going to call the glass roll Zoning Board of adjustment regular business meeting to order for February 15 2024 Ty could you please read the open statement pursuant to the open public meetings act I I hereby announce that adquate notice this meeting as required by set act has been provided by adopting the scheduled meetings for the year 20124 which schedule was sent to the South Jersey Times the burrow Clerk and was posted on the burrow Hall Buon board all rise for the salute to the flag to the flag of the United States America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible we have the roll call please Mr mun here Mr Alice here Mr Harvey here Mr santour here Mr Smith here Mr perner here miss Wyman here Mr Lopez here Mr casabo here miss Adamson here and let the record reflect that miss camea and miss lafer have been excused all right Mr Al could you swear on our professionals please well certainly I want to ask each of you to raise your right hand and do each of you swear a for Testimony about to give is true and correct that best your knowledge information and belief I do yes that's two yeses Mr chair all right thank you everybody has a copy of the minutes are there any comments I just want to make one comment um on the minutes that I sent to you I did not have the three members that were excused for that night so I have corrected minutes to reflect that Mr Harvey Mr santor and Miss Wyman were excused that night so that's the correction on the minutes that I have made sounds good the correction being made do I have a motion to approve minutes so move second all in favor I opposed so be it all right everybody has a copy of the bills any questions with that there are no questions can I have a motion to approve motion to approve second all in favor opposed so be it all right we did have some incoming and outgoing correspondents have we all got anything we need to talk about no I don't think so the uh one letter uh from Katie law I believe Mr Alice has prepared a extension so we will get that in his report um when he gives that and the other two were just updates from the um site plans for the vision stream that both of our professionals provided all right let's go on to the uh public portion is there anybody in the public that has anything to say on a non-agenda item this even I see there's a lot of people nope all right that being said we have two postponements this evening if anybody here is here to hear ZB 2314 Anna trasi and Jose defas on Kentucky have um they are postponing till next month they're not going to have to uh re notice and also South Dy Investments LLC they have postponed they're going to have to uh re notice so first up ZB 23-12 michaeli 340 North Main Street Block 14 L 12 Zone C4 looking for use variance and minor site plan to build a single family dwelling the C4 District good evening members of the board professionals and members of Staff my name is David car I'm the attorney representing the applicant Mike stelli uh we are here for that minor site plan and use variance and if I can just uh ask for moment just for clarification uh as you went through the roll call I think there was six voting members present in the roll call well let's D let's double check one two 3 four five six seven I'm C seven okay I just I just wanted to make sure that my checking was appropriate uh we're we're ready to proceed uh our professionals are here I gave a list into uh Terry for their names we have uh natur applicant Mike sailly uh Mike abula is our engineer and Ron pole is our architect that's going to be giving testimony do you want to well that's great why Always swear them in since they're all standing and nearby so gentlemen if you be so kind I ask each of you to raise your right hand and do each of you swear airm testimony about to give us true and correct the best your knowledge information and belief I do well that was three yeses Mr chairman uh Mr car thank you so I would like to First Call uh the applicant mly by May Mr St you've been sworn in uh you're you're the owner of the premises 340 Main Street here in glar yes I am and you're the application before the board uh seeking a minor site plan and use variant for the structure that you want to place on this property I would like you to give the board uh some uh testimonies how long going the property what's the current use of that property now uh we bought the property back in 1988 and it's it's used as a rental property right now um there found that's runting that so it's been consistently used as a rental property yes uh and you recognize that the uh that condition or currently a non-conforming structure use is that correct yes and you understand the principles of a non-conforming use yes but knowing all that is your desire to tear down that building and come before the board to give a permission to build a new structure on air yes right now could you give the board uh some ideas to why you desire to remove this structure and build a new structure on this property yeah I will um so presently there's been a lot of deterioration in the house it's old that's old house is showing all the windows and doors you know not working as well and water comes in the basement and there's some rot in the in the framing in the lower areas and it just been patch after patch after patch and it's getting to the point where it's becoming unsightly it doesn't look well uh in the on the street into the neighborhood especially with all the work that's been going on on that street and all the homes that have been redone now this one stands as an is work I feel in in the community so um we're planning to hopefully uh tear it down um we have the lot next door that uh the zoning board approved few years ago for a a similar house to be built there which will start probably early spring we're almost at the point where we're getting our permit and um we want to build the exact same thing next door so that we have two that are matching and and pleasant aesthetically to the neighborhood as opposed to one new one and one old one um we want to build a safer house uh what's there now has a driveway that goes out to rout 47 which is unsafe we would eliminate that making it safe safe parking um when we tore down the house on 346 which is one next door we had it done professionally we would do the same everything taken away in dumpsters and then uh proceed to build this new house um if you look at the uh neighborhood I don't if want to give this I have's series of pictures of you have copies of those in your hand could you tell the board how you receive those pictures did you take them yeah basically went out just took pictures of U you know showing what the street looks like I mean you're all familiar with the with the neighborhood I'm sure um it's your town and um but when you look at it you kind of can get a little better idea um you know I before you start going I have I may submit these I have uh seven photographs and packets I took the liberty to mark them A1 through A7 I can submit that well sure why don't we're just going to mark it A1 and collectively that which you already mark them A1 through A7 yeah you can just pass them out they're all Mr Tilly marked them as he gave them to me they're deliver they're in packets hang on a second so there how many there's seven pictures there seven pictures in each packet yeah all right great well you know what Mr Carl why don't you assist us because you're mobile you're standing up so I'll take one and start spreading them around and then Mr stti will gather his thoughts and then he'll be prepared to identify them for the record under your questioning so we all know what we're talking about what we're looking at if we look at them well hang on a second your lawyer is doing what he's supposed to be doing and then he's going to come back and question you so you got to wait for him so the photographs that we just submitted uh you had them marked a one to A7 as a packet now when did you take these pictures uh this last we and can you describe the uh how the pictures were taken I want to direct your attention to the first four that are marked A1 two three and four if you can tell the board where you're standing when you took the pictures and what do the pictures represent as you go through them individual so if you lay them out in front of you on on top row A4 being on the left side Four 3 two one that's the other side of the street looking out the front door of the property we're talking about 3 4 North Main so a Flor would be to your left and then A1 would be to your right so four 3 two one and then if you did the next roow down you have 5 six seven again starting on your left five let's just tell the board A1 through A4 where were the pictures taken were you standing on your lot I was standing on my lot looking across the street so you look at that red house on A1 that's what you see that's the docker the old house okay and can you kind of go through that and tell the board what they represent from you taking the pictures so they're they're all rental properties as you can see students rent those um you know and they're all uh F kind of follow the same composure as you get to A3 then you see newer homes the 21 A3 and the 2 and A4 are all new uh these are the kind of homes that projected put up modern uh newer homes developing that good aesthetic appeal of of college rental Street that's you know not old and elaborated um and again in tearing this house down instead of having one old one new next to each other we would have two just like you see in A4 where you see the two gray houses that of course mine would be much smaller but U you know that what you would see a nice new appearance the community I want to direct now your attention to what you marked as uh three sets A5 a six and a s and you describe them to the board and tell them where you were standing when you took those pictures so I was standing across the street looking at the side of the street that my house is on and if you look you see A5 is the fourplex that's the first rental property after my home um as you walk down the street so looking at that photograph A5 is your home or property to the left that house to the left of of that house there's a easement driveway for the medical building on dely driver and then then there's my house um if you look to the right you know you look at A6 and you look at A7 and you see more homes and again you see the rental situations so you look at A7 the house there was redone um and again the house itself I'm not talking about the parking but the house itself is a is a newer house and do you know when that house was approximately be construed uh a year and a half to two years ago okay so are you representing to the board by showing those photographs that that block of homes both sides of this property both sides of the street has uh residential rental homes yes the uh rent of homes are they mostly for college students yeah 9 99% okay is that the intent that you have for your structure yes and the property that uh current use of that with a home on is it rented now yes it is rented now okay uh and are they students at at the at this time no it's a small family but they're going to be moving soon so was just a temporary situation so so there you have a home on this property now that you plan on uh demolishing tearing down and building a new one so why are you taking that approach again if you can tell the board uh rather than just try to fix the property that you have well it's very similar to the house that I tore down back in the 90s that was on 46 it's got to the point where you're you know you're patching you're fixing you know you only can make old new so so long and it just becomes one big patch job um we rent differently than most landlords in the township we have high standards I have a full-time maintenance guy that does it all all day every day I have maintenance man a property manager in my office her name is Mary so between the two of them and myself we really do a uh a high standard we get the parents involved all our homes have been remodeled we're in the Home Improvement business we have our home center there that's right next to 346 so we're right there looking at the window and the door you can see both of these properties uh but um you know we've we've done a lot with all our homes and we want to bring this property to that same standard uh and if you look at the street it just seems like all of the owners are doing that with the homes they're upgrading these homes where they look they look better it just doesn't look like a delapidated uh Street and we're not the average slum Lord kind of renter a lot of these people that are renting homes they don't care they just put these kids in homes and just don't do anything and U we get the parents involved the parents often say wow you guys can make a nice house I can live here and that's what we want to do uh we can do that better if we take this house down and put another new house next to the new house that's going up now and it would look just like A4 again to S the street we have nice nice houses that are new now you have your architect here that will present to the board kind of description of the house that's going up there and you also have your engineer here that's going to talk about the site improvements but from your point of view the would you describe the current condition of your site as far as Ingress onto Main Street and Ingress ESS onto Dela Drive uh and in doing it uh the way we're pro projecting we would eliminate all the dangers of U of bad parking if you look at some of the houses on the pictures um A7 you got 12 cars trying to back out on Main Street it's crazy um and I know you know in past meetings with the zon board we heard a lot about backing out on Main Street we so we try to change it both of the homes that we're projecting have turnaround parking lots to where there's no backing down on Main Street we would close the apron on uh 47 on the back of this property that we're talking about 340 North Main Street we close that apron completely so there's no dangerous pooling out on Route 47 people come through um since we we have we have a high standard with with trash removal all our properties trash can in and out we're on top of all the exteriors and being right there we would do the same um again from a safety standpoint uh you couldn't ask for a better situation do you have a property manager that takes care of your rental properties yes uh I have a property manager full-time it's Mary Harrow and she works out of my office and then I have uh maintenance John Robbins he's he's on maintenance 247 right do your m it's uh individuals employees do they do inspections to see if the trash is being maintained yes yes we all three of us right around completely and Monday night you know Main Street houses Monday night Wednesday morning everything else has to come in Friday morning everything else there the three days Monday Wednesday and Friday all our properties and we ride around and very rarely do we have u ray or anybody from the office calls with any complaints it's always something that nobody knew about it was beyond our control and we jump on it right away and your proposed design uh for uh this building as you have your architect here that will give that representation but you're doing it as six six bedrooms is that what you're doing yes uh the previous house that was approved is going to be six bedrooms and the Height's going to be the same so it was just logical for us to do the same thing on this lot so they would match and look aesthetically nice to the neighborhood um and and help us keep that that high standard um basically I'm not patch for years but who wants to patch an old home and then you know have that used just now when you say the one that you're building that's the one that was approved uh a year and a half ago a little yeah a little longer than that but uh because of some Co issues and I was sick and we had prolong it but um it's ready to be uh permitted very short and the design you're planning on this is the same the one that's designed on 346 yes yes same exact house six bedrooms same height um same look you know got a big side things like that but you know it don't look very well landscaped well proportioned all that trash area set up you know water drainage um well that's been considered I have nothing further Mr stly I got a question you didn't you provide the pictures of the neighborhood houses did you provide us a picture you had one your actual house you know when I got here tonight I thought about that I should have took a picture of the house I did not I apologize for that and you referenced the the the last time you were in front of this board did that lot have non-conforming issues or did it did it was it in conformance the way it was uh very similar very similar there was non-conforming issues the same uh it was commercial C4 the height was was an issue parking was an issue and all of that was uh so was that lot size smaller or bigger than what you have very similar very close um smaller or bigger yeah maybe well the lot goes like like this so it gets bigger in one way it's not rectangle you know it's a big triangle so well give them square footage that'll just put it in Stark terms have to go to Mike for that so so well you got professionals AB we'll be able to testify because he was before the board could just tell he's under oath he could just answer Mr Lopez's question Mr Lopez the uh the lot that you're talking about is uh known as as lot 13.01 uh that was ACR it was wider but not as deep this one is18 Acres it's a little bit narrow it's 61 feet the other one was 80 ft wide but this is deeper because it's a pie shape and as you go further away from the point your lot depth begins to increase so you're talking about the two that look if I looked at Popeyes you'd be two next to the that is correct you're standing at Popeyes I'm looking at the Two the One medical building two buildings building a building commercial space that you talked about a vacant parcel and sties I mean a picture would have been good so people could visualize that I have nothing further Mrs ptil if does any board members have any other questions so I like to call AR if you can give some testimony and we have a a board set up which shows the look if that's easy for everyone to bring it would rather us bring it to the center everybody see that about that stud we have a lot of lot of students here we're actually looking to be a little inclusive about that those people we want Mr Harvey to be able see too May back up yeah back uping good can you see Mr Harvey turn yeah can you turn to the left okay that's fine before you begin can you to the board some of your educational qualifications as licensed architect in Jersey and several other states been practicing for many years most of our work is in New Jersey and we specialize in L commercial andure in your career the obligation to appear before any of the zoning or planning boards in state of Jersey oh yes board is an objection I like submit the architect begin testimony yeah no Mr Fall's welcome and as an expert able to give expert chitectural testimony so please take it away okay so in your professional capacity of you hired by Mr to design the building that's going to be presented to the board for this lot 340 Main Street yes before we begin did you also participate with Mr so in the design of the building that was approved for 346 Main Street yes it did and uh looking at what's here today is that same type of architectural design that was put on 346 yes so can uh you kind of the board the characteristics of the building it's height Shad bedrooms uh it's a two-story wood frame structure each floor is approximately 1120 Square fet the first floor has two bedrooms and a mix of kitchen dining living and utility areas the second floor is four bedrooms and bathroom we have two entrances a main entrance and a side entrance we have a a height of 286 and I might say that we did reduce the height by about a foot from the initial concept which was mentioned in your professional review letter so that height has been reduced by about a foot in an attempt to comply better with your ordinances so we're 286 now from a grade plane up to the peak of the roof we have a 6 12 slope it's a it's it's typical woodframe residential construction sliding fi shingle roof uh Double H window those typical with what you see in any residents so can you give an idea of the floor plan that's on on each each floor should Mark that is a dis well certainly sure and what properly is that known as A8 this is the property that the house of put on well the other side was A8 right one need two well it's the same drawing it's the same house it's not a different house turn around for a second okay these are the call the elevations so I got you so do you not want that to be A8 you're saying well I I thought well we can do A8 on this side and a A9 on the other sorry was okay that's what I thought you were heading so so A8 are the elevations I just want the guy the Mr fall to say but that's fine we said it so he agrees and then the just ask a question please we did exhibit A1 which consisted of seven photos we well no no no no no we we we had reset because Mr Celli had already numbered them A1 through A7 so we honored that make it easier and now we're a and now we're turning it and we've now seen so a would be the elevations and there's four elevations representing the four sides of the home right so A9 will be the floor plans there you go first floor and second floor than first floor has two bedrooms living kitchen bathroom and fly areas second floor has four bedrooms a laundry area and a and a large bathroom and of course interconnected by an internal staircase so the exterior design let's go back to that for a moment the exterior design you you have uh has it been decided by Mr St what the exterior side is going to be uh typically we put a vinyl sliding on this low maintenance of MRI of colors profiles it's usually a good choice for residential construction and that we're 12 grade we up down at grade where it would be subject to damage by snow shovels lawn mows weed whackers were set up out of the grade a bit to protect the foundation I don't have any other questions if I could just elaborate a bit on on Mr sati's discussion about the existing residents uh we we did look at that with Mr satii in terms of what what possibly could be done to renovated and we really came to the conclusion that of course it's an older structure and with today's model codes there's always a an improvement in each issuance of the codes to have a home that better complies with the needs of of today's construction design and methods not only from electrical and plumbing and structural and life safety but a bigger issue today we find is energy conservation and that may may range from better insulating values to better air control within a house higher efficiency systems and we find that we it's economically infeasible or practically not even doable in an older residence you get air leakage poor insulating values and that stays with you forever so with a new home we're going to come even closer to meeting today's model codes especially when it comes to Energy Efficiency break down to a green roof break down to a green roof sure question the existing house how many square feet is that this one's 1100 1120 it's bigger per square foot I'm sorry the house is there now per floor 1120 per floor the one that's there this one no the one that's there now the one is smaller maybe uh 900 square F feet 900 ft total or small what do you mean by 900 ft total so this one's this was a little bit big yes and mr's desire to get more bedrooms to make it a more profitable Venture it's it's just not doable within that existing home with the existing layout wall configuration Etc so I mean essentially it's is 2240 ft versus 1800 ft yes so it's not a late year away it's just a little bit bigger all right and and the room sizes are larger older room to have smaller room sizes steeper stairs what we have today will comply with today's codes in terms of minimum bedroom size requirements rise and run of stairs my question was more towards the footprint on the property not really 1120 yeah 80 80 hold everything obviously they're not up to today standards and desires yes sir thank you so I want to direct all your Al your attention to the height you start out your ttim saying that you adjusted the height on the building if you can go back perhaps to the elevation uh which is uh A8 and the building as it's designed now is there any other way to reduce the height and still have the Aesthetics view of BU well we we put a 6 and 12 roof slope on it which you can see here and yes it could be flattened but that in my opinion detracts from the Aesthetics of the house it it begins to look like a very squatty roof uh I think we need a certain profile to the roof to be more proportionate with the height and and length and width of the home and we may gain that maybe a foot in shrinking the slope but we've we already did that as I said from once your professionals review letter was issued we already did take it down a foot to 286 from the 29 that was mentioned in the uh earlier report and is the uh Peak design on this structure that you provided to Mr ftill uh similar to all the other homes that are on that R yes I think if you look at the illustrations in the photographs you'll see that the roof construction is noticeable from the street you see it's not a low slope roof or a flat roof and it's just part of the Aesthetics of the design so it's more in keeping with the the visual view of the rest of the Block Main yes yes I don't have any questions from the board no not moment have engineer Mr abula so you've been sworn and before you give your testimony can you tell the board of your qualifications in education well Mr chairman I think we we recognize he's been here a number of times and it's good to see him again welcome back and he is able to give expert testimony as a professional I appreciate that thank you for the courtesy so you're you're familiar with the total application that's been F that's now before the board uh addressing the uh use variances and issues in the site plan that uh you've worked on uh can you uh can you address those issues to the board yes I can uh I just want to give a little bit of background uh even for the sake of redundancy but because it is a use I believe it's important just to put it into the record I was also the design engineer planner and the engineer the previous application that came in I think 2020 and that was for the adjacent law which is 13.01 uh that that particular application uh had similar uh variances a use Vari a height variance uh where what it didn't have is it didn't have side yard setback variance I was able to look at the prior application the reason for that is because the the uh that lot was wider by about 20 feet our existing lot is narrow by about 24% it goes from 80 to 61 so some of the variances that we'll have Associated we'll discuss a little bit later on are are are rarely predicated on the fact that we have a narrow lot which turns into a C1 hardship variant and I'll go into that a little bit later but uh this this particular uh property has an existing house it's located to the very North portion of the property uh it has two points of Access One along delsia Drive which is also New Jersey Route 47 and one along uh Main Street uh this particular development is 018 acres in size uh thereby any development that we do will not meet the thresholds for major development uh thereby it doesn't disturb more than an acre and it doesn't uh generate more than one4 acre of is coverage and therefore this this slide is not subject to the St water regulations of njc 7 colon 8A which is the best management practices uh which have been updated recently so those particular um applications and comments that are in the review but just by way of background really do not apply because this is considered a minor development it's not it's not classified because it doesn't go into the threshold for a major development uh this particular lot provides um uh par spaces for six uh units uh it is a a building that is approximately 22 feet 22% bigger than the existing building footprint uh and thereby um uh requiring a little bit of room and variances as as we'll discuss in a little bit uh this this particular application uh proposes to use the water and sewer located on Main Street and it also provides for landscaping approximately 47% of the lot will remain in a long land ape uh condition uh therefore the landscaping area in that sense is me through through the preservation of open space and landscaping around the perimeter furthermore this this house has uh developments indicated by Mr fall that uh it's larger and it has certain Heights and one of the one of the important things to note is and and it's in Miss u adamson's letter is how's this compatible with the neighborhood so by way of introduction that Mr fall already done is um those houses and other develops of structures down that road are all twostory houses if they were to do anything some of them probably would require a height variances for the mere fact that um they're already in that location you have across the street on Main Street that is you have the campus Terrace uh apartments and and their two stories so your your neighborhood is surrounded by by buildings that uh really are hard pressed to to meet their 20 foot requirement and to propose a building a new building that squatter and flatter to comp actually does the reverse then a building that exceeds your ordinance by being compatible with the community and the surrounding structures I believe the only building that I can recall that's one story would be your your center right it's the only it's the only building that I can think of right now as I looked at the site that I can recall across the street you have the pompy's and you have the deli across the street so but on Main Street those buildings so so to have a building and and create it to meet and comply uh with those requirements then actually detracts from the neighborhood which is the reverse of what we're trying to do we're trying to be compatible and for that we're asking the board to consider advocation for uh our D1 use variance and I believe it's a a D6 correct for for height variance um and also D4 for for density so that that is a little bit by way of background into our application there were two letters issued uh one by was by remon in verdict dated July 14th 2023 and that was signed by Miss Adamson and the other one uh is a letter issued by cichon Associates dated July 19th 2023 and um if there's any question with regards to the background I'd like to proceed into providing some testimony in regards to the use Varan and also to the both variances associated with this development proceed okay thank you very much as listed in the letter issued by Miss Adamson uh there are a series of variances that we need she's done a great job in summarizing those variances in the last page of her letter uh there's a use variance um as D1 there is also a D4 and a D6 variance they're associated with hype exceedance of hype by 10% as well as density because you have fla ratio of 20% and what we're proposing is a fla ratio of 27.6% um so uh one of the things that we need to be able to provide to the board is is um an understanding of how this advances the municipal law how is this a positive thing how does this meet the need for uh or benefit to the community and I have outlined uh some special reasons for it uh that I like to present to the board for why we should consider this application uh one of it is to be able to do a site suitability one of the reasons why a use would go somewhere we had to explain its site suitability its site suitability is really just the proximity to the Rowan University campus uh you would this is a place that has indicated that we want to rent it out to college students it's in close proximity I've done an aial view uh it is minutes away by vehicle maybe a little bit longer if you want it to walk uh but it's in close proximity to the campus and therefore uh this site is suitable because of its proximity the that is suitable because it it's something that currently contains a dwelling and it will contain a dwelling after it is developed and enhan with modern design features and more energy friendly uses as as Mr fall has indicated it's also suitable because uh it provides uh water and sewer it's a small site you couldn't really have septic so the fact that there's Public Utilities available at the road makes the site suitable to be able to handle um the the particular flows that will be generated by this use it's also it's also suitable because it is consistent with the neighborhood we're not proposing to do any other thing that would detracted from the neighborhood even some of these homes have been used for commercial purposes has been indicated uh by Mr satelli so um those are the things that makes this particular site suitable its proximity its ability to use existing utilities its ability to be compatible with the neighborhood and it's a series of of a mixed use you have Apartments you have businesses uh you have a medical facility next door you have restaurants and delies across the street so it's really it's really in keeping and therefore it's suitable it's not going to stick out it's not going to be an outlier it's actually going to blend in with the community fairly well uh and continuing along with the Positive criteria uh there's special reasons that you have to give for the board to consider why is it uh that the board should deviate from its master plan why should from exing ordinance uh to allow something that is not permitted one of the things is found in uh section 40 call 55 d2a uh to encourage Municipal action to to guide the appropriate use or development of all lands in the state in a matter which is promote public health safety morals and general welfare providing a a new home with modern amenities and and designed for uh the particular times that we live in uh and to provide adequate at housing to shelter someone is a means by which we are pro promoting general welfare because housing is a basic human need uh we understand that uh this is how you would be able to provide something for someone that uh needs housing uh and so thereby it promotes uh the uh basic human need and promotes the general welfare the other reason is found in that same section and it's uh 2G to provide sufficient space and appropriate locations for a variety of agricultural residential recreational commercial and Industrial uses um and according to the respective environmental requirements in order to meet the need of all New Jersey citizens I do not think that it it is a stretch to say that uh Rowan with its growth over the years and it's expanding um um student body uh we currently employ a ro R engineer he's he's a junior and so I get the opportunity firsthand to talk to him that there is a need this particular house uh provides and meets a need not only for Glassboro but also for Rowan a a major component in this community so it it does meet a need it is a sufficient size uh it provides adequate parking uh and is able to access uh utilities and is able to access the uh County Highway uh so the other is to promote a desirable visual environment uh through creative development techniques uh as indicated already as the pictures have been handed out uh this house would be one of the last houses that begins to upgrade the looks of that particular stretch of Main Street uh obviously uh you can patch this as indicated by Mr satii at some point it just becomes a a a patch job uh he wants to be able to enhance the look of the community enhance the look of the street and we believe that that would create a more uh pleasing visual environment something nier to look at so we believe that those things are positive reasons they're contained with the nanus law they're positive reasons why uh if the board would to deviate uh why should they consider this a good reason to deviate notwithstanding those special reasons the other side of that coin is as indicated in Miss adamson's letters to say um how does this not adversely impact the community how can we promote something and not be a detriment because when you do something there's always a cause and effect is the effect of promoting of promoting this use going to cause more harm than good and and I'm here to say that I believe that uh it's not going to do that I believe that the the the positives far out way the detriment that one might consider could be uh um a result of this development there's no development that doesn't cause uh um Ripple effects but we believe that in the context of what we presented this evening uh uh a new a new building modern development uh a building that has the uh potential to be able to house a need for students in the in the Rowan Community we believe that that far out weighs any detriment associated with granting new use fance and or associated with the granting the bulk variances that we'll talk into a little bit so one of the things you look at another criteria is will this ruin my neighborhood uh are you going to put a trash the Steam Plant next to my house are you going to provide uh something that's not in keeping with the community as been stated already by Mr saell and Mr fall and not to be horse we believe that this is compatible uh so it won't detract from the community I think it will enhance the community because you're going to have probably one of the last pieces of a house to be knocked down and brought up to to higher standards and it'll be compatible what's there uh Mr fall talked about the building being two stories high with a peak that's consistent with the community so it's very hard to say that this would impact adversely impact the the uh the community and detract from the community uh the other the other thing is um the character so it's not going to be a um destroy the character of the community the other is parking uh we have six six units and we have six parking spaces uh we have provided an access road entrance that that meets the county standards to be 24t wide if you look at the current condition right now to be able to Savage that building and to be able to to be able to put in the parking and meet the requirements that the county would Implement uh you wouldn't be able to do it you would be so close to the house you would actually uh almost make this uh a hazard because parking will be so close and the drive a will be so close to the existing home so having been through this before with the county on the adjacent lot we know exactly what they're looking for they're going to look for a driveway of a certain width they're going to look for a an easement as they requested on the property to the north and we have set our our parking if you look at the plan because this is taken right out of that set sheet too we have started our parking just just beyond the easement uh we've been able to fit in these six parking spaces we've been able to provide a drive VI that is sufficiently wide uh for the uh for the motors to be able to come in pull into a stall and then not have to back out into Main Street but actually pull ahead nose first out into Main Street thereby eliminating sometimes the potential for conflicts and accidents that may occur when people are backing out the other thing to consider is uh the detriment to the community the use of its resources but there's a building that currently exists now it uses public water it uses public sewer uh if there's a call uh the EMT the fire and or the police would attend to any kind of emergency call so there is no new resources that would be used because something is being put up uh that currently doesn't exist so there is no there's no uh taken away from the resources of the community uh and and the other consideration noise glare and odor as I've said we live with 47 right behind us so there's a lot of traffic that make a lot of noise you have Popeyes you have the deli those are other uses that create their own kind of noise we don't believe that this is going to impact or be detrimental as a matter of fact the building next to us uh is a um dental office or medical offices I believe so they're they're gone by the end of workday and and there's really nobody there for us to disturb if you will so we don't believe that noise glare or order are are negative impacts the community so we would feel that given these considerations that the board would kindly favor to look upon granting a use frams for this particular application and so my conclusion is that and is my opinion as a professional planner that uh this does not constitute substantial detriment to the public good nor does it create impact uh an impairment of the Zone plan and of the ordinance um I would like to continue into the bulk variances there a C1 hardship uh but there's any questions regarding the use for any I can take some questions now Prof okay go ahead uh there are um bul variances that are being required and it is my opinion that these are both Branch associated with a C1 or what we would call a hardship um the lot is 61.3 one ft wide it is greater than the OT is required but that can't be seen in the vacuum uh because there is buffers that are required uh Miss Miss Adamson notes that there's a 25 foot if I understand correctly which she's implying is that there must be a 25 foot buffer along the property lines um if that is a correct interpretation of mine when we take 7 25 ft from the southerly property line 25 ft from the Northerly property line all your left with is 11 ft um it's just barely it's just as wide as a access aisle or a parking stall for a handicap accessibility which is 11 ft wide not including the 5 foot drive aile so a strict adherence to the ordinance puts an undue hardship on my client to be able to comply with your ordinances and to be able to develop or make use of this particular property so what we have here is a hardship case and and because of the narrowness of the lot it's 60 foot wide uh when you put a house that is going to be of size to be able to accommodate uh the the the bedrooms uh we run into needing a sidey yard setback for the house uh those have been noted on the plan uh and where 15 ft is required our shortest distance is is 9.31 Ft on whatever call the Northerly side uh and it is approximately 12 ft um on the the southernly side for a combined total width of 21.3 Ft where 30 ft would be required and this is a result of providing a house that can be of size can be have bedrooms of size hallways uh stairs kitchen that would be of size anything less than that obviously um does not render the the the the residence functional so we have a hardship because the strict adherence of the ordinance would would not allow us to build it we also have a hardship for front yard setback because the parking stalls of certain length and width uh that pushes us further and further back uh to towards Route 47 we have to keep 12 and A2 foot of a what they call a RightWay easement for the county and then we begin putting in the parking stalls to be able to meet the demand of the particular use and the rooms that we have which pushes our building further and further back um depending upon how you look at it and like to be able to offer this this evening um it is indicated that on reverse fages you're supposed to have um one be the road Frontage or the front yard setback and then the other Road Frontage is supposed to be the rear yard setback and and if I could then be able to present to the board that I meet the front yard setback from Route 47 of 12.16 feet we 10 ft is required and I meet the rear yard setback from what is Main Street because I'm an excess of 35t so those are the advantages that that your ordinance allows me to have because I have what it's called reverse Furnitures I have furnes in the front as well as the rear of the property so we have these hardships and therefore strict adherence would just cause undue hardship for my client to develop this particular property there are some um variances uh as well as wavers and the waivers are for parking stalls I believe so let me just quickly look at that so at the last page um additional screening we like to be able to comply with this as far as practical we don't have much room on either side we also have parking lot planning once again we' be glad to put more shade trees uh well you know what you're going to agree to work with the board professionals on correct so you're going to come up with something if the board were to the appr would consider it I'll make it easier for you great thank you I appreciate that uh not withstanding those waivers and variances um I have nothing really objectional to to the uh to the review letter that was U provided to to to us from either C and Associates or r ver is there anything thank you I I have nothing for thank you no that's a site plan that's that's what was submitted as part of the application that is a page from the site plan so that's what we're working on WE testify sorry no just the last time that they were here they were talking about uh this is something new which in which that you are saying that Dy Drive was now eliminated you will not have any interest points on dely Drive am I correct if did I hear that correctly yes okay one thing that I did not hear you address and that is lighting uh I know you were here before you were saying something about putting a sign out there you know entry point on Dy drive I'm looking at that that's pretty much El eliminated as far as signage um but lighting I'm just trying to see you know what Mr Harvey it's funny to say that because I was literally just writing that the applicant degrees work with the board Professionals for site landscaping and I was going to wait for you to finish because I was going to interrupt him and say and lighting but now that you said that do you mind I interrupted you and we're going to say and lighting so therefore sometimes if the board were to Grant the approval you got to be in the moment so to speak as regards landscaping and light we we would makes work with the your professionals lighting last year thank you thank you thank you Mr Good Question all right Miss Adamson uh yes we have a June the 14th letter and I I did hear the applicant State and and the board also state that the the applicant will work with us regarding uh planting and Lighting one thing I wanted to bring up is they will need a waiver for Street trees um a full waiver because there's there's no opportunity to provide Street trees along Main Street and I just want to make certain that the board is aware of that is that correct that is correct because there sidewalk side yes and then there's an easement to do so um my one concern I wanted to bring up is the dwelling is very close to Del it's um 12.16 ft from the back corner of the property one concern that I have is noise how are you going to address that noise created by the the dwelling no noise created by dely drive you have a residential dwell you know dwelling that's 12 foot off the property line how are the other dwellings to the highway I I I don't know to be honest with you um you know if you go across the street look at Popeyes just looking at them you know they're they're fairly close obviously because they want visibility they have no problem with visibility um as a matter of fact you're allowed to be 10 feet per your ordinance u in that sense and I understand that it's a use for it should be considered differently but um it really wouldn't be to of of of contention if I were putting up there permitted use I could come up to 10 ft and really wouldn't be wouldn't really be an issue because you're allowed to be 10et I think Miss adamson's point is is that one thing is a commercial you know commercial you said you know who cares about being you want to be that that that hard up against the deli drive this is presumably people who want to study rest and recreate right I could could add perhaps that in in order to meet today's construction codes uh you'll find that the wall construction of this home will be thicker there'll be greater insulation the windows and doors will be higher efficiency double glazed which you just don't find in the older homes so that in itself will add to the sound attenuation from noise from delsa drive all right well you you probably convince me perhaps but can you convince Miss Adamson does that make sense to you Miss Adamson makes as much as sensus is practical uh as long as the applicant agrees to work with us in landscaping that's about as much as we can do I wouldn't recommend putting a fence back there um just uh state that for the record that it's it will be noisy and just going through my letter the applicants done a really good job going through the the special reasons the use variants they've agreed to work with us on Landscaping and lighting and uh they gave us testimony on trash storage and pickup and uh I need some testimony regarding conformance with affordable housing before we get to affordable housing just refresh my recollection I apologize trash uh trash pickup how's that getting handled private Hall private Hall okay and affordable housing wait minut you're going to have a private Haller pick up the garbage so you're going to put up a garbage it would be pulled up to the front correct You' have a concrete pad usually on the side of your house and it just gets pulled up to the front very similar to is it on the plan uh no there's not on the plan so you're going to be having to add that to the plan right okay is that okay okay I'm just waiting for Mr car okay so we're we're we're residential uh and most of the tenants are going to be student residential uh in that property if the uh state regulations in this type of uh structure uh requires somewhat familiar with the co- regulations throughout New Jersey uh if there a compliance that he has to meet there's a compliance that he has to meet okay you agree to pay any any any fees as appropriate uh I do not have any additional comments that's all I have listen state law is state law and it's good Miss Adams who puts it out there but if we even thought we you were like the best guy in the world we couldn't wave it it's a requirement so so yeah you're going to comply if it's applicable yeah all right C thank you Mr chairman um just wanted to touch on one thing in my letter then get back to something that was mentioned recently um for the demolition um Mr cilian said they're going to get rid of the apron on delc Drive are you going to get rid of the concrete and put curve back or you just going to get rid of your drive that whole does a drive be totally close what we want to get rid of is the driveway everything else we going to leave the same so you're not going to get a do Road opening permit to do work out there correct just from behind the sidewalk into the side and then the Landscaping would take up some of that space perhaps in front of where the where the driveway was correct okay okay um I did want I wanted to ask about the track for a private Haller the site's not really the property is not set up for that is that how how does that work in operations currently Mr what is the current use that P that site for trash cor right now there's regular burrow cans put out taking in every day one for recycling that same practice all right well he's saying you're going to have a private Haller right that's it's not going to be municipality I don't see the reason for it well we would if according to mrly if we could engage the municipality in picking it up that that would be great currently does it now um I don't think the private Hall needs to come in and would do the same thing that it currently does it's residential so right house Street all other homes on that street mrly would testify to all have private collection and uh he has his maintenance supervised that it's put out appropriately trash cans aren't overflowing with trash and debris whatever recyclable material goes out as accordingly okay so we forgive me but you got you turn me around because on the one hand I thought you said that we're going to go back to uh the bar Glassboro picking up the trash on the residential use and then an expert you said the private hauler will be more attentive to a you know poorly maintained area and and they will accept responsibility to make sure it's not that way I guess the Mi mixup came in when we talked about the Demolition and our frame of mind that that's all going to be handled privately he's going to take care of all that demolition with with removal private company of course but trash collection as he indicated is done by I don't think that's where we got turned around but that that does I mean obviously the demo work is going to get done with private haulers without saying so now you wanted just kind of gracefully back off of that private hauler thing and get the town back on the hook it's Municipal let's be clear okay M all right so thank you anything else Mr C yeah I would just close out and say that the Mr a has agreed to everything else in the letter the the the plans are set up with standard engineering standard curb asphal grading all that type of stuff so that's all um just very standard on the way the plan was set up okay I don't have any nothing further for me any questions from the board yeah I have a question the um adjacent property I know they're going to match each other how many I know that's six bedrooms as well did you need a waiver for the parking on that are those spaces reduced as well so that you could fit six in there for that property the parking Dimensions were 9 by 18 and I believe that's um smaller than what you have correct but the 9 by8 is an acceptable dimension the other thing also that we had indicated if I remember correctly is that there's no curve so the vehicle has the ability to extend further because there's there's open space beyond so it's almost like having a 20 foot deep parking stone I have a question um you said that uh it's six rooms correct that is correct yes how many people occupants are you trying to have in that home six six yes how many I didn't hear I'm sorry six six six one per B okay any other questions all right thank you since there's no other questions I would like to open this up to the public do I have a motion open to the public open to the public do I have a second second all in favor I poos sub is there anybody from the public that would like to speak on this matter nope all right have a motion to close the public portion move second all in favor I so it's a pleasure of the board I that is I like to make a motion that weed it from it as as it was written all the wa including the variances in D1 D4 D6 so you're making a motion to approve it with all so so really Mr chairman if I may it's the motion to approve the request for the use variance the additional variances which include the height variance the D6 variance the Florida area ratio variance the D4 variants and in addition the number of waivers one even being the street trees and some other things has spread on the record so that'll all be incorporated in and along with those use variances waivers and that sort of thing the um obviously the monor site plan fair enough Mr Harvey that's correct sounds good Mr Harvey do I have a second I second that motion all right can we have a roll call vote Please Mr Lopez on four due to the fact that he came before as board in the past for the same type for adjacent property so wouldn't want to put a hardship to restrict anything done on this this lot on the question Miss weinan I'm for I don't believe it will negatively impact the uh area Mr perer for simar Miss wman I don't see any negative impact to that area Mr Smith for I I'll say anything that's causing something that's detrimental to the public and it's going toote a I guess good look and Ambi on the location with for being there Mr Harvey po I believe that's in compliance with the area Mr santor I'm for and uh Mr Celly you've been here before and everything that I've seen that you do is first class and I know this is going to really add to the community and I I credit you for that thank you thank you Mr Moody in favor look great guys good to see you thank you take care we thank the board and professionals thank you very much stay we don't have any reports anything from the workshop do good so the workshop committee met on February 13th they reviewed an application from GL Park LLC East Sanger Avenue and East Avenue they're looking to put a senior citizen apartment complex there so they had agreed to work with the town and uh make it a Redevelopment area for them to be able to put up a senior center apartments complex there on East Stanger Avenue so um that will be in the works down the road anything Mr well you know what Mr chair I I I do um interestingly no it's really not but uh we had a request for a one-year extension on the um final site plan approval for vision stream LLC block 4113 uh lot 14245 East High Street so for your consideration uh the applicant really is entitled to a couple of one-year extensions the reason here being that quite frankly the New Jersey D has been taking U seems like a long long time to do um the wetlands averaging and all that sort of stuff so he's afraid he's going to get jammed honestly I don't think he fully appreciates how much time he has but it's not the end of the world it's not an outrageous request and it's frankly a reasonable request so for the board's consideration all right so resolution 24-8 to Grant the extension I have a motion make a motion that we extend that year by the individual do I have a second I second it roll call vote Please Mr Lopez for M Wyman for Mr perner for Mr Smith four Mr Harvey Mr santour for and Mr M for and that's it now Mr chair members all right we have any old business any new business all right our next meeting is going to be March 2th first hopefully everybody can make it I guess we'll be hearing um Kentucky Avenue sure we're we're going to hear uh who knows what the things we may hear all right do I have a motion to adjourn second all in favor it's the extra credit group you hung out thank you this