'll ask for the engineers report please mark yes good evening uh just an update uh over Camelot for the townhouses at Ora we have uh the last building being constructed so the unit sections one and two are done 1.3 is mostly done and are working at 1.4 likewise across the street uh we have the 30 tow houses they are uh all up they're all con closed so they're looking to kind of wrap those up by the end of the year so I won't say it will be this year but by next spring we'll have both those roads resurfaced out there for all the residents in that neighborhood um High Street tow houses uh that work's all done they're just doing the final punch list work they got everything paved finish up a few things they'll probably be looking to get all their bonds uh in the near future um straga Court uh project is coming we had some water and sewer work done uh they're still getting their planning board approvals and that's right next to the East High Street to the right the Old Farm there with those storage down the street uh at at the old lisso facility is all wrapped up uh we just got their last of their as built some punchless work done so hopefully be closing in on that to get them off a TCO there luo's work is still as you can see some work on in front on L Street uh they're doing some work required by the county they'll also be finish up some Basin work so that's done but that operation has been underway for two years now took a year and a half for DP to get the fs but they had the main facility up and running for those the malal concepts also Dr Martin Luther King excuse me Dr Leo mccab um Boulevard got there there underway they're work finalizing their items for the building permits to get that building up so you'll start seeing a lot of Steel going up in near future for those items there um Taco Bell are still waiting for a construction date I don't know when they're going to able have Clos one of the lanes to build a new Lane so that's what they're struggling with the timing to make that complete Raising Cane as you all all can see work continues uh there where I'm trying to get that all wrapped up to the end of the year U talked earlier uh the Chick-fil-A is pretty much had most of their Zing board issues Tak care of and waiting for the dot to approve it they made another submission in the early part of September so fingers crossed they'll have that done so by the end of the year hopefully we'll have some approvals so they can Gear Up on with that aspect two items on Route 47 as we talked about last month you'll start seeing activity starting at Grove Street working North uh Dot's got a extremely large project from here to Westville uh that'll take four years to get done uh so they'll be working replacing curb sidewalk and traffic signals before they start doing the street work as far as restriping and getting all that done so they'll be on 47 probably for year and a half maybe two so doing various repairs throughout through that work at the same time we just got news uh well a few months ago but they finally lies a date down for the other part of R 47 heading south gr street they're going to pave that also that work's going to be done next May uh start in Clayton work their way North uh doing similar work but not to the greatest extent they're not going to be doing doing really any sidewalk work that they'll be doing through town on those they'll also be milling and also resurfacing the stripe so pretty no major changes on that but uh nonetheless though there will be some knowing and delays the prob of that work will be done at night for traffic purposes and that's Alfred Avenue for our DOT Grant project that we have this year uh that's been submitted up to dot so we're waiting for approvals which will take several months but get look at that so we can get a bit over the winter and be able got the construction next summer and that's all I have thank you any questions for more thank you again at this time I will again turn a meeting over to our burrow solicitor yes thank you mayor on our consent agenda we have the following resolutions beginning with 273 providing for the insertion a special item of Revenue and the budget pursuant njsa 484872 274 extending contract for supplying and delivering of gasoline and diesel fuel for the bar of Glassboro resolution 275 authorizing renewal of Class 5 cannabis retail licenses for the bar of glass burrow and resolution 276 authorizing Andrew Thompson as commissioner of the Park and Recreation Commission of the bar of Glassboro of council who's for approv on or consent agenda and for the reason stated and noted on the agendas roll call vote motion to approve second okay I have a motion and a second Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mr cabone yes Mrs garlic yes Mr halter for Miss Miller for Mrs Spence yes motion carries and mayor we have a add-on ordinance this evening by title only that is an ordinance amending chapter uh Karen roll call please Mr Brown yes Mr cabone abstain Mrs garlic yes Mr halter Miss Miller four Mrs Spence yes motion carries at this time I'll entertain a motion to open up the public portion move the public portion be open second have a motion in a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries the floor is now open to anyone from the public who would like to come forward and address mayor in Council see no one I'll make a motion to close the public portion second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed extensions motion carries the public portion is now closed at this time I'll entertain a a motion to approve all duly authorized bills motion to approve second I have a motion and a second all in favor State I I opposed any extensions motion carries uh any closing comments com from our administrator just a couple I'd like to congratulate lieutenants Lee and Mason and firefighters Lincoln and Wetzel and I also like to thank Roo fogarino just a couple other points of business uh this past weekend was relatively quiet in town believe it or not our our police were only on seven calls breaking up parties or whatever you may have that's probably an all-time low the other thing I like to mention is an update on our parking in the downtown September has been was our best month ever we parked 11,592 cars uh the big reason we did the parking was the turn over the spaces and since we started our first full month was February the 11,592 is a 56% increase over February so the parking has worked very well the other nice thing we saw is we also had our best month people are embracing the technology and 32% of the people who park downtown down park for free utilizing the 30 minutes and that's up from 23% when we started and the other sign that they're embracing the technology and despite it costing us $20,000 only 4% of the people who are paying for parking downtown are using the kiosk everyone else is using the technology so that's just an update on the parking I don't think it could have worked any better uh we're seeing businesses like it we're seeing SCA expand they're doing a million to2 million expansion I'm not saying it's because of the parking but I'd like to say it's it's it's helped that's all I have mayor thank you thanks for sharing that information um before I ask for a motion for adjournment I'd first uh i' like to congratulate um our firefighters our two new lieutenants and our two new firefighters welcome to uh station 261 I got that right welcome to Glassboro uh they are now among the ranks of probably the one of the F some of the finest firefighters in the state in my opinion uh I wish them all the best uh to stay safe um I'd like to thank uh Roco fogarino for his 28 years of service um faithful Service uh though we hate to lose anyone here at the burrow because everybody is a fine worker um Rocco is he was up on the ladder and he played a really big role in our water and department and we're going to feel that um we wish him the best um um all the best is all I can say to him and thank you uh to everyone that's here this evening uh thank you for coming Rowan students thank you for being here wish you all the luck uh you're always welcome to come for those of you um that participated in the back thank you very much um again thank you and with that I'll entertain a motion J I'm not sure if I heard you councilman I have a motion and a second all in favor stay I opposed any extensions motion Carri this meeting is now adjourned thank you everyone have a great evening next meeting November 26 2024 6 p.m.