call the glass R zoning Board of adjustment regular business meeting for July 18th to order ter can you please go ahead with the opening statement to the open all rise for the salute to the flag I pled Ali to the flag United States of America the for stands one nation indivisible liy and justice for all roll call please Mr here Mr Alice here tamol here Mr Harvey here Mr Smith here Mr per here mman here Mr Lopez here m Mr Cas Mr and let the record reflect that Mr s is ex all right Mr Alice can you swear on our professionals please yes all right great uh can I have a motion to approve the minutes second all in favor opposed so be it everybody had a chance to take a look at the bills do I have a motion to pay all bills make a motion to pay bills second all in favor oppos so be it I didn't see any incoming or outgoing correspondents is there anybody from the public that has any comments they would like to make on non-agenda items only for this evening nope okay application zb2 24-1 ARG glass World Developers L LC 1100 North delsy Drive block 40830 Lot 1 and 1.01 this is a C6 Zone looking for a use and bulk variances to build a daycare on a vacant lot behind friendlies and add coffee shop with drive-thru on the lot with friendlies oh can you hear me is that hear you now okay good evening my name is Danielle kimak and attorney at Prime to and melli here on behalf of the applicant ARG Glassboro developers LLC the application before you tonight is a bifurcated D and C variance application for a proposed daycare center restaurant and drive-thru coffee shop um on the property located at 1100 North delce Drive which is bound by Charles third drive and Vermillion Lane the property is known as block 40830 Lots 1 and 1.01 the property is approximately 2.34 acres and located in the burough C6 commercial Zone as far as D variances we're seeking a D1 variance to to permit more than one principal use on lot one lot one presently contains an existing Friendly's Restaurant and the applicant is proposing a smaller friendlies restaurant and an attached drive-through coffee shop the restaurant use and drive-through coffee shop use um the restaurant use is permitted and the drive-through coffee shop is a conditional use and you'll hear testimony from our professionals uh that the application meets all the conditions for that conditional use we are also seeking a D4 floor area ratio variance for the proposed daycare on lot 1.01 uh where the maximum F permitted is 0.15 and the applicant is proposing. 21 uh we're also seeking bulk variances associated with the application for pavement coverage and front yard setbacks on both lots and for building coverage on lot 1.01 which is the dayare lot in connection with the application we're also seeking design waivers which are professional will provide more testimony on they're related to the number of parking spaces the setback for parking spaces and providing a loading space for the restaurant use and with respect to the proposed daycare we're seeking design waivers related to the drop off area and Recreation Area uh as I stated this is a bifurcated application so should the board approve our application we would return to the board with a separate full site plan application that would address things like the storm waterer management landscaping and signage um the I'm not sure if the board is aware from the packages uh we did receive the professionals July 8th and July 15th review letters which we'll provide testimony in response to um prior to those July review letters we did receive review letters um in May and in response to those letters we um evaluated their comments revised the plans and submitted the revised plans that I think were part of your packages um and we think that resulted in a better design and a better proposal for the board uh with me tonight to provide uh testimony and support of the application I have our civil engineer Jared Thomas our traffic engineer Michael Brown uh the owner and applicant Amal kohley and our professional planner uh Leah fur Fury Bruder um Mr Alice do you want just the first witness sworn or do you want to have them all sworn well I think it makes sense maybe just more efficacious just to have everybody s time okay so ladies and Gentlemen please rise and raise your right hand and do each of you swear firm testimony about the give tonight is true and correct the best your knowledge fa and belief it's unanimous four yeses so please take it away thank you um so Mr Thomas You' like to come up Mr Thomas can you provide the board with your educational and professional background certainly uh I'm a licensed professional civil engineer I've been practicing for 17 years now and uh graduated from Drexler University in 2007 with a degree in civil engineering Ing and have you testified before boards in New Jersey before as an expert in civil engineering yes multiple times and your license is in good standing that is correct does the board have any questions as to Mr Thomas's qualifications no so the board accepts him as professional engineer and expert testimony in that regard thank you all right so um as Danielle went over uh the the uh site is located off a delc drive bounded by Vermillion and uh Charles II uh this is just to give you some context if you look on that aerial um we can mark the aerial A1 um our site is located squarely in the middle immediately south of it is the Double Tree and uh college town uh shopping centers uh to the east and west we have various um residential uh developments and to the north is just a couple of uh commercial uh less developed commercial uses uh the existing use is as Danielle mentioned an existing Friendlies with off street parking for lot one in the front the rear lot 101 is undeveloped the proposed use is going to change that friendlies to a smaller reduced footprint of approximately 2 200 square feet and about 100 seats maximum the um additionally attached that uh will be a coffee shop with a drive-thru which is also be 2500 square feet and 32 seats maximum and then additionally the uh both uses will share outdoor seating with approximately 12 seats uh that will those uses will both be provided on lot one and that's what necessitates the use variants on that lot for the rear lot we'll be proposing a uh learning experience daycare building along with a playground and then both Lots will have a shared combined parking lot uh that will uh have cross access easements to allow uh anybody using uh any of these uses to utilize the parking lot on either lot access for the site is being provided um with a couple a couple different points on Charles III as you can see on our exhibit there we could just Mark that A2 yep A2 certainly so we've got a rendered exhibit of the site um the same as the uh use variance plan that was previously provided to the board um two access drives are being proposed off of a Charles II drive with two-way uh traffic flow uh the first one provides direct uh direct access towards the daycare building to facilitate parage dropping off the second one on Charles allows to uh the parking lot to not become a dead end uh there is a another point of access off of Vermilion Lane that is uh actually going to be shifted from the existing access a little bit to the east to give a little bit more distance from the intersection and also align that drive a with uh the secondary Drive aisle in the middle which allows uh for folks going towards you know the Starbucks I'm sorry the the coffee shop or the friendlies and then the uh final point of access will be off of delc Drive uh the applicant will be working with in conjunction with NJ doot to determine if that access needs to be changed from a right in to a a right in right out but for uh the time being right now it is just proposed uh to match existing condition which is full turning Maneuvers at that driveway um all the drive aisles are proposed to be 24 ft wide uh with 90° parking excepting for uh the parking areas uh excepting for the drive a in the Northwest there where we have oneway FL uh traffic flow and a clockwise pattern and 45 degree angled space parking uh with a 16ft drive aisle to allow uh vehicles to back out and maneuver around the building pedestrian access through the site um with this revised layout has been I feel greatly improved we have sidewalks around all of The Pedestrian accessible areas for each building as well as crosswalks that help connect all of the buildings together to allow for um pedestrians to safely maneuver The Wider Drive AES additionally provide um better line of sight for uh pedestrians uh maneuvering between the buildings uh parking for the overall site we're proposing 77 spaces in total um based on what we uh are proposing 99 spaces are required by ordinance and uh Mike Brown from our traffic team will provide some additional details on that the requested waiver there uh of these 77 spaces four of them are Ada spaces with Van accessible uh and that meets the requirement of the Ada and then an additional uh six spaces are EV ready uh three are required uh to be EV ready pursuant to uh uh the uh Municipal land use law so uh ultimately we Prov more than is required uh the spread of the Ada spaces there we have two in front of the learning experience and then two adjacent to the restaurant usage so we tried to spread them out so that uh Ada Ada um accessibility is provided throughout the site um as Danielle mentioned there's several different uh uh variances that are being requested or uh w design waivers on uh lot one the front lot we are requesting a 5- foot uh setback variance there's uh front yard setback pavement coverage uh for the rear lot there is um another front yard setback uh for the overhang on the building from Vermilion pavement coverage as well as another parking setback ultimately all of these uh variances are being requested uh together to allow for the site to have better flow and tra uh all the way around it without creating uh exceptionally tight corridors for vehicle vehicles to maneuver through and can you just provide of uh so we're uh for the front lot uh we're requesting a five foot setback where 15 is required I think that's the parking set I'm sorry I'm sorry did you want the front I'm just the yard setbacks yard get the apologies so the front yard setback on is that we're requesting is 74t where 75 is required so it is just a little bit uh for the rear lot it we're requesting a 28 foot uh setback where 45 ft is required and that's along which street that's that's along Vermilion uh for the um front yard setback on uh lot one that's from Charles uh the third drive so on Del drive that is correct uh do you want to go over the uh parking setbacks too or no sure all right so no worries uh so the parking setbacks for the front yard are uh 5 feet where 15 is required and for the rear is six and a half also where uh 15 is required and is that um minimum distance kind of a pinch point or throughout the site no it's just it's primarily along um Charles II as you could see the proximity of those um of those parking spaces in order for them to practically be nice 90° This was um a good way to avoid having to do angled parking in those areas which was we we were kind of concerned about whether that was um an ideal a good idea considering it had a much more narrow Drive aisle we were concerned about uh vehicle conflicts with pedestrians so those are the and then ultimately like we talked about the uh there's also the pavement coverage requirement we're requesting on the front lot 67% we're 40% is allowed for the rear lot uh 44% where 40% is allowed um on that front lot's the ex let me Che yeah the existing is 60 correct it would just be an existing non-conformity in that regard all right um with regards to the daycare there are uh several different variances being requested or waivers I think actually uh relating to uh the drop off the floor um the uh outdoor recreation area size but I want to discuss briefly just the Landscaping burm requirement so per um per the ordinance a landscape BM is required that's at least 5 feet tall as a 25t setback from internal roads and a 5ft tall fence is also required around all the recreation areas we are requesting to propose as an alternate to that um the tle standard which is a 6ot tall uh vinyl fence around it all of the fencing has a panic Hardware on it and there is h no middle rail on the fence to reduce the risk of climbing you want you show the board where you want a fence where you want a six foot privacy sure there you go yeah so uh that pink area as you see on exhibit A2 that is the playground area so the entire area will be surrounded with a six foot tall vinyl fence uh equipped with panic Hardware at the gates to uh reduce the risk of you know somebody getting out right that's to prevent en lopment and safety and exactly privacy those concerns um Additionally the board has a you know that requirement about um the 25 foot setback from internal roads uh we are not able to practically achieve that with regards to the internal driveway um that is between Charles III and the tle so we're proposing as um a series of ballards in front of the recreation area both on that side as well as on Vermilion uh to mitigate the risk of a vehicle you know going uh going astray and crashing into the fence um uh Amal will provide additional testimony regarding the overall operations of the building and how that works to uh reduce the risk risks as well and finally I want to go over the uh conditional use criteria uh the coffee shop use is being uh requested to uh have a drive-thru and that does trigger a conditional use under the C6 requirements uh so per that uh per those requirements an eight vehicle stack from uh per window Lane is required we have proposed 10 uh one bypass lane is uh provided uh as required the bypass lane is being also used as a loading area loading uh is going to occur uh loading and unloading activities though will occur overnight so the drive-through is going to be uh closed when that occurs and then finally that the Window Service needs to be separated from the parking spaces as well as the drive aisles so the vehicles at the drive uh drive up window they're going to be separated um by a 16ft drive aisle plus a 4ot uh striped area and then a 12T uh secondary Drive aisle that's just for the uh for the drive up window so coffee is exclusively driveth through there's uh no there is internal uh seating as well if folks want to sit down we where's the drag window at yes thank you so the window is right here on the North side uh fronting Vermillion here and you're going to stack 10 cars so it uh stack is proposed uh from here all the way around that's about 10 cars yeah you know it's going to be longer than that because we currently have a problem with dumping where it's already wrapped around on Del Drive which you have dual Lanes right right we are not proposing dual AIDS at this time we have a five which is required so as I indicated before per the conditional use criteria um eight vehicles are required we are proposing a stack of 10 uh we provide the bypass lane and then the window service is separated from the parking spaces as well as the drive a the overall separation between uh the parking spaces up here as well and the window right there is about 32 ft that's all I have right now unless you want to go over the um and how much what kind of seating for interior service so we were conservative on our seating um we proposed 100 uh a maximum number of space of seats for the friendlies at 100 and we propos the maximum number of seats in the uh coffee shop is being 32 plus with the outdoor seating ultimately the required parking uh derived from that seating is 99 and as uh as I previously mentioned we're proposing 77 so right and the 77 you talk about 6 EV are the 6 EV subsumed in the 77 or in addition to the 77 no no they're subsumed in the 77 so there are two right here and then there's four more here as parallel parking spaces so we did not double count them in the 77 which under the law we are committed so technically it would be 83 U there are there any other questions do you want me to go over the uh letters right now or you want one question about the EV spaces certainly you put it next to the buildings to child care put four right here yeah so you are you saying you would expect Eves for the the food in the coffee shop that use those spaces or they're going to be totally separate so there there are two right here for the coffee shop and the uh friendlies right here okay so if those are full up then yeah they would park over here and there AR crosswalks provided Mr Lopez I think the testimony was that they're talking about cross easements so I don't think they've got dedicated parking for any particular use is that fa that's what I was asking so if I have a have too many EVS going to the food establishment you expect the park by a daycare center that's correct that they will have blanket easements for cross access I have a question how house the safety say again safety because if they're parking the EVS right there by the daycare that's kind of you know I wouldn't want somebody just sitting out there right here like yes so by the daycare I presumably it I I have an EV myself if I'm parking it to charge it I park it I plug it in and then I go in to friendlies or and have my meal 30 minutes later an hour later I come back out and go get my car and leave right but I'm just saying like with the daycare because you're dealing with kids so somebody come Park their car there and go over like you know what's the safety concern equipment or leaving their car well leaving their car and even if they're sitting in the car and they're right there at the daycare that's kind of most suspicious to me like if it's the dayare they don't have any children that that go to that daycare or anything well I I mean that we're always concerned about our children but from a good question as well we should be but I don't think you know that's a generalized land use concern about you know those sorts of bad people and we do you know by law have to provide are these EVS going to be 24hour access like say friendly dater and Shop close I'm assuming that Starbucks isn't to be7 are there going to be 24hour access to these EVS or is it going to be time limited to like 6: am. and 10 p.m. um that'll probably be a question right now you know most EV charging stations though if you can get to them then you know you want to sit in Target for like third party vendors they're going to monetize that they already are they being generous but now they're turning the corner to start the charging process charge for charging okay um well I was going to say do you want to do that at the end that every they have the benefit of everybody's testimony so Mr Thomas you're in receipt of um Mr Cohen July yes I am um he had a comy uh the applicant is going to seek um will serve letters from uh all the applicable utilities um and is the current friendes on public sewer it is on it is on public sewer and water so I don't anti I anticipate ultimately it's not going to be a side grade because there's a secondary uh restaurant use so there will be an increase in demand but we will handle that with uh with the utility companies ourselves and I believe plans were submitted to police ASC coms I'm not aware of any comments obviously they'll receiveed approved and proceed to sitee all right I have these items here so yeah can we go over all right all right well you know you could hang loose and just when our professional G letter just jump back in you're not leaving that's kind of why I wanted to do it let's do that at the end well yeah it makes that makes good sense right sure um so our next Witnesses are traffic Mr Brown Can you provide the board with your educational professional background sure good evening everyone again my name is Michael Brown with Consulting engineer Services prepared the parking and traffic assessment for this project um I have a degree in civil engineering from Drex University I've been in the business for over 25 years I'm a licensed professional engineer in the state of New Jersey and good standing I'm also certified as a professional traffic operations engineer and I've testif for testified before many boards throughout New Jersey uh regarding traffic including here in Glassboro okay except okay well it's good to see you and you're accepted as a professional engineer able to give her expert testimony with specialty in traffic so please Council take it away thankk you Mr Brown so you prepar two reports in support of this application is that correct yes ass correct which one you want start um I guess since we did a lot of site plan stuff first we'll start with the parking um as you know we submitted a parking analysis with this application dated April 2024 uh the analysis we're seeking a variance for the number of parking spaces we prepared this study the study um outlined the required per parking per the your land use ordinance u based on it parking generation rates and also based on uh actual similar sites in the in the area for the coffee shop the friendlies and the daycare center particularly because uh the your ordinance and as well as the it data does not really account for varied demand based on time of day for those different uses obviously the Peaks occur at different times of day so by taking counts at those three other sites we were able to uh arrive upon the peak demand for all those during the day as was testified earlier um our number spaces is shy of the ordinance requirement uh however as shown in the report it does exceed the it requirement and the requirement based on these other sites that we had counted um we also noted that with the reduction in the square footage of the friendlies and the coffee shop and the daycare center that we counted all of those were higher Square footages so larger facilities but we didn't take any reduction in that so our numbers are actually conservative with our facilities being smaller than the ones that were counted um in the end again our number of spaces do exceed the requirements based on either it or the count data by over 50% Surplus so we feel that that more than accounts for uh Peaks that may count may occur on different days than when we counted um you know and outliers on different days so that summarizes the parking analysis hopefully you know we feel that that supports the variants requested uh for the number of parking spaces again we also submitted a traffic assessment dated April 2024 um often times the traffic study is not submitted with a use variance application however based on the uses um that are proposed on the site we felt that it was warranted to give the board an idea of the traffic that's going to be generated by all three uses uh that assessment included a description of the existing and proposed site conditions and access points and we use standard it Institute of Transportation Engineers trip generation rates to calculate the peak hour trips for the existing friendlies as well as the proposed combined use of the smaller friendlies the coffee shop and the daycare center um we're typically concerned with AM and PM peak hours for uh restaurant type uses um um actually daycare uses we also did the Saturday peak hour to account for Peaks for the restaurant uses so we did the total for the AM PM and Saturday Peaks for all three uses as shown in that report it it's obviously an increase over the trips generated by just the friendlies um but you know as shown in published data and from practical experience we know that a high percentage of those trips will be what we call passby trips so it won't be entirely new traffic you know data shows roughly maybe 50% of the traffic particularly to you know daycare coffee shop uses will be passed by traffic um there's also internal trips where someone may go to the daycare center you know arrive at the site park and they'll also visit the coffee shop while they're there so our numbers don't account for any you know credit or reduction for that we include the total trips for all three uses um as Jared testified uh he explained our all of our proposed access points um in our assessment we do note that left turns May uh it may be warranted to restrict left turns out onto delc Drive um but again that will be subject to when we get to site plan we will prepare a full traffic impact study with traffic counts levels of service and that will all be subject to uh do review if we're changing anything with respect to that driveway um I know as noted in the uh I believe it was in your engineers review letter we would certainly expect to be uh providing a letter of no interest if applicable if we don't need a DOT permit or applying for the necessary Dy access permit uh for this project and providing that to the board at the time of site plan and that covers the traffic assessment as part of my assessment I I also work with Jared and the team on uh site circulation he covered that pretty well well um we do feel that for these uses that the circulation layout the parking layout as well as the sidewalks and crosswalks are all appropriate and sufficient and safe uh for the proposed uses that were uh presenting here and that covers uh my reports thank you I have no further questions next okay thank youing up owner I am do you want to give AEF intruction to the bo we're not qualifying asert represent that's why we're all here great so thank you well uh thank you for meeting with us we appreciate it my name is Amal kohy uh I am the owner and the proposed develop for the two lots I'm also the operator for the friendlies restaurant um just a two-minute background on myself I too also went to Drexel University coincidentally um but I've been in retail my entire life um I own and operate several uh retail facilities throughout the country and um have been doing uh net lease development for the last seven years uh in various parts of New Jersey Pennsylvania Florida um really all throughout the country um so we're here today to propose uh what what we hope is um uh something the board considers to be a beneficial use for the vacant lot that's been there at behind the friendlies lot for probably 30 years if not longer um and we're uh we're here to uh provide the testimony required thank you thank you uh so Mr I was going to start with some of the operational variances separ yeah yes absolutely so um as as many of you may know the Friendly's uh business today is um from 2018 onward from when I started operating the restaurant we moved primarily to overnight deliveries um or after hours deliveries um that was for two reasons uh number one was uh safety and number two was uh to uh avoid undue uh burdensome on employee and staff during times where customers are coming to the restaurant we need them focused on service not unloading trucks so um overnight uh deliveries is our primary function there are times that the deliveries do come and they're usually after hours um and our policy right now as it's stated throughout all my restaurants is uh uh we don't accept deliveries uh during peak times so can we agree as a condition of approval that for the restaurant coffee shop the deliveries [Music] yes respect to the proposed dayare Cod a maximum of 100 are seeking um approval for a maximum enrollment of 300 children however there would not be 300 children in the school at any one time um based on the design and size of the school that's regulated by the state asking for approval for up to 300 students the maximum this building could handle at any time is 165 students uh that's correct and this is an orientation and design that the learning experience has used in New Jersey before uh yes I believe currently The Learning Experience if if you're not familiar um there about 400 locations throughout the United States um and 69 if not 70 operate in New Jersey so they have a pretty uh refined and experienced model on uh the number of uh the square footage of their buildings and the enrollment sizes well forgive me I for some reason space was it 166 or 167 Maxim uh 165 Max 165 couple 165 thank you no problem the Township Code also lays out some requirements for the recreational area of a child Center and the way the code is La out it's pretty much sareet per 25 children required for 25 kids up to 4000 for 100 Kids it does not go beyond 100 kids as we stated we're seeking apprend when you look at the code it's just a linear size stud know starting with for 25 and 4,000 for 100 so we are proposing 5000 for5 children all5 not be out at the same time stagger is that that that's right the play time staggered and so is the period in which children are actually attending the daycare so depending on their age um the needs of the parents obviously and the uh the preferred time for pickup and drop off uh the center's open uh Monday to Friday 6:30 to 6:30 essentially um depending on uh the type of program you're enrolled in um most people are there either minimum of three to up to five days a week but the uh period of days the period of hours rather vary so it could be for example um you know an 8 to 12:30 session or an 8 to6 or 12:30 to 4 uh really based on uh the needs of the parents and and the working family um and the learning experience has designed a um uh a program that's really accommodating um because not one size fits all to Working Families um so it would certainly vary yes and another related to theare that weing providing separate drop off describe to the The Learning Experience drop sure yes it yes so if you look at um if you recall the site plan when people are coming in so in New Jersey specifically and this is learning experience policy parents have to come in and drop their children off and check them into the building so uh there isn't like a uh like an unload where children like you see it in typical school where they just kind of get out and they're all kind of walking their way through um and The Learning Experience is very strict about making sure that children are signed in signed out uh registered in um besides you know uh several different safety features they use um the biggest component is they require the kid to the children to be dropped off inside and handed off into their classroom so the parents come in they walk their child to the classroom and then they they head out so the need for uh a bulk drop off area is not necessary however um Daniel if you can go back to the site plan so that's exhibit A3 well this was submitted in the well you're using it in in theing so we'll just yes yep um so if you notice though in the front the way we've the traffic engineering team has struct structured the parking is number one you know we wanted to have the dayare obviously set back to the rear and then the playground area even further you know behind the main thoroughfare of dely drive and obviously for privacy and safety concerns but as people are coming into the facility they'll pull up to that front area there's plenty of lateral parking there's a direct walkway that's Center to the site with a lot of parking on both sides where we believe uh this will allow uh good flow and function for parents to come in and drop their kids off safely um and then quickly be able to get back to their vehicles and exit with multiple means of exiting the facility and the and the site our planner will provide uh testimony and support in the for seing but I also want to knowe the way the ordinance is set up for the um dayare that separate drop off reement is under resal district requirs and then the code just makes anything outside the residential district comply the residential so I think that covers um the operations with respect to the Rel that we're seeking have anything to add or want questions um I do have one thing to add uh this might provide the board some color uh so we we've owned the lot for almost four years uh back there and uh we've been very selective on the use um there we have been approached by numerous more intense commercial uses um but we already feel that that the corridor is you know uh pretty well situated with with other several commercial food uses and motor vehicle service stations Etc um we really wanted to find a user that would be complimentary to to to the community not to say that the other uses are not but we felt with the number of uh you know new apartments and developments and housing going up in the area um this would be a great um fit to uh the township to provide um a larger daycare use that can support um all the growth that's going on in the city um and then secondarily with the um front parcel uses can I talk about that um you know the there was a comment um prior about some of the other uses where the city may have had trouble um these are National tenants that we're using um they're not currently franchise operators um and there's a substantial difference there's a different amount of investment in Technologies um there's a difference in investment and infrastructure and support and um and we've been very selective on these specifically because we want to make sure that it's functional um and that that's our general intent so I just wanted to say that that's all I have that's all I have thank you good evening Miss BR can you provide the board with your educational professional background we know her yeah she's been here yeah she's had a few applications thank you um yeah good evening everyone um as you know I'm Leah Fury Bruder I am the applicants planner I've testified here before several times I think the most recently might have been last summer um July of 2023 um in preparation for this hearing I've reviewed red um the township or the Burrow's 2020 master plan reexamination report the uh 2021 growth management report plan the 2004 master plan the zoning map the applicable sections of the code the um applicants all the applicants plans and reports and of course I've visited the site on a few occasions as has been described we're here before the board seeking use variants relief initially to permit the two lot um totaling 2.37 acres to be developed with a daycare for children a coffee shop with drive-thru and a new smaller friendlies restaurant um the I'm just going to use my pointer here um the currently lot one sorry d i just pointed at your head um the um currently lot one which has the friendlies on it right now um is developed with a friendlies restaurant along with parking and ancillary improvements um this both lots are within the C6 Highway business district this um High C6 Highway business district permits retail sales um Services restaurants offices and family daycare facilities and as has been indicated um also permits restaurant with drive-through Services as a conditional use properties to the north across Vermillion Lane are within also within the C6 zoning District um properties to the South across Charles III Drive are within the C5 shopping center zoning district and the uh properties across dely Drive where the Taco Bell is are also in the C6 zoning District um the applicant is proposing um so we all of the uses that are proposed are permitted in the zone um and the proposed coffee shop use will satisfy the conditional use requirements the two properties are going to be developed in a coordinated manner so even though they're two separate Lots they'll be as has been indicated there'll be cross access and shared parking and they'll be developed essentially to function as one site the D1 use variance is required from section 10757 to permit two uses on one lot in the C6 Highway business zoning district and then the D4 floor area ratio variance is required to permit a floor area ratio of. 21 on Lot 1 .01 where a maximum of 020 is permitted by the C6 zoning District standards at 108d and a maximum of 0.15 is permitted at section 44.1 B7 for Family Daycare so the daycare is more stringent um but either way it requires the variance to get to0 21 um these permitted uses or permitted and proposed uses are complimentary and compatible with the surrounding area they are situated between these three roadways which precludes the acquisition of additional land to reduce the floor area ratio um the way to reduce the floor area would be to acquire more land um keeping the same building size U but that's not a possibility given the location U between a developed lot and three roadways these um the redeveloped friendlies and the new coffee shop will refresh and update the site these two uses parir well together um the peak usage of the coffee shop is typically in the morning and the peak usage of the restaurant will be typically in the evening um so these will be complimentary now so as to the two uses on one lot um in accordance with Section 10757 no lot shall have erected upon it more than one principal permitted use or more than one principal building except for public uses schools churches shopping centers office and Industrial complexes that receive site plan approval can have one more than one building on a lot and then as for the floor area ratio um in accordance with 107-108 d the permitted floor area ratio for the C6 zone is 0.2 and then as I indicated for the Family Daycare um it's 0.15 so this would allow essentially on lot 1.01 a 9,654 squ foot building per the C6 zoning District standards and a 7,240 foot building per the residential Family Daycare standards so the proposed daycare is of course only one story and it's 10,000 sare ft this amounts to a ratio of 0. 21 um in addition to the D1 and D4 variances we're also requesting C variances basically to enable these uses to function on the site some of them have been mentioned but I'm just going to cite the code sections so we have them on the record the front yard setback um these properties have Frontage on three streets section 10740 of the burrow code provides the corner lots have two fronts and two sides and no rear the front yard requirement for the C6 district is 75 ft and the front yard requirement for daycare facilities specifically is 45 ft the applicant requests a variance to permit the front yard from Charles third Drive um to the proposed restaurant on lot one to be 74 feet or 75 ft are required so there's just a small encroachment at this bottom corner right here um and then the applicant requests the variants to permit the front yard from Vermilion Lane to the proposed daycare to be 28 ft where 45 ft are required and that's in this Northerly area in this instance the building is proposed to be oriented toward Deli drive so that's effectively the side of the building that's facing toward rilon Lane in accordance with Section 107-108 D1 the maximum permitted pavement coverage is 40% the applicant requests a variants to permit the pavement coverage on lot one to be 67% and the pavement coverage on lot 1.01 to be 44% um so the Burrow's code allows a certain percentage for building coverage and then a certain percentage for pavement coverage many Suburban uh land use codes just have a total impervious that would subsume both the building coverage and the impervious uh but the way that it's broken down it creates um the need for these variances and while the pavement coverage exceeds what's permitted by the C6 zoning District requirements um it the proposal does meet and exceed the minimum Landscaping requirements for the site um further uh you know I don't want to bore you with the math but I did do the math to figure out whether or not it would be possible to accommodate the amount of parking that's required um and the site circulation and the size walks and the loading um without exceeding the 40% and I don't believe that it is um so I think the 40% is um more stringent uh is very stringent and if you have a building that meets the permitted uh building size you can actually uh fit the proposed parking and circulation in that 40% um okay then as to parking um section 10754 K provides that for restaurants with a combination of seating and takeout parking spaces are required at a ratio of 1 per three seats plus 1 per 40 square ft of floor area devoted to customer waiting and then um section 107 54k also provides that for daycare use one space is required for each 600 square feet however again there's another separate standard for the daycare use um in a different section of the code 44.1 and that requires um more parking spaces specifically um two SPAC not less than two spaces per teacher and teachers Aid or 04 parking space per student based on approved capacity so the applicant as has been indicated is proposing 77 parking spaces to share between the uses and from an operational standpoint the proposed parking is adequate to serve the uses that are proposed as to the parking setback this is from section 10754 c and this provides that parking areas shall be set back 15 ft from the right of way the applicant is proposing a parking setback that varies from 5 feet at the very closest um on the southern side of the site but in some other areas there are areas where it is 11 feet on the north side of the site um 6.5 feet on the southern part of the site so it varies from five being the smallest but there's um other areas that are 10 or 11 feet this setback is to the property line along Charles II and Vermilion Lane there is approximately 10 ft from the property line to the curb and this area contains a sidewalk in grass so the perception of the parking will be more like f where it's five it'll be more like 15 where it's 10 it'll be more like 20 um the property is challenged by these multiple frontages so it makes it difficult to comply um because it is hemmed in on all these all three sides by the the roadways um also loading from section 10754 requiring a mini minimum of one loading space per use the applicant does not propose a loading space for the daycare facility and as has been indicated um it's not necessary for this type of use there will be box truck deliveries and there'll be off hours then from section one then there are the daycare standards so um as Miss kinback had alluded to there are daycare F it's called Family Daycare standards at 107 44.1 and it appears that for the most part the standards were WR written for daycares in residential zoning districts um so all the standards under B are for Family Daycare and residential and then when you get to C it's Family Daycare in non-residential and it refers back to B so it is required to comply with all these standards for the commercial zoning District as well um there's a requirement for um at 44.1 b1a for a minimum lot size of 1.5 acres for a daycare use for more than 40 children and lot 1.01 is 1.1 acre also from section 107 44.1 b1b providing that the maximum size of a daycare facility in any residential zoning District shall be 100 children the applicant proposes to have up to 165 children maximum at one time for this 10,000 foot facility um and that would be an approximately 10 classrooms inside the building the uh standards at Family Daycare um again were developed primarily for residential zoning districts um and that may be the cause for some of the limitations on the number of children um from section 10744 point1 B6 requiring a drop off area for daycare facilities Mr Coley indicated uh that there's a safety protocol so that's not necessary because all parents get out of the car with the children park the car get out and then um go back to their parked car from section 107 44.1 B8 to permit the outdoor recreation area to be 5,000 square fet where the ordinance requires 4,000 square feet for up to 100 children so there's not a standard really that we're not complying with it's more like the proportion in this case um and this 5,000 foot um outdoor play area is the is used by the Learning Center in many of their location a um and it's more than adequate then from section 107 44.1 C1 requiring the recreation areas to be set back a minimum of 25 ft from the RightWay uh which we comply with and then also from internal parking and loading areas and as Mr Thomas had indicated uh on the southern side of the proposed Recreation Area there is an area where it is closer than 25 ft to the parking and so some structural barriers um in the way of ballards are going to be installed there to prevent against any mishaps with the cars and then also um Landscaping which will be shown in detail on the landscape plan if this plan is approved and we come back for site plan but there'll be extensive Landscaping in that area as well okay I think that's all the variances do you did I miss any that you that you noticed um oh okay I just skipped over that with the um yeah so along along with the setback the 25 foot setback there is to be an earth and berm and the applicant is proposing those structural barriers in place of the burm there will of course also be the fence that was mentioned and then there will be Landscaping so there are demonstrable practical reasons for all the variances that have to do with the size shape and constraints of the lot and the particular uses that are proposed um as to the multiple uses on one lot the commercially zoned land along delce Drive North of High Street in Glassboro is generally divided between the C4 C5 and C6 zoning districts the C5 zoning District which is located north both north and south of um the lot the site in question does permit shopping centers which is essentially an allowance for multiple uses on one lot um the average motorist employee or customer won't know the difference where the zoning line starts and stops um it's just the commercial District so it isn't that these two lots on two uses on one lot are going to appear out of place in the in the area along Dela Drive they better be paying attention on the other cars it's they shouldn't be looking at lot lines right um I just have to ask you and and I know it's out of turn we're going to have a site plan but but storm water management you don't think that's going to be an issue or a problem I know you're not the engineer you're the planner but I'm not even looking an explanation but that's all been visited right yes it has been visited that's all we have to say that's great yeah thank you okay um so for a well planned and um well executed commercial Corridor it's really important that there be coordination among the uses it's ideal if there's interconnection between the uses um and in this case there will be interconnection between the uses on the lot and because there's access on to um Charles II Drive it'll be possible to go from this site to the shopping center to the South so there will be some connections here um and the two uses on will not I again I don't think from a planning standpoint we'll appear out of place it's really a matter of can they be accommodated on the site and we believe that they can it be a traffic Nightmare and your traffic study do you know that's the longest light in glbo bring Mr Brown yeah because you're going to have a problem with especially you're putting a Starbucks in a college town okay they're going to be lined up hasn't determined I know okay well if it is a Starbucks you're going to have people lined up all the way down dely drive or they're going to be wrapped around Charles the Third drive then you're going to have problems getting in and out on Charles the thir Drive okay so that's going to be a problem because we already have that problem currently with one coffee shop to where one lane on Dela Drive is pretty much shut down when you hit McDonald's in certain days now there's a Starbucks and another ice cream shop in Township they have the same problem where it's wrapped all the way around down and through the shopping center so and then you're GNA have kids dropped off at the same time people are loading up for coffee and then you have daycare across the street well please step forward yeah respect to the traic concerns those are certainly concerns we have as well without being able to disclose there's also several potie but you're essentially saying tacitly we expect to be so busy we're going to lay off some of that volume to other their places well what I'm saying is if it was a d donut or Star brother there may devel nebor Market that people and secondarily um we've worked with companies such as Starbucks their attention traffic flow stor part of their drive sovs going forward last years just it's really been alleviated two ways number one's been blun number two's been technology it's really become a big part of the business we didn't get a chance to speak about it in my part of it but even with the friend's business um you know 20 years ago you would go to on Friday and you could get a parking spot for 75 just um today I'd be lucky to use more than 15 spots on our busiest day because of all the off premise that occurs of delivery pick Etc which further alleviates it but uh we feel sufficiently that the uses as proposed would function especially with the amount of traffic coordination we to do we think it'll get busy from time to time absolutely but we do think that the site provides as much flow as possible access from Charles and obviously some of the other operators on the cor speak to specifically but we are withal Ts that really cons we are studing is why came I do have a question par um I'm familiar with tle my children both went to the T but for us now SS that sounds like good news so um now I'm very familiar with the drop off procedures people come in drop off this whole location down street actually had a lot of in and out but they also didn't have they had the traffic with college down there um they were a little off so it wasn't too much of a problem my concern is they were a dedicated single parking lot are there going to be dedicated spaces for one faculty because I think there was two teachers per classroom there and then uh the cafeteria people I think there was two or three so that just a rough estimate that was 24 six specific spots that would be needed just for people that are going to be there from 6:30 to 6:30 um and then is there going to be you know dedicated that because if there's not you think somebody's going your morning commute people coming from the other daycare from the other parking Toots and everywhere else to come and get coffee and Starbucks is there going to be enough dedicated spaces for them let Al Le them to park but also parents do not have to proc from the parking closest to Del drive all the way across to the T Center to cause a traffic issue to cause a safety issue to cause any other problems you know and going back to the EV stuff people leaving their cars overnight to charge if there are other EV people there as opposed to using theirs that's free parking for them to charge their car overnight to come and get it in the morning because there's residential 100 yard mile down the road um I'm Happ to address I'm to address the paring concern we don't allowed we don't want to be that spot we're not a highway rest stop by any means I mean if we were on for example friendes on CR Road I'd be way more concerned about people you know coming off the highway middle of the night kind of undesirable stay we're not going to allow the overnight parking you brought up a second concern about function in the so just to be clear the friendlies is not going operating for bref when we get to the new newer it's been off they notating you're making that call now you're telling the board no breakfast week Monday to Friday because the dayare is not open no no U but we believe that because the friendlies won't be sufficiently busy not thatsy espe beud they did they studed similarly situated restaurants in that circumstance and then lastly with respect pick up employees will be designated to have certain parking areas for the T opes that run the comp over there and they indicated that not all their teachers Drive number one but they said that for pick up and drop off there's designated where the staff and that is also enfor for them but our full intent is to have that middle Medi fully accessible for parking which also the way the drivethru is designed is that even if you did have an unfortunate snake effect it it would not be bleeding into the drop off follow question with that parking the school follow up with the school though cuz my colleague said he knew there's two two professionals per classroom and the lunch people I know what studies say your studies say they don't park but studies can make it seem anything you want if it's people with public transportation they don't drive our public transportation here is terrible so you have to drive most most likely so studies are you can make those and kite them any way you want them to kite them so what is the requirement for the school part how many professionals per classro how many lunch people how many janitorial what would be the what's the number of people that have to be employed in that building to meet requirements be safe because that's potentially one car per person and we can't say well you toally say only 50% drive you don't know who your employee base even is at this point yeah for this prototype the maximum employees in the building would be 23 um but the pursuant to the ordinance the number Reed for school use is 50 23 to 50 is going to be occupied by staff leaving only 20 something spaces for parents that drop off that have to come out and drop off between 6:30 and whatever time I'm assuming it staggered I mean the ships are staggered not all employees work 6:30 6:30 some are coming in 6:30 7:30 and then with the kid drop off that's also stack it's not in showing up at I me it's not that much stag I'm assuming under that business plan most people are coming in the morning dropping off at the end the peak time at the Starbucks will be the morning as well right yeah Mr Co may have more oh yeah you have on the you talk about Peak you talk about peak times but I'm assuming that at all times two of those buildings going to be in that Peak period you have Starbucks I'm going say Starbucks I know you guys not trying not to say Starbucks in coffee shop but you showed me a picture of Starbucks so Starbucks Starbucks is popular Starbucks you talk about the company itself does all these studies and they're so good at it which I wouldn't a resident of this state because every Starbuck you see Township de Mall every other place when they're close to a light everybody stacked out the light can't turn and that space right there unless you said the DT tells you you're restricting left turns making a left turn out of that round valve is going to be ridiculous is what you're telling me is not really Jobing from what I see every day yeah they're going to try to make the left on Vermillion they try to make the left yeah you can't make it so and you said crossing over from to the shopping center like that's a positive to me that's a that's a negative somebody trying to cross Charles II from the daycare a Starbucks to the CVS parking lot app Andes inter yeah I understand that part but we're not we're not at the point today so we're talking about as far as we know today people could make left right go straight out of this parking lot so are you're referring you're referring to this at driveway here yeah because even techn technology doesn't change GE geographics of a site unless you're moving it down I don't know what you're going to do when you construct a demo or whatever that driveway right now is very close to that corner star yeah we understand and as we mentioned before this is an existing driveway and discussions will be had with do about you know whether it should stay the same or whether it would be in or right out um when we were looking at you know left turn Maneuvers specifically you know on the dels for folks trying to go down towards College um the primary means of doing that would be uh going uh here out of Charles that's the only means existing exit you can't make a but the other problem is this is preferable because it does put you at a light right but if you sit there and you go through and you hit that drivethru you only have one way out unless you're going to keep going in circles sorry what you talk about if you pick up on the other side is your drive-through window correct drive and then you're going to exit you can't go back to Vermillion unless you go all the way around where all these cars are going to be stacked so well if if you're going onto Vermillion um or even if you're going to come back on Charles the Third drive you go out he's he's essentially saying if this resident or this customer is coming from Pitman coming down dely Drive pulls into your facility it's going to work say at Rowan University what he's saying that particular person we don't they would go around to the drive-thru grab the coffee and have to make another loop because they wouldn't be able to make a left out of there and now you're pushing them back where parents are coming in to a daycare center sorry if I'm speaking for you but that's what I took for told me no no no you're good no I talk all day long I like trying to tease no if you're coming down Delsey drive if you're coming south from Pitman your customer making a left turn into your parking lot going to the queue for the not a parking lot they going into the queue for the coffee chop to the going around this particular person works or say just they Rowan they can't make it left potentially out of there they would have to loop around again to come and then we assume a lot of the dayare customers will Fe out of neighborhood as the second access up on the access com and we have full 26 well you you you put out there a minute ago the fact that your expectation obviously your you're man of some substance and accomplishments that there are going to be other coffee uses in the which sounds very good for you and I think last Barrow is is perhaps I hope they are they are or will be but what I was going to say and you're refining it now and maybe addressing it because I was saying is it possible to lay off some of that business instead of having coffee shop there at one of the other locations is what I'm kind of getting at I'm hearing from the board some obviously some genuine concerns I I think they they're well-intentioned gen concerned so just wanted to raise that so I I wanted like one of the intentions with the layout here was you know we have the the daycare and all of its traffic ideally happening in this area and then when you have the you know the coffee shop traffic it's primarily occurring over here fully separated the only time that these two really intersect is right here where this traffic isn't even making left turns it's making rights and avoiding uh conflict points ideally with with um any of the daycare traffic you're trying to come in to drop your kid off well they're making a write out that's you know we're not we're not running into each other you might come in this way you might come in this way um you know as you previously mentioned this light is you know it's the longest light in Glassboro um you know part of uh they're going to have to look at this light yeah so like this the timing of this light may have to be changed Bas on um you know what do uh dictates uh and based on you know what's appropriate for the area as well as the proposed use so you know these concerns I I agree they are warranted and I understand your concerned about like somebody trying to make a left out of here I've you know I've visited the site I've seen the possibility of making a left out and I don't exactly you have the other you have the other problem if you're coming Del say from right now Canal's Liquor coming towards there there's not a left turn lane to get in there so you're going to CL up one part what has to be considered but um all of that falls under don't ACC when you turn in you make the right to come in you can't cross across when you get to the back that this is a dead end yeah right so the only reason I say that I don't mean think you don't know that just reason I emphasiz there's be two more points out there specifically designed to help function flow again and we anticipate know obviously whatever reques you know way traffic many of the Starbucks sites or coffee sites or duning sites that you make go day a lot of them were designed with very minimal stacking and you also one that all the you have these Burns where you couldn't cross over so we have bypass Lanes we have Rel Lanes we have two-way I mean it's really and that was engineered intentionally because we know so you a and the ER is directly ACR from the window you a right sake effect lock secondarily if there's a situation we stacking is imp drive it's be 2 I don't Starbucks doesn't have a 25 there's not one in glassl and you're gonna have 20,000 students here okay not to mention all the families because you are in a family neighborhood there you're GNA have a stack problem so what this was something that we had considered was you know as Mike previously mentioned was like internal trips you know you're not generating another trip somebody already has to visit the site to drop their kid off and let me get let me get a coffee before I go into work so oh I don't even have to go I don't have to create another trip on the roads go over here know you know you canally lot and thats goes neighbor restur yeah but then if you're if you're picking up then you're you're parking your car you're getting out of your car you're walking in so it solves one issue and creates another I mean with regards to the parking though is like you know when we talk about Vehicles parking something up we're talking about a vehicle that's that a parking space being occupied for five minutes well no no you just walked your your son or daughter into the daycare signed them in and now you're ping over to the Starbucks to get a coffee so it's more than you know five minutes and those internal I mean that's the whole notion of saving the trip and in our analysis that counted as two but that what I'm saying is that creates the parking issue not necessarily A circulation issue it's so you know with regards to like you know discuss well they're be direct direct the have 24 you got all thisk drop off for that that if you're going to Starbucks you're to the Cofe shop in the I don't think I don't think the the the comment where they Park is it's a space that's used up all day right so if I understand what you're saying you're already a pretty significant number of spaces under what code says codes are there I'm assuming based on some type of studies or experience or whatever the case may be so if you have 24 potential spaces dedicated all day to teachers that lowers your your functional population of spaces throughout the day then you have the peak time so it's not really a question at least me care where they Park they can park every other space those spaces are they're basically nonfunctional during the day you're burn 23 spots yeah you're burning 23 spots and that's not even talking about the star the coffee shop and the restaurant employ so they're burning spots so I get what you're saying doesn't matter to me where they Park those are to meet up person working a ship that's a spot that's not it's not existing anymore to me so you know as as M you discuss the other sites that we looked at you those were larger sites with lar St you know and we witness you know when the parkes are being used and when they're not being used like with regards to you know your discussion a lot of times they're considering what's the worst what's the worst time of day what's how bad can it possibly be and that's what we set you know the requirement to be but that's not what we proposing we're proposing a parking um design that is trying to be compliment with everything Starbuck is high well that's when you know friendes I'm sorry the coffee shop is high then that's when the friendlies is low there's there's going to be a low all throughout the day um you know for the dayare because once the parents drop the kids up all those parking spots are now free so if friend now decides it needs sorry it goes into operation and now it needs morees well it has them throughout theot and that's Reas why you know ad about cross to allow people to park where they need to parci Stu yeah I mean that that's that's even with like I said to me I'm here to ask the questions right for the constituents of the town so I get it with studies I I'm I'm a I'm a CPA so I have no studies we look at studies and numbers all that so we compare studies it's not Apples to Apples this Starbucks to to my colleague point is college town where people love to come and sit and stay these college kids have cars so do you take those factors looking at the Starbucks and and Glassboro as closed the one to Camden is the one to Philadelphia it's totally different scenario so studies you're not telling me apples the apples to me as a Starbucks is just resence college kids going to sit there Park their cars because people are encouraged to come into a coffee shop and sit grab something stay there not everybody's takeout so those are the things that we're talking about if if the paring situation already short that's why I asked you it was exclusively T because if you're looking say supposedly 23 daycare how many friendlies and 's a coffee shop if you only have 77 parking spots how many employees would be at the restaurant employes five five employees at Starbucks but they're all going to cross over the shs for the dayare workers you know they're Stagg so some of them are only working 33 43 53 different eltion p a l of yeah but where you're located you're pulling from Pitman you're pulling from the other side of glass brl okay so you're not just pulling from the college because the Starbucks in the bookstore you're pulling from a guy who just went the canal liquor yeah you ain't kidding especially on a holiday you don't know what it's like on Del drive on a holiday coming out of canals soly to functionality of the site you know we do believe and like the tle that they counted was was the one in right I'm sorry right is obviously know and the Starbucks coffee shop that was counted was also in the area was a high volume store and again the friend being much certain will function num is going to be feedback obviously when we get from feel that we all right where where the dumpsters for the restaurants are they in front of the cars and they're not enclosed will Mr Harvey yeah I I was trying to wait and see whether it was going to be answered uh a little later on because you said that the maximum building is right now is about 600 160 let's just make sure we're all on the same page that's all goad to started yeah uh if I heard correctly um I I didn't know whether you're going to answer it later on so I was just trying to be patient just to see whether it going to come out but you had made mention that the maximum building for the uh Child Care Center was about 165 but yet you're asking for a Vance for 300 I'm just trying to understand what are you looking for expansion or or just um there's just provision the Cod asy for maximum en laid foral District Maxim en we are seeking there would be a maximum involvement of only C doesn't that's total en or one the facil 100 you know for preschool some kids go two days a week or just in the morning that kind of thing than I want to one question now I know you're saying that the overnight delivery for the food for the coffee shop and Friends yes now for the dayare the one in schol they their delivery with mid I would be pulling up to grab one of my children box truck and drop food their supplies is that going to be similar or is that going to be an overnight delivery L scale CIS those truckies they OCC they OCC C but they don't and you have control over delivery times you tell them when you you dictate go ahead did anybody mention the question of whether with all the way this is laid out fire trucks and ambulances are going well that's that's baked in that that would be their the owners would be on them to run a police and fire so we we we we we've hit this threshold issue while parking it seems and we've been spending some time on it just on the park as indicud maximum demand Thomas cofed to provide conservative Li where the parked fored Drive are there going to be any dedicated takeout spots like McDonald's has down they have 1 two 3 four five where they they pull up you park you say you're in spot one they bring your food in is that something that would be having with the friendlies or even with the coffee shop that is proposed to go there to the always flow get we'll make that reest at that coffe shop we're not seeking a variance to prevent the coffee the Vari that's where I was in the testimony when um you know the questioning started about the traffic and I think that was a worthwhile diversion because you know it kind of P Point what the board's main concerns are um as I had indicated the two uses on one lot if they function well um from a planning standpoint there's not really any reason not to allow two uses on one lot but your questions relate to how did how do they function did they function well together and um and you know we got into this parking and we believe that the uses are complimentary and we studied it and to your point um about the you know there's various studies can say various things but we did study these particular uses to figure out whether or not they're sufficiently complimentary that there's adequate parking the um users certainly don't want to locate on the site if they're not going to be able to function well and there won't be enough parking for their customers um to the um I just want to proceed with some of the variance testimony that I need to provide so that it's covered although I don't think the floor area ratio is um the board's biggest concern um I did want to indicate that for whatever reason the code has a more strict a stricter floor area ratio for the daycare and it's permitted to be 0.15 um floor area ratio is an expression of the total floor area as a multiple of the area of the lot so it's calculated dividing the floor area of the building by the total area of the lot it's really generally intended to control intensity so if you have a floor area ratio of 05 permitted frequently and then you say you have a 40,000 foot lot that means you can have 20,000 feet of building area you can have one story building that's 20,000 square feet or you could have a twostory building with each floor being 10,000 square feet um so you know it it depends how you organize your lot but in this situation um only one story buildings are allowed in the C6 zoning District so the floor area ratio is uh pretty stringent and um it's exceeded on lot 1.01 however if we look at the floor area ratio for the two lots together uh which is with the building area proposed for the restaurants and the building area proposed for the daycare it's only 0.14 five so overall if you look at the lot the two lots as one site it's compliant as to um even that more stringent for area ratio you yeah we're take let's take a five minute recess so D can go to the bathroom anybody else Wonder ready for seat shall I proceed go ahead all right thank you um okay so I'm gonna just jump to the positive and negative criteria for the DV variances um in considering an application for a d variance as you know you must consider the positive and the negative criteria um for the positive criteria we must prove to your satisfaction that there are special reasons for the board to Grant the requested relief showing that the site and the use are peculiarly fitted to this particular location for this proof we have to demonstrate that the site is particularly suited to the proposed use and the proposed structures and that the special reasons exist for the grant of the variances and special reasons are tied to the purposes of Municipal land use law um and the Burrow's master plan and zoning ordinances as to the negative criteria we have to demonstrate that there won't be any substantial detriment to the public good in other words it won't impair the character of the neighborhood um or have a substantially detrimental impact on the surrounding properties and that the variance will not substantially impair the intent and purpose of the Zone plan and the zoning ordinance um the the proofs are similar for the C variances um in terms of providing positive and negative criteria Al the although the burden is not as heavy for the um C variances the D variances are the two uses on one site and the floor area ratio so we believe that these this site is particularly suited to these proposed uses because of the particular location of the property the physical characteristics of the property and how the location and characteristics really relate to the purposes of zoning and the Burrow's overall vision and master plan we believe that these proposed uses are appropriately paired with a property that's well situated and suited to accommodate the uses in buildings buildings and that the proposal will be harmonious with the surrounding uses um approval of the requested use variances will enable this commercial property to be put to productive use and developed in a manner that we believe is compatible with and complimentary to the surrounding area the burrow has already determined by virtue of the zoning that the site is appropriate for commercial development and the uses proposed um the variances in this case really just relate to the two uses located on the one site and the floor area ratio for the daycare the requested variances stem from practical considerations related to the site design the function and operation of the use and the type of buildings that are proposed the proposed development will activate this underused and vacant property and make it an asset to the burrow it'll support the Vitality of the commercial Corridor and it will not have a detrimental impact on the surrounding properties without variance relief development of this site is inhibited the potential of the site may not be realized and there are there is strong demand for the proposed uses in the area um it's centrally located to many residential areas and businesses um and so that will be beneficial for the daycare to be located near residential neighborhoods and other employment employment centers um the site was is being designed with consideration for the surrounding and current and current and future uses and it'll be designed as we you've seen with our actually we didn't show the elevations um we do have elevations that we can show as an exhibit and as you can see they'll be designed with um high quality materials neutral colors attractive landscaping and all of that'll be fleshed out more so at the time of the site plan sure the elevations that work sub been with the plan but nonetheless are being utilized thank you gotta um so the proposed uses um Advance the purposes of zoning and the township and the Burrow's master plan and zoning ordinance um specifically Municipal land use law section 2A encourages Municipal action to guide the appropriate use or development of all lands in the state in a manner that will promote the public health safety and general welfare um this proposal promotes the general Ware by providing an appropriate use in a location that's suitable to the use proposed the grant of the variances will promote the general welfare by enabling efficient use of lands in a suitable location that has access to necessary infrastructure and that's compatible with other uses in the area it'll also provide a high quality child care and educational opportunities for young children which will benefit families in the burrow um also section 2D to ensure that ensure that the development of individual municipalities does not conflict with the development and general welfare of neighboring municipalities the county and state as a whole um um the site is not on the board on the municipal border although it is in the northern portion of the burrow it's not far to Pitman um but this section of Deli Drive is commercial so this is consistent with the surrounding uses um further the site is located in planning area one of the Metropolitan planning area on the state plan map and this is an area that's targeted for smart and sensible infill growth and development and effective planning that takes advantage of regional assets um and opportunities for economic growth section 2G provides sufficient space in appropriate locations for a variety of uses including residential recreational commercial industrial both private and public according to their environmental requirements to meet the needs of all New Jersey citizens the zoning code already permits the uses that are proposed but the standards as applied to the site trigger a number of variances that I've outlined um in developing a master plan and zoning ordinances um lines have to be drawn and standards for the zones have to be uh set and it's really not possible to anticipate all the development scenarios that may arise after standards are adopted when crafting zoning it's also not possible to evaluate every single individual parcel and see how those standards may affect that parcel um and this is why the variance process exists um where there's a circumstance where it makes sense to Grant a variance in order to enable development that's generally consistent with what's intended for the area section 2i to promote a desirable visual environment through creative development techniques and good Civic design and Arrangement this proposal will allow for the construction of two new buildings um as shown on the renderings the buildings will be designed with clean lines and neutral tones and it will improve the character of this immediate surrounding area and then lastly section 2m to encourage coordination of the various public and private procedures and activities shaping Land Development with a view of lessening the cost of such development and more efficient use of the land um this proposal will allow the development of the property in a manner that's responsive to market conditions with uses that can be accommodated on the site and and enable the property to be developed efficiently and put to p uh productive use um as far as the Burrows master plan um not only will the proposed uses not impair the intent of the master plan in zoning ordinance but it really will advance some of the goals and objectives that are articulated in the Burrow's planning documents um the 2004 master plan sets forth nine overall Community goals as well as Redevelopment objectives and they've been reinforced with each master plan re-examination report that is followed several of the goals and objectives will be Advanced by this development proposal um and the master plan support the use of Redevelopment to provide specific zoning solutions for designated areas this area is not um Redevelopment area as far as I know but this is a basically a Redevelopment to refresh the site um through private investment uh the 2021 growth management plan identifies the northern portion of delsi Drive the delsi drive Corridor as Highway business and shopping center areas um the area is auto oriented but it's also walkable to the surrounding neighborhoods and sidewalks will be installed to um make the connections that are missing currently along this property Frontage um one of the overarching goals of the growth management plan is to promote economic opportun ities and ensure that quote Glassboro is a friendly place to do business open small businesses find living wage employment and have access to Quality entertainment and shopping options throughout the year and across seasons and while the growth management plan really focuses on um the row and Glassboro interface and the downtown district there are recommendations to support Economic Development throughout the um burrow in appropriate locations townwide um so as to the negative criteria we do not believe that there will be a substantial detriment to the public good resulting from this proposal there won't be a substantially detrimental impact on surrounding properties and while the proposal is a deviation from the standards and the zoning ordinance um it will not impair the intent and purpose of the master plan or zoning ordinance um the sites located along the commercial Deli Drive Corridor and is surrounded by a variety of commercial uses it can be developed with the site the uses proposed at the intensity proposed without undermining the bur's overall planning objectives um The Proposal will enable development of the site in a manner that's compatible with the development of the area um and as the conceptual elevations demonstrate that the buildings will be designed um in to have an updated appeal and to blend in with the newer development um along the dely drive Corridor the traffic and parking evaluations have demonstrated We Believe have demonstrated that the parking and circulation can be accommodated on the site and are complimentary to one another um neither the requested variances nor the proposal overall will undermine the policies goals or objectives or the overall intent of the land use plan or the zoning and that this will enable efficient use of space that is intended for commercial development any questions from the board Mr casone resp C thank you Mr thank you Mr chairman Z healthy and of also en so with that I'm not not alled a that re. Recreation would otherwise be requ under the land so those are just some um I'm not else thank you Mr oh I was waiting for that yeah thank you um okay so I certainly don't agree with um what the board's plan I mean don't disagree with the numbers that the board's planner just recited but what he's done is just recited again the variances that we've requested and we as a zoning officer would clearly that's why we're here because we need the variances um and as from my perspective from a planning perspective the fact of the variances doesn't mean that they're not justified um and it doesn't mean that they may not make sense from a planning perspective and that you may not get a better plan by enabling the variances um in you know the fact that the the code has been written at a to have certain standards as I've indicated codes have to include standards that's the nature of the zoning code um if you can meet the intent of the master plan the intent of The Code by having you know be again we will certainly be back for site plan there will be uh beautiful landscaping on the site um the intent is not for to Shield the site it's just to make it beautiful um so with the applicant will add Landscaping you know they'll do all the things that can be done to make this if you're going to build a new site like this they want to beautify it um but I don't think that just the fact of the variances is not an explanation for why they're not appropriate and I think the reasons that we provided explain why we think they given the the circumstances of this site why they are appropriate thank you any questions to the board do have a motion open to the public second all in favor bit is there anybody from the public that would like to speak since I don't see anybody so I have a motion to close the public portion so move second all in favor oos submit now we remind ourselves every motion is a motion to approve correct I'd like to make a motion to approve the requested de variances variances along with the requested by the contingent on on site plan incorporating everything that wased the hearing of the M second motion Mr Lopez against I didn't know just because the points that I made myself and the points that were uh communicated by the professionals I just think is not a good location for what they propos M Wyman four I think it's a good plan and it will probably need to be adjusted somewhat during site plan but I don't think the parking is an issue I don't Mr I think would be a good Improvement for the area since it is an open lot gr that questions and concerns Mr Smith four I think it'll be good for the community Mr Harvey uh four I believe that this is going to be a positive and looking forward to seeing it happen I didn't know a little explanation I didn't know if you wanted to elaborate on your for no okay Mr Moon I'm against it five to two it well there you go thank you very much must have thaty there you we look for to coming back since I don't see any reports app we two and years this anything from the workshop committee no we didn't have any meetings okay no solicitors report yeah nothing uh nothing tonight any old business new new business going to uh determine if it was complete enough to come before the board it was for 60 North correct okay so chances are already theine a so probably have a motion to adjourn second all in favor good to see you good